07-29-1926..» § f ' ? ;'ir"5 v THE ENTERPRISE ~Bla i r, Nlbf m my a . ms-'nm '»:N'rsnrmsE»-Yullitli A won. Nzwsnrlzu ml I!"=.""'_!'°!: q._c. -!°°e!i°»-_Ur-lrdfh v~z*l»\: nr. wh-s se H:ALL -rm: non.: A R O U N DT H EC O U N T Y Negvrd Iutsrut gatiwred by Enmrpa-in BLA|R'S LEADlN(i NEWSPAPER oFF1c|A|j PAPER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ask for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" .GENEML AND mom. NEWS AND oommnr .uk for "BLUE nnaBoN nnsur" i ; r . a ' i . - ; a Ti . T"m e a " ' " : a i r ; "'*_ -V 5; !\'l!°!!1lL'=!'\°'|°v.°'\°|=¢!=medhwwrlh\°d'|¢='-.u.I .jrhu if we mga f-e"=x.f=~<e=== 2° ~Es ashor \l b ! ...D...ah a n at Sun-~llnsgd mnbaumat the y weree homo Bhir a n nChris- Mnimnumlululll|||um|||m|||||||mmmu|mm||||||u|nn|Immmummm|||mm1|nn|||unnnm|an|uu||uw§ Washington County Treasurer's§ s' Als2e m i -n n u at a t e m e n t; mary of Collections, DisbursmentsandBalances of§ various County Funds for the first half of the§ year beginning January1,1926 and§ ending June 30, 1926.§ l l l d r o ve Ib a l l f r o m n d d e n - H n . A l l !h . 'l ~ | y Ja xu en t h el f - h e l a n d W l u e l d l o m . a m e nn d H n . R u d o l p h r n a n d l e r n o o a ~0n o r t h o f n u n A l f n d . i va n gg n h A r l i n r nH i n d - ed ne sd ay L h r e w r d m lW u ! - Tun fer!TnnsfersDizbtlrle-Balance Balanceto otherfromothermenuJu:\o30, 1926 OF FUNDJin.1. 1926Collectionstu na ;Funds lin. J ohn lielhnald Ind aaa, Rus- sell :pmt Sunday at Km; park. The Dan, Wiil and I'rank Thomp-son families ¢p¢nt Sunday it. Kms: u.p uJamlaBarry of Minn., ntumed toOmahaSundaydheraf u rdiy : vlait with rdatlwa In this vic inity . Anumber fromthis \ricinlty ar-undedthefumewofHr.J a mn Maherin Blair Monday morning. Hin Grac eThcmpaonwh a t-tends the OmahaUniveraity rum- mcr school vru a tack-Gnd visits! at the parental home.Hr. andl n .HanaFrahm anl Vama spent a pleasant Sunday ewe-ning attheHenryW dbemhome. Hevrardim: :peut Sunday with zuday.Hia ;;ndn 1-r¢=l|'|lt forty Enl- >L¢l.! so tie nero. Dol! Brom.thmahed at Scott AI- Ienz cn Tuesday. Beiva Shlplq of ldcflhne, Nebr.,wh o h ub u nvisitingrelntivalIn this vic inity , il fixing at thi J ohn l{eDonnid lromo for a few chgn.llr . md ln . E d Na n t a n dHr. andIllrs..Ch!1|Hin:plcnicltedIn Arklngton lui Sunday. Mr. and ilu. J ohn lmria of Fu- mont spentWodnudny eveningat Ure Mn. Huis Padi fm h bmt. Evoryonl in this vic inity il busythreshing ihon dlyt. Ciydo Allm and funily :hd Grunt Allen vrialtod atthe Joe Lawn home Sunday afternoon.Themeweres n rfifteenc anat theswimmingpoolatthePalmer mmr gathered than in ihe evening £0 cool off.Mr.andHrs.ClaytonAronaun andfamilyviallad at the pamntal, John Arunaon henna Sunday awning. Hrs. D.H.Utterbuk of Arling-toncameSundayeveningsovlait until Friday www: at the hom of herdaughter,H nLeonHindlay.LeonHlndiayhadthruharal u t Menday.Min Stella Hlndley came home an Fridayf mmWayneforaabort vhlt with har parents, Hr. and Mrs. Carl 2Hadley. MilaFrrncea S-ehenk came home from W ayne Thursday imn o ve rSunday visit with her parents, Nr. andMn. Louis Schenk. Hrs. J ohnAmmonandMn .2 . E.BiackmanspentTlmradayandFriday visiting in Omaha. llr. and* Hrs.Gen.Snyder'lute dlnnnr guelta at the home of their daughter,llra.Wm.Hc b o wdin Blair Sunday.. Wlnifrad Allen and Wm. Rodnn attmded All Saints chureh in Oma-ha int Sunday. Mr.aédMra.JoeLaaureenter- tained thefollowhug |ueaLa al. din ~.r ~ o n ~ ~ 4 . D i x o n ~ - ed Ice cream and cake to the goung people, which all -enjoyed. Mildn.-d*I\rernonwentnoCouncil Bluffs lut Saturday to visit a fewday ! with n friend, Hin Lois Col- lim. Miil EdithWarriek returned Int Thursday nftemoon from a dsit atNebzulu City. Hn. Ellen Layman and lon, Cleo spent Suy nt the L L. Lay man homo. Hr. md Mrs. Pn ntlu Smith and Jana Beale: o!BIair, drove to law:the last partof the geekto visit friends.Hrs.L.D.Warricktook change of their homeduringtheirnbunce. Mr. and lin. Oscar Mathews vh- ALONG TI-IE BOTTOM ROAD ¢| | - » Hn. llarxanet Ivenon and Ciaraspent Tunday afternoonwithMm. FritzMuller. Hr.andli n .ElmerWhlta of Waterloo mn Sunday guests at ihe homo of her brothnr, J. S: Comty. Ned Tyson 'rent to Frnmont Ia-ut Satunday to spend the week-end withHin Ihad Ry u at the homa 'rf her aunt..H i nHa u lR mIaattend hg sc hoolatHidlandCullen. Hinallnea threahad at the Hauleriann on Wadneaday. Nu. Fred Ray apfmt 1`uauln; vi»aling Mn. Em Mettler.Mfr. C. H ilum :pant the afternoon them. Paul Tyson la the proud mraar of a German polka nppy .MisaDoraWarrick ofCobrmlo Spring;hasbeenvisitingl t j h e KnadamaaL. D. Wardc k,PraatlnSmith and Henry Board homaq this trick.Sha also vldted reladvu h Blair.Sha wil! ntum to bar homeSaturdayevenkngandl i n .L.D. Warrick win acmmpany her for an axtemlad mu.Mr. aiu! Hrs. Harry Tyson xpcnt Wednesday evening at the Clannce a~ Hrs. ~. ~. M~th~wa~n Hlair~rl Sunday. \lr»..A. PIDixon spent Saturday afternoon at thu home of lik: Gur- trudo Mud in Blair. Mr.. andH nA lKing, Hr. andMrs. Fm! Ray , Hr. and lin. A. E. DixoncalledattheHauler home Sunday awning to inquire about the cqnditinn of Hrs. Eva Metaler. Don Metxler andVirginia up-ent Sunday with Mn. Eva Kettler. ilr. and Hrs. Lloyd Pauley :pmt Sunday in Tekamdu..IHr.andMrs.FritzMuller spent Sunday eveningwithHrs.Jo:cpl:Ray and Ralph and Grace Ray./ Hr. andMn .'I'.K.Iverson md dauzhturlcalledSundayaftarnodnalthehomeofH n .Evalletaler rad wind with Mrs. R. gl. Ander- laon of Tavrner, Cola.|Af u rrelitivaainthisvicinity allzndedasurprisebirthdaydin-jn., on J . ll. Sewell at Tehmah on Sunday.Those who werepresent fweraUra.FritzMuller.Mr.and Mrs. Byron Bean! and lun, Hr. and|Hr¢.HenryBar d,Hrs.Margaret I\ers:.m, ,Clarl. Pearl and Will Iver- ; m . I NO. 27Hr . M a n i a J o h n s o n a n d la n H e r - | ; § { ' } , § ~I ' h r s p g ; ; a n a HI!wereBandar dinnurmeatsaz . . . ".QM nLithiaHannrn u n n !v v v RLAHL wAsmNG1'oN coUN'rY. NEBILASKA JULY 29, 1926 IM|:CAR'l'}-[Y AND Eimsmnow BUSINESS BIG Flnnncld Sullslic or m Slate 0| Ndzmh For ms Amman 'lb xs.m.=4m0 Or sw_var c u m - mlnd v G o s s FOR HIGHWAY Wuhingum. D. c. July za, ms.- Departmcnt of Commerce lnnnuncesa num-nary of Un finmehl sittin-tiel nl th State of Nabrukl for.-1 ;Expenditures ~'I'hp payments for maintenance and operation of the general depart- ments of Nebraska for the fiacai year ending Juno 30, 1925, amount-ed zo 38,-l23,505, or $8.24 per capita This includes $l,310,062,apportion- ments for education to the minor civil divisions if the Suu.In 1924 the comparative par capita for maintenanoeandoperationofgeneral departmtau was $6.08, and In 1917, $3.86.The interest on debt amount- td to 81,4151 and outlaya for per-maaent improvements,;5,oas,oa5. The total payments, therefore,for upenaea of general departments,interest, and outlays were $13,479,- 955.The totals include all DIY;ments for the y ear, whether made 1>Ar~1s|~1 C H U R C H H O L D S O R D I N A T I O N S E R V I C E S W e dn es da y e ve n i n g t h e D a n i s h e h m h vr a L t h o a n n e o f n q u i t e u n - u s u a l g a :r i n g :t h e o r d i n a t i o n o t m g s . 1 . » n i n t o t h n h n l y m h i s t t y . 6 |~ pl u m b i n g .T h e b u i l d i n g i l t o b e e l l l vl e f r d b y t h e o p e n i n g o f t h e 001 y u r fo r Se p tn m bs r ,1927. .church the ordination of newnoarlyallrayotalroaplace the annual convantloru.The convention this rw was at lllptca, Wh., and not ian than candidates entamd at that -into :hc mhinuy.At tho timeUre convention Hr. Loft had mt pled a call.Hohad several to from but : i n n *1=1»"'=h u~dared favorably a cal fr?" the - ~Lutheran mnpeg nton at Qbater Grows,Mo., a suburb to ~Louis.I r .Loft Ia unusually well quld~ ¢ .1 no :ako up pastoral work.Ho an A. B. from Lincoln,taught ral year|\at Dana College, butasforthep u t four years bee ~~ acted with the Midland Theo. .»Seminary,Fremont,Ncinr. bore ha also was touching, and a ~** time mlm theology .. H T~ Ind this summer with thoof Bac helor of Divinity.H heals wah a fifty-page work on nner Miuipn in the church of Don rlr. proceeds of bond issues. Of the governmental coats re-ported above.$3,916,267 was for highways, $145,362 being for maln- tenance end $3,670,905 for construc- tion.RevenuesThe total rwenue receipts of Ne brukl for 1925 were ;|2,¢33,350, or$9.25 per capita. This wa; $4,060,440 more than the total payments of the year, excluehge of the payments for permment improvements, but $994.- 595 less than the total payment: in- eiudtzg those for permanent Im-provements.Property and spxlnl taxes represented 47.8 per cent of the total revenue for 1925, 54.4 percent far 1924 and 60.0 per ant for 1911.The increase in the amountofpropertyandspeciaitu m c ol- lected was 105.1 per eent from 1911 to 1923,but there vu a dec rease of 1o.1- per cent from 192| to k925. NORFOLK OPENS DRNAMENTAL wurra.w.,w By way of celebrating the in- ntmllltlon of a new street Iightingf yslam for Norfolk,following the approval of new contrtct with Lho electric company,a program ofbandmusic,addresses br Mayor Haus,Prof.Lindgron am!Ma n u - er Brooks of tho eiectric company, held the sltention of the more ur- lous minded while them were nuns and carnival stunts for the youngerpeople.J i a n than Inn thouland peopie participated in the festiv i ti u and admired the new oma~ mental lighting system.th tt putsNorfolkhxthefrontn n k o f p m- grosslvva cities. II\d m , 3 w | | . L a u l w . . . - r u t L N Wednaday,July 28, rtw Building For Dans C-Dllrge. 1 a To (Int #GUNS Without ~'rn INtrnhh lnu f rd m r l m a n m m m o m g i m a P . rL'I'he opnincl was let Wedauday Er the eeautruction of a modem Itmpronf building for \dormitory fn-Dana.Coilege.Th !¢0"\\:l1C£ lid" L-¢ £0 be mme, thi! inc ludalhating and everything complet; the exaption of the furnixh- e contrac t was let to the Nal- -Mdiurny Cnntrsctlng Cu.of him Bluff! and thu Am-dt Hanl- 3Cl| £F'FLBRS RETURN FROM ' r a s WEST The Gul Seheffler flmiiy l\'|»ill'l1- ed Wednesday of Int wack (noni a tdp of over [ i w wd r r darntien through Cnllfornll and u n ' I i ' -They went out br way of Du n n ! and through the Arrow trait which ut c owiond ann of the most Inau-tlf u l m ln from n scenic point of view.Lou Angelou urn me of tin Catlfornin mm whic h they visitedandthey slso spent mme li mi a t Wlsltthr, Clilf.,when thc 1.A. W i lliu n; hmily ra lid ll n d at L uHu be r wh en their daughter, Hn. Bert Williams llvu .. They man ia th dr ny hack Mortha southern route and #2110114 thi dlf h n n t poi nt of lnhnst, inc lud- ing the petrified format.but 'fareglad to get bac k hom! ani to thai; nld routine of living. . PRISONER RETURNED To VIRGINIA Elma: Jennings, a young man of apparently good raking, was picked up by the local authorities somethan weeks wr on the c harge ofstealingaFordroadsterwhichhe had in his poaaeaalon at the time of his arrest.He was pissed In jail and the :sr iran turned over tn the insurancecompany and last Monday the coun- %y sheriff of the home county cailod !or the prinoner with thu proper ne-quilition papers and on Tuesday took him bad! to face his trial. ..........- f Tha c ompany workin! lm: and 9|- th ntly to n eu n tb! la u u f or th tli g h t t o d r i l l b u t lf t u g l t ti n l l c l d h u n :\o|.h1n|further h u devil- wusi-'I 'h o s\ wh o nn th u! le nt:no akin; if the bubble nu hrc kw and if not why the delay. WHAT ABOUT THB ou. W ELLS Thu all welll, which wma as lun ! ' | l i l ' l . onJm.Yzs #an Rulu or Over One lm umxe Ln! nmeh |11 w..m»\¢m Cuunly In 'lime To Save The Craps RAI NFA LL SHORT FOR YEAR A Gm r ain gh dde ned th e h um of the P°°|>k o l th e c o un ty lm Friday evenin whan over an hehof ruin fel\me 4\ll(o|'|::¢ vegetarian bleak !he heat tu vé whic h Ind been inmue for nvenl d i n Th e y u r nl ms hu s o hr b ee n1moan:b n d m-in t h amd) amount of n i n wl£ch h u h l k n , there having been but 9.01 Inaba fnllen mines January lat.L u : m r NEW BUILDING fox DIST. 18 Kindred saw phldd Vatu A! A Speclal Hema: To me A New Am!Modern S\m¢mr¢ ` wu.L s'rAlrr aulwmc AT ona Serwal Aman mmm: =<=~=g;gal. | :pedal meeting sf Lhe vomm mm Thundny enning vom! Q.. build I modom sehoel building xn tlka thu plan ol the old atruebulwhich hn for yuan been nn ¢y\ HAY mcu AT |an 'hu Suu Snpuhtdal Halma~ me Luo Youth wm sunsumu Anwly ma r 'rn Onurt Donn n m u u u n - a s m s A s n o 1 ; s Suu Bupa rinundan t lhtan, hl u nd ur | n e u! d ec ld on a f ~supmme c mm n u u m a » ccrdfluuu w teacher: undnryigh me n y a n of q u .Apptlauunot new req-mind to mn thai: m bu t third g n u l h m n ~ u h m !eeruflmts h n e d v u fo u u g mz A n n a J oy s a t A b u .1' lhtmi i n Mr lp pllali on that ahM i n n y a n c l u p m d t h t community.The school ia usually amall. I;l£year a total ot tmmty-one pupils was enrolled and the avenge wir attendance was only aixteen, but thi distric t ia not taking c hanel: on tl!school oansua always remalnllm tht aame so the new bullilng will had a matin g ap adty of th lm. The sian of the u n au-uc tulwlllbetwentybythlny -two 500| with a full buomant and it will ln furnace haahed.Work wlll begin at once and tha new building will be ready by til time school ataria in September. Tho old school houaa has b u ) sold to tha Herman Gun Club and ll good fer than n a n .Sha born at Intuit.Th u mu nu pa r in hn d mt h unaman of Minn athor school d n a who wi ll In did ble to undnr the oourtk dndslun » !uury\\n!a\hoAlm|M;h:cheo Sh [ndultod from Un!RMUTwny uno lthuoo wnwuune h |n n.1o n t h e c o u n t y l i n e a n d a b u t t i n g t b l r i v e r m d w i l l b e m a d e i n t o a. cl u b ho us e. MRS. 0'l"l'0 NELSONANSWERS CALL Aiter yuan o !sllfftring'H n . Otto Nelson zunsed away nt her homo on North Walker Avenue onMonday, July 26.1926.Mn .Nd - son, fonnerly Mia Minh Eric kson was born in this county In tb l Spike:ndghborhood on June 80.1890 and was tho daughter of Kr. and Mn. John Erickson. --1 She was married to Mr. Otto Nel-shn on Fein rr,IDI1'and to this union one c hild vu hom. who with the husband still survives. For a number of y uan :Ihr their mlr f i ln lr . md . li n . - Nd n a, Hlr d on n farm northreat of Blair buton account of her health they mnvad u~Blair about a year ago when they mr: living at her death. thu T. K. Iverson home.& 1 ~ l> » - : [ ¢ § a ~y-ur gb; Ban- Roby McCoy returned Sunday fromdgll, nqother mn, died from iqiurill Fremontwh!!! chespentaf u r.mlllinedin aruanniv. uoNc. u r lWd!01Novakmdays aria; for her miner, Emeitime who is getting dong nicely. Hrs..HaneyKroghnnd childrenand Arthur, Una and Claribei Heh- ruu of. Littln Sioux,laura vidted Sunday at the FuedHunlum home.Mi nMyrtleHurdumreturned ThenoddcntFridayevmins oc - curred on highway zmunmbexwfive on anintanactiwn.Lira.Lasnb.herdaughtm.Hn..WillRamsar,and Mrs.Ramlefsdaughterwwe an- mute from Fremont to the Rnmsur home.Aatheyturnedthe oormr -~4sifgnaeatniwzheulilkscoaDol:nurChrlstrnnnof E kataandhersister,H i Knunlun of Omm. Jenl J w! and fnmily I1Qu aftemoun at Blair will li n .A n iAxlhan. Mr.andMn .ih ekBcalledone du ' lutnunai Plays]Ronnbsum hams. llmidphHuman and fu Sunday dismnr pleatsat of Jens Petersen, Int of lub w e - e kf r o mCo ha nd oI l h t l l sh ea n o t h e r g r .comin.;f r o mg h ,s u l . h ube e ns p e n d i n gs i xi n c hw i t hw m a ;9.0s vn o r t hw l l i d i n gw i t h azu d ve r ai t yb u n n yc h u .A f t e r - li h en r .T h el a t t e r c a rd r i ve nb y fe wd a y sa th o m ea h :* n u td o w ngR u n n e r t u r n e d o u r . A s i t o ve rt oa t t e n dt h el e o 0 n . l \ t q r m o fs u m - I t a m e ds e vn n lti me s,t h et o pw a s mar sc hool at the dai unha1My .Osar Hxtlmn finhhed 1.m~¢.hh\z 'hxudly momlnl~Harry Tucker lhruhedoaul u : Tweldly. WillllmQuiullnanddaughter to mo t( mdthe oerupmu pinned in the wraelnge.Th u i d u n d l u n removed from anw b e m h v l w the holpI\.|LWhenuken fromthe wrec k age Mn. hmb vu \ Mn| , nhhough aeriomly :mmm she am Ilr. andHn. Louie V:Sunday dinner guest lt N1 (t u n a .In IM lfkmoon toKemund|.n.lwlunnsa nu n br tvne n a wi er d u Omaha inI Kmnud. l l rand Hn. J lek Kel) llrtllnul lt Sund ly dlnmr mu mla, E d Olnn a nd uWilcox hmlly.l n . P t h l andEiwnB£ull| alledlr lemnan. Ruth of Misouri Valley calied at the Harry Tucker home Monday. MANEY NOTES Mr. and Mn. Delbert Fourier dll ~ enroute to tha Onkhnd h.¢,¢;;|_ Mrs.Rnmsefseighty u rolddaughter, Clroi, vu riding on Mn. Llmb's lap but Wu huried clear of tho wrechn and xttatainul nn aer nm wma.-_Hurry hhnd ulkd sz Fnd ll-lien Wednesdaywaning. The hm: Cr vek Pl: C lub mn atthe home of Clyde Rumen lan Wed- ne.dxy vvenlng.TeresaFoley nd DomhyH u t e nwere~=»~forthe dtmvalflilion tem.n. Hun- .mu nyved ies cream. enke md cook- ies after the maedng.Nu ! W a d- BQMIIY the Club will mee! ,nh lun Dorathy HatersM s .A wFowler- g nwthe Paxton Memorh! holpiul Int 'hues- a y a d n ; i n N u h a r u m xi l l r n - mvvd nd la now stay ing' with har|ix\er. Hn. Raymond Dixon of Om;-, A u mmm a n . s mn g u m n u mxcigy vidndky for muys u s . M n . Limb wasve ry we llhmvmand highly rupeaed In Lhil vicinity:A sho!! time lla the flmlly moved in Fremont to Iuka thnir ho me. ln.Runner Andher dnughler went to Frulmnttos b p n d w a sK-lkinz ha mother bum with her.Mrs.Hmnuh Nd( Lllnb ma lived i l A r li x to ngddnityPrlf lir dlv all he r li h .S h e ' u m m m l i ! ! h o mu tn dl lmllexnorthu lAr- ungum July za, mo,and wmahx\1b¢¢n5'ly¢Ana1ag\mrt1l\¢kAfter her mnrrtlge to Henry bmithvymovedwaI.\rmneuEllG¢y llr. and Mrs. llerum WI: lrvnecalledattheJohn haha In Blair Sandly lfhikr. me Hn. 'Dxomu ctand son of Onlm. and Hr. ¥'et|°1: Jensen allied at tbl lluu en hem: Su nday nm lulr. and ln. Ham1 W ali ln r g lu tcalledSundny4at' unEllmlr 'Ihahlun hen c f Blur. Uhr!! Paulsen md family tllltd Sunday inning at tl I'au.lun home. 'l11¢. fu-merainthisvie b a d l y m | ; ¢ |lnthnahl: this wrek. .Hn . D .ll. Utterbac k o Sun and daughter, lin. I.: layandchildnnspentH with 3111. Peh Joann.ThuChas.l§e.nazhi-v fn' Cul Rohar-~r :madly I r I..I nl.The Merry Maids of Haney delhi- ored a short but interesting prognm toover ahundredpeople th! ! 3; tended their ice cream soda! atMmey school last Thunday eveninx The school yanl il an ideal spot to hgvo snocinlandellpresent enjoyed the short talk by the county lsirrlt.Gwrzu .Bane101°regrets rm Ula pictures he intended to show amr marrl\1 inuma.Theno- Qrmhmnls nerved were ell donated whentheyliveduntil four y ousego, when they moved to F1\mo1t. Survivingareherhusband,twoosughben.H n .Wil!Runnerof Zyonn,andMn .Welter Sherwood of Grand hlmd; two sons, J ohn athrmei andGeorgeofWashington; lwu brothen, Henry Neff of Hermln and George Neff of Arlington, and thndssisters.Mrs.PetsPeterson, Arlington,Mn .ChdnRasmussen,Arlinlloh andMrs.Hlttie Hender- - . . .\ | _ . . _ . - . . » . .{ _ __ Thér nnxuu Of wa x-gm cw-my 1. Pfam nm-1. Anna! :ra Al Bldr PBOGRAM IS WELL ARBANGBD 'nm u.»n._Eme m s un mul Thu will comm :nom ua normantwnlng high mmu, mm as ua-clnr tnlnlng innitutwnl Ind mme will mme from mba :ut nhl!urtifkaun to mmm under dlh~tan.4 Colorado gn I mom Mn: an minimum nu n alglmm.m m I EFI rtasnl »._ »|..|wn, »w~m»»»» unQIIll!! Ull IC! Clililflil Ili nvul \lm525 taken in gh, Club ,m mr quite'Due funeral services were heh! ina:lltt sum.leo c rea m. uh, .mlFremont on !ut Monday and inter- cand§r"fl-1servedmdeveryc mmentWu made in theEli: CR! --cemetary..¢, n ma i m o u z e .g MM i s s O d ih m , d a ur ur .a n d M m . S c o t t M l m o f t h i ! vi c i n i t yM E T H O D I S T E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H a;1J\_..I- (........ ...I fiunn-0 .U . ~ P a t i o ! bins um linen w nndlngn. wlu. In d » ¢ h » n = m \ ¢ b y o » n \ . n , w m In the urtoc nlat for du Lincoln SurandLllk an "Our Bonded n e w' "In u;-ing uno eq\|r3.w n u u mun ulgh an n y u r ru le ," n hl B um s u p e m m f w e K n wm." I h d inmind the p o d of the nehovll not halastweek.Theyarespending a few day; urith her bmtlaer, Walter Allen of Irvington.lhodarnuHannahand Chtherine Beales spent Sunday at the Will Mo Donald homo.Thefollowingfromthisvicinity attzndedthefunenlof J amesE.lkiahortmBlairMonday:Mr.and |Mra.JerryFoleyandfamily,Hr .andMrs.Pat ldackipand family, |Hr. and Htl. J qlin Quipm and Hr. and ln. J ohn Hu:phy .h i r .a n dl fC 1 3 6 1f g ; = =w g " oi'~I r i ea tn - _ - No one Sunday of |¢I'ffcrs apre- mentsthesewn-.lay-per-1reekinflu-rnoe of a durch that ramifiea the life ol' a c ommunity with its multi- plicityofservice.Toreport bap- mma,funerals,teachingservices luogtthlrwithaconstantlnflumoo inhomeswouldhopelesslyuseupIPl" ¢l45!=1¢¢l br the num pagan. But wa are at the job.Come out next Sunday andlneruose thefine ln t e n s tth a t b e e p a u p i n th e i a c e of sqmmer heat.fThe S- S. picnic will be held this comin: Frlday -evening at the park. o ~~;.4 " \ .v v a n e q ' . ` ., . ._1924, and :css in 1917.Earnings of general departments. or compensation for aerviees ren-dered by stale officials, represented 13.6 per c ent of the total revenue for 1925, 14.4 per cent for 1924, and 14.0 per cent for l9i?.Business and nonbusineaa lldnees constituted 10.0 per ccnt of the total revenue for 1925, 8.2 per cent for 1924, and s.s per cent for 1917. The increase in the percentage ofreceipts from hneineas and nonbuai- neaa licenses for 1925 was due, chiehy,to :endow from tax on naoiine. the law governing the tax up to the present time aatotal of 20.71 inches had fallen and in 1924 a total of 24.39 inches was the re» cord. warm our:ax slams on&K Mr.0.C.Thompson of Gu nd Island drifted into Blair yesterday afbe ran nbeence of many years and who should he meet with but Claude Utterback of Montenn. 0. C. Thompson wee at one timeoneofBlah'a leading merchants, proprietor of the old Bee Hire store located in the huildimr now occnnled Besides the grief stricken husbandand child, the aged mother and two datners,Lira.Fnnc ia Forabenr and Mlal Goldie Erickson, both of mi.. county and two brothers,Andrew and Emil,both of Califiornia,aur- Vive.The funeral uervieee were held today, Thgraday, at one o'c1ock from the home in Blair and at 2:30 from the Role Hill church with Rev. J. P.Relncrtsvn of Drum officiating and interment will be made in the Role Hill cemetery. ")IAS'IER MIND" The ordination service ern an im- pressive one.The preaident of the synod, Rev. N. C. Carleen of Sw-cer,Iowa.was present,also the ivice prelldent, Rev. E. R. Andersen, itacine, Wla.Rev. Carlsen served at,the alter and Rev. Andersen preach- ;r¢l the initiation sermon. They were imniatled by Dr. Deiringer, Fremont.|Ncb., Dr. P. S. Vig, Rev. H. Nidsen ,of Blair, Nebr., Rev. L. A. Lauraen lbf Omaha,and Rev.C.M.Dlaen, Dcnmark, Win.Other pastors prea-lent were Rev. v.Staby,Harlan, flows,Rev.H.L. Jensen,Kimball- 'ton, Iowa, Rev. J. Magnusson, Gonn- ny la.u.uuenwn,cuxlllulu - wwboard of control. A picnlc dinner at mom will be enjoyed and members are anked to bring lunch.Coffee, lemonade and fee cream will be furnished fren ALYAH 2.c n o o x s Alval:E. Crooks, a guest at the Crowell Home, puaed any at the Methodist hoepltal in Omaha at10:46 PM.on l u t ?riday eveninl following an opefation ln the mom- Ing.4 Deeeued was born In Richland E I U . U v u v a ' u n q - -- . . - . . . _ -p l o y m e n t a s tea che rs.. Th e r e h a ve b e e n f o r t v r b y a a n a l \ l r P l l | ° f 5 ° ° tea che rs h o l d i n g t h i r d g n d e d e m e n W 1 a c h o o l c e r t i f i c a t e s . " Th e s e t h i r d l f l f l l e a n i f l e a k l . g o o d f o r t h r e e y e a r s a r e n o t r e n e w -ab l e .T h e ho l d e r s m u s t ¢pali.l'y_ th e me e lve a fo r t h e sec ond g n d e o f ce rt ific at es .H o t d e r a o f t h e aeo ond g r a d e m o a t h a ve h a d o n e y o u - * a e x - pe ri e nc e i n t e a c h i n g . - S t a t e Jo u r n a l A ' I ' I E Tl o N ¢ - Q The rnembere of the military band whleh eras °rtl11¥1=°d some tirna lp 1 I §.NAMEMrs.. E. Blackmanof Lincolxg, Hrs.. Jn Ammon and Emily sailed at the Fred Mater: home Tweadrr e\e»L1¢.Hrs. lhrion Sutherlnnd md Hrs. FredNathan}\¢1p,¢Mrs.De!ber¢ Allmambenand .friendsa n t obring food md join in a £000 time. From next Sunday them are left but50daystillCa1!ennce. coNGn1§;1oH.1. CHURCH §E| o7-7 771 1o n na n on a n777777 State Hlnds CountyGoran! CoumyRoadLounly Bridgeg~ 3 1 4C Int. ..n .County DitchM9t|1er'| HanlonlI1kl191'nDr ltug o 1 9,229.926.124.1119499.55 5,525.992,111.92200.54°4,9so.ta 93.33158.38Hon-Wuhlngton Drainage584.84Petorlon Bend Prolccllon284.64 SchdolSchoolBondFree High School Blair CityArlington Village limn anl VlllnnI'L Calhoun Vlllaze 54,159.499.952919,129.424,959.991,599.921.99299195.59 411,515.95 3641.5492924,141.99 6.999.219 1211; 499.2112.152942,924.98101398.325.4429419,999.5215,944.494,921.411,595.192,999.14 1.2429112,959.51 200.54 5.85 181.4229.241,519.1978.55229.59 929.51 199.4557.49 64.59 499529.99 200.54 817.501 73.15.1525,942.9919,199.59s9,m.422,442.59\....1,599.11 11,999.99850.00 1.99f1.44192.9114,929.2911,999.19 5,159.2,2.a g m 419.2599921,551.4521,919.191,392.59*7.23 '1.2s1.9168.68922.991,344.991,135.4959,992.1919,999.521,295.152,991.99451.92280.8719934 7777 l l nl§ 7n h lI - h u¢ - _Q - n777777_ _4 - . _0 - n777o777774 - _¢ - u t¢ n u777 |im 14. . miter mlr -lam 1a.m;1;»:;¢;..,. i|§d'£g1°|i='.\l|.solthe ,fiscal year.Fowler cook for lhraalnrs Tuesday'A .F.Newell, PastorMr. and Mn. Hound Meredith of_ Ashland an-¢a wr Fm MutznonPublic wonhip 'react Sunday at 11 Wehexday.am.The church is tall ahneled and ° - " 'cool. and we plan for a bdef, bright m ~~ i n § u r p o 1 - ; " " " h " " . " " " * ; ° ' ° l u v n u . v a sun wunu 3\|\r|:||n,\.\u|:n.u||g uuznu ll ll lu u n: e e n r u a e l a n d ho m - e s t u d e d a l b e n c h t h e H u b s l o s t n h e a r b b r u k i n g z. n¢ .! _ gm jflg fw rn . A ud ub on ,Io a n . MRS. H. LAMB, FORMERamdbrolhlrlyservice.Awu'l11 WASH. CO. RESIDENT DIESwelcomeforallwhowilldropin Business licenses comprise chiefly um 0:1 motor vehicles md amountspaidfor hunting und fishing priv- iieges.lndtbledlleuThe State of Nebraska has no in- debtedneu other than outstutding wnrn ntl.Auunni Yalnaliona .nad Tax [erin For 1925 thu aneaud vnluation of property in Nebnaka subject to ad valorem tnxatlon was $8.189,I88,33'l;the amount of State taxes ievled was $5.&D8.39B;md lhe pg: c apita levy, 34-8). SURPRISE RELATIVES Mr.and Mrs.Bert Williams of La Harbor,Cnli foda :Iron into Blair Last Monday aftemoon.Tha Gus Schéfflef family were takencompletely by surprise as they hid ieft the Williams home in C|.l!fornia just a flu day s before and a; thattimetheWiiliunshmi ly had no idea that they would some to Ne- lnuka so soon.The occasion of the visit v u Bert:being called haw oh buiixless. He reports the L.A.Williams fsmlly weli and happy. ,\x:~:oU1~:qE:\|E:~.°'r My name will appenr 95 a candi- date for Sheriff on ghe primary ballot,as n republican.I!I am I . i hailed tiller of the soii.0. C. sold 5 | e of f m g ' I t wu I b mi e fu ll out his business here n little ian? of sensations :ml trying moments.and went to Grand Island when h¢|lnd one that fulfilled nll a w w * again en u m!the mercantile burl-neu but over two years ago Ietioose of his interest.; and is now on the road, just 'lp keep out of the habit of being hay . When the two ohl cronies came together yesterday it is useless t any that all the D|:| days were lived over agair..They had not met forsixteenyexrsandtheafternoon pused quickly.O. C. le!! for Oma ha on the five o'»:lock bus. HIINNARD W U3lA N vz c rm FATAL IIEART ATTACK Kennnrd,July 28.-Mis.J.C. Appleby, who has been very ill with h u n trouble for several we-eh,passed away at her'home here 'Ptlesday morning. Mn .Appleby was born in Pad- berry.Buckinghamahirq,Eng an age at her death.She came to this I tion:any I m might have.'Brice hostilities Band up,ao tense was the contest.There was n thrill for hms In practically every inning af ter the seventh. Up until the eighth inning Blair k d b y a l e o r e o f l t o l Thaeweak hitting Hub team seemed powerlessbefcne Scheffler. Then, in the eighththe Hubs put across n score.Tanks wnlllal,Gardner xtaghd,sending Tanke :cron the plate and Gardnerto third.Ewa were ougwhen thenom was made and Pfaliutk-pogpeul out, ezuling the inning.`_. Blair came bagk in Un ninth when Lundfs :rushing three base hi; overthe tra-eh sent in s scoro.f>u9.tinx the l u !year chsmpions | {ain intheana.Things 1°¢k?"u=»\k for the Hubs In the ninth..unningham, howenr.poked out a single andCbenaurifieedhim to second across the irltks for 1 doxible, scor- March 23,11362.being 64 ,lu ofiRoc y Adam:mmme d the pni sum when Il y eah old.Af ter her mnrdage in James C.Appieby in1332theyRivalinD w g l u county for several years,coming here I2 years am.She is survived by her husband, five mm, Clintim, Howard, Wxlher.Harley and Eilza,all ofImnnrd, one daughter, Mrs.Ruby Miller of Cleveland, O., one brother, Joe Gibbs of Kansa.: and one sister, Iing Cunningham with the tying taily The Blair team threatened in me 10th with two men on.A BlairnlayersingledtoGardnerinright field.Mud fielded the ball and withanperfat!.hruvr to home cut off wh!!looked film the winning run. i t was |.sensational peg and onethat brought spectators ga their Ie-et Again in the Nth the !!ubsc ut and tp his church, xev. mn. pnacn-ed |strong sermon,using u hlstext the story in Luke 5, I9-l¥e1.era Tmugm of fishes. Rev. Loft, with his family, hunsin a abort time for his field of ser- uca In Webtter Grow,Mo.I li l many friends here wiih hi:n_aucce.n. CALLED To CALIFORNIA Sin.Olive J.Smith :md two <iau|;ht¢r|,Frances and Grace,left l:\'¥t Sunday for \'»'l1lHier, California railed "there by the serious illnessofRev.George Smith,s nan of Mrs. Olin Smith. George will be well renlembered by Bldr peopia sq this is the pine of his tivity and llso of his wifewho,HT be remembered as bliss thuendolyn Taylor, daughter of Mr. Wal Mn. J ud Taylor. Mr. Smith went to California sev-eral y u r :ago for his health and f u r |time seemed \m be on the rpaI to norrnai anal his fnnily and relatives had high hope;th u the vrun would be permanent and are in-1'E(i| friexml lo know of his serious nilneu at this time. IMVIS ¥"A3l!L`¥'ON AUTO TRIP Mr.and Hrs.George Davis and family ieffearly last Saturday mor-ning 'for Red Oak.Iowa when ilu5 will visit for a short iime and then I 0 to Trenton,Missouri andLira.Tlremu Hourth who came! will um honorable endeavor to be early Tuesday morning xo ax wilhifieided | hit in center and relay ed elerted,illh several [nn:!c]1i!dn':\ and other it through Cunningham in time toioak when, onAugust 7 s reunionPrimary election, Atlglxnl; 10. You*xelathu and A but of frienda.f m the runner,Sve ngu d.Inf 9, Davis families will 5. |,¢|g_ votl viii In tpprec iatta.Funeral lrnmsemvnu are not vet'mn He iton ,for the Hubs.nml fm which oc cnninn the family willOlin Hopereli.completed.l (Continued on o u r dgln.)lremni to their home in Blair. successful in the primary election I off a score at the plate when Adlms from than in St.nnis then through Kansai to Denver and back io Rel ! l I carry out hi: desire of becoming af luryur an acc ount of his poor em aight.He vu a person of cheerful tam- penment and nlwnyn indudriously inclined and up to the time of hi: int illness In was alwlyu busy ntsome useful work. The funeral aorvices were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'e!ock at the Methodist church conducted by Ren. 0. U. McPmud of the Muthadint ahureh,A.F.Newell of the Cnngrezatinnll church amd w.II. Underwood of the Crowell Homeand inte nt was nude in the Blai" cemetery. HEAT 3'\"l&lULA'IES SALES Hutinga, Heb. July 25.-'Thin aes- lon'a extremely hot sreawer has de-veloped a sale th a t. u 1 recond- hqeaker, for u m producu made h Hastings.Ice and in cream might br gue.med but the guess in wrongeventhoughthese commodities are in big demand.One product re- fered to in a thermo. shipping con tainer and the other is a canvas ahle awning or sun shade for autos. COUNCIL MaxineA r v n n r n z n lo z v At a special meeting called [ u t'Tueadzy evming the city council passed the annual appropriation bill for the year's expenses.At thi: meeting the president of the coun- cii, J. S.R o h m presided and allmemberswe n present except, tbl mayor and P.C.Sorensen. IIN'mumrxro lu :cu " n w ..Chu. S.Bam, J ohn Barry . Lellis Bucklin, Harold E. Chrizbensm. Ja!Dill,Wayan Doruey .!Iowud Fuck- ier,Rudolph Fink, Robert Goliehola:cluvora Hslbtfh Wm.Ilumph Emilie IIuddluon,Harland J e ni nHenryLldwlg,John E.Milidr, Clifford Munson.Clifford Hermit.D. D.Nelntu,Merrill Reeh.John S¢lmia.'lpnoa Smil.h,|Theodor! Stewart.Sbren Sveurllrd.E.L.'r¢mn, Nell W est nd 1»a¢"W °1rr. arwo mn L mc ua mart? The Eplorth Langue of thg Hulb- odist church held a party lui Tuca- homl on west Washington ltr!!! ai which about forty members werepresent and lnioyvd the owning byplgy hg g gmu md hlti ng a gtmnl fmlic.Refreshments of puch punch nnngade and cake ter! sentd. nurm DAY REM sa: BERED The lady Iriends of Mrs. Theo. ll. Hansen did not forget that laik Monday W u her birth anniversaryafid"S number of th tm called to spend A socizi i n n i n g with hor.Such Imlve nmembrnwes makes li!e 1 pleasant drum. BUSINESS AND sof uu ..FORECAST Aug.1--Bhir vs.North Bend at :nu Park.Aug.3 County Masonic Pic nic ;t North Park.Apg. 5--W. R. C. kennington mat: with Mn. Sherry llpore.Aug.I9-Pioneer md Old Sc ttlsn Plcdc. Calhoun. dny evening at the Gnome llcCoy [ fo rt h eh o u r . M r s .H e n r yL a m b ,61,B4 1N o r t hd a y S c h o o l a t10 o'c1o¢ k. P lansPe bb lesire-e}.o iFn e m o n t ,w a siwH 1b ean n ou n ce d . ki l l e d| . n d h n e r d n u g h t e r .M r s .W i ! !Th e y o u£ : p l o g a t h e r a t 7 p . m . Dqon anlfn r hvi tn flr | { | \ | '. n l \i l l . ;fil l't h f l rZ9rIDEBUUK~w g ; s l i nNn u n sa l la - E if§m§i.¥» viii"Wuhi|1|tonillq u Inhlr llantn TuRedemptlonaShu II lrhwnf 2,400.41548.-I0153.45.asm12.41343 2,418.76442.01494.5i12,161.32 00.4021.48 1 1.82 31.10200.75I _42534 2,201.21550.0032.5812.204231,ss0.ss1,900.000,000.00 0,010.00150.00000.00asus£l0.00 2,516.43s410.011,204.00 10,300.90*s0.as5,514.51 '1s0.00 ___ nau0- _an-n E. _. _. ____ ___uIanm!anu:nuan-uz :______________Q _ Ian y _$un: 3 n l u w a|: w wli vi a . ;re a lI aa a . w a sl n d u r u l s ose ri ou sl y,o n ea n nm a yh a vet o b ea m p u i a t e di na nau t o m ob i l ea c -c i d e n t t h r e e m i l vs n o r t h o f O a k l a n d F r i d a ye ve n i n g .T h e8- y e a r- o l d d a u g h t e t o f H r s .R a m s a r , r i d i n g o n M r s .l . a m b '|l a p a t U n o t i m e o f t h e ao d d em l ,Esca pedi n j u r yi na na i - m o a t m i r a c u l o u s m a n n e r . I h eacc ide ntfo l l o w e dncol li si on _ _ _....._ _ I ~ a n ain s p it i o n l o = = » f \t h e v i l e . . . . ' ; ' 3. m ? K o r a b w i t h u s l a s t S u n d a y .H e w i l l a l w a y sb e s u r e b fawe l co m ehe r e . C h o i rpr ac t ic eF r i d a ye ve n i n ga t 2:8 0.B e: u n et oco me ,a n ds o m e o n t i m e . B u yy o u rn o t e b o o k * p a p e ra n d c o ve r s a t T h eE n t e r p r i s e o ffi c e .t f . _ 1 . _ . _ _ _ . _ __ Gd me mmm HH =. __ .z zE E= : _ . _ - -- - -- Usa-1' ?"`?" aav nintflreat onLepo\\aJ Ar nnnnnr.onHemmn Ll ht BandaJiennanl Lrght Bonds Ft.. Cllhoun WMM' Bands\ 1u . . . . \ . : . . . . . ¢ . . . -| : . . . s . ¢n . . . . . | . 11151.88 440.32 75.00600.00 11a.a-ra a w m 1.42534s,n4u.on 360.00380.25om nn I : zI _"§=§ EEE l 1 l | | \ \ l l § U l J ll é m l l lL l u l l u l De Soto DitchCalhoun DitchArilnlton PlvingAdvertisingFi nn I'ees' Totals, Led! Ovanlrafu '0nenlr\I'\!.n 7l3'.'TT \214.91 37.708ll.304,514.50 $118,951.55 u a n n v v 0 422.004.10444.00293.30 $04,111.92 _\111.11274.97 42.40 422.bo 811.50" "If44400 s,zo1.as5,2355msaoo azapzaza31592323;m;m.99s1eu,sos.s1 I Itra de wi th l ,C .H .Ro b e r t a - o n , c o un t y t r e a s u r e r o f W a s h i n g t o nCo u n t y ,Nr . - b n s k l ,d oh e n fb yc e r t i fyt h a tt h en b m 1= s t a t e m e n t s h o t s t h e h c i n n c e i n t h e s e ve n ! fu n d ; n t c l o n eo fbusi nessDe c e mb e r31.19 25 ;t h ecoll ecti onsa n d§ ¢||sb1.\fsen1ent|f o r m e hf u n d f r o m J m u u y3, t oJu n e30,nsza,b o t hin c l us i ve , a n dt h eba l an c ei n e a c hfu n d5 »a t c l o s e o f b u s i n z s s Ju n e s o .m s .= Th e a b o ves t a l e n m e n t i s t r u e t o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d i n ! r s dbe l ie f.n|1 _ z mnan-nC. H. Robertson,"z1I H :sc=:'==: n_ - p- - _C o u n t y T n u u m . B n l n c d b r di nm yp n a m m e a n ds w o r x f t o b e fo r em e t h i s 2 0 1 1 : d a y o f Ju l y ,1926. ( S E A L )-_ A N N I E C .M A R T I N , Co u n t y C i e r k . 1I l _ »n n ;unon0s :u a Q .mmmnlmlnnmllnmlmwrnmnnnnlulumrmmmnnnllmnlnmumnllalllllnnnllulmmnszunmnrlnlllzlllllllum||l J. L. Pounds one px Ice clothier Blair,Nebr - . »* \ ~H~~-'mm xxrnarnrsn;PlllflinlIBa m , m am a , m y z e , wi ggmdw the timu at har nomo nn: ruMr.and Hrs.Andrew J ann ofBlair vislbed in Herman Wednandsy and Thunday with their grand-dnuxhhr,Mn .Ear!French m dnumerous frlandx.Mm. Anna. Poddie,Min Chrollne Wachter,Mn .Bertha NelderkrugnrMbaHelen and ElmerNdderkzu¢~ ur. Mr. and Hn. James Van Horn,Misa IIaelyn and Vemon Van Hon wen entenalnad at Sunday diana:nt the Ben Wuzhtar home..Mr.and Mn .James Gilllun of 'Pekamah visited at tha home of theiriughter, Lin.R.H.Bwee Satur- y.blvlvem Went. :rho in em ioyud InOmahaspentthuW W E a t tha parental. J. M. West home.Mu-an Eladln Godaey vu a guestof MIM hlmley nz Nuhvllle F day . Sunday in Omaha.They visited theHttny mr field and mlowd a Qovrbefore mtunaing home. 4 f<f°"g of ladle: of the BaptistTuld,'w o n birthdaa occur inhh two a public taa tha TourlatPar# Thuraday evening' and dazed a mcc :um to add to the guild tml!-tlrf.Mrs. 'r. J. Renae, as chairman.hem:away on her vacation,Mra.Godwy took har place.a otharawere Meadarnea Roan Pa , Chu. IIovendinrk. Pete Miller, Claude Clement., and Ben Wachter.The zu. E. Ladies' Aid will morewithMn. George Lowe Wednesday aiternoon.Tha time will ba darot-1-l to appointing and making planatoservemealsat tho old baklrybuihlnnzduringthe harvnat picnicFriday and Saturday. MP1 0.H. Godaey, Miaa make.Dr..A. J. Cameron and Misa AnnaMane Petenen were entertained atSunday breakfast at the H. B. Gam- dmn horm-Wm.Wagner and datllllter,ofArlln;¢ton wo n Harman eallera onSunday.Harry Cooper had the misfortune to lo o o a f i n o h o r a o o n e d a y l a a t; while working in the harraat The Teqehan Workers Conte:- ance of the Baptist chulth hdd the regular monthly meeting at thahome of Mu. 0. H. Gwivey Friday qncung.After a vacation of :avant weeks:gm ln the out dllrlnl whic h time e attended tba national convention of the Alpha Phi aororitf and via-ihd Boston, New York C 7» Waah»f»=fg=== anl many places o interestl i Evelyn Cameron neturna! homoHon-lay and raporta havin!had a most enjoyable time.Her fathermat her in Omaha.Th Ilermln band g g "anotherconccllwan the atreat tunlay are» ning whic h drew a large omwd to town.They played a number of newaelections which ta!! well rendandand greatly R. J.Sch of Stanton,Iowa,formerly of Herman drove to Hinn~Nota last Sunday on a huaineaa trip Mn .Schenck,Misses Mildred andArlene accompanied him as far aaHerman and viatted with relativesand friends until his return Wulnoa- day when all returned home. After a week'»L_viait at the D. H.Godny home an a guest of MissElodloe.Miss Mary Strlcklett re-turned to her home at Blair Wed- nesday.Early Monday morning eighteencara of boosters left Harman, mak-ing a trip to nearby towna includ»ing Tekamah, Oakland, €'f*'¢- Lyman Hooper,Xennard,Admgton and Blair, advertising the Harvest Ple-nic to bo held lure Friday and Sat-urday.They were headed by theHerman band which rendered a fewzl'!f¢u°!|a| at each atop after arhich ~11 g . 1 i 1 County Commissioner (Dist. No. Z) Your Support Appreciated Lluon meek;llilh hor Astar,B l u Anna Elmer. who [eil -»;,g_~k= har arm w q uia reported as getting along niolly.Mr.and Mrs.Grant Glltry anddaughter..G\el||i\'Bde of HortonKID-»ront Saturday with his bro- thor, x- oyd Gilfry and Mn. Gilfrk Mrs. A. T. Hutchinaon of Norfoi; sponding §;;"==','";§" hero with 1'1.nr.o 1md Milla Wilma Conifer while 5;1g;~=hf»=-°» is in New York buying aHr. and lin. Hans Speefera and g-;51;==»;-H gmahandtod_on u .Y n .P lMn a n d llr a . W . £ . .v .,Vesta and Lonaino I a nvisitingthiswoekatcms oftheirgmndgamnu,.l i n . J . H. Ha n a ll.Hrs. 0. N. Unthank, who has hmin California for tho pu! six 'ooh returned hero on Monday.Hr. Un-thank. who has been Halt!li th thomo of his son, G. B.. Un In Lincoln. returned on Tuesday. Br. and Mrs. H. L. Pharria spentSunday in Omaha with their dauxh- tI;:r,"Hr.s.Tom Buckle:r i d Hr . uc ea.Mn . A. W .Ayres and daughter. Angulino of Chicago camo Thurldly'gf several \nok'| vl| it_1rith rela- tves.Dr. and Mn. P. L. Cady and Jackwont to Uohling on Tuesday wh!!! Jack will remain for a vid! at tho homo of his aunt.lin. B. F. Hadley of I.-on AngolanCalif.,ia spending this wool trllh Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hadley.A large number of frlonds fromArlington tml vleinity llttndod tblfuneral of Hrs. Henry Lamb whichwas hold at tho family homo in Fh- mont on Honday aftmroo-on.Mn. Lou Lina and dal hter Hd-en of Delwar, Colo.,a Mr. -eg ~ii...( I n s ta ~~ A . Potonon home Thunday.Min LaVina Johnson,of Omaha \....,.A R O U N D m f b b i j m v correspondents from :very c ommunity In W uh- lng io n Cou ily . u l o u c u v p o u l o t r t v v ARLINGTON NOTES Arll:|nun_J d y z a - m u Hlld l ohnlon left on Tuesday lor Gunn]- son. Colo.. when :lm upset: to ne-mnln lndafldblly with her drier,Hin Chlre .lonnlan who 5| leachingthrough the summer manm nt thew u u m s u m Tweben collngn nz " 2 " ' ° 2 ' u n H curry1. un 1 l p n !Sunday in (lmllm Tin .their lon, Rhea nnfry and Ura. Glllry . H g -W g , Rhe a :vg-ned Tu e - .rom D0¢¢°ne.n.wh e nme n u b m v mu n g ¢ ¢ : i e h mm o f h e r b r o th e r , ~ Rh e | . Mrs.Ch u.Ha ma o l Elk ~s p a n m a n y l t u n F u n k Wo home. Mx.m d M n Q L u m .a lrr-mme, Colm. vlan lun vla-mgv-= Lbs Hlnry Close hams left on ednesdai morning.Thny wereueompuzlody Kr. md Mrs.Cluewho¢;| |n t u m wich them`¢or avide . f or I ann i vn eh. l!nd .m»u B.F. Cook m d mn, B.n3mm, A. 11 smog, J ohn num » uughber hmm. ull c l Suilnerll u d x m a Nmc y Batter!of La l An n lu, C lllf . ,w u s E d w mh mpm d tlllldfllh F.B.Webb,R.A.Dlvlel,Clyde Cook n d RnymomlLudwig, s ay ed | plank dlnnzr at t h e w k adnesdny., Dr. md Hn. P . L Cady lef t onWdneuhy evening for Guden GQK u n a :he D Cad m I,w n r.y w oo x "" l o o | 0 t > ¢ 1 J $ r \ alter hi| firm interuu.Tha y dm vull go to Knmu City whnn they wlll .anna the .mnunl eanvntion olthaMiuourlVnlkyVef.erlm|-lun'usoeinlnn.Their lon,Du n n u - mmpnnied them h r Culmnlnuwhen he will lpent \ v.ni nl Camp Sheldon.lin. P. 1. Cady entertained lt |1 o'c loc k lunc hwn nt the FremontCc nntr y dun In ma y wmp nmmz-|1111 Hn .E. E.Undsrlin u l r m - mmd,Va.,who is vldting han. Theguest:we n I ll seated ae .I langtlhln I lhlc h held b uhh of pr den flowers nml tiny (ln-shapod n o mcardsm a r k e d n t h ~Bridgew u plly rd during llturnovn.Plmc u wen mu ln d for l u h m e sHznmn Jungblutlu, Julius Jumgblulh w. l. Nelson, W all Behienklmp, c. w.Andrews,Hun ld Weber,JohnHebuul, Leo W eber. v. v. KuahsllClydeCook.c. .G.Mn.-ahnll m l Mluex Llllle Larson, Fnmcnt, AllesM:Klblnn an d ln. W alter Bllu of Olrulu.Friend:m d n b l l v u hen me-:eived u\ uraouncement of tha lxlnhul A daughter u» lr. lm! llra. Hn- old Henderson of Omlln .H n .He n d e mn wu ln me ly Min A n n aChap:-nm al tbl: pun. Mrs.Rolcoe Purse ng Emennn-lpent Frlduy here at th e hams alhar punnu. Mr. Pune hu noonuybum trmdsmd In Onuln And they upea w move lc c m c ity soon. Hn. A. L. Lungnon af Cmac enho h m.arrived l u !week to npqul Th e flu d w mmu t v u a lh d Hu W m. lu me n MI M i n d u Mr kp u t a to w n | 1 4 ' f mn d n y d h : -aoon about three o'doek In ~~l u ? ~° " ° ° ' % ou |n (m m b u w n n Tha a n h r this ynsfl ¢hm~uu q u a a n mu m 1 3 4 1 .11 » vn -xn m u u i d w b e o n s mn i o n mli m om.' n n n r wn m d u s n uxo allmt dr uu tlc nlu "h u Fo ol","ZlpaL\'| Tmubxdogn," wg»f»° In"n nmmr n y " , " B e n n n ' | » ' : £ » . ' QE Mn u m W m r - S k u n k n d Chr- meo R. Ayd f a , u m m w i l l g g "Garner Sto rm a l B ue na ".Junior d n l h u q u will be hdd l lmu l a n d ve r y thing po ln u to almu i llf lll y u r .T M haf. will h vids dth relativaa at 'l`iDl»Ho. ;'_f~v an expecud to ba homa Fri- iir. and Mn. Gao. Vodka af Oma- ha spent Sunday in Harman with ; ;===~»~» Mr. and Mn. Philiiop- Jaan ?3rriah and urn, Harold ofOmaha viaitad at the rental, S. H.Parrish homo f r o m ' n a n n y until Sunday avnning.Hu many Harman friend saragk adtokn ow Lha thaia a b le t o h a a r o u n d ~He auf-hred an injury In right footseveralweeitl an and for a. timeiz was thought amputatlen might neceaaaThe 'Egunbnam Clan" of the Bap- tist Sunday School of whlch H i nE h d k i Godney la tucher,#yn picnic :upper in Head park t Wednesday mrmlng. Alfred Jupuraan has mntad the with Mr. And Mn."~ S. Hadley.Mrs. J. P. Long of Fnmont via- iled he me int week d u h rllitlvas and friendMu s t:Nnad lmn Will Longand¢»».,.'»'ii.., of Fnemont up-ant Sunday nt the W 8. Hndiey haul. Mr.and H n .w A.Ehc kmdifand son Therio, Blu Wilma Coulterlin H. W . Schoettger and Mrs.~A. g P-amAngus! ra 1926 ~C. John Nelson ~`( The Tl;ru;|¢?man) take poaaoealoo ~ut August 1. The firat d n a of paving:theHerman atreotl mule their appear-ance Monday when workmen wereb u s y m u in removing un thepole from the c enter of tin atreat on flfth and mdn.Albert Woodward and famlly,who have spent the summer In Lin-coln when Albert h u been up- I>1=»>ui with the Gunther, Shirley and Petersen construction company on nlarge piece of work, wen over lastSunday for n short vlait with theirpannta, Mr. and Mn. L. A. W ood- wand.They were on their way toWyota,Wyoming where the corn-p m has a piece of work. eounty commiuionera have<;¢m»|¢Lowa engaged building afencealongthi'road at the ag- proaeh of the bridge and prhara t Iread1|caving near the Blanchard homo.li n .R.H.Bono,i l u .Q H.Godaey.l l i n Mary Strieklert ofBlair, Mlalea Anna Kerio Pateraen, Helen and Ethel Bone, Made Ad- ams.Marjorie and Eladloe G - - ¢vnlowd a picnic at the Oakland pa: lut Tuesday .The ladiea of the Baptiat gulldwillhave a atand ln front of the <=;;1»-v store during the Harvest ple n Hrs. Phil Hopk ins upon : to r°down to Omaha Thursday for aweek'a -#gg at the home of her daughter.rr Geo. vodiea.3¢Nral of thdr friend: from theoountry enjoyed a pleaaant oraalnratthe James Van Horn home hatThursday evening.Delicloua home- made lee cream and cake was en-L-»>- before they departed for their amen.Mrs. D. W. Rutledge, accompaniedll Mn. C. H. Blanc hard. Ura. J. ar.eat moto:-ed to Blair Friday ai- ternoonThe little folk: in the ggnior :lun of the H. E . Su ndy ool withtheir teacher, Hin arjorje Stokes had a picnic in Tourist Park Wed- nexday.n played limes.en- .lorcd a plen lunch and had justau c h a ti n ra a allttlne f oi k ae a no nauch occasions.La.at Monday evening twenty-.firemembers of the Bible clan of the Baptist Su y School walked in unannounced at the home of Hn .Bertha Nciderkrugcr and gave hera delightful surprise.The evening was spent ln paying games after which a tornpthg lunch was servedThe event was a farewell party heMn. hleiderkruger before aha leavenin a couple of weeks for her new home nt Lincoln.She u: b een afaithful member and will rru lllr mlaecd from the clara.The various Bundle familica, withscvenlout»of-town relatives cglloy-ed ; pleale dinner Sunday in ead par .Only a small number from here OMAE A 1 0n:rrrn x'r.\ m mmc mnrrs Omaha. Nab. July 29.-lion mur-ehunu an expected ta attend lka- c hln u F ull lu - h t W l e k h O l n - h| , A u ¢1 u ! 2 8 ¢o i 8 . \. l\ | n hu n h » n (menu of the m m m fur l n l n l y a n .An s a l l a m wh a t m m naw bdng lux-Quad, usd y roc padl f u r a b l g c c r n a o p l n s t - \ | u l n ~cluded in 0mnh|'|wh c lu th t n d l territory, which will N-Ing blg gutude nut fall md whhar. wlI'|1\»- u m mmz lu n u w u n m m t o le l u l t h a l r m m f u r I l l ( d l m l wi n k ! A l u n ;"Than bl: c rop: will mesa mon buulnuu for tha n u l l m n e h n uthroughout Lbs ma- unitary surv- ld b y th e Omlhl wh olln h mlr hi - "P. F. Powell, dmlrmlu of m ln*-kn W nk eommlttu . deuluut 'Thai done dwuld bHn| u Ntivr a nnul-snes lar thln lm - H t Week than hu be a n mkn d f o r the pu t n u n gun . Comph dan o f thu mv P llfl rlver bd d p n Y u ma , wh i c h wi lltheWhileWayhkhwny ,.I u w , d n t! mm z u mu tu a l a n d wu h mNob nah , and b ath s muh ¢ | m. ¢| Ntb r u h a n d |d3°|0|Bt If-:tu are other f u to n u m w i l l n u l l t hIlnh t W e n! att an u mx! mu a h Redu c ed nb a a n A ll nilmad l llllb n i n . m n f a r u l m m b m u d o dulre to trawl by nil." W lwle u ls h e me : o l Ou t h n n u m .(0 1,119 Hi ld a (mf na un u : m l ~ . H~ o f th e i r h m ll ln d u - ln ¢ a n d -mu ly i ng \ | . u l: n W e &in \| u¢h.T h u u m a w Omaha from een nueu.w u n p a d w u - th n and harm- rad-I,an d d i ll gran ts: Ummm! now tha n wu rnjoy ed lut Svlinl- Qhal Fu ll lhrht w w - m m m u . u { » ¢ w p b v much grower. In anticipation o f u b u ms a t- hemlmce.d n ln n h l n t l Mnrletwa s e o mmlwn n vi llh i u n n u n - tutnlnmmt program on | h m ! ! mls th m we r h e le n .Dllp hy l ullln hi nt ma fln ut nu mm win hnr murchnndine ln 0 mlh | ' |wh d e u h h o u m m lm vm be man c omplete lml o f g mu r vn h e y . c é \» ' 5 u »~n 'renin'»adgtour.i°§=¢§i¢.»§...=gt the family homo marlm-I the passing of John3p;ngkr'¢ gy glfv Exdnda .'gh-= sent r..pan-§i'§. were Mes.sr: and Madame: H u.Winthnr and son of Frsmont,Event: French and family gf Fre-mont, C G. Banking and dsughter'"'::'s"~' " ; 2 " " ' a § . » w ';':a§:° an une,ra.c I ey 0 oandMis.:Nellie Spangler. Mas.H. E.Rhodes Ind bib? IB- grnsd 3; their home at Guthnre mer,, on ay r :pe -ins several weeks here. Friends of Mi n Elizabeth Klutscha, who formerly taught hen in tha sc honll, report that che ls in arest unitarium nt Boulder,Cola.,but is slowly gaining in hesllh. -»--_ :.' I n l ! - Mino Hargant lkCon:mhn is en-joying her annual vacation from her duties an student num at the Meth-odilt hospiw in Omaha.Sha is s u x DO THA T A man # d n l tin notioe "IranSinks," in a lunllran Italo winduv vent Indda md amid ha n a per- fe d ly an n th at i r o n li n k ;Alive iq the occasion, the dealer ntlliatnd."Yu, I know, and time grn, mmuh. -mr as. am-' m z u m z x m s n - ........_r w a o f n s a r o a d d h i r i c t z n d I n b e m e a e l u s i n l y i n l m p r a vh 1 | t . h l p u b ! i ¢hi g h vr a y s i n u n a m a a s m m . " I f t w o - l . h i r d l d . % l ' | e v o t u c u t a t x u c h d e d i o n | h l d l ' b e f o r u l d z p e - d d h v r .t h e n i d C o u n t y B a u d w i l l l e vy t h o n m e .n t h a w i . | e t h e uamn w i l l n o t b n l r r l i d . ; | ::n m n c r o n t u n m c n u r m1 o ¢ . w » h u u m l u u u > A.|-£31138|aIhJ',P||h=r.lnl¢|UBdl|l1 0A.¥.. Ilnla¢8|rrln|1l.A.H. -. . .. . ,_ . ,. , ,C o u n t y , N e b m h , k u a : p e d a l u n :o r l s c u s m l n t d o n e m i l l n p o n d l o f t h a u n b h p m p e n y i n R o u ! D i s t r l e t N o . 1 4 , i n W u h - kz g to n C o u n t y ,N t b r n h ,f o r t h c i l s e d y n r o f 1 9 2 6 , n i d t a x U b f l u v h d m e ecl la et od t h e n m e u o t h e r z u u n n d t h e p r o - - m u n s n n u m m m c m r r x aNO.m 0.2 .85 had md ith Thin. Evmlnl. I.0.0. r.Every'1'lmrlda1Evl:in¢. ADONIRAI CHAPTER NO.18 n. . \ . u . hl¢ehunlplw.11npo!ntolhll¢h o l t h d a u h b t nu mu d n d h l a sxhntveln lnchesfxomthroad mr la n .Tin t:a n m n d e b y k d t a g l b e | \ | ¢ : | | | . n at| | » i vmu ' \¢ ti v¢ n d | \ - l M ¢ , h n c \ \ | n l t h l t u n t o 1 ¢ ,| nd h l v l n g d n m p u l l f u s t u d a m g h l . l n y ' | n r l p n ! l £ n ; : h u v y r l p n . ........_r w a o f n s a r o a d d h i r i c t z n d I n b e m e a e l u s i n l y i n l m p r a vh 1 | t . h l p u b ! i ¢hi g h vr a y s i n u n a m a a s m m . " I f t w o - l . h i r d l d . % l ' | e v o t u c u t a t x u c h d e d i o n | h l d l ' b e f o r u l d z p e - d d h v r .t h e n i d C o u n t y B a u d w i l l l e vy t h o n m e .n t h a w i . | e t h e uamn w i l l n o t b n l r r l i d . : | ::nmncront u n m c n u r mlo w . I lut h a nd Ml ww: m»un.a¢»n»y,1=»w.|nn¢as¢u»l1oa.1|.. Ilnla¢8| rrln|1l.A.H. -. . .. . ,_ . ,. , ,C o u n t y , N e b m h , k u a : p e d a l u n :o r l s c u s m l n t d o n e m i l l n p o n d l o f t h a u n b h p m p e n y i n R o u ! D i s t r l e t N o . 1 4 , i n W u h - kz g to n C o u n t y ,N t b r n h ,f o r t h c i l s e d y n r o f 1 9 2 6 , n i d t a x U b f l u v h d m e ecl la et od t h e n m e u o t h e r z u u n n d t h e p r o - - m u n s n n u m m m c m r r x aNO.m 0.2 .85 had md ith Thin. Evmlnl. I.0.0. r.Every'1'lmrlda1Evl:in¢. ADONIRAI CHAPTER NO.18 n. . \ . u . hl¢ehunlplw.11npo!ntolhll¢h o l t h d a u h b t nu mu d n d h l a sxhntveln lnchesfxomthroad mr la n .Tin t:a n m n d e b y k d t a g l b e | \ | ¢ : | | | . n at| | » i vmu ' \¢ ti v¢ n d | \ - l M ¢ , h n c \ \ | n l t h l t u n t o 1 ¢ ,| nd h l v l n g d n m p u l l f u s t u d a m g h l . l n y ' | n r l p n ! l £ n ; : h u v y r l p n . ~\0= »= w¢r .Ne br a ha := u »1 a r Aww me. u. aa o'e3 ac k,.st the Court Home in the !Bl| »i r| nni dCMmty £o | ho 1r i f m y t l n n b c ,r h y t h m o f u i d pstithmz,i n DW dfor §ioe .n| § tnla{!{ ald{ o¢l :nmncront |m m m ~a n a lt t la t n l h ) ~Ik8llIbJ'»Pll5°=P»B d h l 1 0 A . ¥ .. s m | » n . | \ . u . m- r i o \ | n t l: 0 0 P . H. lr M3 o r c n n m r n a m m u u a H. ( h mp .P | | Nr . 1o .\ .a ¢. w ¢ r m l p u A . u . x f l f l f f l m p a u n z v i u l z t 8 P . I .Night,Wednesday ' h l l ~ . m o m n c n w m l | l h r A 1 \ . | n d 0 a l h : } F . N| 1 r ll l, ? u wr: -1 0 A . l » sm 1 » u; . u . .:~ 0 F G O D 4 . |2 | ' m v l s v n u m m m c a / u m z a NO. m g _g_s_»hd a nd 4 th ' l' hln. E vlhlll I. 0 . 0 . l' .E v e ! ! T b n n d s y b u i l t m o n m u C H A P T E R NO.I8 } L A . lm h u r d l y n z h l o n t h 8:5001 at 10:90 A. x.Hg' Sindy, Wadnuday 7: L u m s r u x CHURCH Orum, Nahnxka> J. Rllnlrlxn. Pastor Sc hool at I0 A. ll. 8011108 at 11 A.M. W A S I I I N G T G N o o u w n ' n m :a n n u m :N ~.-: P n h a a l r G o o d i n g O t A r w m n r D e p a n n u u Aas la ta W e i . Co u n t y C o m £ 7 -' o b M e n Tu e s d a y , Ju l y 2 0 P r o fa a a o r G o o d In g o f t h e A g r o n o m y D e p a r t m e n t o t h e .A g ri c ul t ur a l C o l l e g e he l p e d C o A g e n t G ° ° m B a m a g i r l t h e C o C l u b m e m b e r s so m e g o o d w o r k j u d g i n g a n d g r a d i n g wh e a t ,o u t a b l r l m c o m , a n d p o t a e o u . F o u r aa m p l e a o f e a c h c d ~- a b o ve g r a i n s w e r e g r a d e d a n d j u d g o d ,ea c h o f t h e : n u l l ( r a i n c h u w i n d o n e g o o d sa mp le ,o n e p o o s a m p l e , o n e c o n t a i n i n g h e a t e d n a l a n d t h e fo u r t h aa m pl e ,co n ta i ne d a n d ! p e r c e n t o f £ 0 0 4 k e r n e l s l z o a ke m o l a ,p o o r ke r n e l s a n d fo : e l ma t e r i a l .1. T h e g r a i n s a m p l e s w e r e u m mo n a b e n c h ] w h e r e t h e b o y s ' fa t h e r al s o w o k n ve r y a c t i ve in t e re s t i Jvd r l n s t h e sa mp le s.T h o g r a i n i u d n d w e r e s a m p l e : t a k e n f r o m Tr l - s t a t e F a i r o f Si o u x C i t y ,l o w i n 1925.T h e o p i n i o n w a s enpresaewl la m a n y w h o a t t e n d e d t h a t t h e y m u l m o r e f d l y ap p re c ia t e t h e g r a i n t h a t w i l l b o e x h i b i t e d a t t h e C o u n t a n d S t t t e F a i r s t h i s fa l l . 0 a 0 Th e P r o l e e t C o n ve n i e n t K i t c h e n s W i l l S t a n I n Se p t e m i n f o r m a t i o n w a a r e c e h m l l a w e e k b y C o .A g r i c u l t u r a l A g e Ge o.B a r r a t h a t t h e p r o j e c t B o m '~ l e n t K i l c h m n h a d d e fi n i t e l y bee a s s i g n e d f o r W u h h g t o n C o u n t y , w o r l r £0 b e l l a i n Se p te m be r . 'U l l a an n o u n ee m e n t w i l l n o :l o u b e ve r y w e l e o n f e a s e ve r y l u ! ! r l m n I. o. 0. F. BNcJummx'r hd u nd llh P nd ny h w: - P. N. a. cmshd Fr ld lr o f e du law n. w.o.w_xn md Sul Pvlday Evillllw AHERICAN LDGIDN,S i l k ! a H l h P a z N o . I Mm and td Prl. Evdng. mo BUSY nm: CLUB[All Friday of nd! Month ~' ncmln md 2| sd amen J. Warning. Pastor. modem Luihann church re for lectures on Fundamental Teachings" on for Satunlny after- 2:30. School lt 9:45. every Sunday morning at er In German or Eulikh u l at 2:50 or 7:30. Information Binir Tel. 1802 tor intends to serve tion:on Sunday P." " r EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH n and C-ontar strut) . Nielsen, Pastor School 9:15.sends: 9:45 :lrvieo 11:00.services at 8:00 P. M. ANI»¢>1\c m m c n OP CHRIST OF L¢\l"I'ER DAY SAINTS Str ut bo tto m oth a 'i th J. muorz, omaha.Smal School at 10 0'e1oek. 1 Berrien a t 11 A. ll. Q FRANCIS noac m waiholic Church) »Colfax und ith strut) SATURDAY G.A.!L und W,R.C.had unch Saturday Ammwu- :nmncront |m m m ~a n a lt t la t n l h ) ~Ik8llIbJ'»Pll5°=P»B d h l 1 0 A . ¥ .. s m | » n . | \ . u . m- r i o \ | n t l: 0 0 P . H. lr M3 o r c n n m r n a m m u u a H. ( h mp .P | | Nr . 1o .\ .a ¢. w ¢ r m l p u A . u . x f l f l f f l m p a u n z v i u l z t 8 P . I .Night,Wednesday ' h l l ~ . m o m n c n w m l | l h r A 1 \ . | n d 0 a l h : } F . N| 1 r ll l, ? u wr: -1 0 A . l » sm 1 » u; . u . .:~ 0 F G O D 4 . |2 | ' m v l s v n u m m m c a / u m z a NO. m g _g_s_»hd a nd 4 th ' l' hln. E vlhlll I. 0 . 0 . l' .E v e ! ! T b n n d s y b u i l t m o n m u C H A P T E R NO.I8 } L A . lm h u r d l y n z h l o n t h 8:5001 at 10:90 A. x.Hg' Sindy, Wadnuday 7: L u m s r u x CHURCH Orum, Nahnxka> J. Rllnlrlxn. Pastor Sc hool at I0 A. ll. 8011108 at 11 A.M. W A S I I I N G T G N o o u w n ' n m :a n n u m :N ~.-: P n h a a l r G o o d i n g O t A r w m n r D e p a n n u u Aas la ta W e i . Co u n t y C o m £ 7 -' o b M e n Tu e s d a y , Ju l y 2 0 P r o fa a a o r G o o d In g o f t h e A g r o n o m y D e p a r t m e n t o t h e .A g ri c ul t ur a l C o l l e g e he l p e d C o A g e n t G ° ° m B a m a g i r l t h e C o C l u b m e m b e r s so m e g o o d w o r k j u d g i n g a n d g r a d i n g wh e a t ,o u t a b l r l m c o m , a n d p o t a e o u . F o u r aa m p l e a o f e a c h c d ~- a b o ve g r a i n s w e r e g r a d e d a n d j u d g o d ,ea c h o f t h e : n u l l ( r a i n c h u w i n d o n e g o o d sa mp le ,o n e p o o s a m p l e , o n e c o n t a i n i n g h e a t e d n a l a n d t h e fo u r t h aa m pl e ,co n ta i ne d a n d ! p e r c e n t o f £ 0 0 4 k e r n e l s l z o a ke m o l a ,p o o r ke r n e l s a n d fo : e l ma t e r i a l .1. T h e g r a i n s a m p l e s w e r e u m mo n a b e n c h ] w h e r e t h e b o y s ' fa t h e r al s o w o k n ve r y a c t i ve in t e re s t i Jvd r l n s t h e sa mp le s.T h o g r a i n i u d n d w e r e s a m p l e : t a k e n f r o m Tr l - s t a t e F a i r o f Si o u x C i t y ,l o w i n 1925.T h e o p i n i o n w a s enpresaewl la m a n y w h o a t t e n d e d t h a t t h e y m u l m o r e f d l y ap p re c ia t e t h e g r a i n t h a t w i l l b o e x h i b i t e d a t t h e C o u n t a n d S t t t e F a i r s t h i s fa l l . 0 a 0 Th e P r o l e e t C o n ve n i e n t K i t c h e n s W i l l S t a n I n Se p t e m i n f o r m a t i o n w a a r e c e h m l l a w e e k b y C o .A g r i c u l t u r a l A g e Ge o.B a r r a t h a t t h e p r o j e c t B o m '~ l e n t K i l c h m n h a d d e fi n i t e l y bee a s s i g n e d f o r W u h h g t o n C o u n t y , w o r l r £0 b e l l a i n Se p te m be r . 'U l l a an n o u n ee m e n t w i l l n o :l o u b e ve r y w e l e o n f e a s e ve r y l u ! ! r l m n I. o. 0. F. BNcJummx'r hd u nd llh P nd ny h w: - P. N. a. cmshd Fr ld lr o f e du law n. w.o.w_xn md Sul Pvlday Evillllw AHERICAN LDGIDN,S i l k ! a H l h P a z N o . I Mm and td Prl. Evdng. mo BUSY nm: CLUB[All Friday of nd! Month ~' ncmln md 2| sd amen J. Warning. Pastor. modem Luihann church re for lectures on Fundamental Teachings" on for Satunlny after- 2:30. School lt 9:45. every Sunday morning at er In German or Eulikh u l at 2:50 or 7:30. Information Binir Tel. 1802 tor intends to serve tion:on Sunday P." " r EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH n and C-ontar strut) . Nielsen, Pastor School 9:15.sends: 9:45 :lrvieo 11:00.services at 8:00 P. M. ANI»¢>1\c m m c n OP CHRIST OF L¢\l"I'ER DAY SAINTS Str ut bo tto m oth a 'i th J. muorz, omaha.Smal School at 10 0'e1oek. 1 Berrien a t 11 A. ll. Q FRANCIS noac m waiholic Church) »Colfax und ith strut) SATURDAY G.A.!L und W,R.C.had unch Saturday Ammwu-~ of add ward u private nn.|therefore oniei-ed that no- E uid annlic ation md of them m m ; cn" $ 0 1 . L L n u m l o n l u w h e n Bvldht Chuck oorz cl wer. vi A.m a y Udlbl c(Cow. W1 Bunny lid - v m ;1 nr.P A U 1 1 | » n n | . n l n l n |# L u x I nf u d d d i d m l d d d t k t l n d t o b n u \ d a d u l n l y i n Xm- n w v h x t b v v w b lk h lz h v ln ivuldr ald|Hn'I¢t." Iit v o t h h d n o f t ln v o h la s t a t mc h d e e t i ms h n l lb o la r n ld w l-dallevy,t h u u ld C¢un!y8oud will lovy tha nlme,o\h¢rvhntbe n mo v llln o t b n ls v is d . Th |d ed on \iou d a1 |A|d Pr lmlf!Eb o dd a n vin b et h ld e t lio n u ma o f n k i Sp ed n lE k do u ln d t h sGu nn !Eleedon hv n w lllg o v e r n u n e n r u m n y b e . Given under my u n d m d l u l ,by on|er_o1tMOo\zn¢1 Cammluian- ul of W uh1n;w| \ Couniy , Nebul- \ ¢ ¢ , u » | . u v. u a » y ° f J u y , \ m (sn/u.)A mi n c . u mm, N- lt.Caunly Clerk. Zlletlon o f w dGwen] u a u xEven v illb e t h e eetlanboard SpodllE1ectiw|md t h sE b r d o n h n y u l g o n m u m u b e . m u m y n m m u w ,by order of the Cvvmty Commhion- an of W uhlagwn County ,N e h n r u . u m ( s u m 25-it llth day of J uly, !926. Annie c . u uun. County Clerk. th r u no c h mceensivoly in thv Enterprise prior to n l d hearing.Witness my hand and official seal this 1211: day of July, 1926. (SEAL)I. c. ELLFIZI., 25-la.County Judge. and the u i d Admkfialntrix dis- charged.lf you hi! to appear before said County Court on tb l lath day of August 1926,at 10 o'c1ock AM., and contest uid petition. the Court may gu n! the prayer thereof and maine such other and further orders,allowances and decrees an to this Com1. may seem proper.Wilneaa my hand Ind Offichi Sed this 12th day of July,1926. (SBAL)z. c. ELLER, 25-Bt.County Judge. NOTICE 0 ?HEARINGpROBJ\'lE OF WILL - In the County Court STATE QP' NEBRASKA. 'Washington County In the Hatter of the Esate o!Julius Ziegler Deceased: THESTATE 0FNEBR.| \Sl{A 'ro the heirs at law next u! kin, creditors ana. to any others inlennted in H.till matter: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Thst nn irutrumrut purporting to be sho L u t Wi!!and Teatanrent of Julius Ziegier doceased,is on filo in u i d Court, and also a petition praying for the Probltu of wld instrument, and for the appointmentofMo n d e Zeigler as Exocutrix That on the 8th day of August 1926, at 10 o'c1ock AM.,said petitionandtheproof of the exec ution of said instrument will he hvanl, and that if you :to not then appear andcontent,u i d Court may Probate and recond the name.and grant admlnintrotlon of the estate to Magreto Ziegler._ on. L u a u . n o n e : Wm. J. Maher.\tt'y w r i s t :O F H E A R I N G F I N A L § g 1 ~ || _ l § M l I N T ¢......_..I n t h e C o u n t y C o u r t S T A T E O F N E B R A S K A , W u h i n g t o n C o u n t y . G n n t L a t h r o p , A t t o r n e y I n t h e M a t t e r o f t h e lIil n1.e o f S a m u e l IJ.B o u vi e r Dec eas ed:t h e he i r s a t h w ,n e x t o f k i n ,&}¢\i3{Es, lez ate es,cr e di t or s a n d A l l pe r so n s in te r es te d i n t h e fm a l s e t t l e m e n t o f a i d e s t a t e one h e r e b y n o t i fi e d t h a t o n th e 1 2 t h d w o f J o d y 19 26 , Al ic e B o u vfe r t h e A d m i n i a t r a t r i x o f sa id e a t !!! fi l e d a p e t i t i o n i n s a i d C o u n t y C o u r t ,p r a y i n g t h a t h e r fi n a l l d m fi a l a t n t i o n ac co un t fi l e d h e r e i n b e se tt le d : n d adlo wed,t h a t p r o o f o f h e l n h i p b e tn k en ,o n i t r f o r d i e l d I l l . Coors WITH The Only Sensible, Sanitary Method Cheaper than any other way BLAIR GAS COMPANY No vi c a u r S F I : c m w c r l o x The electors of Road Dis 0.13,W uli ngmn County,Nebsuka, an hereby notified that more than ten resident free holders of u i d road district filed their petition with the County Bond of WuiuhgtnnCounty , Nebnnh on the 12th day of July, 1916, nqvmivz said Bonn!to lnvy a a p e c i a i tu o f o n e mi ll on the \=m=l&5?`P"v°111 in amid mul dixtrld for the fisc al y ou of1926, the proceeds of sdd speck! tax le vy to b o n n d b e o o me a p u to tth edilrid road fund of mid road diat- rlc t ond to be used axclmhcly in iniproving the publlo highways innld road distric t and for no other district, and in secordmee with theStatntéaina n d case:made and provided, saidBonql of County Com- mlnioners il ailing an eledion of |11 um Qleeum n r u i d d mr ln , w be held at the mane time and withtheGeneralPr imfy Election on the l0Lh day of Alhllllt.1926,to vote upon the following proposition, to-wit:1"Shall the Bolnl of County Commissioner:of Wuhington - -- -i "ilnly Ex-Service H~n a Candidate for Congress" _ ~(/'~; »u. Grenville P. North Democratic Candidate ~ a for E CONGRESS He is in f avor of giving some real help to the farmer and the middle west by repealing the Re- i publican Protective Tariff. .r ..|.a .WASHINGTGN COUNTY,N E n m s u .In tht Hatter of the Applic ntion to Be 1lRe A 1E | h te b :r Ed .L.BmIt11, Guardian of Gladys Eehtdnkxmp, minor HJ RDB R 'DO a rr ow c wsz Now this 8nd day of July, 1926, it bd n ¢ o n s o f th e d a y s o f £ l2 e F \ b -mary, 3925. term of thh Courfflhir nntter uma up !o r burinx on the duly verlfhd application of Ed.L. Smith, Guudinn oi Gladya Echoca- hmp, Minor, praying for license tosellmolestatebelongingtoa i d wand:and the Court harm; heard the u ma m d being fully advisedinthepnezniau,and It lvn u ri n x from ldd application and the proofsh support thereof that it rouid be beneficial to u i d ward and to all persona interested in her estate tosell for the purpose of reinvestment the r a l exists belonging to d d ward, to-writ:-on undivided one-half intermaid in md to the following de-scribed renl estate to-wit:--Lots Nor !. No. 2, No. 3. No. 4, in Biock I I ,Village of Arlington.Washington County , Nebnuka, u prayed for in said applieatiolaxNow,therdore,it is hereby or- dered that bbq next of kin of laid minor and my and all persona ln-tzrested in her uid estshe, 'tn-.~and they hereby are directed to appear heforo the District Court of Wash- ° 1 , u m » = 1 1 x¢ a . b ¢ ¢ h » . n ¢ ° m a mi n ox- ,! . h| u ud h n .¢ h nu V .o lk! n , nn dto allp e no u si ntu es ted ln s ai d maiht, by publlauou oi a eopy at | . h I | o r d ¢ r l n Th E l h r | 1 l' lll. \ l| | ll wn k l y n e n p u p u r y r i n h d ln d wb -lished In Blu r o f mid Cou nty md o l u m m !dnudltinu Lhenln,lo r ~ y a f ~ v sBy tb l Co u rt- Ciurlu Leslie, 24-u.J u d a - a NOTICE OF PARTZTION SALE William J.Maher, Atty. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree end orderof ale entered in the District Court of Wallington County.N t h n l h . under dole of July 12, 1926, in onaction in partition therein wndins wherein Margaret Leutrup is plain- tiff and Wallace Widener,et ll., are defendants, I, u referee h pu-titlon ln uid notion, vlll on Tuol- dey , the 17th day of Aumut, 19%,at two.o'c loc k P. H., at the diell- 111| house located upon the premise: heninahser ducribed offer for salethefollowingdescribedre d estate to -wit:-The West 60 acres of the We-it Half of the Northeast Quarter md th e Norlheut Quarter of the Northwest Quorter of Sectloh 11, Township 1?, North Re h n 10,B u t of the Sth P. M. Washington County, Ncbrukz.Soid :do will be at public vendue to tho highest and but bidder there- for, 25 per-cent of the bid purchas-ing the same to be paid in cash et the solo. amd the balenoe of m dpurchasepricetobepaidincash upon confirmation by the nhom n n md Court of the uid sale. Dated July 14, 1926.Henry Menclre, 255t.Referee in Partition. \I ..,..... ....-.....~. ..~.\¢| ~ ~ron,~s u m E . n m P m . N o . m uan and and Fri. Evening. 8:00 BUSY B E E c w aLat Friday of etc h llonth The ndio |J|:.....-.,Ra d ! ll 11- lpczucihk for 1 gust :mount of in-torh nme d, amni inl to J .I .llc - N u l r ,resend:professor of ~ec-tr k d g,¢h¢¢,-in at I n n State College who c recernlly mi d: an d a convention lt Des Halma."Tho m s and dvlvku : l m are helm; mlmuhetured," hlidd, "c ause a I-UI! amount of interfmmee. The industry should [hm clan atkntion t o e u i s v i t r o u b h f o r w r h k h l t i x ruponldbll."No nu should be mandictm-eel that emu: hxtuflnnc a over ine:al di y blocks.We should Zum rmbatterydmf ez n thzt a m d u ve : out over the Ilght usd point wires for ccluidemble distances.I t hasb a n denmnnnted that e u b i n changes can be mule in l l h nnd chargers that wiil neatly diminish lnturfersnn." I ~\.m a k e fu r t h e r stt l~y o f t h e p r e n o f t h e va r i o u s d i s e u u . 0 s 0 n l o r m s t l s n R r n r d o g l l o r s e P u l l l n f C o n t e s t A t T h e W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y F a T h e Co l li n s d y n a m o m d e w h l Il l b e m e d i n t h e ho r s e p u l l i outlast s t t h e W u h i n g t o n C o n n F a i r I n M h e d u l u l t o a r r i ve Li n c o l n th i s vreell.I t l u i m m ~ o n l y t r i e d o u t In s m u n o ff l c i l l p u i a ; c o n t e s t a t t h e A g r i c u l t u r a l C~ leg e.l t w i l l b e sh i pp e d h e r e f th e con te xt d u r i n g t h e F s i r . E . v. C o l l i n s o f t h e l o w s E x ~ m e n t St at i on ,In ve n t o r o f t h e c h i n a , s n d m e m b e r o f t h e s n g i i n g a p a r t m e n t o f l o w s St a t e h a e .c a m e w i t h th e d y n a t m l he l pe d d i r e c t t h g f i n t c o n l l r . C o l l i n s h a s b e e n c o n n e c t e d 'l i t h e se ver s l cont ests u m . h u e he l d i n Io w a w h e n th i s m s c h i w a s fi r s t us ed i n p u l l i n g oon tes W h i t e i n Li n c ol n .h e st a rt e d t r a i n g t h e m a n w h o w i l l w o r k w i t h J; - ns m om c te r i n t h e N e b r a s k a tests t h i # fa l l . Th i s d y n n m o r n e t e r i n b u i l t fm h y d n u l i c pr es s ur e pr in c ip le .l t des cr ib ed a s s.eo n s ta p t res is ts l y n s r n o m e t e r d e d z h e d a n d p a w n l v!d n Ag ri t nl l tu r lt l IEn gi nee r! s e c t i o n o f t h e l o n . IZx p e r i m e n t S ti ar a a t A m en .Th e s t a r t i n g l o a d Khin maclmirae i s n o g r a t e !t \\ l. i le th e mls ch in n in i n m o t i o n . r a n b e se t a t a n y toad w i t h i n p u l l i n g o l p s e i t y o l t h e ho rs e. ASBINGTGN oouwn'n m : a v a n t : n o r m hallr Gooding O! ArwoonrDepartmentAaalataW a i . County Corn £7-'ob ltetalnen Tuesday, July 20 Pmfaaaor Good- ~: of the Agronomy Departement ofAgricultural College helped Co. ~t Gwm Bates glee the Corn lub members some good work in udging and grading wheat,oata, y, com, and pontoon.Four aamplea of each cd thot ~ee grains were patted and judg-~,each of the :mall (rain cho- ned one good sample,one poor mple, one oontaining heated painscl the fourth aample, oootaineml a ntdl percent of £004 kernels heated mela,poor kernels and foreign torlal.1.The grain samples were amtngeil n a beech] when the boys' father.:lao wok n very active interest in edging the samples.The grains In~ were aamplea taken from therl-state Fair of Sioux City, Iowa n 1925.The opinion eras eapresaewl bymy who attended that they could ~ore fd ly appreciate the grain.1 that will bo exhibited at the Countyand State Fairs this fall. a a a The Proleet Convenient Kitehena Will Stan In September information waa receheel l u t week by Co.Agricultural AgentGeo. Bates that the project Bonvén- ieut liitchelm had definitely been assigned for Washington County, the worlr £0 lnlin in September."Ulla announeement will no doubtbe very weleonfe as every lady tal!- ina the extension couraea ha\7e kong wanted Hlaa Marial 3mlt.h'a course in Convenient Kitchens.Within a alum time definite dates will be aet for Mila Smith to he-gln the work and the announcement will then be published.Every Wo- nrmfa Club in the county is invitedand" n e d to take this work.lt p.u:niaaa to be a very helpful work for housewives as it eertoinly in a l a b o r e a t e r . 0 e a e Rufua Moore ol the Horticulture Department Works 01| Truels Garden Dlaeaaea Last Friday and Saturday Hr.Rufua Moore aaalateul County Agri- cultural A u n t George Bates with plant c lieflhtl of the truck gonien ere and fruit growers, con.-lderahle alnmagn wax found to be pre:ent in the form of blight In the tomatoes. Blackberry troubles were olao en- countered.Potato tllilbttiea and corn looser damage. SATURDAY G.A.!L und W,R.C.had unch Saturday Ammwu- as11a1i'r1: DF EXPENSE FOR WASHINGTON oo .FOR m e Jail S 2,000.00Poor nu! Poor Farm 7,000.00 Deputy Aneuon 3,500.00 Officers Salaries 13,000.00County Surveyor 500.00 Roslin 25,000.00Bri-law .48,000.00 Criminal and Civil Cues a,ooo.oo lncidunuls 25,000.00SoldiersRelief/500.00 Ditc h 8 Drldnlga 8,000.00 Repdr Public Buildings l,000.00MolhenPensions3,053.00 Agricultural dz Stock ShowAssn.2,000.00 Election 4.00030ANNIE C. auu'z1N, 26-41.County Clerk. I : Bids will be received at tha CountyClerki Office for 100 ton Cherokee Nlll, Deep Vein, Coai, to be deliv ered at the County Court Howe, all bidi to be filed on or bdorp noon,August 16th, 1926. ANNIE C. HARTIN, 27-St.County Clfrk. z~:orlc s 01" HEARINGFINALs£.r11.z:szl:1~I'r STATE OF NEBRASKJ L as.Washington County 1 A. C. Debel, Attomey " A.In the County Court. ln the la tte r of the IIntato of Mattie Dino Deetuniz To the hairs at law, next of kin, devlsees, lm-l¢¢s, cw.-ditnra, and All person! in- tnruted in the finnt settlement ol'sold ntate an hereby notified that on the l?lh day of July 1926. Bllnch Blaco Peterson the mlministratrix ofsaid estate filed n petition in said County Court, praying that her final mlminlzlntion account filed hereinbemutedandotlovred.that proof of hvirf-hip be tailel, onler for dial- tributiom of unset:and auignment of dope: and homestead rights en- tc nh:and the laid aclminintrltrix dis-chargod.If you foil to appear before wld County Court on the 20th any ofAugust 1926, at 2 o'elock P. M., and contest said petition. the Court may |rant the pray er ihereof and :lube auch other and further orders,al- lowances and decrees as to this Court may seem proper.Witness my hand m i o m m l Sul win 17th day of J uly , t92& (SEAL)I. C. ELLRR, 26-St.County Judp Nice stationery at The Enlerpme offlté.34Lf. :~:u1| tE UF SPECIAL ELECTION The elector: of Road Diotdst No. 24,W uhmfton Oaunty,Nebnzkl. are hereby notified that more thanl m resident free holders of nah! road dlstrld filed thdr petition with the County Board of W u h h fto n County, Nebruh, on the 12th dayof July 1928, roquesting uid Baud to levy u =v¢¢lli tx: of one mill on the unusable property in uid mad dbtdc t for the final :rear of ms, th !promos of :aid spain!ti xlcvytobeandbecomeapartof the district :old fund of 'aid road district md to be used oxc ltuinlyin imp:odng the public highways in said road district and for rm other district, and in accordance with the Statutes in meh c u r :made n dprovided, uid Board of County Com» mluiongra is caliing an election of all the olocton of said district, labe held at the #me time and with the General Primary illeetion on thegoth day of Auy un,mo, to vo te I R o m! SmdalChunk u m u c ( w. I ITheI will an "cm-ms.. nr lnxiru mo m at Sunday S¢r\dce4 mm : e n language. Biblo c Funhe 'rm I nhdnn-ai UANISH (Our. I su,.4.,EnzlmDanishEnzlm n s OR( .msu (Uneuln l u n ' r . E mil: Panel: A -l i t ,g u(Corn l u n a r u .A .D l y l n u o n q r .r l l u uP i n t s u d Th i r d S u n d a y off au ch m o n t h , I l l I l a t s A . l l . So-cond a n d F o u r t h Su nd ay s,H u a a t 1 0 : 3 0 A . H . li nnrmomsr |»:mscoP1.|.CHURCH (Cor. Collu and hh ltnth)erHammys¢\mr1a»obA.u Mira Helen and ElmerNdderkru¢~ ar, Mr: and hire. James Van Horn,Musa I.aelyn and Vernon Van Hora were entertained at Sunday dinnerattheBenWachterhome. Mr.and Mn .James Gilliam of 'Ilekomah viaiterl at the home of theirg g r h e f . n u .R.lr.Bom Satur- hlvlvem Went. :rho ia ern lo lnOmahaspenttheW W E 3 2 % . Plrrwtal. J. ht. West home.Moa Eledlce Godaey was a guestof MIM Manley az Naahvllle F day. The R .P. Rumusan family spentSunday rn Omaha.They visited theHttny mr field and mlowd a Qorrbefore retunaing home. 4 f<f°"g of ladle: of the BaptistTuld,'w o n birthdaa oeeur inEly awe a public taa the TouristPlrlr Thu:-aday evening' and dazed a mcc rom to add to the guild trell-tlrf.Mrs. 'r. J. Reese, as chairman.hem:away on her vacation,Mrs.Godwy took har place.e other: were hleerlamea Roan Pa , Chu.IIovemlzek. Pete Miller, Claude Clement., and Ben Wachter.The zu. E. Ladies' Aid will morewithMn. George Lowe Wednesday aiternoon.The time will ba derot-ml to appointing and making planatoservernaallat the old bakerylmihlmzduringthe harvest plenlcFriday and Saturday. MP1 0.H. Godaey , Mia: make.Dr..A. J. Cameron and Misa AnnaMane Petenen were entertained atSunday breakfast at the H. B. (Illn- eton horm-Wm.Wagner and datllllter,ofArlrnrgtonwereHermanealleraonSunday.Harry Cooper had the misfortune to l o o e a f i n e h o r a e o r e d a y la a t; while working in the harvest The Teaehln Workers Center- ance of the Baptist churth held the regular monthly meeting at thehome ol Mu. 0. H. Godoey Friday qncung.After a vacation of :event weeks:gm ln the east dllrlnl vhleh time e attended the national convention of the Alpha Phi aororitf and via-ihd Boston, New York C 7» Waah»f»=fg=== anl many places o interaltl i Evelyn Cameron returns! borneHon-lay and reporta havin!had a most enjoyable time.Her fathermat her in Omaha.Thr lerman band g y 'another eenee ,pn the street tu y ere»ning whic h drew a large erewd to town.They played a number of newselections which were well rendered and greatlyR. J.Sch of Stanton,Iowa,formerly of Herman drove to Hinn~note last Sunday on a huaineaa trlp Mn .Schenck,Misses Mildred andArlene accompanied him as far aaHerrnon and viatted with relativesand friends until his return Wednes- day when all returned home. After a rseek'oL_viait at the D. H.Godaey home me a guen of MissEledlee.Miss Mary Strkklett re-turned to her home at Blair Wed- nesday.Ellrlr Monday mowing eighteencara of boosters left Herman, mak-ing a trip to nearby town: inel|.\d»ing Tekamah, Oakland, Cnlg, Lymellooper,Kennard,Adington and Blair, advertising the Harvest Ple-nic to be held here Friday and Sat-urday.They were headed by theHerman band which rendered a few.elections at each atop after rrhiclr C. S. Cameron on spokesman, gave ashortlgalkinvitimrthepeopletorpenririday and Saturday in Her- m a n . 0. H. Godsey and daughter, Mila liar]orie left Iaat Thuradny for a |. \x, L'<?~ You'll Like 0ur Ice Cream Pure as the purest, better than the best Try our colddrinks. Just the thing for warm weather. 'l`he Antill Grocery Parrish home from umlay untilSunday even!ng.Hn many Herman frlend aer eg tad tolrno w tha the le a b le t o b e a r o u n d ~Ile auf-(ered an injury In right footseveralweeitl no and for a timeiz waa thought amputation might | "° ' ° " ' " é 'The " unbeam Clan" of the Bap-tist Sunday School of whlch ldlaeEhdloeGodecyleteacher,endolyldn picnic :upper in Head perl:t Wednesday mrenlng.Alfred Jeeperaen has rented thelateMn .Hornggoperty and willtake poaeeealon ut August 1. The figat algna of paving theHerman etreetl made their appear-ance Monday when workmen wereb u s y m u in removing un flagpole from the c enter of tin atreet on fifth and zndn.Albert Woodward and family,who have spent the eurnlner In Lin-coh when Albert hae been ena- I>1=»>ui with the Gunther, Shirley and Petersen construction company on nlarge piece ca! work, wene over lastSunday for n short vlait with theirpannte, Mr. and Mn. L. A. W ood- wand.They were on their way toWyota,Wyoming wllere the corn-p m has a piece of work. county commlaalonera have<;¢m»|¢Lowe engaged building afencealongthi'road at the eg- proach of the bridge and when t areadlacaving near the Blanchard home.li n .R.H.Bono,i l u .Q H.Godaey.l l i n Mary Stricklett ofBlair, Mlalea Anna Katie Petereen, Helen and Ethel Bovee, Marla Ad- ema.Marjorie and Eledloe M - ¢enjoyed a picnic at the Oakland pe: lut Tuesday .The ladlee of the Baptiat gulldwillhave a atend ln front of the<=;;1»v store during the Harvest plc n Hrs. Phil Hopkins expem to e0downtoOmahaThursdayfor aweek':-#gg at the borne of her daughter.rr Gee. Vodiea.Btvlral of thdr friend: from theoountry enjoyed a pleeaant erenlncalthe James Van Horn home lastThursday evening.Dellcleua home~ made lee cream and cake woe en- §»>-=d before they departed for their omea.Mn. D. W. Rutledge, accompanied35 Mn. C. H. Blanchard. Ura. J. al.eat moto:-eil to Blair Friday ei- ternoon .The little Iollu in the guido: clean of the H. E . B o d y col withtheir teac her, hlln arjorje Stokes had e picnic in Tourist Park Wed- neadey.n played limes.en- .lorod a plcn lunch and had justeu c h a ti nu e aa llttln ef o ik ac a nvameh occasions.La.at Monday evening twenty-fivemembers of the Bible claea of the Baptiat Su !School walked in """'L?.~§'°"»'1=°'1".1.§J' the ='°7;°ef * g g Bo e c rugc r an [ere ra delightful surprise.The evening was spent In paying games after which a ternpthg lunch was servedThe event was a farewell pany hhMm Neiderkruger before ahe leavenin a couple of weeks for her new home et Lincoln.She n: b een afaithful member and will n u l l ? mlaecd from the clara.The various Bundle famillea, withseven]ouhof-town relatlvea clor-ell ; picnic dinner Sunday in ead par .Only a small number from heretool: advantage of the eaeurelon toKrug Park laat Sunday.Towne allalong the line were included and aepocraltrainrunpaasing through hem about 8:80 and returning laoein the evening. tion,WHO,Des Heine:Mondaye\eni:1|r, were delighted to hear MinVera linevlts, who p¥a)|ld two piano numbers.She is a talents! pianist and teacher.She la a granddaugh-ter of S. M. Parrish and has visited hom on several occasions.After a two \¢eek'a visit here with their sister,Mrs.0.L.Ilileinger,Mr.and Mrs. J.H.Ballard andMinn Minnie Stokes left early Mon-day morning for Qhefr home at Boar- laelizl. North Dalia!!-Mrs. Ed Wi|»o':1, who resides south west of town, will he hoiteaa to themmbersof£he Minden Circle ofilreBaptistchurchWednesdayab ternoon..Hr.and Mrs. J.ll.Ballard andMlm Mlnnie Stokes of Bowbolls, N.D., who are visiting relalhei here, accompanied by Mra. 0. L: Hilelngerdrove to Omaha Sunday and vialted at the home of an aunt, Mn. R. J. Wolcott. Work on the new ofl atatlom onHainstreetisprogreaaingnicely and the plac e will be md! to openfor business the latter part of the ; \ oiharbdldiligt.Th l da tll h r tilh y u f s c h mtau-qua an August 18-11.' H u ng j n m l l u i d t o b t o n i th n lli r T h illI4.$?.1ff.'I.'i .1M.2'i. star 'nn Fool~ "Zlpat.\'s Txoubadoun," Filipinoddznn,"P'%xrl|:|.»an'| ,gg 4. mmdpsny", "Benn|*t'|bl.: »ll a m e Wn3"|::r-Shank n d - ones R. Ayd tn, lletunr 'III"Garner Swa n o f B ue n a" .Junior azhantauqus will he holdusual and mry thing point; to nueciluful y u r .The ha t wi ll s u x DO THA T A m | n aadn| tl1a no ti oe ".Sinks," in a honllran Italo to ut Inddo md amid ha n a fo c tly a nn th at i ro n li nk ;Alive to the oooulon, the deals retllintod." Y u , I h w. a n d ~ » flko, music stands, moonlight \nsbber thon and the organ stops.. "Haso::'t you forgotten one thing ulmd the visitor."Whgt.'| that?" inquired the 'ho keeper nutloudy ."Marbll bum," was tho nplr. QMAHA To ENTERTAIH MEBCHA : Omaha. Nth. July 29.-Hon ~ chants an ixpoekd to awendchant:Fall ilu kat W i c k rn lu , Au | ua t23 to )8 , t. h an h | vo ~ ¢ u u u of tln mu ko t !o:r p u n .An urailont wh a t < -=no\rblin¢hsrv'est.od,|nd ~- f o r a b l g corn o n o p ln wta tu eluded in Omlha'|irholollh territory, which will bring btrlde next fall lad irhhar, will tn et me n h a n u to z m m n h n t telnet their ltockl for thu fall » viator aouvzu."Thou big crops wil! moon me budnua for the n l d l nmehm~ throughout the trod: territory Qld by tha Omaha whollnlo i "P. F. Powell, chdrmla of the kn wn k c ommi th l, d a e lln ialone lhwld br inl \ h lgiir ~ones for this n u m Week hu b e o n mjo y o d f o : th o p u t roars. Comphtlon of the nur Ph rive r bd dn n t Yu iln uhlehtheWhileWayhighvrly,a.n i ! ciinet mute to control tad - Nob :uh , a nd bath:rolél tNobruksandsdjolnial: h t e l other f u t o n u m v m n u l l Hsrlrot West attendance out ~Reduced n tu o n a ll ni lmld a I be in offset for all nnnhanta 'Uh~ dulre zo trawl by nil."Wholesale homo: of Omaha hosts to 1,119 visiting mn d n n and ~.~ o f th e l r h ml l i o ling lla:hunts lprtag Market ~ in llarch.Thor some to ~ -»- from ben m o n .wich good n othu'and better m i l .and grantor prosperity now than vu »joyed last Spdng, thu\ Pull e. Wool: atbemhnet u.o == 'i »¢ wp much greater. Zn anticipation o f |banner at temlanco,the Herclunta Mar'Nook committee ln planing an tu tdn mln t program on a :aio th an mr b aton. D isplay : thi Inta c t um flnut ml lm! Vinhmorchnndisohz0m| !m'|rho!~ houses also will be mon c omp! and of gmater variety. » - -Aus sczmnunzs-g Sian: Clly-Omaha DlrhicnNorthSouth 9:00 MI.12:00 1| 12:00 ns.5:00 P: 4:00 mx.8:15 P Blair-Fremont-Humphrey Newman GraWestW ed 8:30 A.M.3:15 P.~--TRAIN SCHEDULE Chicago wk Nortiureatern iiailmad East--6:39 PM. daily exceptSand;West 7228 AAI. daily axrcp: SI-Int!! c. Sl. P.. M a Omaha `Northbound , r 7:15 AAI. daily except Sunday.1:52 PM. daily except Sunday. 6:40 PM. any erupt Sunday. 7362 A.M. daiiy except Sunday, 7:52 LH. Sunday only.Seutlabodnd N 8:16 A.hl. daily inept Sunday. 12:35 PM. daily exoapt Sunday.5:55 PH. daiiy. s .a EDC AR G. CL AUB EN ILIIR »|nlAsa¢A Rcpubliau Calldidlte lor S I - I E R I F F lnmlng Sonics 11:00 A. K. Eyworlh Lune 1:00 P. ll. I-:vmhq umm n l s=oo P. M.Pram Keati ng W o dnudn y wm- ln|7:80. IB T mmY 's EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Gnnt Strut between ith and ith) Ru. Chu. D. Ilerinx, Paint Holy Cammunlon " m r Sands; md Ilc!! Day at 7:50 A. H. Chunzh School at 9:45.Aho a n vice every Sundly.I Fntenml and IClub Divecwory I MONDAY xmcrrrs OP Pv'rnu\sEvery Hondly Evening! IDNDAY A1-'rl~:nNooN CLUBWamnfc Study Club (Bury Hon.) x. K . X. _hery Hanan'Ewnint.1:30.DELPHIAN CLUB wn u C a th e r C NW :in md Sud Ilan. Evening. 7:30. AUX. To AMERICAN LBGIONSunlay E. Hsin, No. xu mx um am mnmy 1=:mu»¢,| 'nmsnlnr 1|li $i wPYTHIAN~ISTERS zmma ¢ u» 1 ~u u .E n nm¢ REBEXAHS:st md Sn! Tues. Evening. wAsu1uc 'noN LODGE NO. 21A_p w o J u l . 2nd Tuudnr ol Baath.:e n u m c o 1 mA Nz> s 1 z Y r " I /9 6%f/1NO.15 : wrLu! 'hxesdu nf lonlh. WEDNESDAY Republican Candidate forC O U N T Y A T E O R N E Y Washington County. Nebraska uo n s n u w o u ulu z x2nd and uh Wd. Evening. ROYAL NEIGUBORS ht |m\ Sn! Wed. Evening l E N ' 5 c m u l m l eOF c o mme n c e l l .W u h i n g t o n C o u n t y . G n r a t L a t h r o p , A t t o r n e y I n t h e M a t t e r o f t h e lIil.l1.e o f S a m u e l IJ.B o u vi e r Dec eas ed:t h e he i r s a t h w ,n e x t o f k i n ,&}¢\i3{Es, lez ate es,cr e di t or s a n d A l l pe r so n s in te r es te d i n t h e fm a l s e t t l e m e n t o f a i d e s t a t e one h e r e b y n o t i fi e d t h a t o n th e 1 2 t h d w o f J o d y 19 26 , Al ic e B o u vfe r t h e A d m i n i a t r a t r i x o f sa id e a t !!! fi l e d a p e t i t i o n i n s a i d C o u n t y C o u r t ,p r a y i n g t h a t h e r fi n a l l d m fi a l a t n t i o n ac co un t fi l e d h e r e i n b e se tt le d : n d adlo wed,t h a t p r o o f o f h e l n h i p b e tn k en ,o n i t r f o r d i e l d I and the u i d Admkfialntrix dis- charged.lf you hi! to appear before said County Court on tb l lath day of August 1926,at 10 o'c1ock AM., and contest uid petition. the Court may gu n! the prayer thereof and maine such other and further orders,allowances and decrees an to this Com1. may seem proper. No vi c a o r S F I : c m w c r l o x The electors of Road Dis o.13,W uli ngmn County,Nebsuka, are hereby notified that more than ten resident free holders of u i d road district filed their petition with the County Bond of WuiuhgtnnCounty , Nebnnh on the 12th day of July, 1916, nqvmivz said Bonn!to lovy a a p e c i a i tu o f o n e mi ll on the \=m=l&5?`P"v°111 in amid roul dixtrld for the fisc al you of1926, the proceeds of odd speck! tax le vy to b e n n d b e o o me a p u to tth edilrid road fund of mid road diat- rlc t end to be used oxclouhely in improving the publle hi;hwnqru innld road distric t and for no other district, and in nocordmoo with theStatutesina n d ease:made and provided, saidBonql of County Com- mlnioners il ailing on eledion of |11 me e m m a or uid d mrln, no be held at the mme time and withtheGeneralPrimer?Election on the l0Lh day of Alhllllt.1926,to vote upon the following proposition, to-wit:1"Shall the Bolnl of County Commissioner:of WuhingtonCounty, Nebreekn, levy a special we or assessment of one millupon all of ahe taxable Proverb in Road 1District No.13,in Wuhington County,Nebraska for the fiscal year of 2926. uidtaxtobeleviedandcollected the uma as other sues and the proceed: therefrom to he end be» come n put of zhe diztriet road this 12~ day ~f lui~,1926. (SBAL)z. c. ELLER, 25-Bt.County Judge. The Only Sensible, Sanitary Method Cheaper than any other way BLAIR GAS COMPANY "ilnly Ex-Service H~n a Candidate for Congress" _ ~ff. .. .~». Grenville P. North Democratic Candidate ~ or~c o N € ; R E s s He is in f avor of giving some real help to the farmer and the middle west by repealing the Re- {publican Protective Tariff. Primarios August 10, 1928 I r""f " Admitted io the Bar in 1914.Nine years practice in lhis county Primaries Tuesday, August 10, 1926.Your Support will be appreciated I l v h n n l l ~4 " H - " '"" " ' . ' " " - " -g |' " = "\a n 1 » . ¢ . . . . » . , ~ l m . . .m e d l d h r . .. . . .. . . . . ._ _ g ~ _ m _ » -_ ' Q - _ - ; - I a i . - M a -e r " '1 1 ~. _ . .. . . »" ". | °.\ The Enterprise for neva. J .E.Campbell,furniture,r u n Und undertaking.50-tl. Ira. EJ Jensen la confined to horbed this Weelt under the care of a nlwddan Gua Erlckaon of Naper,Helm, was an over Sunday gom at the I. C. Eller home.* Ed Jensen hu jun bought a newClmevrolet brourhan which the taxi- ily initiated laat Sunday. llodng--Dr. R. E. Tilden is :nov- tr g h i a o f f le e to h la rearldencnat 605 W. Grant St.Leave edla theme. 24-tf. Dale Halbert of Omaha.spent a few days thla week with lxla brother C ord and bla numerona frtenda h B llra. Alta Wa.ln1rr'1|ht had as Bun- day guests,her daughter,li n .Chadotte Hall and grandson, Calvin Hall and family of Lincoln. J llla Helen Moeller spun a tew day;last week viaiting ,in Omaha where her mother, Hn. J . Mueller .la reeupexating in a hospital there. Misa Madeline Heliay arrived home for an extended visit laat Fri- day.Mica llc llay la employed inLol Angeles when aim has a very good position. Hia:Opal 'I't|.lcker|daughter of Mr. and Aire.Freeman Tucker, re~ ~rned to Omaha Sunday evening af- ter a holiday at home.Hina Opalis working at Hayden Bros. in the mdropolis. Hr. and Mrs. Sherry Moore drove over zo Dennison, Iowa lost Sunday to be with their daughter, Mrs. 'Tom Blanchard,who was with a Chau- tauqua troop of entertainers appear-ing in that eity that date. Mr.Thomas Fit|11mo:1a.of Pa- plllion. Nebraska was in Blair last Monday and went out to vinlt his son-ts-Law, A1t._Pullin and wife wholim up near Teltuta.I-'rum there he went up into~.Wayne county to visit a aom '; A hunch of Herman boosters were in Blair Monday on an advertising trip through the county telling oftheir rodeo performance which is being held there on Friday and Sat- urday of this week.A banl ac-companied them which drew the usual crowd together on the streets. Misa Norma Mackey of TwinFalls, Idaho visited over Sunday at th e w H. Hill home aa a guest of Miss Blanche.;Mila Mackey will take Min Hlll's place in a milllnery utabliahnantl at .l'\in Falla and Liles Hill will open the season atIndependence,l{a1ua.s. A miscellaneoua #hover was given at the home ol Hrs. Chu. Ilinellne of De Soto for Mba Hilda Dohse on Thursday of laat week.A mockwedding ceremony tool: place.Many beautiful gifts were received bar Misa Dohee and a delicious luncheonwas served consisting of uandwichel ice cream, cake and coffee.About :forty ladies were present.. New felt hats :N arrivin¢lTally at Hrs. T. C. Hlltonsh -2t. C. K. Bemiorf, licensed embdmor and unclerlsksr, Blnir.Ofiioophonol 161.Residence phones, 224.3-tf. In the msnufac tun of s ton of paper sn w m v of twenty-fire thoussnd nllons of :star is user Hin! Ulirhgpr Nd 4 a n p !Omaha was an our Sundsy ru s t a t th e parents! P. K. Nelson home In Blair The w. R.. C. kenslngton will Bo held at tho home o l llrs.Sherryy u-;°- Thursday liivrrwrl.August Mrs.Art Aodzuson and two little sons of Lyons spent Sends! -; the Jseob Andreeson home in thls cty . Mr. and llrs. Earnest Rubin sn 'Rioid ng our s dd born to them Wnlneldsy,Jody 22 at fb!Blair hospital Don't foniet that the young people time :harp ot' the mrenlng servloe st the Christian church.Everyoneis invited. Mr.and Hrs.Izwer Gamer,ofOmshs stopped a while llendsy to ssy hello to relatives While on their way to Norfolk on business. Miss lim' J . Cook is taking hervscationthisweekhearingsevered her 1.ennedion ' i th the Citis|:\'s bank to take effect Attltlsl lst. Hev. md Hrs. P. J. Relnensen of Orum sro njoyings vldt from their ron,who is the superintendent of schools st Hooreheml, Minnesota. Dr. Esrl Most.: accompanied Hrs. A n Pollen to Fremont lsst Tues-day when she underwent an open- tion for the removal of her tonslls. Wllljsm }le(.'r¢cken, of Omshn is confined to the home of his psrenE, llr.and Mtn.John lrlcCrseken, ofthiscity,xuH€Hng with summer flu. Friends lncl neighbors alled atthé H. C. Oieson homo 'hnadsy to nn:their respects to the little daughter of the fsmiiy who ws: 3 year old on that day. Arnngements have been made for s politics! meeting on the streets ofBlair on next Saturday evening and some -si the eszulidntes will tell where *m on some of thepre=e|\t lls as issues. w P. Turner is the champion to- mots raiser in this vicinity, hsvlnxbroughtinthisweekforourln- lptttion, tomatoes weighing 2l and 21's ounces.Pretty good consider- ing the da-31 weather. Mn. Henry Helmsing of Xeno'who was taken to the Kirksvllie. .. "LNEsrocxPn|& Ar SUUTH UMAH~ p n - Best Fed Cattle Steady Gt weaken Further HEAVY Hoes nova u. Healy 1o | 1 u smear on An Llght Welgnle--|¢eeel'e l unlb Rua lfelitl Value 250. 'Union Sleek Yerde. Jul! ss, 1Good euepun of cattle were meme at all markets num Tudar. e.e~heed. and uhm thebeuer man kllllll cattle were eleuif. (nieotherkindar u slow to : c o r inter.Top y eedlllli Mala land:el emu .Meeker: Ind helen ea time lo :haw etrengtb.Quotation: an Cattle:Chula IMi lli Inner su n s ss.eaaze.¢a elmlee to prima hear; bevcee 89259.50:W M to chqlle :Leon 89.90~ MU: hi r to tml c lan 0.1 504 10common to Nr ste m s1.ee¢a.:s :holes eo prime r m u u u 00.55~1045:good eo choice yeulillel 89. aus; mr to Saad yeullnn .3.00: cammon to hir yearlinn rr0135:cholci to Wine ted halter ss.asoe.se: ma to ehorn hd ble n Ie.Wol.26:hh'en n o d heltere lr.¢om.4a;common to mana helfere u.:es1'.s3: gran has~ $6.&007.00; chalro tn mme led out l|.500T.00: me te choice fmt ec$l.5llol.50: hir to gocnl fell s1.soos.so;good to choice -can |5.0005.'!5: hir us 8004 m cowl t4.oa98.00; camera 4a.so94.uarunners:.1e ¢:. eu; :in t me mm hulls tl.0735; belarus hulls H 0510: elsllve calves 8l.00B8.50;io dwlee leederl fa'509|35: ao me ieeden $6.500¥.50: commto talr feeders !5.78hl.i01 |004 choice elockere n.':|u1.1s;w xme :loc kers ea.ooue.':i;~~m h lr awclsen $|.1s9.oo;doe halter:n.ooes.so;llnhy ~-ateller! |5.1l06.TS:n o e l : o u ous; :mek calves | l.50¢r80.Ilege heady ea Hlgher On | run ol 8500 h's.ml nallllte vera no man than but on other eluzee the mumoell!m m e higher.'Tap 1813.30 and bulk ol' the hog: lolnl el. :Dried ol ll0.3G013.19.2* Another ree umb -ygg Shao: and lamb receipt:heaviest ol the teuna eo hr. nba 13.000 heed sharing fIL md l n !uleee alumna!annular 2k . but 1|eelern lnmbe hen nm bo -at mm and than srere no ull:shove $13.85.Sheep ruled el.: with but urea st |435Qunullonaon sheen end lam~ Fu lambs, mod to cholee $18.5014.00: native lambs, mr ua $l8.00013.'!6;:mire hmbl.n exo.ooQ!2.u»9;fsedln; lamb: an/JG1180;nu-unh.tea.310.0w:1.~ fat ewes. cool ze chem. asxoos.1m ewes. fnlr in 5004- $4.600i.5il; 4 and calmer :vu !l.lJ04.56.gg;- a x Iu Materials Prafztical for School Girl Wear .n. _ _.0-n= 1 . -l u -_ _=n _ -a-nl»l I- »h a1 - »n-Q-nna - »_uanup- nm1:1 |1aI-J- n lIl l »Im_1 -l -»l l1:a a_I- ln-anu an - an |-- !nza_v-Iunu nmu.-». . -n. _ -.3.|.,..._.-_ _._ _-.. . _.t....-.- M a t e r i a l : t h a t w i l l n h l t h e m o t h e r i n c o m p l e t i n g he r , e l1 i | d re n 'a sch ool w e a r O u t fi t .M a n y i t e m s a r e m u c h un d e r p r i c w l ,mak i§ng p g i n i h i f n u n y ,_ \'o rt l 1 wh i l e e c o n om i e s .".\ \~ 36- in ch N o m k i i n g i n a fu l l a a s o r t m e n t o f e o i o r a . W e p e r y a n l .. W e h a ve t h e n e w S i l k R a y b n s l i p m a t e r i a l i n t h e p o p u l a }ahad zs,4 0 i n c h e s w i d e \ ¢$1.45 p e r y a r d .I t tak es o n l y 1 %y a n l a f o r a g a r - .f H E E L _ Chasa tung i n e ve r y attach.Th e i d e a l m a t e r i a l fo r Ki m o n a s ,s p o r t dr ea se a. c tr .P d c a d 951:a n d $ 1 . 6 0 p e r y a r d ." " ` C u n a i n M a r q u h e t t e a fr o m 2 5 1 : t o $ 1 . 5 0 p e r y a r d . C u n a i n Dr a p e n- i n ,3 6 inc h,3 1 . 0 0 p e r > l h i .t a S L 4 5 p e r - y a r d . Fa m . y N e c k w e a r , 6 5 :£0 $1 .4 5 ea ch .\ S i l k ti es o f a l l t u l o n ,25c t o s m eac h.I Vi s y ._ o u r d e p a r t m e n t fo r i n fa n t s ;e ve r y t h i n g fu r t h e m i n W t a d n g p ap p a r e l a s w e l l as fa n c y l i t t l g no\e ltie .4.}tea.¢o:mhly {lH¢¢¢|. W.J. SAS -fJ€§LB3'f2§'{?LE mage and aim ami her family wil! be kindly wekommi during thdr vizit. Hr.and Mn .Clmx.Cameron of Herman and Mn .Hu h Fonman and children of Creighton,Nebr.,ment Tuesday at the home of lk. :md Mrs. Frank Curiey.The lulies vtnrunlcal Lhe slate university at thesametime lhd are soloily ninrtan bein;members of the Chi Ome n sorority and the reunisn was n very pleusnt one indeed. Jack Croudy llrrisml home this morping from an extended trip topvffttninlnditnll. his old boymod home.IIe say: the weather wu no hot then and no breeze so he stoodntaslongashtcouldlnrlthen tarbed for home.Dr.and Mn . Hinchman.with whom he drmrnk to Indiana. are still there and plan. fp visit several wc.'ekfe Inn!!! with nlatin». tr ea t me n t. :is g e t t i n g a l o n g ni c e l y t o t r o r d i n g t o l a t e s t r e p o m .S h e v u ta k e n t o t h e Ii bc pi ln l a w e a k n m l a s t Su n d a y . M r .a n d M r s .N e l s H .De b e l a n d fo u r ch i l d r e n o f N e w H a w n ,C o n n . w i l l a r r i ve a b o u t A u g . 1 , . fo r a vi s i t w i t h Zt l l l i ve i l i n B l a i r .H r s .De be l w i l l b e re m e m be r e d b y m s n y a s c o n c a mn n o r mn c u u n c n A.F. Novell, Plnor It vu delightful to have nor jug with us lui Sabbath so longtime friend: of the church, ichnlingtwoformerSundaySe superizwemientl.lt il the hope the pastor that the fnmrties rf lparish will bring \i6itiUs friends service with them. Sunday morning the senmgntheistobe-"Gnti tuie--A Urea!A set", "But let no modern my lransg .The nnc ivnt mm of tim-nkfulnvs 8.3. at 10 mn.Finn! anno menu for the great pitnie wr!! mleie, and all puplis had butter »nn hand.. The young;people meet at :hunI1 at 7 o'cloek with mute for a luncheon to be eaten when the Place Comm.then annoAnimporlntbulin-ess session NEW NORTH n u z w m c Supl.D.v.Hamer s m m dnt the hlllo prints ann halo; :ln And owry thing ll being gottenreadiness to begta the erection of two-room brick unit Ir ith but . on the North sc hool mundoTho .prebitoct in Stott of O n d th an ln charge itill moon or-king for bids. The building committee consists the following member.: of lk sc bond:Ed lln tlh iu m,ohm.,\Hemphill and Chu.Koopko. c mmc a OF C HRI S T / Sunday School I D : ~ . Communion 11:~~. Christian Endezvor 7:00 .Evening Wonbip 8:00 P. The young people of the :hu will his c harge of the owningsict.The topic of the owning xr be "Christian Ideds and li m! Reach Them."Then will bo intslingzollm ~ s pe c i al music the young people. Everyone is invited..Our -e -are open to all. N n d a i ' C h a n g i .1 F renc h pr ofes sor stat es t han *II In g Ivel n ga , In a d a : t o r sm a ln 5n u n h a vg a n d o f claanze."I l l m I n n a d d e d : h a l l h e y ne ed qu it s IIN . o f d a a n w i n r u n n i n m l l h n l l l o n t h e c m l h r t H L _- > c a n an-Ianno s : ¢nn-»: z zQ-nn:x I¢|q|on -Q -osunanruu = | :|- _..._ -Modish Patterns S i l k s t h a t l u g g e s l w a n t . - l c n p o u i h i i i t i e a fo r r e a l li n d h fi d u a l l l y i n n e w I D - pa ne l f o r fa l l a n d w h t e r w e a r . \ IL .. .l \.J F : Q 1 I* ~?: 1 1 ;;s \";g"§;¥ " - - . n ELKHORH yAl.1£"i' LEAGUE :msc |; ll s . The sale was mule because of thx mutual adxmntuxu to the two com panion in the way of operation an-I lvnilability to service n\er £runf~ musmn lmel.The Rlvennl school board h u purchased a five un ind as a ni!! .-I an Mean- ADMISSION 30 C2513 the railfblil service is in Pr°=P¢°d.Tlm electric system at Hyannis GAME f»\ll{D 341 5 l'tl| -tl will be augummted \\iUl some new transfomaera ami,perhaps,scum ., . . _- - - - _ - [3l.!\l;Q NURTH BEND /whih-a building !un.l la being ar- cumulabed.Dirvecwn of a Dulder broom fle-tory have #ruled to build ; 325.1200 midition, made neceanry by 1 con- stantly incneulng volume of busi- n e s s . Pfew building construction in the \ §uNDAY AUG. lst Cos! $3,500.000,000 according to theInstitute of Architttls in New York. I-.fmont city council hu iakcninitial llltps touranl the innlalintionof am elf.-:ideally contrnlied twfic siifn ill.. `Material cr Scotts~ B s new gms plant |¢arrh in;n d rnnslmclion~~~of \h\p|£\3l£ un;ili 5° »=-'-» soori \ .a 3 .T m c i t y c o u n c i l o f N e l i g h Ln cou» ».i~Ivri.1;¢: the pr o po s i ti o n o f l h e T r i - St a t e Ut i l it i e s c o m p a n y fo r a r t n e t i u h t u n n .\Tm - h u n E i n o n m n i n z f r a n O m n i The Enterprise for neun. Blcyolo for ale.Call at The En- taurprlu office.12-tf. li n .Emma Hauer h u r o t u n dfrom a. lhort vlnlt with hor brother Ind family of Kmnl CRY. Ho. Ror y W i l!! u rn op en to d o n lttheBlairholpltllI n t Tlxondny mornin; lltd i l gittlng alo ng fim llrn. Funk Curl¢y '| mother, Hn.F. G.Colyell of Norfolk,Nob., is spending th * u k a t t h e Curley home. lin . J . D . leln n o f u mm. Ne li. vh i hd s f u l d ay : lu t u n c h wi th Hn. Emma. W uhbum at the Blair hospital. Henry M u c h left Monday for th e n a h m p s r to t t h o s t o t l .He p l l n l t e b e h o m o t h e h t t o r p u t o f the walk. s e i New 0:1--Hy satire houn- hold fttfnlluri iodlld-111| new kitchen m u -P d n to n k a t b o n u .508 E.Wegllngton Stunt. 25-U.A-Cannkhlel Or n l Schumer,c h u .Robinsonand Louis Funhrg loft Hondo) for Minnesota wh im they txpect to spend a oouplo ol' weeks fishing. Dr. and Hn. W. F. Hemphill en- tertained H n .Homphlllk lilto rln- lur, Hn. Fnnea Tay lor and dmfhon o f Fremont our tho took-end. Hn. Elll Buc lunnn hu been vip itiug relatives at Dunbar, Nab.Shoreturned Honda! and ll back onthe job again at tho Boll Telephone of- (loo. E mo n A mmo n m d R u Hitch- mnn left Wednesday mornin;for Northern Minnesota when they areenloyinz o few days fishing."Huey expect to be home Sundny. Jolrn Bullnrlnnd tu the vic tim of a nurpriao birthday picnic hold at the North park llqt Sundny. A large number of relatives were pruent todo him honor.The occmdon was hipsewmty-nln'th birth mnivenoy.' Hr.:nd H n End Willlnnu and family of Lincoln visited over Bun-dly lt tho John Newell home.The two grounger daughten,Mice and Mlldml are sponding o few days with Misa Ruth Famham at th i Chu.. Farnham home. Mrs.J.A.m m and little wo. left yutarday for Buttle, W uhtng-tnn.for s abort violt lrlth Hr. Rlltt'a relative! and then will continue thelrtrip to thdr home at Pano Robin. c u i r mu . Ur i . z u m h u b n : v i i i lting her mother, Mrs. Anna Stew-nrt. her aunt,H i n Frances Grols tml hor gnndmotllr,Hn .w.D. Gross of this elty and her nlner.Hrs. Abbie Milliken at Ord, Nob. |\~\1.h am p r i c e i n i m p r o vi n g th e ell.; p l m l a n d di s t r i bu t i o n sy s te m a n 'l i n e x t e n d i n g se r vi c e i n t o t h e r u r a l c o m m u n i t i e s , m e d a l !! w i t h :\vi e w t o f u m i h i n g p o w e r fo r i r r i g a t i o n p u m p i n g . T h e G a g e C o u n t y El e c tr i c c o m p a n y o f Be at r ic e h u be en r e o r i e n - iz ed u n d e f t h e p r e s i d e n c y o f C .I". S h a ffe r .Th e h y d r o p k o p e r t i e s w e r e st a r t e d b y Bl a c k Br os .o n b ; p r o - d u c t s o f t h e i r fl o u r m i l l s .A s e p a r - a t i o n o f t.he_e|ect1-ic b u s l n e u s n ; m u l e s e ve r a l m o n t h s a g o . M r . S h u f f e r h u a l l i e d t h a t h i s e o m p n y L1 e o m l d e d n g th e e r ec t i o n o f a : b e a m sumc iby pl a n t ,a n d w i l l eonfsnc l u e f f o m w w l r d g e n e r a t i n g ele ctr ic e n e r g y ; t o b e w h o l e n l e d t o t h e m u n - ici pa li ti es a t Be a t ri c e a n d W y m a n . T h e N e b r u k a G u i El e c tr i c c o m p a n y : o l d l u el ec tr ic p r o - pe r ti e s a t Pe l n e nb u r g a n d R l e vl l l e i n t h e T r i - S i d e U t i l i t i e s c o m p n n y INDUSTRIAL NUTES The Wsztnm Pnbilc Servina com- pany.vim, district hadquartgn at Scnmblufr, hu offered $330,000 forthecitymmodelectric,water and :turn heath; plant ut Sirlrlgi _ A special election hu been cal for Autust az t5 submit the quention nf sate to the votera.The :ompnny that seeks to punchana plana to New Designs The vogge of the novei and n e w i n t h e he a \ 'i e r fa b r i c s for, the new muon 'h.~n.ll re pr e se n te d i n th i s sp le n di d s h o w i n g w e h a ve r e a d y fo r yo u r s el e ct i on . ¢ - 11,nn -nn - l- - n-uni n |- Innu n !w z:uu-- -ann- : := : l l I J.E.Campbell,furniture,rugs and undertaking.50-tf Open well and cistern work.Call2 n d d o o r ! * a lt u f 9 th &Nebra.aka Sta.`Ward and Reynotds 24-Bt Cdl and nee the new mn hats inthe latest styles and colors at Mrs. T. c . Hilton.21-oz. J.E.Campbell,furniture,r u nandundertaking.5041. Dr.Layland Staten,Chiropractor,Farmers Stats Bank Building.1?-tf. llra.T.C.!lilton h s s j o n r s -celved a line of Gage fslts,extra quality, prices reasonable.2?-lt. C. K. Bendorf, licensed embalml'C. K. Bendorf, licensed emhalmer! and undertaken llladr.Ofileephones and undertaker, Blair.Office phones 161.Residence phones, 334 I-tt.1s1.Residence phonea, 224.S~t.f.|Ir e .g n Allen leauea for Ilon- llra.Oscar Geyer eelebdted her today to Ylait ber da »birthday last I'rlday,July 23.by llra. Howard Uttarbac kiml r- em;in; relatives in QIIIIPL |H i "Ruth M£ o y °g_ lnllasflatherine Rose of Omaha apent a ibwrdays laat vee kvri th accompanied i l u Karfaret Allen home for a Halt over'the week-end. her aunt,Hrs.Henry llencko and Br. ilenckse, of thla city. Hina Audrey Jolms of Hemming-I The Soon; people of the Danish ford,Ne b r lli l is visiting friends Lutheran church Irlll meet at tb l and relatives m o n o Bleir.Mi n H J.Hansen home as guests M John: ia a daughter of Hr. and Hrs.Misa Viola Hansen, thla Umm!- Aneon Johns.|Mia: Dora Warrick, who ma arpent Hr. C. John Nelson, the torvenher her vacation vlaitln¢k i n d a h d man, is out for the nomination for relatives in and around Blair , ld!commiuioner of dletrlct number two last 3lflmil? for her home in Col- and ia making an active canvas for orado Svrinnvotes at tln primary election which*Hrs.Andrew " u m m or onne"comes Ang. no.[alum and Mrs. Ho] of Omaha came Hr. E. V. Capps is soliciting home up.to picnic with the H. J. Henman seekers for a tract of irrigated family and Hre.Wddo B.Nle lln g===;;land "rg gf" San ,j~===°;=;and family today, Thursday. n e M .a ey srhic loome a ml propoaition me vm hear! ,,"h'[,';';_°,§ " m, ': , ' : "f ° ~ 1; ; _ ~ inveatlgatfon.Ithe Benson bank on Sunday evening. llr. and Hrs. Raymond McCracken AH¢u|Au:.1 lly ron wi ll be d: hh are njeidig over the gfy ifgl of an dutiea ln the Citizens bank in thi! elevnupound boy at athe Blair hla-¢i\!-' p ta onday, July 2 .Their lit esen, Jaclc is viaiting lil; aunt, Hrs. ~m - 5 3 ;'? ' £ Qeorxe Hedelund at w*:hh"'t°"*they will vlalt Hr.Wemlnfa bro-hehr., e few "'°°| "`'ther and .deter who live at that Mn Julius Petensenie brother Chris of Friend, Heb., visited a few days in Blair and left llornday morn- ing for a more vialt. with relativesat Herman before returning to his home. .An aunt, Hrs. Jacob Peter.- een will visit for s few .lays at the J.Petersen home in this city. hi lllobert Hilton,who la work- ing at the Prlnlinz game in Lincoln, came in Saturday evening and spent.Silnday visiting with .hia mother, Hr ; T. C Hilton and with his $- ter and brotherel:1-law, Mr. and Lire. Claude Utterback of Glendlve, Mon-tana, who are at present whiting in Blair. Ltr.Albert SpHck,who lwea up near Spiker;will leave with hid mother, Mrs.Emest Sprick on neagt Monday for Denver and the RockyMountains.While they are sight seeing they will take in the 'lon- dera of the Rocky hiountain Natlon»al Park.They expect to be gone a week or ten days. For a time last Friday the £ire going populace enjoyal a hit of ex- citement when the fire siren called the fire company to action to ex- tinguish a fireEJNoyes,Jr., Rivett Lumber business.The in tho coal house of over 'north of theCon:|pany's place of blanc was one of those mysterious ones of unknown origin and did some little damage before the fire fighters managed to put it aut. place.Rev.Wernlng le puter ol' the German Lutheran church ln this city. ltr.M.Horrll,father of HarryMorris arrived by auto laat Wednoe- day evening,from Natchez,Misa..for a week's #lan with the Norris family.He was accompanied on the long trip by Vernon La Oour,of Baton Rouge, 14» a neplrcvr of Har-» rs Mr.and H n .Chas.Lamb and daughter,Vera and Hr.and Hrs. Clyde Allen and Iala drove to Oak- land Sunday afternoon to visit Bra.Will Ramser who was* iniured in an auto accident some time ago.They report her as doing as welt as could be expected. Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Adams df Omaha were Blair visitors on Str.:-day attending morning aervioea at the Congregstiow church,their home church when they. resided in this city a number of years sro They were guests of Hrs.AltaWainwright during the day.4 Hr .and Hrs. Oscar Guyer had aa Sunday guests, her sister, Hrs. Ro-bert Rolfaon and little daughter, Ba:ban Jane, of Penland, Oregon. Mr.and Bra.A.F.Jennings ofOmahaandtheirsevenyearold grandson,l£cnncth,of Hammond, Indiana..Hrs.Andrew Hadeen ofLyons, Nebr., daughter of Hr. and Mrs.Oscar Guyer was also dow| for the day. ' - I n n a n n T H E E N T E R P R I S E ' ~ well u our notion! gvvc rnmfnt itm l m A . n o u n s .ml u » ' ¢ l ! . r u n - d n : v m -m w d -which would p ut the pvenmmt mn but m a m n n ! ' m u n s n n (nal =° '=e»€"" °" vm y gvg 49; of y o u r b n x t w b a n y w u n n f l i h u m n n w l m h k u w y o u a n d b e l k v e s i'r\ y ou and an vomnn who under xtlnda md Ub i y ou.nu world would bt | poor .\l.w|~ pen if a ll appreciation v u e h n - x..».4 -..A n.... -... -.A mm. .¢..4_ mn n iq e a n d the H n ! f u n n !in Dans c ounty .Afwr un d ¢ y of Chldrm v u mo vd lo i n prmentlondon, Mn. 0'L-inn pnaleed lu v he n tor asvenl y u m.Stn w a ulmimd to ngrtln in the suprememu n o f / N e i r u h In 1887 m d in Work, Uruhl Road Equipment Co., Re pd n,Otto Von,bugging, Sam lh ll,Llbor,I - w - n n a w w . . D r - m u . |Kenxund Handvnn. Suwlha, 2!.'l5 9.80 14.40 100.00109.85 mo e 'J . L Hokomb mg. U0., Suppikl, °|4.90C~ lldgud Joann, Bond for Poor,20.W ll. (L J ipp, hind taken for mu l,500.WK. a Printing c o., Statute An- natntinna.3.02;:.;"I.';.".-,""'"'|Jn1zm'"`¢""L,"` '",;,;°r{.`§Qb6 m;;,;,""-C0» License T She vu mergetk in pubiic serv- C. Holgurd Jensen, Bhehmm Contnhen.10.00legs md at her damln In nresi-I Work.£2.25 lhbell. H;nh, County bltituta Pll|»P¢|'¥¢\r ____-__F o r g o o d o r i l l m y u v C | I l | |I n I I I n i n l u l va n e m i a . - D r .F n . { C n n e .1115: _of :EinQu cena!! of ill Ne-lH¢nl1' Nohrnberg, Dnggtag,4.951 mu Fund,267.78mm mm:-nu nelhy mi nm-[Omaha 11Load Bqdpment Co., Rs-'County Clerk, Trip Insane zaa m sumf..11. 5 nmmp.39.76Il l u n u l n a u |i d e n t o f t h e W o m u f a C l v k l e a g u e p n i n ,I R S . F A B O L I N N o f C h a d m n .I' o r m a n y y e a h l h e A . A .W ....- ..-...v r u a ne 1 r | p ¢ p n r e o n u p o n d e 1 t h m k Il nw -h-=+1w»= u n¢uu¢a¢»°~°'*»»\iv. kdvwy md uman mn nuunt.Tho uma ll mb-'¢hf'u;.;":"":f' record: mv me an-mu-» vm u me n u , w w w a n , m mm":§ "m;*';"'°°;'': ° " ' " " ' " ' " " " ° " " P " ` k 1 . n m 1 » n m ~ ¢ m w y v n h m »w u u m a u p u f w u lw n f e w ru n ua o f mmm: m and apnfllnn. and ..Q-|,¢|.¢.will nruln In (om at Um rldcr thc futun u """§Z»'i}°¥"d o d n m a m m m v w nw, um ..,.-y mu ,¢',°I§°|,,,_,,°§ nhedhf mm made:-:und that du lution "l l\'J.!0d-7 Uh *Fe mmnmum m 'FM' A nn u zu f'§'"f'1 .£ '-v=~ Inmnnw Mic du W5 lad mm ruulhd !' : m a mi :QSLE mm-. Drluinr.F§6|x§h}iQ§`uIh=`§¢§§i3dff. ama-.ggI in; Prlsunen, agus,~l foilonring eubfy to l i n .Fanny 0'LI.n»:, who ru burie d hon lu n Thunday inning.... "Tho Nobmska p u l l is payingw g ; t o lin. Funk 0'Li| :| .n, one of ouliezt plonoen of Du n . :county, who died 'haeaday in Chul- ron at Un an of seventy-eight. For runny nan abc vu Imovrn through- out tb! mu, :p d ou td do lt, u anprgxrllur, community builder, teach er,lawy er ind public lpiriud dll- mn."W hen the ro!! of Ne bluh plo- n n r buildun is finally made up," ay: the 0mlhl».Bee editodally, "thonomoo i Funny lln r i l Bnlnapd 0'Linn ought ua be wr ! ne ar tho wp.Sh o 's u one of tho tomen who helped subdue the frontier h a li te m u well u in a fi gu nthe senlé.Going into the Indian coun-try beforu it ' a u #r an ke d for white m\n'4 uses,who wo rh d to at up \ c ivilization and mah pou- Iblo tho prosperity that hu followed"D a wn county was p m of the oh! Red Good reservation After the July. J.R.llc1}on|Lld, Salary for July,'Watson 'l'¥¢°n. Salary for July,C. B. Blanchard, Supplies, Albert llatthlsen, in;¢¢§,,|», D. o.shea. 351117 for J dy ,Ed. shun, Road W ork. <=;»;;=~==~==-»- Road Work, P Kruse, Road Work, Z. Plrrlah, Road W ork, . 1oo.oo 1oo.oo 100.002.67 8.55 amos19.00 4.00 s m s o m 1 |.~ Cg|n;dy"'"THE REPORTER Dynunitu," Chu. Rogan, Road W ork, Ed. Stlllnbel, Ima Work,s. IL Neff, and W ork, F u n d s Christen-nn, Road Work, Funk Schafer, Road Work, Chris Mnlhleien, Rossi Work, Pete Eistrup,Road Work,Geo. Nelson, Road Work, Otto Rave, Rotd W ork, Walter Nehen, Road Work,Eddie Menckr, Road Work, Hnu llonc ke, Road W ork, Goo. Mencko, Road Work,Theodore llencbe, Road Work, 11.50 zsno 78.0024.00 5.005.00 i ; ° ° oo1.50 1.50 1.503.00 3.00 1.50-L00 : e l II 1iE Something More Bill if ale HEY yuu buy an automobile here you gn more dun merely a aide w ownelehip»--you mlm ue: cum sunt md enduring satisfaction in own- ership.n Gslting this extn vllue rluuni cost you my mom---i!.'s quiw likeb' In war. len in the long run.And the reruinm- in |ni»lac¢iun~~ue much greaxar. Ask anyone whu lim bought n BUICK here._ BUICK . Aljndt-Snyder Motor Co. s1 I M O N D AY A James Crum Production "THE GOOSE HANGS HIGH" Every family in wwn should welbs Great.American Family Pitlurei Fur here is n comedy-drums dm is more than wonderful enlerqninmenl--il's LIFE CHRISTIE COMEDY S UND AY Al Chriszle`s Special Laugh--~Marie Prsvust in "UP IN MABEIJS ROOM" \vi\||llnrrinun Ford and Yhillis llavcr FOX News, HODGEPODGE AND SPORTLIOMT I |.Elmer Christensen, and I All New P lay s and Fea ture Work.10.00Peter J. Chrlxtensen,R d ~-vaude ville Work,'moo TUESDAY FredThumsoninTHE BANDITS BABY c°m¢ay-"ok \V||A'|' HAVE YOU" ' U N e w H o m e T h e a t r e PROGRAM .__JULy 29 to AUG. 5 FRIDAY and SAT. and SAT. MATINEE .hck Hull. Nnah Beer' and Billie Dove in "The Light of Western Stars" 7Ane Gruv'a lixhlning-swift ule nl Lhe finni clash between ~5 |~. H a R I G~urzer.unnng na msn'|.nd|REAL concern W E D NE S DAY Lew Cody and Gertrude Olujnsumd in "MONTE CARLO" The \'mr'n Comedy Hit MERMAID COMEDY .~:~ Grader,24.00Chris F. Frnhm, Road Work,24.00 311 pHMrs. Frank /ulbery , amd for |Poor,41.00 |R a l p h M o o d A. N. Ballard, Mm s PoorFgrm,40.00 H a z e l M c O w e n Blnir Top & Tin Co£'uReplirs, 20.35 1 a n d t h e 8.WCChambers, J ce of1 c o m c wu ,31.30 M c o w e n K l d d i e s E;.5.."§é"'"°"=f'°13»1?°'l'?"'°"' § ' §H "The Show of Q»='f1>' C. R. Gray, Supplies for Poor,90.15 Th u. A bi ii ty B ui lt" He:nun Telephorm Co., Tolh,7.60 I THURSDAY end dues .her coming to Ihwqacounty, e special writer.She 'eu |. charter member nf In' Lu! chap-t e r o ! 0 . E . B .|nCiud1un.She helped m a h th e h imrv,Including the political hlstnry, at the qosmtyof Washington and to a very put extent af me c ounty of Dune.ln every m y dhe was Interelted in the civic uplift and took greatprideinadvancingthecitywhen she lived.Shi b v i i d n l w l in or- n n i li n r the Crawford pioneer ao- ciety and instituted ild be n H. Pickett chapter, D. A. R.Hn .0,Llnn was bpm in Iowa, both parent! heh; of revilutlonery nr stack, and was married at twen-ty to Radar Daniel Henry 0'Lln:n, an may surgeon, and they loc ated in Blair, *lpn Dr. 0'Lin:\ died ln laso.One non died in chlldhuod and the other a few y u r ;\¢°. while the daughter, Elizabeth 0'LinnSmith,lifes in Chzdron with her two children.Hrs. 0'Llnn was bur- ied Wednesday from Gnc e Episco- pal church of Chedrnn,and wa lburied at Binh beaide her husband. Wal!! Dm; Sw\'¢."Sv|>vlie».18.60 On mohin 6111 made :Ad curled un County Cluk vu in struc ted w ulverdne for bids fur IW bon Che- r o lm Nut,D m 'v¢ 4n .c u|¢»bedelivnnd' at the Conn Hocus,hldl to be Nod an or before nov: Aug. l e , m aOn moti on My muh md tan k! ! th e Ba ud ldk mmad w mea l Au l- uat xo,1926.A NN I E Q m u r r m. -om-ey c u m juatrnent following the ampalgn .1876-77, and the location of the~lan:on their new reaervatlon. la fertile teflon became available r settlement.Among the earlier ltlera was Lira. 0'Llnn.Sha was organizer,and helped put d mwn of Chndron on the map.That loc adon was later channd to a more available for railroad pur- aea did not deter her.She movediththetown.The Hethodht urch befan lta activities for thatdo n at hir home.Sh ha d been educator and araa Influential ln ttlng schools under way.Study-:lair,she ara:admitted to the ,and practiced aucceaafully ln a courts.Anlent in her devotion the republican party, she was a~wer ln politics lo n;before abc a vote.In fact, Mrs. OLlnn was energetic, wholeaome, hardarork g factor in the; development of .life of the norlhweatlrn corner 1 Nebraska."Settling ln Da wn county forty- o yean ago, Mn. 0'Llnn locatedclaim in the whine River Valley n what later became the aite of e first c ity of Chadron.In theomewhichLira. 0'L!nn erected, e present Methodist church of dron uaa orgmized and conduct-it:first aervlce.Here Bra. 'Linn founded a poatofflce,which ~re her name, and became the first~man ponminrm in this pm gflmeeting were read ln'l approved. c o m u s s l o n s n s PROCEEDINGS County Commiaalonera Room, Blair, Nebraska, July 26, 1926TheBoardof Eqwlaatlon inet pursuant to adjourrurment taken July 12, 1926, all members being preaent. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved.On moflon duly made and carrled the valuation on the S 24' Lots 1 and 2, Block 18, Village of Herman \\\l increased $225.00 and on Lot 9, Block 23,$200.80.On motion duly made and carried the following reductions on aaaesaed uluotion were made:N*S N w l i -& SE56.NW K of See.25, Twp. 17, R. 10 $980.00 Lot 15, Block; 55, City of m m $550.00On :notion ddy made and carried the Board adjourned to meet Aug- un 18, 1926. ANNIE C. llAR'I`I2'l, a County Clerls. County Commlaalonera Room,Blair, Nebraska, July 26, 1926 The Board of County Commission- ers met pursuant to adjournment taken July 12, 1926.Present: Chas. Nelson. ILG Blaco and Peter M.Tylvon.The minutes of the preceding he went..After a careful examination of Througout the early day s in thellllt following bills on the different velopment gf Chadron .nd Tlawea ftlntli it WM moved illd Ettilfldid ~unty H n .0'Lirm became widelyown for the adive part which she that the following claims be allowed and the County Clerk be and hereby ~ok in public affairs and enter-in instructed an draw wananla on~rloea.Sho cmllucted the fintlthe different funds indicated below ho o l mr o n nm Su n d ay $.chool te mr the aaroe.c m n a . in Deuces county.She waa adm- H.C.Blaco, Supplies,31.11present at the first birth, the flr»t C. Molgard Jensen, Blacksmith Under Canvas - A T - Blair. Nebr. ~A u g ,2 The McoWENSTUCK C0. .9 , .. .T h u n d a y i n n i n g .. . . " T h o N e b m s k a p u l l i s p a y i n g w g ;t o l i n .F u n k 0'Li|:|.n,o n e o f a u l i e z t p l o m e n a t D u n . : c o u n t y , w h o d i e d 'h ae a da y i n C h u l - r c n a t U n a n o f s e ve n t y - e i g h t . F o r r u n n y n a n a b c vu I m o vr n t h r o u g h - o u t t b ! m u , : p d o u t d d l l t , u a n p r g x r l l u r , c o m m u n i t y b u i l d e r ,te ac h e r ,l a w y e r i n d p u b l i c l p i r i u d d l l - m n ."When the ral! of Nebluh plo-.a .~ n a ~ . ~ , ~ a ~ l l ! h a d ~the ln d ll ll ml il ll lr n w n n r n t l n n . ay: the 0mlhl».Bee editodally, "thcn u m o i Funny lln r i l Bnlnapd 0'Linn ought ua be wr ! ne ar tho wp.Sh o 's u one of th i tomen who helped subdue the frontier h a li te m u well u in a fi gu nthe senlé.Going into the Indian coun-try beforu it ' a u #r an ke d for white m\n'4 uses,wha wo rh d to at up \ c ivilization and mah pou- Ibh tho prosperity that hu followed"D a wn county was p m of the oh! Red Good reservation After the omething More /#nn a Bill bf Sale 1 HEY yuu buy an automobile h I you gn I \u»J !or nttismcnt.Among the urller sottlen was Hn. 0'Llnn.S h u vu an orgxniur,and helped put d miown of Chndmn on the mlp.Tlu t a c laim In the whine River Vglhny on wlut later became the nite of the first c ity of Cludron.In thehomewhichHn. 0'L !nn erected, the present Methodist church pl' Cludron wan organized and conduct-ed its first nrvice.Hero Hrs. 0'Lin::founded a poaloffice,which bona her name, and became the first a l t a ~ o r e ~ n vx i l a b i e fo r r a i l r o a d p u r - p o s e s d i d n o t d e t e r h e r .S h a m o vn i w i t h t h e t o w n .T h e H e u m o d m the went.|.After a careful examination of Throudlout the early day s in the the following bills on the differentdevelopment of Cludron and Dmeaffunds it was moved and seconded qounty H n .0'Lirm became widely that the following claims be allowed known for the :dive part which she and the County Clerk be and hereby took in public lffsirs and enter-lx instructed to drew warrants onyawn.Sho emulueted the fi mlu n d if fe r en t funds indicated below school end the (int Sunday S.ehool t¢'pay the name.Cnrrled. in D u m eotmty.Sh va :elm- H.C.Bllco, Supplies,37.11present at the first birth, the flr.|t C. Molgard Jenlen, Blacksmith radon at hir home.Sh ha d been an edwzuor and vu Influnnthd in :mins sc hools under way .Study-ing luv,she : r u admitted to the bar,and practiced zuccenfully in the courts.Anhnt in her mlevotinm to the republican party, she wu npowerinpoliticsIongblforelbs had a vote.In fact, Mn. OLlnn was an energetic, wholesome, hlrdardrk 'Ing factor in the; development of On motoin 411: mule and the County Chr! vu hastrucwdadvertise for bids for 100 ton when Nut,Deep Vdndload in delivered' at tha Court House, to In fllad an or before noon 18, 1926.On mation ¢h\1! made md .the Board adjounmd to meet A :ut 16,1926. ANNIE c . au ur rm Oounly t e r o ! 0 . E . B .|nCiud1un.She belpnd m a h th e h imrv,Including the political hlstnry, at the qosmtyof Washington and to a vary put extant af me c ounty of Duns.ln na ry m y Aho was Interelted in the civic uplift and look greatprideinadvancingthecitywhen she lived.Shi b v i i d n l w l in or- n n i li n r the Cnvrford pioneer ao- Cg | n ;d y " '" THE RE PORTER L~ Pickett chapter, D. A. R.Hn .0,Llnn was bpm in Iowa, both parent! beta; of revilutionary nr stack, and was married at twen-ty to Radar Danhl Henry 0'Lin:n, an may surgeon, and they loc ated in Bhir, *lpn Dr. 0'Lin:\ died ln laso.One non disc!in chlldhuod and the other a few y u r ;\¢°. while the daughter, Elizabeth 0'LinnSmith,l i n :in Chzdron with her two children.Hrs. 0'Llnn was bur- ied Wednesday from Gnc e Episco- pai church of Chadmn,and wa lburied at Binh beaido her husband. s1 I M O N D AY A James Crum Production "THE GOOSE HANGS HIGH" Every family in wwn should welbs Great.American Family Pitlurei Fur here is n comedy-drums dm is more than wonderful enlerqninmenl--il's LIFE CHRISTIE COMEDY S UND AY Al Chriszle`s Special Laugh--~Marie Prsvust in "UP IN MABEIJS ROOM" \vi\||llnrrinun Ford and Yhillis llavcr FOX News, HODGEPODGE AND SPORTLIOMT C o u n t y C o m m i u l o n e n R o o m , B l a i r , N e b n a h , Ju l y 2 6 , 1 9 2 6 T h e B o a r d o f E q w l u t i o n m e t TUESDAY FredThumsoninTHE BANDITS BABY c°m¢ay-"ok \V||A'|' HAVE YOU" 'County (Jerk. County Cnmmlulonen Room,Blair, Nebruh, July 26, 1926 The Board of County Commission- ers met pursuant to adjournment taken July 12, 1926.Present: Chu. Nelson. ILG Blaco nml Peter M.'I`y1~o:\.The minutes of the preceding 1 2 , 1 9 2 6 , a l l m e m b e n b e i n g p r e i e n f. Th e m i n u t e s o f t h e p r e vi o u s m e e t - i n g w e r e R i d a n d a p p r o ve d . W E D NE S DAY Lew Cody and Gertrude Olujnsumd in "MONTE CARLO" The \'mr'n Comedy Hit MERMAID COMEDY 4sunt and enduring sstisfaction in m m - ernhip.-1. Ge tti n g th i s a n n vnlue riw~,en"z cost. you any more--i!.'s quite likely in cout lou in the lung run.And the returns-- in utin!ae:iou~»-are much greaiar. Ask nny<»n¢» who :iw bought a BU IC K here.0 B U I C K ' U N e w H o m e T h e a t r e PROGRAM .__JULy 29 to AUG. 5 FRIDAY and SAT. and SAT. MATINEE .hck Hull. Nnah Beer' and Billie Dove in "The Light of Western Stars" 7Ane Gruv'a lixhlning-swift ule nl Lhe finni clash between the valustion on the S 24' Lola 1 and 2, Block 18, Village of Herman \\\l incregsed $225.00 and on Lot 9, Biock 23, $200.00.On motion duly made and carried the following reductions on ulesxed uluation were nude:N*S NW %-& SE56.uwag of Sec.25, Twp. 17, R. 10 $980.00 Lat 15, Bum; 55, City of m m $550.00 On motion ddy made and carxindtheBcani adjourned to mget Aug- an 18, 1926. THURSDAY Edwnrd Hearn and Pauline Stuke in "AS No MAN HAS LOVED" /A xm.»..'.~ Love Swry Camedy--"CHEAP 5KA'|E5'» r ~.I ' Sinclair Gas and OH \ -. - . - . - . _ . 0 Q u July.'Watson Tywm Salary for July,C. H. Bhnchud, Supplies,Annu lm'-Mem. Dnzrinm D. o. shea. Suhr: brJudy.m shun. mm work,G;§,»=»=~»- Road Work,P Kma. ima Work. 1. Pmuh. nm Work, . 1oo.oo 100.002618.55 100.00n mwoe.oosam Theodore llench, Road Work,4.00, Ha m H.-Jensen, Road Work,93 0|o Dynunitu," Chu. Rogan, Road W ork, Ed. Stlllnbel, Ima Work,s. IL Neff, and W ork, F u n d s Christen-nn, Road Work, Funk Schafer, Road Work, Chris Mnlhleien, Rossi Work, Pete Eistrup,Road Work,Geo. Nelson, Road Work, Otto Rave, Rotd W ork, Walter Nehen, Road Work,Eddie Menckr, Road Work, Hnu llonc ke, Road W ork, Goo. Mencko, Road Work, 11.50 zsno 78.0024.00 5.005.00 i ; ° ° oo1.50 1.50 1.503.00 3.00 1.50 | I II 1ii I |.Elmer Christensen, and I All New P lay s and Fea ture Work.10.00Peter J. Chrlxtensen,R d ~-vaude ville Work,'moo ~5 |~. H a R I G~urzer.unnng na msn'|.nd|REAL concern .~:~ Grader,24.00Chris F. Frnhm, Road Work,24.00 311 pHMrs. Frank /ulbery , amd for |Poor,41.00 |R a l p h M o o d A. N. Ballard, Mm s PoorFgrm,40.00 H a z e l M c O w e n Blnir Top & Tin Co£'uReplirs, 20.35 1 a n d t h e 8.WCChambers, J ce of1 c o m c wu ,31.30 M c o w e n K l d d i e s E;.5.."§é"'"°"=f'°13»1?°'l'?"'°"' § ' §H "The Show of Q»='f1>' C. R. Gray, Supplies for Poor,90.15 Th u. A bi ii ty B ui lt" He:nun Telephorm Co., Tolh,7.60 I Under Canvas - A T - Bla lr. Ne br. ONE WEEKCummenc ing ~2 m o x n n .° The McoWEN Connell could not keep the ei!!- nu an' Bt. lerfe from havin meh a ponoffloe building as thai c rev-ed.Wbln the fedenl appmpriedon hill M pe sqle tbl people ru ined345.000 by auhecdptlon zo #erect the building. ..-Wenefe Rights Solomon hwnlsr did:\*t know what in do about e querrelnome wife."Hunt e cyclone cellar." was in ef- fect the belt advice be could give. "lt is better," nhl he, "to dwell in the uilderneu. than with e con- wntioue and engnr vromun." But that advice i.sn't preclicnlly aipplkalie in l.u'ent.ieIJ1 centuryAmerica.It h u been !.rle.I with the result that the Ioliovrer af it gene;elly geu yanked beck hy thecm!! of the nec k em!thrown in jail for wife duenic u. An Omnlu judge give more pru tlul, if lea pelntible, advice.Sew ht:"Do what she tell:you lu dc.Thlifl theaonly way to get along with women.Your mishine in that you 1ron'L let her tell you anything."I t is e dismal prospect for the Benedict. but it seems to be what he le earning tc.A mistake upper-mtiy been made in uiing the wand obey out of the marrlue eer- vim.U.should ,have been tremfenml to the other side of the ec- eounz.--Omehe Wmid Herald. Nenpapq-Burrowing1|Very. Dngervu A lhnqu paper tell: of the dan- gun of nrnplper-borrowing as fo!- Ioun:."A man who wma too monomial tn take his homo paper sent 111| litth boy to bonour the eopy n h nby bla neighbor.In huts thu boy ran over n $4 su mi of heel, and in ten minutu looked Zike l #arty mmmer nquuh.Hi; cl-lu ruc hlri his father.who ran to his u n m- mee, and, failing to notice a barb-tlr e i n c l.n n into it,breaking ~nhuihu.lomicul eoud£|.i1n4.In other rnonlr, h a ve j u s t b e e n o ve r t o a c e n l a d wh o h a s a d o g a hve c a l l s F o r d .H e ¢1 4 n -. x- .. .- \. !l 4 -Ilf ¥ ;,f15l l t d o w n , r e r u n ; l nl nc uu u 01 zn muh o m h i s a n a t o m y . a n d r u l n l n g a $ 4 p d :o f p e n n .Th e c o t t o o k u l - va n l e g e o f t h e g e p l n z h e f e n o e a n d [ b t i n t o t h e c o r n f h l d ,u n d l d l k s l h e r s e l f e e t l n g g r e e n c o r n .H e a r i n g t h e rs ck et ,t h e w i l l r a n ,up s e t | i b u t l o n gchum o f r i c h c r e a m i n t o a ba s ke t o f kit ten s,d r o w n i n g .\.......L .l l . ;L a u r n alan | | n l |\31' m u o e n a 1 |r l m e a u w m o m m u n m -nesa.1 w i l l n o t o f fe n d b y u y i n g \ i n t F o r d lo o k s l i k e . 'T h e r e i s a po i n t o f u g l i n es s , e s pe c i a l l y i n d o g s w h i c h w h e n p a n e d b e g i n s t h e r e a l m o f be a u t y .H e 1 |a s o r t o f g l o r i - fi e d m i e m b e .B u t h i s m a i n t r a i t l a affe c ti o n .Fo r d i s a ve r i t a b l e s e n s i t i ve p l a n t . \l. || ¢»L I -In i a i t h a l l ! \ l l l l \ n i . l 9 "muumnnl|num||nmmn||nn|:\||II|||lu||nm|||||mnn|uu|n|mm||||||||||||mu|u|n||||m|||n||||n|||n|um||||m|||u Sewing Week Featuring T l - \ n Nn1Arne*~~F E l1 :gI £ ii'\ .a R;? § ¥,l if.JI a§,f s§ ' . vr . ." 0 5 ~=e »-"\r II I \>) . a1l5 E \ E1 | ;t¥ 1tu"§t wrK?"rr'il 5? z ~ 'E net of teeth.The baby. left alone,crawled through the cream into the parlor, ruining s brand new $20 car- pet.During the axcltrement,the oldest daughter ran away with the hired man; the dog broke up eleven setting hens, and the calves get outandclseinedthetalloff four flue ma m. " There ls No FuoI's Paradise ltls a notioeahlo fact. that ease of ltvlug and prosperity often hrlng dis contentment while adversity strengthons the character and offers sn in- centive to accomplish seemingly tm- posslble results.This phenomenon ls witnessed in both family and ortions! life.The wealthy itltllvltltllll Irlth stl the msnerial things thst should help bring contentment,is often not sstis|'ied. when an poor-er ne-lghhor who has little of this world's goods amd has to vrorl: for a living, finds peace and happiness.And no lt is with nations and dates.The United States which is prohshly the most prosperous. coun-try on the globe, and which has had the most tree and democrsttc form of gouemment for zoo years, in con- etantly attacked by political theor- ists who would exchange our 501-ernmentai structure for a dangeroun mess of potts|~e.~»When we were stnaggling forfreedom. necessity fenced us to as- ,me and adopt a 1-onstttution irhich would protect 01e¢1dwldual fromoppressive of teislism.In our day of prosperl nd power we listengou m m ;that would undermine our constitution and lletrsct fromthe liberty of the s»»anmo¢1.= We have ae-en Nom: Dakota urintr towaiu a socidistic form of govern-rnent where the state eompetee with in own eitllens in business, thus alu-itrorlor personal opportunity ont! initiative.}Ve have seen Iowa en- c ou nsi ol pnteruallstic experiments which run contrary to the law of sound aeonomtcs. and promise toaneste a to-ol's psndile br lqlsla- tlve alllct.We have seen the states to him he shrinks like a withered leaf.His light of lift!has gonefut.lle is killed.He ls the plc- ture of utter, abject misery.And when she upssks kindly he ties himself into howknotl.lesm. runs. barks, laughs and turns uorn- eraaults.So when I my I nm human as a dog, I htel to be boosting.Sympathy,ethyologicslly,mearu "euffqfing 'utith,"and we usually use the term for the cummunlon of xriefs only.That ia good of course. It helps s lot for any one tn feelsorrybecauseyouhavebumped your none.Stiil, it ie a deal easier to share grief than joy.People whounderstand our moods ot happiness nm rarer than they that eqmpne- hend our woe.If you would be my resl and longedfor friend,2 pray you cultivate s capacity for sharing mr tlshnr moments.Then l knowthat you are genuinely sympathetic, that between us nm the cord.: of o unity of heart and soul that rnesn something. You mn escape.Sometimes youthink, when you have been particu larly opressed by the Irons ofothers,t a t you would be happier if y ou c oul.l crawl into your ahdl, rhut out the rest of humanity and:et along vi m your ovrn personal Sora and glooma.But it will not work.To retreat from your kind ts as if the land ran sv-syfrom the rain or the flow- ers hid from sunshine.It means ¢|l3|'\l0¢#. hardness and death.There an certain goods you get from lite as you xo along.For instance.there ls foo.|: ml drinlt for ur belly sud clothes for ypurb l .a¥§ltql\ffv your head and mo for your pocket; there is theimpact of familiar thin;s at home. the cat and the :log and the oldblue chlns tea set; there ls o cigar for n msn and a new |l| *e.\s for awoman:there is s deal of enjoy- ment one way and another, but notthe leant considerable of al!eatin- iactlons in this vsle of tears in that 'lrarmth whlch comes to the cockles `~ IEI I I ~I I ~IIIIII I l be. gentlemen. I will go and ¢°`5n¥iH the nenuary ur\nnmmtn."i llxzukleofglul tomme that 0'Dol~ :ull I n r ellilng hi s n bllt.*'\\hnx'| \ nm to tha ilkn o' mm!" m a t u r e d ann Irishman amrurly."l`relcbery nd lclaefning and mnndtb mg.aye £t'| a B M n u m for such!Oh. mused nlntl. 1rhlf|'l! we an this dmc the mormvrf' "Surg beyond quelti-nn," ! :ought tn mc ounxe hlm u l d mv an mybunches.°"'Ila nqvor the Walml' 'mir erw vrlll nvercome un""Be not too mn. Hatter Orlrneno-G," he retorted with unusual nhammel."I nm thinking there ta the earn of high Heaven on this feutnn and |11 oonneetd Irllh it." Nmrerllgelels he buckled cn hh bee:me unbnisble.I wondered 0 | my | na tuude'| 1-umm.would In n e n r -r fupc d vnu fella! as hh mol, even tones clan uno dlenca'Touc h ol. Colman."Cash!The deck leaped underfool; the anchored hull 1111116 forward.And aheet or flame gmslea the Jams# aide. and m the instanfs, glam tha Walrus nn wrenled In start damn :pin-It I selfihl of gunning. blitkavatarandlow.foruttd shura.I nw a mm in her fordop. almlallly gbnllnclngi grenade.1 nr men lur-lni enshudr from the ltlhporil a l our bmadslde lmuhed into them.I had a gilmpae of the bmtnl hee at Bones. oeerms our the lmhurks. acinuun in Ml mm. The darkaol rimmed. and A mul» .. .. .; DR. o. w. am. P\ylidu|||l8|r|\»| Bo llll Phono!hd. l ALBERT H. MILLER Repubican Candidnle or1 -|~.~ -f -; mr.. w. r. annvmu.nmrnsr Ln Homea a m s n m Burn and reared in Wixshinglon County A University (imdunbe and n Farmer Pximaries August 10, 1926 ...,' +s-M-: noun. cnzmma a m i . ;m mt u ¢ W h d o w n l u nm u h n g g m , r m m x s . m o u m r ( A n n :for nlmon z Un u ns n )Pn n han Prlu forPOUl.'l'lY_AN D lo a n O n m u H ; - ~ g m h n l l d i - nmInd.m n Phann Bo ll mn u. . Wm. F, GURLEY l "§ . ,v » , 4 4 .v . .,."s. . n i . ; f i . r -;7 ~i i . .7. Fir Ln* J ,: 'D * V :~ _ 'f f f . 9 \" F :. H I ?i i ' \ ` ~/.a [9Ur_Ir£"t ~ _Q Re publicnn Candid atc for CO N G RE S S ESECON 1) ms'rn1C'r Will appreciate ihc lnppoz1 of his many friends in Wuhington County . o sz. c..u.uzNAns11u\u~ua lnaunnes-Rental!Rell Eltlu Olfkc in uw Home Tbutrc 5|4& k 0'}llnlnn m e 0 ' H l d o'BANLoN ue 0'BANl»0N AlusnllnBd! ax Ind. 15Of l lc u we r s a u B m!B la h , Ne b mh x a s k m n n n F .L u mr r Alkoney-at-Llw ' Hams Thane Building ' n m B AT SHOPP. c sun. PmprkiovBlah I5 Cant: Exenllent CmluSaddnlory SerrieeC o u r u wu a wPint door aut En£¢l'Prin x lv llw n md v lit e d ln . md F g |. " ' » § 2 " » . ' § § ' i f ' . r r F 0 vw z"d 5l'\"'¢l¥ nl. the Boom NMUH homo.Hr .And l n .L a n ,uvd lr . a n d l n .Randolph y g .S h i n E d H m m m . A MI .ll! - Mr a n d Mm B u n n vu ! h a ms1llth_)|r. And l i n .B u n n f o r nw g - v i m .I n . a n g ; u u s d : llll llu mu m Pulau Sa visltlng nt 5| E d. xu mn h om: lt p xue n t.K lth u h l I n d E h ! Ntvk i xk vi l- g u . m m m u a m l n a q u - mu du l mz mb un b y th e bu m! n nm h w d b y w w n s wh o ba r d I na u w u m~ ¢.`T>».». mx Sg w i t w o feb in usd \mund'Kll\r bud , vi .| Xd n| n ln dvu u W m. vu Ns u mn n l : wa n d : vs - o l t h u m m " u m o l K q n q d bald a reunion on I ma md ly d th | » c h o v\ g to u r u d p n r tle rum Wards, Wm. Bvrpuau and J uk B u r g a n l vn u me mb e n u m m fr o m Ou lu md Gm Nelmu we r e p n n a r f n m h u mo u r . oI o " nxmm Nw wh o l q e d i th~r ln ds pe nd tn i umvu m i . n g I n d - y m m n w u m n n nEdvun! Nu wk lrk idllnr l J E. .. md James S\Pw=f\¢T h m n v u! ! tn S l n l s v u ! n £ B ! | . i r .Mr.an d li n . Ed Nnk i r k :pantSunday at th i J . P . L o r e n b mi n u Mg r mm.A soc nl vu held at th SL Paulalkthernndz un l Smdly . m m m an d "wan g md | lun c ro wn ! ww in mmd n o s .Bmd wk hll.m t h !nd c ake wuvmld, buldu in enumpp .md usher 1-hlnn The procndl vu $47.50.The o m m S ' - # g p held un I ncreamsoifmat0r\\mA|f.hod umh hu y | \.r ng m w u p r u s : \ J W . p m e e e d s was n lime mr $18.Mme : h mma , la n . mu . A n n au ll r ; - mr Hu n a n , u ma md s ml h t h Human I n d : m m wn k n u\»ew 'nmudcy maemoon v u l z m :L lhe Jem Hmmm homq.Mr.and Mn .August Swxk mdauldmn mpc-nt me mn\n¢ lu! weak I ! n . c .u m m .Mr.und Mn. Alban J emen and lan Harold,spent Bundly alhmoongud ewnixg at Chrh Pc blnnnl.~~~nn nf Fnmmt vb~ n m n m. mu w LNvbr. ¢'?%'¢m¢.w v n u . m m M l l a H ,Blk M r t w o i n k :n a ti o n ( n m a d n n th u Um tn l l r . a n d l n .Wnlusr Weed mo- wn d | . a l.£ | e o la ,N\ \ r . lu¢ 1 » \ c k uno Pda m w w r who u mfleflng fr on a n on o f th Uvlr .B u h le y P u t n a m. wh o h u u nvhkingwith hla.mnl~l l r m . B ¢ Gllu mn n : u r Umlh l. n h mn d to bil hams hun Sunday .Wstch fo r n d wr i imlnu fo r thu E n o m I M F !p m g r m ¢»mln¢ soon.Ed Ru e h u m vu u n Omn -hn b \\| lnu» ~ A f.. on bad ly . Chu. wid-. mu dnloau d hlnhvulde r alla 91 lm wal In \ h ll an du " 1 ' " " 1 1 . ° ° ' . . ° ' . 2 " : °far me2$Z...'m.~¢.2 Hs in nomnhnt imi r n m w a l t u m - ' a m r m l a |U\\ vwuhned :on -af W . hc rvn o and mn. D m 1| - none . me ;§' ""' °" d nsve In hum 0| | | );w r m s 'wqu»|n¢'1}'. ln umd m m a w m i u - I"1 TEL L. of th e y ou ng ma rri ed n l were mwuhlned l t tha P m! ... .. an Ma ay u anlnz . the O R UM NE W S Mr. Ind Hn. hrs Rolllnd indchildren esllnl at the lludn Lu-sen home 'hudu evuin .lx . m d In H. <1and E du. H r. md Hn. .hu Sor-ensa snd r. md in-s. Peter Hg; u n s p a t y tv I tAndrew Johnnsa M-»°Y»1'i'»l»¢ lr. Johnsen eelebntve his hlrtlndsy. Ee-freshmentu were served by ln. Jo- hansen.Bn. and Mn. R J . Relmmen nd l m u a l h l d n m s m W e d n e s - dsy dtenoon At the Ru m m- sm home.I r . o d l l n .Hu-msn R-ll! andeldldnnspentWednesdayuveninz at Carl un em.'l11\\Nd|¥ntwrnwn vldwrs at the( h d Esnnusen home w a s Hn -lh r ti n Lu - n n md Vloll E m i r n l Hu-nun.l r ,n d Hrs.Peter Nielsen |¢~u-.nded tbs James Mshar inner-l h Blair lundsy morning.Ki n V lo ls a ff of He rmu a vla -lu d h e r llmt,rs. llsrtin Lsrsmmd hmlly from Mondxy until Frl- d l Emanuel Andreuon ' g Tnursdsy st the heme nf herc m , H r . n d Mn. Hans Chrllw!~ Is n o n , n ur Hmn ln .w m Sorensen, Mrs. Isrtin L\r~ sen : M Vli__»l:iEz\¢u were Omshs psuengen y.Hn .Andre!Jolunsen helpedMn. Peter Nielson c ook for thnuh- e n Friday.Mn. H. c . lgrsen lllll dsughmr,Kirsten spent Wed-nesdsy lltemoon st the Richard Nelson home.Amos Amlresnon visited his p u-enu, Mr. md Mrs Rudolph Andres- um Frldny.Mr.m i mn .Guy x-umf y n l Blsir were '. l\ mu l\ y mmi u vidtfon . lt th e H. C . Ru muw: h om.Url- H .C. R.u-mnum z )lon~3-v mernofm with u.."$'&'.. Bur- men.ww u m m m o f B l a i r a n d n w:ld a n d P su l md m vf human:ue vh ltlu x et the Dlekmeysr hum at the present tlma.ll-la Nam Andersen us s Sstur- du n lte moa n ulle r n t th e X s d nLa r s en mmMn . E d . S ha h nmn s a d : hu h - tc r , V en n l Td b u ts :e r e Ne s -dly evening allen at the J lrn Ln- nn h o mnl r .und li n .Henry Gu-lsemsenulled at Lhe bonu of their dlngh-eer, ln. lim lgnen and fsmlly on Thnndsy eveningVe rn on lar le n ln M§¢ »= =thebums o f h is sun t, ln.eh W ulfand [emily 'mr Fontunlle.Mr. lm! Mn. Peter Thom n andsons called at Adam. Wu A Satur. M5 evening.ri.Chris Chrlstofferxon a xchlldren vm Wedrlwhy Afternoonallen at the Chris Petersen home. mme Hansen a n n !Saturday vdth Irene Pevrsm.Hn . c .K. Andersen and dingh-ter, Evelyn diwgt Thnnndsy s!ter- noon n Ch elzrunl.The Lndlea' Aid uf the SL PaulsLuthennChurchwillm a t vrlih Mn .H.C.Lumen m d dsughterr u ml, me finr'|'hund»y in. A\| ¢» \llThe Rose m u Aid me d !withMn. lou Hlnsen [hg first W ednes- dry in AugustTheLldle»'Ald ol the DanishEvmn he nl Lnthrfsn cllureh will meek wlth Mrs.Peter Ta f t i n F m mnt the flr st W ednsdsy ln Aug- us .The Kenorill Club meeu \vll.h ln . J i m L s r u n a n A u n t li th -Th e Mi nu s Ed u , wu m md K il- d n d Hsnsen A n n Kllllr-Radiom e m u ' h l w n a u n .a u - snee Hansen m e ta Kannsrd wvhizl i n .Otto Arn Thnndsy sl-m m o m Mn .Arp v u formerly "'§' E||_|slKuh,_¢c a S. srry evu n u n n m o0 . , B u m i | y \ 4 s t t e n d t h e t u n m d sn nneh.\l r .and l i n .Clrls Ne lmn m d :hlhirfn we n I"t\m°nt p u s n a r s lnndsy .K r . md l n .Chris Nelson undc h l l d n l ~ H ; n d I r s .G U ey 0 eve .l l a Evelyn N d l t hgy,Th day lar la s Angles.Clllln - - ` B l» \ w¢ n t¢ n vld ¢ h | r d s l | r r . l. ! ¢ ~Alle: Atkinson md hmlly .B ' - 3 ;expeetl to shy ln Cdllnmls Ll llk el is well unngh.Hr. and llrs.rls Ndr w. Hu' -lnn d un d He lm. Hr . md ln. P m-Nlelien, llr. and Mn. Andrew J o- hansen.Mr..na l n .J em Sono-s e n n d ln a n d Mn .Peng- lur-wn helped l r .H.c .l t u m u u nalelarsle his birthday Satunlsy uv-nil¥~Mn .11.urn\|.ue'n s e n d n~ lreshr rnnu w Umhf vdtl.l | . m S h s r e r v Led h u r w n l n . Sloux (My s (ew dsys lun week.Prol. md Mrs.Steve R/elnertnlif dsughver Sylvll n d H i n bmly nRdnertunw u s h o m l o r d i. Minn., Slturdly and ue vllltlng ntthe purentsl, P. J. Relnaruen l\o'm1~M l u Evelyn Relnerinn l l s n le a or v.Relmruan And en ntJsMi n n . li m a n d E n i d mu Rdnen.\e1\, who hsve spam tha annmer with their rf-==~3;-=='-» wlll 4° buc k to Kunhud wl lhnlr punntl.Aid. snd Mn. Rnben Petersen und dmghzera, hun and Ruth of Fre-mont n wnded on tad al st on St.Pauls Luthenn church Sunday sl- ternnon.Mr.end Hr s . m a Chr is ~- mn ihed n few dsyn last wee 4 em n u e -yBe n so n ho m ~ .M m A l e x O r e n h n r d t o f L i n c o l n i n s t a y i n g w i t h h e r s k i e r ,M n . l I n w a n l Je ns en a t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e . M r .a n d M n .A l b e r t Je n sa n n n d se n ;H n m l d s p e n t F r i d x y n i g h t a t i | . | ~ol ne . r n l (D °a |m d fa m il y .M r s .O w e n P a u :a n d t w o ch i l d r e n u l l- r er n on t a r e st a y i n g w l t h H n .H a r r y S i e ve r s w h i l e M r .S i e v- e r n is i n S.D .H n .Pease a n d H r s .S i u vc r s a r e m i l l e nl 1 » n . 1 a y e ve n i n g a l l e n a t t h a H . C .Ha n se n hb m l l w i r d M r .a n d I n A n Jo n e s a n d e h i i d n n .0 1'I'1| e :u l r .| y e ve ni n g M r . a nd M un Ho w - a r d l l a . t i n g u a n d ch i l d r e n vi si te d t h r u . temoon.Mr.and Hrs.a n d Chrmis-nunand sam, spent Sunday at the Pits:Larsen home mar Kam|.u°¢LCy ril Bur u¢"Blair is visiting at the home of his rmcle, Jen Hansn ami family.Mr.and Mrs.Art Mclntodl od'Newark,New Jenny huns nrfivtdfor :hvisn at the ofsnslf ,gm ile- Into 'lr parunts.r.11. er Nielsen.Alr and Mrs. -Guy Hinkley ofnlaarv m Sundl l!tem00n vidu- ¢.rs at the H. 0.2 ¢13§3€n home. lrn. ll.l.-hllalon aIGnn1lllllmI nl "1-gl Glldys lad WH: Phnck were I :U =e,;,-=;»;- ~ »;"_;,__,=,j*=¢. ~an \he|A lugs number ll Inmlten flvllg !gun | qa,g||-| "¢||'|gllerllu, Hellr., visited our umm on"-~hi s "° a rm., Mmm.|¢l1llt|.||u¢ :Inh- 4-.;h :E 11 'x c w ..-..'11_ p .. 1 " " >s l { I 4 "z I Cramer drove to Craig ~ay :1 1 |»Id Ulla F1i1|B} um a una o. M. |RELAND camy Qommissioner (Dist. No. 2> THe support of friends will be greatly appre ciated.. Prinpries August xb, 1926. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED.YOUR vofrr: Avvmmx/mtv Prbnarlcs Au ua! IO,1926vai for B e r n h a r d F .L u n d t Republimn Candidale /ur Countiy Attorney29 Yun of Axe Willa Sr\¢r\| Yun Experience Purlkilll /uumq tion, Omaha.T. R. Gaines visited one 47: lanmeek with his brother, Henry .nina or min gwn. on Saturday o! lub week.Mr.and Hrs.2 "Mliier of Cleveland, Ohio, who ve been herehelping can for the Ia|.1.er'n motherduringherilineu,left for their Winelovr, Wm.ounan an ~-,Albert Llllmsn and August.Ed.Langhorst and Florence and Mabel,Blu.llirude Lnllman.Aumlsl.Llll- .\1a|!l, Minn Minnie and Mary Lail-mnn md Cecil and W ill Lallrmn. g » ; § ; 3 R A S K X W EE K L Y I N D U S T R I A L R E V I E W - » \ Misa L.Petenen is visiting in *Bm at the hmne of her alaber,Mn. Den Giiuman for a meek or 40.Mrs.Benin: Widenar returned tohar home hen: last Friday after avhit of several days with her sister, Mn .Joe Juana and childrenspent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Unis Benson.Wednesday afternoonll:|. Rudolph Andneasun visited Mn. Chris Bemwn.Mrs. ld; Cramer of llattoon. Ill.,ia visilin at tho Boom and I-IdNevrlirk Em..Hrs. Cramer is .3 K E NNA R D N O TE S 'Ikv. W. C. Fwnrza and flmily ne- lum!d Bltuniny from Aurora. Nab.ahefa they aptnk moat af last lrek|§;1lh the furrner'|\ brother Ind fam- 1 y. ortillon bein:l .~R.B.Fairchill m a b u n h wc a l l e r i n 'g - » »o n I n t S $ t U l ' d l Y 1 1. ¢ l | . | f i l | 1 ~~u n g z s a n g p ¢I o p e n n n l l 8 P l x t o n e m o r l n l h o s p i t a l I n O m a h a l a g e t t i n g a l o n g \ e r y n l c d y a n d l x - f g y -t o b e h o m o o n W e d n e s d a y o r u n u i a y o f t h i i w o r k 1 C .E .l l o c k a u t o e d z o O m a h l o n S u n d a y t o a c e F r a n c e l .w h o l l n z l n t h e C l a r k l o n h o g r i t a l t h e f t T h e d a u g h t e n o f r s .A n n a C a r l - s o n a n d t h e i r i a : - n l l i e a [ a m e n d i n a r e u n i o n a z t h e F a i r G r q u n d a P a r k i n A r i l n g t o n l a s t S u : 1 d a T h o s e F r e m o n t w e r e M e s s r s a n d o a d a m e a .P .X n u d u n .. \ .A .K r o n b e n ,N e l l L a r s e n .T o r r e !A n d o : n o n ,W m .C o n - o l n g h a m m d R u .J o s e p h R a s m u s - am.Hrs. J. C. Appieby, who hu beenllHn\llly ill at hor homo hone forlhopast two months, pansed armyTuesdaymorningatnineo'4:1ock, Lorraine Pritchard and lim Stew- art.who have ment the put anv-eral weeka in Bmw: nt the 8. C. Cook home returned to Omaha onHonday.Hrs.Stewart remainui inOmaha at the Chu' Lnc rono homo,dbsrralm coming on out hare 'Posa- arA large number of relatives sth-ared at the John Rosenbaum ntlSunday evening and enjoyed 1 re union of that family.J. W. Imcrune and Dan and Mn.J:F.McCann autoed to Memphis,Mhr.. Tuesday zo viait at the John Overmann home.Henry Tietaort of W allhill W u |buslneaa cmiler hens Monday, going on :o Omaha in the afvernoon.t.. R. French autoed _to Omaha onMomiay for a ferr days Vial! nt the home of his daughter,Mrs. Jamea Rach.Gifford French fold a ChevroletcoachtoBlevinsBroa.of Herman r .O m n h s w e r e S u n d a y v i s i t o r s a t t h e C a r i R n n m u a l m h o m o .M r s .A l f r e d S k o v a n d H n .T M B u c h a n l t w e r e W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n v i s i t o r s a t J o e J e 3 | e ' \ ' s . A l b e r t a n d O r v n l B e n s o n s p e n t S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n a t J o e J e m e n s . M r s .C l a w B e n s o n a n d M r .A u g - u s t L a r s e n o f O m a h a s p e n t B l o w s ' a f t e r n o o n a t t h e R u d o l p h A n d r e a a o n h e m e .M r .L a r s e n l n a n u n c l e o f M m H e n s o n a n d M r s .A n d : e n a o n . L i t t l e R u t h J a p a n ,d a u r g h t e r o f M r .a n d M r s .J o e J e n s e n w a s f i r e y e a r s o l d l a s t T u e s d a y a n d h a r m o t h e r i z w i o e d 1 n u m b e r o f l i t t l e f r i e n d s t o h e l p h e r c e l e b r a t e .T h e f o l l o s r i n e g u e a t s s t o n e p r e o e n t z l r e n e a n d H e r n H a n s e n .F r a n k l y n D i c k m e y e r ,V e r n o n C h r l l t o f f l e r i v l i a H n - z e l N e w k i r k .S t a n l e y a n d K e n n e t h A m l r e u v n ,' I r e n e a n d I r v i n P e t e ? - z o e n .M r s .C h r i s B e n n o n a n d M r s . ( b d s P e t e r s e n .l l r n .. l o o s e n s e r v e d n n i c e l u n c h o f l e m o n u l e ,i n t t d w i c l v e . ,c a k e a n d r o o k i e s .R u t h r e c e i v e f l o n u m b e r o f n i c e p r e s e n t s .T h e l i t t l e f o l k s o n i o y f d t h e m s e l v e s v e r y m u c h .I n t h e e v e n i n g H r .a n d § ' | \ a . i A l b e r t J e n s e n a n d n o n ,H a r b i n !e n l l e d a n d h e l p e d h e r c e l e b r a t e .! l l r .a n d M r s .E d .H n n s e n a n d ] M i s s K a t i e G u t a c h o w o f B l a i r w e r e Tuesday evening callers at the Chris B E L L C R E E K V A L L E Y Mr. and Mra. John Bchtenknmp ofArlington spent Thursday afternoon at o n Wm.H<gg;-== homo.HorolI Stren shelled com for Au¢u1. Bloom Monday rnornlng..|\1fn1|Sick of Fremont retumedto his home Saturday morning afteruslatiwgAlbertLallmrndurlng thltshing.Misses Clara ond Ellen Mengedolmtantuertninedthemembersofthe'4'¢¥I1K Ladies' llbulonary Society at their home Thursday afternoon.Rev. and Mn. F. C. Schmid: andmom, Theodore and Paul were 'linu-da evening guests at the Wm. Holt- xn ITU ;_Ed Ilrllhorst and dau;htaraF1or~ ence and Mabel utr Sunday dinner al. tie Wm. Holtmon home.Hina Leona and Norma Iloltman .-pent Thursday afternoon with Min Mary Lallmon.Monday being the 88:11 binh an-nweraary of August Lallnmn,his rflatirea and lrlen¢ln decided to male-lnate the event.At five o'c loc k srlvlidtllllrbirtlldnyaupper was served snclndlng plenty of ice cream andcake.The gmmts included Mears:ml Merdames Will Lallman of mum. lgis section.Schuyler Contrac t let for haul!- ntion of 260-h.p. waur boiier, at the power plant."B d xk - Ne w sschooihousa to be built here.Neligh-New white wny syalelm pmposed for this city.Neiigh-Bridge to be erected over river,between Nuligh and Clear- water..Lincoln-Contract :raided at $1,- 280,000, for construction of new I5-atory Fraternity building. Stxmfcrd-Trinity Luthenn church to erecfnew edifice.Oxford Annex being built to Gupton guage.Oxford--$7,500 hdml issue to be voted on for extension of unter main!. alrutlion of bridge across Piatte illsgr, snuth of city.Elmemek-Corn crop being har- \estewi in this nction.Gothenburg-The Nebraska Wheat lirowrrf Amsociallon expecting tohandle 3000,000 bushels of wheat in 1926 pool.Sewani-Cuntrnct let for grani- ing mad betwctn Benwr Crossing and Tamara.llennnn--City e\.rtf.lI to be pavedBlair--B Hi line between Blair lmd Fremont being rebuilt. a o h d é i i l h 'h i u d l u u m a : u m a ; s u . " Jn .U n e h e h u fo r us.l l n l fb c Q g n n d s m w h e n h e g r u d d a f d c Ja me t.e h ?I f d e f t d ! l l h i l l M m , h e n n h n u o t w h o n u t m m l o b . " 'W a'1|m n H u w , " I m o m s . I n d t w i n h a d th e r o p e wh i c h 4128104 b y the m d d e f p o n . " W h o l l t h e n ' I " - c h a l l m n d m y g r n t u l | r I¢ , . | . ! | | t | n t l J n l l r l . "R o be r t, "I * N P M P N I bac k.a n d m m m m e f d t o u z m h . ' w h M u r r a y a n d 0 D o n m n l - - t h e h t m - f o r n n d m b e i n ; z t l r r e d O l ! o f hi s b n b l m u l g l o o m -n a m e d m e e ve r th e wi n d o w - d l l ,a n d I t n l e d e d m e od d l y no n o t e m r n e a t u n c i vc n n c o n c e r n f o r t h e r u l e r I d r i p p e d a n n u s i l k e n cont.. ' Y o u zur auifened a o n u m 'h t a s k e d o u e r l r " N o no . " I m s we r ed . .' H a h a h u h t o M I D P e t e r u p .T h u a n c o m i n ; agai nst a s w m a th e m a k i n g C f u n i b b . " H a vu b e t l l z t m e a n d t h c w i n d o w . u n d I c o u l d n o m e fa m ! a m l l a o t a t I m m u n o n h i s n e e .- " T i l w h t !w a s l o b i |: r p i t ¢e G o f the m,"h e re m a rk e d ." W :m i l l !i m - ~;r /f r. /`§f¥ .3 g_ ~\¢_ ___ i f f ' .¢ , , . a* ! " '- - ' : " ' \r '» f u .r . n n ..f /f , . . » ~ "- ." ; ; : _- .g ../.- .u n *:& » " " " 't s / " " 1 ~~`:': " "..:. *--Y'5° ?5l '\_. .' - \ .!"4.\ \.1 -mm|.~ fwmqnmu um and mcnood to Climb. prove our watch.Th no mmpll~to our people that they hill!! to peer ahght of your going and -Peter squmaered lnso the cabin 1 an enormous tad.°0uf!" he nqunked."I ha! hlel undermy skln.We haf a ~ tonight, llurny. ja?" r'1 'f'?;f?f=%V'" ~ '\~ Arrrriun n. \ /~Hownzu smlm I »-"'¢0PYluonF';y Aan-nu; nnowocu smm ; | \<-\|'I- Swzrw ' T " ' € : ~.a .: : ~: §" ¥:f ': :: '. :° °'° \ . . 1L. -: § s¢ f2 : g? 4§ ¢ f: . . '. : m n -n ¢ul g f f q i l . f ¢ ' 2 . - ' ? . . . { f L A r u n I L - N u : l u n u m I C H A N ! !x . - 1 13 , O l l f t i r o .l u r g a n n u t r a ' 3 2 l ll c a i 0 'an ol l nt u g h u r .» 3 2 . ' . .r i n u n .4 c u x r r l a XI . - - H o l m 0 ' D o l M l 1n u n m e m l l s t a n u l n m un u H u r ! a r l u v u U b o l u l t ,g n .h u n u m n u r a n b a m1a t t h e U o u u f h u n t h a m d 's u l l t r s u a r o t u n d n m l d ] I: : . ' & ; : , ~ °, : a ' : r - : : ~ . * 2 ' . ' : f . ' : m ' * a 1.QI n o a n n u n IM m v h s »='i §»° °~¢ m'; ° I c w n r r l n I . - f l l I l l u I 4 \1 r t h dt vls l f ng l '0 o l Q n o C ) 0 l I |a d aa u : b u n - M . b u t d u r l . c o n f e r s ;w i t h Jo h n l l h o r - g m so u n 1.32 u n i o n u l n o o n a si tu at io n. "uid why' war:n f 'damndods u n s .° ' D l d n ' t a n u h w h a t n » u m n a d y m o g i v s u l a s d l h m k h l n t o r I t m u m a n a I a r l b d A n d I! h e d - o n a s p e c t . w h a t ¢ » o 4 1 l n . d o h t m !O n |l i g h t l i k e t h n s f l r k a n u h m w e a n _ a r c h o n h i l l . ' r n | o o ¢u m a n d t h a n \ N ' l 1 : w i s p h i s i t c h . " N o b o d y # o h h r | t i m e . " W i n n d o n t h e e b b m a l e ? " u h d F l i n ! w i t h a s t r i k e ! l l l d I n u n . " A a o t h n n o g l u l e n n t . "l i l B e a u . ". I m u l t l | ' a b i t o I l l o o p , " I FSPITJ' F'"T-'5§'i.a ~ld hlnc tur ai tth om.Fru mths lh d- tno f th c c h an -lnnlhu nc hed mp m' but blhind q wus:aah. and ao n-wmd un bows. slipped Mlrldl ua slid down tha anchor-nbio to t h inter..L hm Irhlll :hips 501104 vm inri r u l . "Il do! nu. Bob?" wuz does he trust?" I pantld. I \'Yalr1:|| ern Ja." v l w -_'u l t l n e a l h n l o l l l l l l l l l n l'" r o = . - m a n n . "I n n u .° " " "m u » n u a m . 222 -!'.-£"?._. ..._ ..||.|_- ..'[" .!. .:W N l ? . n N ¢l l P g n u r id o l u s l l D I D I D - I I l u n : g u n H u p u n ;' U l u |I h a w I t l u n d e r .Y o u r = » » m ` J'= . ` l n w g -be l l o w m w m a fr o m U50 i " ; 'u : , o ? : " . 1 ¢ " $ Z . 1 I'" " ~ . . " § '; . '¢ 3 ` ¢' 2 " G l ve It t o ' e m . y a c o n r d l y n n b c l e a 7 |S t a n d t o y o u r g u n ! "I m a h u l l w h e n U n c l b l a i s c u t .Uau~,,.,__ ___, n nuu;¢ - J bln w_,____ , -nn;I"Do¢'| when bl is mm. Bob.Ho mats It an we go! zu udp hun tn lieour own alias Il.Andt der Uttlt Ill. too.For hlm and dar Irlsbu Qin!drlnll like 4 hum aqua! ¥ aln°t got no uae.Bu: y ou and! der mu: nl- d0!'| dllfennt." "Do you mean he launds to Cleri- llee ll! of nl?And canfy un; thoIbn!! mann for himself?" °1 Goth how, Bob.liurny . hs is1 NNI roller.Very funny!Ho :ms der Uma nl.lln rbo he Ii ku mr-I 60111. know.AM! lil il hollelt -gf 1:!"?E_€"". l"}'!.E'!'.f"§£_"i__ LS-i__A \ I »- | penn. Myou I amor! an lnltlnl Mock d d : o f r n u h l u d m a n d | wm a are If drcumnuncu permit.Now toyour nations. and nbova ull : h u nImra n y o ur men c n vrulhs - nun Tha mln wh a mnkrl |nada I 'III ' u w m m \ m f u n n - m b .md lc !mn b e mr dee llnllvu xo n lnn" The amren gave xbolr lcknavledr mem- um a lma | ll]_ s xmun nn u-I1 Peter polnnd un the Inlet.I - s m' h u e xr mma . i The Wnlnu' rlamgxlnu 'mum out A l m mm d u m m m . u n d out ufth e n mu mm f» u° n a IK .Anbihfr lnlrru l. and u n d l n w u n d mm-plotely m uw nun of th; nllht. lly grellfuncln mused dellnhly . "In me wk on u damn." he ob-se r vd " I f a r I hlvl nbuled my nose with nn uverhnvy dole of Rb-Rnp.W a l , " u l P e r h lu t h m u ,n p nn b lr I n xhe Incident for m ddaveffellow! u Onpu ln rum. |'I mul uk y ou not lo man gbouf. nmlemm.We hun the better vgn .-.\- .W .»-4.-w ... .... ........ ......:med out a t ul: me mgp-rin¢ muof their aurnmrgm :mom HM mar. TM flb rit o f the BW I ! J lmu mv-Qf¢dl| \dl.bo0k| | ! h| lN\Ib| | l| l.lh| d um har,A moaning and ncneehllf-ron tr vm "ht Neale IM gu ndoek: "0b. GUM'' i ly lu )ll! le x! " °'rhay'n an!!ll ! mu a n r u m -nln' onli? 'Where'|my u m !Oh.God.whewl my u-mr'Dux |uma u m my (nat-und: matured tha wmr. ' li n k s u ll . lh n ln t'Doupnu ma reloaded hu nu. ne n n . h a u l dnd'| sec ond brvudlldlwith thu umm u'\'||hln| xmnlmlty u be/tom 'ne W nlru needed u u ura n ma ma p , a r m o f v h n l u l l y noelllna her fx-um us.Clams atmak e uma be twee n 'h e mu . ma I p mu ml u m w e v u e b e n e a t h ;A-on un lererlnl or me nneho|~<nblo. The ebb "do u n nlre ml: lvwvlwm do rm the anchorage iovurd the g ~ mm~ | I u | 3 a I u m m | m m . | w a . 1 r , n 1 1 w u 1 u p u s h I n u l d e .D o t | h i m n o w ! " Th e a t m : o f t h e R o n ! . h m o a r o s e N f v r t u l m n d l n o n e o f t h a o p e n u r l n d o 1 r '| m r g r e a t - u a c i o '| d u e w h l t a h a d a h o vr n d l i k e a fa d e d p l c t u n In I m m s e e n n c r o n u d a w n e d r o a m . " O n e s b e fo r e i n w w e : o o N l - " P a u n h | . l P ¢ l ¢ 4 o n ." l l a f b o t h i s t i m e G o t t l p n k s l o u d I 8 d e r t d e i l l l d l a n a ! h l s n u u : n u I In u m \ I n u -|1 | o t I v o ' 7 ° : l n l 1 ' : n n l * : J n l i l L H ! !V b - T h a l l o y d I m g ;In ¥ \ !1 \ ¢ .r § | ¢ u m r o o m n n il l i l .l u r n I n r t u r i s p l a n ,r .B a r n # a l a n h i l l \ a l a n> l e l a t l s p a m ' f g w - = ° n h l !u l l c o m u t e u r n !lm .h ml» ." ? £f§. .a l x w t h t l m n uInI|.t a k n tho u a n n a a h h .f l I.u s h i m a t t h e " R l n l u vo u a . " g r o w l ! - d t h t p u - m r c a p t a i n ." c o m o r a a v o t c . h d \ . u \ l b o d n m 1 r ! ' \ t . w i l l t l | o o r n n ' : z o !' I a a l l n w w h a t m a n y l l a : n y ' l !m f g y o .I ! I n n o t h u n o ' u m c o u n c i l - - a n d t h e n ! : h m a n w o u l d l i k e z a b l n b , b e m e 9 ' n m . " S l i ve r p u m a h l m u l f e r e c t , c u d d l l g h u c r u t c h u n d e r l u x a r m .5'Q\m{¢rmu1er m a n f o r U N I " " £tandoi voic e aoma ann.. " 'o f a l i n 3 to I r l l t r m m e r u n .nm:ope n u n .r a ca ut io n u o u r u m t c n f r o r d i "I ( T o b e c o n t i n u e d )'They :re gona orerlou. Gzdnoob.Wa heard the Wairul befor! we had I I mxlI'|.I»¥}i|1¢¢§..¢]»§r¢ni¢mmn¢¢n Inu at lun 'HRT ad are |n» E08 § " " » £ » 1 » § " | ` ¢ [ u ~ ~Deileh I gut hm in one pins. ghoszllke from the 2It.1hroudln3 duk.B.G.'1'hgt'|fihe.What wereShe .umm nearer.Heuer ¢un.'¢noy'r fr#-1| An d nu m.It seemed that the t1m|Doi tc h- On a ns to get out and vessels must mlllge, :gd Qgg guspenu-the other vu to stay out. . s 0'Do:mell'|I lvl:was zlmply Duhler-$25,600 .tdditlon is being built to broom hctory. Yutan--Canter Stunt bridge nemo!lim Plath Rlvcr daiiczted. Hu li n n- L in c oln Avenue to he g|llIilllillllllllIIINIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IllIIIIImllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIllIIIIIII[IIIIIIIIllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIIIIIIIIIIllIIIllIIIHIIIIHllIIIINIHIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIINHHIIIIHIIIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlilIIIIIIlNIHIlllllllllllllllllllllp §i f n .n °'ml _l n u n 9 1 |. §Q =§EE = =E§ lr' New cut rrlces lnrougn me mourn ol July "1\rne'f ln.-stalled at such corner of aquam. Neligh Pourthonn £5 be efpnillb- ed.Orc hid-Highway. under c omme tion from Orchard to Brunswick. Neligh-Horthnrentem Railroad il EEE§sg THE ENTERPRISE Blair's Leading Newspaper Gives you all-the latest local happenings of the c o m m u n i t y .l t s co l u m n s ar e full each week of the doings of your neighborhood a n d co u nt y .lf i t s w o r t h publishing you will find it in The Enterprise and what you find there will be entirely authentic.We invite you to join the rapidly growing fanxily oi readers of this periodical and in order to make this easy r -I g we are offering the following clubbing offers which are open to new sunscrmers omy. 2 T a k e R d v a n t a a e o f t h i s O f f e r a n d S a v e M o n e v E this vicinityw¢ 1mh; si 4a »¢ 1u »of seven! |..|EThis offer wil] be continued through the month of June.Get in while it is yet § time.Get a year's reading of high class periodicals..§ THE ENTERPRISE § M ~ '.|| luuuuunmmmmunlimlmmll|u|mmmwmu||||||||||mmmmmmnmimIn|||mmmmmnn|||u1|umnnmm||umammummu||||u||||unu||umm||uI|lmnmmmu|||||nmnm|u||\mummmnnuuumm|||u|||||||||||||mn|E I I Trentcm--New schccl house pm- posed for this town.Bladen-New zuenoir to be coa- ntmded here.Leigh-Lnlgh lndqemirrgt Teh- nhone Cdmpmy wh] ipéml $3.000 for\ l l - I l l N - ' _..._. IH Blair, Nebraska, my 29, me- ' n m se n a n d fa m i l y a n d M r .a n d M n . Fr m d R a y s p e n t S u n d x y . e ve n i n g w i t h M r .a n d M n . P H E !M u l l e r . -M n .C l n n n c e K a i l y s p e n t T h u n - d n y w a n i n g w i t h M n .T .K .Ive r - n n .H n . . M a r g a r e t l v e r w n a n d f u n - and f u n spent Sunday at FredGrabbes 'of Blair.~ Loren ll l i l t r l spent Sundny atthe F1its Jahrrel house.In the af-ternoon Walter,Roy Ind Hlrr yJuhml and lmern luten auto-ed in Kfnnnrd to ue the bali guna. thru other nun mme across beforethe sida Wu retired. The Hubl went down om, two, thy ee in '£heirhalf of than inning._The game marked the .Una ap pu_1gnqi of Havens,the " Ma te rMind"of Elkhorn buebnll.in the an-.bool dolld.Hr. Seo. Olinger ind non, Goa J r ., o f Had ale, lo w: : n m ou r ~ viliten at Thoo.Ollngen Frida!vi A w m a l b g f s ua |nx ;'»funw¢¢lLGm.Grlbbo ni ColumbusImlfM. B e r d u v m n ol DmnhlJ i m a x R a y m x .sunnyc orrespondents :mm wary c ommunity in W ah I ingfoa County | a f t e r n o o n . l ml . .l v hber Han' Bd,BrownYardHain u h Wed frlencla on Yhio b o ; Ichange ln oplng for lchmldt ofrlncetts on day dinner :olson'a in lo Hodale,o.Ulinger>ok 'llleir ga heme. ay after Seuu:at-mah Tues ner with Do,Nebr.,ly evening 1 Doroth!with Hrs. Hinriciu. Roth were: at Jonas~lfUelt1oonlgs'.wu - them to spent lastmdRaya. ES r realdantthe Frank laney met og Has- e rlsm l m o e 1 judged.best oat- y Mlltiererd.Afterdl a lunch-Ig of twoiles,cook ade. Those Folvejr, Mrs:R.Fowl~Beatriceen Ig rim. y Masters.Fowler ofndaywith flztendlck mr.and ans.h mm Huston auufamilyof Omaha spent Sunday atCarlHamen's.Mr. and Mrs. IJ. R. Fowler called at Fn d Master: Sunzlny..A.J.Fowler and aon Ken~n spent Sunday with Mn. Fowlerwho has been staying with her ada- ttr,HH.Raymond Dixon.Theyfoundhersomewhatimprovedandshe expects to come home sometime Saturday.Mr.and ilra.Jay Larsen andfamily and Mr. and lirs. Fred Mapters, Dorothy. Edgar and Fred, Jr.,called at Garl Hansen: Sunday evo n ng.Roger Hansen is enjoying a vaca-tion with relatives of near Omaha.. 1»1¢cARTHY .<tnn LONG CREEK Mr. and Mn. Henry Wulbern and Margaret called Sunday aibernoonettheFritz Jahnel home. Orval Leach and Elton Bissell spent Sunday afternoon 1\r,iLh Roy Christe1ae:\.Mra. John Aronson rlcl Hrs. E. E. Blackman spent Fdday with their father, Granddad Woods at Calhoun. Mr. and Mn. Claude Utterback of Glendive, Montana and Mr. and Lira.John Rhoadea called at the home of Mrs. W ill Haniron last Friday eve-. ning. The following relatives called atthe Jamea Thompson and John Barry homes Sunday afternoon, Jas.Sipp and family ol' Omaha, Chas. BarryandaladyfriendofOmahaand Paul Barry and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thompson spentSundayafternoonwithLira.Ab. Row in Blair. The members of the Pig Club pla-1tomeet. at the James Thornpaon home Friday evening. Mr.rad Mrs.John Aronson en- tertained the following friends attheirhomeThursdayeveningin honor of the latter's sister, M1a. E. EI.Blackman of Lincoh:Mr.and Mrs.F.W.Arndt,Mr.and Mra. D. C. Yan Deusen, Blr. and Mrs. JoeLazure, hir. and Mm Louis Schenk, Mr. und Mrs. Will McDonald,i n ence and Laurel McDonald and rlNielsen.Will McDonald entertain- ed the guests with solos on the ash loaf, accompanied by Mrs. 1l:lcI)omld on the iiiano.Reimshmtfats cou-eisting of home-made ice cream, calte and sunshine wafers were served.Mr.and Mrs.Edgar Role spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson.Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Aronaqn of ~Omaha :puff the weebeml at o n r' s Fw.'f+- shores one gc io move s rsewer Ptmr, oclion im- r ire Our m e n t h o b u v s r e ,t e l l s -lety and 1 w l t h g e t s . a n d vws a n d c o n v i n c e o r G r a d e L oi flour nar W onder g . larry a r k e t l. Prop. Geo. Snyder home.They were ac-eomparued here by Miss Margaret Blackman, of Lincoln, who spent theweek-end at the John Aronson home where her mother was visiting. The young people in this vicinity attq1d\:d the barn dance at the Schneider home last Saturday night. Floyd Hin: and Edith J en werevisitors at the Dan o»m75én home Sunday af ternoon.Misa Evelyn IInger of Herman has been spending the psot week with her aunt,Mrs.Hayes Rosen- baim, while hir. Roaenbalm ia busy with his threshing machine in the neighborhood.Chris Vlnderslev and family of Herman were visitors at the Niels Christensen home Sunday.hir. and Mrs. Peter Jensen culled at the home of Chris Axelgaonl on Sunday.Merton Winchell and family apent Sundny in the Drum neighborhood viaiting nt the John Taylor home.oline Rather Rasm\t5~96"l of the Crowell home spent the week-end at the home of her parents,Rev. and Mrs. Rasmussen.Chester Aronson took Mrs. E. E. Blackman und Margaret to their home nt Lincoln lest Sunday.TheywereaccompaniedbyllianEmily A1onson and Florence and Laurel Mcllonnld IEmily remained for a t\et&l&a 1.rl.elt with her aunt. The James Thompson family wascnioying n pleasant ride near Ben- nington last Sunday. Carl M. Jensen and family were Sunday callers at the .lens Juul home.bln.and Mrs.Hayes Rosenbalm and daughter,Ruth Jane and MEvelynEnger were Saturday etim- lng cnllera at the Horton Winchell home.Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hansen and son, Theodore drove to Omm Sun-day and spent the day with Mrs.Hllt$en'a brother,Ed Hansen.His three daughten accompanied them home for a few days viait.hir.and M m Floyd Rosenbalm and Marcel were Sunday dinnergueete at the Nici 'lhompsonhomt near Herman.Wm. Harrison, Fnd Maltera and John Barry were among those who had tbreahers this week.l i m John Aronson spent Wed- neday afternoon with Mrs.(J.J. Hindlegz-'Chris H t u threshcd for Lode Schenk on Wednesday. a - . . . . - . _ . _ . . ALONG THEnorton. ROAD Mr.and Mn .Raynoozxd Therkell- # ; i . . ; . ; . . " ; ; ' e ; a ; = f . o n 1 3 5 5 . 1 r r " , ' § ; , . , ; , . , f , ; .e .o n t h e §""`l'§'II' -"im H. L.. Gaines home gm a little "alrull prac tice" before .a g a m e a n d w a a o n t h e b e h t o"k'§.§""F"§e'f'§"° and Miss Em-greet them as they came inmfrom g f " n d r n " ' ~ o .visited $"°h l1ming'| Play Whether or not u y a day auth Hr. and Havaoahwaa responsible,the Hubs ""¢¥`° P YiHJ £005 hall Sunday an Wore not making many errors. Mrs. Byron Beard. Mr.and Hrs.T.K.Iverson anddaughtersaooompaniedapartyof friends of near Henman, to Oakland Sunday to a picnic at the perl: themMr.and Hrs.Clifton Anderson snd baby of Tchmah ep-ent Sunday at the parental,George Morganhome.Clifton returned home that evening and Hrs. Anderson rernained for a vlalt this week.Mrs. Fnta Muller, Min Roby Mc- Coy,Hrs.Margaret Iverson and Clara visited at the A. A. Andersonborne in Tekama Friday afternoon. Mr.und Mn ..W.Beard anddaughterMerle took supper at the parental, Henry Beard home Thurs~ day evening.Parker McCoy, Jr., :md Otis Blev- vens vlailed Sunday at the P.W. McCoy home south of, Blair. M m Eva Metzler'e condition isaboutthe same.She is unable to have visitors.Miss Gertrude Warrick spent theweek-end with Alma Wrieh west of Blair.hir. and Hrs. Elzy King, Mr. andMrs. Al King, Mr. and hire. C.H. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ray and Grace Ray, Mr. and Mrs. LouieHansenandchildrenofHerman were callers at the ltletslcr borne Sunday to inquire about Mrs.EvoMetzlerandvisitllra.R.A.An~ éeraon..Mr. and Lira. C. H. Blanchard of Herman and Hn. J. S. Conety werecallers at the A. E. Dixon home on Sunday altcrnoon.Mr. and Mrs. Randall Iverson and children spent Sunday afternoon at the P.W.McCoy home south of Blair.Mr. nad Lira.L.L. Lay man and children visited relatives in Burt county Sunday afternoon.Margaret Wandck attended Pleaa- ant View Sunday School with Florence and Eleanor Dixon Sunday and spent the day with them.The Blue Birds of Bono are meet ing this afternoon with' Min Maxine Mathews.A. E. Dixon took a truck load of cattle to South Oinaha onday ere-ningand a truck of h on Tues day evening.Mrs.David Matlrews,of Omaha, was a guest at th Oscar Mathewshoinef r o m w e r r l w until Satur- day last week while David wma out atate on buaineaa.Hin Edith Warrick spent Sunday afternoon with Maude Coulter. Mr.and Mrs.John A.llhoadee and family and Mrs. '1`.C.HiltonotBlair, and Hr. and Mrs. Claude Utterback and family of Glendiw, hiontanpspent Monday evening nttheG.B.Bunn home,where they were pleasantly enterthlned. Miro Geraldine'Mettler ojcat to Herman lali Sunday to viait friends for a few days.Mr.and Lira.Harry n m and son Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyson enjoyed a reunion piculc of the Baker families at the Lyon-1 park laet. Sunday.Mr.and hire.George Hsin were supper guests of Mr._and Lira. Harry Tyson Tuesday evening. Hr.and Mrs.Don Metaler and daughter Virginia,of Arlingtonspent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Eva Mettler.f 'Mr. and Lira Harry Tyson c119»¢I'tained her parents,Mr.and Mrs. Art Baker and sor1 Kenneth»and comin Bcrwin at supper last em- ning.Mrs.Fritz Muller visited at theGeorgeMorganhomeWednesday sfter;oof~..Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hain and Mr. and Mrs.Harry Tyson spent Sat- urday evening at the Clyde Fitch home near Herman.Mr.and Mrs.Zenoa Smith and family Mrs. Arlene Reeves and Mr.Cluur Wanick of Blair, spent Wed- nesday evening with Mr.and Mra. Harry Tyson.Mrs.Claude Utterback,of Glen- dlve,Montana and Mrs.John A.Rhoadea and daughter,L-Oxoln of Blair spent Tuesday afternoon at the Mrs. lliargnret Iverson home. . . . _ -- -- _ "ZFIASTER .2mz~m"FA IL S To W IN GAME . _ . . (Continuod from can One) Scheffier, for Blair,were receiving fine support and in the 12th it looked aa though the game was go-ng to continue until darlmess set in.In the 13th,hoaraver,the Blairarrccltlng crew began its work and lt did it well.Scheffler alngled anj vent to second on a passed ball. He wa; advanced t9 thind on Sven- gaanl'a single.Lundt walked, fill- ing the bases.Cook, Blair manager, came to thebat and ordered a hit and nm.I t was plain this was Blair? intended play, but the Hubs seemed to haveno defense for lt.Cook laid dorm a hunt and sehernef paced across to break the tie.Then Blair began hitting and Blair AB -lion. aa . . .7Jectsen, lb . . . . . Swnzur dt if . . . Krause, c . . . 56 4.. R 1 o 1 o H 2 2 1 P0 1 16a 11 3 cl E Q1 A 2 1o o 2 0 o oG. V a n D e u s e n , d 5 0 2 o Sc h!ff ler,p.5 2 2 2 8 0 ; L u n d t, 3 l: | . . . .5 1 1 3 o o , w w e k , 2 b . . . . 5 1 1 o 7 2 l C o o k e , r ! . . . . . . 3 0 o o o o T o t a l s . . . . . .45 5 1 1 3 9 1 5 2 Hubs AB R H P O A E1a.nbe,3b 5 1 o 1 .|o H e d s e n . 1 f . . . . . 1 o o 1 o o G u d w ,rf ... 4 o o o 1 o Peck,ae . . .5 0 1 1 2 1 P o l l o c k , c . . . . . 5 o 1 1 1 5 o Cunningham,2b . 5 1 1 2 6 1Chambera,lb.4 o o r :1 o ws n m r - I f .. . . s o o 4 o o R. A d a m. s , d . . . . 4 o 1 1 1 oH ¢ 1 w n . p . . . . . 5 o 1 1 2 o Totals . . . , . .43 2 5 3 9 2 2 2n u n Blair ooo1oooo1o<\o4--511 3 Hubs ooooooo1 1ooo;o-2 5 2Gardner batted for Hodaon in Sth. Summary Twobase hits, Melton, R. Adams,Jensen; t.l1ree~baae hit Lundt; stolen bales, Jensen, Cooke; sacrifice hits, Cooke 2; Krause, Chambers; hit by pitched ball, Svengaard and Krause by Melton; bases on bella off Helton6. Schdfl-er 4; struck out by Helton 11, Scheffler 9; wild pitches Melton 2; passed balls off catcher, Pollock 2; time of game, 2 hours, 40 min- utes;umpire, McQuade. League Standing W L PcL lll.en:.l\ants..... . . l 2 3 B00 Scribner . . . .. . . 10 4 714No r th i i e n d . . .. . . H J 5 665 B1air ..... .e a 42s Hooper .. .. .5 3 128 Snyder .. . .. .5 9 4{J0 A r l ln g t o f : 1 . . . . . .. . - |9 30811ubs.. . - . . . . . .2 1 2 142 Su:1doy'a Reeults--Blair 6, Hubs 2 {13 innings) Merchants T, Scribner 3.Hooper 3, North Bend 1. Arlington 4,Snyder 2. -Fremont Tribune. LARGER DAIRY HERDSPROVE MDSTYROFITABLE .- Ate n o r twc lr e c o wh e xdto ta k o the place dd the aixfow herd no common on farms in the MississippiValleyialdvocatedbytheBlue Valley Creamery Iustlltlte.This is butod on work conducted by Prof. H.H. fliililee of the Iowa Statue College of Agricimlturc.Prof.Kil-dce found that farnierrrhaving half a dozen cows do not always conaider them an important part of their farm scherrre,while 11 dozencows make ddrying a buaincaa.Hefurtherpointsoutthatpractically the same equipment ie neoded to care for a twelve-cow herd aa for tbe one of small number and that the income is relatively greater. An important factor in the econ- omy of larger dairy ho on formawhere cream is sold and skim milk kept for feeding to calves, pigs andchickens, lies in the marketing of a higmr quality of cream.This is especlally true in summer whenwarm weather makes it difficult to keep small quantities of crcem coldandevreet.The longer cream is kept on the farm, the more time it has to spoil.Greater production makes it possible to ahip creammorefrequentlyondlessensthe chances of it becoming; sour. An nverngg good herd of six cows producing 1,200 pounde of 36 percent cream .luring tho warmmonthsofJune, July,August and September will average 10 pounds of such cream a day, states the ln- stitute.To fill n five-gallon can,which holds about 40 pounds of cream, would :require n six-cow herd about four days..A twelve-qowherd of the same productive ability would fill the same can in two days.Since the coat of shipping a five- gollon can of cream is pi-mieslay the some ns for shipping the samecanP\1'*~i»1l>filled,a aaving ismadelnshippingfullcana.The premium paid for sweet cream In addition to the top price paid for good sour cream is usually threeoctnteapound'for butttrrfut.A fivegallon can of sweet cream re-ceiving such a premium would bring the farmer I2 cents more than thegood sour cream.In the course of a year, this exftrn income on ouchcanwouldamounttomanyaddi- tional dollars of income. _ "Why dldn't you put this water melon in the icebox as 1 told you. Mar y !""I did, mum.""But it ian't cold." "No mum.How c ould it be?l had to take the ice out to get it in." of B lslr, lr .and Hrs.and Hr .usd Hrs.Howere cellars at Chu.Hnesdsy~=*!'f1i»1aMra.Robert Lem071'| the Bench u e very soof her serious illness and,resent there seems little h r condtion,all uve er spee recovery.Mr.,J Mr s. .E.C. Blair were whas at LipSundsif afternoon. Cl!! ord Rays were Sun guests .st Hr.Glen NIlsir.Ruth Lippincott wentSunday evening with ~and. wife urhvn "qv evewt.Miss He lm Gddi~ Hrs. Hinric h: mintnoon with Mn. Sumner.Hr.and Mrs.H.J.tended | . funenl in Teks cien Pluck wok diFredPeck!lsst Sunday.Rev.Hsugrams N N W ; 'ns s supper st o ~st E. C.Liap ffo lu. H n .H..Smith sspentSundayafternoonBylvlsi in Blslr. Hrs.Lyle Guyer,M Hrs. Li ineott and Hincllleraedneadnrrr eveninBlombergahEser in they cslled st Chas. Roe~ms Wsrrldc sccompsnledthelatterpls-ce.Harry Smith and wifeMonday evening at Cliff ds " ae: me umm J. L. Pounds one price dothler . Blair,--Nebr. /\T m~BoY E» ew ~M \Y u\»q ulA ~ To be on (hc Job,ii Ia Ta mov:when (he u m w a me ; Says Eddlz with fr "ls one who knows pravcsonel Our Customers Bas! Advertis~ One wo ma n,w her Groceries he another of the va prices conslsten MANEY Nqr Mrs.Ray Peak,fonneof cnlz u mla , wu d a tHovandick home Fmlary. The Merry Maids o \at the home of Mia Dohu Thursday nfzemeon.hmught. ample: of oatmandsoftcustardso n¢ma¢=¢HJR?hi ll the meal cookies nm!Dowthhadthebestsoftcuthe meeting urn |d}ourneon: r u served consllkindsof nndwic hu,pi ies. fresh fruit and iemopruant were: lin. JerryCarlM.J e n s e n f ln .D.er,M m Fned Mu i tr i , Pauley, Karan Jenna, Hel Tenn Folegl and DorothMr.and rs. ThomasnearElkhornspxintSu Sam BdleysuMr.and M1.=.Frank \ 4 i AW. Sprick Fontane,Hc. Ncbr. Republican Clfndidltn for State Representative Born and rurdd in Wuhing- ton county and hu extensive land iuuamats here. Hgie s. good business man nndsnfc lad sane man tn 'vote for Ee' dionNov. 2,;925 1 BENCH NOTES Mr..and Mrs.Waltar Pack, who - vo been visiting a t n a d Packsthe 31" tac k was Sunday dinnergunz;ni llr . md ln . Cb r il J en -n They will al cl |few days Hrs.Andrew Svengnnl hxd |family rsgitlug of her pooplo- Sun-day at c h ' i o n p r e s e n t b u t Mr. Blomblrg, .o ntnyod homo to"h "usd was nunrdod bygoun ,n v it 4| om their old udghbora,llr. xml Mn.. Kinney and daughtorwithher frimd, Mr. Turk of DTI-itl Hull. at E.8.mUpp1noottL l t . .T h hmjly regretted min us' Hr.w. T. Hlffar, who hu spentmep u s in trkml-ll,rdumc d»tho home of his dluhtxr, Hn.Roy Polk,Sunday and hu in very .nitor tum or uned days lut week t Hn. Qllffoxd Ray a.Hrs.Kale Honrlolu of Florence me Whlzmsdn to attend the Inn-rnl of Hugo ni; nad nm-nimd few "af"in visit S h i m m l tLipp neott homo md rhitndof -hr inhedllto friends, ru- ~lng not to no 131.Sho return-\ to her home smndny waning.Mosul ?¢lk had the midortum to .1 a pitch fork line in li: ioot oners: last week.W hen In vu tak- n to tho doctor om Sundaj' it wasoundInlledionhadbegun,b lt ho .n doin fits: now.Ted fan., mother md dltor, N# iv were ulhn nt Jonu Blombe»¢l Inlay evendng.Mtn Ru h Com lon : p mt 'hues- \~r hollih.Hn Sud# Lune, od Blolr, Wu 4 ru.B.C.Llppincotrenloyed |vim with her onngest brother. 0.D. Schmidt ol orfolk. at the homeoftheir shin, Hrs.J.L.Poundson Tuudsy afternoon I n t weak.Mr . md Mrs.Tino.Ollnger had u dlnnlr gust.:Sunday,Mi n t ! Helen Gidiilrzlfs, Ruth Lippincott ondWilmd w ek, and Bun' Hunk.Mn. J .ll.Compton had a nice visit from hor nloa, Hn. Ed Brn-derlln of Richmond, Va., who, 'withher little son Blnir, are visiting hn nntn, at Arlington and came on ggi-Y to fmt xt Comptons, reft.mn h i o u r o gHr. and ln..p neott and Hrs.Hinrich; villtgd nt ned Pec k! luxThursdayevening,including Mr. and Hn. Walter Pec k hz the visit. All tuc hon md offioen presentnt Plouant Vi-ur Sunday.Thi Jun-jan lol! tlnlr banner to tho Young hoplo'|C h u .Hrs.Dixon,thnlr tesobor,brought her earner:andlsqtgninatJL.. Bumnc n.took s picture of the c lan after I " \ \ I " ' 7 1 J f ` \ \*I\K . \.@ ? '.'§\ 5 ; . QH I ~i I |< / I A Useful Ornament m me C\l'ClE gm grows. Une order will you of our Super! Groceries. S P E C I A Note 0m' Prices Pi\1sb\\ry's Best & Or 52,31 4s:u. b|| Cash and f Quality M _ . { fashioned in an attractive de- sign from the material you prefer will serve you for many years, proving both use A Wrist Watch and an ornament of which may be proud. 1EE A Blrghulgy rsmlndlf lar .lily-The Ruby H J O L L E R M A N Nl i Gift CounselorExdulive Jewelar Ju n : $ '| l C1 . 5 ¢ 1 i '4_ _ .. ....._== *l =~x=e."/.....|s.fhw:..=»;\;.;2..>,Ga.\