07-08-1926QP nm-rsmxnzws-faqua-. E* » » ».;~ 'J~THE ENTERPRISEAwcu.Nxwsnrn ml ALL mx mon.; runs No nvonrrls NEWSPAPER QEr'|c:ALPAPEROEwAsmNGToNcoUNTv,NEBRASKALEADINGBLAlR'5 Ask for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD'GENERALND LOCAL NEWS .nw D COMMENTAsk for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" NO.24éifxuz,WASHINGTONcoUN'rY,NEBRASKA JULY 3,meVOL.xxx mn 10 mow .~~mlinanrn urns enum from=*"~~,:`.s°;e::f§,':nz1=.*»f,.,;..E HIGHscaoou ....Big Percentage Of High School Pu pils win Be From Rural Dm rirls For Coming Year.333 Pupils Apply For Tuition CITY SCHOOL RECEIVES new That the people of the rural clie tricts are interested in the education of their children is evldenmd by the fact that 3%pupils from the rural »=»=»~=1;g»=~county have made spplicatiforfreehighschooltuition for nesdt year.This number is a very high.p¢l~centage of the total number of pupilsinthevuleoshighschoolsof the county and it tells its oem story. Time eras when the oguotrr 50? or girl found in the high school was...Nldllar me nnlv the mallto<do Blair family the Shumaliere.who The following item in the Frel ~~4 ~~In the Press there is published amontTribunereferstoaformerilegalnoticeofanexceptlonlevied lived in Blair thirty odd years l!..ocsx¢»s Place For Darla AvenueintheoldFawcettpropertyonthe Dr.G.Lsngetai!residence corner.Mrs.Josephine Shurnalrer will be reraemberedbyanumberofBlair people her son Floyd being sl small lad at the times Captain Floyd Shumaker a vet eran war aviator now instructing in sxiation at the National Guard lcamp at Denver Colo.dropped out lo!the clouds over Fremont Satur lday af ternoon to visit his motherMx.Josephine Srhurnaker in thi oily over the Fourth of July hell days..Late Monday afternoon CaptainShumalrertookoffagaintofly to Omaha and then back to his field at Denver.He flew a Delisvlland Liberty metered plane.5nee the World War he hcl been all instructor ln flying In var Bridge \llllc\wuz Be Bull!This Fm.Brion To Ba Thlrtp :sro Foe!Span PROACHES AND BRIDGE B4 Pr. Towle of the Towle EllflneeringCompanyofOmahametwiththa city council yesterday and went lrlth that body to the proposed changeofthecreekandtheplaceofthe building of the bddge aerese Davis Avenue.After a careful survey of the premioes he located the spotforthenewbridgeandmadehis recommendations on the new road proposition.The work will not be completed until during the fall. oxen: AN1.u'rn;g.§N__.____ Wllhlonon County People Hear Nomad sreheomrtn Speak On Archeology Ol Nebraska. Inlerestinl and lnalrudlre ...A ygoizous PATRIOTIC 1~;v1::r A number of Washington countypeoplereceivedinvitationstoattendalltureandpicnicdinneronthe Henry I.Kleser residence grounds on Pl.Crook boulevard in Omaha onlast Sunday July ith. or.Robert F.Glider noted arch eologist talked about tsro hours onihl?1Ibioct Areheology in Nebras ka Dr.Gllder spoke ddifly of hiaiixperieneea as an sreheolofistinsbraskaduringthelastthirtyflyears..e oldest known residents or lm favor of Senator Arthur CopperlngalnrtaNorfolkfarmerfor52s4..1owithinterestand costa.Sale of tne1nrmerslandtosatisfythe.lvdr :nent is to be nude June ao How did a U.S.Senator from Kansas secure 31|»\..¢|.cn agslnet Norfolk farmer that calls for the sale of the !armers land!Sen ator Arthur Capper like Sam Me Kelvie edlu a farm paper und oarnes on e printing business.It must be that Mr.Rasmussen sent to Kansas for his printing or advertis ing needs.The rms doesnt know the details of the case but ventures to guess that this Norfolk farmer nas swept off his feet by the clatmn and promises oI some highpoweredsalesmanlntheem;ioy of the Capperpublications.Perhaps Mr.Ras mussen tried to :ell some of hispegllgreedhopthroughU.S.Serv mlm fIax:|oer!nerraosper.Perhaps 1 ;councn.noloi REGULARllEE'l'lllll ......Grdlnaaees Rehd In Compliance Will Law And Light And Water Col mitlee Asked To Meet To Employ Comaslasleners THE _PRICE OF GAS DISCUSSED Aausual the :ity eoundl mst in regular session last hlesday evening and took up aevenl matters of h laerest.The major portion of tha time was taken up rdth the readingofdifferentordinanceswhicharependingpassagebeforethatbody.After this prefunctory matter wasdisposedoftheattentionturnedtothereportsoftherationscommit bees and the Llxht and Water committeeswereaskedtomeatinjointsesalonrntheefflosofDr.R.J. ladoeh on Thunder arming of this week.These two eommlwsel \ .J eculd afford to give their children =ll1l.a privilege but legislation and adesirerngiveeverychildthead vantages of aneducation has broughtaboutthis change and new that the handicap has been removed by thegraduationoftheruralschooland the tuition paid by the county wefindthorntakingtheirplacesinthe hlgh schools all over our land. The tuition paid to these highschoolsbythecountytillamountthiscomingyear to $35964 and this money is collected over the county by a tax \vh{c.h goes into the generalfundandthanispaidouttothe various high schools r:xs>1.os|oN PBOVBS SERIOUS What zght he classed among the Fourth of July alebration accidentsoccurredlastThursdayatthehornc of Professor C.X.Hansen in rest Blair near the college.The son.Winston who graduahil fr6m high.school this last aprinfnnd who is quite a.chemist attempted to mhz potassium :chloride and sulphur.He was in the barn and\1\ras mixlngthe u re vessel lous army camps.uunng we warCaptainShumakerwasfirstwith the Royal Flying Corps of Englandandlatersawactiveservicewith the Amenlan flyers with whom he held a oornmission as major.Un previous occasions he has visited his mother in Fremont hy air plane.once flying from LangleyfieldNewportNewsVs..to risit_at his home in Fremont for a fear days.On his trip to Fremont from Denver the veteran flyer experienced no trouble. GERMANIAHALL 50thANNWERSARY Hold Celebration Sunday In Honor [Of Event.T10 Ol The Original Cherie?Members Ol The l Society Were Present ....THE BENz~izNGroN BAND PLAYS .rm aminesua11o»»m in south ern Richland township just onefompounmlinan _earthen a nholdingthevesselbetweenhislege|ml1¢east and three miles north of while doing the mixing.The extremeheat is supposed to have done the mischief and caused the explo Bennlngton is one of the old land lmarks of the county and in the goodolddaysmanyapoliticalbattlehas LADIES 1§.1nsu r .am The nares Aid Society of the German Lutheran church held thdr regular meeting at the church parlorslastWednesdayafternoonat which tirne Hrs.Geo.Staben.Hrs. H.L Helsdnkle and llrs.William Fiek were the enbertadnment comrnlttoe.A very nice time was re ported. l..UDW!GH HOMER BREAKS THE nm A home run by Ludwig in the ninth after two were out Arlington club a victory last year rnplon Blair tion st Arlington Monday.ton tied the score In the gave the over the l|£T3|Arlingeixthin ning and held this tie again in the eighth.When Ludwig came to hat with none on and two out in the ninth it looked as though the\bat~ tle might go extra innings..How over he found Jensen for a long smash that ended the conflict. inthe eighth F§ch.aras sent lassapinchlonerwithunnooneat liour all.Fink busted the tie by smashing out a homer.Arlingtontiedthetallyagaininitshal(of the eighth however.Arlington heated Blair at the hal. sion which broke the crock nndlbeen fouht and won orlust at thehaving 12 hlts to the lut yeardrovethepieceswithviolezxt.ioreelllrcelectron ball gnven an this oldchampions six.in every direction.He was hadlyllllll 1 Following is ¥h¢!\l1mlf)= cut about the legs and stomach and lt was built fif ty years ago bi Blllsf chest and his hands were so badly the German settlers of that communlaceraledthatitisaquestionjustllfbwhobandedthemselvestogether how they will turn out.He was taken Immediately to the hospital.and expert care has rendered him .as comfor table as coufd be expected. Winston is an exceptionally brightyoungmanandhasthequalitiesihatgo to the mllifls of real manhoodandweregretthelamentable accident and only hope;that it will not be as had as ls feamrl. \. CEl.EBRr\II15 60TH BIRTHDAY Mr.H.J.Gibson accompanied byhiswifejourneyeduptoTekamah last Monday to celebrate the grandandgloriousFourthof July and hls own sixtieth birthday.The celebra t.io1 hc asserts was a spcccss both for the Fourth and his ownanni.ers :ary and he came home after huvinrx met with many of his old friends of curly days feeling that at wasindeed good to have been there but xml.formed the German Verein. lLast Sunday July flth was the frtlth lanniversary of the opening of the l.all and accordingly the members of ithe association and their friends and lneighbore gsthcrecl there with well lfilled baskets and enjoyed a social time visiting over old times and the happeninge of the neighborhoorl.The Bennington band fumfhed music during the day but no uncing was indulged in. l ABR .l1pp.;s........IllxPiek.......11 Rcbim;onrf....I 0 rSchc!fler lb ..l 1 §\.:n Deusencf.IU ]I{Ir\uscc...1 0 llus¢t3b.....31QA.Snsngaard.lf .3 1 Warricl:2b....I o Jo=nsenp.....4 il o1Coolrrf......1 Two of the charter 11llT11b¢1S»1xBatted for Robinson in Ihiessrs Chas.Gottecb and Henry flloverkrublac were present on this: occasion. 5 scuooz.BOARD MEETS I1 Blair.Nebraska July 6 1926 Adjoumed regular rnectin of thegBoardofFducutionholddtthe Superlntendents office.Present: T.H Wright C.ll.Koepke W.F. Lis wife In kept busy reminding hlmnemphm Ed.Matthiesen. that the real reason for the big Meeting called to order nt B PH perforrnances was the patriotic cele wlth President Wright in the enair. brutlon and not his birth nnniverni Minutes of meeting htlrl June 7 Hl'0z\.E141lD£l ooo17012t".{l"* -.Illo sol122 4 o o 010 o oo1 023111 o . o °1 loo1a l Tutals....31|5B2TB2 Sth.I |Arlington 1 All R HPo A E 1so¥lrr.......:o 1 2 o oAntrims.n....5 o o 2 o il MastersIf...5 02 1 o o|Ludwig2b....6 1 2 2 4 o.Bro\\.1 lh..... 3 1 1 10 0 1 xfugm3o...111oo1jCampbell3b.\. 3 o o 1 1 0;Primer if=~.1 .. 4 l 2 1 1 0 hloore n ....It 1 l 1 4 fSvengardc.....4 1 2 T 3 F |lotals...396l22T13 9 |R tr rrBlair012mo0106o2 ary.lletter wake UP ill and 29 also of meeting of Julyiireallandnprprowd. GOOD WHEAT Yi!BLD |Report of Treasurer was read |sho\elng;balance of cash on hand. The wheat on the lands north ofiluly 1 1926 of $24055.81 and onBlairisturningoutmuchbettlermotlonreportwasreceivedand than the farmers in that vicinlty placed on file.x anticipated and many .fields a\lll Th f;|;bm 1|£5malceayield~of forty bushels it hand i..»2.§r Sid.s aero a ow f arlanglen ..I ooo 001 ouo 12 2 ;Summary uns country acconnns to ur.unoorll|§t}|0|¢whose remains are found ln eocalled buffalo sralloas or depnguon.Ln the ground caused bythejilllnginof the ancient mound hmlii Hany of such places havebeenexcavatednearherebyDr. Glldtf.Skulls of these people resembletosomeextentofthoseoftheNcanderths1menlnhavinglow fprieada.Tlx people of that ancient timewerenot related to the modern Ind~ lane according to Dr.Gilder.Evi dence shows that they were carrnl~ballstic he said and that theyamdin more permanent homes than did the Indians and our in religionaudlgeneralculturetheywereverymudmdifferentfromthemodern redskln.Dr.Gilder believes that thenrlhotresidentsofthesepartsweremorecivilisedthantheIndian. Visitors were interested in seeingtlencnnstructedhomeoftheprehistedcpeoplesofNebraskawhich is on the property of Mr.Kisser.Along with this ancient mound home |.leanhd!a.ntep¢eof t.he8ioua t and s hut of bull rushes hé eembllng those used by the Winne h==ed¢_s_» Sam Carley Whmebaxo Indian living at 2120 Harney streetandhisfamilywereonthegroundsinIndianregaliaSundaytolend color to the scenes and to help withthcdesigningofthehut. Following the lecture picnic bu kcta were opened .and tablen spreadwiththeluncheonandallhadn most en§oyablo tlrne.Those present from this vicinitywereMr.and Mm Joe La:urel Henry Rohwer and niece Katie Meh rcns of Cklhoun and Mr.and Mrs. John Aronson of Blair and Mrs. Senator Cappefs newspaper d.ldnt have the selling power his agents and Hr.Rasmussensellhishogsandassra.rnt able to paybill. claimed for lt wasn able to I consequencehisadvertisingSo oiten me find fsnuers here and there with hogs chlcksls cattle or perhaps seed for sale lendhs their advertisements to some blg newspaper;these ads to be smoth (Continued on page (ive) take in all of the members of thecouncilexapttwo and s member of that body raised the question of having all members present but nothingwasdonewiththequestion.Hr.P.C.Sorensen than took uptheprleeofthesuandputforth the argument that since the prta d lee had been lowered that it would seem only just to lower the price of the gsa.It was hoansver onlyageneraldiscussionandnomotion was made on the matter.The or:iglnal prloe of gas was $150 perthousandcubicfeetanditwasraisedflrstto $1.75 and then to the present prlce of $2.25 per thousand. After allowing of the bills the meeting adjourned. ........ SCH00l.FACTS 0F THEcomm Facts And Figures Concerning He Rural Schools OI Washington County That ls Ol lalereat To The General Public ......58 DISTRICTS ABE AFFELYED .The run!schools rd Washingtoncountynewembracefiftyqihedis tricts and three fractional dlstdcts. A fractional district is one wherein the land!of the district lies in twocountiesthustheWashingtonschool dirtricl.is a fractional district.a BLAIR AUTHOR DN HAP Stanley Osborn rgeelrld tvro eop»le:of his book yuhnlllf hom Lon don.It was pulallahed ln Great Bdwn by the house of Geoffrey Bles Suffolk street Yell Hall.The title of the English edition is Pal myraa Pirattle the beck isblund ln skybtue cloth and the front is adorned with rl efilectivu lithosraph of a lonely reddaeadad girl weepinggalnstseocoanuttreewithan empty ocean as a background.The portion of ns territory lies in Wash i IEl1u§¢f1=§&»~. _gd 33 of g lngton county and a portion lnamh edition;which recently includ Douglas county.!In these fiftyeight rural da»¢r1¢ol§f I§mm Joseph Vance and and three fractions 2.560 children er;2r§hw§;m on the market in school are reside and of this numny Stanley has dn been reber 1429 were enrolled last year ln calvlhg lovdy little cards from var;t.llBh ~¢Ol!.~io royal Londdll ~attic ers are required to teach these Ibeseachlng him to drop in soon and schools and they are paid an wares! 1 f;37 o ul f :hr.1 nk have a setof complimentary set .»\:onsons sister Mrs.E.E.Block1.per rn n or r se ea tinge so that his portrait may be man of Lincoln.Regret was expressed that Nr.W. ll.Woods of Calhoun was not able lhe total valuation of these dis uttictaamounts to $133551 which in|photographers collec d b d g g d f d q p.p g p gbpfffpdfb.y.y y p p d f b g. p y ynchoolboardselectedforthat pur ;g;2§;f_;_§;jf§onuafh .§.§.1€: ieufrested in this mbgeer.It w¢.»f and these schoolboards lmleruem :nun be rpecially eager to rlreided to hold a plcnle next Sun flny at Calhoun park in Mr.Wuods honor and a number have promisedtobeonhandwithwellfilledbas ltcts. lrrznarmlis zNs1.=u.1.DFII(l}RS The Rebekah lo.l;;e met Tuesdayowningfortheirinstallationofof faremMrs.Lulu Mcnking of Arlington who la district deputy president1\$t.a [rJ|>13fllL with her staff of officers nr.l had charge ol the installation year received for the running exIpcnreeandupkeepofthetchoolsprlg:u.portraits of homely he» umI school building the sum of $l40» L an ora. 150 in round numbers.or thlnvls1rxNG Pasron srusxs amount $91915 was actually sp»ent§.cr conunucnzonsr.cnuacn f lleavlng a balance of something lllre |$42395 on hand with which to start;The members and frtwd of the ischool the coming year.;Congregationsl church were glad ggjhhavetheprivilegeofhearingDr. .rwlsf R nous DAMAGE 111.Bross nn.of Lincoln at the lmprning service last Sunday July L Q Last nlghts fine mower brought Dr.Brass is the fatherinlaw of :with it a small twister west of Blulqtlm pastor Rev.A.F.Newell and which for a time kept things lively.is in his ninetysecond year.lt happened at about 8:30 when the Ho was invited to make a few reelectdcaldisplaywasatitsworstfmarknandspokebrleilybutinalollowlngtheworkrefroohmentsoflcv cream and cake were served.The garage on the Dave Steed fam1§1nost entertaining manner on pat r was picked vu and carried to theriottsm touching on early days in Twohue hits Pnaner Masters v a _farm of E.V.Heath and smashed Nebraska..:home runs Fick Ludwig;hit by...llfrilL.§E§§I3e?.£ffi¥.l?=l piecen.The distance the building]Dr.B1oss has been assistant ad pltchedhall Jspp;bases on bam off lwilln uma v G:Elisa ;4 ¢1.l\f=»moved was about bro hundred jutant general for the past ninehlooro2Jensen1;struck out b>§S»f>:Hellta Taylor Trees.ylrill i)¢U3 ml offices In Nehraskas MOON 7 Jensen 4:time of game The following were appointed and Mr.Harry Hlnellne who lsvcs r .State House and at present ls ac 1 hour 40 minutes;umpire M¢QttI\dflu\:m installed:Nellie Newell.warun place had ddven to town lIl¢||ti\ely engaged ln carrying out the 1 Blair won the df?§m Snvdcram;Frnswcls Sappenfield Cond;the pause was vacant at thedutiea of his office. now estimated.]p }|f J last Sunday with a acore of B to 5lAl1na Hines I.G;ldatilda Hanse1;ho other darnage was report1ThewheatononBehrensfamebroorunc35ln1¢ir got 1s hir.off Johnson and0.G;Lnusn Harrna CMP:Annafd .xsazzr:P .xr run wllzrzl. Petty cash sect l{)5.S9|..a \r ...__ \...r..... ....._1...| s...rs ..e a 1._ __.MSf:|ydcr got 0 off Pack.Fuck strucl:.}|Compton R 5 }{G:Ella Brosrnl vwrn nm:nvvvnwc mfr |M d M N we_~on unsonan rss e r \\ . .. ¢3 }¢U g w m y g||¢)[|fg Jm 4 f J hNormanWarrick5ihzeshed335S:C.Smith Type Writer Co.2B0D0|.ué 7 men to or o neon.il.S. N.G;Anna Compton tt.5.v.r I ummary f c;Adele somms 1.s.v.o.week and mah:an average u r N 1 E;q C .tytwo bushels and weighing sixty »r§.¥.o..§.i o.~Blair mo 300 1203 13 22 Il two pounds to the bumz rhlslamdl Hardware 1foo§5Y f soo ooz ooo5 9 .\R1.1NGroN Cannon/rrso §given it grade number one and wi|l¢P|f5berg Hanlware Im 43 Blair is Isfth place in (lm Elkhorn...bring Mr.Warrick a price U\U|.LlcCognell Moeller 5 Green Valley lfiii .Arlington put on a celebration lost £1.20 per l hl r E field 25005 Q filnnclay in honor of the Gloriour I On motion the Supt.was inztruc~l WH()CAN BEAT IT 1F;rh f;g.¢f=1>DFW gf?gh ~n o anmxnAUCTIONco.Jug]to unchase 40 arm chllra 40 r rn %E p |Mr.lvl.P.Turner the genialfsuihtehairaand11Pd5ljewelerintheOllermannllewelry trrnoon a patriots:speech was de1liwzedtowhichsixtyoreightyHavinzlennonithebuildingop~cl.alra.atom reports that yn is ik 1 1 ed ng b ||posite the Rathmann Garage we are Here on motion arijoumed .g .I 11 c ms rPP e isten a a a game wumzb1|ea 11 hu ..o mee inpe tomatoea these days.His to~plnyfd between Blair and ArlingtonPNPTYor so go 5 ir Ylat call of the Irea1dent.lmato plants have been grown in ll1Bly1 which gm re atood five to giglmlfurniturerugsandotherWm.Kelly Scc§f open and not hot house forced.fl favor of Timm...This was the knocking out of two front neethq la I h m od I h.:ou e o sv 5 or can !s Mr.Turner ialtea great Pl!\5l~\lfflllo\rad by a second game between 1§.l3fIZ§i=J..Z.d1=l§§ll~¢l5§A number of fHen¢!s gair :sim in his garden work and has a mightymahavjh~lxla Guatnaon a pleasant surprise fine garden to show for his labors. a w at you wan :lust Thursday awning the occasion]uehoca sales on Saturday.Bring being in honor of her birth anni»|A baby bw ara:born to ilr andananythingyoumaywmttosell.vernry.The time 1aa spent 5f1.}im.Martin Ruhr on last eveningl 2bit.Jensen &B Dll>l¥\Z ramen and dancing and at at seven ocloe3r.The youngsterTheEnterprisefornews.~late hour refreahzrrenla §fl%§.L ..§..:;=:o:;;i;1$ licnnard and Brown Creek. ln the evenin the Slsoooo worthlisIIofmeworks was ehot off and f.lNl11} ..U. ........On last Sunday night Walter L. Sparks of Omaha while driving. north of Calhoun ran into another;car and tin geeult ia that five peoplevnenltakentothehospitalinaseriouscondition.Sparks was brought to Blair and charged with speeding to which ho plead guilty and was fined fifteen dollars and costa.Ilia car which wa;a new Fond aedan was a ruin but all the injury he Nttlxml was ..¢ 1 Terrell left Blair Monday night at about 11 PM.for Omaha after hav imz spent the day in celebrating.Both young people work in Omaha and thought best to drive back that night.On the amy Mr.Munson who wasdrivingfellasleepandranintoa truck that lu standing on the street in Dmaha.The young ladyreceiveal serene cute about the face and eoveral bminca and the car was lN1\lly damaged. BUS!Nl:f.§ANDQTAKING1..»\CA11oN 3 socmi.FOBECASI TRIP :N CA NADA1July xo-w. R. C. meets 5:1 M.w.Miss Elsie Shriver one of Blaira A.hallthe:lance which was scheduled andiwpular teachers is takin;a filmluly 1|Chamber of Commerce pic which lasted until the wee 5m;|\.acation trip up through Canada.nic at Tourist Paris 6:80 P.H. hours and everybody went hemellllaa Shriver to come back to Aug.3Countywide Masonic pic Blair for ne r.nic at Blair. the crowd turned their attention lol bww la \» |A l a / Blnlr , Neh ruh, J uly 8. DN lldingnnd. . ~N6- s u m o f in t e r e s t l m - day of a d u n en for the with in- | 1926 at outa of 14.55 nddeemsof providing describedSudzmnt remained - ~ t h a nof laid snd costa ~y . r u d n . h - C o u r t o f k a ,a n d o f a d d nmdinzIla | M |& a - c k i s d n - es d a y t h e a t 1500 a t t h e W u h i n g - t h e c i t y u n t y ,N a - o n t o t h e e fn ¥!0w - ,t o - w i t : -u th ¥V ¢s t u n t e r o f N b n h o f s t h I n a~ .~h d a y o f a de cr ee n . fo r t h e L h f y u i d neon,t h e a s p r o - I n d e I I I un e, 1 82 6, S h e r i ff. ezgggovv r _Q .l g rfuf ~1- Z*- '54 °._!';EFQZW i z ,w g § ~ ~-f ~.- a f \ :V - f a' = ; ! h 1 ; _.-= e * ¥** " "1 " - J \1 ;5 5 1 :; "': -; , ; 1 ' r ? . ;L ] :-3 1 ~ .~'a.xi* "1 .\ fs.-1 , 3 " '" "..¢» ' Everything Tha Can Think 0 in Japanese Novelti that wouid make za delightful gift going away on a vacation. or for hack home.Every item reasona Visit our new Gift Departme unique party favors. Beautiful Japanese W indo this week. A Birthday rlmlmlsr lol: July-Thi H . O L L E R M A Exclusive Jewels r n `\v|TH A S 1 é Try Us First mir Work d B¢ Done First-class CHANICS op is Manned by petent Men is Fully G|1aranfee;i rices Reasonable Sensible, Sanitary Method ~r than any other way GAS COMPANY hyder Motor Co k Motor Cars N N °f.$12J00.D0 to n i h u with in- muz th ereon fzom Mare); l,1924 at 10%. per annum lm! for cart: uf a d d s c ¢ i tn i n th e lu mo f $ 9 . 8 5 md nil accruing ends,I-lid deems offudgment and iqneclocun Pwvidins that u i d pnmines nbove described be 4016 in satisfy uid judgmentInd costa in can the uma remained unpaid for a puiod of mam than twenty days from the entry of said decree, md uid judgment md costabdng unpnid ma middec ree bein:still in fu ll fnroe,|:zd #affect u i d premise; will be mid to nthiy uid .Fllilmlnh the htenlt thereon, the cons and all accruing cents as pro-Pided by said under md docile and by hw in meh c ues made and pro-vided. Dated this 17th hs of June, 1926,at Bldr, N¢§|nlh.21-St.llama; Behrens, Sheriff. T - - _ r T 1 " - s AJ I [I I n o a n n e s u u n n a ROUND THE con I News ol interest gathered by Ent correspondents irorn every community in lngioq County. g,,,_,,_,|||u a n u v AR L I NG TO N NOTES Arlington, July 2 . - A picnic din-ner *ls tnjoy ed at tha Fad: groundpark on Sunday by the followlng:| hiessrs and Kesdames~ Otto Ron-nard, Ed Renard and family, I'rankJohnson and daughter, Catherine of! Fremont,H n .G.A .3\lar.¢hall,_Maurice Snavely and H i l l Uehling of Fremont.Mr. and Mrs. Qierbert Fulton ofSiouxCityarriwdonWednesdayandwillremainovertheFourth with relatives. .R.L.Schwab of Hooper is as-sisting in the First National bankduring the absence of G. 1. Pfeiffer,who with Hrs. Pfeiffer left Friday ior California.Mr.and Hrs. C.P.Masters andMr.and Mrs.F.W.-Pfeilisr :not-oned to Counc"1l Blu£(a on Sunday adternoon.\Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Anderson and son, Earl went to Oakland over theweek-end.Earl will remain with relatives there through the summer vacation.Sunday guests at the Dr. W. J . Nelson home were Mrs.Neison'spanenta, Hr. and Mrs. II.H. How-arth of West Point and her brotherH. H. Howarth, Jr.. and Mrs. How- arth of Columbus, 0.Mrs. Tempede' of Stanton carriethe forepart ol week for a vintwath her mother, Mrs. Helen Monk- ing.Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Nelson u-onein Omaha Friday where they wereguests of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Utloy.hir.and Mrs.L.P.DeWitt andfamily moved Wednesday to Wash- ington where Mr. Dewitt is eatin; as depot agent during the vacationoftheregularagentwhoexpectsto be away about four months..Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Davies attend- ed u 6:30 dinner of the fifth coun-cillor district at the country club in Fremont on Monday evening.Mrs.Leonard Hammang enter-tained hor music pupils on Saturdayafternoon from s to 4 o'elock.Dutchtreatswereenjoyedafterthefol- lowing program which was given biMisa Helen Chapman:"Petite Valle"bylleese Gaynor; "Hungarian Dance"by IJngel; "I`lower Song" by Laos:"\lalse" by Deane; "Shadow Picture" by Reinhold; "The Mill" by Failow.Mrs. w. J. Nelson and baby wenttoWestPointMondaytovisita week with home folks.Mrk. Alice Newsom had as her dinner guest on Tuesday evening,Rev.and Mrs.J.E.Aeschbacher.Billie and .lohn IIdmund,Mr. andMrs.. J. D.. Neweorn,Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Osterman,ar.Hr .and Mr s . ~ G a i n o y havereturned from th r honeymoon trio. Will Wilson and Ge01'Z° Schoett-ger expect to leave the latter partof this week on a month'a vacationtrip through Yellowstone park. They have planned many intereltlnz side trips and are anticipating a wonder-ful time.They will make the tripin a new truck and will c arry their bedding, etc.. but do not plan to doany culinary work while camping pn the way.M m H. H. Gllfney is enjoying a visit from two of her sisters.Mrs.W. L. Noyes of Sastakatoo, Canadaand Mrs. David R. Martin and dsugh e o u e u u s ter, Ruth Ann ofMr. and Hrs. in Omaha on W Mrs. 0. C. Ro~hostess at a oon Thursday whmembers of the Ilintgonanda Those attendinL.Cady,C. lv Davies, J.C.:shall,D.1.WLawrence Echten Ramp,J.E.ASchoettger,J.\ Blackbui-n,.,J.Grimes. Ja)BIshall, C. C. Ma ton; Idea-darnesWhile and R. StA daughterMrs.Leonard FdaJune 28th. r. and Mrs.son, Raynamd ofinto the llrs. A.recently raca |Mr. Planck ia e fer Mai.~dialI's nMr. and Mrs.on Sunday withThe Vocationa ed here on Fri~ers and several companied thewhens they apeat Elmwood paii. W . Marshaday from the N convention atMrs. F. J . EnMrs. Julian Jun opening of the change buildingThursday. The oyan! National \5Imeroon is vieloctacd in this Geo. ZA.li nan honor whenNationalNu . he was presenfrom a tres whLincoln's birth~merclnl clubs(their annualMr. Marshall mon on the -»the coming yeaMi. and Mrs.e brief visit thiMrs.Harry .Smerly of Allis their new homoMr. and Mrs.panled by Mr. aand sons, l'ayson, visited wi vom, Iowa overRev. and Mrs and family meWedrresday. Miss Nina C Tuesday for aFranzenburg ho Miss Violaoontlyfrasiuschool at Dem weok on on extrelatives. Mrs. Fred 0 Missouri Valleywth Mr. and Hrs.D.w . Friday from H she visiteddaughter, Miss Mr. and Mrs.Orn are vlsi Hannah H. Jenln Deconlndz To theheir: at Zur, next of kin, deviroos. le p to n ,crediton and All penona interested in the final settlement ofuid estate nm hereby notified that on the 8rd day of June, 1926, .limosH. Jensen tho F.x~eeutor of add a- hte filed a petition in uid County Dvurt,praying that his Tuul ua- miniztration aocotmt filed herein besettledthd around.that proof of hoinhip be taken, order for distn- bution of Luau and auigrmment of dover and homestead rights entered: and the mid Executor discharged.If y ou fail to spear before mid County Court on tho 3nd day of July 1926, at I0 o'clock A. M., nm: contest sold petition, the Court may gnnt the prayer thereof and makesuchother and fszrthor orders,al- lovagsnoea m d doemes on to than Court may seem proper. Witness :ny hand and Official Seat this 3rd day of Juno. 1926. (SEAL)1. c. ELL!:R, I9-5L .County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING m m .s s n m u s m STATE OF NEBRASKA, Wuhlngion County Henry Munch, Attorney in th a c u m,c w : u . J/ f a """" Plllhlln-'r1u:EN'x'!;-m - : -x.r..|.....|..t. .x .. I m n 5:T»'rih""r'I{ix"ii{` dial" " """" i i§¥:"`i.i'"I5a"'I*i\21i»li"ikéii6ni:d.ea um homo for i at \l..I .|..| - __1 u-|-_ l_..-_.. --.I '1\\..|...- \.l¢|\-IA Qlu harm; Af annnliuanv mkdir.-- ' r a z n- -h a h a sum, a nnum d c nmy . mm-kwv. llimr.nnyinc fur liemle toullral :mia hnlondng 4° uidwud: and the Court ludng heudu n u m Ind H M f u l l y ulviled in the n¢\mb¢¢,, md M appearing fmm a id lniintlon md th o pr oof:in s ni p! ! tha w! tha t I t vo dd b e h n e l i d n l w d d n l d m d i o d ! n u m m m m I n b r e m u u , of Tha Nebnxkl Suu Bullding md la m A s wd lti o n o f F§v:w:\L F6- m m m o n vr mdn d sum a$2400.W,logither with interest :human u y rovided ln u i d l u n - n n -The gr ind !! on the nth d a! of Srphm r 1926 obtained n h e n s s u m o f. $ 1 2 0 0 . 0 0 t o n i h u srl in ve s t t h e r e o n f r o m M a r c h l , a t 1 U % p e r m n n m l n d f o r e o a d d s c ¢ i t n i n t l n | u m o f $ 9 . ~ n l l a e c r u fn g e o d a ,I- l i d . fu d g m e n t u n d i o p d o l u n p m Lh a t u i d p n m i n e s a b o ve d ~ b e ao l d l n n i i m f y n i d - C HUR C H n m n m o n v nunsrcnmuzn io n - . u n d - m m n m a a ) AnluD.Bn||.\|y,Puhr. Du-I»1se¢d1oA.u. l¢ m ¢ s ¢ v | ¢ u .\ . \ | . ¥nnlnlnrvleu|:8:00P.l. - m n l s r w r l¢.KINL¥!c n n r l z n NO.181 a n s21 nd an d lil: '! 1 mr l. ~ L 9 0 p E1 ra y Thu nd a1 En n$ n; ADONIRAH _CHAPTERNO.1a RA . ll. in 'fhuradsy sch Heath. complete._ Th lhnl-iid! is this mek mhrinz upun vlc ltklll.Laurin; his intb e vr e e k h e p la n s to b o a vly f r o m Blair for nppmximately om month. During that time the Sunday School will hold its n g u l u un io ns and :ln ehunch wil! meet for pnygr andpraise each Wednealny waning. 'I ' h e p uwr d e d r en t. h a tin lo I a z 5 ponihle the memben of tht ~ will |.n-up their Weldon Smilh, Gb mp , sell m l wu d :tb l nuns in the p from uid La suppoblneficrlal person.;sell for ' m i r a d i u l n l u l l l w n l l " " _ l | Q ||- r r ' " " " -~r p r i a i l - " _ | ¢* P *~ . Q E _ 9 ' _ " . ' i _ ' 1 ' . * " 2 ~, . ? £ . . " . H ' i n L a m | | . | \ l ! |~n t l ! !~a !I s l BENCH NOTES Miss Hilda.Koenig is hu i n g n two weeks vncatiom from her workinOmahaandisspendingltathome.Misa Bda is also at home an za mention.Rav. Smaliey of Blzlr, was a call er at George Badgemwi Thursdaynfterncon.Chas.Cutvr ig ht of llodnle,issu¢n¢Ir.¢: a few days at the home of Theo.Oiinger.Among the family picnics held on f £ _ , , q >0 I ; I "r s n 4 ' I f . ~~~ " 'r ~ I »' ; \'5.1 4 5 *I ; , ." T ! *' J .I >.*~'?\f1i*E * ~ ;;_ E A . \: ~. _ ; . . -I g " - .| \. '~»Q \" ° -Q N."" - . .-.r:r';. -4l==d&|U a |. r . g f 'I ____ 1 I I III II ,.-< dy irrhen a mother planned ayt in honor of his eighth blnh-.Tho little folks gathered atCadhome and were then tokenthe 3.1, gmund park. when they amused by various games,tint. etc.A picnic supper was|on a long table which heldo pretty birthday cakes each hold1ev~ qandles.The cnlldran also jo miner mm in c onnec tionth ..supper.Jack received a:r me gifts from his littleends..Cletio Peterson assisted Cady in servinx.Those prea- t were Vee Louise and Marinorahall,Frances llarahadl,Cloth,n and Gail Peterson,DorothyLeonardMiller,De ar Ander-n,Raymond and Freddie Hart. ul Hawkins.Lornlne Marshall. ph and Jerome Bnennlg,Ottoeidarn,B»llEe Aeachharhor,Mc-lvin Haynes,Rlclund Sorenson, rold and Nomgndchoochnepner.ls Cady and Billie Christensen of mont.Hu. B. F. Cool: of Scribner spent edneaday at the F. E. Webb home.Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chapman andnghter, Jenn,motored to Lincolner the week-ond where Mr. Cl|ap»an and Mrs. A. B. Batson aharod non at a birthday c elebration ateIlatsonhomo on Sunday.Theents include|| two distort of Mrs.~tson from Intlihnl. Mr. and Mn. lm lloff and dau hter from W is-r, Mr. and Mrs. to Bataon, and mily from Lincoln. Mrs. Ida Jung-uth and Mr.mul Mn .Chapman ll Jean, all of Arlington.hlr.and Mrs.li.C.McClellan-ent Sunday in 'l\eknmnlx with MmcClell:m's parrots,lllr.and Mrs. . 3. Chades.Minn Anna.Eisner had the mia- rtune to fall out of o cherry tree:ly Tlmsday morning and frac-ml her right arm near the wristJ. A. l'arrow um! son, Morton of ndolph spent the week-em!with emln here.Walter Echtonkamp, jr.. hai beenk \~e past week with an attack .~¢l' Lou and Junior King npcntHtnday at ll. J. Slnlth-l'.Norman Warrick and wife wereSundayeveningvlaltorl at J .H. Colitptona.The following were pleats at a July 4th plcnlc at E. C. l..ippineottaSwodrr=Mr.liana Anderson anddltlghtere,l' lo n and Ethel,andli n .llnnrichs of Florence;Mist Hahn Amlenuon of Omaha,the 1-:. C. Schmidt and Lyle Guyer familiesanti§ll.».L Cantlln of Blair.llr .und Mrs. Fraud: Herring ofHodlio, la., were Sunday [small at the Then. Olin homo.The llench &1.\.met with Mrs. Fred Peck lut Thursday .Owingtothecanningseasontheattend-ance nas not large.Hrs.AllenNefell, Mn. Andrew Svengaard and Hrs.lilancho Puffer were guests.H. .l.Smith! were dinner guest;at HN. Sylris' in Blair Monday.Leelnf-Peak vlaitcd Rnasel Johns Sunday afternoon..li n .Alice Neaell apent two or thrgv 1|:1)»| last week with-lncr ale-tlr, Mn.. Johns.Her Bench friendswr y .meh remet that aloe is leav-ing lhlw meek for Loa Angeles, but happy llmt alle hu no far recoveredlu to he nlmle to rv -Hr.and Mrs.Clifford Ray and:ons ale Sunday dinner with llra.Rafe mother,Alls..Suaie Lane in Blair.Monday they attendd a uI!l||l|J¢1.lloo\l picnic at Fred Raya,go v; 1 Teknmah in the evening.li s a Dnrothie and Floyd Smith anemnea Arn..lo Guata»on's party ln Blmr |humlay evening.Clifford llny and family spent laatMondaye\.eninlr at bred Ray'awhentluyvisitedandll.0 lee cream lusrether.Frank Smith and wife and Mr. and Mrs. llovee and little girl wervviallorn at ll. J. Smltluu Wenhnsdayutter wut)Un Sunday Nrs.Sylvia anfl John viailed them.Hrs. Andrew Svengaanl and little dlttlhtvr viniyd ot Jonas lilombergr Thure-any. o I l I I 5 1 ..M e r r i t t a t t e n d e d th e races i n O m a h a M o n d a y .L a y ,W a l t e r a n d F r a n k Jn h n e i »| ~ I- 1 S ll n ll ny wi th Lo re n B la s te rs . M r .a n d hi t s .A .J.F o w l e r : n d sun K e n n e t h ,a¥_cnt M o n d a y u t e r - n o o n w i t h H r s .o1 r l e r '|a i s l e : M r s . R a y m o n d D i x o n o f O m h a .I n t h e e w n i n g t h e y aul oe rl t o IontaneIIr.~ ]: |» k t o a n t h e fi r c w o r k !. T h e L o n :C m e k P i ;C l u b a n d n h l h e C o r n {|1.|b m e t a t t h eh o m e . o £A ve r y Ju p e r a o n W e dn es - uag.e ve n i n g ,Ju n a 30 t h .A l l t h a 1 |5 .v a ~verhmg nicely.Mr.and Mrs.F.C.Enkin om! mily from Willsnl. Colo..arrived.lt week for 1 Visit with Mr. Hak-'s parents,Mr.and Mn .J.D.akin.The Eakin family teft Wil- rd Juno 10111in their auto an-ln n vidtcd relative.:in Kansas.klahoma, Miuouri and Iowa. TheyInn to remain; here until after the~urth of July wma they will ro- m to tholr homo.Merritt McClellan left lut wool:~r Camp Sheldon at Columbushere he as one of the camp Ecad-rs.He hu c harge of the Woke- iclcl boys' cottage and will return.Satunhy when their time at rnp~..sxpi:1!r. l A -n Hr..ml Mrs.Curl Hansen and flmily n<p|.nb Monday evening atOmlhn.Donnh;Lluatcra nncnt Friday af-ternoon oith Bcntrce and Teresa Foley.A large number of people met atthohomoofCoriHansenlrldnyovcnimr. lll honor of Mrs. llansenbl|U\day.She was quite surpriaa!to s w :\l.\aI.ll smrnllty five of hcr fritndn ant relative: join with her.The tvning was passed by viadtlm:m d playing various games.A t nlatehouraluncheonwaszonedconsisting of sandwiches, coffee, ice cram and cake.All deported Wilh- Leonnrd Ilnmmong ol' Omaha \ll-'h f 5;h.tg mg wf the weekend with hfa ggi; or m;my more lor ul rt al cl I L0 v as dRachelMcClellanhas been \isl£`*l Mr v'}Il;»...."_¥<....'?Lf M sknaaffr. nn wll.l:|relatives m Omzlha f°f= Frank Haven ich and family :mlron! weeks.Illlr. and Mrs. Fred Haters and fam Mr.and Mrs.Roy McCoy and arnily on-I Mr.and Mrs.Swansonndfamily,all of Schuyler.weremfg; gout; at the homo of Mr. :td rr. C. J . Anderwn. 115 were lmong those that :punt nte n enjoyable o\cnir.;; at Benning.lon watching tho flreworkl, dancing nn-I other lmulrmentn Saturday wc- mng.Mr. and Hu. D. R. Fowler, Harry w i n M c C a n n w e r e nea da y.» r t s o f O m a h a w a so'clo-ck lu n c he o n n h e r fu e a t a w e r e m i l e s C t e l e o f A r - e w o t h e r fr i e nd s . we re M e l d a m e a P . Andnewra,R .A . l g e r ,H .W .M a : -Jver,F .S .W t \ lb , m g W a h , E c h te n - sch ch er .H .w N e w e o m ,J.C . F.L a a k e r ,Jo h n kb u r n ,G .A .B l a r - ha l l . a l l o f A r t l n r l r l Mo a c h ei , L es t e r l i g h t , a l i o f O m a h a| b o r n t o M r . a n d ut e n ka m p o n M o n - Im m e t t P l a n c k a n d O m a h a h a ve m o ve d F. L u d wi g b u ng a l o w b y ~ c .Bo l d t . pl a ye d sa le s ma n rser iea. o h n G r i m e s vi s i t e d r i e n d a a t f* ° § m ~B i b l e Sc ho o : Io a - ar w h e n t h e te ac h- th e r c ha p e r o ne ; a e - hi l dr e n t o O m a h a .a n e n j o y a b l e d a y I r e t u r n e d o n S u n -ti o n a l n u r s e ry : m m 's Iuia vfl le,K y . fe r s o n a n d M r . a n d gbluth a t t e n d w t h e Lew L i ve St oc k e x - n S o u t h O m a h a o r , fi c e r a o f t h e s t o c k - m k o f w h i c h I' .J. r r e a i d e n t i n n o w ui d i n g .u l l re ce i ve d q u i t e |.s pr e s id e n t o f t h er m e r fs ass oci ati on.w i l h a j a ve l , m a d e h g r e w l n A b r a h a m ace,b y t h e Co r n - m i a vi l l e . K y . , w h e n w e n t i o n w a s he ld . .1 ele ct ed a s c h a i r » r d o f di r ec t or s fo r V. R. Seger 1:nj u;\ed w e e k w i t h M r . u m ! sr In t l fa m i l y .fo r - Lee b u t e n r o u t e t o a t Io w a C i t y . F .E .W e b b a c c o m - c i M r s . w . H . W e b b md B o b b l e . o f M a d i - n r e l a t l ve o i n M a l t h e w e e k - e n d . J .E .Ae a c h ba r h e r r e d £0 L i n c o l n h a t n o f O m a h a c a m e o nvl a i t a t t h e Ja k e ne. reneh.w h o _iuat r e - d f r o m t h e h i g h , C o i n . , a r r i ve d In s t . l d e d vi s i t h e r e w i t h a n d s o n , G e r a l d o l vi s it e d o n F r i d a y r s . J. F . L a a k e r . La w s o n r e t u r n e d o n un p t o n ,I o w a w h e r e r a l we e k s w i t h h e r M a d e L a w s o n . w .H .Hi l l eg a s s o f I n n lluf c ur *Ik h h I*du u 111b l l tl is 1:11 11111e1I a1|z J 1 ( I J 1 1 I.t III I1 I1 1 I l 1 I 4 1 4 I ' D m " Q" Gla s c m mn a l M" ,°° ' f °elnnus l u i Wednudly.en~They :hmm Mrs.NalnonI th r d lnd nr.Nearly ulxten ofrebuy: Joined.Next week 007 (ll moe! with Hy mn W unl. Avll Hamm and har silver. Bw-lh gelumed home from Ulnr I-Ill. n k : m r apmdinzf |¢o\|ple,of eeln vldzlng n h vu .Inn Ry an spun Friday nlgnt with ielen Taylor.Rudolph Munch w a r n Hermannller nm vvenlng Int vuk.Prumk S d n ! " m d family :nt hunay analog at Della! W u fn. Cullen w n m m l nm| \:pant'Inu-xday evening at the w ll Ryu Sun dny awnin g mad : lt Un h om » 1 u f . u » 1 u n . A L N . / u » a ¢ r » mMr. and Mn . C lu r h Ur m» : n dZhlldmnnf <>»==g-- by"g - - ny guests l t s mu o olltC lm£yd Mr.and Mn .Alfn d Humanmoved lut B atur dly nn m | ( umnartlu of Blmlr.Their runy Irlsadlhon will mlu them but wllh Kham me nu ln um thd r :n w bo nu .»Dr.li e d w a n t t o Oxu ln ' h u - dly lo uh Franc es u» an Un doe-wr.Mn. Denwn uwmR?Iad theml n s p s n d l h w d m n n t t h shome nf lr. md Hn. Tay lor lead- own.~ HERMAN NEWS sum of $2400.00, toglther with in- terest. 'thereon frm July 1, 1926 at 10%per annum and for outa of» . u d mu m m u » ¢ n m ¢ r $ 1 4 , s s n a d l accruing cotta,: d d dec relof judgmtnt and Iorodrnrure providing th at ui d premises above ducribedansoldtoM i l f !n u iudznune md costa in cue the-same remained unpaid for a pu iod of mon tha n tt e n t y d a y i f z n m t h t m t r y o f l d d slecme, and ah! fudnncnt snd costabeing unpaid and uid derives bills; itil!in ful!form and dfeet m e Coon `\v|TH GA s suzalrrs sfnle Wm. J.Haber, Atty. Hy virtui of an order of ale il- sued out of the District Court of Waahington County,Nebraska,and in pursuanéo g m.decree of saidCourt ln an aéti n therein nmdinz wherein Edward s. Neve!! ls plain- :iff and William McCormick is de- fendant I wil!on Wednesday the 2iat.day of July.1928,at 1300 o°clock PM.of laid day at the West Pmnt Door of the Waahing- ton County Court House in the city of Blair,Washington County,Ne-braska, sei! at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the foiiow- ing desc:ibal rea!estate,to-wit:The East Quarter of the South Wu! Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Secticm !3,Towruhip IB North of Range l l East of the sixth P.H. Washington County. Nebraska. The plaintiff on the 14th day of September,1925,obtained a decree of forecloaurg in said awon for the iudgmeat,the Interest thereon, thecosta and nil warming com as pro- vldtd by laid order and dicrit and by lu r ln nach cues nude an provided. Dated this Nth day of June, 1826,at Blair, Nebruh. 21-Bt.Maurice Mehmena, Sheriff. The Only Sensible, Sanitary Method Cheaper than any other way BLAIR GAS COMPANY - Repair Work Alzvvayé Try Us First Should Be Done by First-class MECHANICS 0ur`Shop is Manned by ,_ Competent Men 0ur Work is Fully G|1aranfee;i Our Prices Reasonable x I ~-I 'l l I unpdd for | psrlod of mon than twenty dl!! from the entry of : d d decree.md llld jud gmu nt md mst: Be i n g uu p d d wx A d d da c m ~ -:till I n mu fa r ee _ nd :f lee t mu pranhea will he wld io lalhly :dd .f0\'||'Illln¢. thc htenn thereon, thecon.: and ull seeming muh u pm- Wded by uid older md damn and by hw in meh uses mule md pro- vided. nm- 1 u m n u. by of J une , mu,lt B lllr , Nl§r \ | h . 21-SL lluuiq llehn xu. Sh eriff. .. In tho Hattzr of ttho Estate o Hannah H. Jenln Deconlndz To theheir: at Zur, next of kin, deviroos. le p to n ,crediton and All penona interested in the final settlement ofuid estate nm hereby notified that on the 8rd day of June, 1926, .limosH. Jensen tho F.x~eeutor of add a- hte filed a petition in uid County Dvurt,praying that his Tuul ua- miniztration aocotmt filed herein besettledthd around.that proof o hoinhip be taken, order for distn- bution of Luau and auigrmment o dover and homestead rights entered: and the mid Executor discharged.If y ou fail to spear before mid County Court on tho 3nd day of July 1926, at I0 o'clock A. M., nm: contest sold petition, the Court may gnnt the prayer thereof and makesuchother and fszrthor orders,al- lovagsnoea m d doemes on to than Court may seem proper. Witness :ny hand and Official Seat this 3rd day of Juno. 1926. (SEAL)1. c. ELL!:R, I9-5L .County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING m m .EEITLEM STATE OF NEBRASKA, Wuhlngion County Henry Munch, Attorney u . I m .ul l a n )§¢`""v1 iL" "';5';, hrL a a m p , m m .1.0.0.f n n c m r u n x r mv ;,,,., 31 mir so $ . 2 3 sau s-:ml zo A. H,wi-4\h M611 2'°=*'=¢|.¢».au,» from me Sunday .f Us re-lmw wmmp 1 1 A. a l.P.N.c. cum m m .c m ¢ m n m » m ¢ ¢ 1 = o o : > . a L , _ , , _ _ _ , * ° U" " " " ¥ ° = f ° ° ° " " ° " " ' a tur d, to -lr ita -- an "Em o ne- ha! !! lntzfutl in and to the following ~scribed rel] utah to-wits--I.ats No.|1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, in Block 14,1v n lm or Ariington,wuhi nrmi E n llfvicil at s P. za.m v . " -n......\.m.a.»w..a.....| .» 1nn I Int Ihd. Std Friday EVOISIIII County , Nebraska, u pnyed for rn; uid appllation.|Now,tbenefole,it is hereby or- :lend tha t umq nu t of kin of uid! minor and my md LII 1sons ln-!mreshd In her uid , be and they hereby an directed appear lifore the Distric t Conn of W uh- lngion County , Nebruh on the 13day of August 1926, et I0 o'cloek, .\.as..xt 'the Court Home in the City af Blair in nld County to show enum,if any there be,why the pny er of said petitioner,he notgranted for Ileenle to sell uid res! utah of uid turd at private sale. I t in tlmrdunn ordered that no-tic e of mid appileltion and of the time and phm of the hearing there- of, u above fixed, be given to aid minor, the gmrdlm, Quant of kin, ind to al! person: interested ln uid matter, by jubliation of a c opy of this order in The Enterprise, a legalweekly newspaper printed end pub- lished in Blair of uid County and of general eirexdntion therein,forthree agzcceanive weeks prior to :mid day of bearing.By the Court- Chnrlez Leslie. Su m E . Hllll P m. No. 1 5 4 m and ara Fd. Bvminn 8:00BUSYBEE CLUB lui Friday of eu): Month 0. U. llcProud, ?aatol" Your attention la called to the item of a full day of snrricea :text Sun- uay.The hearty cooperation of themembersandMandalaurgedin clodng out the finaneaa of thiss l r on the 1881 of Anguat,at:hclk time the fourth quarterly con- ference will be held. The Wornen'a Foreign lllaalonary Soelely srl!! man with llra. HcProud an next Friday afternoon.Rev. MeProud and una oeleama ara attending the E. L lmtitute at w h l k n t h i s m e k . W e Bw!! Ou r Blm Living Costa A study of the c oat of livin: in 2 repnraentative cltlea of tha Unlt- od sum. under the auapicea of theBureauofLaborStatiaticaU. S. Department of Labor, hulieltea that taxation has increased falter than any other element entering intothe cos; of living. On January lat of thla rear. thecostoflivingintlreladtieawas 78% over the 1913 hvel, while the coat of govemment, aa upreueo intaxation,has risen 200%.Federal taxation which was $8.92 per capita in 2913, has than to 125; atate tion,from r m s to $850:andlocaltaxation,Irom $12.63 to $35. From theae figure:it will ba me1 that the cost of federal luxe;in3%times, and state and local lax ca 2%tlmea mg great aa in ltllzt. GIVES "'lIINTS" OF CARE UF CREAM IN HOT WEATIIIIIE Lock of proper can of cream on the farm in warm weather Ia foal.- inz famrera thousands of tlollus an nually, according to the Blue ValleyCreameryInstitute.Since three times as much milk and cream ia produced on the farn1 in summerthan in winter, proper care given to cream during the warm weather de terminus to a large extent the (armer'¢income from his oovra for the year.This la especially true now when bdter creamerlea pay a premium for sweet cream.. With a vlerr of helping fu?1nen in the care of their cream in warmweather.the following "hlntn" have been prepared by the Institute: CLEANLINESS.Cleanliness of tlbenalla and-low temperature are the controlling factor:that deter- mine the quality of cream.An on- wnahcd separator contaminate:thecreamof the next separation, and high temperature does the rent. Cream produced under such condi- tion; will not only become intensely aour but ia also likely to become yeaaty and foamy.Further, 't willdet-\'lop a disagreeable odor.In all, lt makes a very poor quality of but- ter which always Sells at bottom pricea.The use of clean otnu illandwashingtheseparator"after each .reparation by taking the bowl apart will prevent tlrla.LOW TEMPERATURE.The milkshould be aoporated after ouch milk- imr. and the cream at once sol. in n tank, barrel or tub of unter an cotd an possible.Stir the cream n few times to hasten the cooling Do notathe cream can on the buck punchor under a tree expecting the air to cool the cream.Wnber enola 2| times as faat na does air-otan inpart: of the country where thu wa ter gm quite warm in the rtlmmer. In the absence of a runnin: springfixup a cooling tank lJel\acenil|upumpandthewateringtrough. Any big tank, tub or barrel be used that is large enough to old two cans,a shipping con and asmallcan.Hold the warm creamin the small can till it in thoroughly cooled. then add the cold cream to that in the ahlpplng can alreadycooledNever pour aann cream in cold cream.lf you do,you rrlilsimply have a large batch of warm cream to cool down ani-n.PREQUENT DELIVERY.Deliver orahlpthec rearnaaoftennepoaa-ihlet The longer the cream la kept on the farm the more time it huto lpoll.In hot weather c over the cream with a wet blanket while iia ta lte ntothe a ta tlon .S e e t o i t that it ia not allowed to nano tothehotrunwhilewaitingfor the train. _- .. - - . _ - . . . _._ . . . _ _ . . .. . . . - . . _._... . . - ._ . . .. . . - - - was mxoro nz c o uz ~rr r` :max BUREAU NOTES _ - u r u The queatlon regarding indemnitypaidonTubenulodareactorsandthe :sewer rel. arilh a maximum o! $80 on grades and $60 on pure laneda hae brought forth many other quee-tlona from our famera here in Wall- lngtoo county.The queatiooe re- cently uked are aa follow:Ia royVeterinarianallowedtoteatmy herd?The annmr la in many eaeeayea, ln fact ere want to use ae mrxy home Vetertnarlana aa possible, who are trained and qualified Veterin- ariana.It in the utmon deaire o!County Agent Geo Beta in bow! of the Waaltington County Fatrrn Burau to maintain peace and har mony betame: the farmers and thosedoing the work.The queatlon, what ia Tuberculosis was asked at UN public poultry cull- ing demonstration at Nevin McCtlnes last weelt.What le "l'.lberculodeTuberculoelalaatrannnlttabledl- aease of man and anlmala. .Thla ia on eftabllahed fact proven by sci-entific experiments.Another quee- tion.What caua-ea 'hlbereuloalelIt la caused by the preaetlco of vltal activities of o apecific rnicropororltxor germ known aa Bacillus Tuber- culosis and Bclence haarfurther prov- ed that 'lilberculoeia cannot he pro-duc edin any other way except by the presence of the Beccilua 'I\1herculoaia. Some of the Advantage: of an Accredited County 1. Amore.a freedom of our mllk eupplyfromthedangersof Tuber culoain. 2. lt vm eetabilah a better marketfor the cattle and dairy zmductf because ol their freedom from T. B. 3. Cattle may be ahlpped from anaccredited county to any point. inthe United Statxn without ah ad ditional retest.. t. In order to comply with the Deir); Law dairy cattle need not be teet- ed my oftener than is neceuary to nmlntain the county ae accred-ited and the intervals of retest éeperale upon the pereeutlge of reactors.Our netghbortngcounty Burt county,was accredited with pr uwa lly the first teat and taexpectedthatWaahlngtoncount; vrill have a very small percent of reactors.5. The Packing Compuniea havelrrehl ami they mlopay 1041 per 100 pounds on hogs bred and fed in accredited counties which they pur-chase for alauarhter." So le Local Disadvantages A Holstein breeder living north- ecmlt of lllnlr is in the market for a 'bull and he poaitluely will not buy unless the animal ia free fromTubarcdode.This Iamter has marle two trlpe to Burt county and at trust three trips to Dodge. county i search of an aoeremiitable sire.It isnot only o lone to the buyer in malt- inz auch tdpe but it ia a lose to ourEoealbreedersandfarmersinnotbeing able to provide a high e\\|||ll ard, :lean product of breelllnlt stock.a e e ll. lZ. S. T. Community Club last Saturday evening Co.Ammt Geo. Bates helped organize the B. II. S.T.Community Club at Stalker into what pmmllee to be one of thi'real live rural community clubs. The Club has not yet selected lls otflcera but intends to do so aa soonae their roemberahtp reachee ditty. They plan to have radio dances one-reach month and a aocial entertain- ment also once each month.CountyAgmt Bates plans to ehosr moving pictures allowing Nebraalu scenesofcorn.cattle,beets,india,and other toduatrlu along erlth football pictures, winter eport.: In Cmda- atcAa In induoroeeot to all rural clubs County Agent Bates has a supply of copies of Constitution and by -iamwithaerelloutlinedprogram that will be een; free to anyone wishing il.. SATUBDA Y G. A. R.md W. RC.2nd and ith Saturday Aftemocas. LEGAL NOTICE Wm. J.Maher,\tt3. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol" w.asH1:5:c1'c:N COUNTY,NE- BRASKA. ln the Mutter of the Applicaziun L0SailRealSaute by Ed.1.Smith, Guaniian of Gladys Echl |.aknn|p. minor ma ve n ' r o s n o w C A US ENow this 3111 day of July, l92¢, ii being ann of the days of the Peb- nmry, 1926. term of this Court, this matter came up for hearing nn tha duly verifltd applkation of Hd.I.. BLAIR navrnsrr cnuncn Arthur D. Smailey, Pastor The church gnatly appreciates! thu pruenee und 3mask of lin J. W.Swihart onhealn at the :venic e on S l m l l a y ~The nelectium both of secular ani, patriotic numbers addedgnatlytotheinterest of the service.A solo by Hhs llary Pick eil lm!an lnthem by the thumbchair combined to give just thatnn du l touch to make the newlce oowanm/momu. cmmcn(Qu. wum An. ma mum P. Nw. Pa m:sum sdml xo A. ll.~ I l! - i ll B u ' v| m _ l1 A . I . mmn c n 0 ? O OD (Cn. W uhingtou na hd Sweat)Bind!! mmm Qt 10:00 A. ll. li d - va l: B i b h Study,Wadnoodl; tuning ut 'l:a0. r r .PA UL LUTHERAN c n u n m u m uI n a a n d J a m a l R y a n c a l l e d o n e a a e H a n s e n S u n d a y a v e n i n i U a r l P l e p e r a n d f a m i l y o f B l a i r l a i t e m l a t W a l t e r S a p p e n f l e l d i o n .undo .Boogie R m has had poisoning he put week but il much hater."Tm Hosea Wilson and lin. WilllynnmeraOmahashopperslast l1uraday.Cullen W rlfht ls :he ovmer of anewFordtouringcar.Marlon Haatln haa been alckhe past week wth tonallilia but la .alter again.Mr.and Mrs.Jesse Hansen via- tod at the Noni: Ward home Sat- nnlay evening.Raymond and Dorothy llenelnu lpdut '1'h,u|-eday aftemoon with use Hansen.A picnic wa.|\he|\l at the Della!Nulf!home last Sunday.A wr y urge crown! attended.Nearly everyone in this vicinity ment the am c elebratlnl at Arllnp a l h l t u l C. E. Johnson Waldo Hancock. E.C. Bundle and rim Tmhlllrl. mam beta of the town board went den neu conourthat com-at a to Lincoln Thursday on baslnectedwiththepavln;of streets.The contract 'araa letday to the Moran eonatruotlon puny and :alla for .08 mlleallnit price of $2.12.Mr.and l n .Loulll Homthree children and his brother, Chanmotored to Omaha Saturday and at- tended the funeral of an aunt.Joseph Knott of Sioux Falla, s. D.spent a few day a lut week with hhparenta. Mr. and Mm Robert Knottand other relatives and friends. l l l u Louise Llraon Iraa a al-enger ba; bus zo Omaha lnat F day.Mina helmo Go¢lae.wh0 la -goding her vacation at r home eravisited friends ln Omaha from I n t Thuraday until Monday. Chas.Trlplett, a former Harmanresidentvisitedhiabrother,Elay and I : I (omni, Netnuka) Rev. Ft. J. Relnartaan. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Chuneh Services at l l A.M. n m n x c m EV.-LUTH.TRINITY tw.Lllhroln and 2nd. mm) H. J. Wanting, Pastor. ' H I Amirlnan Lutheran :laurel i l l!arrange for k d u r u of "Christian Fundamental Teachings' or instruction !or Saturday after noons at 2:30.Sunday sums at 9:46.\ Strvlces every Bunday morning a 10:30; either in Gemsan or Engllai languaga. Bible class at 2:30 or 7:30. Further infomation Blair Toi. 1802 Tha pastor intends to serve anlaalon-station:on Sunday P.3I'¢ o m z s u EV . ur r m- :n m c nu nc n (Cor. Jackson and Center street) ll. Nielsen. PastorSundaySchool9:35. English :ervlce 9:45. Danish aarvlon 11:00.Endlah aerwlcea at 8:W P. ll. a s - o n c m a z n n CHURCH 0 ? .ma us c amsr OF ' LA TTER DAY a m r r s (Linc oln Stunt behratn ith A 'nm E d o ! T. J . mu m. o mm.Suppl; Sunday School at 10 0'¢1oei. Pnaehtng 301vleoa at 11 A. gt. sr . F RA NCI S B o so n (Catholic Church) (Coma Colfax and #tin ztxaat) Fatlaar C. A. Beyaradorfur,Pano: Flat and 'Baird Sunday of incl month, Ilan at 9 A. H. Soeond and Fourth Sundays, Haas at 10:90 A. u.\ JudgeEd -I l Sr.. Int Sunday.L A; P llfi lh of Omsha, visited nasonunox ESTIMATE OF EXPENSI2 FOR THE YE AR 1926-1927BE IT RESOLVED BY 'PHE MAYOR!AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OI"BLAIR»NEBRASKA:lThat .the estimate of the probable amount of money ncedesl for all purposes to be raised in amd Ci'y for the fiscal year commenczmg "'\the xiret Tuesday in Hay, 1920. in cluding interest due and principai due on the bonded indebtcdnen and r-inking fund and the rliffcrcnt nb~ jects-and branches of expenditureare an hereinafter se; forth, itemized and classified aa follow. to-uit: Pdnting cmd publication S 50099Salaries of city dficcrs 0,000.00 Principal and interest due and to be-wine due 00,000.00Streets, alleys and bridge;8,000.00 Fire department vurvwvr 1,000.00Miacetlaneoua xwnmu 5,000.00 Civil and criminal ailliqur'1,000.00 Maintenance.operation, extension and aalarieaof employees of the electric light plant and aystcm 50,000.00 Street and pubtic lighting 3,500.00 Water and Waller irorks ayatun. salaries of cm-ployaos and extensions 30,000.00 Parks and park purpoaea 500.00Music and public amuse- ntenta 750.00 Library fund 3,000.00 Sinking fund for newer bonds and interest 2,500.00 Sinking fund for inter-wclion Pwifls bond; and interest 15,000.00 Paving aneaamenta oncity property 1,000.00 Maintenance,operationextension and salaries of ice plant employees 8,500.00 Hydrant rental.:2,500.00And the Mayor and Councii of the City of Blair, Nebraska, hereby cer- tify that the following is a tme andcorrect statement df the entire rev enue of the City of Blair, Nebraska,received for the fiscal year com mencing on the first Tuesday in May,1925.Revenue rcceirnl from all sources $127,027.06 BE I T FURTHER RESOLVED:That this resolution be entered at large upon the minutes of this coum ci! and that tho same be publishedforfourconsecutiveweeksina nwdvaper of general circulation in the City of Blair. Nebraska. Dated thia lat day of Jump. 1926. 33-5t R. J. HURDOCH, Mayor.Atteat:c. E; KRAUSE. City Gert. snr:mr:»"s SALE Wm. J.Maher,Atty. By virtue of an order uf a-:sie ia- sunl out of the District Court ofWashingtonCounty,Nebraaka,and in pursuance of a decree of saidCourt tn an action therein pending wherein Herman State Bank, A Cor- poration,ia plaintiff and JenningsWestandWent.Pint and n a l name unknown,wife of J en- Iringa West.are defendants I will on 1`ueMay the 20th day of J uly,2926,at 1:00 o'clock PM.of said day at the West Front Door of the Waahington County Court Home in m m l vl u u n u . vu " - .. .- - -.cn j o y a b ie t i m e .M r .a n d M r s .W x l t e r N e h o n a n d ch i l dr e n : g e n t S u n d a y e ve n i n g u t h e " f i l l y a n h o m e . imrgunnn News U r .arul M n .M o c k w t n t t o O m a -h l l a s t T h u n u i a y t o b r i n g h o m e M i s s Fr an ce s.w h o h a d be e n n t t h e ho s - Ph fpp n o ! T e l u m l h w h o m m h e r o l r l a i w u re l at i ve s d m f o l l o w i n g g i r l s g u n |p l w c p u t a t t h o to u r i s t p a r k S a t u n l a y :E l a b e R u ~m u u c n .E m i l y . Io n a H a n a n , V i vi m Ru t l e d g e a n d V i vi a n R u m u a e n . H r .o n d l i n .A l b e r t W o o d w a r d m d Jooréuellrla d r o w o u r f r o m Li n c o l n nt un d a n d vi d t e d o ve r th e F o u r t h w i h i s xme1r§s.M r . a n d M n .L .A .W o o d w a r d . U.....|. . - I \ . l - .Q ¢ | ¢ u n-nl n n s i n h Wtrltd ally Io:me Benelli.or utrhwalth.Mr.and Mrs. Clint Eakin andchildren of Willard, Colondo werevisiting old limo friends in Kennard n Thursday of lut week.Mra.»Neln Svengnnl underwent an operation int week at an Omdn hospital nd at this writing is get-ting along u Ire!! as can be expect#:NL Her :pony frlerdn here wish §.\'¢»z}l¥'§~3diy of Hn. ==~I-~{- pu- ontl, Mr. and Mn. L. F. Hbingir.Mr.md li n .H.C. °=<;;g==. are=§1»=~===a fine our "Ya whichi ?have g g h d g lt on Llnlr omo near orEd Sheet! and fob.. Will rnotored be Omahl on Tiséoulay.»': o we nover from nmomt Thur:-d|.y onhuadneuandvidtedwhilehareat urmonasr rzmsooru. cmmcnx [Can Calhx and um linth)Miss Hilda.Koenig is hu i n g n two weeks vncatiom from her workinOmahaandisspendingltathome.Misa Bda is also at home an za mention.Rav. Smaliey of Blzlr, was a call er at George Badgemwi Thursdaynfterncon.Chas.Cutvr ig ht of llodnle,issu¢n¢Ir.¢: a few days at the home of Theo.Oiinger.Among the family picnics held on ~~_Q~ ~ ~Q ~.~z ,( " A \ % :-1A\,_~g v A r \ ~ `»e"'4 >'lP|§» Q' ~\Er l »A \»»~ , '-¢,A __ ~,,,.~_\ _` \ . `4 * . .- ¢ s ; . |l P ' TheBlueBellSilnMe\u YouAreNearHome ` _ . Q - ¢ , »- 9 - g r _Mountain wenery ineven ley s, mm md mmmuu na :p or e in sp ir in g md vm-- h u n d n d l u r n u n : I a m bl* I|~I |M r .a n d hi t s .A .J.F o w l e r : n d sun K e n n e t h ,a¥_cnt M o n d a y u t e r - n o o n w i t h H r s .o1 r l e r '|a i s l e : M r s . R a y m o n d D i x o n o f O m h a .I n t h e e w n i n g t h e y aul oe rl t o IontaneIIr.~ ]: |» k t o a n t h e fi r c w o r k !. T h e L o n :C m e k P i ;C l u b a n d n h l h e C o r n {|1.|b m e t a t t h eh o m e . o £A ve r y Ju p e r a o n W e dn es - uag.e ve n i n g ,Ju n a 30 t h .A l l t h a 9. U. llc Pmud, Putor. s u m: s a m: t h a n A . ll . Homin ; S rr dn 11 :0 0 A . I. Epworth League 7:00 P. M. Evening service: nt 8:00 P. M. Pray er linking W odnudly ann int mo. BT HARTS z:P1sc oPA1._ c annon (Grunt Sum bitten ith and Sth) Rev. Chu D. Hating, Pastor Holy Communion I n n 'Sunday W ill Si5m¢"F¢|1», s.nl1.1).-..\n\¢ nln nn n|¢ .|Hun,..v-.~1 ;~\T$fz£,»~- . f » ~ 1 f '~ Everything That You Can Th ink of in Japanese Novelties that would muke za delightful gif! forlhom going away on a vacation. or for the folks hack home.Every item reasonably priced \ Visit our new Gift Department for unique party favors. Beautiful Japanese Window Display this week. A sums., ~mi.a.»- uf .v-.ny-111. new H . O L L E R M A N N Exclusive Juwelar Gilt Counseloro r 1 . f o -.5.j f ,s ~_ »_~.¢ "'"A ;HL¢. _` .\ \ ~ ` I Q W .J . | 1 MI 4 y ~ _ i w `U .,_.4-vs*n l *T u a l u e i i e n é i g n m a u You Are NMaqnnniguféezy ileven :gone xnspnnlug und vm.non dy' ure happkrvhen xheen of due crnil reveals:he Blue Bell sign.For xhen you kgmr you ue near home. The Ions! distance tele-phone is wa s ready to!akE'§'ou quicdy over nL ear Home `0 1 - 0 - : n rleys, :ivan md mmmuina -hundndl ur nun :Iam und! uf mlm un uh: Mb bunk hams. Youvill mjoy ceiling the home folks about your nip an-I :hey will be Elievad to knmr :hu all ie well whh you.'Jmnv "lm¢Dlnm¢e"rw:r\um|mnb¢andmonyou wufbeunrlqumn umcnfl "Lung :>|»w¢=~' wmqwuywmenmmmyndnnnz my dmc. 0 1 :: l " ¢»4 : 1 A Q a¢ |. .: .. ar rr lz n 0 | | l ' l l l | °On-cly alul 0 vuumzaauln "m ` £ § ` § ` . i . K i l l s , a l s o M r s . n o r m . Pe t t i t o f O m a h l .w a s vi a i t i n i nKemmardlast.W ed ne sda y,al so f m . in n : a fl x r b us i ne s s m ot h er .H .C .B l a e o w a s t r a u a c t i n g h u i - n t n n a t t h e : t a l e ca p it o l Th u r s d a y . J. C . R h e a o f n e a r A r l i n g t o n w a str a n a nc t l n g bu n i ne l n i n o u r l m l e t n w n la s t F r i d a y . M r .a n d M n .E u g e n e - M i l l e r a n d d a u g h t e r ,o f Cl e ve la n d .O h i o c a m e l a n .S a t u r d a y b d m ;n l l u l h e r e b y t h e se ri ou s illn es.-n o l M m H i l l e f a mo t h e r. M r s. J. C. A p 'p i ¢ b yTh e R e b e k a h s a n d . D . 0 . F . w i l l h o l d a j o i n t in s t al l a ti o n o f o ffi c e r s o n W e dn ea da e ve n i n g ,Ju l y I iM n .B w l l i e l d a n d aa n.A l o n s o a \......_._.m.......|_..- I n m w u m a I JZ IW U , u n o l l s a u n a -i m r t h e s u m m e r t e : m a t t h e stabsu n i ve r s i t y u p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d a t t h a h o m e o f h e r p a r e n t s , M r .a n d H n . W m . L o w e .M r .a n d M r s .H a r r y Jo h n : o n o f Te l t a m a h w e r e r a l l e r a a t t h e Joh n. W i l l h o m e i n t S a t u r d a y .W m .C r a m ,w h o ha s b e e n w o r k -i n g o u t In M o n t a n a c x m e T h u r s d a y e ve n i n g f o r a f u r m e e k !vh i t . M i s a Na r l a n a R a t e r ,o f B l a i r l a : s e n d i n g a f e w d a y ; i n H a r m a n a t e h o m e o f h e r nis te r,Li r a .H e r ! L o w e .C h a s . E l l y d r o ve d o w n fr o m C r a k o n F r i d a y f o r a b r i e f de l l .a t t h q D a ve C u m m i n g :h m n e .'Il i n .H .B .C a m e r o n Vi l l b u l g m , Church School at 9:45. Also agn flee mr! Sunday . Fraternal and | Club Directory MONDAY xmcxrrs OP PYTHIAS Every Honda? Evlmlng uo u n n' A FTE RNOON C L UBWomen? Study C1ub (Every Hom] x, x. K . Every Monday Evening, 7:30DELPHIAN CLUB 'Niils Cather ChapterIll and Std Hon. Evening, '?:50 A U X . To A l ma z c m LEGION ;'IFHQ u m a n a l n o p p e n x u u u u y uaH i n we ek .M r s .Jo h n A .Bu r g e s s a n d so n, Ja m a a r e s p e n d i n ; t h e m e k a t s h e h o m e o f H n .A .N .An d e r a o h . H r s .El l z l a W e e d e n h m a i n e d t h e fo l l o w i n g l a d i e s l a a t F r i d a y In h o n o r o f h e r b i r t h d a y s ;Me a d am e a Jo h n Ro s e n ba u m ,B e r r y .C a r h m a n ,S w i - h a n , B l u i e r ,G a i n e s . M c C a n n , W i d - e n e r a n d Ch ar l ul lt e 1=°f;.z»al s o h e r d a u g h t e r , M n . C l a r k o f r e m o n i a n d gr a n d c l a u fh t e r ,H i n G e n a W e e d o f Si o u x Fu Is , S .D A t l l d l l u n c h o l' k o é r e a m a n d a l e w a l S é f f e d a f - t e r w h i c h t h e lm l i e e de p a r t e d w i s h - i n g M r s .W e e d m a n y m o r e h a p p y harttu lays. M r . a n d M r s . L o u i s P e l l e : o f O m a - h a a r e t h e h a p p y p a r e n t s o f u b a b yu i r l b o r n Ju l y 4.H r s .H .G .V a n D e u s e n o f t h i s p l a c e i s h e l p i n g c a n fo r t h e m .M r .a n d M n .W a l t e r W e e d d r o ve i o F r e m o n t l a s t F r i d a y t o m e e t a l- 4 . . : _| - _ . | .J x l . .\.\.....l hnew f1|¢1u| ( H a n d s i n O m a h a m ; - f"!1l1¥A m l e i H i l l S u n d a y m o r n i n !f r o m B w t t s b h l t fa ,N a b ; . , w h e n h e s m a i l e d h e t W e d n e r d a b y t h e d e a l h o f a s i s t e r ,4i n n . . A l i c e a n d C i z r l a t l a n a H a n - a e n w h o a r e e m p l o y e d i n O m a h a a r e h o m e fo r a fe w d a y s vi s i t w i t h t h e i r p a m n u ,M r .a n d B r a .C h r i s I l a n - sen.M i n M a g g i e l m m l e ft H o n d a ! f o r Ex c el s io r Sp r i ng s ,Mo . ,w h e nel m w i l l a t a y se ve r a l we ek s.H r s . C a r r i e V o e a o f O m a h a ,f o r m e d y o f H e r m a n i n d M r s .C h r i e Tr u h l a e n a r e a l n e a d y d o w n th e re .Th e y w i l l li m i 1 ; q u i t e p l e a s an t t o b e t o ge t h e r . T h e A .Z.Pa t n a u d e fa m i l y o fO m a h a s p e n t se ver a l da y . ; t h e p a s t w e e k at.t h e h e m e o f h e r pa re n ts , M r .a n d M n .S a m Be l vil l e . M r s .J .H .J o h m o n r e t u m e d t o h e r h o m e i n Lin eo hz F r i d a y l f l l o ts.laitlng h e r e th e p u t te n da ys .M r .a n d H r a .Ge o .Sheet.:i n d Stanley E. Hain, No. 15|2nd and ith Monday Evminl ~1 ;~\T$fz£,»~- . f » ~ 1 f '~ Everything That You Can Th ink of in Japanese Novelties that would muke za delightful gif! forlhom going away on a vacation. or for the folks hack home.Every item reasonably priced \ Visit our new Gift Department for unique party favors. Beautiful Japanese Window Display this week. A sums., ~mi.a.»- uf .v-.ny-111. new H . O L L E R M A N N Exclusive Juwelar Gilt Counseloro r ~_Lv . ¢ ¢ -.5.j f ,s ~_ " i - V e " i.' »e"A ; H L ¢ I Q " f i gs v Af \»;A'4 QM ? Q ¢s ..\*Q. = -.~2 '~,,\"\ _5 1*` .\ ..-AL A IP' The Blue "° » ' } S i n M e n u V 2 A r e Maqnmin weneryileven:pore :aspiring und un.non dy' ure happkrvhenxheen of due crnil reveals:he Blue Bell sign.Forxhen you kgmr you uenear home.The ]on5 distance tele-phone is wa s ready to!akE'§'ou quicdy over nL ear Home0 1 - 0 - : n rleys, :ivan md mmmuina -hundndl ur nun :Iam und! uf mlm un uh: Mb bunk hams. Youvill mjoy ceiling thehome folks about your nipan-I :hey will be Elievad toknmr :hu all ie well whh you.'J mnv "lm¢D lnm¢e" rw: r\u m| mnb¢ and monyou wufbeunrlqumn umc nfl "Lung :>|»w¢=~' wm q wu y w me n mm m y n d n n n z my d m c . 0 1 :: l " ¢»4 : 1 A Q a¢ |. .: .. ar rr lz n 0 | | l ' l l l | °On-cly alul 0 vuumzaauln rus s nu Wmmn sxsrnnsma :n u u n nlu . lmn mlREBEKAHS ll! and Std Tu u. lin nhqwA§?1mc 'roN uoncx-: NO.xx A.P.A N D m l _ 2nd Tuesday of BaathJ o a m m c b l m m b z n v NO.15 x_»|~ Lut Tuesday o l I n t ! WEDNESDAY 1| u m y l . l E I l l . l U i m u l .l l t f l I l l u l u 1 . | » l | l \ |1 |M d W|1.h i a i t h e g r : l i e a e r a v e t o a y n e o n .| § { | : " { m ' §= ; m ; m ; P ° "" '" ° °"S a t u r d g f a n d m i n d o v e r t h e F m f h |3 4 0 f < :1 . ¢¢f n 1 a ,I n 1 r a w i t h \ * i ' °c n m e u ~E Q ,. I " » , i'=d i r !( C o n t i n u e d a n P I I ' 1 s e v e n ) 2nd and an Wed. Evening R o u x . m : m a s o n s U. Nebrukn, ntl! at public luc iiontn ihe hidnxt bidder for euh the foliowing described rel! estate to-wit:'Lou 21422-za24as in Bloc k 18 vn- ilngwe of Iiemun, 'v\'uhi.ng!.on Caun» Buicint and ard Wed. EveningusrrsCHAMBER¢DF COIIMERCE 4111 Wednesday ennlmCHAIIBER OF c o m m u n e -ith Wednesday lvluiril ty, Ncbruka, to satisfy one certain mortgage on the red estate above described which ia mhjacg to a first mortzlge on mid premises in favor 5 WolEN'S Qif-" 2 " L m t v _ _ vrlu lor news. r u h .Call |¢ The En-n ._ 1241. l n .Hnrold 8¢h lhr outin g a t hh Ok obo li a. H.Undnrvood n tu r u d ntu n h y f r om W vu : - Um vn u c ou t. wn lly n d Gu n d llh ml nm' fo lh , h uh ; a twoion lt ¢-hh dmc. ki n , wh a lh u o u t a n up und him The Entlb ul All dnlng | ¢.' nu m d fu nn y drovn |» '|lloy m d lurmundlnglast llunday, July 5. '. l(uu.r. who u Inc h- : CKY. nvm thu Fourth 1 | w ~ ' v ° " " ' Th !Entir prln fo r un s . Blnhdny and eonnltulnion u l l ! at Th ! E n h rp r i u o wn .1841. ln . O t h N i h o n 1| very ill at bar hom an nord : W dku lm. l m u n u m m m 1,vi-nr-»¢ her | l4!¢r m Linc oln this Inc l. "Am nlsn an y bd ! k s de aon pv! l¢ I o n vlu e vh h u Mu m f o r d d r f| | !ln'| !" llhd dll eoloml xnlnmer "Y umh, " nn ou d¢ d B n tlm ln n e s"Mft 5 ||'»:»'lhr1!',A h d a w n ma h m m ' r o u n d n e k h u l i b . "" V w n u .W e vn u hm an mv- e r lo ' B n th e h J u n o - j d d u h h collec tion y hu '°°'r bam panel" n s r o r r OP TH B o o u n m o n : OF THE C ITI ZE NS mwrz BA NK of m m . C h u n :N a 797 Q?"'-ralI! llll~P ¥Ill- ~_ U - » Q IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIllIIIIIIllllllIIIllllllllllIIIIIllllllllllfllllllllIIIIllIIIllllllllIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIlllllll||lll\||||lill|||I||lllll| Read for Bhéiness n . Cllvord came in Saturday evening tn finish up the group. Miss Hey wi lki m.daughter of Mr.and Mn .Albert Wilkins andClarenceHansen,son of Mr.md Mr; Wm. Hansen stole a march on their reintives .aa friend! and drove to Login,Iowa when they were married July a The bride has beenintniningfortheprcfessionof naming in Denver and urn home an Inr vacation. Mrs. Oscar Guyer ¢f=Qw¢ to Lyons u The Enterprise Io! news.. Economy Nut Coal i l b u t for threah1n|.za-sz.Riwett Lumber a Coal Go. J.E.Campbell,furniture,m uandundertaking.so-u. Wanted-A place to do honneirork.Call at The Enurprm offic e.Pa-L Lllnh Johnson of Omlhl.t u nguest of Lozeln Rhoadel Int Bat- urday dh:noon. Robert Hiltnn af Lincoln spentJ = u y 4 ¢ = d s . ¢ m » h » m ¢ a h n m° - I ther, Hrs. T. C. Hilton-llr. and Hrs. Gem Davin and in. and li n .Ha n ?Bsppeniield eulo-bntad at Arlington on Monday. loving-~Dr. B. E. Tilden is mav- biir his office to h h reddenoe at605 W. Grunt St.Leave wh ¢;;=~- -u. Bert Silket of Llnmln urn a weekendgus t o f Hiltan Rhodes. both boys returning to the university onf Monday evenizu._1 Alhn e i nd Alta N _~ _-3°=» who are attending the :tain versity sum- mer school emma homo Friday eve-' ning returning llonday evening. llr.and Hu .Nvdq Germ Jensen and dQ1||hter ,lnzr¢¥.now Mrs.William Koenig drove to Dnulu on! Tu a d ly to attdzd tha funenl of] li n .L.G.c u m .the lady with whom Mn .Koenig lived prior to her marriage.For Sala-Hadng disposed of my* pulure I am offering my Ima J er- sey c ow for nle.If y ou are look-ing for a real c ow this is y ovr op- porurzmity.She will be fresh in August.Inquire of John A. Rlunadesat The Enterprise office.22-Lf. O1mn Tllden and non of York, Nehr.. left Tueadly (or their hmm: after a few days visit with his bro-ther, R. E. Tilden and fnmi¥y HeIdt one sun, Nd! for a iongwer visit| and was accompanied home by theTildvngirls,Ruth and Doris,who; will visit their gfrrrldpanats hl Yodcfor a week. I .E.Campbell,fusniwre.r u t! m d nude;-ating.50-U Attorney Wm. J. lhher and fam- i ly l. o o k l n ! h c r n c e ¢ i n o ma h s o n Ic nday . W. X. Strode and wlfn wen imong the Blair crowd who énioyed Hem- day It Arlington. 0: lc. Banded, ilcenaeé embaimur and underuker. Blair.Offielphones 181.Residence Ph°f=u. 224.8-ti' Dr.Earl Brooks m d family of Lincoln spent Sunday and Handu'a t th h o m! a t l i m L . L . I u tr y . Hr.and H n .Ro n Duets andchin n d r o \ u z o o m n h a t a a e t t h l f i in Fonuneile Park I n t l l y evening. Beard,who i i vu north of Blair,I1 at the Mn .Elia Tyson home where uhm U caring for I n Tyson who in quite ill. Hin Vila. Bailey at Albian, Nabr. w a s home with Lozetn Rhonda: from me uniwnity summer schooltospend the weekend. 's Blldr was practically deserted on Handay,the budnesa hnluu beingdosed and the inhabitants away at various picnic celebrations. Hr.and Mn .Harry Ervey and Hr.and Mn .J.L.Plaersen :ndBobble grow to Fontanelle Park to ue the fig; works Monday \*»¢ni:l|. Mr. and Hrs. Henry llmcke droveover to North Bend and Schuyler to \'i;i£Mrs.Menckfa brother,Ros McCoy am! family for a few hours on Zut Mo y. Rudolph Fisk, Igho drive.: for Mr. Wm.Bryant on his selling trips, was in Chadron l few weeks agoandwhilethemmel.Mr. J une; Skinkle.Hr. Skinkle, he reports is teaching in the Chndron State Nor- mal this summer at a very good salary. Get .acquainted for s doilar.Send $1.00 for n special 5 months' aub- scription to Sunil!-the Wen): Great Natiow Magazine--the clean, up todate monthly for the whole famiiy. pam-time agents wanted.AddnsaMa n t;Bu1\n,who h¢enoa -seo?h 3 sa p m ;_the Niaci schooi board since C:;f0m;_,mm 1.n " ° % "Heck was ab pup" and then some,! was in Blair Lbq first of the wuekgqtting the necessary blank: for the publication of a special school meet- ing,the abject of which would bring forth a new school building: for that district.We |:nn't conceiveof a better mcve for the b-everment nf. the school conditions and we hope there will be no hitch in Ihr proaedings. Mn. Dixie L Bond, Mr. and Mn. Franklin H. Bond :nd daughter, JaneofWashington,Pa..und Mr.and Rn d it r llh l i n The E n h r p d n J.E.Campbell,fnmilurt,m y and undoruking.50-tf. Dr.Layland States,Chlropmetor, Farmers State Bank Building.17-tt. Dr.Ea r l He a t: md f a mi ly n nKn| |Park visitors last Sunday I!- ternoon. C. K. Bendarf, ilcenud embaimcrand undertaker, Blair.Orrin phones 263.Ruidena phones, 22-I.I-tl. sm. 2 . J . ni i ma vm p un c h a t the Free Ilatlmdist church m u ! Sunday nftea-:noon at 2:30.Even'ons is cordially invited.21- li Lo llln md Hilton Rhonda m d llln ' J ill B ai ky a n d llr Blrt Sil- lcst fmloyed Sunday afternoon and awning at Khlg Park. l r .and Hrs.Lou Llttn v n uan on ;than fmm Bhir who arit- neued the ball game and ealebnhd in Arlington Int Ilonday . Wdtnr Slvrmfield.Emil Di n a .Jr., and Howard Clausen left 'hel- day for Chicago.Wgltar axpoctl to finish 5 course in electrical engin-eering and the other two lldl are In hopes of finding work. Hr. and Hrs . lh nlull Ty so n of Omah ame up Sunday momiug and visited Sunday xt the ll. -E. Tyson home in um c ity and vim Hn. Ty -son5\ mother.Mu .F u n k Pitagr, north of Blair, on Monday. Mrs. Alice Nun!!plans to havemon for her home In L-on Audu, Calif., as she has improved in hedth Her niece, Donia Johns, will go with her and stay with her adaters,who hum employment out then.-.. Tire Wm. Flanagan family of Burt county :nd John Beckhm welt ertertainedatthe Peter Rudin home on York Creek on Sunday.There they met Mr. xnd Mrs. John Petersonof Berkley, Calif..who were spendingsome time with we Rudlns. Hrs. M. S. Miller lah lulnmday forForeat Lnke, Minn., to spend a few months with her son. Harry T. Miller md wife of Detroit, Mich., who nm enjoying an outing there.The like is about fifteen miles from St.Paul :ml in a wary attractive place'for than wha enjoy the water. Fpr Sain-1 unitary cot and maz- ress, 1 Vernin Martin bed and mal-Mrn. Harry D. Boordqnd family of |1en. 1 oak dresser. 1 china cabinet, Zanesville, Ohio arrived in Blair onMonday evening and are the guesla of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur D. Snmliey They wil! have the httar part of the week on their return trip,taking Mrs. Smalley with them. 1 oak dining table,e oak m mlchairn,!wooden rocker,I office ld¢fk,1 writing denk,1 Perfection ;oil stove, 1 hand power washer.Ind. H22 400 w. Grant St. I2-l-lt.L.H.(hmp. Buster Noyu ll home from Gary,g -_-H-»~-»for s vi d!with mlathel re. 1 Lost-A ral! of bills,Fimlen re- wm 1 0 Blai r Ru lm d on .'Llberil llYnrd..24-It. H i n Lillian Wilkins and Funny Blaristensen are whiting friend:at Waltmk, Nab. Hr. and lin. E. E. Zimmumm of Omaha called at tha John Hc kay Lune lut Monday. "C. K. Bcndorf, lkennd ambalmlr and undertaken Blair.Office phonon li l .Residence phones, 224.8-ti. »0pen "ll and c istern work.Cali Ind door but oi' 91h i Ne b r u h SCI.Ward :nd Reynolda 24-ez u and Hn . J .1.Pounds m a time daughter an ¢1\i0¥iM a two Ieelvfs "c ation in the Blank Hills. MH md Mn .Jnhn Hc lh y are #pasting thdr daughhr,llmlelhne, from lm Ann ka, Cd if. , wllh in a hw days. Mr.and Hn..Inver Gamer of Omaha spent Monday with Bldr nlativu gud attended the celebra-tkvp at Ariinnon. Thv Sylvia family, who :udde in Ihxtorvilln Edt the ionpnn. of the week for Colorado than ihey will sperm! some time on a vacation out- Ing. Louie Inland .spent Satundnf ~ght :md Sunday with his param: . Hia mother, Mn. 0. ll. Inlandnd his daughter, Janice accompan- ied him to Omaha Monday evening and xihilrd until Tuesday. Mr.:ml Hu .John Paterson of Berkley, Cailf., visited nt the John B¢¢kI|.r.1 home the iirnt of the week. All nltendai the cehbration ut Ar-Ulmtull,when the Peterson:re- newed many old acquaintances. T.L.Lathrop pumlused the limllvr grocery,taking possession on July 1.Mr.Lathrop has been in nw employ aa! the late Mr. Julius\Iu¢ih-r for some time and no knows 'the ills and outs of the game. Mi Dorothy Tyson left Tuesday for Omaha when sho wok the tnin to §:\irbury to :nut her :inter Ind husband Rev. W. W. Paut: und wifebnluratoryto:mins by auto to Pennsylvanin.They plan to go thelolllhem route nturning the north- ern way ind axpec t lo be gone two InDnlhs. -llr. and Hn. Ed Lewollyn had a hmH,:weunion over the Fourth wlnn their three children were home.lit. and Mn. Grant Ganz md Hin Sue Belle lnwtilyn of Omaha vena 'l`h1 Ent| Bicycle f'harprlno o Hr.and enjoyed amlut mek .4 Hn .W.ho m: I nt tion trip Cdweftir 'ridting w¢k '. | n c : Cla n W tha P\pig, mine.Th Fmd N Fremont, territory .. M u i ) .i.n | i nS Io andFifth'i Hr. andOmnlu YI: Geyer of t The s m ai' can md which location m d n !U13through t Miss A a t 1 ~f o r |few girls inevvrinr and enjoy! H u r Yhnmawla auwon, at July 10.need be o Hamm.~ll N b e mid 2| -lt. Messrs A. R. Bto llcigrml Hr.ind Pewnemturningh~ The l.\|-oc Monday ~ Jimmie W u rk k, had the when I coming §Ford car on Suu s zo jumpFu nd vu from a I: hurt. A flmi l Sunday i the follow\1.¢ll'fllle1.! Th o s e p E .n . E h h a , M r . \ a n d H n . M n .F M n .P e r L e m o n Jo e J Tu es -d iy w r s z h u I2.C . Ja c #"¢.\.mo.u:ma hum-r ~owed »~-lr~: atop, tells the nary. 'QC 4|. m u r u Yo u sue ~ n t o ~ m~ r !~ b i l l h h ! ! ! u n o o n d d l n m n i c u t h w w t h r u n u r . N 0 5 - . a d u - & A d ¢ ( D a | n ¢ l d l n n h ! , l . ! l 9 . been 'raked by the Amenian Ano-dlU°11» m1ruv==Hn| 800 motor clubs md over n million motoridl. Pm! V. Long , | pro min ent Sl: thc d u t h x t the e ..after.HE: a wild, had dog.H»'|thc bay r h o was down Budd:51. r n , ~~the mayor h u mu l¢ C h u b b y l~ l mr e t h a t n l lw uedhome before re »-.pn -dlcament.Hi !mother:of eouru Shi urn out on the porch ~ looked mllod and very muc h rdfled, a bil;hy , wud Ioeking,timping du fal hvhll c loldy at his heals. "W hy wu li m" .shi u i d and m ~ , ~ b u t ~ h a d not ~ld by mother."H1l'l not wild at all,P¢P¢"»Chubby ma a n d m u d u w do fa h t n d l d i t t o t h e : M Y " W II I h e l e t - y o u p u t t h i s o n h i m ? " h e a s k e d . " O h d a d d y ,i n h u r e a i l y gol rxg t o b e m y d o g a l l t h e t i m e !A n d i r o n ! 9|. . #"¢.\.mo.u:ma hum-r ~owed »~-lr~: atop, tells the nary. 'QC 4|. m u r u Yo u sue ~ n t o ~ m~ r !~ b i l l h h ! ! ! u n o o n d d l n m n i c u t h w w t h r u n u r . N 0 5 - . a d u - & A d ¢ ( D a | n ¢ l d l n n h ! , l . ! l 9 . been 'raked by the Amenian Ano-dlU°11» m1ruv==Hn| 800 motor clubs md over n million motoridl. Pm! V. Long , | pro min ent Sl: thc d u t h x t the e ..after.HE: a wild, had dog.H»'|thc bay r h o was down Budd:51. r n , ~~the mayor h u mu l¢ C h u b b y l~ l mr e t h a t n l lw uedhome before re »-.pn -dlcament.Hi !mother:of eouru Shi urn out on the porch ~ looked mllod and very muc h rdfled, a bil;hy , wud Ioeking,timping du fal hvhll c loldy at his heals. "W hy wu li m" .shi u i d and m ~ , ~ b u t ~ h a d not ~ld by mother."H1l'l not wild at all,P¢P¢"»Chubby ma a n d m u d u w do fa h t n d l d i t t o t h e : M Y " W II I h e l e t - y o u p u t t h i s o n h i m ? " h e a s k e d . " O h d a d d y ,i n h u r e a i l y gol rxg t o b e m y d o g a l l t h e t i m e !A n d i r o n ! 9|. . u - ILlvu 1r en 't sa1\tl1lm|eh¢|| t h i | h | ¢ l | u l f h e t o o £ o o k p q l g o !h ¢ , h i m ,u n z m e f n e m k m u m m 'm m mS E wiki'Wh a n slid h h father " I £1 the hand Ind led :aim tg ul| "¥.°n. nlrpooplo vrhohh:t;d.¢u; 5. ~~Thebaby that might tba g u n gran,the pu tty "r ",I .9- 1 \._.| .».- ...m. ..x... in-nf.-pf..nil dn zindnz birds.believe thAt':the y dlwr mmigrgl back lgrrlgi Al ti nlie y u i: | H- | l!the limg 13315,Chubby had umgp ein Inulu nf the |1119 und bv u n l - Determined opposition to the ¢n~nuupnr to compulsory antomobih lubmty lmurmoo legislation,a u been voiced by tho Amonlan Ano-dllioln m1ruv==Hn| 800 motor clubs and over n million motorilll. Pm! V. Long, o promin ent Sl: rn ms m o tlo mq r, c lau s meh in - surneo as "a pioéo of uporimenul Iogldotion of in emotioa d dun e- ur . "Th!fundamental lim to bo affuinod br such legislation: ll rpduo- tlon of aoeldenh.But will innu- noo tom-d upon s roeklou driver, ond to make him mon elnfui 'khan ho :mn th at o n tn mnno o wmrlnror tho mu vm bo bdd nspondblo for too damage ho do-el?The inmnnco ulvisory oommlttel of the Unlhd S t o l e n m m m ofCommerce. Lfwr on oxhauntlvo study of the altuatlom, un that the finalrupondblllty for nduc tion of noe!- denta rut: aquonly upon the url- ouo commufdtlu which, with their polla powers, an In n position to mforoo nzolatory measures.It ll ¢hild'| vllr to "pau the ~»§;,°= neddinta on to inmnna com on whole business lt 1|nopa y la m:md n ot a t a s police- men.It i n still mom Ioolish and unwind-for to launch in the auto-mobile lmunnoo bwn eli .on the Llmory that by writing cheap insur ance at the expense of the tupayqr,automobile accidents and ca:weld: driving will he stopped. do|'| held, and the buy and the dog|'now a a e :nl l anbelonged to ueh other.ly ou to go out. and dave that dog Up the road,whose milieu were nay from here."decorated with f r o m g n u .,,,. \ 'IL urns rn enxiomu moment for pretty wild flowers and whose hush-Chubby.Ho foliowed his father ou! ea were fiiled with singing birds,to the back porch, telling him what Chubby went.The dog limped a a womierfui dog he vu, how he hadlittle but foilowed very proudly at'found him and that he wanted to W W T { " i " W " ¥ ¥ " f "`"`"`"`W W "Wi"`i?"§"' THE YELLOW MDNGRBL (By Jolm Wm. Cotter) {Contlnuod from last week) The boy looked at the dog and forgot nbout' the reward. The gnsw ing ln his boy heart seemed to atop.Hen was n friend-a !riendo[ the truest kind and one who needvdhelp.The dm: looked HJ pitiful zoo. Almost u if they had been mu- ler and :log all their ahah. liven, theboy whllllad and wlod "ho-a". They come together,THB dog licked the PROGRAM i -ww 8 to JULY ls- g Ngw Home Theatre For the Money S UND AY Vera Reynolda. i-Edmund Burns and lhnlplx Lewi-» in "The Million Dollar Handicap -I-Piece Orchestre-4 FOX News. HODGEPODGE AND SPORTLIUMT as FRID AY a nd SAT. a n d SAT. MATI NEE z mo LAUGH SPECIALS z Reginslrl Denny in "l'll Show You The Town" Lingettes--all colors--501: yd New patterns in Silk Crepes, 36 in. 951: yd M O N D AY Dumlhy Ravier. Formal Stanley and cos: in "WHEN HUSBANDS FLIRT" A r-inuhiug Cumedg; Drum:9 MERMAID COMEDY _ llaruid Lloyd in NOW OR NEVER I 4-Pima ()rche~\U~a-4 ;Hosiery g Don't forget about our Humming §Bird Hosiery in all shades E .5`\at $1.50 pair Sateens--36 in. 50c yd I All shades of "Non-Kling" the new slip material at 50c yd. TUES DAY Cullen Llndin And Dorothy Dellore in "THE MIDNIGHT FLYER3' A liignnlic Dmmn uf the Roaring Rails CHRISTIE comsov 3 We also have the famous Rollins E Runstopin ihe new ahhdes priced ;at $1.95 a pair The latest Polka Dot Voiles-40 in. 39c yd ~<4 Pretty little voile and gowns $1.35 and $1.65 each 5 ' WEDNESDAY ` Leu Cody and hiny Busch in "TIME, THE COMEDIAN"~ Hero is the moat powerfut and huunan picture yuu've ever ~ a seen.IL is I, fascinating story of a woman who laughed | un. Time, hut. found that Time would not lat. her Iorgct the wounds of a abatwred romance ALSO comenv Try our RaybnSilk Rollins Runstop at 79c pair An extra fine Blue Crane Service Chiffon Hose at $1.00 A pair ; Shi urn out on the porch ~ looked down: onhlr boy -dirty "NIL dotbu lolled and very much rdfled, a bilshy . wud 1o»kinc.Umnf==t du su hvhll c loldy at his heels. "W hy wu li m" .she u i d andthrew up her hlbd h t i n th e world £4 the matter eh you?" At ti n sound t d!lie vrommfa vain the dog J um -up In Investiglte the Y E then covrend down elolely to Chub-\>)¢'s hd as if by some evll mqie, tbl boy'| care fell onc e more uponhisnhouiden.but before ho "eould lwk h h mo th e r s p i n u i d : "And that lame wild Iooking mound dog, when in :notion did you pkk it up?Come tight :knight in the house and drive thot dogaway.Get away from ben",she ui d,:puk ing to the dog. The dog Jumped back. thru looked up at hh little mute: aa if he weretrying to determine what to do and If thing:were real or not."Aw mcthef', said Chubby , most concerned nbout bil Hof, "heh not 5 wild monfnel.He'a e wonderfuldog and he'a my dog."- "You come right in hen this min ute and get wuhd and some c leanclothes on you lime tramp.Wait 'til your falher oomen home,he'|l show you about that dog." ... It vu n blue world for Chubby . He v u goin to be debumhml though probnb for the f ini timein his iife.He p t the do¢'a had nml earnestly for as long an hifmother would let him. "You're my dog",he ui d ,"an-l )u\.|r name's going to be Wolf 'cause at first 1 thought you was a wolf." Then with a final pat he urn* the dog under the porch zo abidethodmowhenhisfathervrouhl come home.Several times that af- ternoon, he slipped away from h hmother,sometimes with something .to ant,and alwly l he found :he .dog wnltirng for him. .J 1 ~?» /f f c .__40 in. Sifk Rayon for sports wear or 1 costume slips $1.45 yd. Im e m wuu au u z l u l l u l u .vn u 1Iu n iw h i l e p i n ;p u t C h u b b f a h o u s e h e u w o n e o f h i s n n :o ve r vi r i tl r u g C h u b b y a n d M u d h i m g o i n g - o n s h o u t t h e d o c H a t t n l l h t i l r i t h c d l n d h i m o ve r . p u h i ~a b e a t i n g a n d w a r n e d h i m n e ve r t o m u m ill him on wright. l m r y n h x r l p d o n u n g n n x u uls op mms sn nt-T h l m m u d n b - u r lb a n v m b e lmh n tly n mo n d t x n u n r n m u u n n m u p l z - |lcu o!\ .\s dm|pdd 1ur ¢!t h|p nb- l h h u l h n o d d n d g u t h u v h t h n b gerlptionviilz vzmlnlnlonnntthl a- ¢¢ » \» d »u = =s w»= vd= ~z~ »p §.";'»'l1T§"°».?. nu °`§'T.¢"3..""", 1 3 3 m'€; ';» ."' u.' ;i, ;'". , ; a : ; § ; ; ; 'hom the giqg it 61| the dog.K o n f te l vu iying down with hh "No | on».U'° mayor wont kill himh a d re ni n!n m h h ,¢gm¢¢¢1 and be'Il be y our dog dun.But p u n , h h g y u turned ( i n t m a n 1re'il have to imap him tied up' if mn. 1uni nmI than i n h h hther.he doesn't lil? M h6ll!¢' ;;;"°:;. °1I`§Fu'£§ m`Zi¢able than a nut ocean wave. Some- thing had to bl done.He eontinu- d i y found it harder to hold u mn n ;together.They complained m o n n d m n m u m u l k e d u u t m n g ~;La a a q v r v ;g a n . . . v u , _-_ _l l e ne e de d a f r i e n d - b e l l a a d o w n a n d o u t a n d ne e de d a fr i e n d ve l ? b a d l y , fo r , fo r t h e fi r s t t i m e h a w a s about to glee up.He had emmfl- denee In h h newly acquired little master and !¢ mo d to onde nd that the little b o y v u m k h r apta for him, even for ltia life. Ch1::= pleads: with hir: ln nueyesThe father looked at the boy and then at thsdog--he understood. The dog received and aeeopted, may be for the rim time in his life,I hind sincere pat from a man.Ile took his little boy by the hand. "Well it'a supper time,son",hesaid, "we will go in and eat." That night Chubby stayed awake for a long time.Many things were on his mind.IIe wondered if thedogW u going to ba hll dog.He v.ondered if he were still clown un- der the porch.It ae-amed to him as if it must have been almoat morn- ing when he at tart fell asleep. Thethatheremembered his father and . __a ! . - . . ._ . . . . . -. a i l l a - \ l . 2 . - . a Chuhbyk father vatehecl hiC boy pu; the eollar on the do¢,he aaa the dog ilc k the boy -_ g m h o y loving the dog and talkl in under- tonel to him, and like a good and arlaa fa the r h e u w th at he vu athlnland tmneoeaaary party. ao he went in the House and told his wife than he had seen a lawyer who had told him that lf he paid taxes on he dog and aan that he. mt intono more trouble, about the moat any one aould do would be to make him pay for the damage he had already done. With regular and plenty of eat- hxg, dl the rest he needed, and the necessity for always bein!on thealert, gone. Mongrel soon became a different dog.'With bla new maa-ter,with elffection bestowed upon him, with potting and kind wonls, he loat that shy look, and developed that dignity and complacency thatis part of any thing that feels that it has a rightful place in the enter nf Qhlnra lr aa they eonld about Chubby andI m a m . He Planned a course of action. He took his gan; and went by Chub-h;y'a place.Seeing him out in hla yard playing with his do; he wledover to Mm "Y-ou'd betterget rid of that mo u n d dog of yourn,or l"Il do lt for afw"~Nothing but admiration for his tio; would make Chubby do what hedid.Ile went so the edxi of his yard ln a veriwleflant manner. "Yon wont kill my dog and I wont get Hd of him either.My dadpaid taxes on him and I'm ruin: to keep him." Like all auch occaalone, one wordbrought on another, for Chubby was standing his ground. "Soy do you know who you're talking to?" Tuffy asked. "Yes l do",Chubby answered, "amd I don*t care.You leave mydog alone." Tuffy might not have done whathedidbutheheardsomeof the lt her homo In Bhlr.' ll:a. A. F. J enolnn of .ted a deter. Mn. Oacar hls city on Int Hondey . r tourist park v u fu!! :ry night over the week- a m to prove that the Let be :ight in older sotouristsaaq w n w e country. die Bunn Il entertaining u party .at Bunn'a Lake days..There arc sevene party and they are o¢°\ e c ottana at the Lelzc fre the ahnplo llfe. - A complete line o' good:will be sold at 2:80 Ratnnley atternoon,In good condition.If n hand at Blair Auction I Haiti-Gap Spark Plugs at Auction. Jensen I Bron. nd Mcadamee J. Petersen, k and James Kirby drove s Sunday morning to visitHrs.IIrncat Brock.The also riaited at Albion rc- IITIB Wednesday evening.| and Klrbya returaad on ening. Warrick,son of Nelrm sho lives north of Bllir. no of his life this noon,12:35 passenger.train. :rp the north atrtlck hia in which he was riding Lrcet.IIe had barely timemd eavc hla life but the a complete wreck.Aaldc oiled shoulder he was not y picnic was enjoyed last1thetouristparkwhen ing relation brought their baakets and spent n heiring and vinitlnl' together. :sent were Mr.and Mrs.:ingot Ind family of Oma-od Mrs. ma Dompvon, Mr. John Compton,Mr.andnkhlcilanigal,Mr.end eh Compton,li n .Robert d Hn. J. A. Compton.:luon :nd family left on nonlng for Hinneapr|»4 af-daya visit at the parental. in the Suu of Nebraska at the :lou of bualnoaa Juno IU,1926. a s s o u n a s Lomu and discounta .. $431,313.510 v e n i r a f h . . . . . ¢ . . .439,13 Bonds. securities, ind;- menta and claims (|x.clu-. sive of caah ooaerve) . .1452832 Banking house, fumlture and fl:nnres . . . . . . Other real m m Bankers' Conservation Doo from National and State wp- . .$9t,791.&0 Check and turlaof exchange . 11,900.60 Cul: in bank . .7,328.84 U0 0 0 0 v3.32l.29 1,849.09 "1 n?,0®o.'u LIABILITIES C a p i t d l t o c k . . . . . .$50,000.00 Surphu fund . . . . . . .10,006.00 Undlvldod profits (Net) .l,l84.9S Individual deposits mbject to check . . $218,357.80 . Timo coftiflcatea ..¢ of depoalt . . . 274,I'll.50Duc to National ind sum banlth .1 s . s s w ° :>'r2,Boo.e4 Depositofa guaranty fund 1,5lYl'.18TOTALsssu,oev.ao 1...STA TE OF Nlz nlmsm. 'Wuhlnguan County I 1. A.R.n m x ,Preaident of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is n true am! correct copy of the report nude to the Department of 'Pmie m o Commerce.A. R. BROCK. President. APTBS1: R. J. Murdoch, Di,|¢|_~ Carrie Brock.Dlnector.Subscribed and :worn to before me this sum dur or JI-wir.a m .A. C.Dcbel. Notary Public. REPORT or THE CONDITION o r THE CITIZENS 3a\VINGS m m : of Blair, Charter No. 989in the State of Nebruh nt the cloao ~ m d c a p u t o t t h a aoatn c tbetwoen thopn blhbo rand nhlu'lb01'. or the mu vm bs bdd nspondble for the damage ho dau? The inmnnco ulvisory c ommlttel of the Unlhd S t a t e n m m m ofCammenao. Lfwr an sxhauntivva study cf the dtuatiua, nys that the final rupondblllty for nduc tion of nec !- denta rut: aqusnly upon the url- ous commufdtiu which, with their polla nvwm. an I n n p ositi on to mforoe nzulatory measures.It ll ¢hi1d'| plsy to "pau the ~»§;,°f neddinta an to inmnnacomonwholebusinessll1|no pa y la m:md n ot a t a s police- men.It i n still mom Ioolish and unwind-for to hunc h in the nuI.o~mobile imunnc e bwn eli .on the dreary that by writing cheap insur ance at the expense of the tupayqr,uutomoblh accidents and ca:weld: driving will he stopped. c a m help but f u l proud of her because nhl always givll tim public a run for ihelr money.It does usgood zo nt away fmm home some ti mu b la u thm we c an d nw alwmplrlsonNa li n how much bitter Blair doe:things than does other plum and we an more yto throw our hall mu! yell for Blair. LOU!go,brother. N g w H o m e T h e a t r e g PROGRAM 1 -ww 8 to JULY ls- T h l l h n s b t l u s b l d s l s m f o r t h ma v h o g o u o u n d t h a ma n t n mssrdingumbnilu. Bnlancd Bduuthn Eightytwo boys in ihu graduating elm of 2.1¢ Jefferson High Schoolin Portland, earned $64,888.50 during thdr high school courle. the aver- nge for the class of 98 being $69250Ona boy, Neil Bodey, earned $2,280. 'Thu girls arm-d nn avenge of 871.- 05. with 48 girls ccllecting 18,45-1.60:und Aims Lorenz earned $500. The nniurc of the }obs indicutu that the prearnt generation in not drifting too far into "vrhlte-¢oll:r" lldon't ukumuchw 1-uh:gun dna mu dly|wc nm my ul FW-"K hitbv. FRIDAY and SAT. and SAT. MATINEE z mo LAUGH SPECIALS z Reginslrl Denny in "l'll Show You The Town" _ llaruid Lloyd in "NOW OR NEVER" 4-Piece ()rche~\U~a-4 Lf thin is 3 butter flrfllnl c oun- try anywhere ihln rlght hero inWuhingwncountywe don't hear my one idling us zbout lt. 'Due to increni-ed efficiency,cost of trtmlporiltlon to the pubHc :hows a decline, repreaendng a alvhzzxo uhlppen : i n n i92l, of 82,- 3-|(,000,000. This is the totll amountwhich shipper: would have pldd for lnnlponltion sunrise In those yearnownand sb-we what they did pay. had the rain rernnined at the pen G! l92!. In spits of protaaution that Qhe conditions of American fli"lMrA asa c la n a n nlhoua, no rhaonably F111 lnfonued param: can deny thatthan h u been great rnanrld Im- pmvamcut ln far-win; cantllllons In the put two years. The but argument um could ever he put ac:ou ln favor of prohibition 'ru that of tha Fourth of July c el-lbntion,1 m pu t.In comparing this y e ah relabntions with than when the span uioon vu in vogueone cannot but konder whit would htm been the muit had our pren- enl day automobile been in un at that time. mm ¢n.\£='é`¢¢i¢bf£\§'m¢ Fourth "And that lame wild looking mound dog, when in :nation didyou pkk it up?Come :ight :knight in tho bonu and d xi n thot dogaway.Get away from bun",she ui d,:puk ing to the dog. The dog Jumped back. thru looked up at hh little mute: aa if he weretrying to dctermlrlo what to do and If thing:wwe real or not."Aw mcthef', said Chubby , most concerned nbout b i l lo r . " h w n o t 5 lrlld monfnel.He'a ; wonderfuldag and ho'a my dog."- "You come right in hem this min ute and get wuhd and some c leanclothes on you lime tramp.Wait 'til your falher oomen home,he'|l show you about that dog." ... It vu n blue world for Chubby . He v u goin to be dobormlwiefl though probnb for the f ini timein his ilfo.Ho p t the do¢'a had I _ P " - I - - 1 5-| I n " n u r l n n n h n n kson home ol Ianni!!!I June 80,1916 z CAPPBR BUYS FARM n a s o u s c s s = E \. ,J §1 ul ucvy uuuauuu 3;W hile not as yet completely equipped §to care for the auto service needs of the =m r s . u= | l u s t Situ..|uy vu u 1.uu l u n |; |||¢ul\:u u.u\l_|l ) 0 |\ P U I |lM 1 1 |Co n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e o n e Ii l o m l n ,S e t u r i t l u ,j u d g - Irank Vlbneil of Kennanl.Mrs. iiuyer visdtod her daughter,Hrs.A-niresr Madsen and family an¢!the Vibreils visited a sister. Hrs.Ar i Andnuon and family.Fred Guyer:mel family, Min Esther Guyer, Matt lfnnriorf and Burman Buyer joined thrn on Sunday.They retunmi on Monday. Mr. J .w.Newell celebrated his uzhty-ninth birth anniueruary last Monday, July 5, at the home of his»!.|ugh!.er,Mrs.John hickny.Hin 31Unger brother, Hr. H. D. Newell uf this city sp5nt the niternoon 35 h m an did a number of other -mea and near friends.Ho enjoyed_. _ 4 . . . . . . . l | "- I u l n z l f n n u v i f n and among timilar "adn" jrom other communities and to be ioal or :noneor lou raluzleal as far aa the form er'¢return is concerned when the same amount of money spent on nl, vorliaing in his horn;newspaper!would llc°|¢¢n by his neighbors, tht farmora in his county and district who could como with their trucks. buy the ulvertlaed animals and haul them home without the delay andexpenseneceaaitabytholo n r distance 'methods.Farmers do n lot of kicking about the big losses sustained through middle men andthey say marketing, not production, is their problem.They mn over- rorno tho marketing difficulty easily ments and claims (exc[u sive of cash r~eaarve.l._51,228.5 Other run ms u _ . _ . . .2o,1su'r Bankers' Conservation Fund 741.23 Due from National and ' $tate banks. $20,000.09 Cub in blank 2,106.50 22,1os.oeTOTAI-rzs.a,so1.s4 IJABILITIE'5 Capital nloci $1350090 Surplus fund _ ........2,500.05 Umlirided profits (Net)-1,896.83 Savings rmoon .- $ 232 ,105 .34 ._f _ pnfennca.Almost wary industryIuomwsrha d or hand-ming,was §E§ E; \ P U D I I C ,w e a r c | a r e u u u g n a l o n g W l l l l rehabilitating the old Lutz building that we can now serve you with=-- nnmnnled." f " " - -- -E d u c a t i o n s h o u l d m a k e a m a n b e t - ter quaiiiied for citizenship,for en- joy mlnt, for lrunt,because of hisigtter bslaneo and hh wider vilidni i l lhouid not iake from him the bask principles af fnithfulneu £0 his ___._GAS and (MLS e - n ls u nu 1 1a n - Ianu a o _ - nand Car Washing `_ Q e s na _ »\= Knowing the merits oi Deep Rock ; Clasoline,_we are pleased to fill your ~ tanks and our pump is now in opera-2 tion.it is along the curb and easy to get to. .-Wfe are also prepared to give your cars a complete greasing. a n -u n -au n -- u n1 : n:a4 -4 | a IHaaa ni n - aU - uai n - as u n E v e r e a d y A a n d B B a t t e r i e s _ f o r Y o u r R a d i o § nun __0 9 : | :a l t e r L a r s e n S e r v i c e S t a t i o n ; ....._-.-:;-...a --:T ;- ._;.-';."--' y E 1 > E : \ : n . x a t i g §3 : 1f ;§ ' _1 <'r E H.a ||||||||||lllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||ll|||l||l||ll||llll|||||||llll.l||l||llllllllll||| ||||||u1u1l1l||||||||||n||||:|||||||lf`ii s \vppur tuuaq ua viaruim -5-..nrth hia relatives and fnenlla anal 1 ln very good health and spirlta millering his ulvanced age.(HNels Jackson, who recently moved o Herman leaving his fine farm um\t of that city to the managementofhissons,went down to Omaha the fhat of the week to roqpult a 1:|lil.ll1\ expert..Nels, while he hasnucllto enjoy in the way of this orrld'a goods, in subject to the bod ily ills just like the feat of us and of caxibnally needs the attention of :Phyaiclan to repair the ravagesof time Intl a Ilfe of activity.He a-not, we am happy to nay , in auriounwayandwehopehawill me many years yet and fight many Iliflfll political battles aa he wal al- va-ys known in his parts for his Lrnwlectge of public affairs. ltev. and Mrs.A. F. Newell held;|family reunion at their homo In :\nl1weal. Blair over July 4 and r the Occasion being the home ooming'nf their children and ,!»lra. Newell'¢ |\.|I?!l.\l..This was the first tl!r\\ l|.|} had all been together nlnce tho .mer elauzhtera marriage two years;l|!an l the vu-eel:-end was a \ll"£ pleasant one for all.Then-.nerollChtRev.ll.llrol-ul,D.D: and Mrs.Broan.of Lincoln, parents of"-Ir.Newell:Hr.anal Mn .D.P. rTvreclter and son of Omaha.Mrs. :4pncl1er being a daughter of Rev. .a -1 Mn. Newell: ltembert ll. New-'I of Plattxmouth,Nebr...Hallam l<fry Newell of Lincoln. Donald F. Swe ll and Lwrlia M.Newell,who Blu: witl:their parents. by ualng the newspaper aclsrertiaing. Home newspapers are always the bl:l.nmlluma, neunpapers that ateread by the family.4 llow many Notirlk farmers have llreu 1bed by Norfolk newspapers!la f t because Norfolk farrnera al- nnyo 1-ay these Norfolk 11|vupapersproaptlyIndeed not.But because Nrvfnk newspaper folks are homefolkswhoundrzvtandthdrneigh- bots and who are willing llvraya toc»1| mate. to oven work hardahina to tlrenmdvea end their newspapers when 'llley feel their farmer nr oth- (.|:rlemla are unable ta oar-DoNorfolkfarmers and other Norfolk patrona appreciate this feeling of friendliness ln their publisirera. Theysl1oult' and Mr. Rasmusmn'a eaperi-ence hltonlsl be a |B|4 c lo lilb neigh- bcn in town and country.Recalling the splendid neception tendered hir.Rasmussen by theNorfolk Chamber of Commerce and the liberal quantities of helpful pub- lic ity'given him by the Norfolk .e\e|=papern when hia sow won ravtrlrlchampionship,it ia harll tohellete he would go outside Norfolk for his advertising and Pontius meds but The Prem:.loesn't knowho.v el=e to explain the legal notice of execution and sale runnin!in the,e columns.'i lu l'|can believes tlat .:lcr.ato\ r\rl.n\lr Copper by Lis suit .n,,ahst5.1.llaarnussen lla.:given l'J:l'¢il: farmers and Ollie.;somethin::-|1.i|.l¢a'mut an-I that aomelhizlf 'rf loyalty to home fJllt=.- 't.ufolk f'l".r= Due to National ami "' State lmnlsa 1_§,466.58 215,571.72 Depo1~ltor'a runrwtv funfl 888.94TOTAL$23s,3o'fa4 STATE DF NEBRASKA} aa.Waahlnftoa County.l l, A.R.Brock,Preuldent of the above named bank do solemnly smear that the above statement is a tnle lull correct copy of the report made t5.2 to the Depanment.ol Trade a n i Ccmmene. A.n.a n o c x. President. A'l"IE..Tl:R. J. Hunioch, Director. Carrie Bnaclt.Director.|sumribea and sworn tobeforeme ilhf! Bth day of July. J9?5.A. c. Dehel, Notary Public. .nalaaolo 7211% 'mam-2 . . - -Chirago and North wr é n m Trains Sad6:39 P.Ll.Daily execpt Sunday. I Trains West 7:28 A. M. Daily except Surrnlay. I"i :l5 6:40 A 8:18 A. 12:35 P.5:55 p A : :52 II l\ ('. M. a tM. al. M.Ill. al. St. I)M. o o Traiaa NorthDaily except Sunday.4 Daily except Sunday.Daily except Sunday. Sunnlay only.Trains South Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunuiay.Daily.l- n hh, wmuve: in L l n M Cronin( fini nl! atreetn lnll roads Ullli |z~intersect a main highway should bemule sto strata, il the contention of the lbany,Oregon,Huahl- Democnt.lt ny s :"If meh n onctico had been in §forc e lllt Sunday it is very 13611 d m tha md accident in which 1 baby ion his life imuld n o t h m happened."Chlnu the picture to a main lin# ni lmu l.Would thi openting of ficials of the n1lmad"'permlt n rto enter the madn line from spun nuritxhu lm!branch lines vrithoustopping to be s un that in inc l In c le a r !Th !Block signlh :nd loc kl witc h es h elp up hi n wh y mi me that a n y millions oi'passengerannually, do so almost without los _ _. -: ~___ ____-________ ________ ______-___-l n______s_I n- n__________ __ v y ". - . u s_, a r f. __.___: _____ ___ ____ _1 - __ __ ____ a__ -__ __ _I _aa ! I- l_ ____ ______ _- __ -__ ______- __. _. __ ____ _- _n l_ __ __ ____- -_l l_, _\,_.. _. __ _n - __ __ _§m||||n||n||| n f l i f l 4 w \ M.H . ;*g-. L.i, s.~ g Another mm. of c ourse. u du engineerl don!operate locomotiveuntil they know how and until thai eyesight mi hzdgment an tested. The n will be no read safety Imotor opention until a mute: tra flrplan hu igven adopted and e fomeml. If railroad systems did not enforceeveryprecaution to wer-ba mee the carelessness of thounmof peopk, they wuuld kill thouuru alumaily.One rallrund,the Southern Pa Lfic , foci: that it hu progrcuudh r in making peopig u f :that has I right to sue motorists wr! collide with in can and lninn. A S nuhing Cnmed5; Drama.Q ME R MA I D c o me o v WEDNESDAY ` Leu Cody and hiny Busch in "TIME, THE COMEDIAN"~ Hero is the moat powerfut and huunan picture yuu've ever ~ a seen.IL is I, fascinating story of a woman who laughed | un. Time, hut. found that Time would not lat. her Iorgct the wounds of a abatwred romance ALSO comenv THUR S DAY Eleanor Ik-afdmnn und Mn\c\\\m Mc(Ereg|»r in "THE CIRCLE" ALS() COMEDY TUES DAY Cullen Llndin And Dorothy Dellore in "THE MIDNIGHT FLYER3' A liignnlic Dmmn uf the Roaring Rails CHRISTIE comsov l HLl- da rl : f . soi t ha W. J. S!x S The Old Reliablew~Trne Big Store I'nnnnunnunl||||u|||mi\\\\||||ummm|||||||ummlmm|mmu||||||um|||||||u|m|||||||||||mu|||||»||||mm|||||||||1 ,j .; s.,:»\\ . . - '` -.. Q ~ M.~ .. ... _.. ,» ~.. .\. -. .., .¢¢ ,;¢ ;. .\. a :» »a »m§ ¢a ; »¢ Y \ \\ \/g o P J( Amuun n. \ \ /1-lowm-zu sMm~1 F " 'GOPHUGH1 »y annum unownsu smrn n m ¢ ' a r ¢ a ¢ ¢ ¢ : 1 m ¢ n | m 1 » n ¢stern lneeu. "Glory" ucmmld loin 0"Do¢m»Il. Mr blue qu :ride with dellzhua bobfor.'tlnrfa one I'd not :mea Lo han p o ln le d o u tt o me mk n o s r l z lm gplrutr-or tbl dnldful k a n n t h ! do be roving the mm*Har father glound down at tht heap of treuure ken.cheats mmwr ku l wh ic h lla: ru h ad Ord en tl fotehld on deck that morning,u t !:hen mued ot! at F'¥lnt's und; 1| um."And 'au to acoumlnls ilu rw id! tartrulting the urea of all d nz, .Ln-dr iv Murray?he :nuied."By tlmu, mia, I think lliufu a | 1109mndneu in soxir brain.Why, thc vlll' of lhll gold and silver below wouldbe mmclent to tempt better mm than Olly to comm!! murder." ».Us malundo look mutt. lier." he retorted."They noun! cheer- fully commit murder for 1 co'r|¢e¢knife or a dxpenro with n hole in n.My design in revnllng to themthc : nun e ltenl of the zmmn wenrry 1| to impnu than at onc e with my good huh and henumb ihdr aequhltlvefnrultleibythetightI t greater wealth llnu they ever dqeamod ol' obulnlng sl one tlme." c s u n z n l . - T h a I n m a n l i l ) l l: : . . : " : . ' " ¥..%'"<,'= ° » a . : ': a '" . : . '§ '6 h u n t e r .~ l a sr i o oa e n . C H A P T E R X l . - i l b l f l O fb o l s s l ln m u t o n e a t !R o b ¢ n n |Pe t e r a s!r i 1 l d | . n , g g g f ° g m v o s °;p»==;_;§o n .o I I f l lr a l ! a t t h e i t l l D U I ! o n t h e ~ C h u ! ( 1 'n u u r ¢ i a - = - G w i l l l c In l d l la n a a n - h r r a vi n g ;h u n t h e p i n t s !a n l g i a r l a t 9 a n l r h o r u b o u u a t: u r l o f th e t r a u m a .tha go l d b o i l :I l l i a I n q l i l l r n y N l l s n a . ¢HAP|'l;R x| | Smpicioul mm un Dua' ll.m'|an em .|n I ..th e A tl an t tc .L l u r r a y Imaur t m :th a S l n t t u i m a Tr i n i d a d mq s t h a ve ne ntt h e t i d l n u o f h i s fe l t 't h e Ir n g t l t a n d br e a d t h or t h r A nt i l l e n .i t y n o w t h e Bpa nl sh sq ua dr on s m m t d h a ve p u t t o a n fr o m S l n J u n t a d o P o r t o It l m , S l n t o h o m l n g n m a d t h e l h w l n a . u n d th e C ar l b l vnt n w o ul d b e m w r n m s w i t h ga n l n c m t u s ; b u t m u t e t o b e f r a u d th a n a l t th e R p tm l tt r dl ' e t in r ts wo t ll d b e t h e c o n s e q u e n c e n fl \ t 0 c o m p l a i n t m n t u 'b e d l m n t c i u - d t o t h e p o r t u d m i n t a t R l u g x t é n .Th e J n m a l n t r i g l t t i w o u i d c u r r y a hu nt lu ga ra li t o a t e r ; c r u i s e r o n t h e W e s t l n d l d n s n - t u mW e pl r k ed u p l sm a r t s o 't 'a xt vr a n d ru n o u r t te s t in g d a wn |» n t k< Ift t ¥1 | I0 n ; wi th ne ver n u t!! i n s i gh t fflt ' n at - ek , un t i l |m o r n i n g " h e n th e su n ca m o ur oumnm; ll one um.-A :mn lrvm Peter diverted Idon to me Dmrhmln."H Fill! llu der (td for ll u r 41"W f * I ,. ,/ 5 ll/ -¢ ,..... Q Q .~I * : '' :" \sfQ¢.=-sgJ*" ' Y " ' , § 4 v 4~ u ' ~x v * ~< f 2 * ' n u \ % !~ up at our back: ljkc | burnished fw- per plaque nfl we sur lhe ¢one of ily l}p| ;|ual llfllnl aut of \he hu!'nlln¢L A lelxue or tum flrlineronllsl whole illnnd slumped Itself ¥»ene|1h 4 »~ll n~n column of i . . . , . . . . . » ' ; , -' G r N1 "' \y g f g - Q m ,{."\..__».as ltbo abou. and u oliranEhor muh; |~__-n_ugfv 1»H5_»j_»¢g:;.I l l a .F o n l h i B n e vn i e r m d t w o ch i l d r e n . H r .a n d H n .C .H .B l a n c h a r d A u b r e y Gui ne a,M r .a n d M r s .' r o m W e k e fie l d ,Jr .a n d t h r e e m a s ,l l r . a n d H n .W m . . B n n c l e r t , l l i u i l l a l n e K a t t ,H i n Ju n e W e st a n d E r n e s t M y e r s h u !d i n n e r t o g e t h e r a n d o r l - e b m t e d a t A r l i n g t o n . A n o l h e r p i c n i c W 7 w u m u h u p o f n l a r g e m u n o n l l t i ve s a n d h n r l d i n n e r l l t h e B e r t C o o p e r h o m e a t Te k n m a h .l n t h e g r o u p w e r e H r .a n d l i n . .H e n r y Co o p e r ,l l r . a n d u n . L . B . H a r r i m a n a n d d ; u ¢ b ~ ter s,l l r .a n d H r s .H a r r y G u o g r , I n d fa m i l y ,H r .a n d U r l .A I I t o- :p er a n d t w o children.. .. dl!! of the larger ddu of thc 'fhomu Edison.ulsmlul urperu,who an Inunand In pu-foetlng Un u w a w w combining dn motion pkmn me nhvwmvl into on uni!"O-ilkllll movin.". 'l'blny-:lx mods!homu,w h o q u lp p e d to u u g u f o r n l l f u f l purposes. Will be built in t\1|u!y~ \~ r .m d u m n d n w w m - 1 ° G n d m h u c u m q m n u ii l l || n | - d l a l u e l t n n a m h l u l . E r Stanley, a member of the clan, wholeft on Thursday with her parents,Dr. md Mrs. G. E. Sw-wg for their nu r home ut Ramon,cbt.The afternoon was spent In playlngamen after lhic h a delidoua lunchwasnervedbyH n .Ray TdplettandHrs. 0.H.Godny,who indchaff: of the iittie folks. Those who liatlened to the Sundaynewenin¢ program over ndio stationKOH. Council Bluffs, Iren delight-ed to h a r a former Hermm girl, llrs. Marie Hcpidrm Vodiea, soprano who ms seven! selections.Bert Cooper of Tekarnlh ate Sun-day dinner with his 1Jlr¢1:|ts,Hr.and Mrs. Henry Cooper..Mrs. C. E. Johnson il quita m L. H law\ 'I `\l° »dlr Chda Huueu draw Us Omaha anTllrrdayandbronfhtU n .lla nnn|l¥|I Durmld imma rom the hoaplhl.:llomlu in g~=ttnlgh:ion¢ nloely nw.;Mrs.P¢te1-N n c a i h d o n i lr u .:GUN P01-neun Tuesday nfh-moon. .m n and Emd Ruth Ruhaemon Tm '1).| eu!| v \-fhrnoon at tbl 11.Lumen horns. Mr. and Mn. ll. Larsen, El a,Hannah and Louise ellkd on Ruth Lnrsena Tuesday waning.Mr.and Mrs.Raymond Kru ps Ind Evelyn Lundt of Omaha NursGllltn llon dzy mmm! a t dn L. E.I-lrnn homm xwx. J. um m I-"nr Omen #Nr Stat: Burk Bla i r, mmm DI. D. w. nah, Ptyuldu l}l3¢f|!¢l a m u Phones m f ;a';;:aa'".'""'.»¢=»-ua "|' mu..1 nu-HERMAN NEWS*f l a n a ! |\ ! f ' 1 \ I |I l l fl l n f h i s I l t h I l .Ieomel dlD¢0I'0U=l so our harmony. an J (Continued from pgs Thus) \\ ha ld n an y in E mu What at I Huh Four not?" mt Pn nt nln F ll nl rr l n r l t n fa r m . " s y yo rs u C h u ! ( 1 'n u u r ¢ i a - = - G w i l l l c In l d l la n a a n - h r r a vi n g ;h u n t h e p i n t s !a n l g i a r l a t 9 a n l r h o r u b o u u a t: u r l o f th e t r a u m a .tha go l d b o i l :I l l i a I n q l i l l r n y N l l s n a . ¢HAP|'l;R x| | Smpicioul mm un Dua' ll.m'|an em .|n I ..th e A tl an t tc .L l u r r a y Imaur t m :th a S l n t t u i m a Tr i n i d a d mq s t h a ve ne ntt h e t i d l n u o f h i s fe l t 't h e Ir n g t l t a n d br e a d t h or t h r A nt i l l e n .i t y n o w t h e Bpa nl sh sq ua dr on s m m t d h a ve p u t t o a n fr o m S l n J u n t a d o P o r t o It l m , S l n t o h o m l n g n m a d t h e l h w l n a . u n d th e C ar l b l vnt n w o ul d b e m w r n m s w i t h ga n l n c m t u s ; b u t m u t e t o b e f r a u d th a n a l t th e R p tm l tt r dl ' e t in r ts wo t ll d b e t h e c o n s e q u e n c e n fl \ t 0 c o m p l a i n t m n t u 'b e d l m n t c i u - d t o t h e p o r t u d m i n t a t R l u g x t é n .Th e J n m a l n t r i g l t t i w o u i d c u r r y a hu nt lu ga ra li t o a t e r ; c r u i s e r o n t h e W e s t l n d l d n s n - t u mW e pl r k ed u p l sm a r t s o 't 'a xt vr a n d ru n o u r t te s t in g d a wn |» n t k< Ift t ¥1 | I0 n ; wi th ne ver n u t!! i n s i gh t fflt ' n at - ek , un t i l |m o r n i n g " h e n th e su n ca m o Fllut.~ls 1 | mos rn' wi" c u rsed politics!bmhering.\\'¢Il,Pm nermu Fllnt is some abolrd.This com\erlllIOIIl 1|without purpose,nlcce [ l d must now dhqslane conjecture." my good huh and henumb ihdr aequhltlvefnrultleibythetightI t greater wealth llnu they ever dqeamod ol' obulnlng sl one tlme."known lr.First. ye carry nu north z Amerin, Jun lo crimp mu men. wilnot mo hundnd pound: in booty t show for the \usage.Next. $0 nhu "I have but one ward more to ."he added."Whatnmr happens, Inge me tu du thé talking"I lm o n t h s fo r m y m e n t o r u : w i t h fe r a n d d r i n k a n d m y :ship l o fo u l h e b o t t o m - ". " O n bo t h th e l e co u nt s y o u h a y o u r o w n negi lge nce £0 bl a me , "p u i n m y g r e a t u n c l e . "a n d l a n . " F i l m fvm e d o n a r m o u t ho e dl n g h i m ." s e b r i n g t o t h l l e n d t f m o 1 m a n a n d l n a m a n w h ~ ar e n o t o r o u r c om p an y . : m l n uh o . fa Al l g e kn o w . m ay l o h e nc e , a n d I~ q ll n l z 's n h i p o n u l s o m e d a y vr~ .| w e a r e eur een ed a n d leeipless." 1 " N o t g n u . " r e t u r n e d M u r r a y s a u m x l a .°'Ycu'1l n o t r a m e n ,n m Th a t e r u ui d m e a n wo r k fo r yo u r c r e w B u t y o u co nc er n m a n e !! n e e d l e s s l y Uo lo ne l 0'I\ o n n e i I h u reas ons t o ke e pi n g hi s sh a r e i n o u r en t e rp r l u n d e r co ver .H e i n m o r e sa fel y Q a |nu,"g m m e d D IN : | u u e l L F i l a !cl i mb e d o ve r l h e b u l w n r k l \|r l!I.| a r ack et of oa ths an d s wnz gor ed u p t o th e p u u p h l n r t i n d m p p e d l nh l !! l| " 0l l l n Mo c k o n th e m a ln y a r d . m d J o h n S i l ve r t r u l u n h d u p In i t s 1.|;:!n.hl a rml ri s- pa ug la ng fr o m h i s |»~l»..D a r b y x m l t h e r e n t : r u l e d t h e - m e la d de r a n d mi n g l e d w i t h t h e .1 . u m- s ' fr e n z. Th ei r : yn p op p e d fr o m : l n l r h e a d : a s t h e y r l r c l e d t h e h u n nf l r f a a u r v. Th e i r vh l r f w u e q u a l l y f r a n k l n ~ w n l l m : t h e l u s t o f g n u ! t h e p l c t u r f ua ft l l e d In h l m .Il ia gr e en 95 5 5 B ir k e m l h u t l y o n e i t h e r a i d e U I h l a t h i n , l|\'|l\iP\|nose,l a d hl s blue _l owl w u bl u ff l l um e vo r . , t h e w e at h e rw n m s k i n Tn . r l l l s c l a w k b o n es l a c e d wi t h u r m wn r k o f r r l m s o n ve i n s t h a t br i g h t - man: .lnnlwr(Tv be continued).~~..~ '75 , 0 5 y o u r uone nn-s ! ¢ ? ' t m r 1 t r i p 3l u rr u |" l U n ! m v.u r l s n p r e l i y i r i c i 5 1 l1 I| : e d u s !r f- fu ke e p m u h w i ' me.30 w o u l d !O h .ye a !Y e d g i n m e t l o h o d n s n .Ins te ad a 'o n e . ; \ n u !E fu l fi l ! y o u r m n t n d ,y n u wi lt . Th r r e a n o n e e d fo r \ L t o h e m fr . b u t > r l I d o n i l n h i l l t t o p m ve g o o d h l l h t o m e !An d t a ke b o t h o r n o n e, s a y s you.B o t h o r n o n e !W e l l . s o fo o l e d : m e t h a t lim e,M u r r a y .b u t y e n e ve rwi l l a n l n .b r t h u n d e r - n o t i f m g 1 I |I#|vt h e : o l d o ' t h e In d i e s h e r e !" Il e Iu ok e d u p a n d h a pp e ne d to me e t t h e a w e - s t r u c k g a z e o r M o i r a 0 D o n ae ll .A sn e er r : ur l e¢ ! h ll l i ps . " B u t y e n m 'P l l l r n x e r s .I w e . " h o lns in uu te d." G o l d a n d w o m e n ! 'T l s a n n e ru m ll l ml l lo a .M u n a y .b u t th e r e? u r u l e i n o u r Ar t i cl e : y o u w e r e a l l fo r est ab lis hi ng N u m b e r F o u r . l b !lr s l lvk s In m y ww - fo r y e ca l l e d It o n c e o n m e ." ' A l : d t h u !t h e r e m a y b e l e s t o e O n i n - I t h i n k P11 r u n m y i n i f f o r e o n g r u n r o m n n . W h y ! O r r i n - W e l i ,bec au se sh e l s 5 l u n d y i n t r o d u c i n g bi l l s i n t o t h hou se. H a y - B y t h e w a y ,d e a r .h o w .1 y o u Ellen y o u r n e w d o c t o r ? B e l l e - O h . h i s a p e r f e c t l y c h a r m i n g m a n - - a l w a y s a o c h e e r fu l a n go o d - n a t u r e d . H e t ak e s l l fe s o e a s i l y ils l}p| ;| ul¢ llfllnl out of \he hu!'nlln¢L A lelxue or two flrlineronllsl whole illnnd shaped Itself ¥»ene|1h iu :pine 9! bllls. and n column 0? smoke from dw Spygloan mlm! ua um Fllnl'| lookout mul del:-ded us.The wind llld nllnued stron!through ihe night. 5.3 liter dawn it turned puffy and 'guru nearly noonwhen we pulsed mm Captaln Kldsfs onchorqge on th o lu i of the floodThan was a nut buazlé aboard the Walrus, with bonu plying to and from g h '... / "~~s.Ri f f -- . _*1 ,L o f ~ 53 'Iua "If Flint IIn Dar Foal for it It Dad! llattar What You Show Him. 'Ho Wants MI matter what you lhml him.lla snail alh" *\\¢z|, two broke fm and wb ami; lnallled Fllnl."And I! the two who "What proof have you of !t1" "Pmofl""Ay proof. I sald.Their boéiea, whit of them!"°'\\hy. we never-" a I 4 |I s .d e n . " Y o u u e !Y o u h a ve h t e l ! l l l k l n j lo os e ly . 1 fe a r, m y fr ln m d. " I- 'Il m »an g er s mnit chod o n hi s h a n g e r h i l t . " 1 tell ye.M u r r a y .ther efs a fo u l l m e i l a b o u t t h u w h o l e b u a l n e n a Y q u w e r e a l l t o r : M u s m e h o s t a g e s - t w u n o Id ea o f m l n e .A n d t h e n th ey n n so on er co me ab ou nd m y s h i p : h m th e y'r a n vr l y ag a in .I l i k e It ao l . IIR E : t r i c t r r y o r , fe m a y g u t m e f o r 1 p ro ac la er ." " l l u d I fo u n d y o u r h o s t a g e s o n t h e Ja m e s b e fo r e n i l l n g o r w l t h l n | d a y an e r . y o u s h o u l d ha ve h a d t h e m b a r k ag ai n. "amid M u r r a y tlrm ty." H u t th er e i n n o p o i n t t o t h i s a r m l m e n t : fo r l m l l a g e i o r n o h o s t a g c s , y o u s e e or oumnm; n~one um.-'A :mn lrvm rms nlvenea | "°3n'Ilu$'»2"LY'f"1'.`l& for |\ u ~ _;~|g`§§"iQ§Z§T`~\ \ \ " " w \ .»|, !,i e w ~~'41 ~f i'_,gy /, / A l l ' i ire. a r s $121-m =l\\\¥ promised."| "Ye must ha'had rnre success," | !r.and Hn. J .ui the Fourth inMr.and Mrs. N o children and LI. Wm eulebnt-;Enid Ruth Reinerumen spent FridayOnmhl.tonnuun with Mn .Martin Larsen.Jesse Hover m d Mr. and Hn .Halry\ Slewrn and her sister,Misa la m and B l a Vinh Booth vinltewi r u u n u u s u n y l u v u n u u u p W a w perunt of tota!deposit:n a n ba- cnme hgll for New J arsey uvlngubanks, as the result of a nc-mt ap-I1 | ; ; ¢U ( 3 Q g u y ;4,11 | g ¥ | | ; g |5 g | ~-- " " '' - " "-F -E v "--- l l - u -l I ¢ ¢» - - ue n s e r z u B l u r i n t F r i d a y C w e k ,N b .s d a y f r a w e e k #1 1 I y n L u n d :o f O n a n ;l i e d L t a t e .3 1 ° b Tu : ; : . x i ' y m : ; § ; i ; g w r g g g ~C a r r o l P a n h h a r r i v e d h o m e f f f l m l e n e i v i d t e n f t h s n h o m c o o !M r .m d t h e R u d o l p h A n d n u o n w » » »'i.'£m i .s W o r k h a s b q u n o n N e h n n ' n , _ , |Q ~ : e i n m e f o g l o w b s n e w m e m b e r s i n V o l i n ,S o u t h D a k o t a t h e h a l o f t h e M n .G i l h e n O l m n .; d l y a f t e r n o o n .r u l e r f i l t n t i o n p i n t w h i c h W I Ns o t h e o r d e r :M r .m d M r s .T o m m e e k t o # W E m e F 2 e = 1 * = . e ' = - f : : ~ "1 .T h e I m " - . C l u b h = . l d . . " = = ' : ." v e :. . . ' f f § ` ;° " f " "' € f ° ~ ' 2 - ° = a ' = = * ° f 9 = * v ° = 'h a v e A c a p a c i t y o f 2 5 0 . 0 0 0 s w - = = » » |I n m n n c e - R e n t a l s ani aoo omnaui u mam. ¢¢|| II I i 1 1 11 ;1 ~ doubling their present capacity of ani c h t n h o r I u n s h £lU¢|Ll€UolI I( Tl nu k ( YIInn ln n Rn e d O 'l l l n l ¢asMrand }»i|l£`s¥I{iii1"L§§i¢»?=`§.¢°:mm teiephone service rm * " " " " " " " " "" " ` ` " "lwlm.-vere Iremnnt shannon Snlur rninblfnhmi betvnun London rid Bern (PHANLON and ITHANLON "" `1""I ` .|- e u rm .11.iio || 1 1. i""|i'"" I" "li tm ma '""""i\\Illil1l~ 2- "»»-'»=°'-~ ~"<.=..:~ §*°.§':§'§i'" f ` " ~~ »'=--»-~'nh 1 »-=.,-»~ ..... .lun =~ \¢cus enum InE T L \ !Aehennln ulg| H", J . nf I Chan.lli l n my lfflrn ds | l0 ::| l¢_ " I E ~ ' L ' . . . . . . . . f . .ss-I l l d r . N l l l l l l l "§m'f",f'§§§§,'§`°'§$,,, home. is at °,,;;';§;',,§§;°,;*';'§".,,§;°,,§;,'§""',}€.:,,i;, §"£';»u£;0¥;.::uz§`"$if€'§I£"`£1`§§°pi`il|;»i§1 §."»§I|:`$i»~§ff"`f:`f¢°f,¢. rolrcn and NEBRASKA wBEKL;" ..|\.F1'E'Fi.'l"'""°"'"*""' spent s""'L"' i"1l3""?E'mnde_ PP .°f members .if 'n§,». .fl.|"m.f"§'\'?..,_ °§§`h.~|...,. nr M? hifi 1'§.'...f.f'.|'§..E'l'.f'.'1.`€§.."'""""zlwuarnui. REVIEW\.11IJ A -- - - - : _ - -I - u w -*. l a m m i s P R E S S S H O P BIHIu7i}T| ;,]iii,m;b'é`niP|`{\`n§'f-Ellinii _ u n J i l i a ; ' i '...ia'i:;1'.;... am- :he f lat of Ill! luis.htm mu l A lllm. and 'W ill Su mma Ennmunmllllumm|||l||l||u\|||mumIn\||lunlmmm|un||\\||mn||nllmlnuulidullumi||u|||lm||unu|||rmmuuulnum||||||m||mmll||||nmmllmmunlnlnllnlll|||uummu|||||||mmu||||||||||m||||m||||m|||||||u|||nu|||111||||||mnIf _ .n o 4 1 _l s O l 'I | I l l '. I 0 I 'I 'X > * New Cut __.__:i rnces `[llI'0llgll rne mourn OI July" ~ .u 0RISEBlair's Leading Newspaper zz. Q. Rs=a».P:»r*'*'=ll "||i"iE|.|`i|-L"i..-. llollnml Ind In plvul.lun la ull!.'1E"§2.!'__'!!'..t"*:31:*':'!_!2r .Serv .|¢_ ...L.....||-"*' '°' """"||§".im..¢.., :msn my l1.l¢¢I.|..»- -.|Courtawl 'treatment l-.?_---__. f f ' °"° ' hi g h athooi im... door wc Entarpriae offlc oi I Ss.:§THE EN'r*1f.1<1-'1 if'uiizbn-Nw nchoolhalue me gym Ermcnnns'S;";,;' "'"f""7"" °",3';" ul ';"';;;,nmslum to be built here.ggA5||gqA'g1gN DATES,..»?.. ?'....f.f.°'lT.§. ',...,fI',..f. u..t-Aim-bfi!-Contact let nt $1oo,aao§ Gives you all the latest § full each week of the do I n |54 ii. -|,];,;,,;§,|"il|I|]iii'1fI]| E=*1!.{°|!" fe *|'!J"!°\° am. am. aku.ur.ma||nIlocal happenings of the c o m m u n i t y »in2`S of your neighborhood a n d cow I I S c o l u m n s a r enty.~If its worth Saturday, July 24 1926. Mi h a i llln h Ce. SopainmdcnhMr. and Mm Art J ana; nml rhil.1 lnln._!ITR6)0 Iamd iuu carrildlg~ f i h d i t i n f h e E n t e r p r i s e a n d w h § t y o u f i n d t h e r e w i l l be entirely authentic.We g invite you to join the rapidly growing family ofreaders of this periodical and in order to make this easy §we are offering the following clubbing offers which are open to new subscribers only. §.T a k e i i d v a n i a g e o f t h i s O f f e r a n d S a v e M o n e y §~' i i i €§§§*lI%2'?é'"'li;"""?""'?'j Q ~O m a h a ~~ §°'Yml #s w Thelinverpi ~-mo P m u ie ,.w e '"`~-~~-a m -ihlrs.Gilbert Olson and Hrs.Leo l Hannon._Mrs.Jesse Lackeye and daugh.r.te r . u m Inna uf Gothen. Indiana, are visiting her mother, Mn. S. C.Rose and sitter, Mn. E. W. Burtlic and other relatives and Manda here M n n u n t drrn Ind Jem Ham#en: were Sundayafternoon 1l|\itora at H. C. Hlnenl.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen, Mila-¢~Ruth,Helen and Ileuie CroudyofBldr,and Harold Taylor were entertained lt a chithn dinner i tt h e A m l : e w J u h a m e n h o m e S : 1 . u i n 3 . . I u -- - . t u . . .! 1 . . ¢ . . . . . I 1 - . . . . . . ._ . . 1 ...-....,..-.--- _"_ .---~ ---. I .__._Ior new county courthoune.lr liay ard-New cheese f"'»°"Y °P Oxford-Annual conwntlun of the :ned h°l¢Republlan Valley Editoziul Associ-Hartingwn--A new eltttric light ation held hem. plant to be erected by Hartimfton Nd i g h - Ne w nd io baomicmrting Electric Col11P%U¥»station, N E L l G H» under c on-.1.m.n.|Lnnlnifl let at 531.500 .inn.| Ln \..... BEST qu,\1.m1:n 'r Hu Ro lGlI L \APPRECIABI Prlmarls Augusf l0,l926 Bernhard F. Lundt §}"f*:',lf§"::,:L.'2"';2r''.:f guut Republican fandidafc for f f n z l n f v A f f n r n n u ~ ~ a n .l l l l I A I l i l .n u u u m u c n l e n l l l l . I chaldrlm,F m l Mnley and molhv,Mrs. Noble of lilair, spent Thursday exmtdni at the Ii. C. Larsen home. Fwd dey n'1||Hn. Hobie c;Il¢d1ra n Jnhn_ Iverson.when health for new Christian church..Aram!! ._. Nbw m m di¢P°ll1 Bridgeport- New hotel coslrlng plant costing $32,400 to be conslruc-s15,000 nwvwd for this c ity.u a h ||.,|| city.' Qllridgepon-Over sob acres beans 3r;,g'¢pq||;,..N¢g Gmdmen County planted nur heme.Bank omni. _ v |r n v u v a ; n - 1as\'e.u1 or /we W llh H m m fm. r: lp¢.af »¢¢ u 1 Pru xking : a m Nf h l A vd f mn failed °n Aunmey Mrs.Mlr tln lanen Monday lf\er_ nwn.Charley Hnnun shelled com for ilIlIllIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIllllIllIlllIIIIllm!!IIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIIlllllIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllIIIll|||||Illlll|ll|||H|||||l||IIIIIIIHUE Ef \ /5 ~~ \vy.pw»-ly.,\lfl.Ch|-ln Pvten-rn_lame and h|<?¢ Hrs. umm Wilkerson vlnitedMm.Azua; Jemrn lun! 'Friday ll'- u m w m "w i m m n l s n m n g \ \ h M r » .Jenml an xhe pn-unr. une,nr .und Mrs.Jun- .lesrn andcllhlien ;ll|if.v<| ll Chrin l'r!crs4||'.v5,.l n y 1 wmwnMr. Ind li n .me r lve n o n rln- lx-| at Caryl Rngmussetl; Frlday |!» un¢<»1»»-uur|xm;mn R| Hronl w bull new sullen hen. oln- New Carnluulnr n m nc compktlun.muhl--W ork shrlxd on newA\| nll\lm Llnc nln High S¢hool nm- nulum.Omnlu- Ne w non-tall brldxe willbv c onltrudld urns Mluourl River lxwven Omdu an d Counc il umm n . . . - a . _ w. - w h i b lvnlim o mn i - s m c h o s e n r m N.\u¢=u1 Solnllen Home and hospis.-ll of DI:- uN¢~d Vebtnna al World War. Omlhl-W ork| l.| | 1al an we newUnlon State Bank lmlhllng at | 9 0 and Fnnum Struts.mc n a u - w n m n u m . : m m - | u Red Wllluw Ooumy,o m m - _ s w r w - m p h - M h u ; - ar ua be hum hem az wsu of uv,- E BDU! 'Of $5.00 fllllll -»-$§[|||0uuu\Ll g 'Au tm' $7.35 1 uuths =, v The Em §Wor¥dHarlld. Dnily and :Sunday »$6.00 Omaha Bee, Daily and Sundny $3.00 2.00 1.50 312.60 n - n n s $6.00 1 50 2.50 2.001.50 $13.51) u _ -¢n D._ u- u nu n a- u p-d u -Q - n o: 3" -n4¢.- .q1 - n un u n0 _ 1u s n = Ton! E E § = A Wonderfully Choice Display of New°' S u m m e r D r e s s e s JUST SEE these Drases and you will realize that the savings you can effect by buying now are Well worth while.A wonderful col- lection of models in all the newest.ol the summ9r's favored fabrics. =l\ noon ami IImanue dx " " " "" ""~~-" f ' 1 " '/ '. Q E Iwhiny »»=»:»»?.1 An eauum to be extended to Chautauqua Park|w;§, I §Mr. and Hrs. ltichanl Nelurs and Strawn-$20,000 bond lame 'l'0|i-built :._5 .:}.|Idr¢n visited at the home nl t ed on for nur achoo! building.|Yo4*5 .uhghltr,Sits.F m!Jenmcn am Elgin--New white way syrfem to m,' $9 1 5 ""f'|7 Sunday afternoon.be hutalied here..|6 " |-_='~=:»¢»"4¥°b°r¢W }l=f '¥f"!Wulf Fairbun Electric traffic aigndu »...nf: EE n g= :sz: The Enterprise ?ict¢giiT *Rotiew EE5=5 §§ E l l l n $5.00 L00 1.00 mo $3.50 Omaha Bom Daiiy md Sundsy -- lows Homestad ---' -- " Lsdias Home Journal _-x ,- The Enwrp:-in ---- Toni --- All lor $6.25 T h i n n f f p r w i l l h e c n n t i n Sunset World1Ier\ld.Dail\and Sunday ..$6.00 I YuuthsibmpmionThe Enternriao [hall Ndsonhome Sunday evcn!n¢.*"'~'"*-"'*'!f Inlnonnnf Nelson,Raymond Wulf,f°f this lourn.Ilnrvhi,Raymonda_nq. Ggorge RH:Falla City -W :Sauudn_~r Evening PuBL The Enterprise .2.0,1,3 Total All for 510.60 ihl. sm went to Bell Cmnt and(wed Stradly afternoon..\!rs. Dick Nelson plflf tho dntixla visit Friday aftemoon. Mr. andfilrs.George Rasmunen um! wp. Gene _spent Sun-ky .at the any ntro¢°ur..'pr~o1'ed.Humboldt-Bit!!opened for P | " l Bridgeport Lgrgg acreage guglg im: city =»U¢**"-been planted h this wiclnixy.Beatrice-Wlreat *"""°"'under*1. ¢ s ¢ » _ w¢ h 1==a¢p¢»a¢m 'reu- uay In Gage county.h 1 |$3,000 imr»l!ri¢;nnort-llunlc ipui '*imm51€|E..:f|:c:r':...?? HE..In uhh vicinity. T¢ mtnl £0.50 Get in while it is yet r r t f r H u n a n m i m e . . N e a r l y e w r g f é n e f r o m t h i s c o m - m \ ; { 1 \ t Y s p e n t M o n d a y c f l l e b r a l l n g a t lA r r . x t o n . i l r .a n d M r s .H a r r y S l e w r s a n d M rw vi d t i e d M r s .Shavers'sint er,ll l l w . D u n n P l e a s e an d fa n 1 l 1 y i n F r o - l rr :st Sll"Nl&l} e\rni|'. | 1~; nns Tnl.u. xo rrs while uheilding the National §.u1.\flC Light Aa.mciatlon's Consul-tian at Atlantic City,two famousiowntorumetforthefirsttime.l m Thr? len nnbtrl W . Dezforut and pool planned for this city.I`| J rbtlr}-Two diatrkt: nn G nd Sth ntroets to be pnved at cost of ;:s.000.Iihir--Blair Canning Company ln- .ltalllng new automatic airqtlrenurttruck slump to unload oorn. Scribner-Cemetery ron-I being gznveled.llautlngs,--I"etit£on filal for city atmer extension.I '"§ii§1l?¢ W" julio"_'65 o m Pie ples Home to be eroctnl hr:r. Oentnl City-New post offlcg to bo built in this town.Hemun--Nntional \\'a-hington hl- uay between Herman and Blair be ing gravolnl. Onn ha -Natio ul Bf tinmg Cam-pusy opens new White Rose s u - o llm mu o n on swui' 2-nh 1sl.leBL G ntl Ldand-Bids open:-il I-ar theLinc oln-Biiuourl Pacific Railroad ranhlbilitathurondbedonLincolnconstruction of new fir#station.Union branch.I Cond--$150,000 new schoolhouse Ogallala-City streets to be p;1.:|l to be erected hon.__ £i};;;."'Ge¢';';e' §;g;a€.;; I>¥`|{i§T{bfA§s'§éEi(>}iié§|§.°'p § ``. ".T H E E N T E R P R I S E F § \ M MN m|||m|||mmm|mmmn n |f \ mmmmu ml l l u u m|mmu mmm|m |||m¢ Mrs. T. C. Hilton =Rumn|||||||||||1||||n||nmm|am|nm|m|||uu|||||||H||||m|mmlun||||||||||n|||||w|m |||||m|1||mm||||||||||mumunum kindly impulaee toward him. but in; him in theeare of the boys -feeling th at h e we: abou t ~ fo anyway, they left him. An improvised stretcher was madandtheboys,saddened m o o d hearts, carried Hound up our I1dry dusty hot road-the road tha just lo f ew short happy month before he had met Ghuhby. hid fin no friend.But um time hecsrried,mortelly wounded up th road that lead to Chubhyk house. The rest of_tltl't afternoon an all the next day Hong:el held nl th e atte ntio n of the o we -I s wof boy s, mem, the like of whit: are to be found in every town boys at which the rewrl fatheahhhtheirheld:and cell rough noch.These boys showed thei true loyaity and did all within 1. el power to :ave their dumb fri . hlonrrd w u i n a b e d 1 r a , b u now he did not whim.He bore hlpeinelikeatruehero.Ile ur filled with the pride and good feel ing that c omes with the doin; ofgood deed, and to one who has wo his way into the healta and respec oz men.That night before Chubby wen to be d h e wen to u t theheekdoohis father and mother saw him but md netlming.Down under th porch he knelt, and in the quiet o the night.held communion don with his dog.He potted the dog' heed and stroked him earnestly. Thdogwasveryweekbuthe~ ~ the b0)"e hand. "Do you remember the first dawe mir on the ma. W olf!You been a terrible mood friend to rnsion tben, W olf." Ho lifted the do¢'» hen! on his la "God, I hope you will spare W olf'life.He's been an awful good do and friend to all of ur boys." He put his hoe down until l touched the do| "4 had and withthe earneetneer of his boy-heart b talked to the dog ond then » him [ood-night. I t was dorm in e very eeclud spot, the next forenoon, where th boys metf-very eeeluded,becanobodyelseeverwenttherean lihly nobody but the boys ine about it.Chubby,of couse.urthere and 'hxffy was back with th gang.A grave had already dug when they gd:there,by buys lent l h l u l 'l2..1ft'y'e mo had felt oo grateful that she toothe clothes out of a hi! box up i the attic and let them have it.Sh also gave them some cloth forlining.A lid was fitted on. The grave had been dur beaid an old fallen tree, and the boyi wh were hot servingaa pall-bearer weleaningegaifutit.The body lowered into the grave.Nonetheboyshadeverattendedman funonlnbut they did know sothing about ono. Tuffy, as laden and probaly debtor lru tongierforrn the oeremonIIe tool: off.I cap and gripped with :me hand.The :est folioOrdinarily it would have been for Tuffy to do that he was doi L1-rt he, with the rest of the b°>' was very deeply affected."God, 1re're down here in a :ae meetin'," he laid, "holdiu' e fune to bury W olf.He'e been en swf good friend to ua boys.He so me from the river and Skinny frotherettlesnake.W i r e ell get to min him an awfd lot, Lord,. 'specinlly Chn by - b e I i th Chub~L o r d ,I n d h e l p h i m h e a r h i s d e n . "f There was a little pause and so wen heard."lf Wolf has done rome had th remember,Lord,he never had chance,for he never had a f r ! ~'til Chubby found him out there'~ the road that time."Wolf died helpin' some other fe lor, help us, Lani, to do as well he did.Amen." The y ellow mongnl had had h chance and had used it,and passed ,peacehully from this 11intothe great beyond of alt ;- d m CONGRBGATIONAL CHURCH A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt conducted by the puter.The L0 Supper will be celebnttd duringservice, and all ntlemben ere uk to make special effort m he preae~ S S. lt 10 o'clock, wil.l| I. vt welcome and :Insta for all ages. The younger people gather atp.m.The meeting will be led Mi n Evelyn Hunloeh.All yo~people of the parish are condlnl invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 p.Mr. Kemp desires a full atte » /_U user Ifnm R f " ? ° ).' r l @ ° a g , !- ' 1 -#- = - a ~\ -513;Q ~ H 'I\ \ ,~f f l ' Q \~=n.~\v». izouwo THE COUNTY News ol laura! ntlwred hy Enterprise correspondent: from every oommunliy ln Wuh- _'in¢lon County. 1's|,sAs1'/\ NEWS hom ul Mn. Badiu llengedobt.1 um. "mmud Ruvn hu b mUr. und lln. Alb!!! nz m l #NNI-'III the vm 'nk wi th hh A n o l d m m w a s ca ll ed u p o n g i ve avid e nc e f o r t h e p l a i n t C o t n a e l l o r t h e d e fe n d a n t tr i e d b u l l y h i m ." H a w y o u e ve r - - i n p r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t o i c t . " " A b i H o w l o n g t h e fi r s t t i m e " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n d t h e sec ond t i m e ? " " O n l y o n e h o u r . ".. " A n d w h a t o ffe n s e h a d y o u c o m i t t e d to d e s e r ve t h e p u fni a h n i e n t " I v u sent,t o p r i m a zo w h ! w a s h a ce l l m h o l d I.l a n y o r or h a d ch ea te d o n e o f h i s cli en ts ." a iuqm, md mu l i m u n n :punt Monday mrmfn: 'at the u g p y ~a s h ~o f H r s .S a d i e l l w r v f b t .|| |H ]u n g i g m d C t r l K r u s e s p e n t W 7 a n -r s .b g a r H e n r y 8 t o r k ' | .g l i h n l e L a l l m n n a I ' . " " é . . ~ » » ,w a - l t .a n d l n .E m u m m m m a r d n s n e w u : r w W m H o i t m u s n i :E u g e n e !H k h . n ,v n h ° U * ¢o n |H r .a n d H n .W m .I i o l t m m a n d n n d n y w a n i n g n i k ! !a n t h :M n . n m L n l l m m h o m e .i d a u s h u r s .N o r m a m d v i o l a .l a d i r .a n d g r W m .H o l t m l n m g a a n ,L e a h :w e r e F n m o n t a l l e n o n m u l p m t B a n d a n i n g l t h S a t u n h y .1 5 p m I N a m i :L a i l n u n o f W i n s l o w h u h l i f e s c t N i e h r o o a .g G o U . l h b I k h t e n h m p a n d s o n .b e e n v m n d l n l a w a r d d a r 'a s t h e H r s .B l l h m l a L a i l m a n h o m e . |Tha Loc al Luther [Aqua mat rr larry drove to Nickanon ilonday moon.C m x i u u ,1 n md Wm. Hglg..Friday evening for Unit monthly ,'Ddtnn m a H m m Stranger 'mminx A pn ri olic vro mm v u'given by the foiloving mombun: iE !lBl Nhbaum,l a h Ninbium. n . ml Tlsenry Plwe r spent Saturday Ing lt Talbuln. -aw- like to mum--er -avr-a litpuppy.Misa Harris? Gen me nam: , \ trade wuh "\ J. L. Pounds one price clothler Blair,--Nebr. IWe've endeavored. wllh pnlns and preclsion, To subject EHdle's work to revlslon. His lnhcrs to I|!hten-- Hls routine to brighten But he greets all our » ..».~ Choice Fresh Meats A Good plece of Meat ls "More than hull" of every housewife knows. Gur MEATS are fresh FLOUR-lhe kindlhll has proven C 0 M E ' so swslactorily in so muy homes Puubury £§n Flour 48lb.52.50 Fr~ Non~efn~~a¢.n»..z1I ~~~ ADMISSION so CENTSQ u a l i t y M a r k e t m r c u m A r 5 m e a JEN5 NIELSEN, Prop,1 fn dm Inst we.k :inning Prhdlll Herluf,and li n.3°Fil.ali of of cutie to Omaha Il! week. that ever ao often he must display his ability Ind worth aa auch."He saw a log c oming down the streamout in the middle. "Bet any one a dollar I c an bHng that iog out than ahora", hu said.or nurse knowing that :one of meboyshadadollar,and that they would not bet against him lf they had he jumped into the stream and ramad to :Wim ifor ir.He mm notgone far untll he began tc cry for help.The buys hardly knew how zo take it at first for he was as verygoodswimmer.Aa a result they did not respond to his cry ar once.Hr diaappeand below the water. Excitement was very high.Mongfel heard :ha boy call and saw him rrdown.He whlned,n n to Chubbyand 3ump¢.¥\_p\»¢n him. "Gethim out!" Chubby managed to ny .With all the loydty of n dog who pic nic hmeh and the dana at Arl-ington llondny evening:Mr. and bin.Will McDonald of Bldr,Mr. and Mn. Clifton Aronaon of Oma ha. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hlndley and Mr.and Mn .Weston Lons-Tln following ladies served re freshments at the' Royal .Ndghbora lodge lost evening: Meedamel Den. Wlll,Frank and James Thompson.Emml Hansen, Leon Hlndley, Fred Ian; and Weston Long.They serv-ed refreehmenu of lce cream, light and dark cake and ice tea.The table: wexe decorated with flowers and looked versr ettnctive.James Thompson,Jr..h u been on the sick lint for a few days.Leon end Cul llindley have been busy dnsxins the high fold to the county line this week.Hr. Intl un i C lay ton Ammo of Dmeha spent Monday with home folkl..Mi a Grace Thompson celebrated LONG CREEK Tho Epnrorth Lnguo of Konnardcant. aa delegates to the convantio1 al Columbus, Opal and Orval Leach.They left Monday and expect to be zona a wick. Hr. and Hn. J ena J uul and fam- ily called Sunday afternoon n Noi! Nalaon'|, north of Kannand.Hrs. Chris Pauiacu, of Blair, spent a fur day: this week with her doughtar, Mrs. Henry Wulbern. Hr. and Mrs. Hartin Lanan and Will Soreme~of Drum, spent Sum-day with Sir. and Lira. Hayes Ro!- enbnum. L. Bucks of Xonnani, nn Sunday evening calforo at the -Tw Jun!homo." Hu. William Koenig attended thefuneralofMn .L.G. Cunia ot Omaha int Tuesday aftnmotm. only p l a e a t o b e u n s o h o t l d a y was in the oh!gwirnmlng hole Chubby ws: there and took his ownsweettimelrndrqllng.hlangrel Wu them too.He was hz and out ol the water for he. like th FS' 9 o ~ I I s p e n t M o n d a y n t K r u g :P a r k . H r .m d M r s .T o m l c b o n a l d o f H e r m a n h a d : m e d zo s p e n d th e F o u r t h n z Jo h n H e - Do n ld c l h om o bg z t w er e b u s y h sr ves t f lrl wheat.They neport n pod yi e l d ./ Rhonda In Blair. This vidrf ty was 1111 "Printed at the pluxic at Aliingtsn Monday.Hr. and Hn. J ohn Amnazn Ind Mn .Aromcm's aistur,l i n .E.E. Buchanan M Llmoln, also Hr. andHrs. Joe h m m amended a picnic at the _Hanry Kina: home in Omalu an J uiy (th.A.H.Lu c h and family n w - tainefi Sunday:Mr. and Mu . ma of Omzha,Mr. and H r s . ~Kingdom and lr. and Hn. Morgan J ~e~ e 1 e n a good fifteen Thompwa home.| Hr.ma ' Mrs.Chu.mla f mla spent Tuesday evening at the par- :Ido cdlod at the John A. Rhonda home in Bhir Friday evening. Mi n Elohe Slenensen spent a hot a day.* ' The boy : had been in for a long|n g with boys.Them was the usual raids on orchards, the hikes mo the hills and woods, the building' of bon- firas,the telling of Wild Indian stories after the fi n ha d got to n i n a good and the genera!makehelium things that only a boy hows Nothing of special interest occurred until one very hal. day in Augwt.n was so hot that the c ommonest ALO NG THE BOTTOM RO AD Tha Blue Birds of Bono 4 H Club met with Flomna and Eieamr Dixon last Thunday afternoon.Mr.and Mrs.Harry Tucker and famil and Paul I-'ackler spent Mpuday 5 . Omn ha at li ma Park. Ily spent the woo!-end at thu John Aronnon homo.Hrs. John Aronson and sister, Hrs E. E. Blackman of Lincoln, and Ruth sad Emily Aronson spent lundny celebrating at Tekamah.Thu 'rim-Ihd Mu. Henry Fleege while there. Tho India no listen.Chester Ammon and Jny Block- Mr.and Mn. J¢\=f|°|Phf Nodgalrd of Omnlu .spent Friday evening atnmJensJuulhome. Merton Winchall had hog: on tho Omaha market Monday.Leon Hindley nhdled corn for Floyd Rosenbaum Monday. Hrs.Peher Jensen spent Wednes-dxy afternoon with Mn .Walter Novak.Mr and Hn. Theo.Buch- ardt eslied in thopvtning.Hr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kuhl called Salunhy evening at the Henry Wu!- bem home.Hr. and Mrs. Henry Wuibern and liargsret spent Sunday afternoonyith Mr. and Mrs. lmzie Gorhan at 0:um. llr. and Mn. Henry Wnibaria and Mlrglret spent Tuesday evening atthe Rudaiph Knhl home. Mr. Ind Mrs. Chris Axelgurd are sporting n new Ford touring ear purc h und Int Ink.D. D. Thompson and family called Sunday evening to help Fn n e tl eslebnta her eighth birthday. Mn. E. E. Bllckmtn nl Lincoln, isanjoylng an nxtendad visit with her mister, Hrs. John Armuon and hub lly.He? husband is on an uplor-lticm trip for the Slate Histor[ni Saciuty.Their dang]mar is apendingher vacation in Blinnapolll. Minn. Jay Blngkmum.son of llr .and lim E. E. Blukman, who la adver- toward- the drowning boy.The wa- ter wa swift, and Tuffy had gonealongwaydownthestreamandhad gone undef three tlmee before Mongrel arrived.He :love for him. It wu n very excited ict of h-oy:who stood heipleniy on the bank waiting breethlenly for the dog to come to the surface.Finnily they Mr. md Mn. Louie Schenk spent liondny at Tekamah. 'Man and Hrs. Wallace Snovrdem :punt the Fourth In Omaha.Hr. md Mrs.Glen 5dcCunl;r of Benson spent Tuesday and Wednes- day at the Chris Hin: farm.Base sau a bunch of atrugglinegur, mul than,and the boys m l once more. they n w the faithful dog holding ihe boy above the water by time hair. "Bdng him here,Wolf!" Chubby encouraged like only tha voice of n do;'s mane: can do. Calhoun we n nt the Carl Himiley home on Monday.Hr. and Mn. Milton Robirllron and hmily spent Monday with rviadves in Omaha.Hr.and Mrs.Ed Haber an en- }oying a visit from relative:wha Live at Rockford lll., and Mrs. llam blta n! Omaha. BLAIR MERCHANTS Ed Nataer home.Sunday:Dr.and Hn .Hunter snd famiiy md H n . Hamblin of Omaha.Hr. and Mn .Harry Seltz and family,Mr.m d Hrs. Grant Lage and d\1.;hier and SUNDAY, JULY mn h i r . a n d l i n . Jo h n H c D n r . a l ¢ l , H r . a n d M r s .L a w r e n c e M i l l e r a n d H r . a n d M n .Os ca r Roo-d t o o k n pi c ni c lu n c h zu R i ve r vi e w p a r k a t O m a h a . l l o n d a y n d ce le br at ed t h e l`o\| 1th. 'Th e y w e n t t o Fozl tnne llu p a r k t h a t e ve n i n g n o s e a t h e fi m w o r k x . M r s .W i l l G r a b b e a n d ch i l dr e n n i n g m a l spent.s fe w :lays a t t h e Jo h n M e l l o n n l d ho m e .M r s .F a d G u m m a ch l l d n fl .a c m m p a i i b d t h e m h e m t o a p z r u i a fe w d a y s w i t h h o r p u r n t n , N r . a n d H n . J . J o h n t s |t bnbed the Fourth of J fily at Tak!-, mah lost Monday.Mr.and Mrs.0 .LI.Mathews, Misses Maxine Msthefwa,Eieanor and Flongnu Dixon spent llonday nt i f r u n Park.The n ew ba m a nd :vin on the Coilinn plan. which in being :°arn1vf1by Lou Fink, haw been completed and the builfnga are being pdntoci. Mr.and ro.John Tutde andfzmiiy of Omnhn, Mm Minnie Bu~ geon and Mrs.Mary II ai n mjnn d a picnic dinner with Mrs. L. D. Wu- rick on Mondsy.Hn. P. 3. I'lynn and c hildren cf Omaha spent. several days last weoil with ber nixter, Mrs. J.S.Conety. Mr.C.B.Bunn and Mra..By|-on Bunn drove to Moorehcad, Iowa on Thundsy zo bring Mrs. Bunn home.after A few days visit than mlth friends.\ bntxd the Fourth in 'hk lmah on Monday.Many people from Omaha and surrounding towns druva up to Bunn! Lnke and spent Sltunhy ,Sundayand Monday fishing and plcnieklng. Hiidnd,Meredith Ind Wfllud r g 1 |b e e n vi s i t i n g a t t h e Ge o .Fa c l fl e r h o m a n d w i t h o t h e r re l a t i ve s m d \he ~ ~ Dixon children, THE YELLOW MONGREL Continued from vase Four ,_ quickly amd with such lightning rapidity that when Tuffy did get up be left his sans and nn home. The anna remained to talk over the hetter. finer points of the dog. Tuffy was not officially heard of until some time later when he coax-de the mr together for n trip up the river.Chubby was given a speehl l vitation to go along.Thenr a u ltl M. d a y we r e tha t Mo n grel hnd and one of the boyl from lacing bitten by A rattle snake, mdthat Chubby was initiated as one of the "r¢¢'1w~"\ evening for n short visit over the Fourth of Juiy.Mr.and Lin.Harry Ty son and son, Paul joined n party of friends an Blair and drove to Valiey, Nebr.,Sunday for a picnic dinner md n swim.Mi n Addie Bufnn apent_aeve1al 1 y i ,. O p a l Ree ve s.M r . a n d M n . W a t s o n Ty s o n s p e n t S u n d a y a t t h e K e n n e t h Ty s o n h q m e . H r .a n d M n .D w i d M a t h e w :o f O m a h a 'w er e su p p e r gu e st s a t t h e pa r e nt a l ,0 .h i .M a t h e w s h o m e o n S a t u r d a y e ve n i n g . M r .: m l H r s .H .L a y m a n a n d c h i l d r e n . M H . E l l e n L l y m x n a n d s o n L . ~horne.Mn .Margaret Iverson,C h u , Pear!nad Wiilupent Sunday eve-rang with Mr. and Lira. Fritz Mu!- kr .Mr.and Mn .Fwd Ray spent r n g |.M o n d a y .| m »u n c o n s c i o u s b u r d e n .T h e n a n e w I r ;B a x t e r ,c f t h e R o l e H i l l n e i g h , t h i n g h a p p e n e d .A c r o w d o n |f e r r y b o r h m d s p e n t S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n w i t h b o a t .w h i c h c r o s s e d j u n b e l o w ,u w ".' u h r r u i n .T h e s w i f tm n I v e r s o n =\" H p n e n s ||.u ~ W I '|Jo n B a n d a r a t H e r m a n . daughters. Martin Jchnson nad son thc ferry.The excited crow¢l hc- Marriil,amd Thomas Johnson o i gan zu coil him.The b u t wasErnenon spent Sunday at the T. K. Islbppeskand soon the dw camo along Iverson homo,the ooculon being aide.The boy Hfted upon ihr '~»the one u zcoompsn~u~family up to Bun.'\'| his Sunday, ilnre tha du' In :punt by fishing uudldlenjoy ednpic ndc lunc hinthe svunlng. A number of frh ndl of JohnSchumeragraublgsurprisedhim by coming to spend Saturday e n - ning with them.Lunch vu served and dancing put the evening :way all too quickiy.Mr.nad Mn .Niels \Clui:l.1en»en and James spent Sunday evenin|' \ 3 attending Pun: Su|»e"N6rm.nl apmttheFourthwith home folh. Hr. and Mn. Cly da I'itch spent 'hmsday evening with lr. ind Hrs. H-urn! Tyson..Mn. Neum W u!Ic k and daughter Margaret, accompanied Mn .BerthaGollehonandsonHuvin, and Hr. Sheldon Peck tn Mnntmltosm, Iowa Wainu-day :naming fo r s week'svisit with their sister, Hrs. Donnel- son. family and Mr. and Nra.rn oe- nig spent the Third celebrating at Bennington.hir. and Lira Fred Long were Bladr vldtors laat Sunday.Mr. and Mn. J arhta Jensen and l r .and H n .Rotand Richtvr an-ioyed a picnic at one of the Omaha parks last Honday.Mr. and Bra. P. C. Petersen vil- ited their daughters. Ellie and Nd- aine in Omaha on J uly (th. M m §!ar;a1~etMcHalxon of Lin-coln called at her farm kldnday af- ternoon on budneaa.Mr.and Lira.Hallie French of Blair came out to spend Sunday at thi home of Manhall W ilcox.Carl Rohwer hal hll large bam nearly coznpletd and is a fino one. (Too Late for L u t Week)Mrs.Rudolph Hansen and Theo- dore spent Honda? at tho Ed Han- sen home at Orum.LeRoy Christensen spam Sunday afternoon at too A. H. Leach home. Hr. and Mrs. Fritz M E n tlloydfbernoouandeveningin Teknmnh visiting her parents,Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Antleraon.They also attended the oeiebratlon at Tekamah McCoy. Jr.. wrlagt owning by of their sister,been working in feared that an Roby and Parker alle g to Fremontthesuddenltloesa Erneatine who hal that city.lt was possible was dten him.|Tho dog had been forgotten.Tho 'engine chugged, the propelfon start ed to whirl and the boat moved on. The dog was exhausted and as theboat parsed the propetler struck him. Iblongrel had stood many bard 'knocks in his life and had not wbln ed, but Aomehow this was different.lThen he was a wild stray dog that operation for appendicitls would he did not belong to anyone.Ho prob- maceanry."'ably had not earned tho gratitudeR.H.Iverson and family spent and attention peopio, now it 'na Wednesday evening at the parental differen he ur ned aa loudly an heXverson home.l o u able to.Someone heard him. The rain 'Nedrreulay evening was The boat was stopped and he wasarweloomeaaanything could ba picked up and taken aahon. "runt and is doing a lot of pod but are vu put in a #lr and whisked to 111. nd more in order to carry the :NP homo.The bo had all into theirHin Edith Warrick went to Ne-!cloti1ei J G' had .....E§'.f"'».. ferry on inaaka City last Friday to visit £hEiit came to the shore.Two of them Robb family,a lon of Bev.Robb went ln the car with Tuffy, but the and an former Blair people.rernalnder stayed with the dog. Hr.and Bra.Click Fitch spent lion nol was only a_dog.Time Tuesday owning with Mr. and Mrs.and the road were on:Snr the own-Harnf Tyson.'era of can onwand.Truly some of strength.He was trying' to savethe life of a boy, but he was doing more, and he seemed to know lt- hc was try ing to win his way hack to xupectnhiliiy.He was doing his the standards of men.He vnu show ing zhe peopie of the town what an viii? stray dog could md Would do if he Ind a chance.The water was s1\.i!t and he mde THE ENTERPRISEA L L ' m x m o r n / l T BLAlR'S LEADING NEWSPAPER OFFICIALPAPER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ask for "BLUE amnou BREAD'GENERAL AND LOCAL NEWS AND comuswrAsk for "BLUE RIBBON BREAD" BLAIR. WASHINGTON coUN'rY. unnmsnv m x x x §¢Tfi~§§'|7s srnfrf ~uslr siAiEHoi4E§ih§XNciKLiE¥0§r' ~ @°;"",s.am¢=:,..,.m;?§|§p|1i{1u5|; . l \ | J I u | \ u u u u l n n u i 2 Wllthlll. July 9.-Tha annual Om: ~ u mann pw-wow wlll be mm amlynx on Augmb 14, wmnilng to nn 4 ¢mul b s¢<Mmda mu earn Bute S"v=f*°-*§T3'l`$§°'»'i`fl`»..., nj Ryu u;§ mamma 'I\\ Ghe 1'\|den Min Ol m 5, the lu .; -nd bug alebra- 11 ACerti(kll¢Ruling By dm the Onmhlna have mr lv ] ze hd.Superlnludun Nd hrpl TZ... .ml.».n¢ ms-.1 wm x.. .mi f g s c u o m s ~ ~Slu8|Apporlinncpl F o r h u l l |- |Bocdvod And Dlvidd Ani l( saw- o r wuua mu o».,~ u -Am'l newma 35.61050 '\:I in 0F cmscnools ,,::~ .x:.:":.F§f:; .°:."'".f.,:: ._ _ _I i i n n n l r u c t h r n C o . . o f u m m . 1 ~ » . » . . ; ~ ~ day. July I. It Um emma ui theAre h and Cvndnkm n"¢m»e undnsnr at Lincoln.c. E. ly M n m : W *0°Johann. pnddnut and wuaa um-nda Alle: Alllllirblednul lcotk and Henry Tfuhlnn. mambsrl [mg For rm Yu!inf um bond of tmguu nd Eu! C.\~§Burdlc. villlp clerk, inn pai nt FIN Wipa Out H u Fun Bo lo And o u nu .. D i l !Plfildlr w m a Ndgihon 9¢!l>'°4°¢ To cw Bu|_ ll Vall inlendent mule a n u m:m u Hn: ~ -person ahtltllud be »11°-na so *ash whit: visitors. in Nebraah 1} d e r_ £ lf e n n n f ~mu- :i nns .|...._,\: _| u1h e o n y u m .Mill Jonmon ll luv-.svteenmdpassedbor unmins- tion successfully, tnliilled all the re- qodrumenu of the Eur but this nge ruling barred her from reuetvint n certificate.The law on the point is silent, nothin; being slid relntivc totba annolon; as the eduationnl qudifi- c l t i o n s w e r e co m p li e d w i t h .B u t t h e st a t s a\.Iperinll11d%nt's r u l i n g s n n _ _. _ \ - 4 . -- - - - - A I - u § | A - . - Q At a session of the district court hgld on Monday Wm. Boon moelnd 1. nenoenca to the lute pr ho n of from'two to fi ve y um.Reese was c hlrlfd with burglar- izing the B.S.T.Ga n i o of Ft! Calhoun from which it was alleged that he took scvonl automobile tires amd other aooeuorles.¥{c was ar-rested and whllm uniting his trial ' " " " " ' ' " " ""_" "r - " l f "u to the number of xiidrsn.or-fin her .ayntam of schools. The unount of tha -tourth°¢p-'Ullhnun nuulved $481.77 from pcrtionment i l $21.94 por d i s t r i c t ~uportionrnent;85,500 from and the rate per child 1| $1.1l;tlllk: $4.107 from tuition from noa-Thu number of childrin in il! hide-at pupils; other roc elpts were county untitled to share in this Q-;balana on hand $519.00 portionment is 8334 h n v: b e r \ to tll amount of Following is thc amount of mom! qu.for the y u r of $10,S00.10. received by tho vnrloua districhr Gglloun h u sl:tgchers In horD u r a n f u n n i c m u m . 1 $99!-lf Herman nonivld :glans from thc mo mvnnruunur uuaun VUa u IInga one und 'till un a bil oriifit ln doing tho work.Tha oontrlctcalls for the befimrirrg of tbl work before Aultlat 1 and its comphtlon before September 1.Tha contrac-r n n u y t h e y a r p o c t t o b e e n z h ell'°ond by a wac k or mon olrlhr than the time lpldfiod and thot they will problhly flnidr it' In twenty day: and maybe lui.Thu nunntrnrf.uric:in $2.12 Q I l l u s u w u u r u u m l n !l n m n u l l u l l lrerouru on the paperu to mah it burn.Evidently thorn In n s o menmoodduingambonstillburning which aulod an axplosiou lnd throw t h o f i n o n t o n r t h a r o o m w h l c h lnrmodiotaly aught Hn.T h u N ehy no other Por no mu tht homo :h u h u ma n u mm mid zo an fo r ualatuwa.In the maanttm sneighbor, Hr. Your J arman, uw ill Mata .ml nut In n mil toruahtnc u ,mm are nn mn; umu n m~=..w ..,..-,ec n m un d th e matte r vu u hm u the hxghm Lrlb| lI|\ for ldiultvuent vm-the m m m u i n Nebnuka.unlul a hw be plued ¢h|.ng\n| thin y uan um, a peno n mly Inc h re- guniiua of In Hprapany qualified Xn the county Sd! he broke lull and mu h h i s n y w C h l u xo b u t v u xppnhandlrhnnd brought buck top r la o n a n d wh a h u mu . In un heu-ing on Monday m mu the \-.uint way out and pluul nil!!and neelwd his nnlc ncs and on h u d n y I n t lk f n \ o L h w h . [ H u ! 2 a 4 5s 7 8 9 swf:NMsuva naus sua-nns m san:mg .qu apporunnmnm; :Aww :ramqu.; t2.Vl0 hvm :alum of mn-"jam wvlh: |12 from mm- n-ay #-I:m u m on m u s u m o . ; mul fm' an yur s\v,os9.so .Dm ni g ht : en u m in h u 4.z\ingwn ne tlwd t68\.'11 - u w ||Qonienm|m!;'3l|&20.L2 tales;u;m»zzs tuition hu m non-renldun g q i u ;ss1.ss,¢»um xwelpu:bn- m e 9 P . ! \ : £ * ; ~mnki ng ' W }'§ `§n \2i \Q"` r u | | i m pnwhiam lndudod. ll llld to bo tht Io wa n f i g u re mu h i n a ny wmalet In Un odn th lne mm The grka I f Pt. Cslhon v u s u s b u t Un dilf snnm in speyllknlonn a nclnbned la nuke the Herman jab tna c heaput.-Henmn Raeord. ,CUUNW DADS to whi c h tha n na a rw!!wmd s vn: sl hun dred iu lnb on wen | wn , o n u n g m md r a d !_In dowha tn r IM! c o uld an d wh lh thy r m u d vh l- m n n d m h o u r s md eoxmnu It was through thdr ul- mn t h a t U h b u n : w a n u n d . Mr . un d ln. A lla : J r. , h d wi !the elnuxlng whkh they had on Ht w d a u n b u t v h y h n d i n m n n z e o n their ln mltu n w Lbs nmou n to l nm md th e Mu le e nr rh d tn h m- cxrnoucs nom:|ua uh u he lean: . vm na|xoCONFIRMATION SERVICES nvernl chlldnn who ma hhcan 11 -nmn mousIl.sam70.76'lun Augmm 'susummss.|sasasussua94.06cansemwus g g i S z m u m \ g \ n m [ wn n u n n : en.'ennud nc dved szsmss stun np-J i w - m ~ =57.93054 hu m u x u ; U5 5 tuition (mm non-nuhlent p m i l l :$82.98 odaer mauipu:blh nc ljmm 02.59296 mk i n x n mu l tho y u: ol u1 .m.s1.Kennnni I N b u n k ! ! - HOLD MEETING Mueh Bnnlnun Dana Boll: Aa Bairdof Bqlulinllsn And Countymmmlaid w»fk Enid:un , m ¢ n~ '~. - L m w ma s s N ' r E n ' r A l r 1 s MA NY u| Lu§v / B n A n w w z n AT um' m| > . \\ ' P . m'r \ \ Lmle Marv Ann n¢xm}t daugh-Conmy Commiuimun Room.Bhir, Nab:-uh, Judy 12; IMGan °f ur . 9 - f u n . $ 3 1 4 ~The awe of County Commhdon- ;°f' g g mn ; mf r ; - -355 ' d sr l ms t p n n u m tn uijounmenv. m n N w !1 y e y pnken J une 21, 1028, md in ngukrtemwn, July 13, the session being auulon. lwr uma nnniverury. ._1 Present: cmu.m» r~x.c. Bluo ~ of saw.The mms- mxF u ma n i u u n n n U( o l B W u h ln n un eo u lf s ~ n n n q wh i c h , g f d i n ! h l | l l olwl-lr . Alle n wi ll ni ulld a t am. P/ mz vr e n l. P A ! The lldiu of tba Church o!'Chrl|!held |I u l n l l p u t y .mmpliuih- f. | r y lo Mn|.I .H . C a n p , | t ¢ h c hom of ln. Can. ll:Brid¢, on l n !;~»-dw slhrnoozx h a m two until vu.ln. Camp. with hu- huband Rn. Cunp and Usd!l m h hmlly f a n.___.__.. ._| . -u..m...1.\|.\\» |l¥B IT! 8tGOLl|l¥ ox uw ulunu uuuvvwhich was bein; heid by tha Cath-~m g alia church of Blair under the tutor Qe o f th r u Unuline Slsten fromaz 1 I-'alla City,Ngbruk This ~~~ 141516 11 18 QL began it's work o~ my zum ln uclo-ed July 4th it W u Holy¢Cnr;1muninn Sundny.There vu gm,4i¢§¢m gg Crops Over County Axel *'°"' a mornin: =9=lni|rn15>°\== "°'"a n d 11 Sp in of u m m u a 19 ze 21 22alan for the five week; md :m ex-fnionaily iarge enmlldnmt was sn-|' " " " " "~ ~urnsjoyoil.The morning sesdona were xiv¢n| over un instruction in bible study 'max IS NEEDED FOR THE CORN and the dtamuons were utillz d»-- _...n _.....-i I ;ham been manv vetrs since! 24 2.5 26 21' 28 iua "" - ' = " ' """""";':'-"'°*°="f-°-"""..:r'a.;."..°a'msa.";ss-ss 5'::"'..:.':' ..... .",':!:...'|...E.*:._ __ _.:.'.:.'.'°........at un umm-am -= ups me.: l o ve f o r h i m . te d i c t of 'b - o y : o n t h e b a n k fo r t h e d o g t o F i n n i l y t h e y t h e w a t e r , t h e n £ u r , m d t h e n . I on c e m o r e .u l d o g h o l d i n g te r by ti me ha ir . W o l f ! "C h u b b y t h a vo i c e o f n w i t h a l l h i s t r y i n g ' t o s a ve t h e w a s d o i n g -t o k n o w l t - .h i s w a y h a c k w a s d o i n g h i s h a c c o n l i n g t o .H e v u s h o w t o w n w h a t l n m d w o u l d d o Q eight w u confirmed p t a th r u oeiock service on than dey.Bishop Beekman of Lincoln had charge of the ceremonies and gave a short address which was well re-ceived by the large audience which packed the church to over-flowing. In all six priests and olzht nunswerepresenton this marbed ooo;-nion which gives some idea of it: importance to the people of the church.The fotlowing are the names of 1310 confimutlon class:William Murphy. John Mackin, Alberto Men ard.Muzsret Thompson,Beatrice Foley,Mlr th t Zoloudeke,luhry Thompson,Louis Gdmm,Iliarguvet the shore with :1.Then a new rond on | ferryjuli below, uw 5.The swiftrapidly toward itewl crowd hc- The b u t wasdw camo along Hfted upon ihr d all the one im.forgotten.Thr propcifon start boat moved on. ted and as the |W i l l i a m Em e r s o n ,P a u l Mi c h a e l Th o m p s o n .H e n r y Mess ick,H e l e n W o l f f,Ju l i a n Ju n g b i u t h ,El i z ab e t h Q u i n l a n ,W i lm a.Em e r s o n ,R o b e r t O fl l a n l o n ,R i c h m l Iu n z b l u t b ,B e r - n a r d Th o m p s o n ,A l b e r t Th o m p s o n , D o n a h i K e i fe r ,'Th om a s Bkoo mqu ist Jo s e p h Bl oo m qu i at ,C o r i Bo e k m n n n . M a u g a x e t h h h e r , B a i l L a z u r e , T i m - o t h y T u c k e r .M i t e Be e k m a n n ,F l o r - e n c e W o i f f.Jo h n Gil ie spl e,Jr . , E i l e e n Th o m p s o n ,H a d e l l n e Th o m p - : o n , R e e d 0 'H m 1 Io n , Jr . . E d n a Tu r k - e r .Te r e s a Fo i e y ,M a r y H u l i i n , C h a r l e s S t e i h n , F r a n c i s Xe l !y , Jo h n Za l o u d e k e , A d d i e M u l l E n , r E m a M e t - to bury W olf.He's been an awfui good Ifitnd to us boys.He nsavwed me from thq river and Skinny fromthenttlosnake.Wah-e all going to mln him In avid lot, Lord, and 'snecirllaf Chn b y - b e I i lh Chubby. L o r d ,I n d h e l p h i m h e a r h i s b u r - d e n . "f There vu a Httle pause and sc bl wen heard."lf Wolf has done mme had things zemernber,Lord,he never had l chance,for he never had a friend'til Chubby 1ound him cut ther|"on the rand that time."woif :lied helpln' some nlhlr fe{- ler, help us, Lani, to do as well as he did.Amen." The y ellow mongnl had hui his chance and hui used it,and had pulled peacuhaliy from this lifeintoine great beyond of ali good d m winter. The wheat turned out aan excellent q :h i lt no t up long 1|urs froThecorni but is nearin nin, but il ln Th e n d ?- about halt acropa of pot: if a n i n sh~ d u m Take it lilhas not been yield and it _.4 .. A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt AAI. conducted by the pastor.Th e la ws Supper will be celebrattd during theservice, and all members are asked to make special effort no be present. S. S. at 10 o'¢.lock, with a warm welcome and ckusaa for all ages. The younger people gather at 7p.m.The meeting will be led by Mi n Evelyn Hunloeh.All youngpeopleoftheparisharecordially invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 pau. B L A I R M A N G e o r g e i i i k n o w n i n t h i s a n d a m t i v e b r o k e i n t o t l u t S u n d a y fe r r y - b o a t a n t h e S u n d a y : n f e x t u r u a t o h i s b u l i m i a . so m e t i m e ~ a t Be l l e vu e A n o l d m m w a s ca ll ed u p o n so g i ve avid e nc e f o r t h e p l a i n t i ff. C o t n a e l l o r t h e d d e n d n n t tr i e d t o b u l l y h i m ." H a m a y o u e ve r b e e n i n p r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t s i c t . " " A b i H o w l o n g t h e fi r s t t i m e ? " " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n d t h e sec ond t i m e ? " " O n l y o n e h o u r . ".. " A n d w h a t o ffe n s e h a d y o u c o m - m i t t e d to d es e rve t he p | .r :1 i |h :Je nt ?* ' " I v u sent,t o p r i m a zo w h i t e - w u h a ce l l no h o l d I.l a n y o r w h o h a d ch ea te d o n e o f h i s cli en ts ." a j o g .Ti m e - a w - l i k e t o m u m - - e r - a v r - a l f t l l l u r z i n s t h e o w n -p u p p y ,M i s a H a r r i s ? Tr u l y s o m e o !M m H a r d . : - O h ,Fr e d d i e .t h i s i l n d p r o b a b l y h u i so s u d d e n ! -u ..- .. :.. un :ne ss:° " ' *" " " " "|m uu \u lg n u n :n u n l l l u n|y»\ .uumM r . R n b i n s o n g a ve t h t ¥ ° ° ¥ 1 8 " F * " »A m r a a r t f u l l n m i n l t i o n o f t h e\ statues :ne uid to bei 45 4tmp while the latest!46 | og( yet hawy l chnncel 41 ;;;;,:'&».§1Hu. umm rceehfad . :1um» »;:'§; ¢¢..¢.., iupuii zuoflw' emu: a °°' Inu; °* ~*rm um ph on c. on me '~ ?i.1".i`?f.e :P lnlnnl -\~...fI."...,,§un WATER SUPPLY IN pam 8HAQ§ rllltl come in n snon in ull the year so far below the average for1n o b e w o r t h y h o w w e l l l -- | - . . . l ol . . .. l » . . . | l . 48 49 B0 5152 mm ~ . " V ' N ' ;";;;;'.;;;' w:;mtwent§thrge children 5."';;;;;;;.§."§:,;,1;;;'ass \ s w :pffevnl _T fm. lin kin g, Lab or,: m s ' n n mayor ¢pp¢ma m m she s e m i iChu. Misfeldt, Road dmrlnz. 86.00 firemen at their lut melting in an 66.32f JAPANESE w n m o w DISPLAY Illiller Hunk, Blsckzmllh work, 23.00 l n v u l for help in the w w : d mvm -»._m...x.. Halal Pnuinfrint Co. Re-lution in Bhir.It hu long been! I .B lsuuu use u n n n ||M M 5 6 57!5 8 md hw .u m a B w d l F } .I s e c t i o n o f t h e c o u n t y - F 2 1 o f D e S o t o to w n sh i p ,Fr . 3 '? n -- RUNSaa|.L1:vm-; FERRY ! "mx1 9 . 9 1 57.4568.5496.2554.1221.9471.33 $5,510.59 r U16 uuurmnnn azvuzu;=wu. fn.wn i l g g ,weak A most hunutiful urimhl window display of Japanese nares.It is but seldom that win- dow display s of so unique a char- acter ana .men ouuifh the larger ¢||.ir$=.I8 zmaclun of Japan tromstart to finish and one can nlmoat brlievo t.hemse1\un transported W; ~ Oil Co., Oil 6 Gu,213.89|nuon of the summer that the vu- J. A. Svrihlrt, Hinchmith work 1.'f9`1:er supply has been porilously low. Ammon Gunn. Repdrs,5.12 ='l'1\i| matter should be looked dur;Amdt. Hdw., Supplies,4.8-6|nnd the coundlmen a n not doing ;Bcn Baiiey, Gmane,.50 .their duly to thu peopie who elected IA. N. Ballard, Labor,10.00 them when, lhmtlgh spits .they fill. Hnmr Berger, Labor,8.00 tn take can of this most important (Continued on gags four)iproblem./limelight of publicity |when l picture ol his, _u_..n I scHw..\czn slams m-mass-rsI" ' ; " ° ° "~\| . lL UITEB III Cu l li t .u n u H n »Lh | e e n co n.................La . .. . . . = ' B L A | n m s n 1 : 0 G l v s c o x c z : n r " i f f f__ FF §_ __ {° 'f§" ,'f[ ' , .§ 'f_'f, "'f, _, f| I }l \ : § a | u | u 5 l u u l d u ; Mr. Hineline haw for tenrunning 311,ferry i 'nge Blair bandw1lI gntlertlm tho \i .puhhc on next. Saturday evening atrd is enjoying nion open air conc ert on Washington inlroet. in Blair by giving the follow- 'ing program:'\.Eszmh. New Americ a . . \..BuechcI '0\\er¢ure. Cloth of Gold . .\. Jowrl n_{.zl.L PARTY ..\_ I I I J T I I l f i P I E C E ! !a u m m a u u u u v v v v' r m f b w i l l o f w e l l m p n a l ._ I C h a r l e s F .S e h v m r .f o n u e r l y o f l o n o t i o n m i , y w i n d o w .4 m ° :' x 3 h " ;l ; n ? : ? y I F t .C a i h o u n b u t f o r y u m i d e n t i P a r k a :O l l e r m a n n ,j u n i o r m e m b e r o f l v i t h t h e A l i r o i t o D m l r y w m n m r . gre firm, in zusponnihle for the nr-:mic ar r ng r mmt and beaulifui blending of colorinns lhown in this display. at the homo of the intra: on W ad-nesdlir afternoon.The o oolllon wa s lhu wg; h':"i "';"' "'r i n 5;- _ogg iz: honor of the birth anni1neuarle|;¥'°"YH*Sc ;mn ° giiren no hint of their daughters, Eileen and I`rnn» a'°'r.wa n t as,nd gm, month as to his future businuu ac tivities.c e t w h i c h o o c u .|_i n n .o . _ 1 _ - . |. L _.. . .: . .. \ -. - I - _ !|:nose vnu lreapeu uw gnu :uv-5ELEBRATEFORTIETHIbramtheeventn m Sarah and Mr. and Lira C. it Sutton enter-WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dorothy Petersen, Frances and Hzry Ltined on Thurldly uminx nt di:- Mullin Ella Reima,Helen Lnnenhnef.Hrs.B.B.Marsh of Denver.s c m fMr. and Hrs. J. F. Burchnm wereDorotI*:y Muters,Emily ,,\m|\;¢n,f'|'lfe'030l¢ Lund! Ind Elm u n ° ----n ._nl- ..VISITS HOME mms - - - . . , feverSousa . Kahn l l _ _ taken b surprise last Sunday.On Satunda evening Mr.Burwchanfsfatker and mother and his brother. Can!!!. mi h mllv arrived [mm I:ln J uul, Ruth mu nary xomnlon,m mIrene Winchell, James Muilln, Mar-'M i "Julia Hultbcrg of Q m u guret and June: Thompson.came up to visit her nephnr, Win- Thn ladies had prepared ' f"°""llton Hamm, who In nacupenting at il'£ii`n;i§ I{"ii|"»'i th rum tlm|'|on the boob; Wh!-Ulni mzus an x w l I -m u » , . . - .. . . .gM i s a Ha l l ha s ,i n t h e c o m m o n ,T h e =.e\aning w a s en } oy e d b yve r n a c u l a r o f t h e d a y ,m a d e gqod §1111>inz b d d g e . n pln oc hl e.T h a i .: l o ve f o r h i m . te d i c t of 'b - o y : o n t h e b a n k fo r t h e d o g t o F i n n i l y t h e y t h e w a t e r , t h e n £ u r , m d t h e n . I on c e m o r e .u l d o g h o l d i n g te r by ti me ha ir . W o l f ! "C h u b b y t h a vo i c e o f n w i t h a l l h i s t r y i n g ' t o s a ve t h e w a s d o i n g -t o k n o w l t - .h i s w a y h a c k w a s d o i n g h i s h a c c o n l i n g t o .H e v u s h o w t o w n w h a t l n m d w o u l d d o Q eight w u confirmed p t a th r u oeiock service on than dey.Bishop Beekman of Lincoln had charge of the ceremonies and gave a short address which was well re-ceived by the large audience which packed the church to over-flowing. In all six priests and olzht nunswerepresenton this marbed ooo;-nion which gives some idea of it: importance to the people of the church.The fotlowing are the names of 1310 confimutlon class:William Murphy. John Mackin, Alberto Men ard.Muzsret Thompson,Beatrice Foley,Mlr th t Zoloudeke,luhry Thompson,Louis Gdmm,Iliarguvet the shore with :1.Then a new rond on | ferryjuli below, uw 5.The swiftrapidly toward itewl crowd hc- The b u t wasdw camo along Hfted upon ihr d all the one im.forgotten.Thr propcifon start boat moved on. ted and as the |W i l l i a m Em e r s o n ,P a u l Mi c h a e l Th o m p s o n .H e n r y Mess ick,H e l e n W o l f f,Ju l i a n Ju n g b i u t h ,El i z ab e t h Q u i n l a n ,W i lm a.Em e r s o n ,R o b e r t O fl l a n l o n ,R i c h m l Iu n z b l u t b ,B e r - n a r d Th o m p s o n ,A l b e r t Th o m p s o n , D o n a h i K e i fe r ,'Th om a s Bkoo mqu ist Jo s e p h Bl oo m qu i at ,C o r i Bo e k m n n n . M a u g a x e t h h h e r , B a i l L a z u r e , T i m - o t h y T u c k e r .M i t e Be e k m a n n ,F l o r - e n c e W o i f f.Jo h n Gil ie spl e,Jr . , E i l e e n Th o m p s o n ,H a d e l l n e Th o m p - : o n , R e e d 0 'H m 1 Io n , Jr . . E d n a Tu r k - e r .Te r e s a Fo i e y ,M a r y H u l i i n , C h a r l e s S t e i h n , F r a n c i s Xe l !y , Jo h n Za l o u d e k e , A d d i e M u l l E n , r E m a M e t - to bury W olf.He's been an awfui good Ifitnd to us boys.He nsavwed me from thq river and Skinny fromthenttlosnake.Wah-e all going to mln him In avid lot, Lord, and 'snecirllaf Chn b y - b e I i lh Chubby. L o r d ,I n d h e l p h i m h e a r h i s b u r - d e n . "f There vu a Httle pause and sc bl wen heard."lf Wolf has done mme had things zemernber,Lord,he never had l chance,for he never had a friend'til Chubby 1ound him cut ther|"on the rand that time."woif :lied helpln' some nlhlr fe{- ler, help us, Lani, to do as well as he did.Amen." The y ellow mongnl had hui his chance and hui used it,and had pulled peacuhaliy from this lifeintoine great beyond of ali good d m winter. The wheat turned out aan excellent q :h i lt no t up long 1|urs froThecorni but is nearin nin, but il ln Th e n d ?- about halt acropa of pot: if a n i n sh~ d u m Take it lilhas not been yield and it _.4 .. A.F.Newell, Pastor Public vroralmip Sunday at lt AAI. conducted by the pastor.Th e la ws Supper will be celebrattd during theservice, and all members are asked to make special effort no be present. S. S. at 10 o'¢.lock, with a warm welcome and ckusaa for all ages. The younger people gather at 7p.m.The meeting will be led by Mi n Evelyn Hunloeh.All youngpeopleoftheparisharecordially invitad.Choir practice Friday at 7:30 pau. B L A I R M A N G e o r g e i i i k n o w n i n t h i s a n d a m t i v e b r o k e i n t o t l u t S u n d a y fe r r y - b o a t a n t h e S u n d a y : n f e x t u r u a t o h i s b u l i m i a . so m e t i m e ~ a t Be l l e vu e A n o l d m m w a s ca ll ed u p o n so g i ve avid e nc e f o r t h e p l a i n t i ff. C o t n a e l l o r t h e d d e n d n n t tr i e d t o b u l l y h i m ." H a m a y o u e ve r b e e n i n p r i s o n ? "' " Y u ,t s i c t . " " A b i H o w l o n g t h e fi r s t t i m e ? " " O n o a f t e r n o o n . " " A h .A n d t h e sec ond t i m e ? " " O n l y o n e h o u r . ".. " A n d w h a t o ffe n s e h a d y o u c o m - m i t t e d to d es e rve t he p | .r :1 i |h :Je nt ?* ' " I v u sent,t o p r i m a zo w h i t e - w u h a ce l l no h o l d I.l a n y o r w h o h a d ch ea te d o n e o f h i s cli en ts ." a j o g .Ti m e - a w - l i k e t o m u m - - e r - a v r - a l f t l l l u r z i n s t h e o w n -p u p p y ,M i s a H a r r i s ? Tr u l y s o m e o !M m H a r d . : - O h ,Fr e d d i e .t h i s i l n d p r o b a b l y h u i so s u d d e n ! -u ..- .. :.. KC I!u l w r U u l k u nur:n i l ;\ | l \ 5 i l l u w l l u Uxlluvug vl a um a n n .H " . v uw ;u u w v VI UNIQUE A\¢|lIE|E|ll\ll t i V "" " " - " ' |-3 |f A 1 p i ,r m d ~~h e r l o c h l i o n m m T w i n F a l l s , l a n h q c i l b e n m m a H r . a n d M m u | | » r a i u n a n D o d l c c o u n t y w n l m u m s F o r q u i c k se r vi c e In j o b P f * " " ' ¥pl e a d w i l y II e = = ° ° i ' ° 4 a " ' ° °" Z C d h n u n . t o In d e n e n d e n n e . K a m a l .Je ns en o f n a a r W u h i n g t a n .cr . u n l y a n e ffi c i e n t o ffi c i n l . '.b r i n g y o u r w o r k t o T h e E n t e r p r i n $ 1 0 0 a n d coats.. 1 '*