Signature Pages.tif!i1� 3��liJ A $500.00 refundable deposit is being collected for any new commercial, new residential, and any additions, remodels and accessory building valued $10,000 or greater at the time of your building permit application. A $200.00 refundable deposit is being collected for any residential remodel, addition or accessory building valued under $10,000. A $50.00 re undable deposit is being collected for all misc. permits. The City reserves the right to not refund this deposit if any of the following conditions occur during the construction period: 1) Theft of water service by the plumber, owner or general contractor. L2All permits have not been obtained. All required inspections have not been obtained. 4) Occupancy occurs prior to a final inspection. ( The project is completed without a final inspection being done. 6) Storm Water Management Plan inspection not obtained. (If Required) If any or all of these situations occur during construction, you may forfeit your deposit. I hereby agree to the above conditions, and understand that should any or all of the above situations occur, Aho ng permit deposit SHALL be forfeited or discounted upon the discrefi'on o of Blair, Building and Inspections Department. er s ate Contractor/Owner City of Blair