07-22-1926THE ENTERPRISE.....,.,, R O U N D T H EC O U N T Y.ANews ol Interest gnhered by Eueryflu mrrsspondsats from every communlly In Wuh- - lngmn Coumy. :|~av »\||.r0~o¢ r¢ ou0v v |ov u-ov o~ov oov o~:.n.v \ lir. llltl Ska. Lou Fink. Wm. Quinlan, Jr., of Miuouri Val- Iey ls visiting at the Harry 'fuc ker Loma.M nR13Pistolh ubeenimlp- ingH n .GemHnrganm gforthxuber: this week. Georg;Facklerstartedthrushhg lvl. Tuuday .Thefoilovringfr|end¢l° andmh - session and feelthat they prof!~much by the trip.Mr. um Vohries of College Vi~Nebr., but who had been making 11| home with his daughter, Hrs. A. Wilkins for the pant dame monthpaused sway last Friday at the;of 85 3-earl.Funeral service: we conducted Sunday afternoon at Ion o'clockfromthaM.E.churchaKznnltd.Themanyfriendlhaextendsympathytothebenea family. 'r u ~ t o o r u r b rt h v v nd d ro fTarunclay.minutes of th!lui mating ve rt ran d by the lecrehnr. Klum Jensenand arand lnhe number;3 ° u n ican:g a f : wu tsI. lo a f: r u mcookiesandmuffinswere1=~gpdI-(ann J annn had the but anfin! and .Helm Lanen the beat¢01t\|ttr¢l2Tgl1IidiDl and sour :nammak in.anextmaewg will be s Calhoun park IutS;uudn7. They re- p.vrl a wry plelnnt day . llr. and Mrs. Roy Polk and Mr.andH n .LeonHindkydrawup mrthwestofDecaturl u tSundny md spent the day at the Lode An- derson home.llr. and Hn. CurT'H§ndky drove zaDnklnndSatqndny waningand:put the night 1ri!h tid: dlughter .....,.,, R O U N D T H EC O U N T Y.ANews ol Interest gnhered by Eueryflu mrrsspondsats from every communlly In Wuh- - lngmn Coumy. :|~av »\||.r0~o¢ r¢ ou0v v |ov u-ov o~ov oov o~:.n.v \ lir. llltl Ska. Lou Fink. Wm. Quinlan, Jr., of Miuouri Val- Iey ls visiting at the Harry 'fuc ker Loma.M nR13Pistolh ubeenimlp- ingH n .GemHnrganm gforthxuber: this week. Georg;Facklerstartedthrushhg lvl. Tuuday .Thefoilovringfr|end¢l° andmh - session and feelthat they prof!~much by the trip.Mr. um Vohries of College Vi~Nebr., but who had been making 11| home with his daughter, Hrs. A. Wilkins for the pant dame monthpaused sway last Friday at the;of 85 3-earl.Funeral service: we conducted Sunday afternoon at Ion o'clockfromthaM.E.churchaKznnltd.Themanyfriendlhaextendsympathytothebenea family. 'r u ~ t o o r u r b rt h v v nd d ro fTarunclay.minutes of th!lui mating ve rt ran d by the lecrehnr. Klum Jensenand arand lnhe number;3 ° u n ican:g a f : wu tsI. lo a f: r u mcookiesandmuffinswere1=~gpdI-(ann J annn had the but anfin! and .Helm Lanen the beat¢01t\|ttr¢l2Tgl1IidiDl and sour :nammak in.anextmaewg will be s Calhoun park IutS;uudn7. They re- p.vrl a wry plelnnt day . llr. and Mrs. Roy Polk and Mr.andH n .LeonHindkydrawup mrthwestofDecaturl u tSundny md spent the day at the Lode An- derson home.llr. and Hn. CurT'H§ndky drove zaDnklnndSatqndny waningand:put the night 1ri!h tid: dlughter ALL nm mom.: B L A l R ' S L E A D I N G N E W S P A P E R o F F | c | A L . P A P E R o r = ` w A s | 1 | N o T o N C O U N T Y , N E B R A S K A un! rm nrnllnw m ann"GENERAL AND LOCAL NEWS AND CDMMENT Aak for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" Gel me mmm tradp wlth__ J. L. Pounds one price clothler _ Blair,..;.Nebr. ROSE HILL N1-:WS 118 Shop! Time Gall met nt the mo of Hue]veuafr int Wednes-.Everyone hadn v m 'enjoy- ti millr. md Hrs. John Boeklun whit-ntWm. Flannlnns of Toknmah Sa w? of nmo on .Hfronoftl uroturnodh o m~InwantonLonglvrhoro heh u wa|klnellnc¢ school dopd.Gntc lwazach- mdElva Hannpent Suurday dumoonwith ly nn.Hi nHoseaWilsonandli n .Wilson and baby spentI n tundnyafternoonattheWill lhams.fHar'Gl uClubm ewith ronardlui.Wodmalay.A.~mn modding of Ice cream andu nserved.Theboysmoott week with James lhnclno.r.undHrs.RudolphMuncie ~Fridaywenln; atGnndnor nu r .granWord andHuoidChril-nn vultod Jnmes Ryan Thonulny 1°~ .lmHn .OttoRuhrment Mondaydt:-:oooand eveningatmg park in Dmaha.ll . md Hn. Clumeo Jens!! andflmllym dSundayatthePots Jensen homo.Mr. ind lin. Rudolph Munch and familyvislhudlui.Fridayeveningal the Gus Honcko hom;Mr. andMn. J ohnPenne: andchildren were guests at Wi!! Ryuu' y.The EpwoaLeague vu 'roll undodSunday evening.Thehon for 9, pimienl doddod on.Jrplan an go to Wnhoo next Sunday mplace of Norris park.Josephine chrhtwmxzunded $12 ball game ln Fremont lui. Sunday.The Lldkl' Aid met q the homeof Mrs.CharlesHu u e n i n tWed-nnday.Aingo :number attended.A delicious luncheon wus served. IIsroldClrlaonrolurrnd $0Blah lnt.8aturday after having'lrorlotlfor Will Ry ln | coulle of weeks.A fur from this vcinlty ationsiod tho funenllof L. H. Vorhlea whichau h old inKennard lut Sumhy .Gntcfnn ldeneke had the misfor-tu n o lu : wmmmy wan i n g to h e kickedby acow.Herno nv ubroken ond hor :yo bllckerd.Shoiskilnalong nicely. mlzor focal; /. - f ' ~2 »».' u- x,) A\\\`\\ '\' I" ' \"llllllos ~ ? _ \ ~ é d hen Eddie,our bflghl Anand 509. teh (ask:(halmm( people nn- nqy,He dana: md .sings Ana aw °u»¢f'y.¢..¢. preeslheof gmulnc joy. NoneBetter Your Flourcanbeno tterthant h ewheat whlch lt ls ground. IllsburyFlour ls.made ~m selected Hard Vlihedt - t h eb e s tt h a tl s g r o w n nywhere.That ls why read made from Plllsbury lour has n llne llavnrand oes not dry out qulckly. peclals Fon Next Week illsbu ry '| Ben Flour$2.50 -- ar Flour$2.50 oyal Blue Corn. 2 cans.25 'unpplexn largo can.zs ewhes"" can.... .gal Ann Clmrriu, lame can rk and Beans, por can eu. per can r e Bnuln Cauu|pwlw c an of1 Pork and Beans 1-'assl nllheuds, per pound a . L l .25 .30 .10 .IS .25 .21 0 uallty Market JENS NIELSEN. Prop. apen!SundayatthaCarlPleptr home .al Blair.Ola!Peurnnapentaf lwdly ralFJeua l-Inland.| .very anav ugn a t yaurpl mTuendayw l u a m yhead 'ef thema r r la mo fClarenceHansenand Hao wna, whichoccurredlnla w ;Clarencenad ua ld fr omtheRa uHlllaehoolandhal- m y -llved ln um c ommunity.u m W I - klnantumadthlaaummarfrom Boulder,Coldowherea hh uhom the pu! three y uan taklng anuraeltralnlng course.Shewouldhavereceivedher cerllflnataI-Nl (all.Thsy hlva the beat wlahu fora m m w a d e d n n .Elon lame.: span! Sunday alter-noon ln Blalr with the Carlagn glrlaThe oommlmlty wan aaddemed last 1'~=-my when they leamed of LhedQ!h nDeulah Hanan at the Blair Ha lp lu lJuneu,1928.Sherom-rlolesl aehool at Role Hlll and latern1923went toBoulder, Colandoand ln two years renamed home onnoun!ofpoorhealth.Rev.M. .loon and nw. Ganlener al Nor- 1-»|\¢.p=mh»<| un l\zneraLThe 'glu-bunn were J ohn, Harald andow-ardTaylor, vmm- Johnson,. m mand AlbertRuhr.The familyhal 'th eaympauqora nm u mcom-.|unl\y.m IM A N E Y N § r E s |Mr. and Mn. Sam Balloy, Jae and hlargamQ u mm n !Fridaye wInlnll atProd'M u n n .TheMarryMallla ofHaney are[having an icwcnam welll, free _ple-the wr zumahow amlprogram.atMannyaehoolhouse Thunday ann~¢.,1ug 15.u mnmde Allen and Mn.n.Fowleranim-1 lhelr c ouno Fremont a l. the Mi dland "gy Frklay.Theya nnowyteach aehool of whlrh Mrs.Fewwillleac h attho Sutmyalde schooll\d Mba Genru ds Allen wlll withat me lllaney achoal. ' r mMarryLum of Haney mn al Ihr home of Dorothy Mulen Sun-day afternoonlnordsrto pranleelartholrprogramwhkhvlllbe,xml Thunn lay mnlng.Mr." f lHn .m eM u n nare¢d°¥\»ran extendedvlzltfrom (olka ofOklahoma.Hr.n a l i mw. F. Steuben of lakeba, Oklahomand Mr. Janna Wood: of ChnrokeeDklahoma :rho nn-lvd Saturday .ml "gd xo spend several dm Lhore. ra.Andrew Mauen. Elsls Koe-nlr.ln . . la yh n e n .Ho lmand FnnciaMae Larsen spent om daylul. mek \\~lI.l\ Mn. wm K°gd5_alan" Deatrlc e and Tennd w and mu Foleyu n . r l- la w mu -nwr l wllh Mluorulhy lluzen.Mlmv mFoleylxplanningwwavefarWayne.Nebr.Prldlvmmw wh e n a h e f lu u k e a i lvo weelu course.The fin! of Sepoem-ber lhb will hefln lean-hlng the nmnd alxlh grads at Elkhorn, Nebr.Hrs.ElizabethMlulrraand mn. Paul Malvern ol Alhland anal Beale lllller ol near Kvnnard apanl S\|n~ day azP M l h a w n .The Merry Maid: ofManeyCook- ing Club held their bualnexs meet-ing atthehome ofHelenLaroan Thursdayalxernocn.Themeeting D.at onloh r AIK wr nuum .u.u»uv.~ ............ v v v I umm. W AS HI NGTO N g 0 UN' l ' y , - NE B R AS K A JULY 22, 1946 Mrs. JU.lioaemoaurnf m l l r h u a b a n d .Un Sunay they drove toEwdlafwithMn .Baml rWayneqndmiredan nu ma u g hHelen Larsen and Dorothy Battenpmt Tunday afternoonwith Ter-aa. and Beatrice Fohir..Mr.andMn..W iliamKam i! peutSunday at theJayLi ne n cole.Ilia: Bary Sac kdt of Chiisbiting atLbs home.of Lira.m.loenlg.In o fair day : aho will goo Omaha when ah! will keep bottleor the L. C. Curtin family. me _mm part of uuz W eek:Nea-nanny.. HaandKennethTyaon,Agdw from a two Iralka vlait at thoD i g gGlen and pm] Ray. Mr. andr i tJoneshome at Sewer Cross- 5ir»DonMe mo :o lA r u n ¢ m, !a i m H m m : m uwho hu been Chu. Metxler of Tekamah, Mr. Sluiiaiting her sister, Hrs. (;,¢,Owen oi' Carroll, Nebr. tor the goat month returned Saturday to huome here.»Hrs. Gertrude Nea! and aon,JoeofBenson, alsoMilaMartha Cookspent sewn! 615| East week. at theJohnBlaeohomehere.Mr.and ter,Sheik,whoisattendingsum- mer aeho-oi at the Wayne Statue Nor mal. The Thompson families enjoyed a family reunion at the James Thomp- son homo last Sunday.The follow-ingfamillelbroughtthdrdinnfrf and spent the day together: Frank Mrs. J. McC'lannnha:z and his moth-er, Mr. and Mn. Homer King. Mn. BlanizthbecklerofTdkamah,H n . EdKing andLira.Killus W est of WillandDanThompson.Mr.andHa'm a n .\ | 1A LD u a ll lRfi n; n nr nl ln m l l\ . f -'l '¢| \ A} 6n fs n n i| r | = n D l n l l da mnJ.S.Conety,C.B.B..,,,,_fRoma Wand returned lad Thurs-NO. as J..~ on Dot. 24.1899.md ' a uthareforeput twenty -d x y ous 01' oourmr not xznzmu un' 'TRAIN IN IOWA .n I \s i x t o n i n e ca r d .de p e n di n g ,o f ec un ie ,o n t h e a i l s o f t h e e a r l . ||~ lin an the bench, nmived the trafic n w : o f Hn. death of their o/ldutnn. Hugo A. 1§0i\1l» which oocurnd lonclay, .Zqly 19, ;Norvray, lawn. T l !teiegrnn :tn I n had bien ~lled by n train.1Ingo had been working for the rlllmnd company pmlnting bridges ln-1 at this writing, Tuesday afternm. th e h mily von no t f ully i n- Iormml as to the pu1icula:.| of his a th. ed,whlin,with larger ai r:g p m six an eight many; lasadhdm one time. At. the present time, thi Nebraska t ~1 .f o r t h e I n t i ' e 1 r u u o n s ,h o v u j l r , colfii :sumti l r n x u o x r ' r o l u v n Nav/ STA TE PA RK Fnmone., Nnb., July 19.-The muh0 l 'E X P E N S E .. purc hased I intl of 16 5 u rn . T i h l Zlllmnk o r Expense For Wnhlnnw Oonnly For Oomlng Y o u u $140,000.B¢H| ¢| An TM B l: I te m o.»\ns AND n n mc s s .w w The utimnlo for the county nx-puuu for 1926 | | ;lven b alw nel gy lr !! ln uleu t to the ra do n 0 ! .0 Enterprise.The ullmate nm: n vv m u a x f u m -(ur u~» !0 f 01 | \¢ » r u0 ¢ b\ u u» m0 lv. mm0 - Ly moving u will bn mud. In ll S 2.00100nr and Poor I-'nm 'l,000.W my M a n o r :8,500.00 k u : 8 - lllr k i xa,0oo.00.County Sumyor 000.00 g y *zs,0oo.oo d n --4s,ooo.0o§ 2 " " " u n d c wu C u r l 0.00000 lda tn ll 20,000.00Ma n n Re li c !500.00 m u n D n i a q e a,0oo.oo l a w : m u h B u n a m p _1,500.00 In-hen' Pnadana ap o o mAfriwlm-nl I Swek Show ~.2,000.00: m u o n 4,000.00 §. - contulnln( ¢l|M lakes, west nf Pn- munt an the Llneoln hlghuay, lor the c aution al \ .lute park. Thu nlfaru of C.C. Cmmrlght,Fnmvn t, u m d ro wn - of tb a lxuk Walton langue of LM: diy, md A~ thu! Bnldvlin, pnaldent al the Pav mont ehaphr. m uid ro be napa;- dhln for dau action.'nm m n ,aitnnhd on n u v e d stretch of 1-hs Lincoln highway,u leu Lhnn hm mlleu from town. Daring the l u !h w dnyl thu ln n k W n lwn I n n a h u wa r d th upla ntin g o f mn um fn f un in tho n h l pit ln ku,whkh w w n m-net mn ! n n g lln . ,_Th i F n m o n t d mp h r w 0 H u \ d ln p l xn ta llth a u n e ln n d d n mb h r y th e : u h wi ll provide u bontlfy the grnunds.Tentltlvu pln n l n l! for annway u mmughant the onlintx-ut, dndlng nbou! tbl him, and hnpnwnnrnt of the pnunt nntux-nl blthlng benches.. N a n c i ' Thu S u u Rxilsuy Couunhdon n u a a l p m d n u u y , J u l y z m , n t m o M L n s w f , u a n u m -ol Un hudng on the apglkauan of tbl: c 0}npny lor tha connolldutialg ... : ,\ 1 ~. Tllll.The meeting vlll bo hold at thu ooundl dumber: in th! City Hal! and is cpm to tha publk. 26 lt.Blair Telephone' Ccmplay. COUNTY DROU`l`H STILLTHREATENS CORN Whnl Yhld l lfnu h-ny Gnd Bu!cm Crop ll A Crlkll Conlllhi lk! Wluh Hula 'llc onauum Warn'»|°a1'':r\' ami-Aiwa!~ o f ' r u . . .n - - . _ . . . . _ . . . - . - - - . .. . ._ ItE.'llJR'*iS~ L n n r s m -~ n a r e s ~ +_VERY BUSY High Dar For The Year U9 To Date la 178 Clra.The Tourist Baelneae Bboee An leaeaae. Dlr And Night Service nr vs n L OW AT PRESENT TIME '. The Blair ferry.which is owned and operated by Mr. Cbarlea Haynesand soo1. la now at the belght of one of ite best eeaaona.Touriata from an over the oontinent are fol-lowing the B-line amd, bv eroaeltig the river here,are aaviog them- uelvea a good bn of extra milueo Stay-at-home Blah folk: find manyinteresting rhinal happenin; at the ferry landlng and almost every eve- w n a finds many Blalrltea visiting with the tourlata.The fm? season opened me year on Match 16, thla h-dn.; about the uma] date. according to llr. Haynea. The rlver becomes open and clear, inmoaty earebetvreenthe mthandNth o f la rc h .Aa a general rule ferry service ia anled on up until the last of November.In zinnaually mild winters, the river may he openevemlabor and Mr.Haynea recallsoneaeaaoninwhichthelaat trip was made on Chrhtmalily .Dur ing the season, the !%rr>"J='\'i°¢ ta maintained both day and night, which le a great advantage to trav- olere.lip to date this year, the lament day'A lmxineea was one hundred and seventy ears. each ear carryiag oneto 'nine passengers.The emalleat day'e business this year waa the 1l Mr. and Hrs. Jae.L.Pound and daughter are home from a very de-tlghtful trip up into the Black llille country.' Leaving Blair on July -ith by autothey drove to Norfolk where they stopped over night with relatives and from there drove to Winner, S. D.After a night ln Win-:er theyheaded for Ilot Sprhxga where theystayedfromTueaday Inight pntil Saturday morning.The next morewas up to Custer and Sy lvan Lake and then into Dndwood for Sat-nnday night.On Sunday they drove to Snearfish and to Lead and back S'Deadwood,from there £0 Rapid ity.The homeward trip waa begun on Tuesday of the aerond week over the .Gunter Battlefield Highway and arrived home Friday afternoon. The trip was a delightful one. ThefluatthrillwasatRosebudwhich is an Indian agency just welt of Winner ln liillette County,S.D. Here they !o|.md a two week'a powwoweoineat which twelve thoua~ amd Indiana were gathered and the hilla were white with tents.The acenlc portion of the trip be- gun when entedng the Black Hill:and woods and from there in one beautiful aight after anaber await- ed the travelers.Sylvan Lake Iaone of thebeauty apote which par- ticularly attracted their admiration This ia only one of nature'e freak! and there are thousand! of them In a day'a ride that will !ill the on- leoker with awe.These hllla havebeenaptlynamed"The Am-erlan Abe" and those who have seen both declare in favor of the Black Hills and claim they are onrnateheddll 'couucn .ans 0N cm what Ne w W e ll la To B e Tltd Out o r Two Weeh'a Trial.ll I t P N N! sueeeorefn May n e o n e Ior Gu Purposes I MEETING WAS A QUIET o n e The re ar meeting of the city council which was held 'hoaday eve-ning was a quiet one and norordinl to report: to The Enterprise repow er. was one of action.Nothing waa done relative totill appointment of a iight andeommiaaioner and the matter ananda aa before,the city atill wltbout man at the head of this im~- - offloe.The qnoatlon of the condition the city water was taken up. qoeatlon has been before the for aome time _and it ta -known that when the omnilra ~ tory ia n operation that theHourlydangerously .ahort and. thlameetlngetepawaretakeo m a n h a d t o a m l o t d o n o t t h h e u atioua quaation.A test well was put down mo n th a a g o ln th e B a . llr d south of Blair and aometblng i. twenty-five feet of flue waterth! aand wae gone through.oould be piped to the reservoir while it would be naceeaary to tain a separate pumping atatioltthepower for ,zumvioe wovali ne c e a a lty b e a g a a or a n o lle t would at-the eame time .. the tenalon on the light plant.. 'fi*o\ildof course. be very deal 1 plant.Ti m mu d (d a t of b m:r u l l ? la n d which,u u w l l closed th t business of the meeting. ONE THBBSHER Fon11 runs is STA ..,_ I P 000¢D00b¢\heJ» of :mall | 1n h wit! be Ne b n lk f l contribution to the Annum!! ll Narlll Hilti Win tPalsGrxzndparky gl" w g L morn ncoweranrin! o f the peop lefiut o'$. . the ark was filled. with a crowd whichnlvwd nplcnlclunchInthecool bade.An axcidng balllame. 'be- urocnAriinton andBlair resulted ~ _;~gf==¢;»==- ~f1<;;=_;=;,° 12.5.Race! nanc :Ilroencntor thenemanuler of the dwBy reninthe park was literally pack-d.ii people who name to enjoy he fireworks and dance.The eate- ratlon vraa sponsored by the Com~munity club and was a bi: suoceaa.I l i aLelandClark ofRavennaame to Ylxit over the Fourth with erknarenu,Hr.andMn .Martin flar Mr.andMrs.Harry:Seite:pennSunday afnernoon attheEdHater home.TheP i | C lu bmetattheChl'Ia Hina home last Friday evening.Mr.andlm. Goorc ea m .ofBlair aera welcome guaata.Relreehments were served after the meeting. Mr.andLira.EdgarRon,H n .Ah Rose and Lira. Brooka drove out frcm Blair Sunday evening and via- ited atthe Jamea Thompaon home. AmeliaPetersenwashome fromthe Croareil Home last week suffer- ingfromanulceratwedtooth. iHr.andMrs.PaulBarryspent ,ThursdayeveningattheJames the afternoorf they called on Hr. and Mrs. A. E. Dixon and family. Misa Edna Tucker is entertaining theBlue Birds of Bono this after-noon.Ilefnahmenta will be .served after the meeting.Mn .BertRomanaandMrs.Al KingcalledonMrs..EvaMettler last Monday afternoon.Mr. andMn. Elay King and her mother,Mn .Sylvia ofBlair spentFriday evening with Mrs. Eva Metz- ler.Misa Roby McCoy left We-mlneadayafternoon for Fremont to help care for her alatcr, Emelline,whowas taken from the hozpitai thatf te - : a , \ n f . .s r m en e w e ra tU I Nl \ T . \ l ° 18 3. \t r a i n e dn u r s ei sc a r. 1i n . ; r . Mre»-Chas. Widener and dauhter, DorothywereshoppinginOmaha Monday.Mr. andMn .Frank Vybria! and childrenSundayedatWahoo,Neb. Nick CookwenttoOmaha Non-daLto atte nd th e I. 0. 0.F. andReRahpicnkwhilrhwasheldat iirug Paris on that day.He reportsaverylargecrowdinattendance.HemturnedhomeTuesdaymorn- ing by train. Mm.JessieTalln1a1 ofFremontvisitedin t we ekat thehomeofJohnIllaco. $ 1llazier was called to Omaha Par hu ps lhn mo nludy nn md od fu n n !a n n i n d a k d v f o r n mn t h u v d t p d o b a n a r md a h u w r i- npocttovlnmamory e l l m u l .lhhnr l t thi f u n d ammo nia |wth4¢¢|M¢l!Y» mAllwlI!ho::___.Ju ly 14 b¢u»okl||»z nh».lc Aph ydlhn v u lmmdllhly a n d and b llt r m o d w n l l y m d t h o h m il y h l t an 1' h un dn y uv c aiu¢ b lt h\ v uv d z hn ma dw nwn .- y.A¢ m \ o ' d n ¢ Friday n u mb ;\h».hur¢u;§ia\»w»p°dwdh1~llt~\=~gi\1¢ru¢o-t v D o e e u e d v u b o r n : s u m min g \ party mf girl: ieft hae cp Keniln o m pl n nnumu.no on t o u m n or ne or a co usn , 1» -v.r u :n a n n ynym eu m u sorne rM y r t l a ! d c D p n n !d l m : p u r c h a s e d aD a y .R o b yt i l l: s a w nu n t i lS u n -d a n g h u r .M r s .D .H .F a i r ,b u ta t F o n d r o a d s t e r w h i c h t h e w i l l u s e t odm v.th i sw r i t i n g i sr r p vr w r h t ob eve r y "ih-. and Hn. T. K. Iverson andll1\\}fh ImgrQ.\§¢}_ lln. 1'. K. lnnon and dnuz hun mintW edlllill'H t llanllthlr.lhllh Johnson md brother, umm n t a ll Ho u lm.|lr._|,|\d In. B. B. Lol ol Do-:yor In-u; ""i1=T"';;';;' of horlr . In d Hn . I1 C .C mu l n n d o l h e f n l l t l v l .l r .l'l'lotlortandlouo I ' £ ° s ° " ! ° - ~ ~ 1 I M TI I N !m r s .R o u t e su a u u v u. . . . .s m i l yo fO l l t e s ,N .D . ,e a r n so n W e d n e s d a yf o ras h o r tv i s i tw i t h l r .L a r s o u ' ss i s t e r ,M r s .P. L tC a d y nd Dr. Cady.V. A. Taylor of Schuyler has sc-spteda positionas bookkeeper InhoEchtenkampgarageandbegan lsdutiesonWednesda .Hr.andMrs..laken.who .revisitingherefromCalifornia, eeelved word on Sunday that theiron Raymond, has passed avpy. Themdy will be sont herefor burial. ThelittlesonofOllieJohnsonwhosufferedabrokenarmlastrock, is reported as doing nloely.Mrs.Drusilla McCann. of Omahalalbedaver theFotmhwithherLaughter,Mrs.L.E.Petersonand lr.Peterson.Br.andHrs.AllredRosenklldepentMonday inLincoln.Mrs.P.J.Christenrenand chil- IrenofBenningtonvisitedFridayrlthherparents,ldr.andHrs. Zhao. Fan. BELL CREEK VALLEY Mrs. Sadie Mengedoht, Clans and Roy lengedoht were Sunday after-:oon guests at the AlbertLollman some.William and Mary Lallman spentSunday eveningattheWm.Holt- man home.ErwinSprlck of Herman, wasaSunday evening visitor at the Mrs.Sadie olengedoht home the guest of |Lleadames Will and Jlrn Thompsongaveajointblrtladaypartyfor their daughtersFnances andEileen at the home of the latter, on_nyes-oerdayafternoon. _Alltheirttle friendswereinvitedtobopresent and enjoy the occasion.Very nicerefreshments wereservedandthe day will long be remembered hyall. Clyde Metsler received a telegramthis morning from his sister,llrs. R.A.AndersonofTovrner,Colo.,statiugtnatshewouldarrivein OmahaFridayandwillcomoto Blair to visit her mother, Mn. Eva Metzler and other oelstives.Mr.ondMrs.Wm.Coulter anl family and Misa Anna Paulsen vis James Mullin, Jr., is visiting Billie,i|_,dMr.andMrs.SamllcCowen Harrison today. MisaFrances LincolnSunday with relatives.JamesBarrytan , Mi? t a re of his ster, Mrs. James Thompson and family.DorothyVinderslevofBlair,ls spending atwo 1reek's vacation atthe home ol her uncle, Niels Chris- tensen..JensJuulwasabusinesswl e r Hsrdsonarentto to spend theweek andwifeoft.loc1- vlsltlng at the home lnSouthOmahaMonday,l1avin;, cattle onthe marlxet.|Mo1gan last Sun day . 'v EltonSchneiderisworking for KennethTysonatpresent.Mr.andMrs.Harry'l'ysor.1and?aul will spend this evening at the Louis Long home west of Herman. hir. Han.A Thompson of Blair,is stac king wheat on the A. E. Dixon farm.Mrs. Randall Iverson and childrenspentWednesdayafternoonwith Mrs. A. E. Dixon.The Murray machine has threshedwheat for Dacor Mathers and Geo. this week.It has been re- IHenryHenrlcksen andfandlyofno mothatsir.Morgan'swheat De Soto spent Sunday afternoon at theRudolphHansenhome. Mrs.FredKnudsenandLauraspentNondaywithMrs.Walter Novak.Niels Christensen and family and DorothyVinderslevwereSunday dinner guests at the Robert Ander- sen home. made 44bushelstotheacre and Mr.Mathewsmade3835bushels. We sm find to hear il.. Hany Tyson is shelling c orn for .lttcl today.Mr. and Mrs. Lon Flnk entertain-d the following guests Sunday : Mr and Mrs. I'rank Crum and Alt. and Mrs.ArtRasmussen,allof Teks ;..........__..............imah.as-__.1 xl...!..'M.,..|!. Tuann nsont hope is held for her recovery as she is falling ln health for some time.MissThelmaLeonardspentthe\\eo}-end with her parents here, re-turningtoherworkatCouncil BluffsSundayevening.Mr.andMrs.MarkSwlhart,of Hoskins, Nehr. came in by nuto lastSaturday !or a visit withrelativesand old time friends and while hensEurehasodaFordsedan from hisrother-ln-law,GusRathmann,of Blslr.Mr. and Mrs. 51. T. Cededind andchildrenofUnionStar.Mo.,cameSunday for a vreeln's vldt with thelotter's Barents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cunning am and other relativa fofnends.Theywillleavetheastof the week for Newman Grove foravisitwthhisfolks beforero- tumlngtotheir home.Mn .Robert Denton has been outhe sick list s few days. \C l "Wardandtwosmallehlldxen, who have been visiting forthe past three weeks with relatives"1ha-tinmsreturnedtoherhomo here Friday.The Ladies' Aid will be entertain-byHrs.Chas.Bates andFrank Nneve.hir.andMrs.WillBurgessandcluldren of Omaha are visiting this week at the homeof thei'ormer'amother, Hrs. JohnBurgess. ¢- w n q u w n PIONEERISCALLEDHOME it has been f o o d pea.euazj to ehange the Iowa lending this season on seeount of the h u e a n d bar wrhieh is building up just below thebridge on the lore qide.The river In very low n o t and makes the stlning of the boat from the Iowa side extremely di!ficult._ .County Treelurdr wma1| Of Pnitie Interest . . . c o.FI NANCES s x r z s m c n o n v In another piece in this iauo_ep- be Ne b n lk f e eontributiou to :nenations store ofs tturd product: this year. An aveugg otone xhreaher ation.An evorqo of one threaherfor every 11 forms in tl; stile will b e u x d i n m a k l n lt h h v u t u m o u n t l i l *He ua been aw|yltI\\oIl marcobut h m vui tton to hi mathh and intimated that he wel coming homenoshowaswhollyunpreparedfor the terrible news of lala death.1 The family consisted of thirteen But few zeesoru ln the hlnton o! Wuhington oounty u m been the aqua!of the present in so for ee heat and druuth are eoneernerL Prediction:-of rein end ooolerweatherl u n failed to materialize.of small gn i n evaileble for ihiP'-c hildmn,of which Hue#urn m lnew# nf Wnnhlndnn muntv §lamlrin:|\MI\£ lm! uso.:oldest boy, there being theee oliler!'f " 2 ; . d z » . '| : I n l - = g ; ; f ~pero the report of the county troll partmr.u m m anew of thetether hee ontlmn sltomn tho bua l- ue c la a d mp o r vr i n th o wor k o uth e farm *hleh the father olmei Laterhu n k -o vr e oti n toth e lh u to ek n n d foed lngb odne ney lthi rlli ehho vru connected for twenty non and from!h le I| he 11 ti nd §f to my | | :u | , | o . WMmrai to M.H 111 --~- ~-~ -- - - . -tourist 9.3511 has gm.¢:°'§»m».»'f ul: »=~{=>»=, am! fdug what this year over other years and 1 i°°"" r ..ornf-believes um.uw mm which °"§_"§¥;["°_{_§°_; 2 ~~v a u l t ~I l v l v I l ¢| 1 - L | | t | | | f |" ' | n t l d " " d F . "° '. . A . . u ! m m ; I y t l | ¢| u | | r l d n I l l l h t n l l h l l l ml Town.'mme figures show us ..""`"'" " " "'§,in£z5zi}=}.nm um Bline ma uw nm are EN"'E*""'"" 1l.L11\o1s___ ._._._...Ti l¥'l»°E'.'!_}P"'!'§?'i'_£'3"'1";' ET nm.; wa lndeed bringing mm I (rut dwg 8tiLA'll\B3| 1.ne u m u u a n n a n=|m=u-um lul nuvestmtntofhalfAbilliondollars.cleryc f tourist traffic.M i~ f l .gQla . a t ll ll tsulsun 4...é i m rZl a r t u n gl\*'¢!1\i°*|ab a l lA L O N GT H ElS u :: < ;a ; m :t " tl 1 \pa r e n t a l ,i nB z k e r iL e m u e lE .Vo hr i ea ,e i g h t y - fi ve g n m oa tH m m rSum !; ¥: ca ft 1e mo on .|B O T T O MR O A Bh o m en e a r Te k a m a h .y u r :o l d ,o n eo ft h epi o n ee r so f M r .a n dM r s .Jo h nh w n k u n p ,|H r .S t a r : o f O m a h a , h a s 'r e c e n t i yN e b r a s k a w h o h e i g h t e n f r o m O m a h a »,¢:-\»r..|....P h . ,J. . . -n l n k n r n f u- -...| u.. m... 1....n. nf n.|.IThu ne:an cnmrinz ehlrtf on (Continued on pap 'fom')u -x m z x m n W D M ....:';.:':'.'::"..::.':nh -¢.'i."|R.Iilié» ndin ll $550 i nv-BuchH P u vu u u l vu n v . - _ . - . . " . . .. - - ._._i g S U B I M D N E a nd M n Fr e d Mu n ro e a n d da ngls of U I ! ! !ou t fi t s h a t y u r t h n i h t d B a e r .R u t h .a n d n i l o e .M i s a Th e l m a 313-333.vf u r h g f m a y g11L§n o r . a nlr.andfamil , W m.Hellman mdInin were Arngton c allers Satur- ''-_u n an ~ --- ----v ---..--» ..three miles mn nf hennlrd {o¥low |'""r~§¢'I1. gmnwui;,¢;:;zgu t!e| e\;::tfit|, avenging lhrge so n I1nn|¢:n'a Boys' Home Wof\W ra-monow {Ing a serious mmf' .fqr tl\| _ pffnm..s'o machine, la neuly fifty mlllwn dol-1 ra band, \1\*ch in tourng 1\:__L11\llta air. Vohriu wu for a number c f mI laws.en' D¢i»|-"lf Valley, llr. and Im Loulo Grlmm"""""" "" "when (ur n numnral yan nland children, lin. I-'f-=\= Pltler -==-\l"'£I1'1.TI.§'1T.'2: L ...In mn win; ~ I-If ~ PHE. ~- -g» \§ _3 g 'EAL TO THE vvrzns OP 'Peaches vespdllly, ue I &'°°\i ¢l'°Pcoalmssmxxn msr. No. 1 lm ummm of mum wsu n W'sonFrawees 5Iehren¢|,.Mn. ThemesM c C A R T I l YA _ h DSinnotofOmaha.Mr.andMn . L O N GC R E E KMarshallTysonofOmaha. ;Mr.andMrs.-HowardHain:ml Mrs.JohnAaonsonInclllstof,naughterspentl'h1.zradaycveninr Mrs.EgB mg mmofLincolnwith Mrs. T. K. Iverpon.-..spentIns! 'rhur,,,;;y~\,ig, thtnr" JMn. Cora Beard hunuff-caring? ther, Mr. Woods of near Calhoun.for her sister, Mrs.EllaTynon in u nu . . \xl.n.....1.¢ ....|.|......\._Blair the mm week. ,m;;'L}§;';;,,;",,,;,g is busy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelmn, of this vicinity attended the funeral cf Miss Ileuhh Iiansm in Blair Sunday. KENNARD No'rEs Mn .LillieAndersonofOmaha, California but:llhealth ovenaznnghim he returned to Blairand nude his home will! his daughter. Deceased.nwservicewithcom- pany J, Fourteenth Iowa during therebellionandpartieipaledlnthe hatthl of Port Henry, Shiloh, Gee- tysburg and others.He was a mem-ber of Farragut Post, No. 25 of tfxe Inf y lwmestelueu..Mr¢. Llndin. Surviving nr :dxdusonl,F¢.lwardandJohn,of Om :Bi n:and _ mJesse.who live in the a t m of ] F AMn ' Y REU\1 NH Wuhington; Buck, of Kenna:cl; audi th i n g a mi ep1:enn\ati\r¢ on the C01ml? Bolrd len-:lays aight m i n s w p ln theFather Fhmgnn'¢ Boys' HMM in at this tlnle.We know qur rv-fnmk Hills c ountry .The tr i p h s clf|§5Jfl cqéimunamy Club. '{.§§h»]¢§,i'w~J I hair delight.' r m `wather was. pllnant but muc h rliq PMID DP THABFICS was Qnrounizrled in lhe Hills.lrdw e h ; a nd a nme r, mra .:.,n u. uyr m.'S|- -_In d fa m i l y o f t h i s c i t y . .D U T S T A T E I C E C R E A M | 5 l P g ( } ' { g 3 P L A C E g p B U S I N Q S 5 " " " '' _" " " " "|". " " " " ' " "" T h e d l ?w a s a " P Y p l e a s a n t o n e B E L O W R E Q U I R E H E N T S p I W e w i n ! ! t o e x p r f e u o u r g n t i t u d e 3 U g { i \ ; [ : g g A N Dr m l t H a n l w u e p l a n o f eu t h e m a n y k i n d fr i t n d l fo r t h e i r !S O Q A L I . - 0 3 5 3 5 - t fo r a l i a n d w i l l i o n ; b e r e m e m b e r e d .r T h .AL i n c o h . J u l ! 1 6 . - I c e : n a m b e i n g b u s i n l u lo o k s l i k e i t h u i be c n k i n d l y u s i a t a n c e d u r i n g t h e x i m r n f . _ ;n . -J- - \ L - I " n c Q .An §... ll!_ ...:._.. . . _ ___ _ h | C. x. HANSEN 'roIand the crops are doing nicely. Clus.llcilnnnidnfBlair.'-HES' y§J¥u¢¢¢¢a¢d in cuillng,f TEACH AT DANA".c n m o u x a n n corzc zaw |,;,;,,,,,,|into ';~;,,\,,,,,;,,from Chey Prof. C. x. Hansen is to beach .in nn s ,Wyo., and Denver hu failedDanaCollegem n year md wi ll The (,1|lh0\lD people were given a ta me-et the requirement of 14 per hmdie the education c ha ts:Mr.mea! twat lui. Monday evening when cent buwcrfat. the state department.. Ilumen hu been connected mth the tl}e1r "HF band rcndirwed an open of grlculturc rcportc1 l°dn>' through a cyclone or an eanhqunnebut such is not the cue.Workman have been btluly (or !E\¢l!l|dnysp u t putting in the lam! sty le of stun Hunts and after it is fjnished _ I - n \ . - _! . . » - J . . . -I n s \ s \ l l ¢ | 1 I P I cur hcrelwmcm,mr uelsu UL uw .July .H Auxumlry :c e "Ulm wuu'dc uly beloved son and brother,'on court house lawn.Hugo A. Ronnie We upechlh wish J uly 2;-w. a. c . meets M. vr. A. tc thank those who sent such beau-},|||c¢mm§¢;¢¢ Iam non! olfc rinzs and those who Aug.3-County-wide Masonic p . 'rumhhrf l ilu mu le.nic nt Blnir. ;i f m i r "i . " " "7;|»s¢-ls.|unnu»||nau»¢mn»u|»»-'Fw 4 Yes.To rnyseif u |11 irweatlga Bla iunan of Lincolnumm mana muner.Nebra¥t.1l\Iuw ;who:landedm picnicinHrand Mn. rhu. ""n?°" 3;um 1;rg¢.1l$ de | honorof umm wo od.at u=¢,f===I1l¥ :peat SituY *"'=nzmembcn repo: - r li v i n !4| - m ln fi ¥ § § ` E 1 ° E I I " i i 5 f é . ~" N o t w h e n , b r o t h e r , b u t w h e t h e r "c o l l e g t f o r s c l o n g t l u t i t w i l l s u r r n a i r b a nd co nc e rt .T h o u p m e n t f Pr c ne c uu o n o t co m pa n ie s n u m ;i ' l \ u o w n : " " ; ' , " """ " '" § F 1i i " i l =` I § ; ; 1 - - - - - - -- ~ C h : l e s K a m i ; 1ave r ym c c n l f u l* U W M O h i o , S t a r .q u i t a n n t u n l t n s e e h i m a m o n g t h e l ve n w e l l ple as ed a n d p r e n o u n n e d i w .m e e t t h e N e b r u k n s t a n d a r d u m s i l t h e 1\ r o e p |m d ( u n i t y . :facuizy a d n -th e mu s i c ve r y fi n e .m i l b e m u h , t h e d e p a r t m e n t | . | i d . \ 'm € \ ¥ ° P 0 | l !i Il l P P ¢ l ¥ " ¢ *- 1 .\ . . .'V *lu .1 n. " 1. .> . ..P -:. . , , . . .. ,.". ..4. IAM- 19-Pioneer nd ou snuen o n e s 0 ?HEARING I PR OB ATE DF mu . In the County Conn STATE OF NEBRASKA, W ¢u*Sntylnthealtarofthe E m u ofJuliuaziaglerhec oaned: THESTATE OF NEBRASKA To the helra at law next of kin, creditors a.\|. ta any qthers in le mu d in will mailer!YOU ARE HEREBY NDTIFIED That an lnstrunmnt purporting |. the L u i Wfll and Tveatimenl.oi Julius Ziegiar shueued,is on £519 in aald Court, and also a petitionprayingfortheProbateofl i d instrument, and for the appulntmmt ot llagrete Znider aa Ex r l lThat on tha Sth day of Augu»t 1926, at I0 o'eloek A i . ,said petitionandtheproof ai the executlbn of d d instrument will be hurd, and that if you do net than appear andcoalneaf,said Cuurt may Pmbata and record tho, same.and grantadministrationof:ho satan to Han#ne Ziegler. This notice shall be published for la. .linking fund and the dlk d :and branches of are aa hereinafter sez fo and classified as roilowmPrlntin: and publication Salaries of city officers Principal and interest dand to b¢e°m0 duo sgmu, alleys and brldtv Fire dapartment Pu " Misc e llan eous wwwivll and criminal null.:gaintmance.operations. extension and aahrhl'of employ eu of dm eledrlc light plant :ml sy stemStreet and public lightin Water and water iorka syatam, salaries of em-ployees andexlenslens Parka and park p »Hualc and public unuse- menla .Library fundSinking fund for sewer bonda and inttreatSinkingfund for Enter- ueetiun vlvins ~ and Interest ~Ll OT! RESOLUTION ESTIMATE OF EXPEN.THE TEA R 19 26I an 11 su='.s01.vx:D mr AND COUNCIL OFOFBLAIR,NEBRASK ` That the estimate of th amount of money npuzpoaexto be mired in f.~1~ the fiscal y ur c omthe aint 'Iuclday in Maycludinginterestdue and "n » 1._=.m n m r m s u -_ ,Q _N ' ..,...,.....__,... . - -_f T h p i i x l .n -»»_ n n -I--'ra l mnm rms u-...~did : l u s t u w .Th i t lp u h r ?.'::,§. j , ' ° ; ' f . . _ . , . ' a m n # o u t n i k c an .fr f :f und minin.'§i'.2£ xwvv oith a an rurfilled-f .gnttnnd nz thc . Bon Sindh h o m ¢ 8 u n d a y to h ll p Hr | - W n l mh hr nh t gf-f birthday.3 °f was u an adiner, vinltdng and Ulfllil be - cooa n . ma u J . I I . w u d .lad Hn. 0» 'rf Hilz hgc r an d I %,'.5::"Qm'fx.:f;L°'s.#§,° :i'. '~a 1 - ! __ ._._-__. =»,,\ \, , . , g `\ll §'L 1 \ _\ .~ You'll Like 0ur Ice Cream Puie as the purest, better thanthe best ::\ , r=? I r 4 Try our Qold drinks. Just the thing for warm weafher. The Andll Grocery I II I I! Hrs. Joe Jeaaen and children wereWedreadayafternoonvldtoreof Hrs. Chrl Be . .I neo'aHrs. Chds Benson,Albert andGrvnl were Sunday evedng vlailoraAi Alben Jenaena.They dee erenl. £0 Nialcoraon.jllr .and Mra.Alfred Skov andeen.and Edward Nenkirk virus!, g Allen Jenaena'Sunday tan M o n .Mr.and llra.llerle Nowklrk¢lrnwto Lyona Sunday lo see Hn. N\\xl:erk'e cousin. who "ral" hun inI ll auto eecldezst..Bren H.V..Ni1rkirk and daugh-IO? l"||l Evelyn Anderaen of Blair,Yilllled Monday afternoon at the C h m Ileteraen borne.hir. an.l Lira. Chril Pelleraen andchildren were Fremont ahoppere onFriday afternoon.Mr.Oscar Pedersen lml Mi n CdhmHn-e Nearklrk viaioed Hr.Pa» tara-nm mother south ol'Blair onSilflllay.**r»Al Slllnbaker of Lincoln lahelpmzhermister,Hrs.Howard _Jensn with her work aa Hrs. Jen-ll| \ is ill.Mr. and Mra. Fflla Knutleu I.Slinday viaitlng their daughter,ra.gg-f Larsen and family near Ad- ll!i»~Laura lfnutaen la Marin. :faith her deter, Ura. Walter Nov eonth of Blair at therruent time.Hr. and Hn. Will ul! and chil dren went Sunday at Gwrn W olfeheir Arlington.Mr.ond Bra.Jim Larsen anddllldrrn were Sunday dinner gueetaat Bal Shaferemazfa near Telbana.. Hr.and lira.Henry Chrlllanlenvtialled at the Jlm Llraen home onTneulaye\enln|.Vernon Lar lln h pzlnmrd home with them to help Heel.. g m ' a r e e k w i t h r e l a t i v e s e t A r l i n g - n . Mr. tad Hra. Floyd Loftia erpeoltoleavelonda § fo r a n w ar eaklvention at the lnpeloia Lakes.Blu 'Dselma Godaey named? from Omaha Wednesday for a v l v i m home folke.|The Omaha cold aborale companyhm- f -g ~ d ego building i w ;welt o e n roa.an opene d a b u y i n g m d o m k H l r r i e h a a h e e n e n | : £ d u b o y e r a : : d h e a n d l l r m f l .amlllo pen adxorlonhr reetaurac nt ln the front roomo! the building. Th e ha il n m play ed here Sun-.lay between Mo. valley and Herman reaullaed in a vic tory for the homeseam.The aeore was 8 to 5.*The membera of the Ladlea'Aidwill meet with Hn. Hlnnie Skinner at her home In the em-.ue nearhere Wedneaday.lilac Evdyn linger Walled at theMerlin Larsen home in the Onun meghborhood lllt weak. le.C.E-Hover attended theJune: Maher funeral at Blair last llonday.. Geo.Lowe, Jr.,of Omaha agenttheweek-end In Herman with hi!parenta,Mr .and lin. Geo.Lowe.Marlon Frerieh and family and Kenneth Bmgh of Fremont wereentertainedunday at the C.H. Blanchard home.Hrs.Robert Anderaon and fourhlldz 'r Col4:ren o owner 0. u ma o nSaturday for a vlalt with relativel She eu called here just at thle thrubytheaerleuelllneeeolhermo-ther, Mn. Eva Mohler.Rev. and ilre. J. P. Riggs of Omeha are the parents of gtenuroundaon bam no them Monday. J 5 12. Rev. Blige araa peltor ol the . E. church ore auy elI a m .Mra.C.E§.ove r p b o g o to Mr. and Mrs.Ha n?Siovere and children vhited a brother at Order I!iu!fs Sund.;iy.'Mr.and re.L.E.Larsen andchildren visited at the IIoeranl Jen- son hom:Sunday afternoon.lerxo qurnrise part was heldfn the c hurc h lum s y eveningIn honor of Rev. P. J. Imoerteenwbirthday, which oecurred on that #5 A lunc halaandwic hol,e e k e a n .coffee WI.1 brought by the guests:nd e-njf yed.A little sum of mon- ey was also given Rev.Reinerteea as 1| tohn of the dey.The follow-ing families were present: Bill WulfMartin Larson, H. C. Larsen,L . BLarsen,Carl Rumoeaen.GeorgeRarrnuesen,N. J .Andersen,H. C. Rasmus.»en,Lara Rolland.HenryRuhr. Fred Jensen, Richard Nej Peter Iverson,Louise Larsen Haecue Rleholdsen.Hs. and Hrs.. Lara Jorgensen and :UI Jack and little tueet,HarlanComolluaof Omaha,were Sunday[meta el. the Bonne Nawkirk home.Richard Ralf of Bantry,Minn.dalted at the Boone Nevridrk home Thursday evening.Mies Evdy n Andersen o !Blair visited last week at the home of heraunt. Mrs. Ed Nowkirk and family.Hina Helen Nuwkirk ie visitin! at her cousins'home.Hr.m d ra.Lavrrenee Larsen of Herman. Mn .Chris Nelson and childrenvisited with Mn. chm Peteraon on Tuceday afternoon.Gifford Petereen h u been help- ing Chris Hanan and Joe J u a nhaneet. Hia:Eve¥yn Enger, Malvern and Alton Laraea were Friday ferenoonmailers at the N. J. Andersen home.H i n Eager vent tn' BlairI-'r&.!a ta sit friends. after .mend-ing J ..p u t week with her aunt, Mn .Martin Lueen md family .Rev.and Hrs.P.J.Reinertren,Kyra and Enid Ruth were Tuerdayafterzracn visitor: at the II. C. Ru- muaern home.Hu. Martin Larsen, Malvern andAlben, and Wiil Sorenson were Fri-day afternoon caller: at the H. C. Larsen heme.B r i Nels Sorenmen and threechildrenvisitedattheCarlRn -muaeen home Thuraday aftemoenaMr.and Mrs.Peter Nelaori afMinrrxsotawere callen at.t.be H. C.[A rn e home Friday forenecn.Thev had bran vialtini relalieea inBm;-==~1 were on their W av ourto r their daughter wut of"'nere. Mrs. Cari Petersen.Hr. and Mn .Nelson are former Drum reaidenta.llra. Art Petersen. .ron Junior and her mother, Mrs. Clarence Leng, ofOmaha drove up Fridey and spent.the day at the home of Mra. Inniabrcther, Carl Rarmussen and fam- ity.Mrs.L a n Rniland and children wwe Friday evening callers at Hana Wulfa.Mr.l!:d Mrs..I . L Iveracn anddaughmer,Mary Helen returned toLineoinSaturdaymorningafterspendingjhep u t week at the H. |C.Larsen heme.,They took John'Iverson with thm fer a short vidt. | u M r s .l l a t t l e Tr e e t r e t u r n e d h o m e l a s t we ek fr o m a t w o m o n t h s vi s i t wlth relatives at Cltatnrorth. Iowa. Vs:J e ?of Omaha,called onHlrlnntrienda last Friday.Mr. and Mrs. Blrnon West aooom-mierl .by um Anna .ilarle PetersenMus Maxine Johnson drove toOakland Thursday evening for a xilp in the pool.Pete Dischner of Columbus. Nebr.who formerly redded on a farm nearlrera came last week for a visit withhis flotghtor,Hrs. Joseph Bandtlr and family.Mr.and Mrs.Ben Welt had asdlnne.gneats last Wednesday eve-oies. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Fitch mddaughter, Miss Virginia of Omaha.Fred Corn ton eras up from ou on a brief vislt 1'h~=~g_-gHnrry Leach, of the Leach G -ln( company of McCook made abusiness trip to Herrrnsn last *witMenon Denney, wlfe and children of *Teksmah spent Sunday evenin; atthe Henry Coogee home.Hr. and Mrs. Fern Watt are tak-ing a rest from thdr dotles at theWat Hotel and Panstorinln and an P¢l=~li=1z their time visiting rela-tives at Hooper and are en}oylng_g:|outing at Lake Qulrmebaugi,Hr .and Mm.L.F a ilslosta.Hr. and Hrs. Forrest Brewster and w e ohhdnm and lillfoni Nope; were dinner gueete at the Godseyhome Thursday.Mrs.A..B.Cook of Illalr. spentThursday bore doing some .soliciting and alle.l o.\friends.Powdl Crosley, junior member ofthe Crosley radio company of Ch-cinoatzl was at the Fontanelle Hotelin Omaha last Wednesday to meet the dealers and gave o tall: Mthose gathered there. Edolson, ldealer, went down to meet hhn andkeep in tooeh with his line of goods. Arm being corrfinétl to his home the past six srecka from the effectsof a fall while at work at his olsceof business O.A.Jolruon is ableto be at his work ae buyer for theDavidColecreamcompany.The where the will stay seven]weekstakingtreatments.Z.Ithaall of Washington,D.C.visited friends in Harman Saturday.He formerly lived near hero andstops off when he feta heck to Ne» breaks to see hls od neighbors and friends.Ilr.and Hrs.Floyd lsoftia hadaeacets the past task, Hrs. Wm. Wo fe and baby of Laurel,Nebr.Aubrey Johns of Harrnrirgonl, Nah.and Ethel French of A f u mklr.and bln.Lester ovendlekwere greats at the C. H. Blanchard home unday afternoon.Hrs. Gilbert Olson and In J oeBandar attended the fuzreral of Hr.James Haber at Blair Hbndsy.ills:Gretchen Herzog was herefamelincolnlast Tuesday for nshort vlait with har brother, Herbert and some of ber girl frleads.Francis Elmorg was a Saturdanight and Srmdagtgueat of AubreGaines at the C.Blanchard h~ lr. and Kee. 0. L. Hllalner |as Sunday guests, llr. and ra. BHirstofHo.Valley and ltr.anHrs.Clyde Hirst .and daughterCharlotte of Connell Bluffs, Iowa..' Stockton H i t secretary-treasuer_sf the Nlc hoftr Gil aompan o Omaha was in town Friday onness connected with the station heLloydHummelofNorfolk|to Hem"|I.n Friday and spent .. week-and n tt h e R. P. Raarnnssehome.He returned Sunday aecompuzzled b his wife and little junioand ll who had spent the pas week here.i l u .Chas.Watt of Omaha anMrs.Gilbert Olsc:1 spent Bondsaftemoon with Mrs. C. II. Blanche0. I. Hopewell of Blair and 0.Hilsinger left Monday for ValentinNehr.,where " g e h a v e been assigned arorlm br state for th or four months.John Oberat, Sr.,left last Tuclay for Hillsborough. Mich., to at tend the funeral of relative.Preparations are being made I hold the annual barveot picnic anrodeohereFridayandSaturdayJuly 30 and3l.The affair will | under the .American Legion ponplace was closed during his illnesol alstoti bs' me bwnees men.The Mr.and llre.J.H.Ballanl and will be a rodeo each foreuoon,|Do hell s?§l'&'h '§»T{'§3. §§~?l'J'.i¢ r'3 .1.. "f..'?f.'.f'1.L§'¢'I."`°'-rr'£l"'..'.§".."I.§'$r»f"'°'"a. } § § i n ;*:"*i* :iam5ar"B~%larI5 furnish music and the day will n~ <lI0\P¢on to Des Molnea.lows on';f:ti| :gd"°' at the Legion hall hl td a y g f a few .lay s visit mth'ii r Si:s.Detlow Hansen o ot er re u" °"Elkh , N b ..t the week-eltollandn e w came home from in £l'2"f......' rviel ang the varion Lincoln last Tncsda and will apentllwum" families.the summer at his :anne here. E tt Beernan.of hiondamin.Iowa o ed here Frlzlay for n briefvinit rllritgptvo fo r g F. Hilsinger e waslo? £0 n o e l. Mr. am!Hrs.last Wednesdayshort visit with U l l |Ll»e.ru'elm Vest S. yrlef of 'lclru*n.111 \"i-itcll Herman frremls Thursday Dun Brnmholl former l`¢~k.\|r.\h rmer hlondeminltes and Milford Noyes.through here on his Business rnan, new reeddin" In Flor-irll.who is at present u n ;in1'r£»h woe c alling on He:manfr1::;||"Frldsy. Alles Clsrlbel Lowe ,spent the - _ - - » - - Hlmer Reiderknager is homejxo~ Lincoln where he attended the sweekseummertermatthesta university. The following friends and re tivxes gathered at the .larnea VHhsdfi w dls;=:.':..f»°:,1-;~>.:=':».:.'r'..2f"1..""».=f.z a . : 1 . . : . . 1 s Bernice,Hrs.Bertha Neiderkru§: ?S ah kas par-lend Helen and Elmer,Lira.A Pleddie,Mies Henle Lyabolf,. Caroline Wachter.Mies ChristiWachter,Mrs.Chris Wachter anMr. nnll Hr). Detlof Hansen of El ham. Nebr. The Woods-Updlko ranch isbusy place these days with thing crewl. busy harvesting a sple North ' .s¢~9:00 AM.|12:00 |m o o H .5 : 0 0 P : 4 : 0 0 m a .8 : 1 5 P Blslr- Frem -Humphrey- No wn lW m We8:30 Am.|:IS P. --TR N SCH ~ L E -Chicaxa .nlanhvr em Rail East-6:39 ~N. -except Sun Wat -T228 _ .1 af axmp; S~ | C. St.~..,& I}l\|\h¢\Ngf[hboI.l.I] 7:15 AAI. daily excep: Sunday. 1:52 PM.t. Sunday.s=-no P.. a n sunday. 7:52 AM. daily except Sunday.7:52 ALM. Sundny only. Southbound 8:3 :LIL dnlly except Sunday. | r e I chlldrln Junior a"f i m Sun h this i.. m.' 3 . . . Holiday loomingEn d Nici!ami rv m';2..'z€° ;;' :r .aw ln . " W u B m ]gp #t and 11.Hrs.5...Sh ltioualy hurt as " f-.é'»=»»"3& :ho L |n the blow sholi n .Clitiardneighbor, Mn. Pth;shl~1t dinnaé - r.I I:'.'~.."~~» °-.uw 0 n n ,an 8 .Hr.li n .1 15; "gg Sunday ul..»..°*éf°"*m.'"{' eu oAudrey ...Lu gm' Sunday fo mi n .LMila Ruth Li~day aonning lt mn." i n n ' W i lma g -Frdn In : " li n s n d i lu . N.om '»G u l f omm,oat ihl J ann Bl~ 'L u-Hzs.Eliis »ii I . . 31-~. bl n ~ f J L o ~ s u m inn~ I n ni o n ! ~b o n u s .: a lo u d ~ with ~ mils.Omaha B m m ~ Q:.v i d ~ i vmua1 . ~.,, ord .NE i| ~Q vhi hds k i d ; N-omhmr , I i i hw n n v i d ~=-| l ~.| Ray sn n u l l m u H =Sunday..Hr.and lla L G a n : snpplr :outs f l E. c. Ltppw g h o m e T h ;-y ~-- 9 g ai: p a n t l e .~.' ° r | |\ | i . " a n m x a t J w . h o m o .i C l a r l u o n o n y d H \ u 1 ¢ ". L l o y d N e l s o n |t o K l u x : S u n d a y d t !a °' H r .a n d H n j B r o w n a m o n f t h o n v r -~° a n i o f M y i n S h i r . d l l l r .a n d 3 C o m p t o n t o u ~=B e r ! B y ' -< : i l L n t r M H r s . L ° § ' ° °n a 1 :I o r .a n 1 frhod,H i n H G 1|-¢c nlhn at A.I n i n y ' =11;g ¢;;I n Wilma 'l lMn.. Lip~-i lxtn wo r k n a h ..v * ' ° ' ° F ~a f m a h . a I The Pl!I.»...1...l'°l'».¢a n h w o l du th of one ~s boys,HKoenig, ohh!~c of Hr. :nd gh; K oe ni g.l i ~ 1 t y 1Nonlc ula In H o n n t1.~. ~In h u t h t s thy o -.are wen 01 mans at 8/ Int Sunday.ittc ndlbol ao hot a. dny 'Jumiontil banner 1 .£0 ~it.Shall we e 1'Thi Bench .I mn a t u nof Hrs. E~I 1 :rr zu: 'rnd w A ~|L lrlth pnkant u~ tv T h u ' r ui ll iro ~b a o p k n s n t ~I E w u e n y b f l l l -Ti n meeting ii J u. So Jul 30th.Jr. and .L.. Pounds,~ an d Mn . 0 Schmidt offolk,Nebr.I l e n d "!caller.. at th I .Lippincott S T. mu l., 1 ~CHURCH. Ol P. J.: u - mn ,r u m Sunday,.s25th,nga. Sunday `l # 1 0 .Hou' Wonhip at IFor the ~ 1 . s o d l b k been annou U . You are i l l l l r inritld totend the me ~fi of thu chunk, to o o me to Q | o d l b 1 e o n B ~afternoon.| - B L o c u s n u n n s - , E DGA R C. CL A US E N l u l l ntllla su Rspublican Caudidntc for S H E R I F F ¢ ~s u i |u \ _| p 9 1 __ ~az;for Sand:~ dinner a t ~ mmf Engy heap neu' Blair.. N r .m d l i m Anarqw .rnhnuli Helga Knniaan were Fremont gm-enggra on Thursday.Hd f : i s alp- gw Hr. J olunren with ta harvut- ng.°Mr.and Mn .Andrew'JohansenandHelga Knutsen vera Thursday awning allen at Peter Nielsens. Mr. and H n .Hana Knuben andhm spent 'Thursday at Petr: Nial- ma Pnulaon ofo~i wen mia-<-ra Thuuday waning at the Chris Betarson home. m m 'and Irvilf Pc tl no ve r r d halpul little Nea!ter-uon,son of Martin Paulson,celebrutehisbirthdaySaturdayafter- 'J\00l'I.W. J. Sas mg family of Blair andMr.and Mrs.Hlr ti n Nelson andEmma, also al Blair, were Sunday dinner guests | . tC hr i |Pelerlens. if |i6\iNu~me coimw .3 ln | \ s n : | ¢ a u | u u ¢ u v | ~ . l r | 0 ¢ P ¢ ' J v | 0 v ¢ 0 U ¢ < J \ r ¢ 0 v \ o n l m N E W S um Na n; An der so n ' mm lt the ' m mm m m h o m e M o n d a y . mf - noon.l n .I n J e u e n wwr|.|1ne¢.l`l nnmbar of relatives and friends un 'hxeolhy\ niwmoen in honur of herbir ihd i-The follmdng van pren-ent:n .Cllrll Bnuon.Mrs.Al-Jnsm md :on Harold, M144 No m Andanen, Mn. Rudohah Amin;lon, Hn . K ar tln lm - u n n u l i l E v e - 4 n l' ~ 0 ¢ ' l0 ~ o ¢ \ f » o 4 \ f \ l¢ lf v~ D f klounty .. nmoon at che Rev. P. J. Relnerislmheme. `n_| helped l l y n Rdmrtaen qlehnlq hor birihdny .Mr. nad Hn. Peter Iverson \-Ldv ul n the C ul Ru mudue n he onTuesday afternncn.Mr. and Mrs. Nweh Sarennn e K lu! Th ursdly at the home r uncle,Tum Chrl:\v:\|en.nurth ofs u n ,Klrmn, H| nnA\\ und Louiu L l rmn , Mn .P.L Ivenon and MaryHelen vbiwd n the Binnin [Anon m u .lr. Kn nue n wpn Mr. _Nl| | ~ sm wic h his huvu dng.View: Jahnnun, Bank and Ruth Croudy ol Blmlr wen Omaha nw- Mr. and Hn. Peter Nielsen -meSlluni-ly uenln| _lt A n d mw Jo- h mem.IMr.amd I n A n d n w J o h u n qandM m Pele: Nielsen wars Pn- mon nMr, and rs. Fnd C r i l u a n l nand children dnwn our w Saundencountneu Pn mo nl nd xtun ded Ichu:-v firnic l u :Sunday.'P hud m amndenl Qu Fin mnn '|pSmi¢ In Prefnant tha uma day ._Ed sonmsen of Ly on: vblud onSunday dlemoon at the lmmn ofhll Alta r, Mn.l l u d n h m m m d family.Mn . H wu d J e n u hu boon onk m u a *i m 1 r w d a y s . Mx.and Mrs. Hum Knhr, daugh-ter Anas, und Kr. and Mn.Hurry ::gvru Thursday, 'home Thundly nllemoon.1...| ....... -|............ .14 Qq n d s e n a n d g m g g x u : a r g ~ Blair. Neuub. Judy 22. me- T H E m r m m s n - h i i n v m ||FBuda Bri-kuCd mb ll md C HI C ul! lnddanulns w a m m u d m m 1 D m u n Bapdr Public Eulldlnlslo d le n Pension: Agricultural t Buck Bm' zumooaammoo: m mu m msumoa,ooo.oo1.soo.oou m m Ann.|,M0.00s uwm 4,000.00A NNI E C . lu m r m. as-"_C W I ! ! a m NO Y I C B 0 ? a s mw or a n t . ..».»n= am uszu| 'unKA.1 1no n c s O F nx n mamm. x zrrns ua uv m u n c ms , c m: snrr: OF NEBRASKA, w u u q w c u m .Grunt lwfrvv- AwnnwyI n u n 1 1 - 5 3 5 5 L b 'm m e a l Samuel D.Doea nd:the ha n lt L u v. n u t o f Hn , a ma s s . |¢¢| ¢.g, andlm-1 m d All penonxlmuu te d ln the [ hd u nk me nz o f nk! utah an hereby nodlled thu.on th 121-B du of July 1926. Alien Bowi e' thu Admblxf -ntrlx ui uid utah filed | pemition Ln uid CountyCourt, pruy iu that her fin!!nd- mininfidan amou nt mad hmln bn n . Annlthelhyox mdCw|»¢ilo1t.ha City of Blah, Nebraska, bushy eer-dfy Um! the following lnstme and wma ma mma : d l t h e : min n v -ezme of (he City of Blah, Nehllh, nedvud lor the then]yu r com- r m n d u o n i h l h n h s d x y m l 'ww aunzyruexmm va LB xs-d ly o l Ma w r ms , a t a n o ' d o c L A J . ,az th t Co in -Hma n in d h City ul mm- \n uid County tu dmva u f .U my th an bs .why the pny or o f n h l pnld omr.h nut g n n h d f o r l k e n l b s e l l u l d x e a lu h m o f u i d n r d » t p r ! - n h u k .lk y ,1916.Banana xwdved from I I t in d m d o n orderd d n t Iw- nll nu r e u $127,121.08 den °¢ mid spplindan md ol the- s z 'IT FURTHER RESULVED:tim us d plu s a!\ ha hu rih l the n- n m this :¢»o!ud¢n be entered alol, u nbvn fixed, be given to wld ly u m u n ml mwu o f th k = ° u n ~ , mm° r , v. h ¢ | w» a m» , u » n mn \ n n .and du! the uma be w.\blhbed| u\d to Ill peruminmnntsd in mid for Iam- eonncutlvu week;._,in n mnxer, by y nbuadon of a copy of ne wa p a p u a f p u n ! d mi ld o n h u this order in The num-prhe, 1 llw~ the City ol Blnir, Nohnsb..weekly ncvrpapnr printed und pub-Dlwd this lit ll-ly uf J m. 19 26.| lh| :d in Bhlr of uid County Abd 22 4 :R. J . KURDOCH. lny orqol | ¢ ¢ , \ |dneuladon thgzdn,(gr m u u s l m ~ a¢=z n~ru:Y cxmvrsn Cri NO.161 0. 5 .8 .~I hé an d -i th Th ur n . Br u in .2l. o . o . r .Di Ivory Thursday tuning.: ma m m a l C H A P T E R 1|~NO.zz B.a\.H. . ,FRIDAY L0 . 0 . F . B NC AIP IE N T 4 hd und ith Friday 781011108 P.N.G. CLUBind Frldlr of eac h llonth. w. o . w .lst and 8rd Friday Eveninl- AKERICAN LEGION,smug r. . : mn rm. No. 15 4 ur. uni 8rd Fri. Evlninl. 8:00 BUSY BEE CLUBgp: F ridly M a sh Y outh r z v. - wm .'rnn~n'r": ~n an d i n d Itn ltl J. Warning. Putor.marlcan Lutln nn church for Ieetum enFundamentalTeachings" -n far Slhlnlly nfl!! 2:80. 8¢J10°l ll. 9:45. sJ\~rUlmw G./ uv.md w . n . ahd und ith Saturday Murnoou. 0 ~ nmzcrom' n r n s r c n u n c n go ¢ . m» h m¢ 4 u » u ~ » u }.uthrD.Sna1\n,Puilx.| ud» 1 s ¢ \ml1 | ; .ll. l a h s s u - r l o u . \ . l . lwn!n||an%ollatB:00P.l. cnUROHorcBa!B'!' \I I .Ll!.&llp.ru\|rJ ' m u s a » ~ u u . u .' g..ix"-¢m¢wmmp11¢\g| ww terdl;and th e aid utminlstrltrlx dixcharvd-It you ml to appeu' I:-don said C01r:lt1.Courton t h e 2 0 t h d | y o f August 1926, at 2 o'clock P. il-» and contut uid petition, the Court may grant the prayer thereof and nukesuchotherandfunheranion,l l lwnnc en and decrees as to this Court may seem proper.Witness my hand m d Official Sul this 171.11 day of Iuly, 1925, (SEAL)1 . c . z u m .26-51.'County Judge. ciil levy,the u i d County Board wil!iovy tho uma,otherwise the mme will not be ievied. The election board of uid PrimaryEhctionwiilba the veledion bound o f u i d Special Election ond tho Genaal Election Lawn will govern as near u may be.Given under my hand and seal, by order oi' the County Commindon- ;;f»g_w-»~=1»»=f<==- County, Nabru- | th Nth day of July, 1926. (SEAL)Annie c. Martin, /County Clerk. ~»~.ms.Wuhhuwn County A. C. Dahl, Awmuy h the Guilty Can. In thc In n e r o f t h e h id ! o f lhttio Blloo Daeusd: To th helm u h w , mx o l k b . d c vb o u . lm -um. c adllon, and All pq-mag |n~ h n f w d l n t h e f i n d _ W olu i d m m a n b e n b y ao ti lh d u m o n u w m n d u a . my m s . n u m Bluo Paterson the admlnirlntrlx of n ld s a u Ne d . I p e ti ti o n b l n mCwnty Donn, pny ing du! her fha] admlnktnllun weuunt filed h a r mhua w e d m d ullowod, ihlt pmol of hlnhip be uhm, order for dh- uibutivu o l u n u and udgmnent 1 . s u m and dlo ved . o ur proof a lbflrdlv bo uhm, nndsr for dlltr| » b n d o n o f u u t l md m i p mm t o f do nt a nd h au nted r llhh n amed : and th t | | H A a n u n n w d i v ¢h\\'¢Nl<~u y ou (nil ¢° uppeu bd o maa ld County Conn on u » n t h day o l M l n l f 1920.at xo o'¢Jnck AAL. Ind eanlut udd ptlllon. tue Connmaygrunt the :my er tbenol and mm meh other and Mumba axdon. dlowmc el m d deer!!!n l io this Co u rt may se e m mw-W imm my h and nd Otlidal Sul th h 1204 ally of July,l m .(SEAL)I. C. s| .u:R. 26~5t.County J udn. RESOLUTION ESTIMATE OF EXPENSE FOR .THE TEAR 192s1921 an 11° su=:s01.vx:D mr 'ms auwon AND COUNCIL OF THE c m OF BLAIR,NEBRASKA:` That the estimate of the probabls amount of money needed f o r x i l puzposel to he mired in uid Ci*:y f.~1~ the fiscal yur c ommuncmg |\\the aint 'hxcsday in May, 1926. in- cluding interest due and principal...,.n btednes: and 4 Emu ~ Wodnllily mo ``div ol hurl"-Lmu. Nance By "'5»..,».. mm.oouonmmoum. cmmca(Gu. mmf Ava. md Calm) A. P. Nnil, Yummay Sdwd xo A. aa. Judie-W m .J.U s h e r ,\ t t y . t r n t n m n f r u n IIIA YIL Q A D z a - u . ul n a n n u a a u u \ . , ; .\ U U l \ \ / u rW A B H I N G T O N C O U N T Y ,N E - B R A S K A . I n t h a H a t t e r o f t h e A p p l i c a t i o n U 0 3 ¢ l l R | | l E l h t e l : 7 E d .L .Sndt3:, G u a n i h n M G l a d y s B e h t d n l m m p , m i n o r | O R D E R T o s n o w C A U S E N o w t h i s 8 : 1 1 d i y o f J u l y , N ZB , i t w h ,o m o f t h e d a y s o f t h e Elab- m a r y , 1 9 2 6 . t o m o f t h i s C o u r t , t h i s m a t t e r c a m e u p fo r h e a r i n g o n t b l S m i t h ,G n u d i m o f G l x d y a E o h u n - s d l : n l es t a t e b e l o n g i n g t o u i d w a r d :a n d t h e C o u r t h a vi n g b e a r d t h e s o m e a n d b e i n :fu l l y a d vl n d l n t h e pr em is es ,a n d i t a p p e a r i n g fr o m u i d a p p l i c a t i o n n m ! t h e p r o o fs i s s u p p o r t t h e r e o f t h a t i t w o u l d b e h m m l l i n o r . p r a y i n g f o r l k a n s e t o N O T I C E O F P A 8 T I ' l l g N S A L E W i l l l u n J .H a b e r ,A t t y . N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i ve n t h a t u n d e r a n d b y vi r t u e o f a d e e m : m d o r d e r o l a l e e n t a n d i n t h e D i s t r i c t C o u r t o f W u h l n g t o n C o u n t y ,N o b n a h , und er dnl .-o o f J u l y 12,1926,i n a n a w o n i n p a r t i t i o n t. h| "o h|p e n d i n g 'w h o n e i n l l n r g a r e t L m t n . \ p 1 a p l a i n - dm l y ve r i f h d a p p l l a t l o n o f E d .L t i f f a n d W m l l a a W i d e n e r ,e t ml., n o d e fe n d a n t s , 1 , a i r e fo r e o i n : w r - l i t l o n I n a i d no t io n ,w i l l o n Tu c s - d a y ,t h e 1 1 t h d a y o i A u l w d t , 1 9 2 6 , i f t w o o'¢ lo ck P .H . . a t U r e d w d l - i l l ! h o u s e l o c s b e d u p o n t h e p r o m i s e s h o r e i n n f u r de sc ri be d o f f e r fo r a l e . t h e fo l l o l r l n g des cr ib ed n t l es t at e to-'llrits-»_ ..n .An ._ --J n h.. . Ill. . . 0 u l!f u m s m u u n m r-\:nm¢!l=l nr GOD(cn. vi Sunday UMNO!waning:`z5.§ia|`§UnmU Nous: ' m0 . sr. PAU L :. u'rH zR A2 ~2 C H v R C T \ | i u l | » ¢ u ¢r u n : w a s a s m F o r n . _ .-1L .- -¢l - . ;P -T n ! R n(Dr um, Ns trvkn u n i n u m u n . f l u . - . - . . _ R. J . Rohmala. Polar--.\l Inllnn J rmrhluth. livin: fl" milsmv. Sud: Q i n ur School at 10 A. au.:h sen dm at 11 A.an u n a me . (W. 1 B. ' r m 1 : I ll an "Chri|¢il1 or in d n neon! at uRn Inn ~/S . - - - - - = The Qnly Sengible, Sanitary'Me|,l\od Cheaper than any other wny BLAIR,NEBRASKA BLAIR GAS COMPANY l M g g ||p e r s o n a I n t e r e s t e d i n h o r n u m t a l m e l !f o r t h e p u r p o a e a t r e h w e a t m e n t ; t h e r e a l e s t a t e b e l o n g i n g t o s a i d , w a r d ,t o w i t : - a n u n d i v i d e d o n e - h a l f 1 i n t e z u t 'i n a n d t o t h e i o ¥ l o 1 r I n g d e - s c d b e d r e a l : s t a v e t o - w i t : - - L o t s N o . 1 ,N o .2 ,N o .8 ,N o .4 .i n B l o c k 1 4 . V i l l a g e o f A r l i n g t o n ,W u h i n g t o n C o u n t y ,N e b r a s k a ,a a p r a y e d f o r i n aa l d ap p l i c at i o n . N o v ,t h e r e fo r e ,i t i a h e r e b y o r - o f t h e N o r t h e a s t Q u a r t e r a n d t h e N o r t h e u t Q u a n e r o f t h e N o r t h w m s t Quarter oi Section u, Township 17, North__Ran|°o 10,a m of the 6th P.M. Washington County. Nebraska. Said we will be at public vamlua to the hintzen and but biddllr there- for,~26f par-cent of the bid purchas- i n g t h a n m o t o b e p a i d i n c u h a t the a a l q n d the balance of saidpurehuep r i e e to b o p a i d i n c a a h dened um th( next of kin of zaidlupon confirmation by the above minor and any and ad!persona In-named Court of tha said sale. tvunelted in her uid estate, 'ba -nd;Dabod July x4. 1926.they hereby an directed to apiahr Henry llencke, 'before the Diatrkt Court of W 25-5L Rehnee in Partition. x oS o m e t h m g M o r e I l a n a Bill of Sale llE< you im' nn automobile here you gem more Lhln merely | :ills to ownership-~-you also get oun-slam. md enduring utisfscllun in own- ership.. Gaming Lhis extra value rloesxfl. con you any mure~-ills quite likuly lu cost. len in the long `run.And 1.be retuxns- in ulisfaclinn---nm much greater. \ u Ask anyone who hu bought.a BUICK here. B U I C K 2 Arndt-Snyder Motor Co. | lElr :a I . . ,-:§!. -5_ J ¢|. .§ f=2»' .Je Servkti mfs Sunday mornin; at 1050; eithafig German or English l m n u vBibll :lun at 2:30 or 7:80. Furtbtr information Bid: Tnl. R802 n u m ]neun ungu q-..........-..-.zmkd hands inn found and ahovn to the owners, they dlc luc d thai when yhid would bo cut short frqn thru to tin Budleh..At the present price ot wheat. gm | IIiniét and 1.0 be used ez c lwn ly §n 'ru pntor intends me "_'ff'|=m¢==» ,`¢f¢\ ~f=t1'=¢ u__i¢_mu| 5G'1?'§3. 5| i"='*' i A J ".1 h 1 i n\..m .~ . .\ a m n um laws w»~"¢.. , ..._.-........-- ~--£81 i f "I S - OZG A NI ZI D CHURCH OP i n t o l b l n '»,'l§"it does not have the ¥."°£."".3'=,.'Zi"=»»'»VM*o f ~l the Board of County J E S U S c n ms r o r u vr r s n *° " ° amd ° " 'f md r oa d r wu h i nz wn1; 1| an durire of c ounty aunt tha dlnrid mad fund o Commislicnen oDAY SAINTS Baht to hold at le n t four publk district and to b e an d exduivels Counw. Neb ruih iw? a IW W(Ursula 81106 50"-*Um ith l 'NM ....-;!.._ .a......¢».vlan in unch ear-in imnrovlnl tht nubiie hlghvnys in t u or gueu ment of one miil .Av - ~ §- \ol...-&¢I»l iiai:-r.:Q:1u»u.omlh~.m m &md~.va=ho°h¢1oo'an\=. .s 1 ° . n m c | s a o a m A ( c . m m a m h l ( C o m l r C o U u u lr l l f - h u n t ) n z m a m s m a a m u .n m : n m m a " M i n k y u n a u m \ h , l n l s t 9 A . K . S s e d n d l ' v u 1 & S u n 1 l a 7 | . l n | » u o = a o A . \ | . u z r a o n x s r m s m r n c m m c n.__ . ., . . \ . . . . . » . \ uumq W ...-.............,__- _ner ol the county m u lull u ucertainly u . pmfltlbh u\|==¢t» do. Unehz ordlmry osndidam d n anaknd had-I an unobn/rvsd m the bundh or shock _ but by searching ur d u lly ,uwnhhing numbun_ai mn naked heads an found. .».1-;-fly vu-an. or sum Clover c n - 4 n u a n n " N " s u " - iu B e a u ' n u n L a m P lwi n x The Sum. Clovur grouuul thu vupfvwod um lvflnl on a m Anpuv. F n h m h r m f i n t n lk l wn th ol n ld road diltrlzt und for no other aim-ws, md in u eordma with me S u m s i n n x h w s u mu l !n dpravldd, uid Bond ol County (Iom- miuionan In wllng an elec tion of b e h l d u t l h a u m l d m m d v i t h li n Gwe n !Prlmlry Zhdion v|\ thelW \ day n f A n n u , ms , z u ve ts"Pg " u ..fauowm P10901-\Ww\'»!o~ :"Shall J-he Ba ud of CountyCommhaloneno!W uhlngwn Counsy, Nob:-uh. lvvv I :pedal u z °r gue ummt bf o ne mill une elkwn of : dd dis tri c t, u Harman i lh mn u n \vld u b b lea-upon ul o! dn \¢u$\e property ._ .,__, ~...| .. N. 1| n.. wux.. upon |.l! of the mumble propenyhR n d ( u m m :No.\s.\n Wuhlngmn County,Nubruknfo r uw r m- A y u r nr ms, u m mu w be levied m d N u a dn u ma u ob h e f u m n d th e proceed: Lherehom w be md be~ oomo m of the d mrkt :ondf u m w m a mu !dS:u"k1~ lm] w i n un d axeludvely In lm vrovinz dn public hlgmuy a in u i d mul dh txi d."xm» » - m u m o f . d w vo m wr n mm eleetiolf .mu \>¢ for "sd Ive- d d levyf thc d d County Board will hvy the u m ,azmrwiu \h¢ _n , . .\_ :...x..|_ ` \ _ l . . 1 ( U h r . U l l l l l l I n u a m s u v n o ; o. U . ¥ e P m = l \ ¢ L P t - d a r . M M I ! S c h o o l 1 0 : 0 0 A . I . H a n t s ;B l f l i d 11 : 0 0 A .H . H p w o r t h I n n a : 1 : 6 0 P .H . E vq s l n g a e n r l m i a t 8 : 0 0 P . I l . P n y n H a t i n g ' l n d n u d a y n c a - - 4 - . s o n f o r s w a t c l o ve r f a n n e d ,mc- m n d l n ¢ua a h n r n t i o n s m u l e b y m u n t y q z i e u l t u r d a g e n t .G e o r g v n a m .T h u w a t t c l o w n piovrecl w h e n l b w i h n l n c h n h i g h s p p t r e n l l y h a d n o t t a k e n a g r e a t amo un t.o ! -. . . .u . \ .a . . .. . a l m n hl n fl . L h em b s r l u ! l n : w s u va l i u m n u . - 1 , . M . . . - .i n g t o n C o u n t y ,N e b r a s k a .f o r t h e f l a w y o u o f 1 9 2 6 , u i d t a x no b e l e vi e d a n d colle cted t h e am m o n r o t h e r t a x e s a n d t h e p r o - eeeds U w e n f m m t o b e a n d b r c o m e 1 p a r t o f t h e d i s t r i c t : o l d fu n d o f u d ¢ !m } d d i r l r l c t m d ; | m B l u u nu n u c na \nnTh e e l e c t i o n b o a r d o f a d d P : L n u r y El e c t i o n w i l l b e t h e el ec ti on b e a n ' o f u i d S p e c k !E i é t i o n a n d t h e G e n u s !B h g d c n L a n w i l !g m . e r n a s n e a r u m a y he.G i v m u n d e r m y h i n d a n d seal, b y o r d e r a l U m C o u n t y C o x r fl l f i o n -I I < 1 _i \ I l l m m s r a m v r s E P I B C O P A L c n u n c a ( G r a n t S t r u t b e h l i m " h a n d S t h ) R a v. C h u . n . H e : i r m , P u t o r H o l y O a m m u n l o n n e r !s u d u I n u l u s i ' U M .. .- -.,_i g ;iz fo r t h e e a r n c r a p t o fo ] a n d i n t h i s u m a f a q ; t h e e u ! 'l u d o s e d w h e n a l m o s t w a i s t h H a m t h e e o m a h o w l i u k n f m t l n i n | v e r y m i k i n g m s n n r . l l u exif I a l - - . - . .I h l n n £ 1i n n n h f U H !: o n n o nIind Holy DI! at 1:80 A. la.u m w w N u ll . - - - - - - - -C ls u n h xm l n 9 : 4 5 .Also sr- c m u. J ¢w== '"' .'¥ P~ c . me f- - na n nn i ll mf ~ lhd B fi i bL l l l l l l l\l\l\n v - . - . -ct h er s h a ve h a d d m l l a b y l e t t i n g t h e w e n t 1 : Q"-éximm lover get vlu mn Sunday. \hfzn .-'| Cookinl. A f . . \! l ¢ . . ¢ » |Club Directory 1 My .ugh .qs ~C l u b U l f ( A U ¢ u l m l m I n u ; u o r w nQ Thgmdly evenin| the Muay m s o r r v m m s ln :nb thdr vwsm, Monday Evening uns lander, mn W m.A y r u o r m n A r r s n x o o u c u m | vm vl wlu p r o g : - n m w | Womm'.|SwdyClnb very llpn.)crowd,m u y having to stand»v v Ada and lh h n through this mum. nb-|npenditure.h. itemized U1-wit: s 500.00| ,l -s n .' é w v B a n d a E v e n i n g 1 3 0 \ d o \ » a . _ _ -. ¢ »a s a n J 'l u h !K l l f n J ¢ I \ l U n ¢~O f UISLYHAAJ M \.»|.uuW i i l s C a t h e r C h a p t e r la t an d St d Ho n . E ve ni n g , '? :3 0 . A U X . ' r o A X E R I C A N L E G I O N S u n l z y E . H a i n , N o .154 t h u C l u b , g a ve a r e p o r t o !t h e p r o - g r e s s m u l w i n e o f t h e i r w o r k , b o t h f m . 1 t h a me mb e r. :a n d t h e i r H o - t h e n 'vi e w p o i n t .D o r o t h y l u m e n , !1.._.¢. J n . -f i n h n a t ;l s,ooo.oo 60,000.00s,ooo.oo1,000.005,000.00 2 n d a n d ( l b l a n k y E v¢ n l n | | \ n t e p n u m e m .Us u m Maul:H ;--»or L-_..\l - \ \ -n i - TUESDAY PYTHIAN SISTERS 2nd and (th Tins. Ennlng. -gg3lIX.|\¥l8ht and and 'num Evening. WASHINGTQN wpcs: NO. an u reading "when my nuwulul ruinsViplt Us the Luz ef J\l1¥'lh n yClub sans: md yelia wen ti'-en by :he girls tlth their c lash; tlml, I uh off guttln by the girls on vuioaapeopleoftheneighborhood - - . - . - - - n "I am very wmv thn| ,I shall noi be nble to come to your wi{¢'s nm 1.ooo.oo . . - a r " V * 1 80.909-00 u ' \ :Ya}aoo.oo llf~.l\. r. An a 5. 1 . em.and Tmr iiv nr nu mb."'l'\ll| .'| an rim:-une other time:a n n ul OOII I I A ND E RY vm do."--Bluirid Bum Humor.3o.ooo.au500.00 150.00 NO. 15 X.'l'..I L u !W I ,Of ~H Q . . ]m f g ygg-w ° s h e - : m a i n_ - _ _ - . . . . . . . . . ..H e - - B u t do :\ '|te l l y o u r hu s b a n d Republican Candidate tor3mq0qC O U N T Y A` f ' . [ ` O R N E Yi ~ * \5...-na nny wo omuzu |He-It might get mc: no my Inn.',w~».w Sincla ir Ga s a nd on Washington County. Nebraska "`"'°""21-f¢i'I£\a€h wad. Eve .-a Hin!ESTIMATE or zxrrzzeas FORNGHnsRoux.31 BP. ~ u......:....wmnlxcrox co. 1-'on me Admiilcd lo the Bar in 1914.Nine years practice in this couniyxs.ooo.oo l N Primuies Tuesday. August 10. 1926.Your Support will be appreciated h u n u.o r c o u u s x c s i l a d i »z . u w . w E n r l f in h w u l n u d a y e f t n i n l P o o r a n d P o o r F a r m ' r , o o o . o o w i n e 9 ' g g u a a n d l u r i n g .u ; ; ' = 'l l i v p r l n y . , . _ _ . _ _ W p | [ E N ' 3 g u g g g m } D ¢ n v % r A n n a n 3 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 t m 'a n d a n d o f f i c i a l s e a l " * § =_ ; ; m ~n p e n t i o n f o r o o u u s n c z O f f k l r s s a s a , a q p . o o r s m u 1 o f " " f ' ; , _ " f f H ,g .; ; ; , ; = = '' ~ f ' ~ C m m s ': J R .a ° 1 r ° ¢ ¢s , r » o o . o o L i i i q v F Y u o r S U U U O 2 5 - 4 1 .C o u n t y J u d g l .H y d n n g t e n n i s 3 5 g g _ { | g :_ - . I ' v - -¢ l , u. U . ya'_,_.......": ;..-~ .~~'P'____;_:.'.1:-.»-.:..:....».-4 -" o 0 I r r e r l e I r . | r. e h I rt Birthday :ind eongntulstion on at Thi Enterprise offieo._12-U Ho m ! o r n m .Inquire of a.» Hin a.26- Tho A k :Hitc hmln family ata k b r g sn e a d o n tourba urroo~ Bollth lh kotl- Hrs.B.c .Alfsoo o t Goose Bllfia ia vldtlng her motllr, an 32 4 0! o f a n 3 ° " *- h .ma t M:.s.udlL rs.H| nry Ro1roarosjoylogavisit from 211|forum* mother, Hrs. J ustine Bun of ' mont. Hin Rub! Buonltt h =-\=;gg_ vocation trim har work szC. HIlton'a and ia vldting in Dakota. lr. ané Hn. J ake Cartar oilper, W y o., dmv! In hom th to fldt llra. Chai Carter sm! oth ralstlvsa. D r .6 .R .l o a d h a s g o n e o u t ii l l m ba i l ,N ¢ b l ¢t o ~'W ith 1 1 r h e a t ¢ r o p 1 r h . t c . h h Ia s ¢ m , Ja m e a h be e n e u i n g f o r th i s seas on. T h e E n t e r p r i s e | ¢ 1 ¢ | , ¢ w r ¢ ¢ p . ptssssnt coll from lin. J ohn Am son and hs: vi-fill". un. E. E. : man of Lincoln on Wodneldly. u f . m a : l n . w . H . n n 1 u » a ily entertainsd llr. and Hrs.t Wentworth of Omaha and .Wentworth of Baultt on Ian ~ day llra. Roy Ando:son. south of | ontenained the Da Bow W~. Club lm Thuroday .'l'hl.1¢n olure# mnttbor proaant and all had hue time. Atlas Elayne Smith - g m # ~ seventeen of hor |421 friend on Saturday altemoon at her hath~ party , lt bdng her thlrtanth b annivenary. Hr. aad Hrs. Harold J emen, reside near the March school, the proud parents of a iittle -lster, thdr first born, Ilw arrived Saturday, July 17.- Muara md llesd amu "Hs": . inson, Harry Tyson, Vincent ~~ Ctark Btrlc kktt and H i n Doro Gllbmson draw down to ~Park Sunday to ra]-oy the uri ~ pool. Don Flea of Washington, theitolCity , 'Ia hon visiting hh; ¢' nts, Dr .a nd llx1 .A .W .I %e sfamily.Ho aooompsnled his Hrs.Velma Golhhon to IowaMonday for a short vacation. Hrs.Henry Bruse left ~ for hm hams in Pueblo, Colo.,te r a vi si t o f au ra l week! relatives and friends here. Ilor ther-in-law,Carl Koitzmun - her to Fnmont 'shore she took tdhjr for tho wut. Photographu and Ura. H. G.|non wen ln hr tai nh ll llr.Oleao airber, Ira. Marie Ewald ol' L11 - this week. Hr. Olsson and son W ter plan to drIva to Cb-havSunday taking Hrs. Ewaid homo will visit re}a1Iyer there for rr days. Chris Petersen, brother of Ju Prtenzn and Mn .Jacob P d : an aunt, will arrive Sunday atJuliusPeteraenhomofromYH: Nebr.Mr. and Bra. R. P. PeandHr. and Mn. Nels Hansen Omaha an skomxpeetud to bo on that date. Hr.and na Giibertsottti llllxte m on n o M plan to drive in th new Nash dan to Cairo, West hdnin to 1 Hr. Gill:|ertlon'a alatorl, Hrs. II.Mnrswl and Mu. J ohn Trsinnr families.They are goink to ~ home about Ang.1. Mr.and Hrs.Kennett:Ross Omaha an the pamnta of a clan tn born Tuasdsy, July 20. 'Ure -ents of tho young miss are !~ r peoplo and have many f he who roioico with them and Hn .mm C u te lta r a n d m g a - ter,Misa May, of Omahn c amo up lui. Thurulagd to spend n short vn- calion with Mrs.Elini Noble andfamilyandotheroldfriends and rmighborp. Dr.and Mrs.A. J .SandersondroveinSaturday evening from Sioux'"City and retur-ml Sunday evening taki ng Hin Glndys Moorewikhthem flu aprfhl u few day'n vncltionl. Mtn.Tlwmas Senett of Omahaspentnfewdaysvisiting;at the lnuie Grimm and Harry Tucker homes on the bottom. She netumedto Omaha after the Maher funeral Monday morning, with her brother, Thomas I-".Quinlan. Mrs.Andrew Anderson and two children o! Omaha, came up Friday to visit with Mrs. L.. Baum, who inhoulekeeper for Mr. J. C. Gruborg. lier husband and father drove up Sumhy for dinner, all retumzng i1 the evening Mi n Ruby Nelson.formerly an instmetor lt Dana College, hu ju-trewmed[mm n six weeks trip in Colorado when fmhn went with a class of Bom.ay student:from the 9 r s l 1r Hina Belva ou... rm been vine int relatives ln Allinltdn. C. R. Bendorf, llcenled arnbalmerand undertaier, Blair.Office phones 161.Residence phones, 224.3-t!. MTA. r-:. B. zmlmla and Hrs. Wm.Hdler drone to Qmaha Sunday af ternoon. Hr. Tom Quinlan of Omaha, 'aahin Blair Monday called here bar the death of Mr. Jas.E. llaher. Alphonse Kllian and family spansSunday with mother, Mn. Myrtle Xillan. Hr. a Jim Cruleluhank of Omaha viai at the parental Grandma Crulckshank home. Rev. and Hrs. A. F. Newell drove to Omaha to vlalt their daughterand family a couple o ! l m this week.e > Hrs.G.l'.Bigelow,mother ofFrank S. Bigelow has been confined to her bed for ossr a week with Ill- ness. Hrs.Mary Barry, who has beenvioitinlrher.-daughter,Mrs.James Sipp in Omaha ratumed to Blair on Sunday. htm Grace Barry. who is attend- lnl .»um.|\er school at the Omaha 'I - ; ; g ; » » i ~ = f s p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d i n r . Mr. lml Mrs. Chas. Hcbowd andfanslyspentSundayatPaplllion tlail£.=|r his sister,Mrs.A M. Grabbe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suverkrtlbbe of Calhoun are rejolglng over the arriwl of a nine pounl boy at thelr horne on the 9th last. George lllndley of Calhoun pur- _chaml o Chevrolet touring of the Ammon Llwvrolet Company last meek.\ Mins Ruth Hemphill canoe !"H¢layevening to spend some time with he. h other, Dr. W. F. Hemphill and Yamily. Th IEdgar Rose and Joe Ilarry families tiroxe to Krug parlt Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a picnic aup»per there and spent the evening. Mr.and Mrs.I'onl of Sherldq, Wye.,and Mrs.Dawson of Deadwood.s D.were visitors at the Sherry Moore home last lionday. Mins Alta Nelson :spent the eek- end witll her parents, Mr. an\rs.C. J. Nelson Miss Nelson is attend- ing hummer school at Lincoln. Hina Cara Clark of Ft.Calhoun sold her residence property last week and will from henceforth re-side i Omaha.Mies Clark was at one time postws of Blair. The Enterprise for nears. Blame .for sede.Call at The En- terprise office.1241. New cook stove for sale.Call MO. \as-1: Carl Kolvtnnan and family are off for a fishing trip at Alexander, Hlnnelotl. Hrs.Fred Voss,Jr.of Hlllazsl, Heb.is rlaltle;lssr mother,I r s . Adolph. Voss.. ltr. and Hrs. Dale Petersen wereSundayguestsattheOscar Gil- hertaou home. Hrs. Chas.. I.eBrtds has her pawsets, ltr. and llrs. F. J . Hardman of David City vtdtlng her nt pres- ent Glen Relcllitbaeh of Lincoln, nal a weak-and elsltm'ot his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Hrs. Fred Reich- enbaeh. Hr. and Mrs. Clarence Wachter of near Hennan announce the blrth ofa son at the Blur hospital ou S'un- day. July 18. Hrs.A.F.Ne1nsll'a Sunday School class of girls of the Congre-gatlond ehureh met with Ha r ! Hoare on sm Wednesday attensoon. Mrs. D. C.hott arrived Sunday mornin; for about alot weeks visit with her parents, Hr. and Hrs. Au! ust Rathmann and alster, Mrs. Will Linden. Wiley George,Hrs.Ora Heath and son of Omaha,Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hovendlck and family of Herman visited at the W. C. Llorlell home Sunday aftemoon. Sale Now On-My entire house-hold furniturs including near kitchen nnge.Private sale at house. 503 E.Washington Street,25-tf.A.Carmichael. Mrs. Harry Saipenfleld and dough tern, Ruth and Frances tool: Walter ver to Dennison,loera lost Mon-in when he is working.'Um fa\o» ily returned Monday evenlnz. Chu.Rice of Omaha. nephew of Mn. T. C. Hilton, wled at her homeyesterday as he eras passing lhrwrh on his way to Teltamah and Lyons.Hr. Rice travels for a ood-I fountain supply house." ' ltr. and Hrs. R. C. Cook and .lane ol' Sioux -City. Llra. D. C. Fratt of Los Angelea and Hr. and Mrs. Aug.Rathmann of thls city were Sunday dinner guests at the W. C. Linden home. Betty Have HcDonald, little daugh- ter of Hr. and Mrs. Chan. llebonalmlreturne.1 homelrom 'Dekamah Hat- urday.She h u been visiting her .s White. The Enterprise foi nears. ultra. Hs rre y Xr ogb lso ntb e1| lc k fi.E.Campbell,furnlll-IN-r u nandundertaking..G-0-ti. Hhs Harrlet Allen is hostess this aftemo-on to a number of her friends the occasion bein: lser blrthdli llr . a n dl£ r s . C .J . B e e kma n a n d a li e e me n g o y h n h e wo li n s b m s -ee of Lake 9g,|,¢_q this week. Hrs.Emma Shields od Omaha,came up Sunday to spend a f e l. days with relatives and friends and to attend the llahee funeral. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the August Rethroann home Tuesday evening to neudnd Hrs.Rathmann of he r h hth d w Prof. Sirlhart of Fremont brought over his old Ford sedan and made a trade with the Rethmann Garagefor a new one which he ls endoylng. r e f s u e - me n . ; a n p ma o f mr pasture I am offering my fine Jer- sey :ow for sale.If you are look- ing for "a read counthls ls yovr op- portunity.She will be 'fresh in Inquire of John A. Rltoadel Enterprise office.22-Lf. Ruth Slppenfield left Wed- aftver a couple of weeks visit parental,Harry Seppenfldd She went to Cheyenne, Wye. over night rlsit with an aunt August. at The l i l u nesday at thehome. for anand from there she will go to Fair- field, Idaho for a few weeks visit with her sister, Vida.She will thengo to llalad, Idaho wl1ereql1e haework aith the num annéfprue. Mr.and Mu .Claude Utterbackand daughters, Cara and Helen and son Hilton,arrived by auto route last Thursday evening from thdrhomenearGlendive,Montana to visit at the home of Mrs.Utter-l.aek's mother, Hrs. T. C. Hilton and ether relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Utter- J.E.Campbell,furniture.r u n and undertaking..50-tt The Tabitha Club met at the ~ T. Lund home last Tuesday eyenlng. Hr. and Hrs. walter Petersen of Omaha spent the week-end at the home of Hrs.larle J ensen. Open well and cistern work.Call 2nd door east of 9th 4%Nebraska s u .Ward and Reynolds 24-ex Mr. and Hrs.Harold Coutts,of Omaha were over Sunday visitors at the parental, Hans Hiller home. C- K. Bendorf. licensed embadmer and undertaher, Blair.Offia phones 161.Residence P-bones. 224.3-tt. Hr. and lirs. Clayton Aronaon andfamilyof Omaha spent Sunday at the W m.llebonald home in Blair. Moving-Dr.R. E. Tllden la mov- hrg his office to his realdence at 606 w. Gnnt St.Leave c alls '17- s z -ti. ldrs. W. D. Gross is getting along nicely ln d ' ln spite of her illness seems to stand the hot weather very y ell... Liles Dorothy Gray, who has been quite seriously ill at the Blair hos- plta ia recovering nlcely now and is a to receive visitors. Keith and Kenneth Stewart and Raymond Bron dressed up in regu- lation kshkl suits, made a dart forthe Black Hills country this morn- i n. hir. and Mrs.C)V. W, Wilklmon and Mr. and Hrs.. 0. Dawson returned last Saturday from an outing at Lalne Okoboli.They found the wea- ,tter quits agreeable up there andwere sorry to arrl\'e home inet when .the weather man had put on mon lhent.!Mr. F. E. Hillman of Strong City, Oklahoma who has spent the past week visiting his father,lllr. John , e back moved to Montana about aev 'Hillman and his brothen-§lr..Ab enteen years ago and this is Mr l~lillman, started on the ret n trip lltterbaclfs lint via lt bac k to Ne- braska in that time.Hrs.Utter-l»a7:l\ and children visited at the nw outol home about seven years ago. home this morning.Hr.Ab Hill- °man me him to Omaha where he'took the train enroute to his Okla- lhoma home. __ __ | - n. J.E.Campbell,furniture,mga and undertaking.B0-t.f. Hr. Henry llleueke was ln Omaha on business last llonday zooming. Dr.Leyland States,Chiropractor,Farmers Stats Bank Building.37-tf. C. li. Beodorf, licensed emhednser and undertalser, Blair.Office phones-IGI.Residence phones, 224.Q-ti. Llttle Betty Beaty has returned bout a nic e visit with relatives at the Chas.Roberts home at Wayne, N-ebr. Hrs. W aldo B. Nlelsen and Prof. and Hrs.Bundgaard were dinnerguests at the Skov Nielsen home on last Sunday. Hr.and Mrs.Hugh Wright and Hanguerlte were dinner guests of Claus Hehriha of Ft. Calhoun town- ship last Sunday. Prof. Theo. M.Hlnsen, presidentof Dana College,moved into.the Bonclo lemorlal Home,the pred- denta home, near Dana. Ice Cream Social--On court »lawn, Friday evening, July 23. ei bs' A. L. Auxiliary. Band -ml play All welcome.28-1 Hrs. Otto Nelson in still very lt at hee' home on north Walker AveHersister-ln-law,llrs.Gibbs ~ Allen, Nob., ls with her this week. Miss My rtle Hunlum,who is at tending summer school at the allluniversity, spent the week-end srl her parents, Mr. and Afro. Feed Hu dum. Mr. and tire. 0. M. Ireland anJanlcc spent a few days last. wee at tho home of thdr daughter, HLouisRasmus.-\e:1 and family i Spllcer. Robert Hilton,of Lincoln -Penthe week-end at the homes of M T. C. Hilton and John A. "."1 He returned to Lincoln on Monde evening. Mrs. Anna Stewart and daughte Mrs. Marguerite Raitt and little aoBobbiereturnedTuesdayevenin from a 'rlelt with Mrs. Abbie lllll kin and family of 05-1. Nels. Harry L.Morris in looking fo his father, H. I. Morris of Natche Shu had a :lege of measles while ihero but is well at pn/lent. if i an d Mrs. C. A.Robeson vis ited Mr.and Mrs. J. A.Yates of Auburn,Nebr.recently n d foundthemnicelylocatedInthehotel business them and doing wall.The Yates family used to opente theCliftonhotelhere which they sold I-1 Mr. and lin. Robeson some time ago. Mn .w.li .Gilliland was mostngreubly surprised on l u !Friday aftemoom when fourteen friends andneighbor! gntheml I! her home ln honor of her birthday. They brought tell filled baskets and served a de- ic lou|lunch.Mn .Gilliland also receives! n number of gifts, such ea dialzes and silk bonu which :lm ap- preciates wry much. The aiurnoonuse very plrnnt for all con~erned. Gln.Mxrguerito Rail:of Glllf» ormia,who in visiting her mother, Mn. Anna Stewnrt and her [fundmot11er,, Hrs. W. D. Gross, Wm the honor guest at al. one o'cluck bridge luncheon at the Happy Hollow ClubinOmnlm yesterdly afternoow, giv enby Hn L. E. My ors of Omaha bis father, H. I. Morris nf Natchez ~ur:~ f B a t o n R o u t ~ u i a i n n a , w h q i r e d r i vi n g t o N e b r u k i a n d e x p e c t n o a r l i w b y t h e week- encj . The nfset #Ju Neéd 1 /;m\~Borfnf>|& ,Aw \ ~ \ \f f l .~ #wm- "'Ta be on the 105, il bduowu one Ta move when llle urgelo move move: vue:A squnzmboolbn'server" Co rse ts s o ma de tha t they bea u- ti fy a nd sc i e nti fi ca lly s ha pe the . fi gure to the ne w s i lho ue tte fo r fa ll.A cho ic e o f mo d e l s a n d qua li ti e s to me e t e ve ry ne e d. The Gossard Corset and Brassiere 0|rdles.so|\ and pllnble ol lclenllllc dulgn ior slender women and growing ¢lr!|, are made ol many dulnly hbrlcs. priced at $2.50.These gar- ments nddatouch to the wardrobe ol the mast lulldlous. Try our Cldp-lrounds, made nl dllnty ulin brq~ cudes. which are llghtly boned. but ollerlng plenty Anderson,leaehura in the cityschools,returned home l a t uvek from Linénlwi when they attended thu first term of summer school at the University of Nebrulu. t l \| \ 1 \~¢:~ \ . 1 1 »~1 I "nun Son /» . u om ls .m u - » rmrunu sw y q u 'wt b l b l n M M I .N a t n r l l l y t h a n w a s H |i n d !d o n -~* l l nln o e k efn h ir n r p a p a rv r u n o tl o n l t o t h l t o n , n n d n l d o f o t h e r t.l1n¢'l..But I dood pat.11.0113 than that tb l pla n ua get thdr ~in~~ u ~ - ' r m s;_ . .. ... "m Blair,N 5 5 3 __ I .1...|..I S."P I I C .A -~ .l a ..n e lo»d rf1. m i ; THE ENTERPRISE l n ¢ v l I " l " l " " " "". . . ° : . : : :r w p m .- » -- = - » ~~ \ e f ~ s m . f ' . _ = f , . . . _ a»`§£§|:¢ié~ a mar. rm., mananmaaqnunmrmguw. 3-=_;g; on mdm.d°A!'hrawbH| z»»n.=u=1pu¢nu=¢¢»ra»du '*'°""' " ' f "Uopmmwunt- 'rhlun¢otlub~!:":?d°"'l"f:d°"°a°°m°" m-n-nwmu ww w m m e -g 1 ,m npr ot!1§r_sr;:1:|dz »~»»11¢1§"i-»»i"?~¥é`ii=» om3 :caan .,;""m; mu °°§'"\""'"~~m"2.»m mi rr as E;..°§;' mgaxntcx-wALmcm cmcvs Blu!!odthbldill'-He».=.Tm'L'f'"=If...~u'$»f.».».1..'L»f'f (Amen: wminx folks.And it Inf. m a l s m A u ,f 1 l \ e C u 1 Hq\nbec':-Great w a r m*Sf °~ ~'_. ff' _..\1u»...-I ?n5.C'irC|:|.l,with Bufflg _Bll3'|72111 T M I u l k n l I u n a c u w m v w u -uw .......- r 51 I father.The boy guard no cheeks. as for as v u ucortuined but police rv-aeived reports em `1». mempved ua pu: come, according to tho officer.---Fnmcrnt 'i`r{bu1io. Popular Excursion t o D U L U T H ,M i n n . S U P E R I O R , W i s . Glorious Lake Superior 4--Piece ~rc es ra S UND AY Yen Keynuids. ll. B. Wnrner. Kaxmuml Hauon,Rockclii Fellnws. Jnck Mulhnll and Virginia Pearson in "SIL E N C E" mwr i 1111 'VNew Home Theatre PROGRAM »-.\u1.v zz to JULY Zu' FRIDAY a nd SAT. a nd SAT. MATINEE Tom Mix and Tony The Wender Horse in "1'HB`YANKEE SENCR" MACK SQENNE1' c onqgnv .4-Piece Orchestra-4 $12.@ n..-4TH! MONDAY Richard Dix in "TOO MANY KISSES" comedy-lc|y\|¢ Cook in "snou1.o SAILORS MARRY Friday, July 30, 1926 Exc ursion tic kets :bod only on regular trains nrrlving Sioux City alter 3:00 P. M. Friday , J uly 30 Specld C o a c h L\Suu CII;1:00 P. sn. Af. Fun . July .xo ala; . Ss. Pl!!1:00 A. an.Ae. tiuptrint aus A. an. T r a i n Ar.;luI\|lll 8:30 A. sn.lsaturdnyi Sunday. August IReturningLv. Dill!!r 5:30 P. M.Lv. Sllpcfkr $148 P. M.SLPOII 11999. M.Ar.5l|||\ cm 1:ata. an.Lilsndly! Lv. nla.Reiutulag. gon! an K | n 4 rl'x ink¢~b- ll-y.rslk herld.ul. ve:lr rm-400 on-n/.1,' 0E n w r S u m m e r W e a t h e r ~é f ! ! ! 5E'»'119! ~-g i g !,_ , . . . ,r' ";'. \n f il : g g i '~ 1 ~< -is a; I: -1 |-E E.' ~ f~'¢¢f,s\§?%P , ' ; ~ ' i - - 5 - f 5 ~ ~ ~ ~\ i \ C " ~ ~ ~3 ~." " , i aZ \5 .'' _~ You surely will enjoy the summer dsysilyou serve your cold drinks in one of our beautiful Iridescent Glass Water Sets. Your Fruit Juices in the lapegt De- canter Sets.Your sandwiches on Cool Greer: Sandwich Plates. Your lces on the' Newest, Sherbert Dishes..When enterlulning alter the Go l f game.don't be without one ol our New Mixie S¢Ls so that you may.useaClub lor the \9!h Hole ns aSlick for the Tea. A Bu-rhlny nmrnar hr my-n. new H OLLE RM AN N Exclusive Jeweler Gift Counselor vlh ic h ino ffe -n ve o r |steel wen: and on the mmm hip-podrome trunk.One of the 1925 in- lgovstlom wil!he the presentationof "Anbln" ndd to ba the last word L n ~..1 '~}_ . J AMES MARE! ANSW ERS CALL TWO- DAY EXCURSION ~ . . _ f g ' r HE i s o - I whim deuh dragging ber falzerigg alepo in the trackicse waste Romance and Lbs Flama of Young Love and Adventure 'i~ ~W B: 'S|13~1 ..aCrashing drama!Slirring .Actinni \.. plendid Comedy! Co mc d y - " CONSTA N' f S i MP " TUES DAY Lillian RicH and Ruben. Frazer in l l W E DNES DAY 0 Harrison Ford and Mnrgnrct Livingston in "THE WHEEL" . .Upnll tllil human lure is bmed a gr:-at drama Comedy--"TWO LIPS IN HOLLAND" ~». is ~les.uid be Th~and en-the wry n irould |. PIU~ .K e l m e y fo r n w h i l e .T h e boy`.~ th e maid go~ Fi rGln value, r. butociety. should propor- an in- ~ry bg-~liecbed y, the s vny~l a n e .w i n e ,t h u s f u r n i s h i n g a h i g h v o l h g e l i m c a p a b l e o f s u p p l y i n g p n c l i c a l l y u n l i m i t e d p o w e r a s w e l l a n l i g h t . . l t l o o k :l i k e n g o o d p r o p o s i t i o n h o m n i l a n g l e s .T h e p n i r c h a x e p r i c e w o u l d e n a b l e t h e c i t y t o r e t i r e l u l i g h t b o n d l ,t h u :r e d u c i n g t h e m x h w : i t w o u l d u l i e v i e t h e c i t y o f t h t a x - i z e n n o f m a i n t a i n i n g t h e l i g h t s y | » Vailey Pour Co. met with the diy cmrncll Monday night nm! nubndtwri s propcsidon for the company topurchasethe lon! light equipment. 1le offend $1.500 for it, which if $2.000 mon than the price the city asked of the Nebraska Power Co. a f e w n u : u v If the Platte Valley Co. punhuu. it will junk the pm- | father.The boy guard no cheeks. as for as v u ucortuined but police rv-aeived reports em `1». mempved ua pu: come, according to tho officer.---Fnmcrnt 'i`r{bu1io. o |1 ., t e n d t a x o u ih e a t. - o h i s r e - t a x o n di s c ou r - u p o n i n - t h e u n - \lU I! a l l ! ine th is o n e u n d h t p r i n c - r e g a n l l e u t h e p u b t h e g o v- UIEI11 t s a u p p o n t F~ 4 - - P i e c e O r c h e s t r a - - 4. - I l 1 M O N D AY Richard Dix in "TOO MANY KISSES" comedy-lc|y\|¢ Cook in "snou1.o sA|LoRs nuukv" TUES DAY Limnn RicH and Ruben. Frazer in "THE ISLE OF RETRIBUTION" \W h i c e d n l h d o g g i n g h e r f a l z e r i g g s t e p s i n : h e l m c k l e u w s s u a R o m n n c a a n d t h e F l a m e u f Y o u n g L o ve a n d A d v e n t u r e '..4~ ~w a ! $12.@ n..-4TH! canter Sets Your sandwlches on Cool Green Sandwich Plates Yourxcea on the Newest, Sherbert DxshesWhen entertaining aiter the Go l f game don t be without one ol our New Mixoc S¢Ls so that you may use aClub lor the \9!h Hole ns aShck for the Tea. A Bu-xhlny Hmmm- hr my-n. :mg H O L L E R M A N N Exclusive Jeweler Gift Counselor Your T§\'.lt, J ui ces in the lape gt ~e - 1 _ . . . _ _ _ - 'VNew Home Theatre PROGRAM 7-JULY zz to JULY Zu' _ , - this union thirteen chlidren were Crashing dmml!Slirriug Action!- piendid Cumad;I Cmlmlly -"C ONST ANT SIM?" ..s°1 Popular Excursion t o D U L U T H ,M i n n . S U P E R I O R , W i s . Glorious Lake Superior S UND AY Yen Keynuids. ll. B. Wnrner. Kaxmuml Hauon,Rockclii Fellnws. Jnck Mulhnll and Virginia Pearson in "SIL E N C E" mwr vr on e ve r d a e r t e d h i m .E w e n h h e l l - e m i e s res pe ct ed h i m : M u e w a sn e ve r w : w \ ¢ \ l o f b e i n g s n y t h i n f b u t l r e a l m m .'H e m u ge n e r o u s i n h i s na ti on s t o w a n l h i s fe i l o u r m e n s= ul 'm a n i n e ve r t u r n e d u u y vr i t h o u t a h e a r i n g .H e n e ve r pl a y e d fo r no~ - H..._....--__ ..._. _ _ - FRIDAY and SAT. and SAT. MA'r1 Nx~:'é Tom Mix and Tony The Wonder Horse in "1'HB`YANKEE SENCR" MACK SQENNE1' conqgnv 4-Pi e ce Orche stra-4 ~rn. o ~.J.. Robert H. and June: E.. Jr. of Bldr lQd Rohnd T.of St.LOLIIA nad Mn .Reed 0'Hanlon. Charlotte and Maxgiret of Bldr.Deceued ww, s man of strungcharac ter, ntrict y :gmt and when he had decided on an lrmesho took his stark! regandiess of dn opinion:of others.Hs made runny trims: 1 o 130 o .1ea taking part in the perfonnance,which in offered in thvee rings.n steel wen: and on the mmm hip-podrome trunk.One of the 1925 in- lgovstlom wil!he the presentationof "Anbll" ndd no ba the lm word L n ~..1 '~}_ . J AMES MARE! ANSW ERS CALL W E DNES DAY 0 Harrison Ford and Mnrgnrct Livingston in "THE WHEEL" . .Upnll tllil human lure is bmed a gr:-at drama Comedy--"TWO LIPS IN HOLLAND" THUR SD AY Saily f)'Seii. Juhn Patrick and Bert Roach in "DoN'T"Dedicated lu the (:il]e\\ \\hn Cume Buck Hume Comedy--"RUN 'rm CAN" - . .- -- -" '9iixcursicn tickets glued only on regular trains arriving Sioux City alter 3:00 P. M. Friday , J uly 30 Ffid .J ly 30 s :da 1 August IS p e c l d 1§'d..2 u Realurnlng .Dillih '5:30 z».x\.Lu.. Suu CII;1:00 P. sn. Lv.I00 A. M.Supcfkr 5:45 P. an.C o a c h Af. Ss. Pl!!.Lv.n u a=\s.».a\. L\r.§t.P¢Il 1mllP.M.Shu c m 1:ata. an.Ae. tmp:T g i l n Ar. zu-mn 8:30 A. sn. Ar{.5at\|r¢|y\Lilsndlyl .Reiutulag. gon! anTickstn rw my on Sp¢¢| ¢| Colch Trainlint cam\e¢!la;.unln. Sioux Clty to naming point ilellghtfzlslramsr (zips on Lake Superior.blghtscelag drives.PLAN No w To GU! Usual Reduction lor Children.No Baggage Checkcd. 0 'u n 9 ,'§£*E::\ f:i t l f r ,m |\- :i : f . e l != a .: - e w f l u \f ' , ! ! " ! v . f »_| . ..4 1 \3 ~¢ § _ - l ;Q - q J i L E -5 5 ' 3 - E 5 - ~I 5 f _~ ~ 9 1 . f .;l " » 9 . I . » .~~1 ' g ' . \ ' \ T ? ' 3 ` ' 5 \ ' f ' $ , I . : f - C , \ .\ f §~ = » : * \ ¢ » ¢ @ » & » * : . . ' °1 = : , w = = ¢ v q f ¢ f ; ` \ .. =.. _ . __ _~1 You surely will enjoy the summer days il you serve your cold drinks in one of our beautiful Iridescent Glass Water Sets. TWO- DAY EXCURSION '8""'"7"f a *1 Bo ar d o f ri n U!lll» lr Un w| » a n " "} "" -_York, stand! u dn mst c omplete-nc ntly I ulviwd an qdltor thu If one nl his local nr¢udr.|tions par-dsbed ln .sending out ol' to1m"for programs and stationary gg ht it~ so the uma place for lu pub- c ty. ly dire nenlrllve office building ln the world.Thi unrlervrriun took their mm medlclnl on fin prwen-U03 when H107 cmatructtd lt. This ump drn n ready felling = -r ,,,,,pod md ws rubea hem in Bid: are The Bver'Pru-nt ax I n b d n l educated by every wouldbl 4 ,.-.||u._\.-...-ll#1 n Wllllum Padma our at- m m ;l l I I 1 l i l u " |J - _ - . ._I n g ;A r l i n g t o n t w p . ,F r e d B a n e r - m a m n ;F o n t s u n l l a t v p . ,A .W .S p r k k R i c h l a n d w p . .G w m O h r t ;l i n c o l n w p . ,L u R o y B l a b e e ;S h e r i d a n w p . , F r e d P a u l i n g ..~ .anL1xu'ro:~: ww !B ssN1'BNc su ---HF"at ...--un\|jf l, uw ug.»...__ _that they do not mmf "Truth" sdvonhhxl is c m of the llnllnl the Hngtnbeck orglnlntion.When the Hagenboek-Ylfdhce C eu!: e mu he n tha circus pain will find under the "hit top" ave thing that has bean |dvl|;lne¢l,:when the bills read the "wo i largest wild nnlmd show" . nm --wL 11- -..|li fe s a ve r m a t fo r o ffi c e .u m ; n u r :. . . . . . ...... .. ._ _t h e i r h m k s h a l t e d w i t h a l l k i n d s n i ' ' t e n d o n zu t h e u n e q u a l b m d a n o f . .|.._.¢ - . . . -»| . . » e s . . fn n n or m m d. b e ar D D \Bl%on n no-..a n iolloursz " F o r fr e e eco nom ic n d - j u x w n n t .f o r m mid.m o r e e m p l o y - me n t . b e t t e r w o g e s .I- 'o r fr om b ri l l - ge s o ve r tlro l l i n a o u r i r i ve r ,i m - p n w e m t n t o f m u r r a y :: n d r i ve r n a va p t i o n ,: n d o t h e r p u h h e i m - pr o ve m tn t v. .F o r m o r e m o n o y i n ci rc u la t io n t o a i d ag r i c u l t u r e ,i l b o r 1i l n r l b l u i s n s p o m m l e : o r m u l , I n ucouchest h e h i g h s p o t s . o f t h e n u b - }° ¢¢u p a n a n fo l l ow s . " A b d h t a y u r a g o ,s o m y m e m - o r y ro c l ll s ,T h N o b r u k a F a m m r d i s c u s s e d t h o t a x l i m e . t e l l t i vo p o r - Ll eq ls ri y t o f a r m p r o p o n i n .O n e w r i t e r In p n t i c u l n r , o f : o n a i d e n b l e |_._.l -- u l .vn ¢| h nII hugo N e b r a s k a Znduautrhi sch ool a t K e a r - n e y M o n d a y m o r n i n g b y Ju d g e 'N o i d o W lnb orao een.b e fo fe w h o m h o f a q a r r a i g n e d i n d y i e l d e d g u i l t y t o t h o c h u r n a g a i n s t h i m .Y o u n g F n n c h ,w h e n n r r a w l ,h a d t w o au s p i c i o u s l o o k i n g c h o o l o l i n h i ; p c m n u d o n .l h l e o a t .o o o o f w h i c h h e _.11_. u u naeloona...B i g f e a t u r e a w , g a l l u * r m t h e t o u r c o r n e r a o f L l r o g l a r e w h a t m a k e t h e H a g e n b e c k - 1 h o e a r e a l ci r cu s i n e n r y w He a d in g ;th i s g r e a t n l a r a r o f | b i l !b e fo u n d t h e 1ror1d's g m r i d i n g c l o w n ," O r r i n D a vu n p l a n d t h e R i d i n g D a ve h p o r t a , 1Jl"0I||lTl!nt.1 Ill lu ul un..v...,r-...muted ill! 'haue ol making ali tu- al annual on the basil of onu'a ln-come,or in other uronls,iaxlng every citizen accondlng to his nr im abillty to pay."'I'hln il n prlncipie that lo me ind u h .rdlr¢ . , . f I ' . , f A t t o r n e y ~ j r . .E n mh f ac t of bg'c iltlll We l u r ~him with fbrrery ff y .~18 t 111110 ¢10Wthe sawdust and he wil! ; SZ; 'I="`°ii,?I';».'I§.'. "'I.'§,'I."".i'.d`°'?..- s==_=~g~ wdggm wh¢tl|'B'r FE?";|1d :equated "plroie ior ' ° . i'm f r a ;ghnand rr......»\.Ln!J u a n Wintlrniffn -__n m ' l m :n i w i f . 4 L 1 . 1 B l In t ; | a 11 1 m - ,...-. .Z r m i tAr n i l l i o n l w i l l a b o u t th e in ju st ic e o p u lliis.,and his nephew,Vernon L l Cour,of Baton Rouge.Louiainna, whq ire driving to Neb ru ki and expect no arliw by the week-encj Hines Sen!Herbellen and Hi n ' Anderson,leaehura in the cityschools,mtqrned home l a t week from Linénln when they attended thu first term of summer school at the University of Nebrulu. mm3rEf~v|& ~@ Q~N~ 1 'Tnbeonllle]°5.U5¢lllI|=lM¢ Tn move when llne urn to mwe menu me.4 xqunrulnoolln' server" s v u a m / e m 'lsonemlluknowaadbn ~ pma one!" Our Cuslomerg u Our The nfset #Ju Neéd Corsets so made that they beau- tify and scientifically shape the . figure to the new silhouette for fall.A choice of models and qualities to meet every need. The Gossard Corset and Brassiere Ulrdlc s. sol!an d pllnble o l lc len llllc d u l g n lo r slender wo me n an d growing ¢lr l| ,are made ol many dulnly hbrlcs. orlc ed at $2.50.These gar- ments add a touch to th e wardrobe o l t h e most lu lld lo u s . Try o ur C ldp-lroun ds, made ol dllnty u l i n brq~ cudes. whic h are llghtly boned. but ollerlng plenty ol s up po rt-Qrlmmz u- c u mf or t un d sty le in y o ur wu r ln g s p p lr e l.Priced relxonlblly at $2.50-$3.50 Our (lossanl front lac lng corsets m beautifully lnlo \ \ 2 "5t l ,fm ~ #m» ~ 5 I LV/ \~ I~ \ l l l l n n e n l n ..I n N u n n .P I N S l l'"m n C h l l e y .l l l l l s u n s S u u a n h e mt ' x = ' ; e _ ' = 1 : ~ : : - . 1 :. " m " . . ' : : " : :a n d u n .» - . . »B e l l y .I e - -l m m l lllair ¢iu|`|§} 1217.13 Tri;-|§"i§n£"|lin. .|. r. lllmlgemour ul' own. gg-lr. lull -- -"- -- --- A hm Tanker of \\||\hingtn|| 5-'=,_g__g_~==__~»h\f,_; Blnlr In bid A na l nd ns mi,alllel l -mu r 1 .'."".&U':|:__f"f:_.' }£"...E':,'.L"..E'.... 1. ..2:....."'f..`§'......J : - » ~..affszf_*';.!L':' a i -nav llne etleet to the stout llgure.lending grac e and beauty and meet the needs o l almost every cos- tume.Prlced at $3.50 ond $5.00._ Corset Brassleres for the Miss vvhlch mou ld the gro wi ng llgur e.glvlnz absolute lreedorn to every movement.Prlced at $l.50 each., W e have a Corset Brasslere Cornblnatlon whic h ollers adequate figure support ln one garment. ln- ste ad ot two- lo r the needs o l the more ma tu re women and ls designed to meet the requlrments ol all ty pes ol llgures.Priced at $2.50 and $3.50. The Corsellette lor the extra stout. havlng a special abdominal support vvhlch insures smooth and grace ful llnc s.Priced at 55.00. Complete Comblnatlon-Satin larocade wi th Geor- gette Step-ln-»allm and grac eful lo r those dainty Georgette costumes.Priced at $5.00 We have a lull llne ot Hrassleres for all llzures.ln Cotton. Silk and Lac e materlals.Priced lrom 50c b e s t A d v e m s e m e n t O n e w o m a n ,w h o b u v s h e r G r o c e r i e s h e r e .t e l l s another o l the variety and prices consi stent w l t lt guelltv that she gets. and iso the clrcle grows and growth One order will convlnce you of our Superior Grade ( ] r o c e r le s ./ !i S P E C I A L llote llnr Prices al Flour Pillsburfs Best :lc Omar Wonder e 9 Q 1 : uf lulrs.Henry Lamb at Faemont la.-t Monday.Among those fromlllair were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lamb Mr. and 3-Ira. Amly Anffh Hr. and 3l.s.Clyde Allen, Jens L.Petersen4.16 daughter Leon,Mr.and Mrs. lieorgn_}ItCoy and Evelyn,Mrs.llclgar Hamen,Mrs.Abe Suthew la Mr.and Mrs."Buck"Ryan. Mrs.Nemetz and mother, jlrs. I. A. I oh mon . "l1n day ,July l l Rev.llnll Hn . A . Newell and family met theirOmaha and Lincoln relatives in the Vine Congregational church In Lin- coln at 5 o'clecl: tor the baptism oftheirgnndaon,Nefwell Dwight Spneher,son of Hr and Mrs.D. ll-*Sprecher of Omaha. Twentymnerciativee of the Newell, Brass and Sprecher families were present lnlhoeffurchandaboutfiftylong- tlme friends of the three families tllr tll gathered to witness the rite. Mr.Newell offciatell,assisted by llev. Dr. H. Firma, the great grand-: . s i n -n d . . .I a n ; a a | \ |n l l l | \ | . ¢ | ' \ f \ an alle ls leaving for ltlrope, July20th.After c mialng the St.Law- renee river for two day s she will sail on the boat "Doris" from Mont-real for England and spend about two weeks ln London,then on to Perla and other points. Mrs.Grace Meltelvey ol Sioux City spent a few days vacationwithhersisters,ua-...Myrtle tul- lan and Mrs..Hal Kemp recently. She was accompanied by her sons, Glen and family and Paul and hislittle son, also her daughter Naomi. Mrs.Balcllelvy lived rn Blair when a irirl and has maui old friendsandschoolmates, who would be glad to see her again and who wi-h ahe might retum for a longer Visit. Mies Grace Ballon] recei$'ed word of the death of llfs. Fanny 0'l..i:\u at her home at Chadron.Nelz.on llenelay July 19.The body will arrive in Blair this e\'e:\lnlr (Thurs-.lmyl and the funeral eortege will ee dheetlv to the cemetery when that she la t'§» mi" `mm»r s emi n- ful trip, this time in Quebec,Cana- da.Bhe states that in taking in thesight-I, elle mined nethinc and finds gg'aumnner work a dellghtlul one. i n Lucille has beeome :t tuna-eentlnenlal traveler, lnrim: been in practically every state of the union during her eenoert engageusnnts and new she is privileged to enjoy sf surmner in the cool open -peers of Canada. see s C DLORAD O s unr rs Mr. and ldrs. Harold Stewart and family returned Wednesday eveningfrom e trlp by auto through Colo- rarln.The fir..t ilrp they male of :u.y duration was nt Denver whorelrh r;vhdtesl for seven)tlayr with IMI.and Hrs.Fat 'hy ifm l°l0r1llerwer they drove to Jobgertmvn and fron;this plaee tool:in the aisle trips to Estes Parlr,Greeley mel otler points of interest. 20 SL50 each J. SAS.»""" " \ The 01d ReliableThe Big Store ~ 0'lI:|a Smith.ml kills ne la alder lnwln' Nth.JENS NIEISEN, Prop.}"lllk 1 |_.|\.|.......:\ ..|-..I.¢|..;..E.|i¢l| | | ll | | | r .| | * lm§ i | F .'°fu'i i -x DI. n. v. sau. Ptyddu nl Sunoco am ae n e w Ind. 1 i _1 u 1. r Z ~'*~.~_@';!';;;. ~ ~~ L | Tlaompsgn Diln't_Know the Town Calling DI. w. r. HIIPBILLnswrurr !.oahdlnuvH¢ma'l'h»&reBl¢l'g.m m , m m m .x l o o m . c n u x t n s ° °'v' f . : : s " ' ° ° , .' n tswf, ~5f?.".». me xr u n x s . B I G B ID W ( Ann! for Furman: Cfnmefy)P l! !but-Frlu forr o u n n v .A N D m a sOn Fifth Strat South af lndu-pmdmt 'hlephou Otiiee Ind.\22l Phone:Boll B81 zNnUs'r1=rmz. New-'s By m e a a a o f n u w ~- shihoocope perfected by the : Talaphane labontadn $3 New Y~ c ity , Ibn!hundnd |||11mm.1 I nthe scratc hing md rumbling si muscles an th y slid n m o n e n.G.Annu:Aa a ruc m l Inzunaro-Rentalsm l m m Offko ln new Hu~~ Theatre Bldl. Clark 0'Hmlon Raed 011| o' m\N w N a ll W H ANL O NAllun u uBdl ax Ind. 15 Offlen over Suu BunkBlnlr, Nebnah x BE B N H AR D T . u mm* Aaur»ey»u~1.\w Bo ~.~ Theatre Building s s "EAT s a o r Hu b » = " é 2 .' » . Excellent Cunhas - mu m my S d n ln ,Cun ruou n Tnltn lnt Ph# door aut Ekmturwi-It olfke x ts his ankle while playing ball last&nday . Rev. and Mrs.. John Hammel andsouWarren.of Hadlaon stoppedbale ¥'riday for A brief vimlt at theH. W. Schoettger helm.They wereenroute by auto to Itllnols on a \rs~Muon trip. Hrs.Georgia Turner and daugh-tsr, Miss Harriett d California andHrs.May Stronberir of Fmnontwere guests at the . A. Whitton! home on Monday.Hr. and M [lay 3lcCtlne leftlemlayforbury,West Vlt-gm- a fter a week withr. and grin 3leCune. Annabelle,the little dattghter oll r .and Mn .Sun Hammang ae-oldentlv severed an artery In herri¢ht foot with a hos on Hon ky . She is reported as getting along yl n .w IL S480 and daughterJane.vlaitetl last week with Mrs.Se¢ero sister,llrs.Otto .Kohl in Rtdntr City."og returned Satur¢°_5, accompanied 7 lllr .and l i mKlandsonGene, who rgmadned ou r th e weekand.Hr. and him G. A. Marshall left g--==° on Tuesday' for a visit with r son Ralph, st liantn,S D.Ther also expect to so to the Blackum. bffolE retumtog. lilo Victoria Huey of Auburn, who has been vla-Hbi at the Manhall lm! J . B. Ad-ams home aeeo1:£;|1led them.ull; Helen w r, who has been in the country for a number ofweeks in visitlnl st the w. It Seger home.Hrs.Wilma Kimball and daugh-ter Mary Louise, returned recently from California where they spentseveral months._- - a . - KENNARD NOTES Mr. t1|.l Mn. 0. s. Alloway and famlly tl~J\e in Sunday evening from Oklahoma to spend sevemdau with 'hor mother, Mrs. Blaalerand other relatives and acquaintanc- el here.The varhus threshing machinesare busy through the country keep-in; the truc kers and farmers busy haulimt the grain to the elevators.Gretchen Hall was takrl ill with scarlet fever lost week.She sud Omalm-Store Community Stores chartered with eapitsl of $46,000. Falls`Clty--Wheat being harvested in this uestlon.Tehama New nrlsplper,"Burt County e" established here. Shubert-E»22.000 bond Issue voted, for new 'qatenortks sy lhnt.Blade--Nil'bridge proposed over orssk om §»llna.Gothenburg-Ramodetlng In pro- gress of Qu: Lady of Good Counsel Catholic church.Upeoln-$1,600,000 Ijomhuaker Hotel completed. Wolbaeb--Work started paving elty streets.Spencer-New street lighting sys- tem proposed for this town. Notlfh-Local,station bdng ze- pdqd and tmptond. Amoltl City streets being [rav- sled.run City--Chase Street 1. bslns paved. Loup City--New white way systembeing notsslea here.' Republican City-Contrac t lat for disrios ditch from new well to con- nect dty water mains. There are 2,100 miles zrsveled road, 85 mites paved roads, and EWnew modem bridges ln Nebraska. Loop City-New school building In District 72, under construction. Davenport-lletbodlat church be- irut pointed.Tay lor-New Evangelical :bunch dedicated..Bridgeport Several dty straetsto he granted.Fort inrumio--Alfmlfa as rilldins ll.';t.r\l.u-vest in this JUCQLLKY \. Long Plno-Contracts lst for con-ltrurtlon of our la ng Pine south highway prlject.Bridlepwt New hotel n w v w d for this dty. Nellgh-Neligh Lumber.Grain a Ccal Company shipped mixed oar ofhogs and cattle to Gmaha recently. Filley-Good crop wheat predicted for Pedins County.Nebraska City-Road to be built between Nebraska City State park and Chsdron State park. ARLINGTON N0'1`E=3 J.E.Adams,who hai been lnSouthDakotareturnedl u t weakUn. Adams and llalilyn who 'rlaitod in Plattamouth dvrinz his abslnoo'ar a a ko ho la liao Gretchen lley er of Lincoln Bobble, all o! Omaha.George Croaalaml and non, Pad of W ayne left Frida! altar -,|,m,,¢ heroaeseral days at tha H. \¥Har-dtail and lin. Ethd Unland homes. Jag for o visit at the Henry Clonehomo.Rr.an i llra.John Grimes ae-tumod o.\Payday evooln.;from Weldon,!a.,wh en they \\mt #Ifhire. Anna lfuollerandllz-a..Anna Sunday so mend a bi famdt re- Stell f I '1,|i\'lday°of Hr." ....¢""°'l'|..;a..»'i§ Weber..Geo .A .Han ha dl,V V HarahdlandLeonardH a m m of Benning-IB o m n m | c m - ¢né a m , s u l§§,° "°"',,,_,,,,,_ on 3 o f " " "Spangler,ém... '§'§u\.pf»rf Ollie hired |L mn u d Ha ma nn ;who u om-Johnson, Tom and Jun Hall motond '»'z o s m e m . :| l m a kPlow! at the Roberto D*lf? c amo' inspec tin:tour o!t i n ' n u m uv ° { _ m M ,so move umgm u thorn.The Hd l brothers broad- llyand to _ u m a m a m a memow n m m q w u z m m t d m a p g s a n d * " _ " * H f "vo a m n; 5...s.f:.e .. ;= . :- ¢= ; :: ;a ~. " ,= : .. .: . ~» »:tation H 4 - = t h o r n . i:z¢nt"1n the o n h m i n d Hr.and H n .I.arl Rhoadea and,rm b .m a by a large family of Gothdd Oenher, Iowa ar-dxde of "g m g ~ hero S====~1;g for a vid; at the ~.raon me.~week from ». " l. ° '. % -Mrs..Charles II llla n d a o n Ch r- khero ho vlaltod aworll nor-ton and. Hua Hattie Clark o! Tabor,serie; after a . g h ational Io. Halton owl the Fourth at tha nurleryxnon'| eonvon on gn V :Gr A. ilanhall home. They la!! on.Tueada .mpaniod b l l .d~ 1 3 g u ulfzi Hn. u'...1..n who drove im' hxlne '_in their oar.gg ?»'f'-=-"i."£§.°2?"i. "°'° din a July a s . - n o ru m bmhdny of homo Saturday ¢wn;n¢1 " " ' "Renard was gouantly oh- .; number of Rehekaha !ro~here served W h "h u mo r.H n .na. tnotomd to Bug,on evo-Renard invited a for friend: to he]n ' w u u t i °f h @ n h b h h U H O ¢ l H M o n ' slay attarnoon.Ham games and a; ;~5=;y»_ngf;mg; § f'.'§ ».?m" "§;;delicious lunch on the lawn -===~=»=_g_i the children.Halter Hugh reeeiv~~many nic e lm* to help him remun- lllxf wl wqnmu,hlarth.Woarnor ber th a d a Those present wereDora Jenson, Gertrude lgfdffer mu'1,53 ;31=»»<1H =°';;»° * '"| R°L : ' y ra.owa moosenMisses Belle Roberts. Helen Pfeiffer the nd En hlra. Ray H1 roar m .on;luI;.r\¢¥nZ;P:0LI Schorfman,h°|:.|1d Eleinar,~ h n n a 1 1 a l e , ee a l v a ra...lm: been vuithg relatives hole !or| M |Vee Louise m d Maxineum: th r e e vreolu retumod to hor »»Hrs.N In So enson,Richard andhome at Stlplohunt on Monday.in..~1.... °un. élyde wnlulom, Lyale m2.'.".f'"m&....?.., ,ogg 'rgffadmgn I nm! Hllbm and HTL G. A. Mltilllll Saturday for a visit at the home.ofi Mrs.H.L.l!gKIbhen ia repo:hadh u parents,llr .and H n .S.S.as recovering moely and lefa;theDixon.They expat to remain hare ! hospital la.lLFridny to he wi her until August lst when Mr. Bruder-Slot!! in Des Raines.If her ooo-lein will join them for a trip to aition continues to improve she mayDenverbeforereturning to their he able to return home sometimehome.'next week. Dinner guest: at the C. C. Cook.nu m Es th er a m]Wilma Lario# home on Monday included Ht.and ol Oakes, }{D_ errno | .,w:ek 1. Mrs. Rhea Gilfry and ¢h1ldw\» "'~"'s»" with Dr. and un: P. ta Cady.and Hn. Ed lxllghtzr and G+r\n\=i°»Jlrlr. and Hrs. c. L. mppm.11 HLmMr.and Mn .-0 .Launch |.nd.§|g. Colo., 0:-Heed by auto on Sun- onon.Huey aiao a vfnito1 other po'nta in lnra an.l at St. Joe. Mo. |The Octetta eiuh of Fremont en~jjo gd ;,_=_.= at the Fair Grounds ml E. Wlnaotty waa moatnagneably 'rorpriaed on 'Monday evening whenhis brother,v. J. Winaatt,of A l- 3:,¢ _ a= =°" .::: »:; '".: =~ 3" " é°" ya'L e ra!me 5" |;'?th¢r¢ f'I"'° ."i5.2 fg5l22 'i."5."r.tt mo o .ron;e'f q g n lg g m wi ll be found bs' an .wr o owl..I llra.Lum Henking,who is au-tr i d deputy resident of, the Rebekah's and LL ataff niotorod to Waehin on on 'zwmanif -~=====5_;; lmtall offic en of that ladle galeo arent to liennard on Wodnol-=*'{, evening for another installation ;n .P.L.Cady entertained herSunday School :Jaan on Wednesdaylat a swimming party at the Country Club In Fremont in honor of her 'f§'.'§ff.E'°°°°'d"?° ' " r .'a'.L'°"..¥§ was ;,,;;*, of Ofakoa N of who ~ her.La tn; ~ th ai'- = ° ; °,;3, a elifious k n i m p p r wa s e.t e pa .ers pru-ent ~.-..5 Mime: Sykvia Junghlnth. Eva Hall, Edna and Elizabeth Nul-oll, Evelyn Blac kburn, Lora HW;-Nadino and Bansko Utterback, Vio a Wallcenhont and lone Gaiersllr. and Mn. Widener a d famiiy g wlfhggg, Fallaé '1"°°=°;;_ asi " g g :rge er an two ur roPeabody, Kan., camo last week for l a visit at the Frank Bralthwadt homoMr. and Hrs. C.Vail of Lincolnand their aon,Dr. 8. P.Vail and H n .Vai!of Bolton,Mau.,me nvisiting;with friends here on Surf- d alh. Al. E. ladies' Aid was plea!- antly entertaduocl Wedmuuluy attor-noon by Hrs. Fra! leierhonry an!hlra. Van Valin, at the homo of th former.Mr.-gy Bra.Don Canon and family.r.and Hrs.Casson and daughter Allie, all ol' Neola, la. war!Sunday [ o u ta at this Ed ltenud on line of Blue Polo Highway. Wolbuh-Bumper corn :mp nx-pccted ln this loaiity. Auburn-Grading started on Auburn-Tecunuah road. Wyman-Paving contac t £or dll- trict No. 15, heaviest traffic uctivn of city. family and their guests,Mr.and li n .Wiley h!eCune.mobomd toShelby,la.,I n t week for severaldays'visit With relatives at that plan.llr. and Mn .Ros:Marihlll andfamilyandHrs.Mary Krajicek drove to Sc rihmfon Sunil wh entheyspentthedaywithr.and 0 . |~|_71|,.remained fo r 1 longer visit.Allison mlm of Findlay , 0.. nr-rivod on Monday for a visit nt. thehome of Mr. and Hrs. W. A. W hit- ford..Hr.and Hrs.H.W.Schoettgerhuthzul leach-§ 5 ' " ' . , f T h . ~ ~ ~ ' é d m l o n Monday evening. After the business senior:l1| }t refreshunnts were aeNeJ._Min Ruth Close of Omaha, :pant the week-end with home folh. rs. Denton? house while the rut in ptminlr along nic ely :nd it in tohe honed there vi!!be no morecures hunk out._ Aubrey Fairchild uma in llomlavGvmlng from St. Lou!! for a\Imrt vi a i ta t t! 1 e F L E 1 : : 1 d E . 0 . P i i r - mg* human here.ra.Sarah Rosenbaum v u m l eveninsr after e hrle!illneu.Shev u eizhty years old.All of he:living children were present at thetime of her death.Panera! service: in the Methodilt mth in Kemmrd. were conductefi'b:h Rev. Underwood ieceuTwo littie nof"U»ceo!e. Nebr. inv seven!dayslatter and family.hmily took then|and x¢n1l.ined for there. of Rev. Geauga.have been spend-here viadtlng the Rev. Geone endhome on llondayaward da;.e visit HUBS LOSE"l`0 BLAIRzu11INNING ' rwr - n - n u A f k r P¢ck'|home n m had thai the acorn in the ninth hning, driv-ing and mn in ahead of him, tin Ilub ! we n mu d o ut b y lllsir ln tb l Ti th inning at Blnlr 'Monday when the [ u t yur c hampions pu! over the winning scam. - lt 'ru ln exc iting hattls from mn to fiahh \ l h"I am bound to eooeedo. Iwmlnf.thltid onoto olor tlaobe sltru urhll little information In lou to ¢o wmRuo you noted. natlemen, um nmtl is me night. sro blur no soma of clrulldng :bond lho W¢1I'1||l"'Turn true, usd una been true alma thi l m bvltluld °f u e n u m I ntnnnhrrulInl?!lnt°n nun iilnlPII " V - ; ` " . ~ 'r ~ ~' n m * g f * ; | 1 ' f d a Qlxo n q M .W I. DGYUYIP, Hill lil! lllllb 'lah .1omo¢."purwodPdorostfmy n\\t-l¢¥l°lfD1l°¢|i|ll¢l|IllllPlf0\1¥=d0\1L";"° hor. md z 11199906 ua the ouruncle had not opokn." H U M I n ml hodd grlnlml m y a n k l e : r o u n d 1 m e ~ ~ 3 3 ,5 ; ; ; ~ _ ; g_g c o uldd od otllll-ll. i4 "1 9 0 0 tm p o l a d v r u p r o p u a d-'Hu' me a omn mxl. omlu ng un ,f° r n c lu llou | | | d¢ "1 nu> tho' In te r f 1 M! ° '*' "" "° "° " °'" °' "" " 9' £3bl¢¥!lhh1|§d.*1bd!o|y th1n| .1'**l|¢|!lflID¥ChUC\| ¢H¢lP¢¢h!lL 'll-IL _But mr fill!-uncle ul. nomo-red."W hl! :h ur ' 1 ll3 l' ¢The foc ato :ru ammo vrlih vom "Is ¢¢u;¢5, gong!" g oxclalmod."1 'ru but thinking whit a gp;ay clbldt. vrotenrlw md other uIIcr'l. . . ; ...---|....nA...-..._.-\......._..-nlnle 1on are bec ome!Sflltl. whic h I hid to ovold dlipllb Jag for a visit at the Henry C1000hrml.Rr.an i llr l.John Grimm:ae-tumad a.\Payday wunln.;frum"nfeldon,!4.,wh en they \\mt #If Sund ay n rue nd a bi flfn ndv re-|1l'|on.Huey aim °ite1 :ther pn'nt| in lmn and n St. J oe. llc . |1110 Oc teth c lub nf Fremont av Iivved | piwe at the Fair Ground!:paris Wadneaday aftarnwli.ll. E. W ln ntt ' ns mon muu bly'surprised an 'hluday evening whenhis brother,v. J . W in ntt,of A l- berta. Clnsda ~f~=»5-<1 In for a fewday s' mn.Th u the fir!!timetha brothers have nat for 22 yan. so hi s ank le * hilt vlwi nl ba n lm&nday . Rev. and Mn.. J ohn Hummel andmuWanv:1.af Hulllon atoppldbln Friday for A brkf vimlt at thaH. W. Schoeltgu harm.Th vy mnenmute by auto to Illinola on a u~club!!trip. Hrs.Georgia 'Purnu' and daugh-ur, Min Harr iett d Gtllf omls mdl n .May S t m n h r i r of Fmnantwere guests at tha . A. Whitfonl home on Manda).Hr. and M [hy 3lcC1|ne hitlvmlayforbury,West Wr-.after _f 1 week with _._. ~r' ( f ,¢?»=?=»/ h ~\Am uu n D . \\ 1 /n o w n s u s m r m l~=1='" 'corvalomf w Ammon. anmvuzn w-,rn NOPSIS L. . 'n » ¢n o e I o p a l i n: u t " " ; , , l lo o f t h 0 l : . = ' * § T . : ° . " 'w r :3 " a r g I a l .uI r f -E ° a ' I * . ' E 5 ' n : : : 3 . . : " 5 : .. . : " : z f , : ' .J " v 1 1 |J I " ' I n t l I I A u r a r U s ; z : : . ' : : : ' : ' : § .g m a n a n . . . : . .n o s a . . = w = = = " ' : . '.:".:."'T'. I':£' ° -y i =- loan at its ;an ' L. . . u" » » ¢' § . h l n n r .| \u , da ss ill.I c u r - r u n I l . - l l a t r l UDDI!!!I mozio num Rober t nd al.-or llanMurrayn u n Donny;In. Robin and hut be bu hlllf at the tnuufr on In Dill 'JChnl lhusun 2| -wg. villa toon a ilu-du '°;=g°~hu tho alms":. *: r°r :: u.: .. *°rr-=-~r°-=~ as I 4min when u»m'}"f.=m2." 4 c x u r r n x x x n l innot the dlfiaion f 61 .,.%?." InI:gugl-,'§""§q-, but alter ;,°°°§_'°=g;°, 0 1|lr m a uMr th n u l " a li t tle li l u tl o s . *Chad lt lui!" exc laimed mr rd!-dfe. makin: buck ln his chair--or the I o n r o f y mh i a t o n e wo r c c o a tmdmdk md still cont:lved lo nnintlln In :lr at cool veil-bein; in tm humidatmoophn"Yon pushed mo. Pshr.su p me . lm r w di d !ra n ut till to match mr u m a with y all!! dx months from aol.Had rw developedm r q\t&n'|¥D1I\\t elght manaR e t -But 'dl futile to uma c on osrnlng what might have bun.u well mu to nromoitlc ala tha mannM our own Brel." uhd fro m my an t un der lbt stern | u §'"" ' "~lrindlwl.whence I muff!800 me l ...1'f'°?. '.'l.'..... n... cr r . . .: f . m , . : ;° - ff- _ { '. i ° * _ m . ° : £ I - ~ ¢ ° < z ~ = _ - l i n U - d l \»t l 1.: : . ; . § . 3 ; § § f : .r : " " ' ¥ : " ¢ "zz o I 4m i n w h e n u , . m ' § " f . = m'L" c x u r r n xx x n m I i l 1 ln o t t h e d l fi a i o n t 6 .l p o l r z a In In u h i s a b u s e s . b u t a n c e l o o a f s n a uw i t h l a h a uv u u h l up o r t i o n a : l u t f i r a n z i t n u a g *Chad at last!" exclaimed mr rd!-dfe. atnktnl back ln his chair--or the Io ttr of y mh ia ton ewo ra c oa tan dmdk and still cont:lved lo maintlln an alr at cool veil-bein; in tm humidatmnwhln."Yon pushed mo. Pshr.su p me . lm r w di d !ra n ut till to match mr u m a with y all!! dx months from aol.Had rw developedm r q\t&n'|¥D1I\\t elght manaR e t -But 'dl futile to uma c on oarnlng what might have bun.u well mu to nromoatlc ala tha mannM our own Brel." Pam #IBM Ind muttefqi that loIn "no 101301. stem." "I would an mlaht ny , 'Chair' Inm u v m colt wa an -======gqlrumhlaa 0'DonndL "I an no! 1| an any tarther forward with yourconfedafataa yonder." IIa wand bla hand out ot the atom-tlndbvr. "TIM carrlgd away their four humdrad thousand pound; but every man a t t h r m w u u g l n m l n t h e t a e a uthough 'tvisao many hodeeaa lnstlad at a prlooo'a nnaotg.ar.Patrick!When I think at what tour httndnd thousand pounds would do with thanamanpadiamantmenthatwillho n u m ;their aoull to wltoonr bids them the highest!" returued my greatunch."lr va 1 + celve what we pnrebued. nn u m mod.xr not-"Ha :uma out hu hands In GOPNG- turned rumbarrels.r u m leaned forward.wnlhfully ln| u:uut.|.| lproppedmy |ell'n~- 1 trunnlon.."Gui me u I thought to Gnd nu ~lkulkeru In my m w r 'an mar! "D'n think to uk: any prize w1'nu lo l? " §,~,,-,mf-'"um y ou c ilmb mp." me ummm A gran nmgtrom 0Dom:e1l.in my n r .*'I'he;an a ll o n hee.. wa. damn z neu re the wa y n ,4 °° *:rum du' :moto dir plpo in would be left to Lbs mem of nuf °° °' u* p r' cutthrmta and latch-drnweru. Manny)I (md murmur, and 0ID|'°l|¢| *¢l|I2U¢|1 .ma new 'Ill num!! man admll nr anna '\N§'° mr :mm lo um- ar mum* 'lf lth ln ano n. thlilllef . n l.We hun a nrtet watch. and nn hattlryhathbeencantoon and pnwldedl. lion Ifanno! do.The on ad vmtlnwh ic h hlnt p omn sn ll th lb l mu l LY. "nu: we ha' near :et fought wi Murray.Them as does don? tm' lurk.A manner ot ulenl nanrsM h""ua," anneu zu 8l11ef,"but film \ lrll lima aliny a, mites.M a n ullletbo r e¢to'u».A b u l o r n c u l lanedge will aninh mm.And xagainwhowouldrrtriskdeath lo mare'u a mlllion and a lull a' vow~l~ good gold and hard allnr u'll ~ nerr man JuI 9° na such pl »as mr men ever c omes br. :mln "But then '| ml: u muc h ~»the .Innes as we tn* here." obj . om U! #pe nm spanked.\"True for you Tom Ailardyce." nl Fllnt.*But the relt'| late ~-=mr: lt?" "I'l1cre'a only them tow hon a' it,mmma thc man."They nld an - J l m n l h m w u b u t t h e t h r e a mm d t l u l l r i v u h n d n d l o b u r t l tnlnr a ha unti ng h ugh ru b orrl bln. "An d d 'n think that out o'» people. not coun1In' Blum;-and 0* the four 1 gm--we nn'& mlko ~ta lk !I tell yu' Tom. tho stu!! u good as divided." "Ye ln nlst to catch l={un1y."tmted Allnrdyre.(To be continued) gu n ! f o r th o f 8 p l! n . " l l u r r s y hi m se l f b l e w o u t l h l h u n n d l r . "\ \ ¢ ~l l . M H . c h n 'a IIer . " h e aa n r ar e d A ll t t l e t l r l i y ." fo r t h o f Sp a i n y o u wen t.a n d l b o a r d t..e Ro y a l Ja n s nyo u a re . a nd ` t . be vm ho p e of l i te y o u h a ve i n n m g o n l i l y n h o s r d w e R o y a l Ja m e s - a n d t h i s u : u i n t n a u g h t o f lh e o bl i ga t io n s m e w e t o y ou r l 'r1 e nd | o n t h e o t h e r l l d e . " P 9 1 l ' | a g m : b u l k g l i d e d b y n o 'I I0 g e t 1 r o p e , " | 1 0 l q u u l l d . "A r op e !" h l c cu p e d 0 D o na e 1 L " A n d l f w e dun°t e n d l1|tlze n o o o o o f n mo t . w e 'l l l l k e l y b e Il l l I. n | th e p l a n k . I c a n l i l l l e fo r m y s e l f.!'l | h a ve se e n my l l t e a n d h a d m s m u g .B u t i t v u n n I II d a i . M u r r a y , y o u p n u l k d o n me t o fe tc h Mo ir a al on g.Z c nn t t h in k w h a t w a s In y o u r m i n d - n : w u z m a i d In a p i r a t e h o l d :1 1 |w i c k t d p u t b tllef." " Tu t ,i n t . " n m o n s t n t e d m x n e u ! uncle." i l y r e n o w n w e r e o t t h ! b e s t . a n d h a ve b e e n \l n d l vn t e d bar evehss. B n !h m l l Pet er.Y o u fo u n d t h e w w f ' *J|. "'a n n e r e d Pet er,a n d kn o t t e d a n e n d a r o u n d a l e g o f t h e l a b l e u I h n d d o n e t h e n i g h t o f o u r : u n r e p - ll t ln u u e n tr y . 0 D o n n e l l n o u g h t o o l w l i n a : l u n a l | m Ir i s h m a n c fm - m e a go b le t o f b a n d ! l n a n u n | u l p " B a n e " b e c r t e d ." T u n a y m o a g h fa r y o u t o b e t a l k m ; g | ¢ . t 1 u o t t h a t . Bu t I am t h i nk i n g 1r a 't l m a y b e b e t t e r eh oo n t h e n ow wh e th er 1r o 'l l p u sh th e M h l i n x t o F l i n t o r p u s o u t z o s u . " M y g r e a t u n d o u m a h u h e a d . " TIIIL w o u l d b e p o o r t a c t i c ; e i t h e r r u .A i i g h t m e a n s l o l a t i t h u m , : h i p d a m n . a n d s z i t c a n b o a vo i d e d 1 | - l t h o u t l o u vu a r e b y | o m u c h t h e n l n e r .A l a n . t h e n e u a n d n n n r o u a h r 1 1 1 . a n n u s h o u l d m o w . c h e n l l s r - a n d fo r an o th e r r e n i n .H m m : m n w i t h m e t h e w e a t h e r 1 | w o r k i n g u p fo r a vi o l e n t s t o r m . " " B L P i l r l c k u a u a l *o m t u u d0'I>o lm» lL ' T m n o t a h h a t i l l to m a k e o u t h o w r u s t a n d , H u r r u . m a t h a n t h e n n k e d t r u t h .On e m on i e d t a o t r r e e r y l n g t o r |M h z w i t h n u n . In d t h a n e x t y o u n r t o s r o l d ll . t r u m c a n b e m n n a n d f "Qu tt e t ru e. ch emd ie t," a sse nt ed my : n a t u n d :cal ml y.* A n d I fa l l to n o L h n t m y m u t t o n l l \fa ls e a na . I p r e fe r n o t t o t o m t h e l a m e .H y p o i l q u s u m m e d u p i n t h a t . " " B u t y o u d o n t k n o w w h a t d i r W a l r u s w u t so .d a r :d e r t r o u b l e . " l d t i tbl tabletop.|I me zo' u¢; ,1¢¢| | _ an d a~nn~ ~bmrnprlt and lm my self utmddll ol Nice stationery at 0 ~terp ll.I Worked down tho bo rl!to office.84"And that g han admitted. mam to the nam ulndon.*IPPour," anlwertd Murray."No needles: gun, remember," he me llft of the bowl; but Itlll I gould Read at right in The Enterp \ m m h i m . " D o r a a n r i g h t .1 u n y o n . " . Il e w a s c l u t c h i n g t h a c u n r l t e r l r l t h b n i h ha n d s a n d b n a d n g n u fa e t a g a i n : t h a s w e l l o t t h e b o w . 'C o m e u n . "h a u r n i " 0 ° n u a t o my a hoa lcie ra.I m u d Io n . 1 | - " " B u t l f are a p z u n r ' " W a d o n z splash.Y o u g o c o p ;I l o d o w n u n d e r d e r w a t e r .Do t 'a a ll . " 1 f o r g e d a l o n g s i d e o f M m a n d n m g i r l y r l i m b t d bl a im m e ns e a ho u l da r l . u s i n g a : fi n o n Is l a h a i r fo r h a u l a g e . Th e n I n a e h a d o ve r h l i d a g a i n ,a n d L h l a t l n u g e t m y h a n d a u p o n a a t a y o f u n b o vr s p r l t a h i e h r a n t r a m m i d - w a y o f t h e s p a r t o a t u m b u c k l a o n t h a b o w .` "S t e a d y . " I t r h l a p e fe d ." T m g o l u t n j u m p . " .° 'Ja !" 1 t h r u r m r l e n u p w a r d a n d m i n e d z u m a r o u n d t h a m y . h a u z l n a t l k e a m o n k e y fr o m l t , a n d P e t e r n a t u n d e r I l l ! !a zu r s ll r l a r l p p l a wh i c h m i g h t ha ve b ae n m ad e ba a 51 31 .Pr e n z z u y h a ca m e t o t h e su r fa c e p d n a m be ne at h me .' " C a n n u ell mb,B o b ? " I t h i n k n n " e w a n :I n m . "o Th e m a y w a l fo r t u n a t e l y d i m - h a d as b e en s l ip pe r :w el I eo u id n e ve r h ave : w a r m e d l l - - a n d 1 w a s abl e.a ft e r 0 ~\. L v ~u l . ¢ ¢ ' ~ 'v 1Tlmrnpson Didn t Know the Town Calling \ -s o Hi ! Lo ng Di s t Wham Thompson rv-turned m bil otiiee, hefound a now which read,"C|lllongdistAnoo." Butupon :alhng the long dis-uuwo openmr, he found that she could not wm-plew the cal] as he didnot know the mmeaf the town calling him., Uthemisnlmgdismnqe call for someone wg; out of the office, Um son answering the kio- ance Call Was Lost phone should ne sure togetthsnuneof thetmrncdlingandshowthia in-.,1'urmu.innon dwuooehe léuves for the person called. 0thenYine,9.helon;dis-tance openxwr in your;°»";. huhuo method gg oc; mg e wilea1liag,utheonlym'i%- wa :word of the call islt the town when it wasplaced. lr h m °m=¢~;¢u.\¢clx M m m W . m m w m m m z a w m w w m y m m¢v¢ym=¢u¢wi¢r.¢1==b¢¢p°¢m»\¢~evkf. Norm-lwesrsnn Bm. Taevr-lou: co. a zL L s v s rx n ¢..p,u., . on num ~ u.a»-umu- MII! U sinun Us uuulssg '~'""gSundayIST a visit with her sunt, Mrs. P. L.. Cady and family.T. w. Finnell, who hu been here ¢' ne bu a1 ne utri pf ro mL o|Beech.Lfllif.,wus e Sam goes of Dr. and Mrs. R..A .D I s.Ruben u m r m1 ¢ , ' L .M.UmmbsekandsonCurtismaturedto Llncoln on husdneu Tuesday.Messrs and Meedalmsf JulienJungbhlth,r. E .Webb,Walt E-cl1- Lenhmp and children,Walter.Jr. and Jean,motored to Scribner onSunday where they spent, the iw st the B.F. Cock home. " - " _ "" " " """\\iLlI UI! nuul uuus uvsuuumooifuwmrggk '§.¥"'§°"~'§"$'.§ lndld;e53l0ckin¢w;uh:I ; i'IllY in the ,dn . f u inn nn .,r apparent-batu sf moon g., had s pod ma.The final score Teacher--W llnt'e 1 umdlerd. Tom-in favor of Bwr sus 1 1° 6~my !I Luci Bronson hurled sgood enough Tummy--The man who llweys 'SUTUC Lo *ffl for Ulu: Hubs but fivecomes when mai not home.by Cunningham in the early imings uve Blah its npponunity of sear- Egmg KA W EEKLY ing.The Hubs fdund Flck and\S lNDUSTRlAL Rggqgw Sven;end, who relieved him, za such i n extent that bJth were removed G a n g | , h m | _ w M k s t a r t e d a n f r o m t h e m o u n d a n d S c h e f f l e r f i n - T I E W ~~. | " ' L °_ ; ' . u r n k a e s n e n i e r n l e l n l h . » \ | ¥ 1 . I Wolbech is to hive public drink- ing fo1:ntain\.The lomen'e c hi:get behhucl the movement and sgmedl to nlse the money $0 buy ihe (nuntainslf thevilllgewoualdsrtnzultile expense of connect them up with c i ty n u r a n d d n ls mn : i w Flrmers in Gage county an mak-i n g a m n a n t h e b i e b l l l l l l i m e 8 ' Electric company at Beatrice for gn tar which they use tn eradicate chlnch buns-During the plat three or four weeks 8,000 wi e a s haveImam nnrrlnlefl bv flrlnirn. 0 ~\. L v ~u l . ¢ ¢ ' ~ 'v 1Tlmrnpson Didn t Know the Town Calling \ -s o Hi ! Lo ng Di s t Wham Thompson rv-turned m bil otiiee, hefound a now which read,"C|lllongdistAnoo." Butupon :alhng the long dis-uuwo openmr, he found that she could not wm-plew the cal] as he didnot know the mmeaf the town calling him., Uthemisnlmgdismnqe call for someone wg; out of the office, Um son answering the kio- ance Call Was Lost phone should ne sure togetthsnuneof thetmrncdlingandshowthia in-.,1'urmu.innon dwuooehe léuves for the person called. 0thenYine,9.helon;dis-tance openxwr in your;°»";. huhuo method gg oc; mg e wilea1liag,utheonlym'i%- wa :word of the call islt the town when it wasplaced. lr h m °m=¢~;¢u.\¢clx M m m W . m m w m m m z a w m w w m y m m¢v¢ym=¢u¢wi¢r.¢1==b¢¢p°¢m»\¢~evkf. Norm-lwesrsnn Bm. Taevr-lou: co. a zL L s v s rx n ¢..p,u., . on num ~ u.a»-umu- THE ENTERPRISE Gives you all the latest local happenings of the community.Its columns are f ll each week of the doings of your neighborhood and county.If its worthu__._|_|x_|_s__. _.-._ --.m ::....~|':4 =.. Tn.- Cnf arnrico and what vnu find there will be entlrelv authentic.We I \ I I L | I I ! E p u n u s n m g y u u w u | | | | l u n l u I n c u l l s w l yn n a v -- --.W U..- _,-.... . . . .-_._._,__,_,_E i n v i t e y o u t o j o i n t h e r a p i d l y g r o w i n g f a m i l y o f r e a d e r s o f t h i s p e r i o d i c a l a n d i n o r d e r t o m a k e t h i s e a s y §w e a r e o f f e r i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g c l u b b i n g o f f e r s w h i c h a r e o p e n t o n e w s u b s c r i b e r s o n l y . e Take ildvaniageof this Offer and Save Mone Popular Excursion t o O M A H A Sunday, July 25,1926 Bennett over the week-and.Mr.and H n .John Hebanl nm! Mary Jane returned Sunday froma twowreekl' vacation with rehtivesat Nebraska City.The M. E. Young Lldles' banning-wn w u P¥¢w\11t1>enbettldned at the home of lim.W. R. S-emvr Toesdw evening. Mlu Evely n Fun wanmf aiulant holitu.A dalklous lunchwasservedafter the regular bush new meting.About 18 were prea- ent.Dinner gusts at the home of Mr.and Him.Henry Clan on Sunday§;°'""$ .2*~."::",.°'=>;.°-.§~:"=» r. a ra..pp em ns.Colo., Mm.s.A.m¢11¢| 1i-ms1.1 Harry,Fnmont.Mrs.Erin:('»o\li» han and .mn Hawnnl, Fremont. andMr.ond Mrs.Raymond Close, n,1¢l flmiiy ./ "Hr. and Hrs. U. C. Webofmccomponies! by Hrs.Webefs d . Hun.Herbert Fulton, of Sioux!!lefton Wednesday morning cn nn lulotripthroughtheBlackHills.Ontheirv l y home Hn..Fulton vii! atop off at Kimball for A fewutek f visi t with friends. Donald Ludwig in using cnutchesthisweek, the result of_an injury 25 1 % w»¢||THD "{{{OROUG}lI.Y EQIIIPPED.YOUR VOTE ,\1'1'm:<|.\1rt1> Primar.c.1 August IO,f9 !6 5 Vote for Bernhhrd F. Lundt ` Republican Ca wfidafe for C o u n t y A t t o r n e y 29 Years of Age With Sntral Yun Experknre an a P|l\li4=i2¥ Attorney \_ _ . _ . . _.. .. . Lv. lllalr 9:|0 l. m.. Sundqy. .July Z5Ar. Dmuhx lD;00 l. ha. ReKurnln¢ Lv. Omnha 7:30 9. m., Sunday, July 25 Tlcketl 0004 Only on Speclnl Trlln. No B u nn C h ec k c d .Usull Reductlon for Children. BASEBALL-Wentern League _Omaha vs Oklahoma Clty (Two Klnmu) BATHING--DANCING--KRUG PARK AHUSEMENT5 PLAN now To G0!A FINE DAY'S 0llTlNG_ Chicago & North Western Line For lurther particulars sei: agents Chicago, St. Pull Minneapolis & Omlln Ry. imqravlng line. Ilumbcldt--Bids opened for |lll!:|~ hulflcirrg l n l improving Highway No 3.Auburn work surted re¢~a.»=1.=uc ling SL Pl!.ll's Evangelica! Lutheran church.Spenttr Fanalruction progressing rapidly "on dam ncro.-x Niubnra }{i\¢\'.Wak¢Beld-New *rridpe i»umler construction uma Logan Cr¢\ekon Suns Highway No. 9.l.ineo1.\City limit:uextecnled to include Fairfax addition. W y n ot-Tris ta te Uti llliu Com-pany blinding high line ol 68.®0 vofu from W ynn! substation to Or- Chard.Gmbhou-New pump itwullc I 5: waumrurkn.IIazle-Bumper what crop being harvuted in this vic inity. Scribner-East road \beh1g grav- CIM?I¥eatrl.:e New plnnt of Cexural f ooperuive Creamery Famnany costmr 350300 nears compietion. Special Conch Train §§§ Omnhs Bw. DuiThe Enwrprha 'World-Herlld, Daily and Sunday °°$6.00 I Omaha , Bliiy and Sunday ~ Pict sl iavr ...I510 Sunset ....2.50 Youths Companion ..2.00 The Enterprise .....1.50 Total U \$12.50 A l l f o r $ 9 . 5 0 / W uriddhrald. Ih iiy and Sunday ..$6.00 Piczorisi Review .....1.50 Sunset.Youths Companion .. _/2.00 The Enterprise ......1.50 T o t a l ..$ 1 3 . 5 0 'All lor $10.60 ..2.so - n -1 n- ._no- _-his-nv- u h4:1 - _n lIII nl-nn0-Ina i n- _a-nna - p1-1 - n g --Inaz z- g ;IIQ-nol u nin-_nnnnunn =» =.- 1| 1 | T o t a l a . . . 4 5 4 I II '§i.&.';.§"?'I1'~ ae 1 5 5 ¢ To tu la . . . . - ( 6 1 1 3 3 3 1 4 1None out when winning run wan .;|:ored.Winning pitcher, Sclreffler. Huh: AH R P0 A 1: L.L a w n c r . 3 h . .a 0 04 R. Adams, cf . . . 6Peck, rf-ss . . . . . 5 Jaatrum, c . . .. 5 Ctlninghsm,sl-2b 4Chan. Chambemlh B l. . B r o n s o n , p . . . 5 \\' ami, lf . . . . .5Nixon, 2b-rf . . . . 4 F. Chambers, rf . . 1 22 1 10 o ou o H 0 504a a a 2 o 3 o 3 2 1a l s 0 o 1 6 0 , 1 o 0 0 1 o 0 0 -- - - - n - s s q z ss 6 F, Chambers batted for Nixon the 10th.R u n ' Blair 100 129 no G1--7 1s '; Hubs; . . .O0000-'!0l200-6 9 6 SummlI'¥Hill and runs off Fick, 4 and 3 in 6 Innings, Svengarml 3 and ='¢» grin-zaingr, off Schcffler, 2 and 0 n\\in- ags.Timbase hits, lkrck, Chas. (Jum-ben, Sc`h:!fler 2; home mns, Peck, Svengaard; otoln. Laces.L.Laumer 22 Jaelrum, Warll, JiPP» Scheffler 2. Krause 2, Lunsil.; sacrifkp hits. Cun- i1._;hnm, G. Van Deusen; hit bs pit-_|....|t...1:i ;lm |{.1.hnu i nn recently approved the proposed sale of the munic ipal iight plant to the Nebraska Electric Power company.The purchase price la to be $T3¢5W The city conncll of Bridgepon has been .ukecl zo call a .special elee- tion soon to vote an \=1*~h°H1ins a$20,000 bond iuue tor erecting a city hall..Half of all the elactridty tual In the entire worldi| oonsumetl in this country, and more than 1,500,000 of tin public own oecuritiea of the com»nantes which serve them. The first radio unit of the Amor-ican Legion audliary use recently ckartered at Oklahoma City.It ln laid onnenlzlp of one radio ls n ue- quirement of membership. A new electric refrigeration recordwas established durlng the month of May,accontinz zo ihv:report of electric refrigerator manufacturers.Signal !igI1u for automobile traf- fic and new ornamental street lightB are being installed at Ogallala.Beatrice L4 adding eightyfour new elect:olier posts to its street 1i;;hUn¢ system.Contract for a new fire mum atGrand Inland has been let anI work is to begin soon.The entire street lighting .ysteln of Minatnne will Iieclzlngcei at ln early dltih 1.50 I Ladies Home Juuruai 1.50__~The Erverpriao -- lolh for $5.00 'l`uIn.lE§ §§ Total wmlailmld, Daily and The Enterprise -- 1 Il lor $7.35 $9.50 A 1.00 2.00L 5 0 |Pnthiinder .. - I snr A Pvnn;nn lhuz §== § g=g ~-..~»' | l \¢ l \ | . l J l |1 \|n v v g -1 .»4 1 . 5 0u m h f o r s o . | o I T h e F n t e r p r m e T o m ...$ 9 . 5 0 All lor $6.75 Omshs Beef Daily and Suncinv -$5.00I mn I lo me a ta d ---1.00 \World-Henld, Daily and Sunday ..$6.00 Lad 1:el i uma J ournal -1.00 Patlsiinder ...-¥U0 g The Ennerpriui -- Tu u l 1.50 I Saturday Evening Pu!!2.00 $10.50Tuulas lor $6.25 Allforsms Thi; offei will be continued through the monthqf June-Get in while it is yet time.Get a year's reading df high class periodidals E N T E R P R I S E IQSIIL."Iii li\LQQQ' If i5&L if énh- ]3'mcuz:ns_ ..» § f ' ? ;'ir"5 v THE ENTERPRISE ~Bla i r, Nlbf m my a . ms-'nm '»:N'rsnrmsE»-Yullitli A won. Nzwsnrlzu ml I !"=.""'_!'°!: q._c. -!°°e!i°»-_Ur-lrdfh v~z*l»\: nr. wh-s se H:ALL -rm: non.:A R O U N D T H E C O U N T Y Negvrd Iutsrut gatiwred by Enmrpa-in BLA|R'S LEADlN(i NEWSPAPER oFF1c|A|j PAPER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ask for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" .GENEML AND mom. NEWS AND oommnr .uk for "BLUE nnaBoN nnsur" i ; r . a ' i . - ; a Ti . T"m e a " ' " : a i r ; "'*_ -V 5; !\'l!°!!1lL'=!'\°'|°v.°'\°|=¢!=medhwwrlh\°d'|¢='-.u.I .jrhu if we mga f-e"=x.f=~<e=== 2° ~Es as hor \l b !...D... a h a n at Sun- ~llnsgd mnbaum at the y weree homoBhir a n nChris- Mnimnumlululll|||um|||m|||||||mmmu|mm||||||u|nn|Immmummm|||mm1|nn|||unnnm|an|uu||uw§ Washington County Treasurer's § s ' A l s 2e m i -n n u a t a t e m e n t ; mary of Collections, Disbursments and Balances of § various County Funds for the first half of the § year beginning January 1,1926 and § ending June 30, 1926.§ l l l d r o ve I b a l l f r o m n d d e n - H n . A l l !h . 'l ~ | y Ja xu en t h e l f - h e l a n d W l u e l d l o m . a m e n n d H n . R u d o l p h r n a n d l e r n o o a ~0n o r t h o f n u n A l f n d . i v a n g g n h A r l i n r n H i n d - ed ne sd ay L h r e w r d m l W u ! - Tun fer!Tnnsfers Dizbtlrle-BalanceBalanceto other from other menu Ju:\o30, 1926OF FUND Jin.1. 1926 Collections tu na ;Funds lin. J ohn lielhnald Ind aaa, Rus-sell :pmt Sunday at Km; park. The Dan, Wiil and I'rank Thomp-son families ¢p¢nt Sunday it. Kms: u.p uJamla Barry of Minn., ntumed toOmahaSundaydheraf u r diy : vlait with rdatlwa In this vic inity . A number from this \ricinlty ar- unded the fumew of Hr.J a mnMaherin Blair Monday morning. Hin Grac e Thcmpaon wh a t- tends the Omaha Univeraity rum- mcr school vru a tack-Gnd visits! at the parental home. Hr. and l n .Hana Frahm anl Vama spent a pleasant Sunday ewe- ning at the Henry W dbem home. Hevrard im: :peut Sunday with zuday.Hia ;;ndn 1-r¢=l|'|lt forty Enl- >L¢l.! so tie nero.Dol! Brom.thmahed at Scott AI- Ienz cn Tuesday.Beiva Shlplq of ldcflhne, Nebr., wh o h u b u n visiting relntival In this vic inity , il fixing at thi J ohn l{eDonnid lromo for a few chgn.llr . md ln . E d Na n t a n d Hr. and Illrs..Ch!1|Hin:plcniclted In Arklngton lui Sunday.Mr. and ilu. J ohn lmria of Fu- mont spent Wodnudny evening atUre Mn. Huis Padi fm h bmt. Evoryonl in this vic inity il busy threshing ihon dlyt.Ciydo Allm and funily :hd Grunt Allen vrialtod atthe Joe Lawn home Sunday afternoon. Theme were s n r fifteen c an attheswimmingpoolatthePalmer mmr gathered than in ihe evening £0 cool off. Mr.and Hrs.Clayton Aronaun and family viallad at the pamntal,John Arunaon henna Sunday awning. Hrs. D.H.Utterbuk of Arling- ton came Sunday evening so vlait until Friday www: at the hom ofherdaughter,H n Leon Hindlay. Leon Hlndiay had thruhara l u t Menday. Min Stella Hlndley came home anFridayf mm Wayne for a abort vhlt with har parents, Hr. and Mrs. Carl 2Hadley.Mila Frrncea S-ehenk came home from W ayne Thursday im n o ve r Sunday visit with her parents, Nr.and Mn. Louis Schenk. Hrs. J ohn Ammon and Mn .2 . E.Biackman spent Tlmraday and Friday visiting in Omaha. llr. and* Hrs.Gen.Snyder 'lute dlnnnr guelta at the home of theirdaughter,llra.Wm.Hc b o wd in Blair Sunday.. Wlnifrad Allen and Wm. Rodnn attmded All Saints chureh in Oma- ha int Sunday.Mr.aéd Mra.Joe Laaure enter- tained the followhug |ueaLa al. din ~.r ~ o n ~ ~ 4 . D i x o n ~ - ed Ice cream and cake to the goung people, which all -enjoyed. Mildn.-d*I\rernon went no Council Bluffs lut Saturday to visit a few day ! with n friend, Hin Lois Col- lim. Miil Edith Warriek returned Int Thursday nftemoon from a dsit at Nebzulu City. Hn. Ellen Layman and lon, Cleo spent Su y nt the L L. Lay man homo. Hr. md Mrs. Pn ntlu Smith and Jana Beale: o!BIair, drove to law: the last part of the geek to visit friends.Hrs.L.D.Warrick took change of their home during their nbunce. Mr. and lin. Oscar Mathews vh- ALONG TI-IE BOTTOM ROAD ¢| | - » Hn. llarxanet Ivenon and Ciara spent Tunday afternoon with Mm.Fritz Muller. Hr.and li n .Elmer Whlta of Waterloo mn Sunday guests at ihe homo of her brothnr, J. S: Comty. Ned Tyson 'rent to Frnmont Ia-ut Satunday to spend the week-end with Hin Ihad Ry u at the homa 'rf heraunt..H i n Ha u l R m Ia attend hg sc hool at Hidland Cullen. Hinallnea threahad at the Hauler iann on Wadneaday. Nu. Fred Ray apfmt 1`uauln; vi» aling Mn. Em Mettler.Mfr. C. H ilum :pant the afternoon them.Paul Tyson la the proud mraar of a German polka nppy . Misa Dora Warrick of CobrmloSpring;has been visiting l t j h e Knadamaa L. D. Wardc k,Praatln Smith and Henry Board homaq thistrick.Sha also vldted reladvu h Blair.Sha wil! ntum to bar home Saturday evenkng and l i n .L.D. Warrick win acmmpany her for an axtemlad mu. Mr. aiu! Hrs. Harry Tyson xpcntWednesday evening at the Clannce a~ Hrs. ~. ~. M~th~wa~n Hlair~rl Sunday. \lr»..A. PI Dixon spent Saturdayafternoon at thu home of lik: Gur- trudo Mud in Blair. Mr.. and H n A l King, Hr. and Mrs. Fm! Ray , Hr. and lin. A. E.Dixon called at the Hauler home Sunday awning to inquire about the cqnditinn of Hrs. Eva Metaler. Don Metxler and Virginia up-entSunday with Mn. Eva Kettler. ilr. and Hrs. Lloyd Pauley :pmt Sunday in Tekamdu..I Hr.and Mrs.Fritz Muller spent Sunday evening with Hrs.Jo:cpl: Ray and Ralph and Grace Ray./ Hr. and Mn .'I'.K.Iverson md dauzhturl called Sunday aftarnodn al the home of H n .Eva lletalerrad wind with Mrs. R. gl. Ander- laon of Tavrner, Cola.|A f u r relitivaa in this vicinity allznded a surprise birthday din-jn., on J . ll. Sewell at Tehmah on Sunday.Those who were presentfweraUra.Fritz Muller.Mr.and Mrs. Byron Bean! and lun, Hr. and|Hr¢.Henry Bar d,Hrs.Margaret I\ers:.m, ,Clarl. Pearl and Will Iver- ; m . I NO. 27Hr . M a n i a J o h n s o n a n d la n H e r - | ; § { ' } , § ~I ' h r s p g ; ; a n a HI!were Bandar dinnur meats az . . . ".Q M n Lithia Hannr n u n n !v v v RLAHL wAsmNG1'oN coUN'rY. NEBILASKA JULY 29, 1926 IM|:CAR'l'}-[Y AND Eimsmnow BUSINESS BIG Flnnncld Sullslic or m Slate 0| Ndzmh For ms Amman 'lb xs.m.=4m0 Or sw_var c u m - mlnd v G o s s FOR HIGHWAY Wuhingum. D. c. July za, ms.- Departmcnt of Commerce lnnnuncesa num-nary of Un finmehl sittin-tiel nl th State of Nabrukl for .-1 ; Expenditures ~'I'hp payments for maintenance and operation of the general depart-ments of Nebraska for the fiacai year ending Juno 30, 1925, amount- ed zo 38,-l23,505, or $8.24 per capitaThisincludes$l,310,062,apportion- ments for education to the minor civil divisions if the Suu.In 1924 the comparative par capita for main tenanoe and operation of general departmtau was $6.08, and In 1917,$3.86.The interest on debt amount- td to 81,4151 and outlaya for per-maaent improvements,;5,oas,oa5. The total payments, therefore,for upenaea of general departments, interest, and outlays were $13,479,- 955.The totals include all DIY; ments for the y ear, whether made 1>Ar~1s|~1 C H U R C H H O L D S O R D I N A T I O N S E R V I C E S W e dn es da y e ve n i n g t h e D a n i s h e h m h vr a L t h o a n n e o f n q u i t e u n - u s u a l g a :r i n g :t h e o r d i n a t i o n o t m g s . 1 . » n i n t o t h n h n l y m h i s t t y . 6 |~ pl u m b i n g .T h e b u i l d i n g i l t o b e e l l l vl e f r d b y t h e o p e n i n g o f t h e 001 y u r fo r Se p tn m bs r ,1927. .church the ordination of new noarly allrayo talroa place the annual convantloru.Theconvention this rw was at lllptca, Wh., and not ian than candidates entamd at that -into :hc mhinuy.At tho time Ure convention Hr. Loft had mtpled a call.Hohad several to from but : i n n *1=1»"'=h u ~dared favorably a cal fr?" the - ~Lutheran mnpeg nton atQbater Grows,Mo., a suburb to ~Louis. I r .Loft Ia unusually well quld~ ¢ .1 no :ako up pastoral work.Ho an A. B. from Lincoln,taught ral year|\at Dana College, but as for the p u t four years bee~~ acted with the Midland Theo . .»Seminary,Fremont,Ncinr. bore ha also was touching, and a~** time mlm theology .. H T~ Ind this summer with tho of Bac helor of Divinity.H heals wah a fifty-page work onnner Miuipn in the church of Don rlr. proceeds of bond issues.Of the governmental coats re-ported above.$3,916,267 was for highways, $145,362 being for maln- tenance end $3,670,905 for construc- tion.RevenuesThe total rwenue receipts of Nebrukl for 1925 were ;|2,¢33,350, or $9.25 per capita. This wa; $4,060,440 more than the total payments of the year, excluehge of the payments for permment improvements, but $994.-595 less than the total payment: in- eiudtzg those for permanent Im-provements.Property and spxlnl taxes represented 47.8 per cent of the total revenue for 1925, 54.4 per cent far 1924 and 60.0 per ant for1911.The increase in the amount of property and speciai tu m c ol- lected was 105.1 per eent from 1911to1923,but there vu a dec rease of 1o.1- per cent from 192| to k925. NORFOLK OPENS DRNAMENTAL wurra.w.,w By way of celebrating the in- ntmllltlon of a new street Iighting f yslam for Norfolk,following theapproval of new contrtct with Lho electric company,a program of band music,addresses br Mayor Haus,Prof.Lindgron am!Ma n u -er Brooks of tho eiectric company, held the sltention of the more ur- lous minded while them were nunsand carnival stunts for the younger people.J i a n than Inn thoulandpeopieparticipatedinthefestiv i ti u and admired the new oma~ mental lighting system.th tt puts Norfolk hx the front n n k o f p m- grosslvva cities. II\d m , 3 w | | . L a u l w . . . - r u t L N Wednaday,July 28, rtw Building For Dans C-Dllrge. 1 a To (Int #GUNS Without ~'rn INtrnhh lnu f rd m r l m a n m m m o m g i m a P . rL'I'he opnincl was let Wedauday Er the eeautruction of a modem Itmpronf building for \dormitory fn-Dana.Coilege.Th !¢0"\\:l1C£ lid" L-¢ £0 be mme, thi! inc ludalhating and everything complet; the exaption of the furnixh- e contrac t was let to the Nal--Mdiurny Cnntrsctlng Cu.of him Bluff! and thu Am-dt Hanl- 3Cl| £F'FLBRS RETURN FROM ' r a s WEST The Gul Seheffler flmiiy l\'|»ill'l1- ed Wednesday of Int wack (noni atdpofover[ i w wd r r darntien through Cnllfornll and u n ' I i ' - They went out br way of Du n n !and through the Arrow trait which ut c owiond ann of the most Inau- tlf u l m ln from n scenic point ofview.Lou Angelou urn me of tin Catlfornin mm whic h they visited and they slso spent mme li mi a t Wlsltthr, Clilf.,when thc 1.A. W i lliu n; hmily ra lid ll n d at L u Hu be r wh en their daughter, Hn. Bert Williams llvu .. They man ia th dr ny hack Mor tha southern route and #2110114 thi dlf h n n t poi nt of lnhnst, inc lud- ing the petrified format.but 'fare glad to get bac k hom! ani to thai; nld routine of living. . PRISONER RETURNED To VIRGINIA Elma: Jennings, a young man of apparently good raking, was picked up by the local authorities somethan weeks wr on the c harge of stealing a Ford roadster which he had in his poaaeaalon at the time of his arrest.He was pissed In jail and the :sr iran turned over tn the insurance company and last Monday the coun-%y sheriff of the home county cailod !or the prinoner with thu proper ne- quilition papers and on Tuesday took him bad! to face his trial. ..........- f Tha c ompany workin! lm: and 9|- th ntly to n eu n tb! la u u f or th t li g h t t o d r i l l b u t lf t u g l t ti n l l c l dh u n :\o|.h1n|further h u devil- wusi-'I 'h o s\ wh o nn th u! le nt:no akin; if the bubble nu hrc kw and if not why the delay. WHAT ABOUT THB ou. W ELLS Thu all welll, which wma as lun ! ' | l i l ' l . onJm.Yzs #an Rulu or Over One lm umxe Ln! nmeh |11 w..m»\¢m Cuunly In 'lime To Save The Craps RAI NFA LL SHORT FOR YEAR A Gm r ain gh dde ned th e h um of the P°°|>k o l th e c o un ty lm Friday evenin whan over an heh of ruin fel\me 4\ll(o|'|::¢ vegetarian bleak !he heat tu vé whic h Ind been inmue for nvenl d i n Th e y u r nl ms hu s o hr b ee n1moan:b n d m-in t h amd) amount of n i n wl£ch h u h l k n , there having been but 9.01 Inaba fnllen mines January lat.L u : m r NEW BUILDING fox DIST. 18 Kindred saw phldd Vatu A! A Speclal Hema: To me A New Am!ModernS\m¢mr¢ ` wu.L s'rAlrr aulwmc AT ona Serwal Aman mmm: =<=~=g;gal. | :pedal meeting sf Lhe vomm mm Thundny enning vom! Q.. build I modom sehoel building xntlka thu plan ol the old atruebulwhich hn for yuan been nn ¢y\ HAY mcu AT |an 'hu Suu Snpuhtdal Halma~ me Luo Youth wm sun sumu Anwly ma r 'rn Onurt Donn n m u u u n - a s m s A s n o 1 ; s Suu Bupa rinundan t lhtan, hl u nd ur | n e u! d ec ld on a f ~ supmme c mm n u u m a »ccrdfluuu w teacher: undnryigh me n y a n of q u .Apptlauu not new req-mind to mn thai: m bu t third g n u l h m n ~u h m !eeruflmts h n e d v u fo u u g mz A n n a J oy s a t A b u .1'lhtmi i n Mr lp pllali on that ah M i n n y a n c l u p m d t h t community.The school ia usually amall. I;l£ year a total ot tmmty-one pupils was enrolled and the avenge wir attendance was only aixteen, but thi distric t ia not taking c hanel: on tl! school oansua always remalnllm thtaame so the new bullilng will had a matin g ap adty of th lm. The sian of the u n au-uc tul wlll be twenty by thlny -two 500|with a full buomant and it will ln furnace haahed.Work wlll begin at once and tha new building will be ready by til time school ataria in September.Tho old school houaa has b u ) sold to tha Herman Gun Club and ll good fer than n a n .Sha born at Intuit.Th u mu nu pa r in hn d mt h u naman of Minn athor school d n a who wi ll In did ble toundnr the oourtk dndslun » !uury\\n!a\hoAlm|M;h:cheoSh[ndultod from Un!RMUTwny uno lthuoo wnwuune h |n n.1o n t h e c o u n t y l i n e a n d a b u t t i n g t b l r i v e r m d w i l l b e m a d e i n t o a. cl u b ho us e. MRS. 0'l"l'0 NELSONANSWERS CALL Aiter yuan o !sllfftring'H n . Otto Nelson zunsed away nt her homo on North Walker Avenue onMonday, July 26.1926.Mn .Nd - son, fonnerly Mia Minh Eric ksonwasborninthiscountyIntb l Spike:ndghborhood on June 80. 1890 and was tho daughter of Kr. and Mn. John Erickson. --1She was married to Mr. Otto Nel- shn on Fein rr,IDI1'and to this union one c hild vu hom. who with the husband still survives.For a number of y uan :Ihr theirmlr f i ln lr . md . li n . - Nd n a, Hlr d on n farm northreat of Blair but on account of her health they mnvad u~Blair about a year ago whenthey mr: living at her death. thu T. K. Iverson home.& 1 ~ l> » - : [ ¢ § a ~y-ur gb; Ban- Roby McCoy returned Sunday from dgll, nqother mn, died from iqiurillFremontwh!!! che spent a f u r .mlllined in a ruanniv. uoNc. u r l Wd!01 Novak m days aria; for her miner, Emeitime who is getting dong nicely.Hrs..Haney Krogh nnd children and Arthur, Una and Claribei Heh-ruu of. Littln Sioux,laura vidted Sunday at the Fued Hunlum home. Mi n Myrtle Hurdum returned The noddcnt Friday evmins oc -curred on highway zmunmbexwfive on an intanactiwn.Lira.Lasnb.her daughtm.Hn..Will Ramsar,andMrs.Ramlefs daughter wwe an- mute from Fremont to the Rnmsur home.Aa they turned the oormr -~4sifgnaeatniwzheulilkscoaDol:nur Chrlstrnnn of E kata and her sister,H i Knunlun of Omm.Jenl J w! and fnmily I1 Qu aftemoun at Blair will li n .A n i Axlhan.Mr.and Mn .ih ek B called one du ' lutnunai Plays]Ronnbsum hams.llmidph Human and fu Sunday dismnr pleats atof Jens Petersen, Int of lub w e - e k f r o m Co ha nd o I l h t l l sh e a n o t h e r g r .comin.;f r o m g h ,s u l . h u be e n s p e n d i n g s i x i n c h w i t h w m a ;9.0 s v n o r t h w l l i d i n g w i t h a zu d ve r ai t y b u n n y c h u .A f t e r - l i h e n r .T h e l a t t e r c a r d r i ve n b y fe w d a y s a t h o m e a h :* n u t d o w n g R u n n e r t u r n e d o u r . A s i t o ve rt o a t t e n d t h e l e o 0 n . l \ t q r m o f s u m - I t a m e d s e vn n l ti me s,t h e t o p w a s mar sc hool at the dai unha1My .Osar Hxtlmn finhhed 1.m~¢.hh\z 'hxudly momlnl~Harry Tucker lhruhed oau l u : Tweldly.Willllm Quiulln and daughter to m o t( md the oerupmu pinned in the wraelnge.Th u i d u n d l u nremoved from an w b e m h v l w the holpI\.|L When uken from the wrec k age Mn. hmb vu \ Mn| ,nhhough aeriomly :mmm she am Ilr. and Hn. Louie V:Sunday dinner guest lt N1 (t u n a .In IM lfkmoon to Kemund |.n.l wlunnsa nu n br tvne n a wi er d u Omaha inI Kmnud. l l r and Hn. J lek Kel) llrtllnul lt Sund ly dlnmr mu mla, E d Olnn a nd u Wilcox hmlly.l n . P t h landEiwnB£ull| alled lr lemnan. Ruth of Misouri Valley calied at the Harry Tucker home Monday. MANEY NOTES Mr. and Mn. Delbert Fourier dll ~ enroute to tha Onkhnd h.¢,¢;;|_ Mrs.Rnmsefs eight y u r old daughter, Clroi, vu riding on Mn. Llmb's lap but Wu huried clear of tho wrechn and xttatainul nn aer nm wma.-_ Hurry hhnd ulkd sz Fnd ll-lien Wednesday waning.The hm: Cr vek Pl: C lub mn at the home of Clyde Rumen lan Wed-ne.dxy vvenlng.Teresa Foley nd Domhy H u t e n were ~=»~for the dtmvalflilion tem.n. Hun-.mu nyved ies cream. enke md cook- ies after the maedng.Nu ! W a d- BQMIIY the Club will mee! ,nh lun Dorathy HatersM s .A w Fowler - g n w the Paxton Memorh! holpiul Int 'hues-a y a d n ; i n N u h a r u m xi l l r n - mvvd nd la now stay ing' with har |ix\er. Hn. Raymond Dixon of Om;-, A u mmm a n . s mn g u m n u mxcigy vidndky for muy s u s . M n .Limb was ve ry we ll hmvm and highly rupeaed In Lhil vicinity:A sho!! time lla the flmlly moved in Fremont to Iuka thnir ho me. ln. Runner And her dnughler went to Frulmnt to s b p n d w a s K-lkinzha mother bum with her. Mrs.Hmnuh Nd( Lllnb ma lived i l A r li x to n gddnity Prlf lir dlv all he r li h .S h e ' u m m m l i ! ! h o mu tn d l l mllex north u l Ar-ungum July za, mo,and wmahx\1b¢¢n5'ly¢Ana1ag\mrt1l\¢kAfter her mnrrtlge to Henry bmithvymovedwaI.\rmneuEllG¢y llr. and Mrs. llerum WI: lrvne called at the John haha In Blair Sandly lfhi kr. me Hn. 'Dxomu ctand son of Onlm. and Hr. ¥'et|°1: Jensen allied at tbllluu en hem: Su nday nm lulr. and ln. Ham1 W al i ln r g lu t called Sundny 4at' un Ellmlr 'Ihahlun hen c f Blur. Uhr!! Paulsen md familytllltd Sunday inning at tl I'au.lun home. 'l11¢. fu-mera in this vieb a d l y m | ; ¢ |ln thnahl: this wrek. .Hn . D .ll. Utterbac k o Sun and daughter, lin. I.:lay and childnn spent H with 3111. Peh Joann. Thu Chas.l§e .nazhi-vfn' Cul Rohar-~r :madly I r I.. I nl.The Merry Maids of Haney delhi- ored a short but interesting prognm to over a hundred people th! ! 3; tended their ice cream soda! atMmey school last Thunday eveninx The school yanl il an ideal spot to hgvo s nocinl and ell present en joyed the short talk by the countylsirrlt.Gwrzu .Bane 101°regrets rm Ula pictures he intended to showamr m arrl\1 in uma.The no- Qrmhmnls nerved were ell donated when they lived until four y ous ego, when they moved to F1\mo1t. Surviving are her husband,two osughben.H n .Wil!Runner ofZyonn,and Mn .Welter Sherwood of Grand hlmd; two sons, J ohn at hrmei and George of Washington;lwu brothen, Henry Neff of Hermln and George Neff of Arlington, and thnds sisters.Mrs.Pets Peterson, Arlington,Mn .Chdn Rasmussen, Arlinlloh and Mrs.Hlttie Hender-- . . .\ | _ . . _ . - . . » . .{ _ __ Thér nnxuu Of wa x-gm cw-my 1. Pfam nm-1. Anna! :ra Al Bldr PBOGRAM IS WELL ARBANGBD 'nm u.»n._Eme m s un mul Thu will comm :nom ua normantwnlng high mmu, mm as ua-clnr tnlnlng innitutwnl Ind mmewill mme from mba :ut nhl!urtifkaun to mmm under dlh~tan.4Colorado gn I mom Mn: anminimumnu n alglmm.m m I EFI rtasnl »._ »|..|wn, »w~m»»»» unQIIll!! Ull IC! Clililflil Ili nvul \lm525 taken in gh, Club ,m mr quite 'Due funeral services were heh! in a :lltt sum.leo c rea m. uh, .ml Fremont on !ut Monday and inter- cand§r "fl-1 served md every c m ment Wu made in the Eli: CR! --cemetary..¢,n m a i m o u z e .g MM i s s O d i h m , d a u r u r .a n d M m . S c o t t M l m o f t h i ! vi c i n i t y M E T H O D I S T E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H a ;1J\_..I- (........ ...I fiunn-0 .U . ~ P a t i o ! bins um linen w nndlngn. wlu.In d » ¢ h » n = m \ ¢ b y o » n \ . n , w m In the urtoc nlat for du Lincoln Sur and Lllk an "Our Bonded n e w' "In u;-ing uno eq\|r3.w n u u mun ulgh an n y u r ru le ," n hl B um s u p e m m f w e K n wm." I h d in mind the p o d of the nehovll not ha last week.They are spending a few day; urith her bmtlaer, Walter Allen of Irvington.lhodarnu Hannah and Chtherine Beales spent Sunday at the Will Mo Donald homo.The following from this vicinity attznded the funenl of J ames E. lkiahor tm Blair Monday:Mr.and|Mra.Jerry Foley and family,Hr . and Mrs.Pat ldackip and family,|Hr. and Htl. J qlin Quipm and Hr. and ln. J ohn Hu:phy .h i r .a n d l f C 1 3 6 1 f g ; = =w g " o i '~I r i e a t n - _ -No one Sunday of |¢I'ffcrs apre- ments the sewn-.lay-per-1reek influ- rnoe of a durch that ramifiea the life ol' a c ommunity with its multi- plicity of service.To report bap- mma,funerals,teaching services luogtthlr with a constant lnflumooinhomeswouldhopelesslyuseup IPl" ¢l45!=1¢¢l br the num pagan.But wa are at the job.Come out next Sunday and lneruose the fine ln t e n s tth a t b e e p a u p i n th e i a c e of sqmmer heat.fThe S- S. picnic will be held this comin: Frlday -evening at the park. o ~~;.4 " \ .v v a n e q ' . ` ., . ._1924, and :css in 1917. Earnings of general departments. or compensation for aerviees ren- dered by stale officials, represented 13.6 per c ent of the total revenuefor 1925, 14.4 per cent for 1924, and 14.0 per cent for l9i?. Business and nonbusineaa lldneesconstituted 10.0 per ccnt of the total revenue for 1925, 8.2 per cent for 1924, and s.s per cent for 1917.The increase in the percentage of receipts from hneineas and nonbuai- neaa licenses for 1925 was due, chiehy,to :endow from tax onnaoiine. the law governing the tax up to the present time aatotal of 20.71 inches had fallen and in 1924 a total of 24.39 inches was the re» cord. warm our:ax slams on&K Mr.0.C.Thompson of Gu ndIslanddriftedintoBlairyesterday afbe ran nbeence of many years and who should he meet with but Claude Utterback of Montenn. 0. C. Thompson wee at one time one of Blah'a leading merchants,proprietor of the old Bee Hire store located in the huildimr now occnnled Besides the grief stricken husband and child, the aged mother and twodatners,Lira.Fnnc ia Forabenr and Mlal Goldie Erickson, both of mi.. county and two brothers,Andrew and Emil,both of Califiornia,aur- Vive.The funeral uervieee were held today, Thgraday, at one o'c1ock fromthe home in Blair and at 2:30 from the Role Hill church with Rev. J. P. Relncrtsvn of Drum officiating andinterment will be made in the Role Hill cemetery. ")IAS'IER MIND" The ordination service ern an im-pressive one.The preaident of the synod, Rev. N. C. Carleen of Sw- cer,Iowa.was present,also theivice prelldent, Rev. E. R. Andersen, itacine, Wla.Rev. Carlsen served at ,the alter and Rev. Andersen preach-;r¢l the initiation sermon. They were imniatled by Dr. Deiringer, Fremont. |Ncb., Dr. P. S. Vig, Rev. H. Nidsen ,of Blair, Nebr., Rev. L. A. Lauraen lbf Omaha,and Rev.C.M.Dlaen, Dcnmark, Win.Other pastors prea-lent were Rev. v.Staby,Harlan, flows,Rev.H.L. Jensen,Kimball- 'ton, Iowa, Rev. J. Magnusson, Gonn- ny la.u.uuenwn,cuxlllulu - wwboard of control.A picnlc dinner at mom will be enjoyed and members are anked tobring lunch.Coffee, lemonade and fee cream will be furnished fren ALYAH 2.c n o o x s Alval:E. Crooks, a guest at the Crowell Home, puaed any at the Methodist hoepltal in Omaha at 10:46 PM.on l u t ?riday eveninl following an opefation ln the mom- Ing.4 Deeeued was born In Richland E I U . U v u v a ' u n q - -- . . - . . . _ -p l o y m e n t a s tea che rs.. Th e r e h a ve b e e n f o r t v r b y a a n a l \ l r P l l | ° f 5 ° ° tea che rs h o l d i n g t h i r d g n d e d e m e n W 1 a c h o o l c e r t i f i c a t e s . "Th e s e t h i r d l f l f l l e a n i f l e a k l . g o o d f o r t h r e e y e a r s a r e n o t r e n e w - ab l e .T h e ho l d e r s m u s t ¢pali.l'y_ th e me e lve a fo r t h e sec ond g n d e o f ce rt ific at es .H o t d e r a o f t h e aeo ond g r a d e m o a t h a ve h a d o n e y o u - * a e x - pe ri e nc e i n t e a c h i n g . - S t a t e Jo u r n a l A ' I ' I E Tl o N ¢ - Q The rnembere of the military band whleh eras °rtl11¥1=°d some tirna lp 1 I §.NAME Mrs.. E. Blackman of Lincolxg, Hrs.. J n Ammon and Emily sailed at the Fred Mater: home Tweadrr e\e»L1¢.Hrs. lhrion Sutherlnnd md Hrs. Fred Nathan }\¢1p,¢Mrs.De!ber¢ All mamben and .friends a n t o bring food md join in a £000 time. From next Sunday them are leftbut50daystillCa1!ennce. coNGn1§;1oH.1. CHURCH §E | o 7-7 771 1o n na n on a n777777 State HlndsCountyGoran!Coumy RoadLounly Bridgeg~ 3 1 4 C Int. ..n .County DitchM9t|1er'| HanlonlI1kl191'n Dr ltug o 1 9,229.92 6.124.1119499.555,525.992,111.92 200.54°4,9so.ta 93.33158.38 Hon-Wuhlngton Drainage 584.84 Petorlon Bend Prolccllon 284.64Schdol School Bond Free High SchoolBlair CityArlington Villagelimn anl Vlllnn I'L Calhoun Vlllaze 54,159.499.952919,129.424,959.991,599.921.99299195.59 411,515.95 3641.54929 24,141.996.999.219 1211; 499.2112.152942,924.98101398.325.4429419,999.5215,944.494,921.411,595.192,999.14 1.2429112,959.51 200.54 5.85181.4229.241,519.19 78.55 229.59929.51199.4557.49 64.59 499529.99 200.54 817.50 1 73.15.1525,942.9919,199.59s9,m.422,442.59\....1,599.11 11,999.99850.001.99f1.44192.9114,929.29 11,999.195,159.2,2 .a g m 4 19.2599921,551.4521,919.191,392.59*7.23 '1.2s1.9168.68922.991,344.991,135.4959,992.1919,999.521,295.152,991.99451.92280.8719934 7777 l l nl§ 7n h lI - h u¢ - _Q - n777777_ _ 4 - . _0 - n777o777774 - _¢ - u t¢ n u777 |im 14. . mitermlr -lam 1a.m;1;»:;¢;..,. i|§d'£g1°|i='.\l|.solthe ,fiscal year.Fowler cook for lhraalnrs Tuesday 'A .F.Newell, PastorMr. and Mn. Hound Meredith of _ Ashland an-¢a wr Fm Mutzn on Public wonhip 'react Sunday at 11 Wehexday.am.The church is tall ahneled and ° - " 'cool. and we plan for a bdef, bright m ~~ i n § u r p o 1 - ; " " " h " " . " " " * ; ° ' ° l u v n u . v a sun wunu 3\|\r|:||n,\.\u|:n.u||g uuznu ll ll lu u n: e e n r u a e l a n d ho m - e s t u d e d a l b e n c h t h e H u b s l o s t n h e a r b b r u k i n g z. n¢ .! _ gm jflg fw rn . A ud ub on ,Io a n . MRS. H. LAMB, FORMER amd brolhlrly service.A wu'l11 WASH. CO. RESIDENT DIES welcome for all who will drop in Business licenses comprise chiefly um 0:1 motor vehicles md amountspaidfor hunting und fishing priv- iieges.lndtbledlleuThe State of Nebraska has no in- debtedneu other than outstutding wnrn ntl.Auunni Yalnaliona .nad Tax [erin For 1925 thu aneaud vnluation ofproperty in Nebnaka subject to ad valorem tnxatlon was $8.189,I88,33'l; the amount of State taxes ievledwas $5.&D8.39B;md lhe pg: c apita levy, 34-8). SURPRISE RELATIVES Mr.and Mrs.Bert Williams of La Harbor,Cnli foda :Iron into Blair Last Monday aftemoon.Tha Gus Schéfflef family were takencompletely by surprise as they hid ieft the Williams home in C|.l!fornia just a flu day s before and a; thattimetheWiiliunshmi ly had no idea that they would some to Ne- lnuka so soon.The occasion of thevisitv u Bert:being called haw oh buiixless. He reports the L.A.Williams fsmlly weli and happy. ,\x:~:oU1~:qE:\|E:~.°'r My name will appenr 95 a candi- date for Sheriff on ghe primaryballot,as n republican.I!I am I . i hailed tiller of the soii.0. C. sold 5 | e of f m g ' I t wu I b mi e fu ll out his business here n little ian? of sensations :ml trying moments.and went to Grand Island when h¢|lnd one that fulfilled nll a w w * again en u m!the mercantile burl- neu but over two years ago Ietiooseof his interest.; and is now on the road, just 'lp keep out of the habit of being hay . When the two ohl cronies came together yesterday it is useless tany that all the D|:| days were lived over agair..They had not met for sixteen yexrs and the afternoonpused quickly.O. C. le!! for Oma ha on the five o'»:lock bus. HIINNARD W U3lA N vz c rm FATAL IIEART ATTACK Kennnrd,July 28.-Mis.J.C. Appleby, who has been very ill with h u n trouble for several we-eh, passed away at her'home here 'Ptlesday morning.Mn .Appleby was born in Pad- berry.Buckinghamahirq,Eng an age at her death.She came to this I tion:any I m might have.'BricehostilitiesBandup,ao tense was the contest.There was n thrill for hms In practically every inning af ter the seventh. Up until the eighth inning Blairk d b y a l e o r e o f l t o l Thaeweak hitting Hub team seemed powerless befcne Scheffler. Then, in the eighththe Hubs put across n score.Tanks wnlllal,Gardner xtaghd,sendingTanke :cron the plate and Gardner to third.Ewa were ougwhen the nom was made and Pfaliutk-pogpeul out, ezuling the inning.`_. Blair came bagk in Un ninth whenLundfs :rushing three base hi; over the tra-eh sent in s scoro.f>u9.tinx the l u !year chsmpions | {ain in the ana.Things 1°¢k?"u=»\k for the Hubs In the ninth..unningham,howenr.poked out a single and C ben aurifieed him to second across the irltks for 1 doxible, scor- March 23,11362.being 64 ,lu ofiRoc y Adam:mmme d the pni sum when Il y eah old.Af ter her mnrdage in James C.Appieby in 1332 they Rival in D w g l u countyforseveralyears,coming here I2 years am.She is survived by herhusband, five mm, Clintim, Howard, Wxlher.Harley and Eilza,all of Imnnrd, one daughter, Mrs.Ruby Miller of Cleveland, O., one brother,Joe Gibbs of Kansa.: and one sister, Iing Cunningham with the tying taily The Blair team threatened in me 10th with two men on.A Blair nlayer singled to Gardner in rightfield.Mud fielded the ball and with an perfat !.hruvr to home cut offwh!!looked film the winning run. i t was |.sensational peg and one that brought spectators ga their Ie-etAgainin the Nth the !!ubsc ut and tp his church, xev. mn. pnacn-ed |strong sermon,using u hls text the story in Luke 5, I9-l¥e1.eraTmugm of fishes. Rev. Loft, with his family, huns in a abort time for his field of ser-uca In Webtter Grow,Mo.I li l many friends here wiih hi:n_aucce.n. CALLED To CALIFORNIA Sin.Olive J.Smith :md two <iau|;ht¢r|,Frances and Grace,leftl:\'¥t Sunday for \'»'l1lHier, California railed "there by the serious illness of Rev.George Smith,s nan of Mrs. Olin Smith.George will be well renlembered by Bldr peopia sq this is the pineof his tivity and llso of his wifewho,HT be remembered as bliss thuendolyn Taylor, daughter of Mr. Wal Mn. J ud Taylor.Mr. Smith went to California sev- eral y u r :ago for his health andf u r |time seemed \m be on the rpaI to norrnai anal his fnnily and relatives had high hope;th u the vrun would be permanent and are in- 1'E(i| friexml lo know of his serious nilneu at this time. IMVIS ¥"A3l!L`¥'ON AUTO TRIP Mr.and Hrs.George Davis and family ieffearly last Saturday mor-ning 'for Red Oak.Iowa when ilu5 will visit for a short iime andthenI 0 to Trenton,Missouri and Lira.Tlremu Hourth who came!will um honorable endeavor to be early Tuesday morning xo ax wilhifieided | hit in center and relay ed elerted,illh several [nn:!c]1i!dn':\ and other it through Cunningham in time toioak when, onAugust 7 s reunionPrimary election, Atlglxnl; 10. You*xelathu and A but of frienda.f m the runner,Sve ngu d.Inf 9, Davis families will 5. |,¢|g_ votl viii In tpprec iatta.Funeral lrnmsemvnu are not vet'mn He iton ,for the Hubs.nml fm which oc cnninn the family willOlin Hopereli.completed.l (Continued on o u r dgln.)lremni to their home in Blair. successful in the primary election I off a score at the plate when Adlms from than in St.nnis then through Kansai to Denver and back io Rel ! l I carry out hi: desire of becoming af luryur an acc ount of his poor em aight.He vu a person of cheerful tam-penment and nlwnyn indudriously inclined and up to the time of hi: int illness In was alwlyu busy nt some useful work.The funeral aorvices were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'e!ock attheMethodistchurchconductedby Ren. 0. U. McPmud of the Mutha dint ahureh,A.F.Newell of theCnngrezatinnllchurchamdw.II. Underwood of the Crowell Home and inte nt was nude in the Blai" cemetery. HEAT 3'\"l&lULA'IES SALES Hutinga, Heb. July 25.-'Thin aes- lon'a extremely hot sreawer has de- veloped a sale th a t. u 1 recond- hqeaker, for u m producu made hHastings.Ice and in cream might br gue.med but the guess in wrong even though these commodities areinbigdemand.One product re- fered to in a thermo. shipping container and the other is a canvas ahle awning or sun shade for autos. COUNCIL Maxine A r v n n r n z n lo z v At a special meeting called [ u t 'Tueadzy evming the city councilpassed the annual appropriation bill for the year's expenses.At thi: meeting the president of the coun-cii, J. S.R o h m presided and all members we n present except, tbl mayor and P.C.Sorensen. IIN'mumrxro lu :cu " n w ..Chu. S.Bam, J ohn Barry . LellisBucklin, Harold E. Chrizbensm. Ja! Dill,Wayan Doruey .!Iowud Fuck- ier,Rudolph Fink, Robert Goliehola:cluvora Hslbtfh Wm.Ilumph Emilie IIuddluon,Harland J e ni nHenryLldwlg,John E.Milidr, Clifford Munson.Clifford Hermit. D. D.Nelntu,Merrill Reeh.John S¢lmia.'lpnoa Smil.h,|Theodor!Stewart.Sbren Sveurllrd.E.L.'r¢mn, Nell W est nd 1»a¢"W °1rr. arwo mn L mc ua mart? The Eplorth Langue of thg Hulb-odist church held a party lui Tuca- homl on west Washington ltr!!! aiwhich about forty members werepresent and lnioyvd the owning by plgy hg g gmu md hlti ng a gtmnlfmlic.Refreshments of puch punch nnngade and cake ter! sentd. nurm DAY REM sa: BERED The lady Iriends of Mrs. Theo. ll. Hansen did not forget that laik Monday W u her birth anniversaryafid"S number of th tm called to spend A socizi i n n i n g with hor. Such Imlve nmembrnwes makes li!e 1 pleasant drum. BUSINESS AND sof uu ..FORECAST Aug.1--Bhir vs.North Bend at :nu Park.Aug.3 County Masonic Pic nic ;t North Park.Apg. 5--W. R. C. kennington mat: with Mn. Sherry llpore.Aug.I9-Pioneer md Old Sc ttlsn Plcdc. Calhoun. dny evening at the Gnome llcCoy [ fo r t h e h o u r . M r s .H e n r y L a m b ,61,B4 1 N o r t h d a y S c h o o l a t 10 o'c1o¢ k. P lansPe bb le sire-e}.o i Fn e m o n t ,w a s i wH 1 b e an n ou n ce d . ki l l e d | . n d h n e r d n u g h t e r .M r s .W i ! !Th e y o u £ : p l o g a t h e r a t 7 p . m . Dqon anl fn r h vi t n f lr | { | \ | '. n l \i l l . ;fil l't h f l r Z9 r IDEBUUK ~w g ; s l i nNn u n sa l la - E if§m§i.¥» viii "Wuhi|1|ton illq uInhlr llantn Tu RedemptlonaShu II lrhwnf 2,400.41548.-I0153.45.asm12.41343 2,418.76442.01494.5i12,161.32 00.4021.481 1.82 31.10200.75I _42534 2,201.21550.0032.5812.204231,ss0.ss1,900.000,000.00 0,010.00150.00000.00asus£l0.00 2,516.43s410.011,204.00 10,300.90*s0.as5,514.51 '1s0.00 ___ na u0- _an-n E. _. _. ____ ___uIanm!anu:nuan-uz :______________Q _ Ian y _$un: 3 n l u w a |: w w li vi a . ;re a l I a a a . w a s l n d u r u l s o se ri ou sl y,o n e a n n m a y h a ve t o b e a m p u i a t e d i n a n au t o m ob i l e a c - c i d e n t t h r e e m i l vs n o r t h o f O a k l a n d F r i d a y e ve n i n g .T h e 8- y e a r- o l d d a u g h t e t o f H r s .R a m s a r , r i d i n g o n M r s .l . a m b '|l a p a t U n o t i m e o f t h e ao d d em l ,Esca ped i n j u r y i n a n a i - m o a t m i r a c u l o u s m a n n e r . I h e acc ide nt fo l l o w e d n col li si on _ _ _....._ _ I ~ a n a in s p i t i o n l o = = » f \t h e v i l e . . . . ' ; ' 3. m ? K o r a b w i t h u s l a s t S u n d a y .H e w i l l a l w a y s b e s u r e b f a we l co m e he r e . C h o i r pr ac t ic e F r i d a y e ve n i n g a t 2:8 0.B e : u n e t o co me ,a n d s o m e o n t i m e . B u y y o u r n o t e b o o k * p a p e r a n d c o ve r s a t T h e E n t e r p r i s e o ffi c e .t f . _ 1 . _ . _ _ _ . _ __ Gd me mmm HH =. __ .z z E E= : _ . _ - -- - -- Usa-1' ?"`?" a av nintflreat onLepo\\aJ Ar nnnn nr.onHemmn Ll ht BandaJiennanl Lrght Bonds Ft.. Cllhoun WMM' Bands\ 1u . . . . \ . : . . . . . ¢ . . . -| : . . . s . ¢n . . . . . | . 11151.88 440.32 75.00600.00 11a.a-r a a w m1.42534s,n4u.on 360.00 380.25 om nn I : zI _"§=§ EEE l 1 l | | \ \ l l § U l J l l é m l l l L l u l l u lDe Soto DitchCalhoun DitchArilnlton PlvingAdvertising Fi nnI'ees ' Totals, Led! Ovanlrafu '0nenlr\I'\!.n 7l3'.'TT \214.91 37.708ll.30 4,514.50 $118,951.55 u a n n v v 0 422.004.10 444.00 293.30 $04,111.92 _\111.11 274.97 42.40 422.bo 811.50 " "I f 44400 s,zo1.as 5,2355 msaoo azapzaza 31592323 ;m;m.99 s1eu,sos.s1 I I tra de wi th l ,C .H .Ro b e r t a - o n , c o un t y t r e a s u r e r o f W a s h i n g t o n Co u n t y ,Nr . - b n s k l ,d o h e n fb y c e r t i fy t h a t t h e n b m 1 = s t a t e m e n t s h o t s t h e h c i n n c e i n t h e s e ve n ! fu n d ; n t c l o n e o f busi ness De c e mb e r 31.19 25 ;t h e coll ecti ons a n d § ¢||sb1.\fsen1ent|f o r m e h f u n d f r o m J m u u y 3, t o Ju n e 30,nsza,b o t h in c l us i ve , a n d t h e ba l an c e i n e a c h fu n d 5 »a t c l o s e o f b u s i n z s s Ju n e s o .m s .= Th e a b o ve s t a l e n m e n t i s t r u e t o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d i n ! r s d be l ie f.n|1 _ z mnan-nC. H. Robertson,"z1I H :sc=:'==: n_ - p- - _C o u n t y T n u u m . B n l n c d b r d i n m y p n a m m e a n d s w o r x f t o b e fo r e m e t h i s 2 0 1 1 : d a y o f Ju l y ,1926. ( S E A L )-_ A N N I E C .M A R T I N , Co u n t y C i e r k . 1 I l _ »n n ;unon0s :u a Q .mmmnlmlnnmllnmlmwrnmnnnnlulumrmmmnnnllmnlnmumnllalllllnnnllulmmnszunmnrlnlllzlllllllum||l J. L. Pounds one px Ice clothier Blair,Nebr - . »* \