07-15-1926kindly impulaee toward him. but in; him in theeare of the boys- feeling th at h e we: abou t ~ fo anyway, they left him.An improvised stretcher was mad andtheboys,saddenedm o o d hearts, carried Hound up our I1dry dustyhot road-theroadtha justlo f ewshort happymonth before he had met Ghuhby. hid finno friend.Butum time he csrried,mortellywoundedupth road that lead to Chubhyk house.Therestof_tltl'tafternoonan allthe nextdayHong:elheldnl th e atte ntio n of the o we -I s wof boy s, mem, the like of whit: aretobefoundineverytownboysatwhich therewrlfathe ahhhtheirheld:andcellrough noch.Theseboysshowedthei true loyaity and did all within 1. elpower to :ave their dumb fri. hlonrrdw u i n a b e d 1 r a , b unow he did not whim.He bore hl peinelikeatruehero.Ileur filled with the pride and good feeling that c omes with the doin; of good deed, and to one who has wo his way into the healta and respec ozmen.That nightbeforeChubbywen tobe d h e wen to u ttheheekdoo his father and mother saw himbut md netlming.Down under th porch he knelt, and in the quiet o thenight.heldcommuniondonwith his dog.He potted the dog' heed and stroked him earnestly. Th dogwasveryweekbuthe~ ~the b0)"e hand. "Do youremember the first dawe mir on the ma. W olf!You been aterrible moodfriendtornsion tben, W olf." Ho lifted the do¢'» hen! on his la"God, I hope you will spare W olf' life.He's been an awful good do andfriendtoallof urboys." Heputhishoedownuntilltouched the do| "4 had and with the earneetneer of his boy-heart b talkedtothedogondthen»him [ood-night. I twas dormin every eeclud spot, the next forenoon, where thboysmetf-veryeeeluded,beca nobodyelseeverwenttherean lihlynobodybuttheboysine aboutit.Chubby,ofcouse.ur there and 'hxffy was back with th gang.Agravehadalreadydugwhentheygd:there,by buyslentl h l u l'l2..1ft'y'emo hadfelt oo grateful that shetoothe clothes out of a hi! box up i the attic and let them have it.Sh alsogavethemsomeclothfor lining.A lidwas fitted on. Thegravehadbeendurbeaidan old fallen tree, and the boyi wh were hot servingaa pall-bearer weleaningegaifutit.Thebodyloweredintothegrave.None theboyshadeverattendedman funonlnbut theydid know sothing about ono. Tuffy, as laden and probalydebtor lru tongierforrn the oeremonIIe tool: off.I cap and gripped with :me hand.The :est folioOrdinarily it would have been forTuffyto do that he was doiL1-rt he, withtherest of the b°>' was very deeply affected. "God, 1re're down here in a :aemeetin'," he laid, "holdiu' e fune to bury W olf.He'e been en swf good friendto ua boys.He some from the river and Skinny fro therettlesnake.W i r eellget to min him an awfd lot, Lord,.'specinllyChnby - b e I i thChub~L o r d ,I n dh e l ph i mh e a rh i s d e n . "f There was a little pause and sowen heard. "lf Wolf has done rome had th remember,Lord,heneverhadchance,for he never hada f r ! ~ 'til Chubby found him out there'~ the road that time. "Wolf died helpin' some other fe lor, help us, Lani, to do as wellhe did.Amen." The y ellowmongnl had had h chanceandhadusedit,and passed,peacehullyfromthis11intothe greatbeyondof alt;-d m CONGRBGATIONAL CHURCH A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt conducted by the puter.The L0 Supper will be celebnttd during service, and all ntlemben ere uk to make special effort m he preae~SS. lt 10 o'clock, wil.l| I. vt welcome and :Insta for all ages. Theyoungerpeoplegather atp.m.Themeetingwillbeled Mi nEvelynHunloeh.Allyo~peopleoftheparisharecondlnl invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 p. Mr. Kemp desires a full atte » /_U user Ifnm Rf " ? ° ).' rl @ ° a g , !- ' 1-#- = - a ~\ -513;Q~ H 'I\ \ ,~f f l ' Q\~=n.~\v». izouwo THE COUNTY News ol laura! ntlwred hy Enterprise correspondent: from every oommunliy ln Wuh- _'in¢lon County. 1's|,sAs1'/\ NEWShom ul Mn. Badiu llengedobt.1um. "mmud Ruvn hub mUr. und lln. Alb!!! nzm l#NNI-'III the vm'nk wi th hh A no l dm mw a sca ll edu p o n g i veavid e nc ef o rt h ep l a i n t C o t n a e ll o rt h ed e fe n d a n ttr i e d b u l l yh i m ." H a wy o ue ve r- - i np r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t o i c t . "" A b iH o wl o n g t h efi r s tt i m e " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n dt h esec ondt i m e ? " " O n l yo n eh o u r . ".. " A n dw h a to ffe n s e h a dy o u c o m i t t e dto d e s e r ve t h e p u fni a h n i e n t " Iv usent,t op r i m azow h ! w a s hace l lmh o l dI.l a n y o ror h a dch ea te do n eo fh i scli en ts ." a iuqm, mdmul i mu n n :punt Monday mrmfn: 'at the ug p y ~a sh~o fH r s .S a d i el l w r v f bt .|| |H ]u ngi gm d C t r lK r u s es p e n tW7a n -r s .b ga rH e n r y8 t o r k ' | .g l i h n l eL a l l m n na I ' . " " é . . ~ » » ,w a - l t .a n dl n .E m um m mm ar d n sn e wu: r wW mH o i t m u s n i :E u g e n e!H k h. n ,vnh ° U * ¢on|H r .a n dH n .W m .I i o l t m ma n d n n d n yw a n i n gn i k ! !a nt h :M n .n mL n l l m mh o m e .i d a u s h u r s .N o r m am dv i o l a .l a d i r .a n dg rW m .H o l t m l nm ga a n ,L e a h :w e r eF n m o n ta l l e no n m u lp m tB a n d an i n gl t hS a t u n h y .15p mIN a m i :L a i l n u no fW i n s l o wh u h l i f e sc tN i e h r o o a .g G o U . l h bI k h t e n h m pa n ds o n .b e e nv m n d l n la w a r dd a r 'a st h e H r s .B l l h m l aL a i l m a nh o m e . |Tha Loc al Luther [Aqua mat rr larrydrovetoNickanonilonday moon.C mx i u u ,1n md Wm. Hglg..FridayeveningforUnit monthly ,'Ddtnnm aH m mStranger 'mminxA pn ri olic vro mmv u'givenbythefoilovingmombun: iE !lBlNhbaum,l a hNinbium. n. mlTlsenryPlwe rspentSaturday Ing lt Talbuln. -aw- like to mum--er -avr-a lit puppy.MisaHarris? Gen me nam: , \ trade wuh"\ J. L. Pounds one price clothler Blair,--Nebr. IWe've endeavored. wllh pnlns and preclsion, To subject EHdle's work to revlslon. His lnhcrs to I|!hten-- Hls routine to brighten But he greets all our » ..».~ Choice Fresh Meats A Goodplece ofMeat ls "More than hull" of every housewife knows. GurMEATSarefresh FLOUR-lhe kindlhll has provenC 0ME ' so swslactorily in so muy homes Puubury £§n Flour 48lb.52.50 Fr~ Non~efn~~a¢.n»..z1I~~~ ADMISSION so CENTSQ u a l i t y M a r k e tm r c u m A r 5 m e a JEN5 NIELSEN, Prop,1 fn dm Inst we.k :inning PrhdlllHerluf,andli n.3°Fil.ali of of cutie to Omaha Il! week. that ever ao often he must display his ability Ind worth aa auch."He saw a log c oming down the stream out in the middle. "Bet any one a dollar I c an bHngthat iog out than ahora", hu said. or nurse knowing that :one of meboyshadadollar,andthatthey wouldnot bet againsthimlf they had he jumped into the stream and ramad to :Wim ifor ir.He mm not gone far untll he began tc cry forhelp.Thebuyshardlyknewhow zo take it at first for he was as very goodswimmer.Aaaresultthey did not respond to his cry ar once.Hrdiaappeandbelowthewater.Excitement was very high.Mongfel heard :ha boy call and saw him rr down.Hewhlned,n ntoChubbyand 3ump¢.¥\_p\»¢n him. "Gethim out!" Chubby managed to ny .With all the loydty of n dog who pic nic hmeh and the dana at Arl- ingtonllondny evening:Mr. and bin.WillMcDonaldofBldr,Mr. and Mn. Clifton Aronaon of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hlndley and Mr.andMn .WestonLons- Tlnfollowing ladiesservedre freshments at the' Royal .Ndghboralodge lost evening: MeedamelDen. Wlll,FrankandJamesThompson.EmmlHansen, LeonHlndley, Fred Ian; and Weston Long.They serv-ed refreehmenu of lce cream, light anddarkcakeandicetea.The table: wexedecoratedwithflowers and looked versr ettnctive. JamesThompson,Jr..h ubeen on the sick lint for a few days.Leon end Cul llindley have been busy dnsxins the high fold to the county line this week.Hr. Intl un i C lay ton Ammo of DmehaspentMondaywithhome folkl..Mi aGrace Thompsoncelebrated LONGCREEK Tho Epnrorth Lnguo of Konnard cant. aa delegates to the convantio1 al Columbus, Opal and Orval Leach.They left Monday and expect to be zona a wick. Hr. and Hn. J ena J uul and fam-ily called Sunday afternoon n Noi! Nalaon'|, north of Kannand. Hrs. Chris Pauiacu, of Blair, spent a fur day: this week with her doughtar, Mrs. Henry Wulbern. Hr. and Mrs. Hartin Lananand Will Soreme~of Drum, spent Sum- day with Sir. and Lira. Hayes Ro!- enbnum.L. Bucks of Xonnani, nn Sunday evening calforoatthe-TwJun! homo."Hu. William Koenig attended the funeralofMn .L.G. Cuniaot Omahaint Tuesday aftnmotm. onlyp l a e a t o b e u n s o h o t l d a y wasintheoh!gwirnmlnghole Chubby ws: there and took his own sweettimelrndrqllng.hlangrel Wu them too.He was hz and outol the water for he. like thFS' 9 o~ II s p e n tM o n d a yn tK r u g :P a r k . H r .m dM r s .T o ml c b o n a l do f H e r m a nh a d: m e dzos p e n dth e F o u r t hn zJo h nH e - Do n ld c l h om o bg z t w er e b u s y h sr ves t f lrlwheat.They neportn pod yi e l d ./ Rhonda In Blair.This vidrf ty was 1111 "Printed at the pluxic at Aliingtsn Monday. Hr. andHn. J ohn Amnazn Ind Mn .Aromcm'saistur,l i n .E.E.Buchanan M Llmoln, also Hr. and Hrs. Joeh m mamended apicnic at the _Hanry Kina: home in Omalu an J uiy (th.A.H.Lu c handfamilyn w - tainefi Sunday:Mr. andMu . ma of Omzha,Mr. andH r s . ~Kingdom and lr. and Hn. Morgan J ~e~ e 1 enagoodfifteen Thompwa home.| Hr.ma ' Mrs.Chu.mla f mla spent Tuesday evening at the par- :Ido cdlod at the John A. Rhonda home inBhirFriday evening.Mi nEloheSlenensenspenta hot a day.* ' The boy : had been in for a long|ng withboys.Themwastheusual raids on orchards, the hikes mo thehills and woods, the building' of bon- firas,thetellingofWildIndian storiesafterthefi n ha dgotton i n agoodandthegenera!make helium things that only a boy hows Nothing of special interest occurreduntil onevery hal. dayinAugwt. n was sohot that the c ommonest ALO NG THE BOTTOM RO AD Tha Blue Birds of Bono 4 H Club met with Flomna and Eieamr Dixonlast Thunday afternoon. Mr.andMrs.Harry Tuckerand familand Paul I-'ackler spentMpuday 5 . Omn ha at li maPark. Ily spent the woo!-end at thu John Aronnon homo.Hrs. John Aronson and sister, Hrs E. E. Blackman of Lincoln, and Ruth sadEmily Aronsonspent lundny celebrating at Tekamah.Thu 'rim-IhdMu. Henry Fleege while there. Tho India no listen. Chester Ammonand Jny Block- Mr.andMn. J¢\=f|°|Phf Nodgalrd of Omnlu .spent Friday eveningatnmJensJuulhome. Merton Winchall had hog: on tho Omaha market Monday. LeonHindleynhdledcornfor FloydRosenbaumMonday.Hrs.Peher Jensen spent Wednes- dxyafternoonwithMn .Walter Novak.Mrand Hn. Theo.Buch- ardt eslied in thopvtning.Hr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kuhl called Salunhy evening at the Henry Wu!- bem home. Hr. and Mrs. Henry Wuibern and liargsretspentSundayafternoonyith Mr. and Mrs. lmzie Gorhan at 0:um. llr. and Mn. Henry Wnibaria and Mlrglret spent Tuesday evening at the Rudaiph Knhl home.Mr. Ind Mrs. Chris Axelgurd are sporting nnewFordtouringear purc h und Int Ink.D. D. Thompson and family called SundayeveningtohelpFn n e tleslebnta her eighth birthday. Mn. E. E. Bllckmtn nl Lincoln, is anjoylng an nxtendad visit with her mister, Hrs. John Armuon and hublly.He? husband is on an uplor- lticmtripfor theSlateHistor[ni Saciuty.Their dang]mar is apending her vacation in Blinnapolll. Minn. JayBlngkmum.sonofllr .and lim E. E. Blukman, who la adver- toward- the drowning boy.The wa- ter wa swift, and Tuffy had gonealongwaydownthestreamandhad goneundef three tlmee before Mongrel arrived.He :love for him. It wu n very excited ict of h-oy: whostoodheipleniyonthebank waiting breethlenly for the dog tocome tothesurface.Finnily they Mr. md Mn. Louie Schenk spent liondnyatTekamah.'Man andHrs. WallaceSnovrdem :punt theFourthIn Omaha.Hr. mdMrs.Glen5dcCunl;rof Benson spent Tuesday and Wednes- day at the Chris Hin: farm.Base sau a bunch of atrugglinegur, mul than, andthe boysm lonce more.theyn wthefaithfuldogholding ihe boy above the water by time hair. "Bdng himhere,Wolf!" Chubbyencouraged like only tha voice of n do;'s mane: can do. Calhounwe nnt theCarlHimiley home onMonday.Hr. and Mn. Milton Robirllron and hmily spent Monday with rviadves in Omaha.Hr.andMrs.EdHaber an en-}oyingavisitfromrelative:wha Live at Rockfordlll., and Mrs. llam blta n! Omaha. BLAIR MERCHANTS EdNataerhome.Sunday:Dr.and Hn .Hunter sndfamiiymdH n .Hamblin of Omaha.Hr. andMn . HarrySeltzandfamily,Mr.m dHrs. Grant Lage and d\1.;hier and SUNDAY, JULY mn h i r . a n d l i n . Jo h n H c D n r . a l ¢ l , H r . a n dM r s .L a w r e n c eM i l l e ra n dH r . a n dM n .Os ca rRoo-dt o o k npi c ni c lu n c hzuR i ve r vi e wp a r k a tO m a h a . l l o n d a yn dce le br at edt h el`o\| 1th. 'Th e yw e n tt oFozl tnne llup a r kt h a t e ve n i n g n os e a t h e fi m w o r k x . M r s .W i l lG r a b b ea n dch i l dr e n n i n gm a lspent.sfe w:laysa tt h e Jo h nM e l l o n n l dho m e .M r s .F a d G u mm ach l l d n fl .a c m m p a i i b d t h e m h e m t o a p z r u i a fe w d a y s w i t h h o r p u r n t n , N r . a n d H n . J . J o h n t s|t bnbed the Fourth of J fily at Tak!-, mah lostMonday.Mr.andMrs.0 .LI.Mathews, MissesMaxineMsthefwa,Eieanorand Flongnu Dixon spent llonday nt i f r u nPark. The n ew ba m a nd :vin on theCoilinn plan. which in being :°arn1vf1 by LouFink, haw been completed and the builfnga are being pdntoci. Mr.andro.John Tutdeand fzmiiy of Omnhn, Mm Minnie Bu~geonandMrs.MaryII ai n mjnn d a picnic dinner with Mrs. L. D. Wu- rick on Mondsy.Hn. P. 3. I'lynn and c hildren cfOmaha spent. several days last weoil withber nixter, Mrs. J.S.Conety. Mr.C.B.Bunn andMra..By|-on Bunn drove to Moorehcad, Iowa onThundsy zo bring Mrs. Bunn home.after Afewdaysvisitthanmlth friends.\ bntxdtheFourthin'hk lmahon Monday. ManypeoplefromOmahaand surrounding towns druva up to Bunn!LnkeandspentSltunhy ,Sunday and Monday fishing and plcnieklng. Hiidnd,MeredithIndWfllud r g1|b e e nvi s i t i n ga tt h eGe o .Fa c l fl e r h o ma n dw i t ho t h e rre l a t i ve sm d \he ~ ~ Dixon children, THE YELLOW MONGREL Continued from vase Four,_ quicklyamdwithsuchlightning rapidity that when Tuffy did get up be left his sans and nn home. The anna remained to talk over thehet ter. finer points of the dog.Tuffy was not officially heard of until some time later when he coax- de the mr together for n trip up theriver.Chubbywasgivenaspeehl l vitation to go along.Thenr a u ltl M. d a y we r e tha t Mo n grel hnd and one of the boyl fromlacing bitten by A rattle snake, md that Chubby was initiated as one of the "r¢¢'1w~"\ evening for n short visit overthe Fourth of Juiy.Mr.andLin.Harry Ty sonandson, Paul joined n party of friends an Blair and drove to Valiey, Nebr., Sunday for a picnicdinner mdn swim.Mi nAddieBufnnapent_aeve1al 1y i,.O p a lRee ve s. M r . a n d M n . W a t s o n Ty s o n s p e n t S u n d a y a t t h e K e n n e t h Ty s o n h q m e . H r .a n dM n .D w i dM a t h e w :o f O m a h a'w er esu p p e rgu e st sa tt h e pa r e nt a l ,0 .h i .M a t h e w sh o m eo n S a t u r d a ye ve n i n g . M r .: m lH r s .H .L a y m a na n d c h i l d r e n . M H . E l l e n L l y m x n a n d s o n L . ~horne.Mn .MargaretIverson,C h u , Pear!nadWiilupentSunday eve-rang with Mr. and Lira. Fritz Mu!- kr .Mr.andMn .FwdRayspent rn g|.M o n d a y .| m »u n c o n s c i o u sb u r d e n .T h e nan e w I r ;B a x t e r ,c ft h eR o l eH i l ln e i g h , t h i n gh a p p e n e d .Ac r o w do n|f e r r y b o r h m ds p e n tS u n d a ya f t e r n o o n w i t hb o a t .w h i c hc r o s s e dj u nb e l o w ,u w " .' u hrr ui n.T h es w i f tm nI v e r s o n=\" Hp n e ns ||.u~ W I'|Jo n B a n d a r a t H e r m a n . daughters. Martin Jchnson nad sonthcferry.Theexcitedcrow¢lhc-Marriil,amdThomasJohnsono iganzucoilhim.Theb u twas Ernenon spent Sunday at the T. K. Islbppeskand soon the dw camo alongIversonhomo,theooculonbeingaide.The boyHfted upon ihr '~»theone uzcoompsn~u~familyuptoBun.'\'| hisSunday, ilnre tha du' In :punt by fishinguudldlenjoy ednpic ndc lunc hinthe svunlng. Anumberoffrh ndlof John Schumeragraublgsurprisedhim by coming to spendSaturdaye n -ning with them.Lunch vu served and dancing put the evening :way all too quickiy. Mr.nadMn .Niels \Clui:l.1en»enandJamesspentSundayevenin|' \ 3 attending Pun: Su|»e"N6rm.nl apmt theFourthwith home folh. Hr. andMn. Cly daI'itchspent'hmsday evening with lr. ind Hrs. H-urn! Tyson..Mn. Neum W u!Ic k and daughter Margaret, accompaniedMn .Bertha GollehonandsonHuvin, andHr. Sheldon Peck tn Mnntmltosm, IowaWainu-day:namingfo r sweek's visit with their sister, Hrs. Donnel- son. family and Mr. and Nra.rnoe-nigspent the Third celebrating at Bennington.hir. andLiraFredLongwereBladrvldtorslaatSunday.Mr. and Mn. J arhtaJensen and l r .andH n .RotandRichtvran-ioyed a picnic at one of the Omaha parks last Honday.Mr. and Bra. P. C. Petersen vil- ited their daughters. Ellie and Nd- aine in Omaha on J uly (th.M m§!ar;a1~etMcHalxon of Lin-coln called at her farm kldnday af- ternoon on budneaa.Mr.andLira.HallieFrenchof Blair came out to spend Sunday at thi home of Manhall W ilcox. CarlRohwer hal hll largebam nearly coznpletd and is a fino one. (TooLateforL u tWeek) Mrs.RudolphHansenandTheo- dore spent Honda? at tho Ed Han- sen home at Orum.LeRoyChristensenspamSunday afternoon at too A. H. Leach home. Hr. andMrs. Fritz ME n tlloydfbernoouandeveningin Teknmnhvisiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs. A. A. Antleraon.They also attended the oeiebratlon at Tekamah McCoy. Jr.. wrlagt owningby of their sister,been working in fearedthatan Roby and Parker alle g toFremontthesuddenltloesa Erneatine who hal that city.lt was possible was dten him. |Tho dog had been forgotten.Tho'engine chugged, the propelfon start ed to whirl and the boat moved on.The dog was exhausted and as the boat parsed the propetler struck him.Iblongrelhadstoodmanybard 'knocks in his life and had not wbln ed, but Aomehow this was different.lThen he was a wild stray dog that operation for appendicitls would hedid not belong to anyone.Ho prob-maceanry."'ablyhadnotearnedthogratitude R.H.Iversonandfamilyspentand attentionpeopio, now it 'na Wednesday evening at the parentaldifferenhe urned aa loudly an heXverson home.l o uableto.Someoneheardhim. The rain 'Nedrreulay evening wasThe boat was stopped andhe wasarweloomeaaanything couldbapicked up and taken aahon. "runt and is doing a lot of pod but arevu put in a #lr and whisked to 111. nd more in order to carry the :NPhomo.The bohadallinto theirHin Edith Warrick went to Ne-!cloti1ei J G' had .....E§'.f"'».. ferry on inaaka City last Friday to visit £hEiit came to the shore.Two of them Robbfamily,alonofBev.Robbwent ln the car with Tuffy, but theand an former Blair people.rernalnder stayedwiththe dog. Hr.andBra.ClickFitchspentlion nolwasonlya_dog.TimeTuesday owning with Mr. and Mrs.and the road were on:Snr the own-Harnf Tyson.'era of can onwand.Truly some of strength.Hewastrying' tosave the life of a boy, but he was doing more, and he seemed to know lt-hc was try ing to win his way hack to xupectnhiliiy.He was doing his the standards of men.He vnu show ing zhe peopie of the town what an viii? stray dog could md Would do if he Ind a chance.The water was s1\.i!t and he mde THE ENTERPRISEA L L ' m x m o r n / l T BLAlR'S LEADING NEWSPAPER OFFICIALPAPER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ask for "BLUE amnou BREAD'GENERAL AND LOCAL NEWS AND comuswrAsk for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" BLAIR. WASHINGTON coUN'rY. unnmsnv m x x x §¢Tfi~§§'|7s srnfrf ~uslr siAiEHoi4E§ih§XNciKLiE¥0§r' ~ @°;"",s.am¢=:,..,.m;?§|§p|1i{1u5|; . l \ | J I u | \ u u u u l n n u i 2 Wllthlll. July 9.-Tha annual Om: ~ u mann pw-wow wlll be mm amlynx on Augmb 14, wmnilng to nn 4 ¢mul b s¢<Mmda mu earn Bute S"v=f*°-*§T3'l`$§°'»'i`fl`»..., nj Ryu u;§ mamma 'I\\ Ghe 1'\|den Min Ol m 5, the lu .; -nd bug alebra- 11 ACerti(kll¢Ruling By dm the Onmhlna have mr lv ] ze hd.Superlnludun Nd hrpl TZ... .ml.».n¢ ms-.1 wm x.. .mi f g s c u o m s ~ ~Slu8|Apporlinncpl F o r h u l l |- |Bocdvod And Dlvidd Ani l( saw- o r wuua mu o».,~ u - Am'l newma 35.61050 '\:I in 0F cmscnools ,,::~ .x:.:":.F§f:; .°:."'".f.,:: ._ _ _I i i n n n l r u c t h r n C o . . o f u m m . 1 ~ » . » . . ; ~ ~ day. July I. It Um emma ui theAre h and Cvndnkm n"¢m»e undnsnr at Lincoln.c. E. ly M n m : W *0°Johann. pnddnut and wuaa um-nda Alle: Alllllirblednul lcotk and Henry Tfuhlnn. mambsrl[mg For rm Yu!inf um bond of tmguu nd Eu! C.\~§Burdlc. villlp clerk, inn pai nt FIN Wipa Out H u Fun Bo loAndo u nu .. D i l !Plfildlr w m a Ndgihon 9¢!l>'°4°¢ To cw Bu|_ ll Vall inlendent mule a n u m:m u Hn: ~ -person ahtltllud be »11°-na so *ash whit: visitors. in Nebraah 1} d e r_ £ lf e n n n f ~mu- :i nns .|...._,\: _| u1h e o n y u m .Mill Jonmon ll luv-.svteenmdpassedbor unmins- tion successfully, tnliilled all the re-qodrumenu of the Eur but this nge ruling barred her from reuetvint n certificate.The law on the point is silent, nothin; being slid relntivc totba annolon; as the eduationnl qudifi-c l t i o n s w e r e co m p li e d w i t h .B u t t h e st a t s a\.Iperinll11d%nt's r u l i n g s n n _ _. _ \ - 4 . -- - - - - A I - u § | A - . - Q At a session of the district courthgld on Monday Wm. Boon moelnd 1. nenoenca to the lute pr ho n of from'two to fi ve y um.Reese was c hlrlfd with burglar- izing the B.S.T.Ga n i o of Ft! Calhoun from which it was allegedthat he took scvonl automobile tires amd other aooeuorles.¥{c was ar-rested and whllm uniting his trial ' " " " " ' ' " " ""_" "r - " l f "u to the number of xiidrsn.or-fin her .ayntam of schools. The unount of tha -tourth°¢p-'Ullhnun nuulved $481.77 from pcrtionment i l $21.94 por d i s t r i c t ~uportionrnent;85,500 from and the rate per child 1| $1.1l;tlllk: $4.107 from tuition from noa- Thu number of childrin in il! hide-at pupils; other roc elpts werecounty untitled to share in this Q-;balana on hand $519.00 portionment is 8334 h n v: b e r \ to tll amount of Following is thc amount of mom! qu.for the y u r of $10,S00.10. received by tho vnrloua districhr Gglloun h u sl:tgchers In hor D u r a n f u n n i c m u m . 1 $99!-lf Herman nonivld :glans from thc mo mvnnruunur uuaun VUa u IInga one und 'till un a bil oriifit ln doing tho work.Tha oontrlctcalls for the befimrirrg of tbl work before Aultlat 1 and its comphtlon before September 1.Tha contrac- r n n u y t h e y a r p o c t t o b e e n z h ell'°ond by a wac k or mon olrlhr than the time lpldfiod and thottheywillproblhlyflnidrit' In twenty day: and maybe lui. Thu nunntrnrf.uric:in $2.12 Q I l l u s u w u u r u u m l n !l n m n u l l u l l lrerouru on the paperu to mah it burn.Evidently thorn In n s o me nmoodduing ambon still burningwhich aulod an axplosiou lnd throw t h o f i n o n t o n r t h a r o o m w h l c h lnrmodiotaly aught Hn.T h u N ehy no other Por no mu tht homo :h u h u ma n u mm mid zo an fo r ualatuwa.In the maanttm s neighbor, Hr. Your J arman, uw ill Mata .ml nut In n mil toruahtnc u ,mm are nn mn; umu n m~=..w ..,..-,ec n m un d th e matte r vu u hm uthe hxghm Lrlb| lI|\ for ldiultvuent vm-the m m m u i n Nebnuka.unlul a hw be plued ¢h|.ng\n| thin y uan um, a peno n mly Inc h re-guniiua of In Hprapany qualified Xn the county Sd! he broke lull and mu h h i s n y w C h l u xo b u t v u xppnhandlrhnnd brought buck top r la o n a n d wh a h u mu . In un heu-ing on Monday m muthe \-.uint way out and pluul nil!! and neelwd his nnlc ncs and on h u d n y I n t lk f n \ o L h w h . [ H u! 2a 4 5s 7 8 9 swf:NMsuva naus sua-nns m san:mg .qu apporunnmnm; :Aww :ramqu.; t2.Vl0 hvm :alum of mn- "jam wvlh: |12 from mm- n-ay #-I:m u m on m u s u m o . ; mul fm' an yur s\v,os9.so.Dm ni g ht : en u m in h u 4.z\ingwn ne tlwd t68\.'11 - u w ||Qonienm|m!;'3l|&20.L2 tales;u;m»zzs tuition hu m non-renldun g q i u ;ss1.ss,¢»um xwelpu:bn-m e 9 P . ! \ : £ * ; ~mnki ng ' W }'§ `§n \2i \Q"` r u | | i m pnwhiam lndudod. ll llld to bo tht Io wa n f i g u re mu h i n a ny wmalet In Un odn th lne mm The grka I f Pt. Cslhon v u s u s b u t Undilf snnm in speyllknlonn a n clnbned la nuke the Herman jab tna c heaput.-Henmn Raeord. ,CUUNW DADS to whi c h tha n na a rw!!w md s vn: sl hun dred iu lnb on wen| wn , o n u n g m md r a d !_In do wha tn r IM! c o uld an d wh lh thy r m u d vh l- m n n d m h o u r s mdeoxmnuIt was through thdr ul- mn t h a t U h b u n : w a n u n d . Mr . un d ln. A lla : J r. , h d wi !the elnuxlng whkh they had on Ht w d a u n b u t v h y h n d i n m n n z e o n their ln mltu n w Lbs nmou n to l nm md th e Mu le e nr rh d tn h m- cxrnoucs nom:|ua uh u he lean: . vm na|xoCONFIRMATION SERVICES nvernl chlldnn who ma hhcan 11 -nmn mousIl.sam70.76'lun Augmm 'susummss.|sasasussua94.06cansemwus g g i S z m u m \ g \ n m [ wn n u n n : en.'ennud nc dved szsmss stun np-J i w - m ~ =57.93054 hu m u x u ; U5 5 tuition (mm non-nuhlent p mi l l :$82.98 odaer mauipu:blh nc l j mm 02.59296 mk i n x n mu l tho y u: ol u1 .m.s1.Kennnni I N b u n k ! ! - HOLD MEETING Mueh Bnnlnun Dana Boll: Aa Baird of Bqlulinllsn And Countymmmlaid w»fk Enid:un , m ¢ n~ '~. - L m w ma s s N ' r E n ' r A l r 1 s MA NY u| Lu§v / B n A n w w z n AT um' m| > . \\ ' P . m'r \ \ Lmle Marv Ann n¢xm}t daugh-Conmy Commiuimun Room. Bhir, Nab:-uh, Judy 12; IMGan °f ur . 9 - f u n . $ 3 1 4 ~The awe of County Commhdon- ;°f' g g mn ; mf r ; - -355 ' d sr l ms t p n n u m tn uijounmenv. m n N w !1 y e y pnken J une 21, 1028, md in ngukr temwn, July 13, the session being auulon. lwr uma nnniverury. ._1 Present: cmu.m» r~x.c. Bluo ~ of saw.The mms- mxF u ma n i u u n n n U( o l BW u h ln n un eo u lf s ~ n n n q wh i c h , g f d i n ! h l | l l olwl-lr . Alle n wi ll ni ulld a t am. P/ mz vr e n l. P A ! The lldiu of tba Church o!'Chrl|!held |I u l n l l p u t y .mmpliuih- f. | r y lo Mn|.I .H . C a n p , | t ¢ h c hom of ln. Can. ll:Brid¢, onl n !;~»-dw slhrnoozx h a m two until vu.ln. Camp. with hu- huband Rn. Cunp and Usd!l m h hmlly f a n .___.__.. ._| . -u..m...1.\|.\\» |l¥B IT! 8tGOLl|l¥ ox uw ulunu uuuvvwhich was bein; heid by tha Cath-~m g alia church of Blair under the tutor Q e o f th r u Unuline Slsten fromaz 1 I-'alla City,Ngbruk This ~~~ 1415 16 1118 QL began it's work o~ my zum ln uclo-ed July 4th it W u Holy¢Cnr;1muninn Sundny.There vu gm,4i¢§¢m gg Crops Over County Axel *'°"' a mornin: =9=lni|rn15>°\== "°'"a n d 11 Sp in of u m m u a 19 ze21 22alan for the five week; md :m ex-fnionaily iarge enmlldnmt was sn-|' " " " " "~ ~urnsjoyoil.The morning sesdona were xiv¢n| over un instruction in bible study 'max IS NEEDED FOR THE CORN and the dtamuons were utillz d»-- _...n _.....-i I ;ham been manv vetrs since! 24 2.5 26 21' 28 iua "" - ' = " ' """""";':'-"'°*°="f-°-"""..:r'a.;."..°a'msa.";ss-ss 5'::"'..:.':' ..... .",':!:...'|...E.*:._ __ _.:.'.:.'.'°........at un umm-am -= ups me.: l o ve f o r h i m . te d i c t of 'b - o y : o nt h eb a n k fo rt h ed o gt o F i n n i l yt h e y t h e w a t e r , t h e n £ u r , m d t h e n . Ion c em o r e .u ld o gh o l d i n g te r by ti me ha ir . W o l f ! "C h u b b y t h a vo i c e o f n w i t ha l lh i s t r y i n g ' t os a ve t h e w a s d o i n g -t ok n o wl t - .h i s w a y h a c k w a s d o i n g h i s h a c c o n l i n g t o .H e v u s h o w t o w n w h a t l n m d w o u l dd o Q eight w u confirmed p t a th r u oeiock service on than dey.Bishop Beekman of Lincoln had charge of the ceremonies and gave ashortaddresswhichwas well re-ceived by the large audience which packed the church to over-flowing. In all six priests and olzht nuns were present on this marbed ooo;-nion which gives some idea of it: importance to the people of the church.The fotlowing are the names of 1310 confimutlon class:William Murphy. John Mackin, Alberto Menard.Muzsret Thompson,Beatrice Foley,Mlr th t Zoloudeke,luhry Thompson,Louis Gdmm,Iliarguvet the shore with :1.Then a newrond on | ferry juli below, uw5.Theswift rapidly toward itewlcrowdhc- Theb u twasdw camo alongHfted upon ihr dall theone im. forgotten.Thrpropcifon start boat moved on.ted and as the |W i l l i a m Em e r s o n ,P a u l Mi c h a e l Th o m p s o n .H e n r y Mess ick,H e l e n W o l f f,Ju l i a n Ju n g b i u t h ,El i z ab e t h Q u i n l a n ,W i lm a.Em e r s o n ,R o b e r t O fl l a n l o n ,R i c h m l Iu n z b l u t b ,B e r - n a r d Th o m p s o n ,A l b e r t Th o m p s o n , D o n a h i K e i fe r ,'Th om a s Bkoo mqu ist Jo s e p h Bl oo m qu i at ,C o r i Bo e k m n n n . M a u g a x e t h h h e r , B a i l L a z u r e , T i m - o t h y T u c k e r .M i t e Be e k m a n n ,F l o r - e n c e W o i f f.Jo h n Gil ie spl e,Jr . , E i l e e n Th o m p s o n ,H a d e l l n e Th o m p - : o n , R e e d 0 'H m 1 Io n , Jr . . E d n a Tu r k - e r .Te r e s a Fo i e y ,M a r y H u l i i n , C h a r l e s S t e i h n , F r a n c i s Xe l !y , Jo h n Za l o u d e k e , A d d i e M u l l E n , r E m a M e t - to bury W olf.He's been an awfui good Ifitndto us boys.He nsavwedme from thq river and Skinny from thenttlosnake.Wah-eallgoing to mln him In avid lot, Lord, and'snecirllafChnb y - b e I i lhChubby.L o r d ,I n dh e l ph i mh e a rh i sb u r - d e n . "f There vu a Httle pause and sc blwen heard. "lf Wolf has done mme had things zemernber,Lord,heneverhadlchance,for he never hada friend 'til Chubby 1ound him cut ther|"on the rand that time. "woif :lied helpln' some nlhlr fe{- ler, help us, Lani, to do as well ashe did.Amen." The y ellowmongnl had hui his chanceandhuiusedit,andhad pulledpeacuhaliyfromthislifeintoine greatbeyondof aligoodd m winter. The wheat turned out aan excellent q :h i lt no t up long 1|urs fro The corn i but is nearinnin, but il ln Th e n d ?- about halt a cropa of pot: if a n i n sh~ d u mTake it lil has not been yield and it _.4..A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt AAI. conducted by the pastor.Th e la ws Supper will be celebrattd during the service, and all members are asked to make special effort no be present.S. S. at 10 o'¢.lock, with a warm welcome and ckusaa for all ages.Theyoungerpeoplegather at 7 p.m.Themeetingwillbeledby Mi nEvelynHunloeh.Allyoungpeopleoftheparisharecordially invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 pau. B L A I R M A N G e o r g e i i i k n o w n i n t h i s a n d a m t i v e b r o k e i n t o t l u t S u n d a y fe r r y - b o a t a n t h e S u n d a y : n f e x t u r u a t o h i s b u l i m i a . so m e t i m e ~ a t Be l l e vu e A no l dm mw a sca ll edu p o nso g i veavid e nc ef o rt h ep l a i n t i ff. C o t n a e ll o rt h ed d e n d n n ttr i e dt o b u l l yh i m ." H a m ay o ue ve rb e e n i np r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t s i c t . "" A b iH o wl o n g t h efi r s tt i m e ? " " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n dt h esec ondt i m e ? " " O n l yo n eh o u r . ".. " A n dw h a to ffe n s e h a dy o u c o m - m i t t e dto d es e rve t he p | .r :1 i |h :Je nt ?* ' " Iv usent,t op r i m azow h i t e - w u hace l lnoh o l dI.l a n y o rw h o h a dch ea te do n eo fh i scli en ts ." a j o g .Ti m e- a w - l i k et om u m - - e r - a v r - al f t l l l u r z i n s t h e o w n -p u p p y ,M i s aH a r r i s ? Tr u l y s o m e o !M mH a r d . : - O h ,Fr e d d i e .t h i si l n d p r o b a b l y h u iso s u d d e n ! -u ..- .. :.. un :ne ss:° " ' *" " " " "|m uu \u lg n u n :n u n l l l u n|y»\ .uumM r . R n b i n s o n g a ve t h t ¥ ° ° ¥ 1 8 " F * " »A m r a a r t f u l l n m i n l t i o n o f t h e \ statues :ne uid to bei 45 4tmp while the latest!46 | og( yet hawy l chnncel 41 ;;;;,:'&».§1Hu. umm rceehfad . :1um» »;:'§; ¢¢..¢.., iupuii zuoflw' emu: a °°' Inu; °* ~*rm um ph on c. on me '~ ?i.1".i`?f.e :P lnlnnl -\~...fI."...,,§un WATER SUPPLY IN pam 8HAQ§ rllltl come in n snon in ull the year so farbelow the average for 1 n o b e w o r t h y h o w w e l l l -- | - . . . l ol . . .. l » . . . | l . 48 49 B0 51 52 mm ~ . " V ' N ' ;";;;;'.;;;' w:;mtwent§thrge children 5."';;;;;;;.§."§:,;,1;;;'ass \ s w :pffevnl _T fm. lin kin g, Lab or,: m s ' n n mayor ¢pp¢ma m m she s e m i iChu. Misfeldt, Road dmrlnz. 86.00 firemen at their lut melting in an 66.32f JAPANESE w n m o w DISPLAY Illiller Hunk, Blsckzmllh work, 23.00 l n v u l for help in the w w : d mvm -»._m...x.. Halal Pnuinfrint Co. Re-lution in Bhir.It hu long been! I .B lsuuu use u n n n ||MM 5 6 57!5 8 md hw .u m a B w d l F } .I s e c t i o n o f t h e c o u n t y - F 2 1 o f D e S o t o to w n sh i p ,Fr . 3 '? n -- RUNSaa|.L1:vm-; FERRY ! "mx1 9 . 9 157.4568.5496.2554.1221.9471.33 $5,510.59 r U16 uuurmnnn azvuzu;=wu. fn.wn i l g g ,weak A most hunutiful urimhl window display of Japanesenares.It is but seldom that win- dow display s of so unique a char- acter ana .men ouuifh the larger¢||.ir$=.I8 zmaclun of Japan trom start to finish and one can nlmoatbrlievot.hemse1\un transported W; ~ Oil Co., Oil 6 Gu,213.89|nuon of the summer that the vu-J. A. Svrihlrt, Hinchmith work 1.'f9`1:er supply has been porilously low. Ammon Gunn. Repdrs,5.12 ='l'1\i| matter should be looked dur;Amdt. Hdw., Supplies,4.8-6|nnd the coundlmen a n not doing ;Bcn Baiiey, Gmane,.50 .their duly to thu peopie who elected IA. N. Ballard, Labor,10.00 them when, lhmtlgh spits .they fill. Hnmr Berger, Labor,8.00 tn take can of this most important(Continued on gags four)iproblem./limelight of publicity | when l picture ol his, _u_..n I scHw..\czn slams m-mass-rsI" ' ; " ° ° "~\| . lL UITEB III Cu l li t .u n u H n »Lh |e e n co n.................La . .. . . . = ' B L A | n m s n 1 : 0 G l v s c o x c z : n r " i f f f__ FF §_ __ {° 'f§" ,'f[ ' , .§ 'f_'f, "'f, _, f| I }l \ : § a | u | u 5 l u u l d u ; Mr. Hineline haw for tenrunning 311,ferry i 'nge Blair bandw1lI gntlertlm tho \i .puhhc on next. Saturday evening atrd is enjoying nion open air conc ert on Washington inlroet. in Blair by giving the follow-'ing program:'\.Eszmh. New Americ a . . \..BuechcI '0\\er¢ure. Cloth of Gold . .\. Jowrl n_{.zl.L PARTY ..\_ I I I J T I I l f i P I E C E ! !a u m m a u u u u v v v v' r m f b w i l l o f w e l l m p n a l ._ I C h a r l e s F .S e h v m r .f o n u e r l y o f l o n o t i o n m i , y w i n d o w .4 m ° :' x 3 h " ;l ; n ? : ? y I F t .C a i h o u n b u t f o r y u m i d e n t i P a r k a :Ol l e r m a n n ,j u n i o r m e m b e r o f l v i t h t h e A l i r o i t o D m l r y w m n m r . gre firm, in zusponnihle for the nr- :mic ar r ng r mmt and beaulifuiblending of colorinns lhown in this display. at the homo of the intra: on W ad-nesdlir afternoon.The o oolllon wa s lhu wg; h':"i "';"' "'r i n 5;- _ogg iz: honor of the birth anni1neuarle|;¥'°"YH*Sc ;mn ° giiren no hintof their daughters, Eileen and I`rnn» a'°'r.wa n t as,nd gm, month as to his future businuu ac tivities.c e t w h i c h o o c u .| _i n n .o . _ 1 _ - . |. L _.. . .: . .. \ -. - I - _ ! |:nose vnu lreapeu uw gnu :uv-5ELEBRATEFORTIETHIbramtheeventn m Sarah and Mr. and Lira C. it Sutton enter-WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dorothy Petersen, Frances and Hzry Ltined on Thurldly uminx nt di:-Mullin Ella Reima,Helen Lnnenhnef.Hrs.B.B.Marsh of Denver. s c m fMr. and Hrs. J. F. Burchnm wereDorotI*:y Muters,Emily ,,\m|\;¢n,f'|'lfe'030l¢ Lund! Ind Elm u n ° ----n ._nl- ..VISITS HOME mms - - - . . , feverSousa . Kahnll _ _ taken b surprise last Sunday.OnSatundaeveningMr.Burwchanfs fatker and mother and his brother. Can!!!. mi h mllv arrived [mm I:ln J uul, Ruth mu nary xomnlon,m mIrene Winchell, James Muilln, Mar-'M i "Julia Hultbcrg of Q m u guret and June: Thompson.came up to visit her nephnr, Win- Thn ladies had prepared ' f"°""llton Hamm, who In nacupenting at il'£ii`n;i§ I{"ii|"»'i th rum tlm|'|on the boob; Wh!-Ulni mzus an x w l I -m u » , . . - .. . . .gM i s a Ha l l ha s ,i n t h e c o m m o n ,T h e =.e\aning w a s en } oy e d b yve r n a c u l a r o f t h e d a y ,m a d e gqod §1111>inz b d d g e . n pln oc hl e.T h a i .: l o ve f o r h i m . te d i c t of 'b - o y : o nt h eb a n k fo rt h ed o gt o F i n n i l yt h e y t h e w a t e r , t h e n £ u r , m d t h e n . Ion c em o r e .u ld o gh o l d i n g te r by ti me ha ir . W o l f ! "C h u b b y t h a vo i c e o f n w i t ha l lh i s t r y i n g ' t os a ve t h e w a s d o i n g -t ok n o wl t - .h i s w a y h a c k w a s d o i n g h i s h a c c o n l i n g t o .H e v u s h o w t o w n w h a t l n m d w o u l dd o Q eight w u confirmed p t a th r u oeiock service on than dey.Bishop Beekman of Lincoln had charge of the ceremonies and gave ashortaddresswhichwas well re-ceived by the large audience which packed the church to over-flowing. In all six priests and olzht nuns were present on this marbed ooo;-nion which gives some idea of it: importance to the people of the church.The fotlowing are the names of 1310 confimutlon class:William Murphy. John Mackin, Alberto Menard.Muzsret Thompson,Beatrice Foley,Mlr th t Zoloudeke,luhry Thompson,Louis Gdmm,Iliarguvet the shore with :1.Then a newrond on | ferry juli below, uw5.Theswift rapidly toward itewlcrowdhc- Theb u twasdw camo alongHfted upon ihr dall theone im. forgotten.Thrpropcifon start boat moved on.ted and as the |W i l l i a m Em e r s o n ,P a u l Mi c h a e l Th o m p s o n .H e n r y Mess ick,H e l e n W o l f f,Ju l i a n Ju n g b i u t h ,El i z ab e t h Q u i n l a n ,W i lm a.Em e r s o n ,R o b e r t O fl l a n l o n ,R i c h m l Iu n z b l u t b ,B e r - n a r d Th o m p s o n ,A l b e r t Th o m p s o n , D o n a h i K e i fe r ,'Th om a s Bkoo mqu ist Jo s e p h Bl oo m qu i at ,C o r i Bo e k m n n n . M a u g a x e t h h h e r , B a i l L a z u r e , T i m - o t h y T u c k e r .M i t e Be e k m a n n ,F l o r - e n c e W o i f f.Jo h n Gil ie spl e,Jr . , E i l e e n Th o m p s o n ,H a d e l l n e Th o m p - : o n , R e e d 0 'H m 1 Io n , Jr . . E d n a Tu r k - e r .Te r e s a Fo i e y ,M a r y H u l i i n , C h a r l e s S t e i h n , F r a n c i s Xe l !y , Jo h n Za l o u d e k e , A d d i e M u l l E n , r E m a M e t - to bury W olf.He's been an awfui good Ifitndto us boys.He nsavwedme from thq river and Skinny from thenttlosnake.Wah-eallgoing to mln him In avid lot, Lord, and'snecirllafChnb y - b e I i lhChubby.L o r d ,I n dh e l ph i mh e a rh i sb u r - d e n . "f There vu a Httle pause and sc blwen heard. "lf Wolf has done mme had things zemernber,Lord,heneverhadlchance,for he never hada friend 'til Chubby 1ound him cut ther|"on the rand that time. "woif :lied helpln' some nlhlr fe{- ler, help us, Lani, to do as well ashe did.Amen." The y ellowmongnl had hui his chanceandhuiusedit,andhad pulledpeacuhaliyfromthislifeintoine greatbeyondof aligoodd m winter. The wheat turned out aan excellent q :h i lt no t up long 1|urs fro The corn i but is nearinnin, but il ln Th e n d ?- about halt a cropa of pot: if a n i n sh~ d u mTake it lil has not been yield and it _.4..A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt AAI. conducted by the pastor.Th e la ws Supper will be celebrattd during the service, and all members are asked to make special effort no be present.S. S. at 10 o'¢.lock, with a warm welcome and ckusaa for all ages.Theyoungerpeoplegather at 7 p.m.Themeetingwillbeledby Mi nEvelynHunloeh.Allyoungpeopleoftheparisharecordially invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 pau. B L A I R M A N G e o r g e i i i k n o w n i n t h i s a n d a m t i v e b r o k e i n t o t l u t S u n d a y fe r r y - b o a t a n t h e S u n d a y : n f e x t u r u a t o h i s b u l i m i a . so m e t i m e ~ a t Be l l e vu e A no l dm mw a sca ll edu p o nso g i veavid e nc ef o rt h ep l a i n t i ff. C o t n a e ll o rt h ed d e n d n n ttr i e dt o b u l l yh i m ." H a m ay o ue ve rb e e n i np r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t s i c t . "" A b iH o wl o n g t h efi r s tt i m e ? " " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n dt h esec ondt i m e ? " " O n l yo n eh o u r . ".. " A n dw h a to ffe n s e h a dy o u c o m - m i t t e dto d es e rve t he p | .r :1 i |h :Je nt ?* ' " Iv usent,t op r i m azow h i t e - w u hace l lnoh o l dI.l a n y o rw h o h a dch ea te do n eo fh i scli en ts ." a j o g .Ti m e- a w - l i k et om u m - - e r - a v r - al f t l l l u r z i n s t h e o w n -p u p p y ,M i s aH a r r i s ? Tr u l y s o m e o !M mH a r d . : - O h ,Fr e d d i e .t h i si l n d p r o b a b l y h u iso s u d d e n ! -u ..- .. :.. KC I!u l w r U u l k u nur:n i l ;\ | l \ 5 i l l u w l l u Uxlluvug vl a um a n n .H " . v uw ;u u w v VI UNIQUE A\¢|lIE|E|ll\ll t i V "" " " - " ' |-3 |f A 1 p i ,r m d ~~h e r l o c h l i o n m m T w i n F a l l s , l a n h q c i l b e n m m a H r . a n d M m u | | » r a i u n a n D o d l c c o u n t y w n l m u m s F o r q u i c k se r vi c e In j o b P f * " " ' ¥pl e a d w i l y II e = = ° ° i ' ° 4 a " ' ° °" Z C d h n u n . t o In d e n e n d e n n e . K a m a l .Je ns en o f n a a r W u h i n g t a n .cr . u n l y a n e ffi c i e n t o ffi c i n l . '.b r i n g y o u r w o r k t o T h e E n t e r p r i n $ 1 0 0 a n d coats.. 1 '* ar d nd Vi nh ,Hr . la d Y u .- lwroon Mr.n d t n d x H r | . J e m ~ u n ,r.nH a r l l l d a n d ~ll x. md ! 3 ' ¢ B a | mu u ¢ n | n d Go | n ,B u m Harold Rl-lmg r . - - 3 Hn .\..z:n;rJ ohn| ;n - n a n ,.. Ehreld and lr. and Hn. Guy Rink ay.Hr. a nd u n. H md c hi]du n vi alta d u B o om Nwk i zh o Sttndl evening.Nor ma: : nd Tmmanops visited than Sunday n ! rn.o ' ° '>'i°°"'1»..»1 J l m ! I m a li n .c h -. . "...=. 'l'hl1rada liternoon vldton at -Boom e1rklrk~horn|. llr .md Mn .Fmt!J e n i n dmghte r wan Friday qnnhg elllan a t J un J u a n . Rev. P. J . Bainutnn ntmned Fridsy awning from hll tripT u n .Ha vu a t B owma n i n .:mrthtrn rt, md 0 b k" a . f ° ° ° = `Hi ann ntc dd ny a 1 za r ia m, but thi ni ghts an dlIightfuliy moi. Hr. and Hrs.Har ry S ivannon: droveto Uohllng Bzndny mam 13; 'K hin * h p a u t a aambuInda from nmo nt a nd th i!|drovtuo Oakhnd f°5_; picaulc th ner supper ax parThey lu d a. nr ; phunn t time. Hr.und Hrs.Baath ofvisited at thu Harr y Blawn S " a wn i n g . "lmdsy arming vhnltcn nt ~Sto r k: n n ln . I n d Hn . J i man and ehildnu and lr. andL i n Rollins!m d cbildnn. 'Thi K-Inari!! dub md vim 1: E mmml And nllun T h i r d "l linnoon.Hint mamben andvlziton wan pnatnt.A : d av u u r n d . Hr.and Hrs.Furl "'.r " ""m d m m visited h i n d :In mont Bunchy. Hh s En ly n Nelson in ----n f u r d xy l a tt- h i h o n l- Oo ! ~~tar,Hrs.F ld J a n n a m d f l mi l Kr. and lu. Ric hanl Nslaon had nt the homo o f h h ~.Milne Hallam and wife at Benning u m T w d l r # m m m : A - mm : m m u h u h r mond n d ( h a r p Ru m u u m - thdr harvesting. .._..»-¢ ~sh e i s very lovr nt her ho mei n€i'.E§LT~.'I°':I;.;g;;=,;;;=;;;= gg b; _| Bldr at pruelit and Httle hopes stowed u n the bridd pair by their are held for her recovery.many ffE§.d.Many beautiful and Mrs. Jack h£cClannhan, a former plaee to stone fruits end vegetablesfor winter. W.J.0'BHen. auuerintendent oi' the state fish hatnherloa was upfrom Gretna last Wednesday to in-w d f a t e the condition of the fish in Bunn's lake east of here.The water in the lake Ia ao lowit mayIn neeeaaary to nemove the fish inrave them.Hr. 0'Brlen aays theyare safe for the present as there iafromoneto two felt of wate r in places and decided to wait n coupleof weeks before doing anything inthe hopes of the J une the o! theriver which might lend water into the m e Mr. and Mrs. D. w. Rutledge andchildren,Mila Nivian,Ivan andCharles were Sunday dinner guest.:at the Henry Cooper .Parker McCoy of air was a Herman viaitor I-alt Sat rday. Albert Cooper. wife and two chit-cfren spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Cooper'a parents, Mr. and Hrs.Mcliinzmlo near lake Quinnebaugh. Chas.Hain,lineman for the Mand 0 divider: of the Northrreebern,was In town laat Saturday on bul-ine.ul.Hr. and Hrs.Harry Johnson of llekamah spent Sunday at the John Will home.On Wednesday evening, July 7 ateizht o'cloel: at the residence of thebride'e parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. w.Brunton.one mile south of here. H i n Lola Vivian Bnmtoxt and Mr.Jacob E.Saboika were united inmarriage.Rev. T. J. Reese of theBaptist chord:performed the cere-g;;==;; B'Ihewattendant4 ;='=,§°g l i - v run n.o t eandPehtr= = . » £ ' o . -. . . . '.L'*2 brother.Little Raymond Bring waaring bearer.Immediately after theceremonyabouznteouatwo-course dinner was enjoyed by more thaned hty gueats consisting chiefly .ofneghbors and close friend.|.'MissesEdith and Mildred Bnmton,NettieMaeCpoper,Elizabeth Skinner. Mildred laftin and Dorothy Mont- |.lQ.lg hw*~. r 'S t e e r s S t e a t i v t o l o c L o w .weighty K'nds Slowest . MOST HDES SELL ma! An y w h e r e F r o m l u a d y t o N Q I S U p :l n v l u 0 | I n l n | M 0 3 2 1 Pr o s ! ca l l y N o Ch a ng e In l h u p a n L i m b s .......»»~ar . u ¢ L *\f- u n y m o n _ g m g g Y n r d 5 J u l y Il . I! Cn t tl o ro c o lr t s w e n w r ! !h o n nmln Tues day, arou nd 8. 5130 hold . an 'nhl lo butc her ca ttle . feed ers ani no o t t h o n n r l l n n w t I l x h t s t u n h e s t u d y ,: l c o n o f th o p l l i l w f I I l s r i l g h t l e r n u d e s br o k e 1 0 | o r l t P r i m a l l s h t l o e v n b r o u t h t |1 0 .1 e r m . l n l r l e s o v t o a n a . Qu ot at io ns o n ('|1 l1 o:'C h o i c e p r i m !h i n d _t u m Q 8 5 0 1 0§LT,[;; 46M f g ; i s a ! ! # e l v e n 9 - u s e : n o d to fgtoieo t u m ,d l D M ;mf £ 0 £ 0 0 6 l | l l l ` ¢ » $ l . 5 0 Q | . 1 { | c o m m o n t o l a i r s t u n .18 . 0 0 0 8 1 0 cho ice to p r i m e yoa tl lng s.$ 9 5 ° ~ l0. 1l l:3 oo d t o eho l 1° yo ar lln p, as .~ f*LHS h h t o f o o j y n r i i n p ,ts. .' 5.00:c o m m o n l o fo l r y e a r l i n g u , ft 65. 502 r o l e ;1 r i m ted h c l5 9 . l 0 0 | 1 g ;a z ? £ f l l b i i u foil i i . . o r 1 , $ 8 f 5 | n . 4 0 : w r t o ID M ! l o t ! h o !! ora.$ T. ! 5 0 5 6 0 :c o m m o n t o m r I B e l t o n ,s 1 . 2 w 1 . a s ;n m h e l f o r l $5 . i 0 0 * £!5 ; c h oi c e t o p r i m e to d c o t 33. ?5 0!.5 0:g o o d t o : h e l m h d m t l $¢. o£ |u .1 S:fo l r I n go o d fe d o o xs . o w ¢ . o o ; go o d In c h o ir s t r u : c o S5 . 5 0 0 l . $ o : _ fn l r t o g o o d g r o a n c a n t| . ¢s o s .s o :cuttortl,} 4 2 5 8 4 . 6 0 ;c ~oer|.$l. 00 li4 .1 5:h o e !a n d bu l cb o bul ls , $6. 0N 37 .l» B; b olo xn o bul k, H .~ o u s ;n o u n n l f o l ,88.000 1050: : o o d to c h o i r s Je e d e n ,}8.00¢B.&0; fa ll ' t o g oo d t en d on . 8 1. 00 - 8I.0 0 : ~ mo n t o h i r fe e d lr l . $G . 0 o 07 . 0 0 :~ - to c h o i r s n lo r k u n . I7 . $0 G l . 5 0 ; h l r£00 6 a too lse n, I¢. S0o 1.s o: com mon h i r o t o c k o n .35.&05G.50:tr as hy stockaro,84.54205 50;stock h o l l o w IIJS G G S O ;st o r k e n t s .$!. D 0 8l . 1 5 ; stock c alves. $5.50 63.00. 1H i y a U n w e n i y H l g h c r ° Th e t a n n o n l y a b o u t ' m o o ~ . o o l h o ma r k e t : m l Dr l o es : ho u n d n u z e w l y h i g h e r t r e n d .L i g h t ' m l m aotd s t u d y t o w e n p wla ll o ot ha a i i n a c o d 1 0 0 2 5 c . m a k i n g m n | e u n ; t h o n a i l u p t u r n .B o a t l i g h t h o n br o u g h t 8 1 L 10 a n d b u l k o f a l l n i g h v u t l u s o t u o . Ho t Mu c h C h - l |\ | ¢ o n La m b ! W i t h n h i r r u n o t ab o u t 10.000 :h o o p a n d l am b : o n h a n d 9 1 l o o : h o l d ju s t a bo u t s t u d y a l l a r o u n d .8 o o l | on na t ive s w e re SE I: l o we r .l o l l o f th a 1a a t or u la m b s c l ea r e d at $13.15, wl t l c h In a ls o t h o t o p . Qu ot at io ns o n B o n o a n d u m b l z F a t la mb s.3001!t o chodce.31 !. 50 Q 1 3 3 5 :n o t l n la mb s,m r l o c h a i n , :n . s o ¢ ;1 : . s o :n l t l f o lam bs.w i l l , $l 0 . 5 l l ol !. 5 0 ;f m n n s l l m b l . m o o ; 13 .8 0 2 r el r ll o gs fo d. sl o .o o ¢m . 1s : n z ow e n . : o od t o c h oi c e . 3 i .0 0 0 £5 0 :n t o w n ,fa l r to g oo d ,l41.»0050€l;c u l l an d so o n e r u n a . S l 5 'JQ l. £ 8 ./1 ||\ A1 SHUT~ D~MI G1 érlsneree ; \\~ <§ ! . 3 .r f s Q s |A ~a ~ ; ; s . r ' . f " " " 'r ¥ r ,. ' r , : " § » T » . .' * h £ » $J 1 :*Q @ § § i _§ . ' ? f ~ : Q 4 . ' ¢ -f m s w - , _ \J M a h '." J ~_ , =P f ."5 5 " , -( N ..2 '-:s4 "J "...I~L ."§ i & ~ § ' f * } § ; " £" ~1 \ Everything That You Can Think bf in Japanese Novelties that wouid make a deiighifui gift fer those going away on a vacation. or for the folks .=;» Visi! our nev;Gift Departmeni for unique party favors. Beautiful Japanese W indow Display this week. A an-mai "mme" df Jnly»n»- n-my H . O L L E R M A N N §"`""°`ri6uNu rm: (0||1 § mrre spo nden u lronr eve ry c ommuni ty ln W uh~ lnno n C uun ry . >¢uvc~.|9-o~4.\s.v10v0~'JU HE R M A N NE W S lr wln K n o t t h u mi n e d his g°~ iitlon u mu h mlc nt thu Tay nr Fnmh und Sou page .md hlt lm.vuk f or Ou ulm.Tourint park ls nttnrdng udbn |number at present.Ernry evenlnx lut week ex ept om than wwe fromone w Lhlee urn al c ampeu then.On Sundays plmie parties nm qulwcommon.'hr s u n of Omlhn pe o-ple hld dh-mer there l i t S\|ndlY md sp en t un sa ti n da y .The Hermnn N M n w anothvra t their vpen sir conc erts un themm Saturday evening whl| ~.h w u w j m u b y 4 u n r u e c r o w d \-bn remained on the s tu n s until lata.nlnymg the eool g mh lg .vuxangwith lrkndl and tndlng.Our mer~chants report Szturdny Levlnlng a vu-y |pr u u :On n.,-.£`§"' hw F l u n t t I n d vnluable prennu wen me u when:of = - w g;und love (mm theirfrivndn.r. Slb|Ik|'| home ls naar K.uu u.C lty u t h e h u been em-Played rn fa southwest at hemf o r a n n !Ha 1. A y unng mnn of aterl worth Ind c hrhlitnduneterto be cornqntulatodon Wflmlmr the bride.Mlu B nmtonis 1 gndulte of the Heimxnnehoolan d a s mg a : a t Hmlmg sc hool n u r 'Delbuu th e p m llve y u r : and numben her Heads by her lc-muhhnc aa.The hlppy c ouple willmake their home wllh har pnnnta.Mr. Snbzlh ll us lntlng Hr. Brun- wn i n o p e n u n g d n l u m .Th eb edvnshu :ml mngnutulatlom of tlmlrrn.\ny friend: go with them as thuybeginu m ¢.\»u¢lh¢r-' r m g u mmn Rev. and Mrs. T. J . Rene, lin Minerva Clner,Dudley Ch mr . Misses Vuwln Brunton and lh b e lldlnrah all n! Blair;Mr . md Mn . 0rlu` Jann o l D mn l .MPS.Nellie k |,u m Q,b im-Clemgnts and daughter Burl of Gil-?§.`}'$?"¥ Xi! 2m¢r'1 ' $' $ , , ' u ll i gtlette , W m. s m L o w- md f u nn y . | uma gg, for norms, hs url bur| C\| =d¢Clemanu m d hmlly ,l n . feels is will be a n uvuunmt (o r l A.L ~ Sulllvnn, Ed~r Skinner ml eration.The Ladlea'Aid of the DanishEvangelicalLutheranchurchof Orurn m d at the Boone Neerldrkhome*Wednesday afternoon.Six- teen members and elzht vhltorubesidesseveralruenandchildrenwere preaent.A dellcloua lunch oi'cofllee, lemonade,ake, aandurichea,cookies and Eicklee were served byMrs.Newkir and daughters.The next meeting will be with Mrs.Peter Toft in Fremont.Mine EveIy:1 Euler of Herman abrivcdSaturdxiy evening for a few daye visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Martin Larsen and family.Drum friencls of Mr. Chda Paul-aenare very ao to le ar n ef hi aterioua illness .JE home In Blair. Han; people from thi.: community attended the Beulah Hanlen funeralonSundayafternoon.The manyfriends of the Ham-en fandl cym-palhize with them in their Rena auel Walter Andersen and father, N. J. Andersen were Satur-day evening caller:at the H.C.Larsen home.Art Jones and family called atH. C. Hansen: Sunday altacnoon. Mr.Jena Jceperaen,Hrs.[Awf- ence Jeaperaen and three daughtera,Marlon, Irma and Norma called at and 'family on Sunday. Sunday. July l i was Hina Edna Illmnberfa birth anniversary andhc:alsters.Hrs.Lealia Hnlkr andfamily, Mia.;Freida and lrlnnd Mr. flrnwné all of Omaha, with Mn. An-drew venzaanl and liule daughterall came to enloy U10 da? with hfr.Mr.Ceo.Badgvrow and family §\|l1! Sunday dinner rueatn at Mrs.F ra Badgsrows In Blair.Misa Daria Jnhn's friends are an nrry 20 lmow .she left Thursday far l.m= Angeles for an indefinite slay.Sin u-mr with her aunt, Mn. AliceN»\\1:ll.. thereby making u pleasanttrip for bolh.Alice Jenaen and Ruth Compton went to Omaha Momla with Mr.Ja-n~=en who w u ahipglng rattle tlwne that day.llnrulhy Smith and little Mend.Rally King were taller: at CllffonlRz.\'s 'hauday evening. Pldslnt Vlur Sunday School triedirlc up an altnmlh-nce recon!by'°familill"last quamv.Flndng v:1l;.one family, Fred Pe<:k'a wholemrmbera allbelong toSundny School um s.'l\rl :tara to all who belongedinanygivenfamillf'Those whohaulperfectreconlawere :he FmrlPorkandES C.Lippincott familiesandMi n Ruth Compton.We a ncompeting for the banner by Sun- |lD)8 this quarter.Be loyal,class Everyone had a jolly time and he- fore leavin;for their homes Mrs. Lowe served ice cream and calmBobbyreceiverlanumberof giftsfrom his little friend; to remand him of their visit. Wm.Pienrd visited with friendsat Geneva over the week-end.Hisplace -Q; foreman of the section was filled y his son, Howard while he was away.Chu. and Louis Horn are enjoy-ing e visit. from their brother, AI-fred of Omaha at present.Wm. Richardson and wife of Blair were up Saturday for a visit withHermanfriends. Miss 'Freda Neiann of Gmaha vis-ited her father.L.B.Nelson andbrother, Hound over the 'week-emi retunirng to her work in OmahaSunday evening. J.C.Bailey ' r u a West Paintvisitor lut Saturday. Mr. and Mn. D. w. Rutledge hadas dinner guests last Saturday her grentn. Mr. and llra. Henry Cooper, re.Jack HcCannahan of Kama.:City, Ho., and Ilie Halt of NorthPlatte, Nehr. hir. and life. E. C. Reid are mov-ing ~ 1reekAinto tieeirwnew home cm nut venue pur-chaee]from Dr.Stanley -'§»-1 Jpe Bandar ia movin;into the Reid dnv afternoon with Hrs.Martin Lnsen.My ri and Enid Ruth Reinertun ment Friday dtexnoon at the H. C. Lanen home.Mr. and Mrs. H11ry Sieven drovetoFremont Thunday to le a lin .Siever'| brother,who is in a hoa- Warrczrwakdlelal, Deo Harman,E.Clarke Hansen and Bud Hoe.Ollie Holt of North Platte,who resided on a farm not of here formany year: spent the put weak inHerman renewing acquaintances and visiting relat.l\ea._The Harry Cooper frmlly drove to Blair Saturday evening.Wm. Wagner and daughter of Ar»llugton were Herman vialtora on Sunday.Pony-four members of therliap- tint guild with well-filled bllirolnmet at the church around ten o'c.lo¢klaat Thuralay and drove out to theClaude Clements home' west of town.and spent the day. .The ladies laidaaldetheir work for the day and spent the time in a eoclal 1|ay. Era.Nellie Clements and daughter, Hill Pearl of Gillette,Wromina'wereguest: and they greatly enjoyed the visit with the goilders.From allreport:everyone had a ruiomhrfnltime md feel like meeting next. 'week for world after a day's pleasure.Misa Viola Kaetle returned homeMonday morning from Omaha whereshe underwent an operation for theremoval of her tonalle at an Omaha hospital a few daya ago.She aarecoveringnicely.Her mother ae-oompanled her to the city and re- mained with her.Lige Cranneia were damn fromnearTekamahSundayfor a holdvisit at the L. F. Hilelnger homeLittle Bobble Lone was four yearsoldlastSatunlay, July 10 so hla mother Mrs. La Verne Lowe, invitedanumberofhislittllis friend.:tohelphimcelebratebirthday. Thom present were Betty Jane West Joan Hekoreher,Marlon and Stan-ley Truhleen, Jamee Wachter, Wan- da Erickson,Leona Brewster,Jao- queline Woodward,Mariorle Maelielll,Elaine -'°='7"'°*=-Doris Juli-anne West,Marin Loftia,Virginia West, Lyle French, Gerald Fauactt,Junior Nnualer, Maxine Miller, Margaret and Leon Hlrnea, Dorla Himsa Roma Miller, Bobby and Dlek NoyesJuneW m .liarlon new.measl- Haneoel: and June West.Mra. Lowevraaaeaiatedine:1tertaining thellttfe folks by Mrs. Geo. Lowe, Mrs. . lleeday evening which was e greatbinefat to everytlmlng and a 'leleome relief after so mneh dry weather.The rain covered only a stdp thru town a.¢l een and went so did nottheretozv.help the corn only ln Plktfs.A number from here drove toOakland S='=»»;g_ and spent the day missing the de hath: a dlp inthe pool, visiting and a ionic dln- ner.One group inch:Hr.andHrs. Junee Van Horn. Mr. and limBenwarlmterandchildren,Hrs.Hilda Youell and aon, Mrs.Bertha Ndderhuger, Mina Chria Wach- ter.Bliss Evelyn Van Horn.HinaHelenNelderkrugerandVernonV811Hom.The memben of the M.E.Aidsocietywere aakd to meet at theBl!nchnnl atom at one forty-:live Wednenlay afternoon amd can werethere to take them out to the HanaAndes on home where they met for work. The ~chool board han Wm. Ademaengaged at Leeent ln making somechanges ln one of the roomn at theechoolin order\o afld to the con-venience and comfort of the pupils and teacher.Hr. :mul Mn .Wm. Adams,MisaliarieXrlarns,Hianew Laura anal Anna Fueae had a aleeaant pi c wouting ot the Oalrlan park Sunday.Fred Robertson, wife and son Cor-nell spent Sunday afternoon at tho 0aklan=!T§erk.Nick one of Blair Win up Tues-day lofldng after the renting ofthe Mrx. Hom property just vacated br Joe Bandur,r n !h - g y theereena nm! other repair.:de.Among the Ilerrnsnltes to enjoynn outing at Oakland park Sunday were the Waldo Hancock family andtho F. 0. Swanson family.The Masonic bodies in ronnecllonwith the Easlzrn Star of the county "ill hold e joint pienle at Blair onTuesday, Auzusl. 3nl.The locationilo be decided on later. onum nnvrs Mn .Chris Benaon vlaitod rrlthMn. Rudolph .Andreeaon Monday afternoon.Hr.and ilra.H.C.Leuven anddalatlgere,Kirsten,Hannah and Lo rlrove te Fremont Honda;'"°m'°~f for an all day pic nic vithelol owlng Lincoln families:Joelreraena,J.L.lvereona,Charlie Iveraona and Fred Iveraona.They enjoyed a plcnlo dinner and aupperattheto n r llt g u t there. Mn. Herman elaon and two aona from near Herman apent Tueedeyat the Clula Petersen home.Kr. and Hrs.Harry Slevera andnone,also lliaa Viola Booth agentTuesdayeveningattheEmanuel Andreanon home.The Rose Hill Ladies' Aid met at the home of Hre. H. C. Hansen onVlredueaday afternoon. Ten members and three vlaitora were prevent.Af- ter rvendlna the afternoon eewlngquiltblocks,delicious refreshment.of lce cream, eake, ooffee and eook-ies were aerved by Mra.Hansen.The next meeti.r.;; will be wish Mrs. Jeead Hansen.Luc Mondayevening a lun num her of relatives drove out from F11monttotheHarrySlevtfihomeinhonoroflittleGeraldSierarawhose fifth lairthdey urea the n~dey,Tuesday.They brought aabundance of good esta and enjlo a picnic supper on the lalm.Iurea e aurprlae to the Steven fam ily.H n and Mrs.Peter Nlelan vlaitem! at Jim Nelson: near Blair o Tuesday evening.Qtr.and line. Chris RaamuaeenandHelenwereTueadayeveningvisitors at the Jena Iverson home.Mr.and Mn .Andreef Johnsen called on Hr. and Mm. liter Nlel» een Monday evening.¢Mrs.Chris Realnuagn and Helenendli n .Peter Nielsen apent Fr! . family,He k md Horendick andfamily, Mr. and Mrs.erbert Toelkeand beby. Mr. Herlun and daugh-ter Esther,Mr.and Mrs.Bundle and children. Geo. Hartung and fam-ily, Mr. and Hrs. Lengewisch, VioletInd Guendoiine Procter, Edna Kun, C. E. Bring md sons, of Lyon: andM r . a n d H u . O . H . ~Mr.and Hn .Alfred .Youndand baby of Venden, Nebr., errlved Saturday to s nd the week with hersister,Hrs.Stmdon Lowe and Mr. Lowe.501117 D-Wil. of Omaha a formerllermnnreddent' n s in town a couple of days last week renewhu acquaintances.Mrs. Ilerold Webster of Tekimehvlaihed at the home of her parents,Hr. end'Mre.>Fned Rogen a fewdey : lut week. Ulin Hopewell of Blair,was aHerman business caller one day listweek. Mr.and Mrs.John Weber weredown from their home at Pege lastweek for n visit with relatives heremd et B| | if.Mr.and Mrs.Carl Nelson and children of Craig were visiton atthe parental, Chu. Nelson home cnWednesday.-Mrs.ueo.Lowe and daughter,CluEbel were supper :nests at the Everett Ilimes home I"rld.|y.Mn .Ah h :Booton of Telumalnan nun! of Hrs. C.E. Johnson isassisting with the household dutienandhelping can for Mrs. J ohnson who has been quite ill with quinly.She is greedy improved at n=C=°f41whichM11begoodnew:to hemany friends. Cilmnm |K.ing,who moved £0Blair this spring from a (ann nearlner e vu in wan lu t F rid ay .Hlmr Cooper is the owner of lnew Cnevroleft eolch which the fem» ily is enjoying them days.Hn. Augzut Timm of Bhir visit-ed Herman friends om Tuesday. Burke Cerrignn, of Bjair was I Hennan l u ;Thundny. The many friends here of Mn. e H. 1.1 Linen home Sunday af- IIOU1.Hr. and Mrs.Chris B-ensbn and Mr.and Mn .Rudolph Andreaaon visited at the Chain Pauken homoinBlairSundayafternoon.Mr. And Mrs. Julius Fmderickaonand children of Telbuta lem Than dh ievnaing visitors at the Amin! Jo nnen home.Mr.and Mn. Peter Niehlencalle¢iattheJensI wn o n homo Fridayevening.Nona and Walter Amleram xndfather N. J. Andersen and Mr. :ndlift. Howard Hastings :nd children were Sunday supper guna at the: Soren Rurnussen home in Blair.The following 'Drum pmple lttend-ed a supper pany gt the Ired Jensen nmo oz s.H n .A l b e r t Jen se n,so n H u o l d i n l a s u p p e r p a n y a t t h e Ir e d Je n s e n[h e r q e S u n d a y e ve n i n g : H r . a n d H n . resident here but now living in l1§m» which ho I=»=g==~ Hanna City -ranre to Ilennast Fr!-1 Nc and Mn. J .. Brnwster hlrl"gg for a vid!with relatives and Qiflllfhily o .their daughter,ol friends.5 Jean eblter and Mr.Web- T. L. Leonard of Blair was gpm-dir of Burt c ounty ,Hr. and Mrs.acting business heme last Fridn Harold Ilrovrater,llr .and H n .Mina Ella Christensen of Blair la Fam.; Brewster and children. lin. apendin: a few day: in Herman nl B. M. Deell and Mila Iria Bnurster,the home of her siaber,Hrs. Qao.ul::![}Q|g[||y Duloney of Cond,s h u t ;Nlcbr., 1| vialting in Herman at the Roy Bowden of Scotts Blufih Pillow!time at the home of anNcbr.,1ra.a'n Hcnnan #tailor : g r uncle. Mr. Andaraon.Hin Dorothyurdek.Roy ia well known hdr\\.,l»!l¢n¢le¢l school here n number olsavingclerkadatth i Von Valla gf -H, "3 whe n har father,H.P. em alma a nu r o rears nn one a groc ery mn.llc ia traveling N u m a n for the The farnily has resided ln CondWealarnWoolenMilla and he has -wg Ioavmg hero in Fehr.1924. been assigned to :salem Nobraaktl ins llelen Home returned homeHe In making prcparationa to locale li* l==E of the week from a wee-JF:in Blair.whit wzth Friends at Fremont.B d a "Clausen of Bladr,repuhll-'The hall game vllwd hen Svnday can candidate for ahcrlff.was ln NW NQ liennan and Calhoun ram m Saturday In the interests of nina rn I vic tory for 111° vhltin;hi; emma fo r the of fic e.ham.The score was 4 to 6.L u k Thuraday afternoon Hd en ;Herman Miller,who nemtis re- Van Valin celebrated hor eilhtlr tonml from .Arkansas to accept thet i m m y by inviting a number o f f g lallitln of manager of the Nielwm lwr friends in to :read th e . mr - ,f-==1§=<mh u m i n e d and Rouxnoon.Mrs. 'fan Vadn mnrtd a niea l l m l an fillins'Ibong olld on un Ilunch of ice cream and cakq 1rhlchll4Hl1' one can be fo .to take thethe little folks c olorcd vmr §|;| u¢| 1lIOIk.The usual games were played and l r .and Min.R.P.Ramnuuefa all hail a 'mn'vlcuanr.afternoon have »»=n o - u u m week,Mrs. and wlahed for mlny happy ret of the ="{,;Those present we n Virginia cet,Beatrice Richter.Madeline Miller, Vivian Raamoalon.Emily Jana Clnrk. Betty Jane WoeMona W est, Vivian and IIva N -lor, Geraldine Hue .Tune Weat, '""'1H1andcrt, Elaine lim,Lama BNW- Lloyd llummel and two cltihiron, latina' ami Junicr ol' Norfolk. They have lwvn ataylng with her parentsat Cfrr=co while Hrs. Hummel was Ntovering from an operation aometimeago.Little Junlor haul the mifortnne tobreak the bone in oneof~hn arms while tl:-ore. s I J M r .a n d M n . .W e b e r w e r e g u e s t . \ E D G A R G . C L A U H F I N l u n .a l t l u s n ipuhlsnl Clldjmlale lor BHERI |_;'\|§\ Yun You nl. as Anatcunn members! Jeek Hauacluildt was a guest atJohnCom trm'|Sunday.Mr. Cllf aard Ray and family were vhitora Friday s ag at the 'Ped Ellie home.Mr.and Hra.Clifton]Fletcher and two daughter:of Omaha andthelllu aa Dorothy and Ha ue r?Fletcher of Bancroft were aa per Saute Monday evening at the C. glgndeott home.Pack and family attolided thefuneral of Mr. Lam Vohnu Sunday.Purial was :ruio in iiauranl.Min Alien Jensen araa a Sunday dinner great of S133 Ruth Cnmpcnn.ir tha afternoon J. ll. Comptm;nd B m Jcrmr-4 families dmra to na 4au i .and Rza.E.C.Lippincott, ilu. L fhntlln and Mrs. Ly laGuy -er were called to Bancroft 8atur~day so attend the funeral of Mr.Llpilnc otvr rzrhevr, Mr. Earl Flet- cher, who d very unexpectedly.Ure. Don Sheaaley was badly hurtMonday afternoon while lralpin her hu:band dank hay.A place o thelu m e n broke,letting the - m g ;tree fir back..hitting har Instomach.A. doctor was called andaha must remaln in had for a LimaEetty Lou and Junior King, who have bun #newline a weak at H. J.Smith'a arent home Saturday evenlThreahlnf ha; begun ln this na! borhood. a eau Blgmbarg beamdrcult W ednlday g. with his wheattlrreahing.Some oata are yet toe green to cut. pnaedn.hsnlln m|.ab||ndbs~ ooms npu tolt hed htrietr vad h n d o l n l d n d a m r m m atob e u u d unlunlwly in im pruvin|l.hapu hlieh|¢hny4ln a ld meddlstrkf."lf twovthlndldthnvehsenntn' md x e k e d mn h n l1 ' b e 1 o r u ld n |-e l d k v y ,Lh s u id County a w e thilond¢ rha' |'h |Ehh rpriu,nlqll nnkly nurnpapur pl-hatred md wb- lh h e d in B h 1 r o fs a H C o u n t y ln do l l v l l l l dnulstiontbsrdn,for \hr e¢ |\ vx \l-Iiv elwe hp do riau id da y o l aa ur l ng.By ¢.beCeu%~ o w n - m u f .r u e .J ada. pl-:mist will bs sold I0 nth! hdrmml. 01| intexet the ~.canl lad All accruing each vided by uid ont: And the ~ by Inv in unch u n a mad pnwidpd. Dntad thin 1721! dxy of June, as Blair, Nc bnnh.ex-a.llmr la lle hleu s,< three luc c tllive muh prior In ui d day of zoning.. By th e Ca rt#-ChuIn Leslie, 24-AL Judge. smzarrrs SALE Wm J. Maher, Atty. By virtue af an enler of nie |3- nzed out of the District Court ofWuhingtonCounty,Ne b na h ,and in pmmesnce of s dec ree o f u i d Court In nn, action therein pendingiha td n Humm sa u B an k, a Go r- roretion,is plaintiff and Jennings Welt and Wen,i n t und :eel mme ln\m°*1\»iriie of J en- nings West,are ddendanu 1 will on Tueaday the 20th day nf Judy,1928, st 1:00 o'clnck PAL a!d d dev at _g=_;j~==* Front Door of the W uhin County Couit Home in the City of Blair, Wuhingtnn Carr:- taf. Nebruh, eel]et public auction tn the highest bidder for :nh the following described ret! lltsw-to-1rit: LUN 2:-22-2:-24-as in Block IB vn- hge of Herman, Wuhington Coun-ty , Nebmh, to satisfy one c ezhln mortgage on the real estate above depcribed which Il subject £0 I rimmg;-| ¢;¢¢ on uid vrmflH'in favor of The Nebraska Suze Building and Loan Auoc iltion of I-Wetnlnt,Ne- bru kn in the prindpai m m of $2400.00.together with intexutthereonnaprovidedinsaidmori- ng e .The plaintiff on the 1-ith day ofSeptember1925nbtlinededecree of foreclosure in uid action for thesumof $240000, together with in- terest thereon from July I, 1925 at SHEIIFF S SALE Wm. J.labor, Atty. B y v l r t u l o f s n o n l o r o f u h wad out of the Diltdet Court o Wuhington County,Nebrukl-»| | inporaunnoo o t s d o e r o o o tCourt in an sedan thudn .J w wbenhm Edvard 8. Ner d! is pla l: tiff Pd W illiam ll¢C0rmlck 1|fendont I will on Wednesday th 21at.day of J uly ,1926,at 1:00 o'e1ock RH. o f u i d day at » W m Front Door of the W ton County Court House In the ellofBlair,Wuhin;ton County, Ne brooks, ull at public auction to th highest hidder for cull the foilow ing described m l estate,somit The East Quarter of the South WeaQxhrtnr of the Northwest Qmw- o Section 13,Township 18 North o Ran¢e l1 E|.|it o ! t h e | : l x t h ? Wuhington Gounty, Nebnaka. The plaintiff on the 14th day oSeptember,1925, obtained o of foreclosure in uh! action for som of $1200.00 together with insome thereon fro m Mueh 1, ~ " at 10% per annum and for eo!!-I .uid own! in the sum ol $9.36 on ail sawing c osts.mid decree o iwlsmvnl amd foredoouri prod~ »that u i d premises above describe he sold to n ti of y wa l judgmen andeoltiinc iletlmettmeremlminetunpaidfo r s period of more th twenty day: from the entry of and decree, md said judgment and ooo .u . ea nn dNO. 161 0.E.S~\Conmhdaneu ul Wuldnwiun n m n c x v m a |andm m m n m z v n x u l 0o\mt1.Nebxuh,lrvy|l»¢d|l c s v m c u ora m s r arg.""¢£2|`£S"`"E €u5é¢ hFRIDAY£ i = » » é u » w¢ f p = » u » a = h ¢ , £|'Tbedecdanb-oardoflaldPrinmry n e d s i h n r t r u m t a b o n n d E k r : d o u 1 r £ l 2 b o i h o ¢ l e e t I o n t p a £ . l ¢\ .\ _ ;1 A _o . . . - | - \§ \ . . . A ! . _¢. u» {4 in Isl 1o.,TL.'i`" lush: WMI!!! 11 A. H. "ha ma u n r - ' r 1 d » r z : v»" " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ° " ' " " '" "" " "" '' " " " ' """''willp N_ { ;QLU fund o f u i d fold dldgic t Ind | Gen\ni Election Llws gun rn2n d¥ 'r ld ay o f¢ c h llon Lh .to b o u n d a d la d v e i y in im-u m m u m a y b e . " Q W p mv h g th e p u h u c h lg h w g n i n i d v m un de rmy mn d m d md ,W . ~_,§...\1a_u-..,.. - . J |44 mul distric t."b y o r d e r o ! i n C ° = 1 = * r ~au|¢1i»n»a»»»¢Hm=ooP.mEnmum» mlm» ¢ s P .a | . AMERICAN LEGION,Hunley E. Hlh Yvlh No. nu m ua Grd Fri. Evuihl. |:00 s u m ' a n C L U Bl u i Friday of euh Month 4 1 .1 .m e h el ec i io n sh a l l b e f o r a i d s p e - d a l 3 0 1 ,t h e u i d C o u n t y B y r d w i n I m t h e n m .o t h e r w i s e th e n m e vi i i n o t h e le vie d . T h e d e n i m b o u n d o f u i d P d m l n E h c t l o n v m b e t h e el e c t i o n u m a o f n h l S p e c k !El e c t i o n I n d th e G e n m l El e c ti o n L u r e w i l l g o n m a s n u r g n m a y b u ' G i ve n u n d e r m y m m : n d l u i , b y o r d e r o f t h e C o u n t y C u m m i l l l u n - a n o f 'W u h l n g u r n C o u n t y ,N e b u l - k a , t h i s 3 » | t h . d a y o f i l l s . 1 9 2 6 . ( S E A L )A n n i e c . l l l r ' - i l l . 5 - l t .C o u n t y Cl e r k . as.Wahl glen County I I.R. ~ 1litc hman. of the abovenamed bank do anhmuly .wear that the above auleusent is n. true and cmnet c opy of the report made tothe Department of Tnde :nd Com- mane.R. C. Hitchman.Auiatsnt Cashier. ATTES'I': Petm ll. Nam, Dimc tor. A. B. Hitzhmnn, Binder.Subsaihed and u m m to before me this Oth day at July, 1928. John A. Carritlli Nahry Public. . . . . . , . . . . . . - _- . - . . . . _. . . .. . ma s B E UL A H z u u s z u Hin Bbulnh Hamm, and twentym e yura.dnughber of Hr.and Hn .Willilm Hansen df Orum. pls-led a n y at the Blair hrnpit-ldlui Thunday evenlng after in lll- n u :whic h hu been of long dur- ation.Hin Hanlen put in wo y ears at Boulder,Cnlondo in a :\\¢raa'| train- ing oouna but on wcy unt of poor l:e\ll.h ntulmed shout a y u r a n zo the home of her parents fully expecting to :fain tak: up her workat tha hospital in Bonidcr, but :he meer regained her health md h u been eonfineif tn har bed for hang intervals lm] at hat dllth uma hrralieva her of lnr sufferings. The funenl was held at the Meth- odist clnmh in this city on l u t Thursday at 2 P. ll. and Interment was made in the Blair cemetery. Besides lhe grief ntfickon parentsfive mister; :ml one brother are left to mourn the departed. BATURDAY c . A .n .md w. a . c .hd Ind -ith Saturday Afternoon! r o a d di s t r i c t f o r t h e I b n !r e a r 19 2 6 , t h a p r o c e e d s o f u i d s p t c i d h v y t o b e a n d b e c o m e a p a r t u f t h di s r i c t r o a d f u n d o f u i d u n d d l l ! d e t a n d t o b e us ed e u i u a i ve i y I i n t p r o vi n g t h pu b l i c h i g h \ g y 3 I~ u i d m a d d i n r i d a n d { o r n o o t h a di st ri ct ,a n d i n u r c o r d i n c e w i t h . St at u te s i n su ch c u e s m a d e a n Nofrzcs 0 ?HEARING PRDBATE OF W m. In the County Coun STATE 0? NEBRASKA, W uh lllgzn CuuntyIna n tier nr the Esate of Julius Zhgllrbeoeaaed:THES TATE OF NEBRASKA TO the bein at hw next of kin, c mlftoa am. lo any others inleltsted in mid matter: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That an instlume1£ purporting to betheLastWillandTestanvenlul Julius Ziegler deceased,is o:;.file in u i d Conn,rad also n petition praying for the Probate of a i dinstrument., and for the appolnmenl of Magrete Zclgler u ExieutrixThat on the Sth day of Augvat 1026, at ID o'¢lock AAI.,.uid petamon and the proof of the exzeution of u i d instrument lrill be heard, and that if you do not than appear and contest,u i d Court may Probateandneon!ti mu ma ,stu!g n n t ldminintrntion of :hs ui ate to ldagrelc Ziegler. This notice shall be published for: h m weeks successively in the Enterprise prior to laid hearing. Witness my hand and official seal this 12th du' of July, l926..{SEAL)I. C. ELLER. 25-lt.County Judge. u .,._ NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION The eheton of Raul Dlstrkl No. 14.Wh*hinglon Gaunty,Ne b r u h ,are hereby notiiled that mon 'lhln ten nsident f n :hidden o f u i droad district filed lhdr petition with the County Board of W uhhgton County, Nehnaka, on the 12131 day of July 1926, requelling uid Board tu levy n speck! tax of one mill on REPORT or .THE CONDITION OF 'HIE FARMERS STATE BANK of Binlr, Charter No. 1542 ln the Stale of Nebraska at the clan of business June 80,1926. RESOURCES Lum and dllcounu . . . $334,983.09 ~10.77 Bonds,securities,ind:- menta and shim:(ex-dwve o f : n h r e wwe )85,894.25 0 t h ¢ r \ . i u t a . . . . . . . .89.13 Banking house fum! tum Ind fixtures . . . .20,Bw.00Banken'Conservation ~838.82 Dua from Nation# and State banks . 342,187.66 Checks and Items of ixchnzngu . .2,684.60 Cnh In bank 7,911.46U.S. bonds in mah neu:ve .2o,ooo.0o 1s,3auo TOTAI. . . . . . . .$a15.9s2.as LIABILITIES Capital itnck . . . . . . .S 35,000.00 Surplus fund 1 . . . . .7,B60.WUndlvlded profits (HHH 8,505.97 Individual deposits aub- jerttocheck .n04,»so.ss Time eertitleltu of deposit 172,721.76Sadngu depodls 83,048.59 C|shler's check: outaurndlng .-4,548.89 ¢65,ss9.'z9Depoai¢»or'a guarantee f u n d . . . . . . . . . . .1,22a.co 'ro1°.\1.......ss1a,ss2.ao NOTICE Ol`HEARING FI NA L s m-r L s ms m° In the County Court STATE OF NEB RA SK A! L al.Washington County.I Grant Inthrop, Attorney in Ute Matter of the Estate ofSamuelD.Bouvier Deceased:the heirs al law, next of kin. sievilues, legatees,creditors and All persona interested in the final settlement ofmid estate are hereby notified that on the 12th day of July 1926, Alice Bouvier the Admiuiatratrix of laidestate filed a petition in said Lbunty Court,praylng that her final ad- ministration aoeount filed herein be settled und allowed,that proof of heirrhip be taken, order for diatri- bution of aaeeta and assignment ofdower and homestead sight: entered: and the mid Admiialrutrlx ,g charged.lf you fail to appear before said County Court on the 13th day of August 1926,at 10 o'elock .A.M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grunt the prayer thereof and make auch other Ind further ordifhallowancesanddecreesastothis Conn may aeem proper. Witness my hand and Official Sealthis1201 day ofJ uly ,1926. (SEAL)I. C. z-:u.r~:n, 25-bt.County Judge. NOTICE UF' SPECIAL ELII{'l`loN The eiectora of Basd Distaict No. IS,Wuhingion County,Nelnssks.are hereby nctlfled that more than ten resident.f m holders of u i d msd distrlci filed their Pfiilicm withtheCountyBoardaf Wsshi:xgton County, Nehnnh on the 12111daynf July, 1926, requesting uid Bosrd to NW s special tax of one mil! on Tueadey the 20th dey nf Judy,1928, et 1:00 o'clnck PAL e!d d dev at _g=_;"'=== Front Door of the W uhin County Court Home in the City of Blair, Wuhingtnn Gear:- tr. Nebruh, eel]et public auction tn the highul. bidder for :nh the following described ret! State-to-rritz LUN 2:-22-2:-24-as in Block IB vn- hge of Herman, Washington Coun-ty, Nebmh, to satisfy one c ezteln mortgage on the real estate above deperibed which Il subject £0 I rimmg;-| ¢;¢¢ on uid vrmflH'in fever of The Nebraska Suze Building and been Auoc iltion of I-Wernlnt,Ne- bru kn in the prindpei m m of $2400.00.together with interestthereonnaprovidedinsaidmort- ng e .The plaintiff on the 1-ith day ofSeptember1925nbtlinededecree of foreclosure in uid action for thesumof $240000, together with in- terest thereon from July I, 1925 at 10%per annum and for costa of uid action in the sum of $14.55 mdd l eccruing costa,said decree of judgment and foreclamre providing that u i d premises above described be sold to satisfy : d d judfment and com in use the same remained unpaid for e period of more than twenty dey : from the entry of said decree, nd aid judgment and east; being unpaid and uid decree bein!still in run force and effect m d 0ur Repair Shop is manned by Competent Mechanics Coon WITH c. As The 0nly Sensible, Sanitary Method Cheaper than any other way BLAIR GAS COMPANY Our Price is Reasonable 0ur Work Guaranteed I Always Try Us First Arndt-Snyder Motor Co Buick Motor Cars bruh, ull at public auc tion to the highest lxldder for cull the follow- h r described m l e m u ,oomit:The East Quarter of the South WestQxhruu- of the Northwest Qmw- of Section 13,Tovmahip 18 North of Range l l E n t of the :sixth R H . Wuhington Gounty, Nebnaka. The plaintiff on the 14th day ofSeptember,1925, obtained a decree of foreclosure in uh! action for the sum of $1200.00 together with in-umz th ereon fro m Mueh 1, 1924 at 10% per annum and for eortl of .uid nwtrl in the sum ol $9.36 end all sawing c osts.mid decree of iwlsmvnt amd foreclosure vmvldluxthatu i d premises above described he sold to satisfy wal judgment and costa in cue the some remaiualunpaidfo r s period of more than twenty day: from the entry of aid decree, and uid judgment and oosubeing unpdd md uid decree being :till in full force and effect u i d premise.; will be sold to satisfy saidjudgment, the Entert!! thereon, the costa and all accruing costa as pro- vided by uid order and dan-e and by lur in such euea made and pro- vided. Dated this Nth day o! June, 1926, at Bleir, Nebnakz. 21-BL Maurice Mdlrema, Sheriff. AMERICAN LEGION,Hunley E. Hlh Yvlh No. nu m ua Grd Fri. Evuihl. |:00 s u m ' a n C L U Bl u i Friday of euh Month 4 1 .1 .m e h el ec i io n sh a l l b e f o r a i d s p e - d a l 3 0 1 ,t h e u i d C o u n t y B y r d w i n I m t h e n m .o t h e r w i s e th e n m e vi i i n o t h e le vie d . T h e d e n i m b o u n d o f u i d P d m l n E h c t l o n v m b e t h e el e c t i o n u m a o f n h l S p e c k !El e c t i o n I n d th e G e n m l El e c ti o n L u r e w i l l g o n m a s n u r g n m a y b u ' G i ve n u n d e r m y m m : n d l u i , b y o r d e r o f t h e C o u n t y C u m m i l l l u n - a n o f 'W u h l n g u r n C o u n t y ,N e b u l - k a , t h i s 3 » | t h . d a y o f i l l s . 1 9 2 6 . ( S E A L )A n n i e c . l l l r ' - i l l . 5 - l t .C o u n t y Cl e r k . as.Wahl glen County I I.R. ~ 1litc hman. of the abovenamed bank do anhmuly .wear that the above auleusent is n. true and cmnet c opy of the report made tothe Department of Tnde :nd Com- mane.R. C. Hitchman.Auiatsnt Cashier. ATTES'I': Petm ll. Nam, Dimc tor. A. B. Hitzhmnn, Binder.Subsaihed and u m m to before me this Oth day at July, 1928. John A. Carritlli Nahry Public. . . . . . , . . . . . . - _- . - . . . . _. . . .. . ma s B E UL A H z u u s z u Hin Bbulnh Hamm, and twentym e yura.dnughber of Hr.and Hn .Willilm Hansen df Orum. pls-led a n y at the Blair hrnpit-ldlui Thunday evenlng after in lll- n u :whic h hu been of long dur- ation.Hin Hanlen put in wo y ears at Boulder,Cnlondo in a :\\¢raa'| train- ing oouna but on wcy unt of poor l:e\ll.h ntulmed shout a y u r a n zo the home of her parents fully expecting to :fain tak: up her workat tha hospital in Bonidcr, but :he meer regained her health md h u been eonfineif tn har bed for hang intervals lm] at hat dllth uma hrralieva her of lnr sufferings. The funenl was held at the Meth- odist clnmh in this city on l u t Thursday at 2 P. ll. and Interment was made in the Blair cemetery. Besides lhe grief ntfickon parentsfive mister; :ml one brother are left to mourn the departed. BATURDAY c. A. n.md W . ac.hd Ind -ith Saturday Afternoon! r o a d di s t r i c t f o r t h e I b n !r e a r 19 2 6 , t h a p r o c e e d s o f u i d s p t c i d h v y t o b e a n d b e c o m e a p a r t u f t h di s r i c t r o a d f u n d o f u i d u n d d l l ! d e t a n d t o b e us ed e u i u a i ve i y I i n t p r o vi n g t h pu b l i c h i g h \ g y 3 I~ u i d m a d d i n r i d a n d { o r n o o t h a di st ri ct ,a n d i n u r c o r d i n c e w i t h . St at u te s i n su ch c u e s m a d e a n Nofrzcs 0 ?HEARING PRDBATE OF W m. In the County Coun STATE 0? NEBRASKA, W uh lllgzn CuuntyIna n tier nr the Esate of Julius Zhgllrbeoeaaed:THES TATE OF NEBRASKA TO the bein at hw next of kin, c mlftoa am. lo any others inleltsted in mid matter: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That an instlume1£ purporting to betheLastWillandTestanvenlul Julius Ziegler deceased,is o:;.file in u i d Conn,rad also n petition praying for the Probate of a i dinstrument., and for the appolnmenl of Magrete Zclgler u ExieutrixThat on the Sth day of Augvat 1026, at ID o'¢lock AAI.,.uid petamon and the proof of the exzeution of u i d instrument lrill be heard, and that if you do not than appear and contest,u i d Court may Probateandneon!ti mu ma ,stu!g n n t ldminintrntion of :hs ui ate to ldagrelc Ziegler. This notice shall be published for: h m weeks successively in the Enterprise prior to laid hearing. Witness my hand and official seal this 12th du' of July, l926..{SEAL)I. C. ELLER. 25-lt.County Judge. u .,._ NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION The eheton of Raul Dlstrkl No. 14.Wh*hinglon Gaunty,Ne b r u h ,are hereby notiiled that mon 'lhln ten nsident f n :hidden o f u i droad district filed lhdr petition with the County Board of W uhhgton County, Nehnaka, on the 12131 day of July 1926, requelling uid Board tu levy n speck! tax of one mill on REPORT or .THE CONDITION OF 'HIE FARMERS STATE BANK of Binlr, Charter No. 1542 ln the Stale of Nebraska at the clan of business June 80,1926. RESOURCES Lum and dllcounu . . . $334,983.09 ~10.77 Bonds,securities,ind:- menta and shim:(ex-dwve o f : n h r e wwe )85,894.25 0 t h ¢ r \ . i u t a . . . . . . . .89.13 Banking house fum! tum Ind fixtures . . . .20,Bw.00Banken'Conservation ~838.82 Dua from Nation# and State banks . 342,187.66 Checks and Items of ixchnzngu . .2,684.60 Cnh In bank 7,911.46U.S. bonds in mah neu:ve .2o,ooo.0o 1s,3auo TOTAI. . . . . . . .$a15.9s2.as LIABILITIES Capital itnck . . . . . . .S 35,000.00 Surplus fund 9. . . . .7,B60.WUndlvlded profits (HHH 8,505.97 Individual deposits aub- jerttocheck .n04,»so.ss Time eertitleltu of deposit 172,721.76Sadngu depodls 83,048.59 C|shler's check: outaurndlng .-4,548.89 ¢65,ss9.'z9Depoai¢»or'a guarantee f u n d . . . . . . . . . . .1,22a.co 'ro1°.\1.......ss1a,ss2.ao NOTICE Ol`HEARING FI NA L s m-r L s ms m° In the County Court STATE OF NEB RA SK A! L al.Washington County.I Grant Inthrop, Attorney in Ute Matter of the Estate ofSamuelD.Bouvier Deceased:the heirs al law, next of kin. sievilues, legatees,creditors and All persona interested in the final settlement ofmid estate are hereby notified that on the 12th day of July 1926, Alice Bouvier the Admiuiatratrix of laidestate filed a petition in said Lbunty Court,praylng that her final ad- ministration aoeount filed herein be settled und allowed,that proof of heirrhip be taken, order for diatri- bution of aaeeta and assignment ofdower and homestead sight: entered: and the mid Admiialrutrlx ,g charged.lf you fail to appear before said County Court on the 13th day of August 1926,at 10 o'elock .A.M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grunt the prayer thereof and make auch other Ind further ordifhallowancesanddecreesastothis Conn may aeem proper. Witness my hand and Official Sealthis1201 day ofJ uly ,1926. (SEAL)I. C. z-:u.r~:n, 25-bt.County Judge. NOTICE UF' SPECIAL ELII{'l`loN The eiectora of Basd Distaict No. IS,Wuhingion County,Nelnssks.are hereby nctlfled that more than ten resident.f m holders of u i d msd distrlci filed their Pfiilicm withtheCountyBoardaf Wsshi:xgton County, Nehnnh on the 12111daynf July, 1926, requesting uid Bosrd to NW s special tax of one mil! vuzxsnh PYTHIAN SISTERS , REBEKAHS an and Bid Tues. Evening. Competent Mechanics IS,Wuhingion County,Nelnssks.are hereby nctlfled that more than ten resident.f m holders of u i d msd distrlci filed their Pfiilicm withtheCountyBoardaf Wsshi:xgton County, Nehnnh on the 12111daynf July, 1926, requesting uid Bosrd to NW s special tax of one mil! Our Price is Reasonable19 2 6 , t h a p r o c e e d s o f u i d s p t c i d t a x s c r i b e d r e a l e s u t e t o - w i t : - L o t s N o . k v: t o b e a n d b e c o m e a p a r t o f t h e 1 , N o . 2 , N o . 3 . N o . 4 ,i n B l o c k 1 4 , diszict.r o a d f u n d o f u i d m a d i n t -Vi1l|.ge ' o f A r l i n g t o n ,W t a l i i n l t d n NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION The eheton 0? Raul Dlstrkl No. 14.Wh*hinglon Gaunty,Ne b r u h , / ~ Arndt-Snyder Motor Co Buick Motor Cars ...|t h e pr bo eb da o f u k !a p u i a l m x l e vy t o b e a n d be co me n p a n o f t h e di s t ri c t r o a d fu n d o f .m m r o m ! ~a n d t o b e us ed ex cl us ivel y m m p r o vl n g t h e p u b i i e h l g h w g y n i n a n d m a d di s t ri c t a n d fo r n o o t h e r d l s t r k t , a n d i n sce on lon ce w i t h t h e St l t u b e s i n su ch c u e s m u l e a n d PN W i< i o= L ad d B o a rd of Co u n ty Co m - m l u i o n e r a l l a i l i n g a n el ec ti on o f a l l t h e edeclaon o f s l i d di s tr i ct .l % b e h o l d a t t h e s o m e t i m e I n d w i t h t h e . G e n e n l P r i m n r y El ec t io n o n t h e w t h d a y o !Au g u s t ,1928,t o vo t e u p o n t h e fo l i o w i n g p r o p o s i t i o n . t o w i t : " S h a l l t h e B o u t ]o f C o u n t y Co m mi s si o ne r s o f Wa.n`hin¢ton Co u n t y , Ne b r a s k a , l e vy a s p o r i n l t n :o r n a e n n n n t o f o n e m i l l u p o n a l l o f t h e t u m b l e p r o p e r t y 'i n R g | | ]; D m r i e z N o .l s .i n W l.»\h ln¢ton Co u n t y ,N e b n d u fo r t h e H a u l y e a r o f m s , s a i s ! d a y o f A u g u s t 1926,a t 10 o'cl ock, A J 4 . ,a t t h e C o u r t H o m e i n t h e C i t y o f B l n i r i n u i d C o u n t y t o l h o w can oe.i f a n y t h e r e bo ,w h y t h e p r a y e r o f sa i d pe ti t io n er ,b e n o t g r a n t e d fo r l i c e n s e t o s e l l so l d sea* n t a t e o f m i d w a n ! a t p r i va t e s a l e . f I t i s t h e r e fo r e o r d e r e d t h a t n o - tlco o f sa id ap p li é a ti o n a n d o f t h e t i m e a n d p l n c e o f t h a h n r l n g t h e r e - o f, a s a b o ve fi x e d , b e g i ve n ¢ d * u 1 d m i n o r , t h e n u l r d i l n . H u e n e x t o f k i n , _ 0ur Work GuaranteedintprovingthepublichighwgygInuk! application. uid mad dinrid and {or no atherl Now,therefore,it is hweby or .I ~.~ >-- 7""'""""~~~~ ..,.»..> - ".---¢'~'* " " " '~ "~;T€§='v:..- I Always Try Us FirstSu n u m in auch cues made and minor and my and all mmm E n - provided, uid Board of County Com-bruised in her uid u tah, b e andmiuionera is eailinl an elec tion o!they hereby an directed to appear ail the electon of uid district,to before the Distric t Court of Wqh- ten nsident f n :hidden o f u i droad district filed lhdr petition with the County Board of W uhhgton County, Nehnaka, on the 12131 day of July 1926, requelling uid Board tu levy n speck! tax of one mill on ward:and the Court having hun! the u ma and being fully advisedinthepremises,and it appearing from uid application and the gmson {\ support thereof that it would beheneficia!to saiul ward and lo all penona interestul in her ac ute tosell for the purpose of rg! nrgatment 'l'he Enter-prlaefornnn. Fat men lh v l d take -#9 15~ control. l| (r¢ .Lue ianHaller vlllenbe » ebndppmyrruu. Birthday and eongratulatlonat The Enterprile office.13-tl Fred IIeunrmann of Arlingtonrraa a Blair ddtot la lt lo ud ly . Hina Ruth Br o e a wh o i a ~ ln; aummar achool at W a y !! wi l come home today. The Ed latthioaan fanzlly leaving this weak for a stay at th lakes in northern Iowa. lllaa Helen Bolt. who in enmlv in the office of county lodge? taking her vacation Lhia week. Loaeln and Hilton Rhoadeu a home from a tem of summer ~ at the mu unlven lty at L inc oln. Hra.Relnhazt of West Point rtlitlng lm' daughter,li n .I .Broaa and Hr.Brad of this c ity , ~Of ~| .| ve mln a tte n da n o e a ttlu l 0 0 picnic t l Omaha last Monday a report a very pleasant time. Levi Rhoadea,known ml "B lllmoadu camedow: from 'Tripp .ty South Dakota last Saturday a~ la :pending the weak vlalting ll parents,Kr-md Hn .Ja . Rhoadaa, and other relative. Kr. Jaa. E. llaher was taken r tlfhly ill laatrll| ,'ht at about I no'clocl:with a rt attack. prompt attention of a physicianthe effect of alleviating his auffe Inga and In la much better today. Mrs.Cora Badgerow and H1JtmeFletchersupervisedaplatfortheirSundayachbol:laura vga Baptist church at the toupark laat Tuesday evening.All tl u very happy time.f Hrs. 1. R. Smith lukmiltral to other operation on he : u e balllaat Friday ln Omaha andlt in || tls a tth la r vi llb e tln lu ta mi o ceuful operation aa It has ~ -har muc h pain and riorry. Hra.Benton Harah .of Den~ Colorado la rlaitlnl relntivenfriend; here for a number of . Hrs. lllarah la lmo1rn to Blair ph aa Min Halal Sutton and wrat one time a teacher ln this ooumt lin. Raamua Johansen entortalanumberoffriendslostHonda evening at ai.: o'cloek dinner. Th were present Hr.and Hrs.n . Oleson. Hr. and Hn. Holgonl J~ae':\, Mr. and Ifa Otto Kjollh a~ Mr. and Bra. V. Danforth of 0~ Hr. and Era.Henry Voss enoetained rs number of relatiwm ot dl ner lun Sunday.Those enjoying - hoapltallty were Mr. and Mn. A. Y o u and Ura.Bore:Jenall.Blair, Mr. and Ira. John 'foe-1] J and Sr., and Jeanette V094 of 31| lard, Nebr. Mr.and Hra.Claude U ~ and family of Gleudive, idontona a on their way, by auto, to visithraaka, their native state.Mm, c; Ililwa, mother of Mn. um reeeived word that they would a rlve this evening or tomorrow anaturally thare'a some excitement Mra. Hllton'a home at this lime. Myron Brock. ann of Ju.. nml ll A. R. Brock. will become o partthe Gtizcna Bank force £11 the future and will learn all there to know of the banking businenachu been Working in a Benson ba for s o m time and got his f l leno-ta In banking ln the Usdbank before going to Berman, mo familiar with :urself of the wo Miss Mary Cook,who hr lkfn lvl the Citizens bank alnoe the fail of the Castemr bank has real~ Her position to take effect August e.~r, 801, 30. 'ith St. ~fo r nu n . cell.aimmire,m n l amz. m m m b n h visited eoln Init weak. Nelghbon uaifmgum y, July 16 with Hrs. Bakhenhch,l'hD hin Unooh spent the a thmnnn has been mn- »1rl'|.h lumbqu but at pxuent.. .Insult is driving lcoach punaluuad last mason Chevrolet Co. R. E. Tilden is mov- to his nuidencu at~t.ha ve mls th en :2 4 - t f . r the Church of God fo o d u k a t th e Shop on Sltunday.za-1:. Slunden of Lin- vldting Mn .E u : Hdna and Hrs. this week. rs. Wm.Linden and | Florence Sunday :ndHanry Schmidt homg sorry tb ln:-:1 that ~midt'| bulth is in I ~n. lving disposed of my offering my fnne Jer-le.If ycu are Innk- MW tbl! 1| y orr up. .wil!.be freuh in of John A. Rlzoudesrise office.22-tf. e amd family left the last week ior Iowa ll spend n short vaca-°£ know 1\rhd.htr this railroad through here i n t ld while Chu.is as he hu had c harge at this place for a urs: Judge-»So you : k i m yen ro~ the nesiaunnt benme youstawing.Why dldn't you t l something zo oat baatead of lrot! thrc uh register?Prisoner--l'm x proud man, honor, an' I make: il a rule to - fOr what l est. Boarding House Proprilete11;-1 afraid I shall have to kivo youtice.\ou're not quite what x Cook -0h , mi nm!Am!I u I :tooel the bolnlern liked my c~ ing wr y much lndnei. B.H.P.--They do.Ih2l's I the troubio! First Movie S ur-Z ml y ou t Herman ,Sheik in the greatrsé |lar ip the world!Second Movie Star-Pah!W hu he ever done? First Movie Star--He has a myna zhu. la gqai in (rf\y alalv the Unio°1! RAILROAD ml? TAB Chicago and North Wcuelorn 'h ah a Ba li6:39 P.Il.Dlily except Sunday Trains W u!7:28 .\. M. Daily oxcept Suminy T:f5 A 1:62 P. 6:40 I)7:52 Af 8:16 A C. M. ar. M.M. 51. Sl.. P M. & o.Trailil Numb Daily except Sunfhy. Daily exclept Sunday. Da°ily except Sunday. Sunday only.Train: S-wth Daily exrept Sunday. | .1 |\ ~.i s n d d a t c m c h t o t h e w a r d r o b e o i t h e m o s t Id i o u s . o u r C l a s p - n r u u n d s , m a d e o f d n h u y s a t i n b r u - e s , w c », ~up p o rt- tr imn e s -c omfo rt and sty le in you`r' ring apparel.l'rlCcd rcasonablly nt $2.50-$3.50 (lcssard lront lac ing corscts llt benulihully into large woman's wardrobe. They give ihe longer ellec t to the stout llgurc .l¢nding racc and u 3 g n ~r e .P r i c e d a t $ 3 . 5 0 a n d 5 5 . 0 0 . s e t B r a s s l e r c s l o r t h e M i s s w h i c h m o u l d t h e w i n g f i g u r e .z l v l u g a b s o l u t e fr e e d o m t o e ve r y ? e m e n t .P r i c e d a t $ l . 5 0 e n c h . n v e a |Q Q rs l~eq ed of two -lor th e needs of th e more m u u r e memsnd ls designed to meet the requlrmc nzs of ty pes ol Hgurei.Priced at $2.50 and 55.50. Corseiktte for th 9 a ominal support whic h insures smooth and grue- llnes.liriced at $5.00. e extra giant having a spec ! I plete Combination--Satin bruc nde wli h Geor- te Step-ln--slim and grsc elul for those dnlnty ~rgette castumes.Priced at 55.00 have a ful! line ui Brass!eres iur all ilgufes. in to n, § | lk and Llce materials.Pric ed from sm L50 each. w. J. S A S ig Stare f The BIQ Reliabl The Enterprise for neva. Bieyele for aale.Call at Th En- terprise office.12»tf. Hrs. Tal Latluop 1| visiting lm' parents at Ord, Nob:. Dr.R..J.lhmloch and Iamily lett today for a vacation at Lab Oko- boji.° Hr. and lin. Glas. Hltehman re- turned yesterday front a ten days outing in the Black Hillq. Hina Louise Fenner of Omaha via- ited with Blair friends on her wrto Sioux Fdls, 'share she will spend a abo rt nq tion. Mn um! Hn. Oac-lr Hopkins andchildrendrovetoGrandInlandto use Hr.Hopkins'mother,at the Soldten'Home ut Burkm.They rammed Honday. Sale Ho lt Oo - ly e n ti r e houn- hold furniture including new kitchen m n -Private uh at house. 508 E.Washington Street, 26-tf.A.Carmichael. I l i a Gr a n le a d is home after spending the put year in California' where ahe tauaht at Avalon, Cata- lina lnlanda.She will return for another rea:-'a teaching there. Hrs.Jeanie Tallman of Fremont spent several day: last 'ltd vladtingat the h ome of Hr. and In J ohn A. Rhoadea.Hrs. Tallman was for some time 'matron of the boys' home at the liasonle borne for children in Fremont. llrg.Etta Bnandt and Atzduy Kelly of this Qtr and Hn. Tuc ker of Jefferson,Iowa started Tuesdaymorningfor Ainsworth,Nebr.,and the lauliea plan to go on to the Black Hill: country bafon finlahin; their vacation trip. Mr. and Hn. Eventt Aronaon and Iamlly drove over to Logan,iowa last Friday and vt:ited her parents, Hr. and Hrs. Baldwin, that dar belng hor fltthefa birth anniveraary. They also visited her alater, who ro- guidea near there.~ Mr.and Mn .George Meliaide aml son, Lyle of this :ity and Hr.and Mrs.Will Smith of Omaha lean the middle ef thin month for Read lt ri g ht in The Ea mon n . J.E.Campbell,furniture,m n ma undenaking.5-0-ti Dr.Layland States,Chiropractor. Fa:n:c_rs State Bunk Bonding.1?-tl. D. V.Blauer spent a few duyaover the weekend at his home in this city. ll.and llrs.Fred Relchmbaoh and family spent Sunday in Benson visiting thc lr daughter. C. x. Bendorf, licensed crnbslmsr ul under-t.sker, Blair.Office phones 181.Residence phones, 224.8-ti. Rev.o.u .uerioua m m ann: Qusrlxrly Conference at Uallsml and Lyons Tuesday evening. Misa vllagdalcne Drlmalsk,of Dodge, Nebr., was the guest of Hill Louise Rodgers over the Fourth. Airs. Karl Peoel-sen plans to dries to Sioux City Friday when she urll. spend a few days vidting lim. W Cheely. Hrs. Harry Sappc nfleld and dwlh ter,Ruth visited at the Ge or li Himiley home ncsr Calhoun on ?ls§ Monday.. Mr. and Mrs.. P. Munson of Oma- ha visited over Sunday at the hornsofHr.and Mn .Wm.Rodgers of cast South al.r¢¢L Rev. E. J.Hanc ock till preac h at the I'ree Mdhodist church everySundayafternoonat2:30.Everyonris eordinlly im:lted.21-cr. James Ryan, Jr.,of the Spiklr neighborhood was a Blair visitor on Monday and made a pleasant nal! at The Enterprise office._ Mlm Don Warrick of Colo;-mio, ll hu e visiting her aunt,Mrs.EllaTyron, who has been quite ill and is still confined 'to her bed. The work of grading on the Ken- na n i r oa d i s vwmwn s l! and .>_.lnil Lhe hi|.'1\\ay fron hcnnani t Ilair will be put to gram. Hr. and Mrs. Fred Kessler and children of Omaha spent.Sunday with Mr. amd Mrs. Caiffoni Krause.Helen Kessler ajcmalned for e few days visit. Mrs.C.L.Patterson,mother of J.E.Campbell,furniture,r u n and underlakin;50-ti lliu Edna lzxgeralev visited Oma- ha .shops lan Tuesday. Norman Tilden arent to York int Tuesday to vid! with his grandpar- ents. Hosea Wilson,(mln out on the Papio called at The Enterprise of- fice last Saturday. Hr. and Mn .Gilbert Hines had aa guest: Sunday afternoon. Mr. and llra. Grant I'ox of Florence. C. K. Bonded, licensed am and undertake:, Blair.Oftlc ep 161.Residence phones,. u m Ethel Baldwin of Omaha spent tlle'weekend Urilh her alter,ln. E. B. Aron:on and fandiy . Master Geyer Nielsen,son of Jena Nielsen,h u been visitingfrlenda in Waahingwn for the pu! severed daya Hn Hugo Hu c k, of no t of Her- *man spent Saturday and Sundaywithher daughter, Mrs.Kenneth Radnor and lmaband. The jointpic nic of the Wo:nen'a and Monk Chamber of Commerce has been postponed until a moreeonsenient dale and the worn~ will hold a special meeting to make ar rangementa for the same.at lhe call of the president of the Women'C. of C., Bra. Willa Jenkins, some ,lime in the near future. Mn .F.Reichenbach and slaugh-ter, Ines and granddaughter, Arlene Steele spent the put week P: Lin- ccln visiting the former'¢slate:,Hrs.Morris Reidxenbach and mo- f ther, Mrs. u. 1=:. McCoy.They ze- turned home Friday evening accom-panied by Hr.and Mrs.G.w. Reichenbach and Misa Gracla. I Mr. and Mm V .0. Grnvatt anal little daughter.Helen of Lincoln were over night visitors at the par- ental,Myron Metzlnger home last Monday evening,having driven up1,qbring Hrs. Graratlfa ai§Iler,.Miss: e q Metzlnger home.iaa1ois has been apmdlng a week nt the lc;await home. ~ra..n c ~ ,-Hrs.Burl Vaughn,who hu b een lust ~ n ~ a y ~or har hon:e in Idinneapoiia.. Mrs. Olive J. Srnlth. Misses Fran- ceo and Grace spent Saturday :nd planning to leave next Sunday lthai; house ear for the Black Hill-= eountn where they intend to ¢'=\5f'>the beautiful scenery and try thai. luck at fuhina for n month or six weeks. Mrs.Clifford Krause entertained three tabled of friends l t bridge Inst eve-ning.The lucky person for the evenin; wu Mn. Karl Pieternecmwho received fiht prize.MQ. H. J.Cooke ecelwd consolation and Mrs. Z. 8. Smith received the cubfor-ullprize.The hostess uened refresh ments nt the close of a plenum. evening. c m e a o f H r . u 1 d M r s . W . F . S m l t h a n d M r .a n d M r s .B .B .S m i t h . H a r o l d S t e w a d ,m a n a g e r o f t h e S t e w a r t P h u m a r y ,a n d fn m i l y l e f t W e d n e s d a y o f l u t w e e k b y a u t o fo r D e n ve r a n d o t h e r w e s t e r n po in ts . Th e y e x p e c t t o b e g o n e u n t i l Ju l y 2 2 l l r .a n d H r s .H u m b u l Ty s o n u n d M n . 'l 'y s n r r 's a u n t .Mr s . Th u s . S i n a i . l l l o f O m t h s w e n t t h e w e e k - e n d a t t h e pa r e n t a l ,M .E . Ty s o n h o m e In B l e i r a n d t h e M r s .F r a n k P i t u r h o m e n o n h o f t o w n . | v 1v ~ Mm] *4MM \I'1 .|' H Y g o l u a l l t h e t r o u b l e o i iw t m p : o ve r a h o t s to ve IUlnitt o ma k e p al a ta b le de s ser ts m m m m c r w h e n y o u m a y ir e ez c a c a n o f i r u it b y s i mp l y p u tta ng i t in a pa il o l ch op p ed i ce : tm l coa rs e sal t. t he n a m e t h a t y o u m ein ma k in g i c e c re a m , a nd le a vi n g i tthr ee hou rs?It w il l co m e ou t so li d la ln oz en , re al ly t o sl ic e li ke b ri ck ic e cr ea m.Th e r e i s n o c o o k i n g acus tar d, or al ia sin g i ng red ien ts , a nd n o t u r n i n g t h e c r a n k t i l l y o u r a r m is r ea d y t o br e a k. y et t he r es u l t i s qu i t e as te m p t i n g de li ri ou s a n d satisi ying.1s e t h e i c e a n d s a l t i n alt er nat e lay er s.Al er t t h e c an h a s b ee n i n t he ic e pack th ree ho urs . t ake it ou t. plu ngei n h o t wa t e r a n in= ran l.p u n c h aho l e i n t h e b o t t o m n l t h e c a n . a n d op e n , c u t t in g c a r e fu ll y a r o u n d the sitlc.cl o se l y u nd e r th e to p.N e wca n o pe n er s n ow on th e m ar k et :t c co mp l is h th i s w i t h o u t e ve n h m i n n t o t u r n th e ca n o n its side.B y Si m pl y t u r n i n g a ha n d l e th e to p \ ju s l a s y o u w a n t it t o s u c c e n l u l l y el td t tl l . a c y li n de r oi ir o rc n fr ui t . U n e ca n easily sec w h a t woul-.l h a p i f l h e edges we r e ia g g e d tI\¢l Jlt e th e fr ui t.L-* nf fr u i t a t al l m a y b e fr o ze ni n t h ;!asl li6n Peaclree ar e r le li -cious,a n d so a r e pine app le.ret! ras pbe rr ies , a pr aco ts an d g rap el rui l. T h e gr a pe fru i t wou ld , \} 1c wc 1c r, t1f°b:,hlJ're q ui r e a swc cl pr es e rve like tr a w b e rr y i a m. s e r ve d w i th i t . Red ras pls crri en mak e z par tic ula rly a|1pcti'zin;¢.¢Iessert.'Cru sh ed c an ned p in ea pp le. l uf t he way . m ali ce a dcl ig lti lul de ss er t a ll b y itself.l l o t t e ve r i l y o u r fa mi ly i n fo n d o f t e e c r e a m y o u m a y p u r -cl u r c a qu : \ r i o l i c e c r e a m. a n d b r a d d i n g th e cr us he d pi ne ap pl e h a vew fh r l c n t t o r o u n d a Ia m t l y o l fo u r i n s i x pe o p l eA n y o t the n-desserts m a y b ema d e e ve n m o re de l ic i ou s i f s e rve d stith _sttripped cream.On e \ In c s n t ne ed lre slt cr ea m fo r lh i s since do me st ic science ha s disc ove red eeartoratecl mi ll :ca n b e wh i pp e d lr. and Hrs. Hsnry Struvu spentSunday in Omaha. ` lllas Anna Anger-son spent uf- trll day s recently with friends in Gmaha. Mr. and Hn. O. Simonaon visited ll th e Harris Simonson home l u l Sunday. Dr. D. W. Ben has an addition to his family in the shape of a new Chevrolal. sedan. C. R. Bendorf, licensed ambdmer and undartaker, Blair.Offioa phenol ISI.Residence phones. 224.3-tf. Open #dl and datum work.Call an d d oo r wt of 9th I Nebraska Bla Wand and Raynolda 24-Qt John Schmaling left Saturday for Omaha after a woek's daf t withrelatives and friends in' this city. Hrs.Wm.Wllklns,who rosldaa caveat Wallington stred, has tnat rt her fine bungalow to a :oat of paint. Miss Gladys Fn in o f this city nt last woek visiting at the lgomeg Mira Hekn Lanes: of near Arl- gton._ 'n=¢w.a.c.k¢1uin¢t°==»r1um»ez with Hrs. Hlrmie Bupon Thuradsy, July 15.All members are requested to be present. Nu. Otto Allen if m-lung prepar- ttlon to make a trip to Manta.-la #hero she will visit har daughter."fm Howard Utttrhltl. Fm! Relchenbach drown to Grun- vrood ioat Friday to look' after theatop prospects on the Hrs. l{ather» lm Alliaon farm at that plac e. M m Chas.Hain and daughterEdith :tml Watson Hain, and daugh- ter Dorothy leave today for o va- cation tdp via automobile to Storm Like, Iowa. Henry Rowg L- having his largeaut porc h screwed and the family uuamticipating many plsasant hours' qua..aummtr resting and working out on the pouch. Mrs.Dale Fratt will arrive from Los Angeles, Calif» the latter Dar? of this meek for several weeks vial! amend a few days at Hot Springs811|o e l m a | |.. H n .C h a s H e n c k e lmt ar tm ln ed a lnrgve n u m b e r n f fr i e n d s o n F d d l v a ft e r n o o n a n d a w n i n g , t h a t d a y b e - i n g h e r b i r t h u m i n r n r y .H u l~tone at he home~ of thelz d~uglxter uul sinner,Hrs.Morria Sintmuo.mg family of welt South utrveet..\ There will be a public receptlcnfor Rev. L. H. Camp md Mrs. Camp ll e s da m e n L u c i a n H l i l e r ,D r .W m . H n l l e r . A . C .D e b e l , A l e x H i t c h m n , G i ff u n l D i x o n ,F r a n k C u r l e y .Mi ss L n u r a Ree d,M r .a n d M n E a r l H u n i i c a n d M r .a n d M r s .H e n r y Tr u h l r e n . D a d s a n d R u t h T l i d t n c a m e h o m e fr o m Y o r k l u t S u n d n y a ft e r a vi s i t w i t h n i a t i ve s .Th e i r p a n n t l ,D r . a m d M r s . R .B . Ti l d e n t o o k t h e m t o O m a h a M o n d a y w h e n * b w t o o k t h e t n i n t o D a w m p o fi .l o w :t o sp en d t h e r c m n i m i e r o f t h e s u m m e r w i t h t h e i r g r a n d p a r e n t s , D r . a n d N u . R . W .St even so n. T h e W .R .C .m e t fo r t h e f i n i . t i m e i n th e i r n e w qu a r t e r s ,a t t h e `a .» daughter,Aale~ Steele were Sun dny dinner guest; at the Jena Peter- sen home at Benlon. Hrs.Nellie Clements of Gillette,W;p.,io visiting her nlecep Hn . Mianld hiplett of this city,andotherrelatives:Lear Hermah. -She formerly lived in this county Ind ie making an extended visit. here. The members of the Lucky Fri- day club and their families held a nienlc lut Sunday ll. the Sulherlannl school house.Esery one broughtmel!-filled basket.: and a very pleu» out day was enjoyed.Around forty HBTE present.__ mah came Thursday to be preaant for the occasion and ramainud a fur days. Gel Acquaiuld for a dollar.Send $1.00 for a apaeial 5 mcntha' mb- acrlptlon to Susie!-the Weafa Great National l1Ia.¢az1na--ilu clean, up mdate monthly for the whale family. Sparetime agents wanted.Addnaa No.'N. Fourth St., San Frnwaeo, Califomia.1-u Jack Carrigan entertained at bridge at his home Saturday even- I eTl l e u d l y e ve n i n g a n t h e y a r e } e | . vh 1 g | 0 0 n f o r t h e i r n e w h o m e n t M c C o o k . N e b r . M i n M a r y P k k e i i Eeft.East F d - d a y w i t h fd e n d s f r o m St.Pa u l , Mi n n . ,fo r a n e x t e n s i ve t d u r o f t h e -'1'l mr~ vi sit t h e S u q u i c e n h n - i a l Ex p o s i t i o n a t P h i l a d e l p h l l b a - fo r o t h e y r e t u r n . M r .a n d M r s .F .Rni ch en ba ch a n d da u g h t e r s .M i n e s G r a c i a a n d In e z . mio".TI;e hall i.| much more enm- mmiious than the former meetingplagre and when the indian get uledFrozen Desserts for Summer fee!~hike at home n.The G¢ the new hall. Mr.and Mn .Hxrry Suppenfielri entertained Mr.and Mrs.ChrisWrich, Hr.and lin. George Hinll- !r3.Mr.lm'Bin.Waiver Snppen-field and Lheh-families at their home on lust Sunday.The cause JQ |n. »s' * €-5 ' \\Uv" ' T ¢ wg ,n ~' I i - for the gathering was the pruemofMissRuthSsppmfleldwhpis mending her vacation with her par- lnts.Mr.and Mn .Harry Sappen- f:¢ll|. II*_p * -,f.f.'-'.r.-§»;f..-6 -r ; : U I S . ; utln y 1 .Aq o c i a ti b n m e t n i ° ` 2. h e F .W . A n d i h o m e Tu e s d a y e ve n i n g t o m a k e a r - r a n g e r n e n b s fo r t h e i n n u l l p l a n k t o b e h e l d A u z w f t 19,a t F t .Ca i h o u a . F o l l o w i n g a n int er est in g;diwenuulon r f w h a t w o u l d m a k e a n a p p r o p r i a t e p r o g n m ,H r s .A m d t ae ry ed a d e - h c i o u f fo r t y - t h r e e p o u n d x n t e r m e l m w h i c h a l l enjognerl.T h e p r o g r a m fo r t h e pi cn ic w i l l b e nn n nu n ce d a t n l a t e r da t e . M m .w E .F a r n h a m .ve r y p l e u an t ly e1 t er u i. n e¢ l |n u m b e r o f l i t t l e ne i g hb o r s a n d fr i e n d s a t n p a n y a tt e r h o m e o n C o i fx x st r ee t Tu e s d a y e ve n i n g .M r s .F n r n h u m l i ve !i n a ne i g hb o r ho o d t h a t in h i u a e l l w i t h n n u m b e r o f k i d i l e x a n d o n t h i s o r n ~ . | . t h e y c o n e i u l a r e d i t q u i t e I p r i v il eg e t o b e M r s .I- 'a rn ha m'a gxnesls. Sh e ha ul pi ct u re s f m t h e m t o e n j o y a n d g a m e s u r i la s t b u t n o t ie aa t. *tive r e f r u h m e n t s su ch B.;y o u n g - t t e r n t m e .A ¢¢sp at ia l p r i vi l e g e n n u m h e r o f m o t h e r s o f t h e c h i l . \ ! V # ~( ~ uuuis : _ - u - u - n Violin for Bde.£5-1t.John Carter, 801, So. 'lth St. The Enterprise for news. J.a Campbell,aimmire,m p and undertaking.50-if. Hrs.m e nu emn ue h visited relsrives in Lincoln last week. The Royal Neighbors ueinngren will meet Friday, July 16 with Hrs. Fred Soil. Miss Grsoe Bekhenhsch,who ismending school in Lineol:~. spent the \{ e k ' m i n Bl! ! ! - Hrs. Gus Rsthmlnn has been con- fined to her bed 1ri'l.h lumbqo but is much better at present.. Bemhsrdt F.Inudt is driving snew Chevrolet roach purchased last week of the Aronson Chevrolet Co. Moving--Dr. R. E. Tilden is mov- izrg hirof fiee to his residence at6 0 6 w .G r u n t S t .L e a v e m l s = * ' ° = ; ; = 2 4 -Q The Indies of the Church of God will hold s fresh food ssh st the Jenkins Press Shop on Sstundsy.July 17,l928.25-lt. His!Florenoe Slunders of Lin- coln h u been vld ti n;Mrs.E u : Brandt, Hrs. Chu. Heins and Hrs. Geo. McBride this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Linden end family drove to Florence Sunday sndwaited st the Henry Schmidt home Friends here are sorry to ln:-:1 that Miss Irene Sehmidfs bellth is in s serious condition. For Sale--Having disposed of my psslune I sm offering my ima Jer-;ey (uw for sale.If you are Innk- irsx for s real now this is yo:r op. porlunity.She wil!.be fresh in August.Inquire of John A. Rlzosdesat The Enterprise office.22-tf. Chas. Ko-epke md family left the latter part of lest week for Iowa where they will spend s short vscn-tion.We don£ know 1.hdher this part of the railroad through here can be kept intact while Chu.is away or not as he has Ind charge of the station st this plac e for snumber of years. v 1v ~ Mm] f 4 m 1 \. .!;4 ll? go lu all the lroulnle oiiimnnax over a hot stove :ry ms: to make palatable deslerlsmmmmerwhenyoumayireeze a can of iruil by simply puttang it in a pail ol chopped ice and coarse sail. the name that you mein making ice cream, and leaving it three hours?I1 will game out solid la lnozen, really to slice like hrigkice cream.There is no eooking acustard, or aliasing ingredients., and \ jusl as you want it so sueeeniullyslldtpl. a eylmder oi frozen fruit.Une can easily sec what would '==_gI-Pg" if lhe edges were iagged nl roke the fruit.L-*nf fruit at all may be *Irozen m th; !as||i6n Peaches are deli-cious,and so are pineapple.rem! raspberries, apraeots and grapefruit. The grapefruit would, \}1owe\er,11I0b2hly require a sweel preserveI~ke Irawberfy iam. served slith it. J.E.Campbell,furniture,r u n and underlakin;50-ti lliu Edna lzxgeralev visited Oma- ha .shops lan Tuesday. Norman Tilden arent to York int Tuesday to vid! with his grandpar- ents. Hosea Wilson,(mln out on the Papio called at The Enterprise of- fice last Saturday. Hr. and Mn .Gilbert Hines had aa guest: Sunday afternoon. Mr. and llra. Grant I'ox of Florence. C. K. Bonded, licensed am and undertake:, Blair.Oftlc ep 161.Residence phones,. u m Ethel Baldwin of Omaha spent tlle'weekend Urilh her alter,ln. E. B. Aron:on and fandiy . Master Geyer Nielsen,son of Jena Nielsen,h u been visitingfrlenda in Waahingwn for the pu! severed daya Hn Hugo Hu c k, of no t of Her- *man spent Saturday and Sundaywithher daughter, Mrs.Kenneth Radnor and lmaband. The jointpic nic of the Wo:nen'a and Monk Chamber of Commerce has been postponed until a moreeonsenient dale and the worn~ will hold a special meeting to make ar rangementa for the same.at lhe call of the president of the Women'C. of C., Bra. Willa Jenkins, some ,lime in the near future. Mn .F.Reichenbach and slaugh-ter, Ines and granddaughter, Arlene Steele spent the put week P: Lin- ccln visiting the former'¢slate:,Hrs.Morris Reidxenbach and mo- f ther, Mrs. u. 1=:. McCoy.They ze- turned home Friday evening accom-panied by Hr.and Mrs.G.w. Reichenbach and Misa Gracla. I Mr. and Mm V .0. Grnvatt anal little daughter.Helen of Lincoln were over night visitors at the par- ental,Myron Metzlnger home last Monday evening,having driven up1,qbring Hrs. Graratlfa ai§Iler,.Miss: e q Metzlnger home.iaa1ois has been apmdlng a week nt the lc;await home. Read lt right in The Enterprise]lr. and Hrs. Henry Stnne spent J.E.Campbell,furniture,mf s and undertaking.5-0-li Dr.Leyland States,Chiropractor, Fannc_rs State Bank Bending.1?-tl. D. V.Blaaser spent a few dayaover the weekend at his home in this city. ll.and llrs.Fred Relehenbaoh and family spent Sunday ln Benson visiting their daughter. C. x. Bendorf, licensed embedsner srl uncle:-taker, Blair.Office phones 181.Residence phones, 224.8-ti. Rev.o.u .sterioua an d uunt Quarterly Conference at Ualland Sunday in Omaha. a ldlas Anna Anger-son spent sev- .aral days recently with friends in Gmane. Mr. and Hrs. O. Simonson visited at the Horrls Slmonson home lasl Sunday. Dr. D. W. Bch has an addition to his family ln the shape of a new Chevrolet. sedan. C. K. Bendorf, licensed srnbalmer _and undertaker, Blair.Office phones lol.Residence phones, 224.3-tf. 0P¢n #dl and cistern work.Call and door out of 9th I Nebraska Bla Wand and Reynolds 24-Qtand Lyons Tuesday evening.l J u Sch u I f a s tr a fMissvllagdaleneDrlmalek,of Dodge, Nebr., was the guest of Hill louise Rodgers over the Fourth. Airs. Karl Petri-sen plans to drive to Sioux City Friday where she arll. spend a fear days vldting llrn. W Cheely. Hrs. Harry Sappenfleld and daulh ter,Ruth visited at the Ge or p Hindley home near Calhoun on last Monday.. Mr. and Bra. P. Munson of Outa- hn visited over Sunday at the hornsofHr.and Mn .Wm.Rodgers of east South atrtlll. Rev. E. J.Hancock srill preach at the I'ree Mdhodlst church everySundayafternoonat2:30.Everyone'ls cordially invlted.21-cr. James Ryan, Jr.,of the Spiklr neighborhood was a Blair visitor on Monday and made a pleasant cal! at The Enterprise office._ Mlm Dora Warrick of Colorado, la here visiting her aunt,Mrs.EllaTyron, who has been quite lil and is still confined to her bed. The work of grading on the Ken- nani road is ilrofrteaeing ls' and o_.lull the hi|.°1\»vay fron hennani t Iloir will be put to grave. Hr. and Mrs. Fred Kessler and children of Omaha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Krause.Helen Kessler remained for a few days visit. Mrs.C.L.Patterson,mother of Hrs.Burl Vaughn,who has been visiting here for several weeks, left lust Thursday for hor home in Ildinncapolie.. Mrs. Olive J. Smith, Misses Fran- ceo and Grace spent Saturday andSundayinOmaha,visiting at the hcrnea of hir. and Mrs. W. F.Smlth and Mr. and Mrs.B.B. Smith. Harold Stewad,manager of the Stewart Pharmacy, und family left Wednesday of last week by auto for Denver and other western points. They expect to be gone until July 22 llr. and Hrs. Muahal Ty son and Mn. 'l'ysorr's aunt, Mrs. Thor. Sinot all of Omaha .went the week-end at the parental, M.E .Tyson home InBlairandtheM r ;Frank Pltacr home nonh of town. The Gus A.Rethmann family i. planning to leave next Sunday ltheir house ear for the Block Hill-= country where they intend to ¢'=\.lf'>the beautiful scenery and try thel. luck at fishing for a month or six weeks. Mrs.Clifford Krause entertained three tabled of friends at bridge lust eve-ulng.The lucky person for the evenin; was Mrs. Karl Petersenu-ho received Iiht priee.Msg. H. J.Cooke ecclved consolation and Mrs. Z. 8. Smith received the cut~lor-ullprize.The hostess served refresh ments nt the close of a plensnut evening. o n ma ns c t u ay orOmahaafteraweck's daf t withrelatives and friends in' this dty. Hrs.Wm.Wilkins,who resides onwest Washington stred, has mer el her fine bungalow to a c oat of paint. Miss Gladys Fn in o f this city nt last week visiting at the lgomeg Mis s Hek n Lame of near Arl- gton._ 'n=ew.a.c.knuin¢t°==»»~1umeet with Hrs. Hlnnle Bugwson Thursday, July lo.All members are requested to be present. Nu. Otto Allen 1+ ln-king 1»repar» ation to make a trip to Montana where she will vial!her daughter,"fra Howard Utterhatl. Fred Rcichcnbech drown to Green- wood lust Prltlay to look' after thecron prospects on the Hrs. l{sther- tue Allison farm at that place. Mtn.Chas.Hain and daughterEdith und Watson Hain, and daugh- ter Dorothy leave today for u va- eatlnn tdp via automobile to Storm Lake, Iowa. Henry Row is having his largeeast porch screened and the family asaamticipatlng many pleasant hours'urn summer resting and working out on the porch. Mrs.Dale Fratt will arrive from Los Angeles. Calif., the latter Dar? of this wreck for several weeks vialt with her sister,Mrs.Will Linden and other relatives. Mrs. C.E. Stoner and son, Will Stoner and wife of Craig were vla ltors at the home of their daughter atul nistur,Hrs.Morris Sirnonao.and family of welt South street \ There will be a public receptionfor llcv. L. H. Camp and Mrs. Camp at the Christian church parlors next Tuesday evening as they are leavlmgsoon for their new home at McCook. Nebr. Mins Mary Pkkell left lust Fri-day with fdends from St.Paul, Minn., for an extensive tour of the -'1'lmr~ vialt the Sesquloenten-isl Exposition at Philadelphia be- fore they return. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rleichcnhach anddaughters,Misses Gracla and Ines. und son Georze and wife, and grand daughter,Arlene Steele were Sun day dinner guests at the Jess Peter- sen home at Benson. Hrs.Nellie Clements of Gillette,Wyp.,ia visiting her nlece,Hrs. Minnid 'lh'iplett of this city,andotherrelativesnearHerman. -She formerly lived in this county and is making an extended visit here. The members of the Lucky Fri lily c lub und their families held nienle last Sunday at the Sutherlam school house.livery one broughnel!-filled baskets and a very pleas out day was enjoyed.Around fort; ue!! present.__ Frozen Desserts for Summer The Corset You Need ¢ Corsebs so made that they beau- tify and scientifically shape the figure to the new silhouette for fall.A choice of models and qualities to meet; every need. The Gossard Corset and Brassiere fllrd les, solt an d pliable o l scientific deslkn for slender women and gro wlng girls,ore made ol many dainty fabrics. pric ed at $2.50.These gar- me n ts nd d eto oc h to the wardrobe o l the most lastldlous. \ Try our Clasp-arounds, made of delnty satin bro- cndes, whic h are lightly boned. but offering plenty ol s up p or t- tr i mn es s -c omfo r t an d sty le ln y o ur wearing apparel.Priced reasonablly nt $2.50-$3.50 Our (lossard lront lac ing c orsc ts llt beautilully into the large woman's wardrobe. They give the longer line ellec t to the stout llgure.lending race and beauty and meet the needs o l almost every c os- tume.Priced at $3.50 and 53.00. Corset Brassleres lor the Miss whic h mould the growi ng fi gure,zlvlog absolute freedom to every? movement.Priced at $l.50 each. W e have a Corset Brasslere Combination whic h ollers adequate figure support ln one garment, ln- stea d ol two -lor the needs o l th e more ma tu re womemand ls designed to meet the requlrrnents ol' all types ol ttgures.Priced at $2.50 and 55.50. The Corsetlette lor the extra gtout, having a special abdominal support which insures smooth and greec- tul lines.#need at $5.00. Complete Combination--Satin lsrocade wi th Geor- I ~2|\-'A | . n fl|`.';:~. =f- I g v l ' ~ .I ~ 1 ~ f f m 1 c i I JQ |n. »s' * €-5 ' \\Uv" ' T ¢ wg ,n ~' I i - 1..|¢ l ~. ¢ i \ \ ~-1 ~ U 1 %-> ~.\! 1_ . . » 4~»~~ f:::» ~( ~ rugv¢-un THE ENTBRPK .mm A. ILHDADH.n J .__.a-.:'m.».<.» Na u .4 wnmuum I Vlllue. inrrrued xsom[SE H a i l 'AY m e of tht Noltheut Qurhr md the Nortlnan Quart:of the Nonlnnst Quart-lr of n, Tainuhlp 17, North m m xo,s m fn thu suaP.\|. Wuhinxion County, Nduuh. s m u h , i n h h z p u u k ' § " " ° w Nd ! " a n d r ere-f.»f'2»p e n n ! q i ~ W R P H Q vu mouon amy mme um mmmlkfnndhx; Ordan vue yrmcpd u Iollovn:To Bd.and An n Nleblnm !or\ N u l l ,lmpitwaaqhc m a m e = ¢ when then nn none.To Bmeqm W r for $24.30, :nor in uae ument vthll..n v order of e m Cwnzy o w n , vnsunuyu » v-- 1 vw - . . - . . -C n n n t y , N e b r u k a . h a n t h i s : h y fi i e d t h e i r p e t i t i o n i n w r i t i n g w i t h t h i s B a u d re q u e s t i n g m t a l n y o f o n e m i t l u p o n t h e s e t u i d va l u a t i o n o f u h h h p r o - p e r t y i n a d d r o a d di s t r i c t ~ Lots 1 to 8, Inc., Block 4, Ari-IIIIWSI Village. reduoad la t 4,Block 4,Arilnflon village, increasedLot4,Biock 21,Ariingten Nmu e . r e d ma*'l"\u D ¢ u J l h n n ¢ i l n n u u w o . u o ' N . s ¢ n . ¢ 1 1 , z , a , a u = r . . |4n . » f N. s s n ,¢ r s . a1 ° ¢ 1 =z o o m a s , a m : C i t y .: m o o O n l n o t i c n M y m a d e m d n r r i e d z o o m B a t l i i s d j o u r n e d t o m e e t Ju d y . . . a | - | 9 ¢m o nmsuxn xvsgv 1-umm li ve l y i n i m p r o vi n g £110 pu b l i c rin and m bc med exdulvely a n d w ; th e a ilin g of a apodzl el to 'mic upon uid p tion,NOW THEREFORE,Bc I t Resolved br tht Boanl ol Coun- ty Comminlonen of .Washing- ton County, Nebrukn: FIBST:'ma a ,,,¢ ;,1 elle» Lion be hereby called of theeioemn ln Road District No. 18 in Wnhlngbon County , Nelru- lra, at which election the elec- tor: of uid Road Dlllrlct ihsll vote for or lgtlnit the propod- tlon of making a #pedal levyupon nil the tunble property in ith! ron! diltrkt for the f inal y o u o f 1926. tho funds then-frozn to become \par t o f tio di i tdc t ma f u nd o f ma d i d - slid ram! district, and slid abovennmed newspaper being of gen- era! circulation insa.i¢! road dist-rict,and n k !County Clerk in hereby authorized m d directed to furnish the necessary ballots :nd auppiiea for the conducting of uid elec tion. 11\ i Passed end approved this 121.11 dsy of July,1926.Cherie:Nelson.~r tht Bfilfd a in improving the public high- ways in uid distric t, uid dec - ti o nto he h eld attbe s ame tlma u md u i d proposition zo tv votsnd upon st thu regudar pri- mary elution to be held on the10th day of August, 1926, and the regular election board of u i d nrimnry nletilon ihal!u tastheelectionboardfo r : d d special election: the general dec-tion lawn shnl! govern the com- alucting of amid speck! ehctlon un near an may be.SECOND:lf two-thirds of the votes out nt auch eiectionshallbeforthespeciallevy 'then this County Bain!will nuke said asset-iment :ml hvy | I .~|.w i l l n o t b e m o d e .T H I R D :B e I t P u r i h r r R e s o l ve d t h a t t h e C o u n t y C l e r k b e a n d sh e h e r e b y i n di r e ct e d t o g i ve no ti ce o f sa i d el ec t io n n t Ic o n !t w e n t y d a y s p r i o r t o t h e d a t e t h e n o f b y pu b l i ca t i o n i n T h e iihn berp dne.a n e w s p a p e r pu b l is h e d i n n l d co u nt y ,t h e r e Attenlz Annie C. Martin,County Cierk ~(SEAL) On motion duly made and carriedtheBoardadjournedtomeet July 26, 1028. ANNIE C. MARTIN,County Chrk. County Commissioners Room.Blnir, Nebruka, June 22, :sea The County Board of Equaiiution met punulnt to adjournment taken June 21,1926.All members being present.After spending mme time lqpetl- and csrried the following chmgesl mer! made:was Nwsa 1a-11-9. Arlington 'I`\\p. reduced $1905.00 1Lou 11 .Q 12, -13-119, Ari.T Twp.reduced 385.00ml of 1.0¢ ¢, we of 5, uma | 28.Arlington Village,ge-| duced 500.00 i ,I 28,Arlington Village,re» ducts]_lata 7 & s, Block 4, Glb&0!\'s Add. Arlington Village. ln- creasedLou 0 -& 10, Block 4, Gibson? Add. Ariingtnn Vilhge, in- creuedLouas,1211-9,Arlingmn r.oo.oo 500.00 500.00 mad July 12. mm Annie c latin, County Clerk : | |.0. U. ll¢Proud, Pastor 1 July 18th. 1926Brspeak!inviution me pu to rwill speak st 1 "Horne-coming nele- bration" in his boyhood community near llln h attm,K m.Tha Rev. Smith of Renaud and Rav. ArthurAdamswillpreachatthen g u h r invices next Sunday. Only 82 dan till Conference. Dol- 1u D ay i .| A ulu lr t18 t.h .' Th e l u t Q v r w l r Coriennee will be held that day.Last Sunday vu banner day of the mu o n in every respect.Donotmi n seeing your Mend:and sharing good aarvicu eaoh Sunday. I l u .a.H~B i a i r , N e b r a s k a , Ju } y I2 , 1 9 2 5 Th e C o u n t y B o u n d o f E q u a l l u t l e m m e t p u r s u a n t t o a d j o u r n m e n t t a k e n Ju n e 22 .m a .A l l ll3G!l1b¢Il b d n t p m e n r .Th e m i n u t e : o f t b l l u i t w o m e e t - i n g s w e n r e a d a n d n p p m ve d . O n m o t i o n d u l y m a d e a n d a r r i e d m q u e s t fo r r e d u c t i o n o f u u e n - m e n t o n 3 %N W K &N W M S W ¥ a f Soc.32 ,T w p .17,R .k3,E u £ , m u In je ct ed .O n m o t i o n d u i y m a d e * a n d c a r r i e d t h e fo l l o w i n g n d u e t i u m w e r e n u d e . L o t s z z I 21 5 i n 1 1 - 1 8 - Il ,B a m C i t y \ _ , s 2 o a o o L o t 21,B l o c k 7,W u h i n g t o n V i l l l f u ,50. 00 New Hbme Theatre PROGRAM __JUI..Y I5 I0 JULY zz S UND AY Lan Chaney in "THE ROAD TO MANDALAY" \\'i|\» Lniu Moran, Owen Moore and henry B. Wakhnll FOX NEWS. HODOEPOOUE mn SPORTLIOHT 4--Pie ce Orchestra--4 ~The FRI DAY a nd SAT. a n d SAT. MATINEE Mnnle Blue and Palsy Rlulh Miller in "HOGAN'S ALLEY" (iv-vat Alley Fight-~-'l`hc Prize Fight~-The Police Raid The Aeroplane Chase---The Great. Tmin Wreck and many other thrilling felluns. \/'MONDAY Anim Stewart and Edmund lawe in " The Lodge in the Wilderness" ALS O COME DY .¢ Larry Sc mun in "S'I`0P, LOOK and LISTEN! All A5f\nrd!I.|rr,\"s big 5-reel Laugh Spcesl 4--Piece Drchestra--4 TUES DAY Ralph lkwis nnd All Sur Cul in THE LAST EDITION ALSO COMEDY WEDNESDAY llu-rx Carey in "The Man From Red Gulch" ALS O C OME DY THUR S D AY 1-Ileunnr Ilmurmlmnn. Sally O`Neil and Ebml. Ray in "THE AUCTION BLOCK" ALS() COMEDY 26,1926. A n a i s C . i l u - t i n . C o u n t y G l e n L ¢......n - ¢ - 1 n l n h r ' h u h m n d u u e o u d d l u l i n u r n t \ h p a n » ! 1 l e la ¢ B 1 |k , N |b , u d » r \i»A¢¢dU un¢nlo! l.u¢h8, 1A'l9.. l v u v u b u s i n i v u i n u l i d d u ll u p m u e n u i .T h e u mo lu lmb - urban w ill he i w i m v nma nd m m w a u u n c w r n m u n r - \¢10I\u!Y.h¢!.ilI|)|§d!orl!!.b|pnb- lhhlnblnod!\»d;vthorvll\hnnb- gu ip t io nv illru r uinh lnx nn t lh c u m m m u m w m y m I-:mv lh¢l' ¥Nrmu |tun d|rn. mdLhn ttl» d u n u n m u l l a p n n l t ha u d icaatrletbnvoenthopubllsherlnd unhnulbu.- ' h h n a h h u n m b u k w h a i w o p q n u a n n z u d v f l l b e n l l w e b wlu r u n mf o r i t. l u u m n m c w u u m l n s u n u stheu k ; n x cbs bnlame of u i dpurchntp d a to I n p i d in c u ll upon mntiou by thu aboyn named Conn cd Una w\| .n1e. uma J u ly xc . mmHenry Ilrneke, 25-61.nfffm in Partition. comusslowxns nocxsnmcs .(Continued from vm ons) Blllr Auto Exehmp, Repilu,2.75 C. A. Fme eh. Ilnnllm »7-W H. ' r. uw, Lsb or,mo oP.J.l m m .mxn uln hm.n u n (m pc :Kuuh sum.D n u h l . 2 0 5 ° c. A. Langrwl. ana Qulrwly Salary,'a s mc m L u h r , u b e r ,l l ! Arthur Long, Mid work.12.50 John Lund. Drunlns.24.75 Mllle r Hu n k , B llt k lln llh W 5 ~ n u n !of Ho th en Pender:r u lflllhed A r h m R a m s and th !a m y Clerk irutmried w 3.-.w vrlrnn u fur n o wr mon th fo r : Il mondu bcdnning July 12, 1n|_ On motion duly mad: And carried u\u°|1°wh\,» raolnilom vu ua w =m= : s o w' n o N "K WHEREAS, numirmu Rllskmc lmn n- f n me u mmm No . la in W m-inmn Coumy , Nebrqrn , h m mu . n y mu - m n u a . Bam!their peddon nquenlng me the houruhry line betwum mm D i n r k u Nm la md M u f ¢nm»¢¢a no dnt the mme wi|1`bé the center li m of the countymul Imam:u Un " F o n u mh e Highway"w Lbs wut th e o fn l d wuniy,Lberdbg ¢,.| m,,, the fund of ad d Bo ld nu n-ks No. 1a w be und In the upkeep m d mnln uhu nea ol uid Pon- ';__j§]_ihn ||m,j And ;;.:';¢.; :inn workl f !luavuna lu ».1 _._fall to drop into the county nun-'paplr office md give the editor the glad hand and l ranl that is print-rd in some other place.in this, they hope to pei o bit of free pub- lldty but lhe c ounty scribe mu notborn yesterday and those him who vu.. unuq _---._.Clinton Smith, Dngging,13.90 1'ned Spdck, Dnzxirur.-18.00Standard Oil Co., on a Gu.285.27 Neal B. Thompson, Droggipg,5.-toCarl Toelke, Dragging.19.80 "font Construction Co., Grmrllnurhoe,193.02 "re ='~:-P ff=f'"£*1_'f1. f°:".1°ff.,.':.°'..'I:';:|>=i1»-== Hunk. Ropdn,9.00 --n u ulh l-.Dnnl umrk ?.50 o f I J u l y ~f f »1 -v u " .- - - Charles Nelson. . : _ . . . . _- r n . -a x .D I yuan. an.- ..---ment.lt e m :money to print . 1 paper and some tray we don't feelthatru no ht f or a public dftlco. state or national, flvee a man an!passport to brains or free publicity. Th !aYll1 l°toarn governmentthroughout the land naallaea that lf it lrlahea low inaunenee rated it moat mtoree lure and ordlnanceewhich keep the town clean from the standpoint of rubbish,dangerous hudldlng eonatnsctirn and all aortn o i fire haaanda;and that lt must have, ln addition, a adtabll waterly and fire fighting equipment.Ellis. aehoola are teaching clmildrm the danger involved ln the careless handling ol' flre.The gonenal pulr Ile has been pretty thoroughly awakened to the fact that our av-erage annual flra lou o f $5 por caplta ia the neatear, ln the world and a heavy drain on the resources of the nation. Ml8Col~lCHP"IloN DN POWER A farmer in Nonh Dakota aahd an oledrlcal enllneerz "When willNiagara Falla reach out hone!" Hia qllladon eraa typical of the miscon- ception regarding future develop- ment of electrical lnd wr y .Nla¢ara'Falla '!un§¢ha.¢only about We pea; cent of the nation'a elec t:tw energy.,lluaele Shoah,when completedandrunningatfullcapacity,will generate lea: electrical energy than one elude plant in C h i n n lf l l' eralae now.Of tin country'a water power, T2 per oent .le west of the Hlaalulbpi,while 19 per cent of the demand for electrical energy ls east. Some men have auggeetewl that allelectricity be generated at me mouth of coal mines.They overlook the fact thot:-..E l o c t d c l t y c a n o n l y b e ec on om ic - a l l y ge n e ra t e d b y : t e a m n e a r a | ¢ » . - a .n n n n l u n f n e r ;t n h v P n - A. A. wnann, from work,24.00 Claire Warrick, Runnin: Gnd-er,34.4so u. s ou W orks, oil.fo08amen Bertelaen. "wi work.:sooo Herman Bartllng, Labor & Sup~pllaa,18. Highway Maintaining Co., Sup-nwpllea,\238.-. Nye Schneider Jenlta Co., Sup- Farrnern Union Co-Op. Co. Sup- |)uQl| ~139.90 Arrnit Hdar., Supplies,5.15 A. H. Ballard. Managing PoorF a m,sono Blair Top k Tire C0| Repairs,8.75 Blair Telephone 0°. Rent itolle .2*55 iiurrougha Adding Mwtine Co. Service on Machinel.29.96 John w. Burcham, Dey. Sheriff, Expenee,~I. C.Eller, County Judge.Court Colll, etc.,l863.15 The Einterprlae, Printing,31,21 Pied H. Pawllnx. IIxpenre SpecialElection,3.9¢ H. C. Blaco, Com. Work, 1\l»Nf\¢l'ing Com. meetinge, mileage, 409.00 Cltaa. Nelson, Corn. work, attend-. ing Corn. meeting, mileage,350.60 S. w Chambera, Insurance Prem- lurn,~H. J. Cooke. Supplier,4.25 Henry C1lrlltem\¢lh Supplies for nwf-13.51 A. G. Clerk, Z-Ixpeme Sp'-¢iol Election,City of swf. Light a globes, I'red De Weber. Supplies for a P 9 0 5 I ` n r n h e r ;H a n i \ a r ! ' .S u p p l i e s , F a n b e l 1 \l l a n l e r n r e ,L a b o r , & Supplies. Frye Mfg. Co., Carbon paper,Huffman General Supply Co., Supplies.11. C. Jackaom Cllr.. Dist. CL. Salary i Court costa,ll0.00Jenkins Oil Co.. Rcpaln.1.25 K. B. l'rlntlnlr Co., Supplies.28.11 !~:»-in C. Jensen. Care of Poor,7.50 7.00 13.21 20.00 a 1 .TO llnlb a.oo :ro Allest:Annie C.Martin,County Clerk.{3EAl On :notion duly made ans! carrie the following resolution was adopteRESOLUTION WHEREAS,more . than ten reaident fre-eholdere of RoadI3ist"ict No.14 of Waahlngton County, Nebraska, haw this day filed their petition in writingwith thi: Board requesting that n levy of one mill upon the actual valuation of taxahlo pro-rrrir in aald Road District be made for we purpose of obtaining funds to be need excluaiweli in Improving the public high ways in aald road district, and requesting tho calling of a apecial election to volt upon nail propoeltion,NOW THEREFORE,Ile 11 llesolvefl by the Board of Coun ty Commissioners of Wnahitik ton County, Nebraska: FIRST:That a Special Elec tion be hereby called of tluelectors in Road District No. 14 ln Washington County, Nebraa ka,at which election the elec tore of said Road Dlntrlcl. alta] vote for or against the propoaitiun of making a special lev upon all the taxable property l said road dlatrict for the [ian year ol 1926, the funds therefromto become a part of th diatdc t road fund of said dial1"let and to be und exclunivelyl improving the public highway in amid district, said election tbo held at the aorne time an an eald proposition lo be voted up on at the regular primary election to be helrl on the 1017: da ol' August, 1026, and the rem: lor election board of eald pn mary election :hall act as th election board for said speckelection:the general rleclio law.:shall govern the cunduci ing of aald epeclal election 1 \ ) l l q g w | | l | | | J \ ]U s y l l u w l \ \ . |o vawrytonofcollbumedinan electric light and ponor plant 400 to $00 tons of unter must hepumped to oonmlesule the steam that driven tho big turbines.Boat coal mines sm not near water. Tho longest diltnzsco which elec-tridty c an be tnnnnitted cconom- ically over 'arlrcn at present rad compare favonbly with !ocaI pow- er, is approximately 300 mils. Goat of genenting elvetrltity i tonly about 20 per not o! toni bill. The other so per c ent ll c an ofdelivering service from power plan! 4 -o h -- . . | - - . - - nna 0'Hlmlou, C°Atty., F21- Mauric o ufhnm-. shmrr, Ex Jmnoa zz. mmr. Appraining if expense,J. Moeller, Suppliu for Poor, Miller Hunk, Bladlmitb work. 53-50Hn. Wm. Moore. Can ofsick, 50.00 Nebr. Sc hool for the Bod, Eijpenn inmate.1.50 Nmh sm. Store. Supplies forw r -0000 N. E. Noyes, nunzf,.m o mm H. Olson, '="$=n=n»¢ SpatialElection.0.00 62.80 52.00 10.50 20.50 near as may be. SECOND:Il'two-third:of the votes om at,auch election:hail bi* for the special llvy then this County Board wilt make md asseasnnent. and lavyul requested, otherwise the some avi"not be made."THIRD:B0 I t Further Ro- aoiwul that the County Chrk bt and she hereby i l ulileclod Inj v c notion of uid election at lent twenty day s prior to thedatethereof,by publication In The Enterprise,a nonspgperlnubliohedin. uid oounty . thou! g m = = : : : I. Lett cha: the con: u l u l :\ ulvwuawa a -- uN O T I C E o l P . \ n 1 | ' r m : <S.| \l .E W i l l i a m J.M a h e r .A t t y . N o t i c e l l h e n e b y g i ve n t l u t a n d e r In d b y vi r t u e o f l d e c r e e m d o l d e r o f s a l e e n t e r e d i n t h e n m r m C o u r t . o f W a l h h g t o n C o u n t y ,Ne b r as k a , u n d e r d a t e o f J u l ?12.1926,i n a n y n M uO m a h a P r i n t i n g C 0 . R . C . S t l \ n P . 5 3 T h e P a m ,S u p p l l t h q u o C h a n . R u p e r t . L a n d i n g G r a d e r .2.00 R . H . R u m u u e n , W o r k C o . A : - n u c f l O f f i f f f 92.00 3 .u .Sp i ke r ,r m .u n e .40.00 St e s n r l . P h a r m ac y , S n pp l i vl h 7.20 0 | - l n s m ¢ 1 = \ m . D u n n ._.sn Sw In P ri n t i n g C o . , Sp e c i a l L IO C Z be i n g n o n e w s p ap e r p u bl i a h e d 5 l i d r o a d d i s t r i c t . m d m i d n b c n a m e d me w n p a p e r be i n g o f m e en ! c ir c u l at i o n in s a id r o ad d i a ri c t .a m i s l i d C o u n t y C l e r k he r e b y au t h o ri z e d m u l ulirltdu t o f u m i z h t h e .n e e e u a r y bal k! n d su pp li es fo r th e cu ml uc ti l o f rl i u l u h ft i o n . _.L p a p a ;u n c u , n n u w a l u u v v J v u m u c u - u v u nplement. o i re finement to the o ne - - u i - r a= The Corset You Need Corsets so made that they beau- tify and scientifically shape the figure to the new silhouette for fall.A choice of models and qualities to meet; every need. The Gossard Corset and Brassiere fllr d len s o lt an d pliable o l scientific dealkn for slender women and gro wlng girls,are made ol many dainty fabrics. pric ed at $2.50.These gaz- me n is nd d ato uc h to the wardrobe o l the most laslldlous. \ Try our Clasp-arounds, made of dalnty aalln bru- cndes, whic h are lightly boned. but offering plenty ol s up po rt- tr imne as -c o mf or t an d sty le ln y o ur wearing apparel.Priced reasonablly nt $2.50-$3.50 Our (lc saanl lront lac ing c orsc ts llt beaulilully into |\.2 I ' :' ._~I ....i i 4 1 1 ' 1.I~ f I II .l.|'| ia 11 'l I Your Chqice of .Firaish?s _q Several Priceslrlill In ||r|.ll.hli d \ | ' l l n w w UM- mum..' t s :'::"' ;||'g"|.|l|Iru1¢|| Ill! ann1 : ! : ' " F ' ~ " : : * m } ' ~ m e ~ . , . . . . , . ' ; . . . . . ..°~"Chrlu Nollnn....Aa = /" ` \u n ann wnuaco aruuenen vt ar.,ueps. w luuln..........., ........__aw defendants. I, u .nfene ia .par-Gravel,10000.00 Clsdnnaq of the Board.E'Lilian in nm ac ti on . win an vm-l¢\er 11.T;.=un.Auendinz Com.A\I¢»1='§ nay. the 17th day of Aurwt. 1926,f meetings, Cpm. work, mile-Annie C.Mln i n f E"it! Rh f'n|nh f'|»\\r I Qi i \ . \|.um anon r. u, nw, u~¢ q-1...-,.,=.ln( house lnutrd upon the pnemhen On mzllan ¢lu\y made and cordedherddhltvr duerlhul olfu' hx nlr Quarterly "UDOYU were nmlvmlthe fnlinvring deevrfbod nd esiatnfrnm em ldluwfng wlliaverx ru!a¢~wn=--mm.: on nk: County crm. Uoun\yThe "M 60 u':| ol um Weil Hail ludge, Sl\!riH_ Clerk of nm. Conn. |=' \/ " 'The Enterprise §on motion my ma. mn! unw-me f»1|..w|m¢ fwluum wm-`¢..|.,,|¢.|¢ ~Y ~' w . m g >".'i IL".;tm ! § nvhlext freeholnler,of Rolf!illllIIIlmNIIIIllIIIIIllllIIllIIll\IIIIll!IIlllllllllllllllIIIIIII\Illlll\l\lIlIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIII"IllIIIIIIIIIIIllU1IIIIllilllll|||||l||l|||I|||,_ _,...._ _ _ _ . _. -w *. .~,,.. ff.1 / |-m m nnm ,m m _..nun-. N¢um|n. July 15, ms Blair, Nebrub, July ns, mc r ~ ~\~',A n m u n n . \ ` ~HOWDEN SMITH F"~i?"'comuan?(L, nw.vmn. anownm smni "\;l|l|l|||llII|l|||II nluulmlmmmlml ml||||m|mm|mn|m|\n|||m|m|:mnnlmmmlmlrmmlnumlmmmmlnnmmmnmlumnnn|m|mnn|m||mn1 mmmmmmn mul an||||m||||nu|||||nmlun||||mn||nnmmnlnu||nv==~ N e w C u t P r i c e s T h r o u g h t h e M n ~~ ¢3, u /.1 _ 1.,f<f '$'Ponsro 3 BELLO = World-liarlld. Daily nad Sunday --$6.00 The Enterprise ----1.50 Total *A _$ 7 5 0gBom lor $6.10 . oh s 8l i ve r, w h om D ub ! c on du c ts t o5h u m .llobarf.me nu n r n n ln m : f f l ! 4 S p a n i s h l r l f u a w h o 1 |g i l l ! ! i n l a t h e !Ca lico 0D ol no i\ .. : " ? : a n i n t o d u N u i : h o d u l l - D H= Omshs Bee, Dliiy and Sunday -$5.00 The Enterprise ° ----1.50 ._.Tumi ~-$0.511 Bash for ss.oo zo ~w a ll L im 1~ th e "Ba nd a na s" C H A F I R V I I . - - 0 ' D ¢ |a l l l . : m a n ng n o p u n t n r t l c l , w l t h h l t i n I -r. a r e a n na l n ul n n Sh i r .I nt n I a !n r t l a u l a n o ha r »Ro a rt a nd P o u r l l f l o £0 r i -a i l l ) Y U M . t l V I I I . - - l u e h l a U l n i o l nil k : . i l t h e W a l l I n di a , l qi l lf a m tl . a l . l |r n ! ' l - n l l u l l o l . b e g i n t h e a n e -yw o f a f a n a nd a m e n ds.T h a I l u l lm n l a m a h u n d : t o r t h e n e o n aur w il l t he t re a su re : hi r R l i n r l l l !h u t l v x b o u d t b a W u r u . C 8 . |\ . P t ¢ l I L - h i n t C o l l i n thoca n u sa ,ha l P i t c h enormous¥'. i'. 1.'%.° '£3 ".1 T : ':'. : . ' : . . . r r E 3 3 6 t h n a n ! n f l . ;l WH. .LXIABXI Llvyer Offieel ave: Suze Bank m-xr, Nomu- X|n..xk"¢O may." 1Io put his the ma mmm: Elurad b o r . m d I n a r r a t e d 1 0 | 0 0 I M u l l s n l h i r h l c h h l r u n b l o t o b a n d h l s g m u m t o h h ar m .A c m a t o m e d a s | s u l o i l u r n fs n u t o c r n l l c d l l c l p l l n a , n w a s a n f c h l l o u t o ~ c o n t a c t 'Qwlz s ua f d y a ww: GL 1 la mrw." he annrerod. "D0l| l btlmrf'"No, 'th an ivuur aboard." hi nt nrnllotrtd ha m d n y g n l o v u m m e a d s . :lid KL I - d w"That will ;n1n with f l ! !°°Pr¢ehd;r. captain." r TEACHERS' EXAMINATION DATES Saturday, July 24 1926. Mabel Mania,Co. Superintendent. BLAlR LOSES T o MERCHA1\"1'S The Herchmrta :parted out intothel a d of the Elkhorn Vadhy league when they visited the Blair dinmund and won a 4 to z dvedxionovertheI n t y u r champions.As f l i r..ou t a n ad eq u at e a n d l n ai gh t, "r r tu r ne d m r g r e a t u n d o ." N e v g r thr eat en n n l e h y o u mu st .ch e va l lc f. a n d t h u : s m i t e w i t h | s u r e a i m . " °'! an not who hs um wnat youmay have un hlm.*' cdnl Flint, worl- lng himself Inln a fury."Ya ha' in- troduced four ztnngen into our midst Krupinsky foil out another Len Bremen cluding the nl "That will dv." said my neabmneloil nu nm. level valet.nc Fun!opens! and shut lil! qmlh npldy srluwqt l sound tuning £01152" I bar ptnoaalulu,e a p u l * n me d my redonbuhla relativa. C H P r z r n x . - 1 ns l ls y u o r s l s a n . f u n u r . . . . ' : : . : ' m 1 . : ' L ' a c '\l o a n o i g g l l a l D D o n \ \ l I u lg g n u f 'n " " " .0 sa t n u g n u .l n . u y r u o u n .m l : M u n J n '{L1 .'?» '}' tho C H A P T E R X l . - i i o l r l 0 D a ¢ | 4 ! 1 1.t u a l ) t t n t u fl r . .'g . . .g,¢_mu z o le e s p t Ho b a r t n l P e t s : a s| , ." g g l r , u i s n n l I l l g g o m l u l l .H u f f ! !I n n s O f b o n o l l .| |g h .gf ? ..|g | | , ¢ . | » | , | "|IPI.a l l b l f l l l * P i l a r l l b n g w m a c o m m u n i s t 1:h e v u a b l e t o mu l t é b a m m - : m y o r t h e !o ' c l h t o n t s t l u u n gn 311|be l t l l f.F i l a !. , » . A 1 '» ,fo l l m n d 1 1 | I q u a r t n m u t e r l a l h l | ! a b 'd s l d l O ! t h e P ° ° D »I n d l .mi m a t b l W d r l t l t o a n n a b y a n d n o m r p l a y !!Il n o s s u p p o r t i t . N a n n y . Cu r a q m a l r l w n l i l k n o w y n u g tr i ck s !N a y I I n f o r n Umshn Bee. Ilhily and Sunday Pnthfinder . Snzundny Evening pad . The Enterprise a a ~All for $6.15 S-100 1.00 2.00 1.50 $9.50 u'0fm.11m:.1, Dnilylmd Sunday ..s`s.oo § THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED.YOUR \'0'I` Pnwmffg. Augual /0, 192~ Vote for Bernhard F.L RepublicanCandidale /ur County Attorne 29 Yun of An Wil): Sevtnl Yun Experlrn Attorney e§5 § §52 §==E= = = ieTHE ENTERPRISE Blair's Leading Newspaper Gives you all the latest local happenings of the comm unity.Its columns are full each week of the doings of your neighborhood and county.lf its wo rt h publishing you will firid it in The Enterprise and what you find there will be. entirely authentic.' W e invite you to join the rapidly growing family of readers of ,this periodical and in order to makethis easy we are offering the following clubbing offers which are open to new subscribers only. Take I-idvanlage of lhls Offer and Save Money ~J * s ..n g " P * ) - \ - i n ~P w k q d " m m a u n | ~ / boy will ba makin; ugual:to you from the tarboard lldler." Dtrby llr.~(i||w'|inning topknot tlly.5sua u as u. mls company in the :nation of m,1.e|!o:tr, |.nd_i fl- .h l h e r a n d c a m o t o n a n d b e t w l x t Pe t e r a n d m r . of our m~any .""x not nwlnlu the Hgh! of my other lc toil me what I dm! or shall W u r d a r ": fu m b l e d th e lr l a h u m n . II u g fg m 1 .|w i t h H o l m o n h i s a r m . tu tc i u n lnmy r s e l.' n m n z a l a u i E§§E5§ a ==2=§ lulu Homuwnd --.L00 WorldHenld. Dniiy md Sundly ..$6.00India Home Joumal'----L00 Pumhlinder .....1.00 The Enwrprbe '''''~1.50 Suunhy Evening l'.»»L ...'LW Tuul ___$359 The Enterprise ......L50 MI for S625 -Tuul ...Sumo ,All lor $7.85 This offer will be continued through the month of June.Get in while it is yet §'~ `-Au for slo.oo §.'§ You~ths Companion .....2.00 5 l § The Euzerprhe ......1.50 §.¥. _§ Tuul ...sumo E " ' * l » ~E JUST SEE these Dressés will realize that the savings effect by buying now a worth while.A wonder lection of models in allthe of the summer's favored fa §l §. time. . Get`a year's reading of high class periodicals ~~-~§ Mfg T C H T H E E N T E R P R I S E §§The Milliner ummuluunulnnlliumml|||||||n||11|mumu1||1|||nlnmnum||n||||||uumnnml|lnmmunln|Illmmumlummmmmmlnlllllluuulumuunmlnlnlnlllunmmniuuuuiiuns|||ummnummm|||nnummlnmnmmuml|||u||||||m|n1E mmm||||||||mu||||1|mm||umm||||||||||||||||lllmllnm ;" '~ "~i ,:.."....=»L.1,,;, r e .1.¢,,,§§~.._>_.`..(.,».,;,,. 0mnhuBee, Daily and Sunday . Pic tnrinl Review .. 'Sunset ... Youths Companion . $5.00 1502.502.00 I .0 .\. I o w a I l n m e e l e a d -2 . 9 0 Indies Home Journal 1.00 The En'erprisn »--1.50 Tuhll $9.50Autor $7.35 a Lund lhat kfiied mynlevionlly at mc.9 s u l"Come up, Darby," 1 1|,u"|New ld BON!! ll Bhppln. am he shook hu had viovfwilr.ln :bg world?But bore coma John na I rmued to nu ulde.1 :nd the cap'n now.ra better be aklp- °'\\bat ll ailing you?" 5 una.NU'""S o m l trouble In the whole of Ile alld down lhe ladder as he looks, creation,"he returned in l b a n and I rejoined iho :Nun about mr plnin ha ve be en m a n u a l h c t o r l m c u m i n :m e a n r m t h e t n u u l t u t o r e you -- ~|h t e l : n o w : n i t s y o u r c o n - n n l m c o fo r d l vl n l o n , : w o r d i n g t o t h e te rm s wh i c h I o r l d m t l y | t l |m Ia t l d . " I f l i m r u ' l I n t w o r d ! n m I n t r a d / ¢ H A ! ' l ' l R l l ! - B u r n ! u n i a f u n nu l m n vl si u the Dr me w d n u n .announce : his Intoulca ol ma rryingshor t. by t orn lr n oe nl nrf yf° =°-a s m m a l u n h i n t s .' t h ut t e r yll a ri ua .Peter C o r i n r lll lll tlu n s e o p m n l r i a t R o h n 2 : l A r 1 ¢ l \ l v. - R o n a n u l : M a u n a3|: g p m a br ls .I l u r n y .w l l ll o u !U s u a l ! n n D a r b y K s d r s w .u s a l s o t h a n .O b a u a u t w a h o r an l i n b r i l a l l l . C H A I F T I R 5 ' - R o h n n u n a b l i n dQ l h l u r .'Th a fl l l o fl b l l u d l s n ' g gl h t n vi i h I m m l i t l i t . h u ! R aIn a !c l l t l l y d l l l l k n n l ( Io a n h i m . (. '| l Al " !" l V ! - U n n o n i J i m agy" |$|'E:».""' urn *1"»L'.'2IIf"i?"?»?§'.'»,n e a r .u ' $ ~ . / ' m n n m n s l u t ; I t h c h o t o f l B p n l l z h u o u t t a n h lr h o w i l l a n - a n e m i a w i t h a l .r u a ? Mickey t u the find run. f | T* F1 V*. : . ' . . ' = . " r ' : l . ' : . ` 5 I £ . : : ~ ° . E ! ` T 'In n f h . 1027 thin; you'd do. Hum:~ ~ at-lsmpt to muh mr Into hdlnlng mmtmadnd thousand pound: hadma as nm filenefa 5;, a . E they succeeded."How-how muc h!"uc. ~um urny, in the Rn mu ~n ani ~iongest hit ofson followed r .1 .u m . I n e ve r t h o u g h t t o h e a r y e z a f n n l su ch im p ud e nc o o n y o u r o w n deck."` I9 pirate »\='g_'ur-; n . r .': '.' a:° ';: ,:: .'z ::" 'a.°°";1nina.lun; 1| an ard='n\m.%'f€'. c lu rn n n. -- rm: a n Ho ba rt u ln ukod, almoot fe\rfull;. "Bonn hundred mu u m - s u mthousand, nlne hundred ans! ninetythe Dwmda In colnmnd bullion, withoutommlill a tht!! as Jenin and three the!!!of plate,"ro-piled my great meie promptly."You wilt note thatl"!| uo fnrund our peopll ln nm a S a n t l n i m a Tr l n l d a d w i n e x p e c t e d t o u r n . " A cu n ni n g l m k cr ep t i n t o ¥'li n t'| h o e . vidon, matting za them all ln excel! In remit ol th , d n t place w~ . u m a the l lBendv u b ~\¢-hun ( u e 'mln Elklmm s\m¢ out Sn f dub. Dnrhy lquiuted lldevlnyi nl me."While: they fear him.And than ;| | . lnvh ¢l| th| r | :lm| .l§otln¢-Bu!I'!.l be suing vhs: maybe ru be mmh r m n .Ian ye found me c lean: mm: maid am wan! to the Wha!| °|Held with ye.i l :mm. l1.n'£ lhl mf »' u» Wm r mi: mia aN u vo !ron't forge: lr, C\pn Yur-ny. slr."!Hy gmmnc ie unmea to um win thostu adowo tasmlleonh lgfng |"I thank sou. Silva." an acknoilédnd blsndli "1 vru confident :rw ~sn;.under,"commented Prnt. "J | . I llnt so."Mum; nodded slowly. wanl m o n t pe o p l ~ d r i vi n g t o B i n ch a n t s i n th e i po si ti on . F o l l o w i n g is Ji p p l I 5 .. Sc h e ffi e r ,2 b . Je n s e n , If .. V a n D e u n n , Kr a u s e ,c .. L u n d t , S b .. Sven gaar vd,r l W s r r i e k ,2 b . uln c ld fid i nd rummrnt Irom theIrishman:and tn mr amusement- || llkairlsu to Ilurnfa. I must admit-Peter proved m m m n moot re =-= sf-'r :a :-=;.~E1'- .r§f§""'gr..§'=.'=-;»e--.;':.-'='..--___~5- e'--='I'-.5-'--.--...51 '¢\=;*- ..,..:§-_==~if ~ - .\vs ~ _:..T 2 .\.\IEx» \ \\\\\\\ »§=-~=-1l l ~Q i n: " E ` = . ; ;f f g § " " - - . ` \ " `..a -- l . = ' . " ' *.~, u .r r 1 , ! { ' f ,¢ : ; -' = - I- = " - , § i l l /: '9 - E ! - -5 - ». l . f E . J l r I' * ~_~i n 's - = \ 5.. n n 1 " 'h e c h o k e d ." I k n o w y e ! G u t m e u r u s u p p o r t l t t o I n l vr i n d l o d t h u A w o m a n a n d n t r n n g e n a b o a r d !L M u .wr o ng , fr i en d P e te r .O f a l l t h e W d - |u g 'pe op le h e m n t h e mo n t ac ut e ln te ll l l¢ !!t¢ .A c h v i t e t u r a l " Lefty La rput the 132 day.Hickey of the slay, buhi. slum of he out a singh inther i m u m " D o r e t e l ! m e i b n ! s a m e !A n d y o t o o k h e r a l o n g w i t h t h e t r e u u r n . t h a l a d s 6 0 b e m i n t be l ow .T h a ! r u L h l [ r a n d h u n ! !Il n t t h e y l a y .too. a go o d h a l t o f i t 1 1 b u r i e d o n t b l ! : . ;: § ; 1 w-°-.E _l. ;; j.~gH. l ' ! . _ 5 | n u -; - . ;_ \ | | ' i ~~I |I 1pet zl roa l.A w o m a n a n d g o l d - P ' L o n g J e h u S i l ve r s w u n g u n m e t : u p o n z o t h o p o o p f m m t h a h n i o t i h c ing:'8afe|;| dl¥D¢l¢d or: ln ron!111 1r|n;nL ado when you rm c al ln It any :Ima you please.I klwwid duutrnbie tyro and ance he hu! been maid nur the lesbirds mlm; down a t n m a r g u i n g u n d : f u m r u i n i n g Ike a house es. hm rips to therlple. '-=~r»~ T k l t m e u t g First door east Enterprise office Il l l l » .I I 4a r c h e d I n t h e r u d m e u t a p r e s e n t e d a l l n w d d e fe n s i n ga mh it . ( T o b s co n t i n u e d ) c o n c n n u a n o m n C H U R C H A .F .N e w o l l ,P a s t o r M r .F u n k i l o n b .fi e l d m n f o r Do n ne r Co l l eg e ,w i l l s p e a k S u n d r y m o r n i n g .M r .K o n b i l a n ¢ : » f o o t - b a l l m m a n d z m o n e n t a t a i n t n g s p u k a r .Ia et u s g i v s h i m a i o o d M a r i n g . Th e p a s t o r V a n t a n e x t S u n d a y t o b e n n : m u t u a l l y g o o d d a y i n o u r w o r d t o : p a k t o C l p ' a F l i n t - t o ' a | . o eouue il, a ir." l l :n e n t u n c h took m o t h e r p i n c h of s n u ff. " A h ,r n . "b e ob o e -r n d 4 !7 l 7 ' I U t d !th a t ab o a r d t h :w a r n t h i I \\.t h e i n l e t . t h e m m a n d r a c k o f vr a t vr big iminz.l iHC L Blair h u m out when Eidnm and W on balls.One b g n ~l ~ a d s ~ n ~ i p u a ~ bil mms." 1 uid."Andi may b: in u n not to h t bro ¢.' "But ra vauk m two fed Mmcie.nm n md e :c r o n th enu t you can tnslil some c omma the putter d the rm of the watch.Hr grelbunc le. for wlnl of oth" dheniou.had undertaken In !Ql<l| "» | t l 1 n u \ ¢ r | | . |" 4 w h i l o h e u l l lo n l . 3 1 | - d n ! w i n g s .h u t h e p l m l l n la n l l n o r u t o n o w b a fo s b o u u a tw t o f ( h l t h l s u f i .t h l I G N N 3 l ld o a Il e a H u f f ! ! u t u n a . C m n t x i i . - - r a m u z a d l s z u to u r t h e c ase;a t t h e s p o t u i m mi n L i l s h a m e d . b i l l a l t a r a a n a n n a - |l fl l h Jo h n Si l ve r : l u n an n h l i lp o r t i o n a n d u o l vl i n : N u t t a l - i Bill Fisk al! the day :nd bills.He had mu fu as strahiffing eight cr's five.Er I I BERNHARD F. Luzzxrr Attorney-at-Luv Home ;1'heltre Building ..m n n e e d o f l l . S i l ve r . " F l i n t H u r d .b u t B l l ve r m a t c h # wh a t e ve r r ep i y h e In t en d e d ou t o f Il l ! mo u t h . "Th i nk 'ee . sl r .Yo u j us t l et me nn ' s r t o f i n d L l H e h a d t w o u p . THE EAT SHOP E. C Rum. ProprietorMed: I5 Canis Il~ a shrug.5 on the lot of ~ lf ~he notlon but~ rig;~1|blow unc! n ¢m~i¢» and 'take lt or hww hopped zumu don £6 mi malndlck II!!! hh c ommander." " ' L C H A P T E R X l l l Tro ac h u-y nppneiato the situation Wm l v u l w h l w i l a m e .nn da vl n tl ng ,m o GO Q IC I.no l h l t t h e s h a d o w :u n c u t u p o n t h e p m e l l n g o f t h e e l b t n l r d l l i n so l i d b l o c k : l i k e l t r e l h o l ' n u n mwle a ln hh lhroll.than mama his tamper by a substantialsta rt _ "Weil app-elm the umm! committee 0° :lx to check over with your men, llurny ." hc ramad."I'll :end my A n d h a z u m d n h u h e d .Jchn~...~ 'Clark 0'Hlnlnn x Reed 0'H\n| 1 0`llANLON and o'sANuoN I Auorun|neu sl 1nQ 15 Oliieu ever sun BunkIBllir. Namm . h.|.IL' l z r u n t l h n n w m b ln o o c e u l o u °"1rou\ yes.The! rn telilng LongJohn and me before he come up to :peak wlth Cairn I»1lnt.God uve nl.whod think there vu so much money 1 " L l"ll.n!.'|b a i l e d u p l r u co m i c h beh ol d. . music tlmo cfmrch building is wel!- lh ld td ond cool,and we Imvo alfabundant!of fam..The morning message will be one the pastor thinks will inwrrst the whole par-iah.If you have company, why not bring them for the hour? The Bible School is holding up wen o ve r m e g a l l e y n o n a s s o o n u s t a n d n o n e u t h e o m a m : u J o u n o l l . H a l :e r B o b . " ' ° H a l n o m o n t o b e fe a re d t h ! ! z l a w n ' I l m w g n - d , h u g h i u g " A h ,ther ein Eltlle y e k n o w n o b t . .a a a .h h l a n l i k e a t h u n d e r c l o u d . Sl i ve r , a t hu e lb o w . e xh i b it e d l . co u n te n a nc e wr e - :l i n ed In l m ll n . " W e 'l l d l vl d t w h n t '|be l ow , "l l l d l fl l n t nb r up t ly . ' I 1-e}olc¢»t h a t y o u h a ve co m a t o mm an llr.Mlm has s mokhn fm- the Interest.: o' his ern.A kind o' prdeen for na. ya mmm ny .But fhen nunmer I u-znnua -» B l l l r ,N e b n l h J:I On Fifth Sues! South of l|\de~I#sndent Tnlefphons Office IInd. 1221 Phoneu Be!! saaxl x DR. D. w. BELL ? ! y | | ; l u l | l3 lr l ¢ ° n Bull 4a Phnna Ind. x hi~m a ~ tightening up was not in n and ,gave noh e h i t a b s Rm Es tate g Office in new Home 'Theatre Bldg! h~rling n ~ teasing the Bl R.G.ALLENABsrn.\C'ron nmr, ~-~ .enb!r fuer had been cnnrened.encmy." I ldmltled."Do th e y h u |31 Ior counting In the Wnirus umo Ra d it right in The ¥Inl¢fPrise"Where'| thc rest?" he cronhd."We \»\unI be nn time nl all, dr.nun so nhoani tho w¢lrusT°as the J ames: nd ~lin g' on b ell! :natunc le wok mas,'' |ti:1|y and chimrsuashow were good apotors lhlorl Blni Lundt ning! minth.He we Lluner'a erm`s§:1¢}e by Sv 1-» FRANK s. BXGBLOW I ( A¢¢|\¢lor Fairmont Cxumery) I Ply : Hlxhm Prine for IPOULTRYCREAM AND EGGS' Th~ >oaks people meer at 7 o'clock for their regular and inlenstinz meeting. .p l a t ; U n t i l t h t n i u p x b l c t o fi n d uonm. cnmm-:ns Gemini Prada:BevdduLoaled 0n x nn. w. F. HEMPHILLnaN11s'r irlnlnri n... ea. fau»'|'IEk.D . . .. . 4 a 1 o 2 Ufrl nd also film: showin: Nehru-fvrant. ...._..,........ - .aa-h u a l m a be- areiunh l m l No nhInn.and thu Mer: m h lli wlv mark ln uednle m e lull!| ron! v! the Serfhnu mu wen needed bYnd llc h y K mp lu k y xt: in Hut plus Bull- Iru the h ltd ng h imt L efty u ma in for nun when he bwmd tha tha t lu ll run:u tho pun. v u Hareluntl'Mr,Wllllnm rhr.Mr.Fk k h i ho pnuenled FrltxI n L n n n e r v m ml. thin: about Un Ihr-ow :wht to do whenxle of player! occupy-' anal they vrcmptly hu mr li n e d out 1m n men.l u h y owed and slammed lng le lur ing ld ! ! - ru thnn m owl.con-Y. but the lhrehlntl p : h m nxnl v n u towin- AB R H P O x . , u \ m e r , a b . . . s 1 1 o xm p m - k y , = 1 , . . s 1 a 1b e : \ B m m a n . u . 2 o 1 2H - F ` H ! ; ! b . . . . |0 0 l | ]W .'| $ompson,2b.4 0 0 4 P . F ` r l L l , x 1 . , . . 4 n 1 o `A.L \ u n n r . l l . . 4 0 1 o1 L l d a r u , ¢ . . . . . 8 1 2 ll W.l. | \ n s ¢ r . P . . 8 1 2 0 128 2 7'l` o \ | I . | . . . 8 6 1 4 Me r d u tc A E n o o 1I1 1 0 s 1 o o o no0 6 o T o n l | . . . 3 A 4 1 1 ¥ 1 \ i | n u n B m f . . . . . o o o o o o o o \ - \s 4l l e n h n u . o w m n o o - 4 l l A S u l l l l r ! 1`1¢'o~\xu¢hit.Jansen:three-banMi ,Kn p lmk y ;d o lm bu st.Kru- plnlky s, H. mu, A. Immun :mum uniflm hlil, Lan Bronson Sl huesan mn . of ! mu 4: mu d : o u t b y Lmner 5.Pkk S: double play : H. Pm; to u n B r o ns o n : Um o f n m1hnur,56 mhwtu:vmvln I+Q-que .-rnmm mmm v n s m u c m x C O U N T YP A R K n u n s w N u n s g g m m , r m - . mn o r d e m n h - i n . W m. Hm m u l n d u a f u n dub. and a vwmm u helm; srnn| ~ e d ' m m v m m n n t d m n b a lh r y o n e h ma d . NE B RA S K A wn s xu ' Scottsbluff-North Plum C oo p: - dlvl C hee: C wwly o l8eo\! .»Nu(f nun!ly onualud with c apital noelnl llopoo. Elk Creek-A | l5,000 umnrvolh s y s t e m m M m n m mw»m.u \-c n y vm un Hgh: vlan: to C r m - 1 s a w E h mu G vm mr - Bay nr d-Pluu hh ( dlac und (or aew Union Pleiflc p u u x q v r me i no m h - m . 5 0 0 h a d o f n a h a n atlwd xl. loul y udl during month ol June. Huling a-Clly mly bulld publk museum.Hq ti n n - Ne w th u tn r u m!hotullla", ta rw l u u old Berwick Hw Am. -s well zh l mu m b n .D m i y h m - ¢ ¢ mf h ln d n i l ;A Tile Lnmbuny o l Do nlin n begin: speralion. mn u s 1 ' lu . n . x s v mw ' ~'r1»n,~ nu he, "tha plum! mn be forgotten ln tha had ol Egypt n d the famine :lull aonnmo tho llnd."Ami he mis led "lt h Ma nn the w w u u n h l l u h d b y And I2 gms w pun.. n h lnuon in seononlu ls no yllmc ntd that lny onu :gn under~ mm | ¢ .S h a t h e d m ! o f P w - u m b n n e s l u r¢~aoln ry I i if c urnnu a thouluyl thu s.Even n u r va u s e d mn u d w i t h m n - 'Un plrlnd fromnepnseutadu n n Shea thm,v¢~ :dx y an of neon- By th n d o f th e la p mh bk tha t A ln n n d o n n i lt.u l l gn m o n m d H u w . bln n pe rlmes d male dheonlant. un n th Y ilr . i zdhd|\¢¥tu m for thu bitter will uve b un f e lt. W t - o v u l w e n y t l u l h l d w ehu ha d td o u r mo a ns d u ri ng th e me n y a n u l p le n ty th an mmldbe an occ asion ior will-=¢ :mu ln d § i .th an qho folluwud d n t eouru h u e m u h llttle eumpldnt. Thr klil ol o eu nod y pu : q pg qv so un u a dream. but dl m noon:hay bewlm th: dernmmnud truth. Th nn fo n , vh lh va mmilnln c hu ! a surplus, it mlglat bc wall lo think Il A T o o u n - r v n m T l !W uh hglon Calmty h h Baud i s wmi lz g h a d w : u h f-hdr mm p u l li n g d n mn | H C m u m t i l l n w They have ual-tr u h d wi th thu E xi md on B or da uf \ h l Ua i vn r d ty o l Nob n d a f u th # u n a l | C o lllu p , ¢ m ¢ , " ¢ ¢ and wlth n will bi de hrmlned meeha mplan vwmu mm o r w w w ton County. Soma fu- tl wo n t the p u m a lmr kl' | c hlmplon pullin g h t!will' b e d l z w a r u t m d h d p t a n v n v h ow n w m h w m h r h g t h l r Q Q tu m l n wl llh l : m i a ta th h y u r . Th u vd r in q uu tlo n nn Uvk ih n o wn e d b y C ln n n n B u t n l Qi n -b l , l u n .'B uy a n f ull M o t h s m d we n 10 and l l n w d d I t o m m r , m s . g u m m y m u . u n world'|meurd mall.'Rlc y uwen a br the Stslllnn< £ » m d u n o u t u l a W h ( m l b n n h n u ma n : th e y wd xh u l | 0 0 0 m s N00 ponndn ripe c ti vvly nM had been worhd taggmhax hr mmfy a n ln NI U! ! ! (u m wo r k b y K e Bugh._I t la m: lf h ly th t s o me u l tx-nlnlng u= get dovm md qull um the hero in wvrbuz!.TM fin ! mm u p h Corn Bonn Nui Likely 'N myllmky umukrd the Do Any Serku Damanmsfo r \triple, uw ` D i d y e p u t I D e l in m e n l c u s by mme mithe dw in Bron-1 Thu aliscovenr of a corn bon! hal 'nwllrlti-l'|d\.hl¢ltAmhu1|u|\with fncrifice fiY»"nu,nyflelda in' Washington county Bridgeport-Nur: the throw no U**;1ut week created |. great du! of bu§l ut uri; data.- w o r r y t o f a r m e n a n d t o C o u n t y Spen cer I - u r n el ec t ri c p o w e r ' N 'n1i|\h n i n !H l l h 1 . 1 . I I 1 - n n r f . .l l ¢ | ¢ . a n t h a n n n ¢ u u l u I| £ l n n n a n \n h n n i n r n n d n u l h t r l n s . !E u 3 d ' n .. . .. . . .._ . _ . -. Walter Laumer eon~ 1 to score.Walt was class game of ball,air players along at lowing hits and then in pin-chea.Launeroreroua frame of mind mea on balia, nor did Lmln Some of his ought he was boo sped In with four er- tbt Blair boya [hey ta.Ono of lhole er~|:fn<i§a only tally. I with one out in thent to second on Al r and scored on a rogaard wa n then n g v u a u c v u l d c l l l s u v (y v _auch voracious appetites. often eat- ing the leavea full of holes and theneating into the tuael. Samples of the borer were collect- ed and a report from our Slate En- itornologiat,M.H.Swank,reveals ;that it in not the European BorerhotanativeInsectknownasthe Stalk Borer and that the worms arecommonlyfoundin June and July firat in the small grain and later in the corn fields.P1ofglluf Svrenksays nothing practical can be done[to prevent injury and he d as not expaz any aerloua damage. |Observations of County AgentBabelonJuly10ahowedthatin many infested atalke the Borer had 1 I " " r " "r - - v a v . . v " -. - - -, " -alectrie plant on Niobrara River, :lar Spencer. Bri1is.\||=°rv=Allo¢l\l2ll Chamber:of Commerce of North Platte Valley to meet here. Burlington-$20,000 bond issue pro poem for new city hall.Harungton -- Farmers Telephone C%mrwn>to lay underground oablea in lhis town. Beatrice-Wheat harvest begun in thi.: vicinity.Lincoln-New highway from Lin- coln ln Black Hllla being planned.Eoutheaatern Nebraaka ia rapidly oomlmr to the front ln production of apples. IIaatinga-A $90,000 manuel aria The Principle difference bat1\rean,'u°' i th me ,;,,,¢,,§ mlg¢},Nr . the maziolana of Phuaoh'a timeand of the present day in that o-°'fiZ'o'&-.'",'§¢°"f'§."`w ,,¢°§r. rw? ~ former frankly admitted their In-' ability to Interpret God'a law, while' the latter just aa frankly deny thesoundnessof that lair and would aat it at naught by arbitrary means. -Nebraska Parmer. California In Danger California ia to vote again thla year on the aame old water power bill, that araa defeated in 2922 by358,000 majority,and in i924 by 4a2.ooo. a T25 masure, if it should happen to help make the contest an interactingonefo r h h neighbor:andhwmpur on. In um n m Uwar puma ;, load of wo po unds for a emma of 15.8 fed and mm have pulled n the full distance of 27.5 had it not been that the crowd, not bdrm pro-perly roped away, cloned in and frighloned the horaea.lir. Bugh re- fused to make another trial underthan conditiooa. a A few keeka lahlr he tool:11 1 learn to the pulllngeonteat ol. Blom:Lake,Iowa, when the oourm was |F°P°d off aaa poliend.Hero a n "l il U I II P ' rl I I I! ! I u uu v l x u ul u Id halted the rally.¥ai»»;3p¢ma.bdlding £0 be ¢0l1l|.fl.lCf»El|. owed eleven hits fm|*°*Albinn-New recreation 1 gave four hues on s¢¢and Year Oat Vnriely wu d f o r u m mm.the bqst of L|.nner Yield: Harvesied Saturday Omaha-H aouts wen: cormcerasu dltinn vnu'»° the Fremont hurl-'rm work of detenninlng me high in Omaha |28 *fl* .* *HTFR pro-yieiding oats for Washington couqty F§."=-'\{=me w =- -ni-"1-e1-=~=.-s-1 <»~=a,.........;,"..r;.. 041' ~ rqe ~. lu me nl hur tllllll..........5;'."a..'1; 3.11. §`§°|""kiPk°".:.F°':'.!!'§.=Llhighm y ielden.Lu; y ¢¢n .y i¢ld»;..._ n.»....| .... .. u . .....|»_ lun number of Fra- 1 l'l'.f...'11" at the game.many " " " " " "If to watch me Mer-I The oats this year appear to be r battle for the top the summary: Blah' AB 4 rf ~ . . 4a .| . . 44 4 .. 4 R H 0 o o 101 0 o 0 111 0 2 0 1 P0 A s " 4 9 z10 2 o 10 1Ia 1 o 0 1 E o2 2 oo o 0 01 not quite an good as laat year due largely to lack of moiature but theyare grown ln plots in the aame field ao use comparative yield will be the same for both years regarcllen the number of bushels.Lut y ear the plota were on the Sam Stewart farm 'neat of Blair.'This year they were grown at the Chris Hin: farm aouth of Blair and next year it is hoped to have thc varieties grown in the North orWestparteof the county. One fivehondreth of an acre was sent to the Crops Departntent at ities.has been onven_p7 arrea men :romTrenton-New cream station has Saienarding América A la i n !Flnr y ear to year.scam noe:not opened In thia town.lklf what a P il but hu alwaysTrenton-New copper Circuit plan-One ol the greatest Irorlu \»l1lch,be¢n held ateacU#"a`i1d taught to |13 | i nn by Yonhwelhern aeu the National Beard of Fire Under-u on the bit ao that theme mn noPlnaeceATelephoneCompany co:anecting'I'r~en|'*|"°f" has done in the Interest of ton and su-nun.the public, was the Inauguration ofBridgdport-Local streets to be Fire Prevention activities in 1892. graveled thin summer.'Hula work seemed l l h a hopelesa Wakefield--Long bddge over Lo-,ink at the befinning.The R61-gon River, on Highway 9 compleletl.eral impreaaion used to be that if Mitelnll Ground broken, for new PWPUVW una innlred, li made little $i25,000 achool building.difference whether it burned or not- Tr e li to n - A new Congregational W hummer company paid tl.; bill rhurch in process of comtnnction.If the Emuranee bualnaaa had wished 20 follow the easiest mad ltWolbac!8 carloada stock were,. .|. ..-on _.._n nnnlri lnan nnc nlnl lh ll vfltl mmf c for longing back ann-i forth. No sugar or favors ofany no:-t have been flven to the horues at any time but they have been carefully taught £0 do their but for Hr. Bngh Between the tn testa Ury weregiven a few teal pulls by hltching them to the front of an old 10-20 tractor which vaa thrown into gear.The load and nalalanea fuwaheui by this machine our a 30-foot oourle Emonened Hr.Burl:aa bein! elm- : J tvp ltsc wr rz n ndt |the Agricultural College to be threshed :nd the yIe1d4 determined from that.An soon as they arethreshed-a report will be dven for both last year's yield and this yens. »0 0 Merry Maids of Mane! To Enloy Films On Canlinl And Cooling nmppitl Irom wulolcn recently.H " ~- ~--~~a----- --- -r - - --.Nem.ll|l--l*lli11 street being :rw have charged nine sufficient to ilu' to that furnished hy the dy na- cied.cover the rllk inmlverl.I t n w ,mometer nt :farting londa.Le i g h- Ne w fchoolhouae to bp however, that it had a public duty*Amther te st I n man e at the "_,,,¢,W h| in District Na. 42 | \o perfoml from the ltandpaht of Iowa Experiment Stntion by loading Chappeo--John Meinl!!conutmct educating the public as to the ne-a fum wagun .\1;|,_ my eomenlenting new gnin elevator.icessity of fire pmvention.I t was materiel until It and the lou! with n m md personal Property vllu-an uphill nlmu le to obtain public a l a little over 4000 ponnmln.M1 ation sn- Platte County,»1=-»-»f»-|=°°=»°='&f°.x\But ~f i ? " 3 *¥s'2=:;":°}= :f;°. ":f"_'5i':*°:'*tt f .I Ie an a Prarlidng Thursday evening, July 15, County Agent G¢0|E'0 Bates will ohow rtion pic tures at the Money school houwc five miie; oouth of Blair. The films will be along the line of workthat the c lub il doing this sualher ¢rl3!l of mo n than ;500_g0g .for years ox ure pnevenuon ncuvlrynnuAmerieo le are :tall coou m an oe 11 v :mf-'"2>`.§f.°£`.i`§5i'3?'§fid,. ry;:;;l¢g¢¢ on ating in the effori of the lmunnce {rnT~8l' stint.,|a:ompanEes zo reduce fire losses andW ade! -W ork nllrled on n61\rlth"'*bY reduce " Q m n of insur- Fuhflliln Building.noe,which means the uvln g of ... ... ...:_.........L liven Ind urnnartv qu!wlgun punzu Avrwiuu va --vteam.Ti na were of steel.frontsrhreh 36 in. md r¢lr wlneln 44 il. in flinmeler.This given about tbl some resistance no the dynzmonrletorwlmqm it u set at |800 pnundec.By faneninr 1 second mimi lar mms; chiefly canning, lhe history of fruit H l l t i l a l l l - L a t ! ! !uru lnu cr un cu -ns c o m n l e h d In L o g a n Va l le y d i a l I z h iml i fin!I ~ |I|um||||I||ummu|||||||mnnmu||mnuum||||||qm|||||u|m§ \E~ice /gf JII[IIHIHIIIIllllllIIllllllIllllllIIIIIIllIlllllIlIIImlIIIIIIIllllllIIIlllllIIIIIIllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllllllllIUIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIEI Q;§2f.t:."':,:.§°';;1:'m-*ses A Wonderfully Choice Wann - Commnrrial State rclmrttd in splendid condition. W olbu Pwi:1g operations In trdnlnf pin of hone:or l m n s t l r t e d i n t h i s c i t y f | n ¢ \ ¢\|1 \\¢l i n n b: I 'rum ...$12.50 §§ 'All lor 9.50 §g Display o f N e w assesPicmrinl Review 1.w n u- . _1 -.nann;nusn-Lonulanupn u :nun - 1 - 1 nsxwxo cours LAW ' \K i n g P h a r a o h h a d a d r u m ;h e'n a m woven f a t k l n e c o m e u p o u t o f th e rhwer.Pr e s en t l y se ve n l e a n k i n e c a m e fr o m t h e s o m e ao un re i u m l d e vo u r e d t h a se ve n f l i o"u;n. H i n t h e u w o n e a l l l " . o f c o m b e a r t h i n g to ol :p m o é w i t h el ec tr ic r a m a n d au t om o bi l es .Zn sp i t e o f 20,- 830 ,0 00 au t o s a n d m o t o r b o n u i n It h e co u n t r y ,t h e e l e a r i c r a i l w a y s a n h a u l i n g m o r e pe op le t h a n e ve r be fo r e . At a l so i t w i l l b e w i t h el ec t ri c r e fr i g e r a t i o n .I t w i l l s t i m u l a t e th e l u u n u g l u n l u c y u t ug < : i l l e r i n o n l e r t o g t t m e m a x i m u m b e n e fi t fr o m t h e e n e r x :t h e y e x e r t . L a d y o f l h e H o ¢ l ¢ ` ( i n t c r vi \ ~ w i \ ¢ o n e w m a i d ) - A n d ,n o w ,N o m ,o n y o u e f fi c i e n t !' N o r a - Zn d n d e I a m t h a t , m u m .I n _ .|! ._._2_I _ - l nd you rou can e well ful col. newest THE ENTERPRISE.....,.,, R O U N D T H E C O U N T Y.A News ol Interest gnhered by Eueryflu mrrsspondsats from every communlly In Wuh- - lngmn Coumy. :|~av »\||.r0~o¢ r¢ ou0v v |ov u-ov o~ov oov o~:.n.v \ lir. llltl Ska. Lou Fink.Wm. Quinlan, Jr., of Miuouri Val- Iey ls visiting at the Harry 'fuc ker Loma. M n R13 Pistol h u been imlp-ing H n .Gem Hnrgan m g for thxuber: this week. Georg;Fackler started thrushhglvl. Tuuday . The foilovring fr|end¢l° and mh - session and feel that they prof!~ much by the trip.Mr. um Vohries of College Vi~Nebr., but who had been making 11|home with his daughter, Hrs. A. Wilkins for the pant dame month paused sway last Friday at the ;of 85 3-earl.Funeral service: weconducted Sunday afternoon at Iono'clock from tha M.E.church aKznnltd.The many friendl ha extend sympathy to the benea family. 'r u ~ t o o r u r b rt h v v nd d ro f Tarun clay.minutes of th!lui mating ve rt ran d by the lecrehnr. Klum Jensen and a rand l nhe number;3 ° u n i can :g a f : wu ts I. lo a f: r u m cookies and muffins were1=~gpd I-(ann J annn had the butanfin! and .Helm Lanen the beat ¢01t\|ttr¢l2Tgl1IidiDl and sour :nam mak in.a next maewg will be s Calhoun park IutS;uudn7. They re- p.vrl a wry plelnnt day .llr. and Mrs. Roy Polk and Mr. and H n .Leon Hindky draw up mrthwest of Decatur l u t Sundnymd spent the day at the Lode An- derson home. llr. and Hn. CurT'H§ndky drove za Dnklnnd Satqndny waning and :put the night 1ri!h tid: dlughter .....,.,, R O U N D T H E C O U N T Y.A News ol Interest gnhered by Eueryflu mrrsspondsats from every communlly In Wuh- - lngmn Coumy. :|~av »\||.r0~o¢ r¢ ou0v v |ov u-ov o~ov oov o~:.n.v \ lir. llltl Ska. Lou Fink.Wm. Quinlan, Jr., of Miuouri Val- Iey ls visiting at the Harry 'fuc ker Loma. M n R13 Pistol h u been imlp-ing H n .Gem Hnrgan m g for thxuber: this week. Georg;Fackler started thrushhglvl. Tuuday . The foilovring fr|end¢l° and mh - session and feel that they prof!~ much by the trip.Mr. um Vohries of College Vi~Nebr., but who had been making 11|home with his daughter, Hrs. A. Wilkins for the pant dame month paused sway last Friday at the ;of 85 3-earl.Funeral service: weconducted Sunday afternoon at Iono'clock from tha M.E.church aKznnltd.The many friendl ha extend sympathy to the benea family. 'r u ~ t o o r u r b rt h v v nd d ro f Tarun clay.minutes of th!lui mating ve rt ran d by the lecrehnr. Klum Jensen and a rand l nhe number;3 ° u n i can :g a f : wu ts I. lo a f: r u m cookies and muffins were1=~gpd I-(ann J annn had the butanfin! and .Helm Lanen the beat ¢01t\|ttr¢l2Tgl1IidiDl and sour :nam mak in.a next maewg will be s Calhoun park IutS;uudn7. They re- p.vrl a wry plelnnt day .llr. and Mrs. Roy Polk and Mr. and H n .Leon Hindky draw up mrthwest of Decatur l u t Sundnymd spent the day at the Lode An- derson home. llr. and Hn. CurT'H§ndky drove za Dnklnnd Satqndny waning and :put the night 1ri!h tid: dlughter ALL nm mom.: B L A l R ' S L E A D I N G N E W S P A P E R o F F | c | A L . P A P E R o r = ` w A s | 1 | N o T o N C O U N T Y , N E B R A S K A un! rm nrnllnw m ann"GENERAL AND LOCAL NEWS AND CDMMENT Aak for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" Gel me mmm tradp wlth__ J. L. Pounds one price clothler _ Blair,..;.Nebr. ROSE HILL N1-:WS 118 Shop! Time Gall met nt themo of Hue]veuafr int Wednes-.Everyone had n v m 'enjoy- ti millr. md Hrs. John Boeklun whit-nt Wm. Flannlnns of Toknmah Sa w? of nmo on .Hfron oft l u roturnod h o m ~In wanton Longl vrhoro he h u wa|kln ellnc¢ school dopd.Gntc lwa zach- md Elva Hannpent Suurday dumoon with ly nn.Hi n Hosea Wilson and li n . Wilson and baby spent I n tundnyafternoonattheWill l hams.f Har'Gl u Club m e withronardlui.Wodmalay.A .~mn modding of Ice cream andu n served.The boys moott week with James lhnclno.r.und Hrs.Rudolph Muncie~Friday wenln; at Gnndnor nu r .gran Word and Huoid Chril-nn vultod Jnmes Ryan Thonulny 1°~ .lm Hn .Otto Ruhr ment Monday dt:-:ooo and evening at mg park in Dmaha.ll . md Hn. Clumeo Jens!! and flmlly m d Sunday at the Pots Jensen homo.Mr. ind lin. Rudolph Munch andfamilyvislhudlui.Friday evening al the Gus Honcko hom;Mr. and Mn. J ohn Penne: andchildren were guests at Wi!! Ryuu' y .The Epwoa League vu 'rollundodSunday evening.The hon for 9, pimie nl doddod on.Jrplan an go to Wnhoo next Sundaymplace of Norris park.Josephine chrhtwmxzunded $12 ball game ln Fremont lui. Sunday.The Lldkl' Aid met q the homeof Mrs.Charles Hu u e n i n t Wed-nnday.A ingo :number attended.A delicious luncheon wus served.IIsrold Clrlaonrolurrnd $0 Blahlnt.8aturday after having 'lrorlotl for Will Ry ln | coulle of weeks.A fur from this vcinlty ationsiodtho funenllof L. H. Vorhlea which au h old in Kennard lut Sumhy .Gntcfnn ldeneke had the misfor-tu n o lu : wmmmy wan i n g to h ekickedby a cow.Her no n v ubroken ond hor :yo bllckerd.Sho is kiln along nicely. mlzor focal; /. - f ' ~2 »».' u - x,) A \\\`\\ '\' I " ' \"llllll os ~ ? _ \ ~ é d hen Eddie,our bflghl Anand 509. teh (ask:(hal mm( people nn- nqy,He dana: md .sings Ana aw °u»¢f'y.¢..¢. preeslheof gmulnc joy. None Better Your Flour can be no tter than t h e wheat whlch lt ls ground. Illsbury Flour ls.made ~m selected Hard Vlihedt - t h e b e s t t h a t l s g r o w n nywhere.That ls why read made from Plllsbury lour has n llne llavnrand oes not dry out qulckly. peclals Fon Next Week illsbu ry '| Ben Flour $2.50 -- ar Flour $2.50 oyal Blue Corn. 2 cans .25 'unpplexn largo can .zs ewhes "" can .... .gal Ann Clmrriu, lame can rk and Beans, por can eu. per canr e Bnuln Cauu|pwlw c an of 1 Pork and Beans 1-'ass l nllheuds, per pound a . L l .25 .30 .10 .IS .25 .21 0 uallty Market JENS NIELSEN. Prop. apen!Sunday at tha Carl Pleptr home .al Blair.Ola!Peurnn apent a f lw dly r alFJeua l-Inland.|.very ana v u gn a t y aurpl m Tuenday w l u a m y head 'ef the ma r r la mo f Clarence Hansenand Hao w na, which occurred ln la w ;Clarence nad ua ld fr omtheRa u Hlll aehool and hal - m y -llved ln um c ommunity.u m W I -klna ntumad thla aummar from Boulder,Col do where a h h u hom the pu! three y uan taklng anuraeltralnlng course.She wouldhavereceivedher cerllflnata I-Nl(all.Thsy hlva the beat wlahu for a m m w a d e d n n .Elon lame.: span! Sunday alter-noon ln Blalr with the Carlagn glrlaThe oommlmlty wan aaddemed last1'~=-my when they leamed of Lhe dQ!h n Deulah Hanan at the Blair Ha lp lu l June u,1928.She rom-rlolesl aehool at Role Hlll and latern1923went to Boulder, Colando and ln two years renamed home onnoun!of poor health.Rev.M..lo on and nw. Ganlener al Nor-1-»|\¢.p=mh»<| un l\zneraL The 'glu- bunn were J ohn, Harald and ow-ard Taylor, vmm- Johnson,. m mand Albert Ruhr.The family hal'th e aympauq or a n m u m com- .|unl\y.m I M A N E Y N § r E s |Mr. and Mn. Sam Balloy, Jae andhlargamQ u m m n !Friday e wInlnll at Prod'M u n n . The Marry Mallla of Haney are[having an icwcnam welll, free _ple-the wrzumahow aml program.atMannyaehoolhouse Thunday ann~¢.,1ug 15.u m nmde Allen and Mn.n.Fowler anim-1 lhelr c ounoFremont a l. the Mi dland "gy Frklay.They a n now yteach aehool of whlrh Mrs.Fewwillleac h at tho Sutmyalde school l\d Mba Genru ds Allen wlll with at me lllaney achoal.' r m Marry Lum of Haney mn alIhr home of Dorothy Mulen Sun-day afternoon ln ordsr to pranleelartholrprogramwhkhvlllbe ,xml Thunn lay mnlng.Mr." f l Hn .m e M u n n are¢d°¥\»r an extended vlzlt from(olka of Oklahoma.Hr.n a l i m w. F. Steuben of lakeba, Oklahoma nd Mr. Janna Wood: of ChnrokeeDklahoma :rho nn-lvd Saturday .ml "gd xo spend several dm Lhore.ra.Andrew Mauen. Elsls Koe-nlr.ln . . la y h n e n .Ho lm and Fnncia Mae Larsen spent om daylul. mek \\~lI.l\ Mn. wm K°gd5_alan" Deatrlc e and Tenn d wand mu Foley u n . r l- la w mu - nwr l wllh Mlu orulhy lluzen.Mlm v m Foley lx planning wwavefarWayne.Nebr.Prldlvmmw wh e n a h e f lu u k e a i lvoweelu course.The fin! of Sepoem-ber lhb will hefln lean-hlng the nm nd alxlh grads at Elkhorn, Nebr.Hrs.Elizabeth Mlulrra and mn. Paul Malvern ol Alhland anal Bealelllller ol near Kvnnard apanl S\|n~ day az P M l h a w n .The Merry Maid: of Maney Cook-ing Club held their bualnexs meet-ing at the home of Helen LaroanThursdayalxernocn.The meeting D.at onloh r AIK wr nuum .u.u»uv.~ ............ v v v I umm. W AS HI NGTO N g 0 UN' l ' y , - NE B R AS K A JULY 22, 1946 Mrs. J U.lioaemoaurn f m l l r h u a b a n d .Un Sunay they drove toEwdlafwithMn .Bam l r Wayneqnd mired an nu m a u g hHelen Larsen and Dorothy Batten pmt Tunday afternoon with Ter-aa. and Beatrice Fohir..Mr.and Mn..W iliam Kam i!peut Sunday at the Jay Li ne n cole.Ilia: Bary Sac kdt of Chi isbiting at Lbs home.of Lira.m.loenlg.In o fair day : aho will goo Omaha when ah! will keep bottleor the L. C. Curtin family. me _mm part of uuz W eek:Nea-nanny.. Ha and Kenneth Tyaon,A g dw from a two Iralka vlait at thoD i g g Glen and pm] Ray. Mr. and r i t Jones home at Sewer Cross- 5ir»Don Me mo :o l A r u n ¢ m, !a i m H m m : m u who hu been Chu. Metxler of Tekamah, Mr. Slui iaiting her sister, Hrs. (;,¢,Owen oi' Carroll, Nebr. tor the goat monthreturned Saturday to hu ome here.»Hrs. Gertrude Nea! and aon,Joe of Benson, also Mila Martha Cookspent sewn! 615| East week. at theJohnBlaeohomehere.Mr.and ter,Sheik,who is attending sum- mer aeho-oi at the Wayne Statue Nor mal.The Thompson families enjoyed a family reunion at the James Thomp-son homo last Sunday.The follow- ing famillel brought thdr dinnfrf and spent the day together: Frank Mrs. J. McC'lannnha:z and his moth-er, Mr. and Mn. Homer King. Mn. Blanizthbeckler of Tdkamah,H n .Ed King and Lira.Killus W est of Will and Dan Thompson.Mr.and Ha 'm a n .\ | 1 A L D u a l l l R fi n; n nr nl l n m l l \ . f -'l '¢| \ A} 6 n f s n n i | r | = n D l n l l da mn J.S.Conety,C.B.B..,,,,_f Roma Wand returned lad Thurs-NO. as J..~ on Dot. 24.1899.md ' a uthareforeput twenty -d x y ous 01' oourmr not xznzmuun' 'TRAIN IN IOWA .n I \s i x t o n i n e ca r d .de p e n di n g ,o f ec un ie ,o n t h e a i l s o f t h e e a r l . ||~ lin an the bench, nmived the traficn w : o f Hn. death of their o/ldut nn. Hugo A. 1§0i\1l» which oocurnd lonclay, .Zqly 19, ;Norvray, lawn. T l !teiegrnn :tn I n had bien ~lled by n train.1Ingo had been working for therlllmndcompanypmlntingbridges ln-1 at this writing, Tuesday after nm. th e h mily von no t f ully i n-Iormml as to the pu1icula:.| of his a th. ed,whlin,with larger ai r:g p m six an eight many; lasadhdm one time. At. the present time, thi Nebraska t ~1 .f o r t h e I n t i ' e 1 r u u o n s ,h o v u j l r , colfii :sumti l r n x u o x r ' r o l u v n Nav/ STA TE PA RK Fnmone., Nnb., July 19.-The muh0 l 'E X P E N S E .. purc hased I intl of 16 5 u rn . T i h l Zlllmnk o r Expense For Wnhlnnw Oonnly For Oomlng Y o u u $140,000.B¢H| ¢| An TM B l: I te m o.»\ns AND n n mc s s .w w The utimnlo for the county nx- puuu for 1926 | | ;lven b alw nel gy lr !! ln uleu t to the ra do n 0 !.0 Enterprise.The ullmate nm: n vv m u a x f u m -(ur u~» !0 f 01 | \¢ » r u0 ¢ b\ u u» m0 lv. mm0 - Ly moving u will bn mud.In ll S 2.00100 nr and Poor I-'nm 'l,000.WmyM a n o r :8,500.00 k u : 8 - lllr k i xa,0oo.00 .County Sumyor 000.00 g y *zs,0oo.ood n --4s,ooo.0o § 2 " " " u n d c wu C u r l 0.00000 lda tn ll 20,000.00Ma n n Re li c !500.00 m u n D n i a q e a,0oo.ool a w : m u h B u n a m p _1,500.00 In-hen' Pnadana ap o o m Afriwlm-nl I Swek Show~.2,000.00 : m u o n 4,000.00 §. - contulnln( ¢l|M lakes, west nf Pn- munt an the Llneoln hlghuay, lor the c aution al \ .lute park.Thu nlfaru of C.C. Cmmrlght, Fnmvn t, u m d ro wn - of tb a lxuk Walton langue of LM: diy, md A~thu! Bnldvlin, pnaldent al the Pav mont ehaphr. m uid ro be napa;- dhln for dau action. 'nm m n ,aitnnhd on n u v e dstretchof 1-hs Lincoln highway,u leu Lhnn hm mlleu from town. Daring the l u !h w dnyl thuln n k W n lwn I n n a h u wa r d th u pla ntin g o f mn um fn f un in tho n h l pit ln ku,whkh w w n m-net mn ! n n g lln . ,_Th i F n m o n t d mp h r w 0 H u \ d ln p l xn ta llth a u n e ln n d d n mb h r yth e : u h wi ll provide u bontlfy the grnunds.Tentltlvu pln n l n l! for annway u mmughant the onlin tx-ut, dndlng nbou! tbl him, and hnpnwnnrnt of the pnunt nntux-nl blthlng benches.. N a n c i ' Thu S u u Rxilsuy Couunhdon n u a a l p m d n u u y , J u l y z m , n t m o M L n s w f , u a n u m - ol Un hudng on the apglkauan of tbl: c 0}npny lor tha connolldutialg ... : ,\ 1 ~. Tllll.The meeting vlll bo hold at thu ooundl dumber: in th! City Hal! and is cpm to tha publk.26 lt.Blair Telephone' Ccmplay. COUNTY DROU`l`H STILLTHREATENS CORN Whnl Yhld l lfnu h-ny Gnd Bu!cm Crop ll A Crlkll Conlllhi lk! Wluh Hula 'llc onauum Warn'»|°a1'':r\' ami-Aiwa!~ o f ' r u . . .n - - . _ . . . . _ . . . - . - - - . .. . ._ItE.'llJR'*iS~ L n n r s m -~ n a r e s ~ +_VERY BUSY High Dar For The Year U9 To Date la 178 Clra.The Tourist Baelneae Bboee An leaeaae. Dlr And Night Service nr vs n L OW AT PRESENT TIME '.The Blair ferry.which is owned and operated by Mr. Cbarlea Haynesand soo1. la now at the belght of one of ite best eeaaona.Touriatafrom an over the oontinent are fol- lowing the B-line amd, bv eroaeltig the river here,are aaviog them- uelvea a good bn of extra milueo Stay-at-home Blah folk: find many interesting rhinal happenin; at the ferry landlng and almost every eve-w n a finds many Blalrltea visiting with the tourlata.The fm? season opened me yearonMatch16, thla h-dn.; about the uma] date. according to llr. Haynea. The rlver becomes open and clear,inmoaty earebetvreenthe mthand Nth o f la rc h .Aa a general rule ferry service ia anled on up untilthe last of November.In zinnaually mild winters, the river may he openevemlabor and Mr.Haynea recalls one aeaaon in which the laat trip was made on Chrhtmalily .During the season, the !%rr>"J='\'i°¢ ta maintained both day and night, which le a great advantage to trav- olere.lip to date this year, the lament day'A lmxineea was one hundred and seventy ears. each ear carryiag oneto 'nine passengers.The emalleatday'e business this year waa the 1l Mr. and Hrs. Jae.L.Pound anddaughter are home from a very de-tlghtful trip up into the Black llille country.'Leaving Blair on July -ith by auto they drove to Norfolk where theystoppedover night with relatives and from there drove to Winner, S. D.After a night ln Win-:er they headed for Ilot Sprhxga where theystayedfromTueaday Inight pntil Saturday morning.The next more was up to Custer and Sy lvan Lake and then into Dndwood for Sat- nnday night.On Sunday they drove to Snearfish and to Lead and backS'Deadwood,from there £0 Rapid ity.The homeward trip waa begun on Tuesday of the aerond week overthe .Gunter Battlefield Highway and arrived home Friday afternoon.The trip was a delightful one. The fluat thrill was at Rosebud which is an Indian agency just welt ofWinnerlnliilletteCounty,S.D. Here they !o|.md a two week'a pow wow eoine at which twelve thoua~ amd Indiana were gathered and the hilla were white with tents.The acenlc portion of the trip be-gun when entedng the Black Hill: and woods and from there in one beautiful aight after anaber await- ed the travelers.Sylvan Lake Iaone of thebeauty apote which par- ticularly attracted their admirationThis ia only one of nature'e freak! and there are thousand! of them In a day'a ride that will !ill the on- leoker with awe.These hllla have been aptly named "The Am-erlan Abe" and those who have seen bothdeclare in favor of the Black Hills and claim they are onrnateheddll 'couucn .ans 0N cm what Ne w W e ll la To B e Tltd Out o r Two Weeh'a Trial.ll I t P N N! sueeeorefn May n e o n e Ior Gu Purposes I MEETING WAS A QUIET o n e The re ar meeting of the city council which was held 'hoaday eve- ning was a quiet one and norordinl to report: to The Enterprise repow er. was one of action.Nothing waa done relative totill appointment of a iight andeommiaaioner and the matter ananda aa before,the city atill wltbout man at the head of this im~- - offloe.The qnoatlon of the condition the city water was taken up. qoeatlon has been before thefor aome time _and it ta - known that when the omnilra ~ tory ia n operation that theHourlydangerously .ahort and. thlameetlngetepawaretakeo m a n h a d t o a m l o t d o n o t t h h e u atioua quaation.A test well was put down mo n th a a g o ln th e B a . llr dsouthofBlair and aometblng i. twenty-five feet of flue waterth! aand wae gone through. oould be piped to the reservoir while it would be naceeaary to tain a separate pumping atatiolt the power for ,zumvioe wovali ne c e a a lty b e a g a a or a n o lletwouldat-the eame time .. the tenalon on the light plant.. 'fi*o\ildof course. be very deal 1 plant.Ti m mu d (d a t of b m:r u l l ? la n d which,u u w l l closed th t business of the meeting. ONE THBBSHER Fon11 runs is STA ..,_ I P 000¢D00b¢\heJ» of :mall | 1n h wit!be Ne b n lk f l contribution to the Annum!! ll Narlll Hilti Win t Pals Grxznd parky gl " w g L morn nc ower a nrin! o f the peop lefiut o'$. . the ark was filled. with a crowd whichnlvwd n plcnlc lunch In the coolbade.An axcidng ball lame. 'be- urocn Ariinton and Blair resulted ~ _;~gf==¢;»==- ~f1<;;=_;=;,° 12.5.Race!n anc :Il ro en cntor the nemanuler of the dw By renin the park was literally pack-d .ii people who name to enjoy he fireworks and dance.The eate-ratlon vraa sponsored by the Com~ munity club and was a bi: suoceaa.I l i a Leland Clark of Ravennaame to Ylxit over the Fourth with er knarenu,Hr.and Mn .Martin flar Mr.and Mrs.Harry :Seite :pennSunday afnernoon at the Ed Hater home.The P i | C lu b met at the Chl'Ia Hina home last Friday evening.Mr.and lm. Goorc e a m .of Blair aera welcome guaata.Relreehments were served after the meeting. Mr.and Lira.Edgar Ron,H n .Ah Rose and Lira. Brooka drove out frcm Blair Sunday evening and via- ited at the Jamea Thompaon home. Amelia Petersen was home from the Croareil Home last week suffer- ing from an ulceratwed tooth.i Hr.and Mrs.Paul Barry spent ,Thursday evening at the James the afternoorf they called on Hr. andMrs. A. E. Dixon and family. Misa Edna Tucker is entertainingtheBlue Birds of Bono this after- noon.Ilefnahmenta will be .served after the meeting.Mn .Bert Romana and Mrs.Al King called on Mrs..Eva Mettler last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mn. Elay King and hermother,Mn .Sylvia of Blair spent Friday evening with Mrs. Eva Metz- ler.Misa Roby McCoy left We-mlneaday afternoon for Fremont to help care for her alatcr, Emelline,who was taken from the hozpitai that f te - : a , \ n f . .s r m e n e w e r a t U I N l \ T . \ l ° 18 3 . \t r a i n e d n u r s e i s c a r . 1 i n . ; r . Mre»-Chas. Widener and dauhter,Dorothy were shopping in Omaha Monday.Mr. and Mn .Frank Vybria! andchildrenSundayedatWahoo,Neb.Nick Cook went to Omaha Non-daLto atte nd th e I. 0. 0.F. andReRahpicnkwhilrhwasheldat iirug Paris on that day.He reports a very large crowd in attendance.He mturned home Tuesday morn-ing by train. Mm.Jessie Talln1a1 of Fremont visited in t we ek at the home ofJohnIllaco.$ 1 llazier was called to Omaha Par hu ps lhn mo nludy nn md od fu n n !a n n i n d a k d v f o r n mn t h u v d t p d o b a n a r md a h u w r i- npocttovlnmamory e l l m u l . lhhnr l t thi f u n d ammo nia |wth4¢¢|M¢l!Y» mAllwlI!ho::___.Ju ly 14 b¢u»okl||»z nh».lc Aph ydlhnv u lmmdllhly a n d and b l lt r m o d w n l l y m d t h o h m il y h l t an 1' h un dn y uv c aiu¢ b lt h\ v uv dz hn ma dw nwn .- y.A¢ m \ o ' d n ¢ Friday n u mb ;\h».hur¢u;§ia\ »w»p°dwdh1~llt~\=~gi\1¢ru¢o-t v D o e e u e d v u b o r n : s u m min g \ party mf girl: ieft hae cp Keniln o m pl n n numu.no on t o u m n or ne or a co usn , 1» -v.r u :n a n n y ny m e u m u s or ne rM y r t l a ! d c D p n n !d l m : p u r c h a s e d a D a y .R o b y t i l l : s a w n u n t i l S u n -d a n g h u r .M r s .D .H .F a i r ,b u t a t F o n d r o a d s t e r w h i c h t h e w i l l u s e t o dm v.th i s w r i t i n g i s r r p vr w r h t o b e ve r y "ih-. and Hn. T. K. Iverson andll1\\}fh ImgrQ.\§¢}_ lln. 1'. K. lnnon and dnuz hun mint W edlllill'H t l lan llthlr. lhllh Johnson md brother, umm n t a ll Ho u lm.|lr._|,|\d In. B. B. Lol ol Do-:yor In-u; ""i1=T"';;';;'of hor lr . In d Hn . I1 C . C m u l n n d o l h e f n l l t l v l .l r .l 'l'lotlortand lou o I ' £ ° s ° " ! ° - ~ ~ 1 I M T I I N !m r s .R o u t e s u a u u v u . . . . .s m i l y o f O l l t e s ,N .D . ,e a r n s o n W e d n e s d a y f o r a s h o r t v i s i t w i t h l r .L a r s o u ' s s i s t e r ,M r s .P . L t C a d y nd Dr. Cady.V. A. Taylor of Schuyler has sc-spted a position as bookkeeper InhoEchtenkampgarageandbeganlsdutiesonWednesda .Hr.and Mrs..lake n.who.re visiting here from California,eeelved word on Sunday that their on Raymond, has passed avpy. Themdy will be sont here for burial.The little son of Ollie Johnsonwhosufferedabrokenarmlastrock, is reported as doing nloely. Mrs.Drusilla McCann. of Omaha lalbed aver the Fotmh with herLaughter,Mrs.L.E.Peterson and lr.Peterson.Br.and Hrs.Allred Rosenkllde pent Monday in Lincoln.Mrs.P.J.Christenren and chil-Iren of Bennington visited Fridayrlthherparents,ldr.and Hrs. Zhao. Fan. BELL CREEK VALLEY Mrs. Sadie Mengedoht, Clans andRoy lengedoht were Sunday after- :oon guests at the Albert Lollman some.William and Mary Lallman spentSunday evening at the Wm.Holt- man home.Erwin Sprlck of Herman, was aSunday evening visitor at the Mrs.Sadie olengedoht home the guest of |Lleadames Will and Jlrn Thompsongaveajointblrtladaypartyfor their daughters Fnances and Eileen at the home of the latter, on_nyes-oerday afternoon. _All their ttle friends were invited to bo presentand enjoy the occasion.Very nice refreshments were served and the day will long be remembered hyall. Clyde Metsler received a telegram this morning from his sister,llrs.R.A.Anderson of Tovrner,Colo., statiug tnat she would arrive in Omaha Friday and will como to Blair to visit her mother, Mn. Eva Metzler and other oelstives.Mr.ond Mrs.Wm.Coulter anl family and Misa Anna Paulsen vis James Mullin, Jr., is visiting Billie,i|_,d Mr.and Mrs.Sam llcCowen Harrison today. Misa FrancesLincolnSunday with relatives. James Barrytan , Mi? t a reof his s ter, Mrs. James Thompson and family. Dorothy Vinderslev of Blair,lsspending a two 1reek's vacation at the home ol her uncle, Niels Chris- tensen..Jens Juul was a business wl e r Hsrdson arent to to spend the week and wife of t.loc1- vlsltlng at the home ln South Omaha Monday,l1avin;, cattle on the marlxet.|Mo1gan last Sun day . 'v Elton Schneider is working for Kenneth Tyson at present.Mr.and Mrs.Harry 'l'ysor.1 and?aul will spend this evening at the Louis Long home west of Herman. hir. Han.A Thompson of Blair,is stac king wheat on the A. E. Dixon farm.Mrs. Randall Iverson and childrenspentWednesdayafternoonwith Mrs. A. E. Dixon.The Murray machine has threshed wheat for Dacor Mathers and Geo. this week.It has been re-I Henry Henrlcksen and fandly of no mo that sir.Morgan's wheat De Soto spent Sunday afternoon at the Rudolph Hansen home.Mrs.Fred Knudsen and Laura spent Nonday with Mrs.Walter Novak.Niels Christensen and family and Dorothy Vinderslev were Sundaydinner guests at the Robert Ander- sen home. made 44 bushels to the acre and Mr.Mathews made 3835 bushels. We sm find to hear il..Hany Tyson is shelling c orn for .lttcl today.Mr. and Mrs. Lon Flnk entertain- d the following guests Sunday : Mr and Mrs. I'rank Crum and Alt. and Mrs.Art Rasmussen,all of Teks ;..........__..............imah.as-__.1 xl...!..'M.,..|!. Tuann nsont hope is held for her recovery as sheis falling ln health for some time. Miss Thelma Leonard spent the \\eo}-end with her parents here, re-turning to her work at Council Bluffs Sunday evening.Mr.and Mrs.Mark Swlhart,ofHoskins, Nehr. came in by nuto last Saturday !or a visit with relativesand old time friends and while hensEurehasodaFordsedan from hisrother-ln-law,Gus Rathmann,of Blslr.Mr. and Mrs. 51. T. Cededind andchildrenofUnionStar.Mo.,came Sunday for a vreeln's vldt with thelotter's Barents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Cunning am and other relativa fofnends.They will leave the ast of the week for Newman Grove foravisitwthhisfolks before ro-tumlng to their home.Mn .Robert Denton has been outhe sick list s few days.\C l "Ward and two small ehlldxen, who have been visiting for the past three weeks with relatives"1 ha-tinms returned to her homohere Friday.The Ladies' Aid will be entertain- by Hrs.Chas.Bates and FrankNneve.hir.and Mrs.Will Burgess andcluldren of Omaha are visiting thisweek at the home of the i'ormer'a mother, Hrs. John Burgess. ¢- w n q u w n PIONEER IS CALLED HOME it has been f o o d pea.euazj toehange the Iowa lending this season on seeount of the h u e a n d barwrhieh is building up just below the bridge on the lore qide.The river In very low n o t and makes thestlning of the boat from the Iowa side extremely di!ficult._ .County Treelurdr wma1| Of Pnitie Interest . . . c o.FI NANCES s x r z s m c n o n v In another piece in this iauo_ep- be Ne b n lk f e eontributiou to :nenations store ofs tturd product: this year. An aveugg otone xhreaheration.An evorqo of one threaher for every 11 forms in tl; stile will b e u x d i n m a k l n lt h h v u t u m o u n t l i l *He ua been aw|yltI\\oIl marcobut h m vui tton to hi mathh and intimated that he wel coming home no sho was wholly unprepared for the terrible news of lala death.1 The family consisted of thirteen But few zeesoru ln the hlnton o!Wuhington oounty u m been the aqua!of the present in so for ee heat and druuth are eoneernerL Prediction:-of rein end oooler weather l u n failed to materialize.of small gn i n evaileble for ihiP'-c hildmn,of which Hue#urn m lnew# nf Wnnhlndnn muntv §lamlrin:|\MI\£ lm! uso.:oldest boy, there being theee oliler!'f " 2 ; . d z » . '| : I n l - = g ; ; f ~pero the report of the county troll partmr.u m m anew of thetether hee ontlmn sltomn tho bua l- ue c la a d mp o r vr i n th o wor k o uth e farm *hleh the father olmei Later hu n k -o vr e oti n toth e lh u to ek n n dfoed lngb odne ney lthi rlli ehho vru connected for twenty non and from !h le I| he 11 ti nd §f to my | | :u | , | o . W Mmrai to M.H 111 --~- ~-~ -- - - . -tourist 9.3511 has gm.¢:°'§»m».»'f ul: »=~{=>»=, am! fdug what this year over other years and 1 i°°"" r ..ornf-believes um.uw mm which °"§_"§¥;["°_{_§°_; 2 ~~v a u l t ~I l v l v I l ¢| 1 - L | | t | | | f |" ' | n t l d " " d F . "° '. . A . . u ! m m ; I y t l | ¢| u | | r l d n I l l l h t n l l h l l l ml Town.'mme figures show us ..""`"'" " " "'§,in£z5zi}=}.nm um Bline ma uw nm are EN"'E*""'"" 1l.L11\o1s___ ._._._...Ti l¥'l»°E'.'!_}P"'!'§?'i'_£'3"'1";' ET nm.; wa lndeed bringing mm I (rut dwg 8tiLA'll\B3| 1.ne u m u u a n n a n=|m=u-um lul nuvestmtntofhalfAbilliondollars.cleryc f tourist traffic.M i ~ f l .g Q la . a t ll ll tsu l sun 4 ...é i m r Zl a r t u n g l\*'¢!1\i°*|a b a l l A L O N G T H E lS u :: < ;a ; m :t " tl 1 \pa r e n t a l ,i n B z k e r i L e m u e l E .Vo hr i ea ,e i g h t y - fi ve g n m o a t H m m r Sum !; ¥: ca ft 1e mo on .|B O T T O M R O A B h o m e n e a r Te k a m a h .y u r :o l d ,o n e o f t h e pi o n ee r s o f M r .a n d M r s .Jo h n h w n k u n p ,|H r .S t a r : o f O m a h a , h a s 'r e c e n t i y N e b r a s k a w h o h e i g h t e n f r o m O m a h a »,¢:-\»r..|....P h . ,J. . . -n l n k n r n f u- -...| u.. m... 1....n. nf n.|.IThu ne:an cnmrinz ehlrtf on (Continued on pap 'fom')u -x m z x m n W D M ....:';.:':'.'::"..::.':nh -¢.'i."|R.Iilié» ndin ll $550 i nv-BuchH P u vu u u l vu n v . - _ . - . . " . . .. - - ._._i g S U B I M D N E a nd M n Fr e d Mu n ro e a n d da ngls of U I ! ! !ou t fi t s h a t y u r t h n i h t dB a e r .R u t h .a n d n i l o e .M i s a Th e l m a 313-333.vf u r h g f m a y g11L§n o r . a nlr.and famil , W m.Hellman mdInin were Arngton c allers Satur- ''-_u n an ~ --- ----v ---..--» ..three miles mn nf hennlrd {o¥low |'""r~§¢'I1. gmnwui;,¢;:;zgu t!e| e\;::tfit|, avenging lhrge so n I1nn|¢:n'a Boys' Home Wof\W ra-monow {Ing a serious mmf' .fqr tl\| _ pffnm..s'o machine, la neuly fifty mlllwn dol-1 ra band, \1\*ch in tourng 1\:__L11\llta air. Vohriu wu for a number c f mI laws.en' D¢i»|-"lf Valley, llr. and Im Loulo Grlmm"""""" "" "when (ur n numnr al yan nland children, lin. I-'f-=\= Pltler -==-\l"'£I1'1.TI.§'1T.'2: L ...In mn win; ~ I-If ~ PHE. ~- -g» \§ _3 g 'EAL TO THE vvrzns OP 'Peaches vespdllly, ue I &'°°\i ¢l'°Pcoalmssmxxn msr. No. 1 lm ummm of mum wsu n W'son Frawees 5Iehren¢|,.Mn. ThemesM c C A R T I l Y A _ h D Sinnot of Omaha.Mr.and Mn . L O N G C R E E K Marshall Tyson of Omaha. ;Mr.and Mrs.-Howard Hain :ml Mrs.John Aaonson Incl llstof,naughter spent l'h1.zraday cveninr Mrs.E g B mg mm of Lincoln with Mrs. T. K. Iverpon.-..spent Ins! 'rhur,,,;;y~\,ig, thtnr " J Mn. Cora Beard hu nuff-caring? ther, Mr. Woods of near Calhoun.for her sister, Mrs.Ella Tynon in u n u . . \xl.n.....1.¢ ....|.|......\._Blair the mm week. ,m;;'L}§;';;,,;",,,;,g is busy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelmn, of this vicinity attended the funeral cf Miss Ileuhh Iiansm in Blair Sunday. KENNARD No'rEs Mn .Lillie Anderson of Omaha, California but :ll health ovenaznnghim he returned to Blair and nude his home will! his daughter. Deceased .nw service with com-pany J, Fourteenth Iowa during the rebellion and partieipaled ln thehatthl of Port Henry, Shiloh, Gee- tysburg and others.He was a mem- ber of Farragut Post, No. 25 of tfxe Inf y lwmestelueu..Mr¢. Llndin.Surviving nr :dxdusonl,F¢.lward and John,of Om :Bi n:and _ mJesse.who live in the a t m of ] F AMn ' Y REU\1 NH Wuhington; Buck, of Kenna:cl; audi th i n g a mi ep1:enn\ati\r¢ on the C01ml? Bolrd len-:lays aight m i n s w p ln theFather Fhmgnn'¢ Boys' HMM in at this tlnle.We know qur rv-fnmk Hills c ountry .The tr i p h s clf|§5Jfl cqéimunamy Club. '{.§§h»]¢§,i'w~J I hair delight.' r m `wather was. pllnant but muc h rliq PMID DP THABFICS was Qnrounizrled in lhe Hills.lrdw e h ; a nd a nme r, mra .:.,n u. uyr m.'S|- -_In d fa m i l y o f t h i s c i t y . .D U T S T A T E I C E C R E A M | 5 l P g ( } ' { g 3 P L A C E g p B U S I N Q S 5 " " " '' _" " " " "|". " " " " ' " "" T h e d l ?w a s a " P Y p l e a s a n t o n e B E L O W R E Q U I R E H E N T S p I W e w i n ! ! t o e x p r f e u o u r g n t i t u d e 3 U g { i \ ; [ : g g A N Dr m l t H a n l w u e p l a n o f eu t h e m a n y k i n d fr i t n d l fo r t h e i r !S O Q A L I . - 0 3 5 3 5 - t fo r a l i a n d w i l l i o n ; b e r e m e m b e r e d .r T h .AL i n c o h . J u l ! 1 6 . - I c e : n a m b e i n g b u s i n l u lo o k s l i k e i t h u i be c n k i n d l y u s i a t a n c e d u r i n g t h e x i m r n f . _ ;n . -J- - \ L - I " n c Q .An §... ll!_ ...:._.. . . _ ___ _ h | C. x. HANSEN 'roIand the crops are doing nicely. Clus.llcilnnnid nf Blair.'-HES' y§J¥u¢¢¢¢a¢d in cuillng ,f TEACH AT DANA".c n m o u x a n n corzc zaw |,;,;,,,,,,|into ';~;,,\,,,,,;,,from Chey Prof. C. x. Hansen is to beach .in nn s ,Wyo., and Denver hu failed Dana College m n year md wi ll The (,1|lh0\lD people were given a ta me-et the requirement of 14 per hmdie the education c ha ts:Mr.mea! twat lui. Monday evening when cent buwcrfat. the state department..Ilumen hu been connected mth the tl}e1r "HF band rcndirwed an open of grlculturc rcportc1 l°dn>' through a cyclone or an eanhqunnebut such is not the cue.Workmanhavebeenbtluly(or !E\¢l!l|dnys p u t putting in the lam! sty le ofstun Hunts and after it is fjnished _ I - n \ . - _! . . » - J . . . -I n s \ s \ l l ¢ | 1 I P I cur hcrelwmcm,mr uelsu UL uw .July .H Auxumlry :c e "Ulm wuu'dc uly beloved son and brother,'on court house lawn.Hugo A. Ronnie We upechlh wish J uly 2;-w. a. c . meets M. vr. A. tc thank those who sent such beau-},|||c¢mm§¢;¢¢Iam non! olfc rinzs and those who Aug.3-County-wide Masonic p . 'rumhhrf l ilu mu le.nic nt Blnir. ;i f m i r "i . " " "7;|»s¢-ls.|unnu»||nau»¢mn»u|»»-'Fw 4 Yes.To rnyseif u |11 irweatlga Bla iunan of Lincoln umm mana muner.Nebra¥t.1l\Iuw ;who :landed m picnic in Hr and Mn. rhu. ""n?°" 3;um 1;rg¢.1l$ de | honor of umm wo od.at u=¢,f===I1l¥ :peat Situ Y *"'=nz membcn repo: - r l i v i n !4| - m l n fi ¥ § § ` E 1 ° E I I " i i 5 f é . ~" N o t w h e n , b r o t h e r , b u t w h e t h e r "c o l l e g t f o r s c l o n g t l u t i t w i l l s u r r n a i r b a nd co nc e rt .T h o u p m e n t f Pr c ne c uu o n o t co m pa n ie s n u m ;i ' l \ u o w n : " " ; ' , " """ " '" § F 1i i " i l =` I § ; ; 1 - - - - - - -- ~ C h : l e s K a m i ; 1 a ve r y m c c n l f u l * U W M O h i o , S t a r .q u i t a n n t u n l t n s e e h i m a m o n g t h e l ve n w e l l ple as ed a n d p r e n o u n n e d i w .m e e t t h e N e b r u k n s t a n d a r d u m s i l t h e 1\ r o e p |m d ( u n i t y . :facuizy a d n -th e mu s i c ve r y fi n e .m i l b e m u h , t h e d e p a r t m e n t | . | i d . \ 'm € \ ¥ ° P 0 | l !i Il l P P ¢ l ¥ " ¢ *- 1 .\ . . .'V *lu .1 n . " 1 . .> . ..P -:. . , , . . .. ,.". ..4 . IAM- 19-Pioneer nd ou snuen